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Flesherton Advance, 20 Jun 1912, p. 3

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ST VITIK lUWfF * Vl ' Ui UM tt f.HIl DRFN U11LU1\LN _..,. Striding flI<UHpl8 Of It8 CQr6 , BV ttlR TnnJP fiy LUB ionic A MASTER OF FICTION. Mr. Thorn** Hardy k the grand o!d man of literature. Though he is no knge,. able to do muoh e crea _ tive work he maintains a very keen ! interest in current problems, and is ,aUv to the literary tendencies of i the ag - He " undoubtedly Eng- j laD<I . s greatest , iying aovelistt an<1 St. Vitus dance ia the commonest i at least one of his novels is likely t* form of nervous trouble that afflicts ; ^. dur6 as lon S as tlle Engush l*n- young children, because of 5e|*/JSj ,, . . great demand made on the bodv by i . Orl f nally mtended for an arch:- growth and development, and there tect ; he **v<f*d hls at *"*J on *> ! - ? 8 an added strain caused bv study, .f'"'*- acU ^ ^eated a great , -, J impression bv his wonderful deline- It .3 -fen these demands become ations of j-^^ , ;fe Suchbook , as o great that they impoverish the ,. Tesg of thf} D ' Ur ' oer viLls." "Far blood, and the nerves fail to receive ' From the Madding Crowd," and their full supply of nourishment, "The Return of the Native," arr that the nervous debility which leads to St. Vitus dance begins. The remarkable success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in curing St. Vitus dance should lead parents to give this great blood-building medi- cine, to their children at the first igns of the approach of the dis- ease. Pallor, listlessness, inatten- tion, restlessness and -irritability are all symptoms which early show that the blood and nerves are fail- ing to meet the demand upon them. Here is proof of the power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to cure this trouble. Mrs. J. \V. Towns, Osha- wa, Ont., says: "At the age of leven my daughter was attacked with St. Vitus dance, and despite all we did for her the trouble grew rapidly worse. Soon she- was scarcely able to walk, her body and limbs jerked and trembled so, and she was quke unable to feed her- self. When she would lie down she would be unable to rise without as- sistance. As nothing was helping her I wrote a friend whose- daugh- ter had been similarly affected, and he advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which had cured her child. I at once got a supply of the Pills, and even the use of the first box seemed to show an improve- ment. By the time five boxes were used she was completely cured and has had no return of the trouble since. Sold bv all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or ix boxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. treasured by lovers of literature throughout the civilized world, anc Thomas Hardy enjoys an interna 1 tional reputation. . King George is a very great ad- mirer of Mr. Hardy's works, and i Safeguarding Investors It ia only the wealthy investor who can afford to jeopardize his princi- pal in the hope of secur- ing unusually large returns. To the man whose investment repre- sents all or most of hia available capital, security of principal is a prime necessity. The value of a Bond de- AUCTION SALES AD auction ule uf household furm will be held at Feersham on Sarui June 15, the property of Mrs. Li whc is going west. The furnitui practically new and mujt be sold, bills fur hat. Wm. KmUing, auctio LOST AND FOUND Strayed To the premises of the _, signed, lot 5, concession 4, Osprey, spotted yearling heifer. Owner prove property and pay expenses take away. Louis Hd:, "Maxwell, Oi Horse Astray Came to the pren, of the undersigned, oua sorrel horse ' two white hind feet and white si dowu face. The owner is requested pay expenses and remove the animal D. McLachUu, Ceyloa. L"st Between Cevlim.nno h .J OTTAWA John Adams' M.J:.. _... !,,., LONDON. EV,. SOLDIERS