:' !i , 1 GOOD HEALTH FOR YOU! GIRL nay Heed the New Blood DP. Wil- liam's PM Pills Actually Make, Perhaps you have noticed that your daughter in her "teens" has ' developed a fitful temper, is rest- . less and excitable. That she com- plains of weakness and depression, feels tired out after a little exer- " tion, appetite variable, complains of hadaches and is growing pale. In that case remember that the march of time is leading her on to womaa- . hood, and that at this period a great responsibility rests upon mothers. These are symptoms of anaemia that is bloodlessness, and no time . should be lust in increasing and en- riching the blood supply. Unheal- thy girlhood almost always leads to '. unhealthy womanhood. All young 4 girls in their teens need the help of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which en- rich and increase the blood supply, < and give jickly drooping girls the brightness and charm of perfect health. In proof of this Miss Zola * Gordier, Morrisburg, Ont., says: 4 "I was pale and bloodless and suf- fered from many of the symptoms of anaemia. I would tire easily and . suffered from frequent headaches. My appetite was poor and I was very pale and easily discouraged. The medicine I was taking did not . seem to help me, am! then one day I read the story of a young girl who suffered similarly and was cured ' through the use of Dr. WiHiauA' Pink Pills. I got three boxes of the pills and started to take them. Be- fore they were done I bestan to feel better and look better. Then I g.>t half a dozen more boxes, and be- fore they were all used I was en- joying the best of health, and have continued to do so since. My young brother was troubled with rheuma- tism, and they completely cured him." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine Healers or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FRENCH'S ADVICE. When Sir John French was in command of the cavalry at Can- terbury, he chanced one day to meet a rather slouching young recruit. "Tell me, my lad," said the new General French. Chief of the General Staff, "does this city belong to yout" The miUuttj Ccvlg'ing saluted and blushingly replied : "No, sir." "Never mind," said French, geni- ally, "straighten yourself up, pull yourself together, and look as though it did." QUEBEC PROVINCE ANOTHER MARVELLOUS CURE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Lodger Cote's Backache had devel- oped into Rright's Disease, and pains and aches were his portion D od d'M Kiduey Pills cured him. St. Yvon, Gaspe Co., Que., May 27 (Special) Once more a -wonder- ful cure has sent the name of '.^e old Canadian Kidney Remedy ring- ing through the Province of Quebec. Mr. Ludger Cote, a well known re- sident of this place, is the man cured and the story of his cure in his own words is as follows : "For four years I suffered from Backache, stifi'ness of the joints and finally Bright's Disease. I could not bend my right leg on account of the pain in my hip and knee. I had terrible pains in the region of the bladder. My eyes wetj swouen. I was always tired and nervous and took no pleasure in life. "Finally, I decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and the effect was marvellous. Six boxes cured me completely." Backache, neglected, develops in- to Bright's Disease The one sure way to escape its tortures is to cure the Backache when it first starts with Dodd's Kidney Pills. A HANGMAN'S ROPE. Official Sues to Recover It After An Execution. A curious dispute about a hang- man's rope, which will have to be settled by the law courts, has arisen betwen the Hungarian hangman. Bali, and the public prosecutor at Temesavr, in Hungary. A mur- derer had just been hanged, and the hangman untied the rope and be- gan to cut it into small pieces in order to sell these at an impromptu auction to the crowd waiting out- side the prison a bit of a hang- man's rope being believed in Hun- gary to be the best of all possible charms for bringing good luck. The public prosecutor, however, who has to be present to witness an ex- ecution, ordered Bali to hand over the rope to him, because scandalous scenes amounting to a riot had oc- curred after a recent execution at Miskolcz, when the crowd fought among themselves for the grisly mementoes. The hangman refused to give up the rope on the ground that it was not only his