June 6 191-J THE F LE8HERTOK ADVANCE I'll K. * I # Icshcrion All iilfi"'n<l"nt uews|ia|>er, imblihed every Tnundity at tin- uflicr, Collmffw<M>d Street, KK-ihertiui. Stilmuri)ilion price f 1 ir aniiiiiii, whn (mid iniuivunee; 81. ">J wlicii not so paid. Aih <TI IMIII: rte fin Application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. \V. H. Tiiuraton Kclltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN ARE WE LOYAL CITIZENS ? Monday last was the anniversary of the King's liirihd'iy, lull there were fovr Wiiys in which tlie visitors to town could be re- minded of it. The village as a whole ap- peared to forget it. Princijml Holland of the public cchoul was the only (tersun who (presumably) hud enough respect for the day to display a Ha. There are many fine rings owned in town, but they were all laid away where moths corrupt and mildew mildew*, We do not look upon thi peculiar phe- nomenon a proof that socialism, auar- hiim or robust disloyalty are rumjmnt here, but merely as illustratinn the de- termination of the people to maintain the 24th of May as the one spring holiday which they love best and intend to main- tain. The Kind's Birthday comes too close to that other to make a second rea onabl* 01 fojwible. A moveable holiday is not popular. Therefore we will, with all due respect to King George, retain the 'J4th of May as the one day to cele- brate in early summer. Of course we c*n drink (in cold water) to hie health on Jue :t, and we outfit to hoist a few flags, but if we do forget or iieulcct to do so it hould not be regarded a an evidence of treasonable tendencies on the part of our citizens. We plead ifuilty to indifference and forget I ulnes. but not to a studied ignoring of His Majesty's natal day. Those who know the mountain road wett of CollingwuoJ will bo able to ap- preciate the thrilling naturn of a runaway j which occurred there recent'}', nhati a team drawing a load of hay ioc beyond control and dashed down the mountain. The driver was thrown off with the hay and badly hurt. The team first came in contact with Samuel Shaw's buggy which was occupied by himself and Henry Moore of Sin^hamptun. The two men were thrown from the bug^y which was badly smashed. Mr. Moore was injured I on I he head ami the WHUOII ran over one if his limbs. Hushing on they next .sttuck Mr. Geikell's buwjjy which was <<c- cupied by Mr. Oeikell andhis wife. Mrs. Ueikell was seiiously injured und was taken to Mr. Baker's, owner of the fruit farm. Continuing their course they next collided with Herbert Conn's bugay and stiikini; one of the wheels dashed it to pieces, but Mr. Conn was not injured. The horses kept up their mad race with the Wiigdit behind until they were stop- prd near Kirkville. Notwithstanding the destruction they had caused, the horses themselves wote unhurt. Clarksburg Women's Institute have invested in a vacuum cleaner for the use of the membership. Adam Barber of Owen Sound was fined $11)0 anil costs for refusing to open a door <n the Coulson house for M. C. Beckett, the license inspector. Samuel Kerr of Heathcoto dropped suddenly dead from heart failure. He leaves a wife and four chillren. NEW STOCK ! New Suitings New Pantings Everything Njew ! CLEANING & PRESS ING A SPECIALTY ^7 Gall Solicited OUR FIRST VOTING On Friday of this week the electors of Flesherton will have an opportunity "f casting their tirst votes as citi/ensof an in- corporated Tillage. On thin ocaasion it is only a small nitu-r of $'-''KX) f-r com- pleting the side walks i>f the village in cement. The old p<>) ie trustees claimed that it retired from 8150 to $200 each year for repairs to the "Id sidewalks. At an annual payment of $HiO the debentures for f. spieling the sidewalks in cement would be paid oil in twenty years. If this is not doue, necei*iry work on sidewalks this year would make our taxes very high. So far at we know, the action of the Council in this regard is endorsed by most of the ratepayer, and we do not believe that when the Tote is counted there will bo found many opposed to the nclieme. In any event no ratepayer should mi's the opportunity of casting his tirst vote under the new <.rder of things. T wo Mt. Forest business men upset a canoe on May '21. Oue swam ashore. The other was swept under a jamb pile but came out on the other side bruised and half drowned, but was rescued. It was the worst dose of jam ho has digested since he was a hoy and viiitod hifi mother's pantry. Th-jre in no real need of anyone troubled with constipation. Ohambarlato** Tablet* will ravine an agreeabl. iiiuwmaiit of the bowl-In without uuv mipl-a.iani effect. <;ive Uim a trial. Fur ale l>y nil dealers. Our old friend referred to in tin- ollowiiijj from the Tar* Leader musl not, be called IMi any un.re. He m evident- ly at the lop of the heap and must m future have hut honorary title of miner; Mr. K. I. HonderKun, Toronto, WH in Tsra last week with hi auto and rUlted his sister, Mrs. C. R. Tobey. In an interview with Mr. Heoderion wn are pleated to learn that, be has been most aucceHsful in hi enterprise ol manu- facturing steel from iron. He has dm pimed of his enterprise t.> \\ in. Me- Kenzie, tho bin railway imiKnnlc, for tho tern of 16,000,000 nd 1800,000 for the Dominion of Canada. Mr. Henderson can penJ the remainder of hm lite in luxury. Anyone wishing to oxainimi Mr. Henderson's wonderful discovery may do so at tho Leader Oflice where we have on exhibition a curving set ni*nu- ifictured from ordinary Iron railway spikes into the liiiest of stoel. Mr. Earl George, formerly of PoriJElaln, and mow in Mr. Hender(in's OmOt,1 ac- companied him on his vitit to Tara. There wai an invalidation in Durham 1*it week over aomo charges prefered ag*i*t LicensB Inspectur Davin. The Chronitle says (Thru* number of witneH- ees had been summonod, but the ovdionco given was suoh that li'.tlo or no proof was poaitifoly shown. There is.