DRINK LESS. Generals Agree That Best Fighting Ia Done by Sober Army. The changes that a century has wrought in respect to the use of strong liquor were illustrated dur- ing the recent meeting in London, England, of the Royal Army Tem- perance Association, which now has 67,433 members, of whom 38,405 are in the Indian army. According to the figures present- ed there are now 28.3SO total ab- stainers in the British army and 2.795 in the temperance section. Far! Roberts gaid a great change had come over the moralitv of the -/- .; Think this over! Is there any bef&rage that costs you Jess per cup than T TTVT'^^T^T'C* TP' UPTONS T. - : ' "< t* . GOES KARTHEST FOR THE MONtV- ' :' ' >"* STOPS SHOES CREAKING. Every woman knows how annoy- ing it creak. Probably she , noticed it in her usual army in India since the days when just as soon as she would walk it was the custom to provide everv quietly they set up a most distress- soldier with "a tot of arrack" every ' in & squeak. To remedy this soak morning. i the "V 1 * ln Unwed ?, U - usln * P Ia ^ or shallow pan, allowing the sole Earl Curzon recalled that in 1512, ; on i y to ccme ; a contact wu h the oil. when the Peninsula war was in pro- The creak will disappear after a few gress. the Duke of Wellington's hours and the shoe will last much force was "a drinking if not a drunken army.' 1 The idea then was that the hard drinking man was the H. W. OAWSOM, Ninety Toront*. Cal-crne Strict. EIGHT THOCSA>"D DOLLA2S buy beaauful hundred acrw IB hard'v ^rthnmberland Cointy. Inclndinj Stock tino- V,,i Bnd Ia>E>'t. Thers is In th* rtnek MUIBg, OUt| 4 horses. 10 cows, etc This is a saap. and can be aa4 on easy terms. PcsBesaion at ones. GOOD FARMS IN L1SCOLS. WELL WD. Halvjn. P*e!. York. D'lrham. Norlh- ind. Prince Edward counting 4 bt nrt'^s. A LBEBTA. .-\ Manitoba lands in larje or longer on account of this treatment, j E* CUBE FOR CONSUMPTION. Bach is the reeaperatiTe .power contained c ... . ac is te reeaperatiTe .power containe Dgnting man and tnere was a In Croeland i Cur for Consumption tha: direct ratio between whiskev con- turned and courage displayed. Th* Duk* himself while extolli t the bra.mrr of ^^ ravery of hss mn dpp^red their drunkenness and social vices. ! \owadavm all rcooirri-V* that th - o!<l idea was a ludicrous fallacv. Everv general who had command^ Brrr FARMS-ALL SIZES. tN TEB Sunn Fr-: B*l-. H. W. OavwsoM. Torunto. MALE HELP WANTED Tn the most advanced ca8 bar* ben cured b^ its^ beneficial action. It can be ( taken by th weakest patient, to whom ! it e-.res a ftghling strength aa : else w:ll. Th apoe'ite come* back. That j weakening pvnsi)irat:on is stopped. Tim longs and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its eflV-acy to flgh: ) consumption, weak or bleeding lungs. . !:r:ic< na"- cough* and bronchitis is Mr. Thomas Hardy. should be given to a child. The enamel is very easily broken, and once that is dxine the" tooth U liable to decay quickly. It is then, so to speak, deprived of its natural pro- ^"-B.. ABSOLUTELY SAFE FOR LITTLE ONES tection. . . Wild. l UV UM7BV WUW U:lv T.H*^a troops in the last quarter of a cen- it for those nlmeo-.s and hac been cored, tury would say that the best march- f?^'" "^ t*'n>nia!3 ct those who. after ing army and the best fighting army u a|r havSc a feVda/s" to'liU. and was a sobe-r armv. re a!:T and well to-lay. are *ni on requrst. Price II per bottle as your drag- rist. or direct from Wm. Copeland, 511 Pape Are.. Toronto. Canada. VACATION. Vacation is a term of woe We should be glad to end it : For, till it's over, none can know How, when or where to speed it. RAILWAY AGENTS. TELEGRAPHERS and Clerk* in gra* demand "hr :*a- oo- On'.ar .1 and North W"t. 5 * jnn.-rh* ill qaalifT TOO. Day a 1 "! Xil <"-'. Po:' ; ^n p*>oTred. F^?* P^-k '3 eTti'nlaft, MISCELLANEOUS. LIVE FOXES WASTED-TOOT, OE old. Wm. Pearson. Gae^nb. Orr. HAT AND FAEM SCALES. W m Scale Works. = "--' iiiiJ.