perquisite, but actually his own property, as he had to supply ropes at his own expense. The public prosecutor thereupon ordered a policeman to take it from him by force, which was done. Bali gave notice th*t he would bring an action for its recov- ry. BABY'S OWN TABLETS A MOTHER'S STANDBY Mrs. Wm. Kernaghan, Cart- wright, Man., says: "I always use ! Baby's Own Tablets and find them an excellent remedy for little ones." Thousands of other mo- thers say the same thing, simply be- cause they have found the Tablets the best medicine to give their little ones to make teething easy ; to ex- pel worms ; relieve constipation and to make baby plump, healthy and j strong. The Tablets ar- sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CLEVER. Mrs. Muggins "I hear your hus- band is quite versatile." Mrs. Buggins "Why, he can ac- tually stay out late every night in the week and not give the same ex- cuse twice." Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidden iru't' to many persons so constituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bot- tle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen- .Girt Cured of Disfiguring Pimples By Cuticura Ointment. Broke Out on Face when Twelve or Thirteen. Were Most Embarrassing. Had Tried Everything. A Nova Scotia girl. Hiss Mabel Moraah, of Dover Went, writes: "When I was about tweive or tblrUeo yens of tee, my fact broke out with plmplia, and I trlcj evrry. thing to let rid of them, but failed. Th pimples were the wont on my forehead and ebln. Thoy came out In groups and developed later into tonw. Being on my face they caused great disfigurement, anil wvro most ambarraulng. "After trying BO many mrmHea without success, I saw the Cuticura Ointment adver- ted, and I sent for a box. I then applied ttto the pimples, and In a week I saw a frvat eluinfa in my facw. 1 krpt using It, and In a few mutuhs It rendered a cotuplrta cure. Now you cannot tell I ever had pimples, thanks to the Cuticura Ointment." (Blcued) Ilia alabcl Morasa. liar. 31. 1IU1. Baby's Face Like Raw Beef "My baby boy bad a large pimple come an hit) forehead. It burst and spread all over bis fare which soon looked like a piece of raw beef, all smothered with bad pimples. It was swtul to look at. The poor luilo thing used to scratch It and cry terribly. I took him to a doctot but he only got worse until I waa quite frightened that he would always be disfigured. Than I got two this of Oitii-ura Ointment, together with Cuticura Soap, and In two months had quits cured him. Now of course I use Cuticura Boap for all my children (Signed) Mn. L Perry, n, Waterloo Rd.. Aldftrahot. Kng- tl. May 21, 1010. Cuticura, Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world, but to those who nave suffered much, lot hope and are with- out faith In any treatment, a liberal sanpla f each with a 33-p. booklet on the skin and scalp will b mailed free, oa application. Address Potter Drug A Cham. i\>ip.. SB Are.. Boiloa. U. & A. tery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a :ure cure for all summer complaints. DECLINE OF DRUNKENNESS. Th statistics published by the City of Pari.. trance, dvr_g the last ''. ; Te-drs since BfciTJapp^OsJsWl of the octroi tax on beer and wine, and the increase of the same tax on strong alcoholic liquors such as brandies, eau de vie, cognac, and pure alcohol generally, have shown that the consumption of beer and wine, described as hygienic drinks, has considerably increased, while that of pure alcohol has diminished almost by one-half. Before the oc- ! troi tax was removed the average quantity of alcohol consumed by Parisians was nearly eight litres per bead per annum, and DOW the ', amount has fallen to only four litres 1 per head. Drunkenness, it is as- sumed, has declined in equal pro- \ portion among the working popula- tion. WAS A SHAME. He "So you lost that handsome little dog you bad'," She "Yes, in a railroad acci- dent. I was saved, but the dog was killed." He "What a pity !" CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Saeh Is the recuperatire oower contained in Copeland's Cure for Consumption that even the most advanced cases hare twen cured by its beneficial action. It can be taken by the weakest patient, to whom it gives a fighting ntrcngth as nothing else will. The appetite comes back. That weakening pernpirmion is flopped. Tho luTiits and respiratory organs are healed at the same time. Its efficacy to fight consumption, weak or blvrdins: lungs, ' lingering coughs and bronchitis is proven beyond doubt not by what I ta:e. but by what is stated by those who have taken ' It for those ailments and have been cured. ' Copies of testimonials of those who, after I being given up by doctors and specialists, as only having a few days to live, and are alive and well tday. are sent on request. Price *' per bottle at your drug- * . or direct from Wm. Copeland. 