^of course, trong ground for suspicion] that liquor ia being conumei!. Nobody will think jf denying this fact, but'4"horssy'' videnoe is of very] little value in n ourt of justice. While we do nl think it WIN.- to rut -i an investigation]without certainty of winning, we have no doubt the work of Tuesday's enquiry will tren){then the bandi of tho Inspector, Both he and the public now know the positive character |of 1 1..- '.lnt y ho has to perform, and no blame 'should be At- tached to him for t.ho'proper discharge of hii work. C. BLARELEY ( J?racticat 'Uailor Q Standard Bank Building FLESH EKTON, ONT. JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of Earthenware from Knghmd, which will now be sokl at bargain prices. Call and let us show the man designs in fancy China Plates. Cups and Saucers, rnit Dishes and Salad Rowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watei (Us. I'ultt r l.itlts, ugar liowls, Jujis and Pitcher pricee. Call and see the goods and get our J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - = Ontario. CLAYTON'S Boots and Shoes Do you want something neat and nice in Boots or Shoes ? We have some in Ladies Patent, Gun Metal and Tan, either Button or Lace, also Pumps, in the Latest Styles, both Tan and Patent. In Mdn's wear we have a big stock in the Latest Shapes from $2. 25 to $5.0O per pair Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL. HARVESTING MACHINES AMcCORMICK mower for the . hay; a McCor- .Huk binder for your grain; a McCormick corn binder to cut your corn; a McCormick busker and shredder to shred and husk your corn a McCormick machine to fill your every need. They are built right We will treat you right, and you will find it to your interest to buy McCor-" mick machine*. ' F. H W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Perfect fitting Corsets are indispensable to the well gowned woman. The best efforts of the best dressmakers are doomed to failure unless the Corset i.s fitting the wearer properly. You'll find the D. & A. Kon Eustable Corsets perfectl y satisfactory as regards Style, Comfort and Durability. All sizes in stock from 18 to 36 waist- The style shown in the accompanying cut is great value. The long skirt with tha short boxing- gives a splendid appearance and great comfort, made of English Coutil trimmed lace and ribbon for all medium figures a ntl sells for ONE DOLLAR. Other styles from 50c to $3.50. Misses' and Children's Waists, Nursing Corsets, Corset Steels, Whitewear, Summer Underwear, Dress Shields, Hose Supporters. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. LOOK ! ! Now is the time for Kiive-TroUfjli- ing and Dumbing which I am civ- ins? special attention to. Also I am prepared to give good value in Corrugated Iron Kootinu, (food material and work satisfactory. KKI'AIHINV, SATURDAYS. Call at F. L. McGillvary's Tin Shop For Particulars Old Atlvom-e Ottice. Flesherton. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at tho present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (let something nice ami comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such aa everybody wants. Springs aiul Mailresses to lit all be.ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep iuduecrs. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. S. Hemphill, - Agent CEYLON, . ONTARIO. WANTED AT ONCE A man with some oxporionco in hortioul- tuni In liamllo our trulo in Flesherton. Spli'iulul OMOtngtnd permanent position for tho right party. \Vrilo for pnrticulurs ami stato experience Uiu- Stone & Welingtoil !'. mi lull Nuriorios, established 1837 TORONTO. ONT. THE MARKETS. Oarclvtlly Corrected Kaoli Week Wheat 85 to 86 tints 48 to 43 Pens ' 1 10 to 1 10 Hurley 70 to 70 liny 10 00 to 10 00 Huttor 20 tr 20 KiigR, fresh 21 ( 21 1'olatoes )"! bag 1 25 to 1 25 (Itu'so 10 to 10 Diit-ka 10 .o 12 Chickens 10 to 12 iiirkeya 18 to 12 Wool , , > CEYLON'S STORE Wool Wanted We will pay tl e highest market price for Wool. SEEDS A PLANTS-Field Corn- Common's Early and Longfellow. Hape Seed and Millet, Turnip and Mangle Seed \y have son.e Orchard Grass and Alfalfa left yet. Plants of all kind. Tomatoes. Cabbage, Cauliflower, eelerv. Flower I lant? for outside and also House Plants. BOOTS 4 SHOES- We Lave the very latest and up-to- date bhoes n,, the market and also something that will stand the test in Heavy Shoes, and prices that never luirt. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, very latest Styles, also some good Panamas at $ 1 and $5. Tine Apples are at their lowest and best this week. \Vc have the Woven Fence Wire for sale, also the Black ai,d White. Straight Wire, Chicken Wiie. Net Wire. Fence steeples and Wire Pinchers. Jas. &attison . teuton J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. WOOL WOOL We want your Wool and will pay the Highest Price. Cash or Produce . FEED! FEED! Pig Feed -Two cars to arrive Corn, Oats, and Barley, chopped and mixed excellent feed for Hogs. Special price off cars Wo are going to clear out, a largo surplus stock of Shoi-s and will put on sale the product of well-known manufacturers, as Ames Holden Co., Toronto, McCready Co., Montreal, I. B! Drolett, Quebec, and other well-known makes. Men's Shoes regular $4 .DO at $325 Men's Shoes, regular $3.75 nt $o 90 Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 for $3 '>f> Men's Shoes, regular $5,00 for. .... , ,...........$&95 Men's Shoos, regular $6.00 for $4 39 Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 for ,... ^2*40 Men's Shoes, regular 3.75 for ,, $0*55 Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoe* at proportionate prices. , .