-. T - Nelle Steeves. Hil! Grove. ! writes: ''I know Baby's Own Tablets are an absolutely safe " A>CES. TUMOES. LCilPS. etc. ternai and external. <arcd w:t oar home treatment. Write a* too 'are. Dr B">!maa sted:cal C*. ' ' : rain by before t TON sVAL. <v-a> Works. 9-E<pUnj<ii". Toronto. PROBATIONERS TO TAKE THSKB >*:- coarse :n training at AuJfnaa E- - - a\ t'autoa. Ohio Addreutt. sap*. medicine for little ones and" thev The seeds of indigestion are . - : (.aajp^ii usually sown quite early in life. We i are * onlv "" I would give A c ure for Fever an<1 Ague. D:<- * : *< *~" I fa. i>l-t*!jj Wlt'h^MJ* AWB+ .i.,nc - - i - was largely owing to his influence, when Prince of Wales, that the novelist wae enabled to obtain the , __>. . Crown lands near Dorset upon j who are adults know very well how a hud without first consulting a >ery i faulty teeth affect our " digestion. <*tor." The Tablets are guara surrounding country has ery well; bad teeth in children, do te<?<1 bv government analyst to ague". "showinV deranlrercenV of "the thing, and if the be absolutely safe and free from .j v ., ;;:ve or?ans and" d.-eri. - LI-^f-.N -MANY I '. to learn CHAUFFEURS E.UL5 a wek. Special r^duc*d rate* lu'.om.jbihng and repa.nng. ol!*e of Mv> *2b B!oor . Toronro. turbaace of the stomach and o WRITE FOR PROOF and C tl th CURES WHALE BOAT CATCHES SHARK els. Monster Harpooned Off Vancouver Coast. While scouring the ocean for whales one of the little steamers, working from the Kyuquot station landed a thirty-foot shark, says the Vancouver Sun. The "woK of the sea" is claimed to be one of the largest ever seen to go bad opiates and narcotics and cannot j n t v, e q u al : tv of the '' from all parts of the globe to view 'through neglect and so forth, indi- 1 possibly do harm but always good. a ;i m ^ n t s Parme'-e< the original sites which are depicted gestion lays its horrible hand on a! They are sold by medicine dea! with such masterly skill in the uov- child, and the grip is never released! or by mail at 25 wat? a box fr j throughout life. j The " Dr. Williams- It sometimes happens that the Brockrille. Ont. PURIFIGO CANCER" AND TUMOR Canartun ftrancn: Funfleo Co., Broxwmrgi >"t mis nave oeen rouna m<.>sc errec f^ t Alviiai/*\ i A r-\i r-r*i I* tive. abating the fever and ubda- CLtAlNINQ LADIES Medicine Co., ing the ague in a few day*. There WALKING 3R OUTING SUITS J In the^ Ve-;:table * rs Pills have been found most effec OITDOOR LIFE Will Not Offset the 111 Effects Coffee and Tea When One Cannot Digest Them. A farmer savs : second set of teeth make their ap- -poarance before the first set are * out. In a case of the kind there is but one thing to do take the child ' to a good dentist, and get him to open up the wav for the second set. ' Unless this is done the second teeth i 'For ten years or more I suffer- have no chance, and must push and stomach their way out as best thev can. with frum NOT WORTH IT. "I hear Cholly has lost his mind." ''Has he ! Then ion't offer a re- ward to anybody to find it." It is a Liver Pill. Manv of the are many wh-.i are subject to these distressing disturbances and to these there is no better pr-pura- twn procurable as a means f re- lief. e * -- . Er.t:sh AmeriCin Dyeing Co. T - -.^. Q. . .* jnd C^ g < ailments that man has to contend dyspepsia In northern waters and weighed ap- 'rouble, caused by the use of cof- the result that in the end they are proximatelv eight tons. j fee, (Tea contains caffeine, the same q ult <? regular, sometimes positive- The whaling steamer had been drug found in coffee) until I got M> V horrible-looking, searching vainly for whales for sev- bad I had to give up coffee entire- 1 But granted the first set the ral days and the look out had ly and almost give up eat:ng. There milk-teeth are through, and in grown tired of ecannina: the surface ', were times when I could eat onlv Rood condition, still that is not . _,, . of the ocean. He was suddenly ; boiled milk and bread ; and when I enough. Ther must be attended to dr aroused to action by observing the went to the field to work I had to carefully. A mother should pro . ; great many dorsal fin of a monster shark cut-'uke some bread and butter along ' ur * a bra?h with qte h bristles, pressed on the attention of suffer- br MINAKD* ting the water about 200 yeards on to ^ye me strenKth an<i WIth thls and a ni f* tooth-paste ers. these there is none super- r^ 5. p B I SSla-i: Protoct . Student- to:u - Samp!*; =d Booklets LANSMUIR & CO., Urn tad NOT ON HAND. to wakt* me at T this Q. CSBOSOTH grle; Prcsarvo Beautify \\ nv ed liver, which is a delicate organ, peculiarly susceptible to the dis- turbances that come from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and the dickens didn't you u- - Landlady "Weil, sir. at ~ o'clock vou hadn't come h- Str-fft I as _ - ito give me strength. the port bow. As the big sharks { doctored steady yield considerable oil the ship'* , most ewrvth i ng I ,', officers decided to try for this one s t om ach in t in view of the lack of whales. , , j . Running to within' thirty yards of ',. , gv , ., J the shark with the K., a t. the gunner. "1" fired the harpoon from the gun and ! "Sjjj^ struck the monster at the first shot. ; *** day and took .j l t ^ ^ the child's teeth should be cleaned ior to Pariulee's Vegetable Pills.' j morn-ing* and eveiiiii>: especially Their operation though gentle is ef- m r evening. Before a child is put to Jectivc. and the mcst delicate can , u bed at night the teeth should be use them, it*? * 1 cleaned ^.^ eare; t j, at removes . A girl isn'.t half as hurriliated to .red of Bronchitis and Athm.v LIVINGSTONE, attack of of a rere MINARDS ,- U red by "MIX ABB'S uxaam. JOSHUA A. . m - almost a walking i anv particlcs of food that mav 1C WTNACHT. After a terrific fight to hold the * um ^ tol<1 J J T T} ' rcnd . an f" for ] - important point. _ ; - . .- i.^ , .1 i IBBH t-ii*. ** J m i adhering to them, and that is an make her own dresses as she is to ! wear them. wife I would try If a mother does this regularly. I truggling sea animal it was hauled | lt - an<1 as B *?* loUowing tacts I|n becomes a habit, and the child KM P Hinard-* Linimnt in tn noua, board and cut up, the stearrwr re- i wl " m * ke affidavit before anyii ater cn w [\\ j ust as g^,.,,, th j n ^ ^ . uming ber search for the larger judge : I going out without his face being mammals. "I quit coffee entirely and used : washed as without his teeth being I ha EASILY Cashier "I REMEDIED. Officers of the Tees declare that Postum in its place. I have regained brushed. The practice has become _ V ?iT *"%"? have the shark was the largest they had mv health entirely and can eat anv- ! a fixed habit; and it is a good ha- ! j ,!" - - I orawn your account. Haughty Lady "Oh, | right ' Just make me this OCCASIOXALLY HAPPEN. "Tbe age of miracles has past." ''No, it hasn't. My wife told me ver seen. It was of the species ! thing that is cooked to eat. I have bit. common to the Pacific coast, but increased in weight until now 1 1 What parents ought to remember last night she would be ready in a v * r " . minute and so she was." not quite so far north. Baby's Rash Became a Mass of Humor Parents Decided He Could Not Be Cured. "Cuticura" Soon Made His Skin Perfectly Cloar. A Toronto man. Mr. Robert Mann, Queen 81 East. ,av: "Our bo; was born In {Toronto on Oct. 13, 19O8, and when three piontba old a alight rash appeared on his cheek. What appeared to be a water blister would form. When 1* broke, matter would run out. itartinc new blistera until hi* enure face, head aa<i anoulden were a man of ram and TOU could not tff a Daxtlcle of dear ikin. We did not know what > to do (or him and tru- l .about eTtry without arail. in- deed aorae of ttx-m only tdded to his sufTermK and coe to particular, the R?ine<i.y. almost put the Inlint Into convulsions. The family doctor pre- cribWI (or him. 1 his did not do anv good, n wo took htm to a hoipltaL B WM treated as an ont-patleat twice week and he (ol worse, ifamthuur. We thea called in another doctor and talde o( a week toe boy was. to all appearauceg. cured and the doctor mid hb work waa done. But toa Vary ue\t dy it broke out as bid aa ever. > "We decided that It could not be cured fend muit run its coune and o w Just kept hi rra baodaced to ha side to parent his teariux tiii fiwb. The Cuticura RenMdiea wtra recommended. We started using them to May, 1W. and loon toe cure was complete. Cuticura made his tkin perfectly elea: and k* te entirely ftw from the akh dwwse." r<n Robert _Kaun, K V t, 1910. i another leiier. dated June M. 1011, It* : "My boy baa nerer had any mi tiouMo aince ualnc i^ticura." Fonmore than a icenemtlon Oullcura Soap d Ointment hare afFordd the most suo eful treatment for skbi and ecalp trouble* f Infants, children ami attults. A single set it often ufdctent. A'.ihoiij'- told by drug- (fats and dealen throuchout the world, a> jiLieral nmpl of each, with 33-p. book on the skin, wttl b wnt free, on applk-atlon to Fotter Pruir A Ctiera. Corp., js Coliuubua Are.. Boaton. U. 3. A. weigh more than I ever did. I i s this if teeth are attended to ' have not taken any medicine for during childhood, they are liable to my stomach since I began using cause very little trouble later on, Postum. i and carefully attended to teeth in "My family would stick to coffee ; childhood often stand sound at first, but they saw the effects it ', throughout a lifetime, hat! on me and when they were j It is often asked : Why do teeth feeling bad they began to use Pos- begin to gt> so soon nowadays 1 Our turn, one at a time, until now we .food is chieflv to blame. We do all use Postum." Name given by not eat a sufficiency of bone-form- that is all out a new account. Postum Co., Windsor, ing foodstuffs. We take too little of those materials that are body Postum in ' building. Teeth reared on Scottish Canadian Ont. Ten days' trial of -_ place of tea or coffee proves the oatmeal bannocks are usually good teeth, and for two excellent rea- , bannock, are made of oat- For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the most effective preparation manu- factured, and it always maintains its reputation. Most people count the chicks not only befuro they are hatched, but before the eggs are laid. Ask for Mtnartfj and tak* no rr)r. Try Murine Eye Remedy ^su^rtjnf-iort. Fln Aets^m-kly ,, _ TTjlltor Ki. Wkk, w.tery >.jivl CaT ~ UruwttMii >i:u. IIIMnM Bvok * r*ok><ra. MARINE u CM- J Or o _. E~ V & & ~* J "^ truth, an easy and pleasant way. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a reason." Evtr read lh Bov Ittttrf A on* ippiars from tlm to tlmo. Tltiy genuine, truo, and full of human lnl*rit ARTISTIC STYLE. "That girl's face is a chromo." About the hardest man in the world to control is the man who is Ux> easily led. COW COMFORT tafn*r<nt*4 to k*FIIa jr Cattle fc v I-BR ; vLLON t> u?^ w.cb 4 gilioaaf w%cr W-U9 'or a gallon aow t>> THE MACLAREN IMPEiiiAL CHECSE CO- LT 0.. WOODSTOCK. OMTAIIIO. So! Mfr>. Th Sapb'> Mnuic<unax Co., meal that grand bone-maker and \ That girl s face is a chromo. fire out of a burn or scald more 1 body-builder and oatmeal, well] "I beg your pardon it's hand- rapidly than ai . other preparation. > to li is to say tuat 1 : masticated, is one of the best- i painUxl." It should be at hand in everv kit- * chump as I look.' SHE WILL SOMETIME? ADMIT. For Burns and Scalds. Dr. i ' Dc * s - v '- 1 " r w 'k * V( ? r ^mit that Thomas' Eclectric Oil will take the she ls wrong m an argument f fire out of a burn or scald more! ". No : the '"^res; the ever comes not as big known teeth-cleaners and polishers. Ol'R LITTLE ONES* TEETH. Why and How We Should Take Care of Them. In these days children's teeth are not given quite that amount of at- tention they ought to receive. i painted If attacked with cholera or sum- chen s-.' that it may be available at any time. There is no preparation , m-er complaint of any kind send at' required. Just apply the oil to the ' once for a bottle of Pr. J. P. Kel- . bum or scald and the pain will logg's Dysentery Cordial and use it abate- and in a sh\>rt time cease al- acoordin^ to directions. It acss with together. It is a common idea that the first teeth the milk-teeth-are of no im- a 5"t or a sor < ? portance. You will hear a mother S 8 sma f tln .f . ay: "We will have to watch n Zam-Buk begins the healing Jack's second teeth. They're the P*ooe. and fresh hea thy tissue is SIMMER SKIN TROIBLES. Sunburn, blistering, and irrita- tion are the commonest form of wonderful rapauty m subduing summer skiu troubles, and Zam Buk [ that dreadful disease that weakens! Bad advice is the only kind heed- ends these very quickly. It works ! the 1 strongest man and that destroys ; ed. in two wavs. "As soon as applied, the youjng and delicate. Those . . i- . ,,.v , u.-. ,1 li u ,.Ky-.!ifix T.><li Mlnard's Llnlmnt ustd o fhyjlclani. its antiseptic powers get to work *no aave> usea cine say it acts promptly, and never j L'll 1 and *'" P*>won in a wo J und. This generally 8nd < h fails to effect a thorough cure. one's that count." Very true; but unless the first teeth be properly tended, the second set won't be of great service to the owner. The first teeth are often no soon- er through than a child is given something" hard to bite t or guaw. No greater mistake could be made. Certainly give a child something hard to bite so long as the teeth are Seneath the lerel of the gums that only soothes; but once the tcth are in view, no hard substance built up. For sore, blistered feet, j ed to a line on the menu and said sore hands, heat rashes, baby's i to the waiter: 'I'll have some of heat spots, sore places due to per- that, please.' 'I'm sorry, sir,' the ITS ONLY PURPOSE. "0, Willie. Willie," cried a tea- 'A multi-millionaire in a fashion- ; clvr to a hopelessly dull pupil, able restaurant." she said, "point- j "whatever do you think your head Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friand. HER PKRKKCT WORK. The pretty trai:i.l nurse bent over her patient, a \>ung man who was begi:iuiug to get better. "Shall I turn your head, sir?" she asked, in h-er low, kind voice. "No. thank you. M:*s Ansel,'' returned the convalescent. "You have turned it already." etc., you can't equal spiration, Zaw-Buk. everywhere sell Zam-Buk. 50c. box Use Zam-Buk Soap also, 85c. per Druggists and stores ! playing that.' ' wait'T answered, 'but the band is The ease with which corns and tablet. All stores, or Zam-Buk Co., warts can be removed by Holloway's Toronto. Corn Cure j mendation. is its strongest recom- It seldom fails. The man who paddles his own canoe to-day may own a sU % am yacht But a bird in the haikl doesu't to-morrow. annoy the early woftn. Willie, who evidently thought this another of the troubleso-ne questions that teachers were always asking, pondered it deeply. "Please. Miss," he replied at length, "to keep nay collar on !" Of the States, New York is the most densely populated ; its poni- lation exceeds nine millions. The population of Pennsylvania exceed* seven millions. Constipation Is an fnomy within t*ie camp. It will uni'.eriiiKie the strongest constitution and rui* the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, biliousness, impure blood, bid complexion, skk headaches, and is one ot the most frequent causes of appendicitis. To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills positively cure Constipation. They are entirely vtgeuble in composition and do net sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking Dr. Morse's ** Indian Root Pills *'. ' ISSl E 25--13

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