511 Pape Ave., Toronto, Canada. Counting both steamships and sailing vessels of one hundred tons and upwards, their total in the world's mercantile marine exceeds 30,000. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house. Russia's Army has a peace estab- lishment if over 1,200,000 men; its approxin ite war strength exceeds 5,000,000 men. Worms in children, if they be not attended to, cause convulsions, and often death. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will protect the chil- dren from these distressing afflic- tions. It is the strong "I will" that wins the day. "I will do my part in this great work ! If others fail I will succeed !" Such a spirit as this has won victories. Mlnard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. A prisoner was being tried in an English court for murder ; evidence against him purely circumstantial; part of it a hat found near the scene of the crime an ordinary, round, black hat, but sworn to as the pris- oner's. Counsel for the defence, of course, made much of the common- ness of tho hat. "You, gentlemen, no doubt each of you possess such a hat, of the most ordinary make and shape. Beware how you con- demn a fellow-creature to a shame- ful death on such a piece of evi- dence," and so on. So the man was acquitted. Juet aa ho was leav- ing the dock, with the most touch- Ing humility and simplicity, he aid : "If you please, my Lord, may I 've my 'at r" In the reign of Edward III. only three taverns were allowed in Lon- don. DIVER'S BEMARKABLE FEAT. Patched Crippled Ship in Heavy Sea with Sharks Near. One of the most remarkable feats ever performed by a diver is related by the officers and crew of the Bri- tish skxip-of-war S'n>;irwater. J. P. Langane, a young Irish shipwright, boarded up the pr/;>eL!er well while the vessel was rolling in heavy seas and eo enabled her to make the voy- age to prt. The ^Utarwater was cruising off the 'l'-*s|&. of Mexico, wben in a. storm she lost her propeller. Re- sort was immediately had to her sails, but it was found that steering was almost impossible because the big arch or well under the stern in which the pwjpeller had revolved, made the ruoder's work ineffec- tual. The officers decided that if they were to bring the ship to port this well must be boarded up. Lingane was sent down to do the work. Thou hampered by bis heavy diving- suit and by the weight of the water, he was able to adjust him- self to the bad rolling of the ship and to handle the heavy timbers that were passed to him. He fas- tened the boards so securely that they had only shifted in one place when the Shearwater reached pert. even though she had been battered by heavy seas on the way. Naval men have given high prait>e to the young man for what he did, and a special report on it has been sent to the British Admiralty. A trial to the nerves of the young diver while he was at work was the presence of several sharks, which at times swam close to him. Armed men on the warship, however, kept them from attacking him. FOR PINK EYE DISTEMPER CATAKRUAL FEVER A>3 ALL NOSE A>0 THROAT DISEASES Cures the *: and acts .is a> pr*venta:lve ?r others. Liquid tgtvn on the mnffMr. r?a'e for brood iruires a:i>t .*: -H. :..,. Best kiiiaer r-: : fiO cema a bott'.e; 86. JO '.he ui>*en. Su.il t>y a;! dru^L'ista anil hur:_fsa houses. DUtr.'j-.::ora ALL WHOLESALE DKUGGISTS. SPOQN MEDICAL CO.. Chemists, Go.acn, lad.. D. S. A, HAVE YOU A BAD SORE! If -- >irrpKr these facts Zam- Buk is by far the most widely -ised J balm in Canada! Why has it^bt^j. come so popular 1 Because it heals I sores, cures skin diseases, and does| what is claimed for it. Why not let it heal your sorel Remember that Zam-Buk is alto- gether different to the ordinary ointments. Most of these consist of animal fats. Zam-Buk contains no trace of any animal fat, or any j mineral matter. It is absolutely herbaJ. Test how different and su- 1 perior Zam-Buk really is. All ; druggists and stores at 50c. box. , Use also Zam-Buk Soap. Relieves sunburn and prevents freckles. Best for babv's bath. 25c. tablet. | International Poultry Food Prevents Cholera and Saves the Little Chicks A little chick i* ' .at like a little babr Its health its food. Improper feedi Mv -hkkens had Cbolera until sotne of Us-rr comb* were turainjr bisck. After usmi- a few feeds of " Inurnaiiotal Poultry Food. ' I never 'o>c another :oi. and Cholera haw .at my premises.;. P. Buunr. -" T * *B your chickens a daily feed of " International.' It keeps them well fattens up the brouerB makes hens .ar a 1 me ye*r rouou keeps the cocks vigorous mad insures raisiaf the little clicks. If you want to make money out of -cur fowls, feed " InUraatioaal Poultry Food." 25c., SOc. sad $1.00 a box. At dealers everywhere. Writ* far free copy of our $3.000.00 Stock Book. Ik* ertateet book ever wntteo for farmer*. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD COMPANY UmltsxJ TORONTO HENILLE CURTAINS UCE 3 Wrut.) m * i ut your*. t.io!il Me-t.il.st. MITISH AMERIOAN DYIINCCO . Boi 733,Monrral ECONOMICAL SUGGESTION. "We must begin to economize, my dear." "All right. Suppose you learn to shave yourself." She "I did not think much of the close of the sermon." He "Probably you were thinking more of the clothes of the congregation." Sores Heal Quickly. Have you a persistent sore that refuses to heal ]| Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the dressing. It will stop sloughing, carry away the proud flesh, draw out the pus and pre- pare a clean way for the new skin. It is the recognized healer among \ oils and myriads of people can cer- tify that it healed where other oils failed utterly. Nearly one hundred million acres of land in Alberta arc suitable for cultivation. The Beauty of a Clear Skin. The condition of the liver regulates the : condition of the blood. A dis- : ordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these- show them- selves in blemishes on the skin. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills in act- ing upon the liver act upon the blood and a clear, healthy skin will follow intelligent use of this stand- ard medicine. Ladies, who will fully appreciate this prime quality of these pills, can use them with the certainty that the effect -will be most gratifying. SORRY HE ASKED. Mate "When he fired the pistol at you what did you do, captain?" Captain "I moved to one side and the bullet sped harmlessly by and buried itself in the thick part of the mate's head." Cow-Comfort is positively guaranteed to keep Flies off your Cattle. WRITE NOW FOR PARTICULARS TO MacLaren Imperial Cheese Co. Limited. WOODSTOCK. ONTARIO H. W. OAWSON, Ninety Colborns Street, Toronto. EIGHT THOL'SAND DOLLARS WILL buy beamiful hundred acre* in luniberland Cojintr. inclndinK Stn- ; horws. 10 cow*, etc ctin be had o - term*. P^sse^i'^n at ollt-e. OOD FARMS IX LINCOLX. WKLI.AND. Hilton. Pwl. Y^rk. Dur'-am. N-T'h- Prince Edward counties al G LBEKTA iSA-iKATi-HEWAX A SO llumoba lands in laree or stnall , blocks. Furrr FA-MK vi. SIZES, ix TUB V ------- '.- ---- B..I-. H. W. Dw<tOl. Torento. ONK IIT-NDRFD At'UFS IN OTF^RD cu"iv: soil olay l.iam: !hre> ix-rss nrr-hard. Brick h.nis*' Gwd ont-huiMinir". i W.l\ eTi-hanir f.T c-i:v. -own or v!'a I prxir*rty. ,<r for s-nalVr farm. The West- ' m Real Estate. London :^^:^^^^=^=^^==:=^=:^==^i^= HALE HELP WNTEO. VII.W*Y A'-.KXTS. and Clerk* in frvn on* Ontrr'n and N-ir'h demand through- ^t S'v. mnn-hs Mlnard's Liniment -' bv Physician*. EXCITEMENT. Husband (cheerfully) Well, love, have you had a pleasant day 7 Wife Oh. splendid ! After I dressed the children and got them off, washed the dishes and made some pies, cleared away the lunch- eon table and answered som let- ters, I still had time enough left to darn my stockings. KIDNEY , PILLS - ifj^ r,- ?'ABETCS # 123 THE** ED. 7. ISSUE 23 12 At th* Yarmouth T. M. C. A. B<T*' Camp, held at Tuskft Falls in Augtmt. I found MIN.VRPS LIXIMKNT moBt bonp- ftrial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic ami toothacho. STOKES. General Secretary. FOOLISH QUESTIONS. He Madam, you promised to obey me. Do you do it ! She Sir, you promised me your worldly goods. Do 1 get 'em ,' A Pit! for Brain Workers. The man who works with his brains is more liable to derangement of the digestive svstem than the man who works with his hands, because tho one calls ;i|>.'n his nervous eneriry while the other applies only his muscul.'ir strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is ParmoWs Vegetable Pills. They are specially com- pounded for such cases and all those who use them can certify to their superior power. TIME TO GIVE IT BACK. "Here's an umbrella I've kept for three year*." he said proudly. "Isn't it about time you returned it," she replied. WANTED - FOfR "TRST-'-LVSS milkir<i. Must be f nirk and clean. Waif<, $^ 00 per mun'h and hoir-1. ! St?ndy emnli>ynient winter and ummer. (Apply: S. Price A Sons. Erindale. On* T 1 .- 1 . MISCELLANEOUS. T IVK KOXKS WANTED- YOCX OB Lj old Wm Pearson. (5elnh. On' Tl AT anil FARM SCALES. Wilson's C"< A^CER, TVMORS. LCMP9. etc la- terna! and ex'orn.i'. cured wi*hoal pain by our borne treatment. Write aa before too late. Dr Bi-Mman Medical Co, Limiti-d. Coi'inewi-d. Ont 6 TON SCALE GCARAXTF.ED. WHimn tk-sK- W,.rk. Ki<iunad* Tor..nto. PROBATION KUS TO T.VKK TUREB years"' iHMtrsi- in irainmir ,\\ >'i'tiian U^spit.il. raut.'ii. Oh:o AJilrt-^.. Sa;t 11HK MAM' A IT YN KVK. EAR AND rhn-.. ;'. II ifve T.I youns; w"inou wh' lii'-iri-, .nje yt-ars training in the.r eixH'ia! h.-spital After one year's serTnx> thry may bf promoted to a po*l> t.on on (alary <>r recommended to a gen- oral h'*i>:t!l when? thi-v can taKo the) complete i-.<ur> >( tr:>--.i:i; S^IKHI! for nurses: refemn-.^ re>iU'r->l. For farther informal :on adores* M:ss Kui;en:.i D. Ayrea, Superintendent of Nurses. No. HO Eas: t^th St. Ni".v York '> WRITE FOR PROOF WIFELY SARCASM. Mrs. Gadder ''I saw your hus- band to-day coming out of a sa- loon." MM. Gay b-.irrd "Probably go- ing out to get shaved 1" Countless have been the cures worked by Holloway's Corn Cure-. It has a power of its own not found in other preparations. Pigeon-shooting has been prohi- bited throughout Swiss territory. Ask (or Mlnard't and tak* no othar. A SKILLED WORKMAN. The foreman of a large iron- works was short of laborers one morning, and as a last resort, went to an aid tramp who was lying asleep beside one of the furnaces, and roused him with the question : "1 eay, my man, arc you wanting work?" "What kind of work?" asked the tramp. "Can you do anything with a shovel " "Yes," replied the tramp, rub- binar his eyes. "I could fry a piece! of bam on it." VVhen ^ r * *' ur ' ne ^ e R eme<| y ^^-.s. , j... TTJ It t**T Kd.Wa.,vk, Wwtery >>^> tuid W O U r i;niu.!.isl KyHio.,. 11Ui>lnt^i Uook .lt-J t>v ouri.Vultst>-:iot '*l'iUiaC Uie'*bnturU In t>ui\***I >.t i I'bvsi* l'ri'tktj for mmnj yf^r*. Now *:<.! to tta* Public \-.\-i - i '>- y? j^ f* * K*e^Slvo in AMtptlo Tube*. ^fK>Mc. - " Murine Ert Remedy Co.. ChlctflO MINOR IMPEBFECTION8. Wifey What do you think of my new hat ? Hubby Yen- pretty. I hope it'll satisfy you for a while. Wifey Of course it will. The color is not quite what I like and tho trimming doesn't come up to nay expectations, and the shape is not as good as it ought to be. but otherwise the hat is a splendid bar- gain, and I like it awfully well. PURIFICO GANCERAND TUMOR C URES I AND ' Canadian Branch : Purltlco Oa., Krldgaburg, OnL Dr. Morse's Indian Root Fill,. exactly meet the need which so often arises in every family for a medicine to open up and regulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all cases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cokl or La Grippe by cleaning out the system and purifying the blood. In the same way they relieve or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- atism and other common ailments. In the fullest sense of th<r words Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are 47 A Household K-eniody 2tf Q- AX CJ I Protect Preervo Boa Samplsi and BooUletu on Application JAMES LANGMUIR & CO., im ted 1S7* Bnrhurs STt * > RONTO ti-.n Ol W>Ur- p,.x>( Collar* CVCf IMiif. A*k to "> TKE ARLUWTOH 00. oli "- ..^j f Canada, Md. .lot-^ot Jirt Maypole 5oap DYES SO EASILY With M.ypole Soap thae ii no txouble and DO muu in home dyeing. Dyes cotton, wool, till ot mixtures. 24 colocs-wil! give any hade. Colon lOc. Black I "v --si yom dealti'iot poitpaid with booklet "How "o Dye" from V F. 1. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal