May 23 1912 FLESHEKTON ADVANCE F TORONTO SENDING money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical and expeditious when this Bank's drafts and money orders are used. FLESHERTON BRANCH <1EO. MITCHELL, E H E Branches abo at Durham and Ha - m. Manage C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station us follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. rn. The mails are closed ac Flesherton ;i.; follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and '7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Fred Karstedt returned last week from Toronto university. Mr. vid Mrs. John Heard spent Sun- day with th Litter's parents in St. Vincent. Miss Jessie McDonald of Priceville is spending a few days with Mian Viola Hartley of the Park House. Markdale will hare a nevr C. P. R. station similar to ours. It is not before a new station was needed. Mr. J. D. Morgan died at his home in Dundalk on Tuesday afternoon, At a special meeting of the village council on Monday evening the by-law to raise njoney for sidewalks received its second reading. A by-law to raise money f .-r current expenses was passed. The t eeve <tnd Clerk were ordered to complete the purchase of the tire-tight ing apparatus and an account of $27.75 for stationery for the village was passed. The matter of a poundage by-law was alaj discussed but held over until next week. On Thursday latt a team belonging to the cement gang ran away from in front of the Park House with a dray load ol narrow lumber. The racket as the team went through town resembled the noise made by a tire reel on a cobble atone pavement. The animals veered in to the aidenalk and ran into some rigs at Mc- Tavieh's blacksmith shop, dishing a wheel nn the surrey, breaking a reach on a light wagon, and raae'uiui; the dray tongue i.-i it brought up endwise on the side of a building. The scene wai quite a wild in.- Tt wax a young team and the Died-Iu Muskoka cottage sanitarium, animals "ere not injured, ou Monday, May 20, Jivmes Ernest, son of the late J. F.. Buchanan of Vandeleur, aged 28 years. Programs hare been issued for the sixth annual convention of Grey County Women's Institute which will be held in The Listowell Banner chronicles a hen's egg measuring !', i 7fc inches and weighing seven ounces. The hens in this locality may as well give up. The prospects for good trout fishing for the boys on Friday are not the best. There has been too much rain making the streams very high. Revs. Wellwood and Campbell ex- changed pulpit* on Sunday, Mr. Camp- bell preaching in the Methodist church here both morning and evening. R. W. Gardiner of Mount Forest re- cently cougbt a trout in Bell's lake that weighed over four pounds and measured j five inches broadside. The fan of its tail when spread out also measured five inches. The Owen Sound papers say a big demons! ration is being planned there for July 12, when it is expected about 10,000 will be present. Eicursionti will be run from Hanover and Flesherton. the Town Hall, Dundalk, on Wednesday, Juue 12, next Among those who will take part are Mrs. R H. Moore, Flesher- ton ; Mrs. J. K. Mclntyre, Duudalk ; Mrs. Geo. McFtrland, Holstein ; Mrs. W. 4. Philp, Dromore ; Miss C. Rowe and the Misses Benjamin, Dundalk ; Mrs. Buchanan, Ravenna ; Mrs. 3. H. Breeae, Chataworth. Dr. Edim Guest of Toronto will address the con- vention on ''The nervous system : its construction and modern abuse;" and "Medical inspection of rural schools." Robt. J. Carton Mr. R. J. Carson of Tyrone passed away very suddenly on Saturday last at his home. He hud been a victim of paralysix for the past year ind unable to walk. On Saturdny on returning to the house after being cut his wife found him breathing his last. She had not be nwuy A walking Markdale advertisement I *>" h *<* more ">n three minutes, arrived in town Monday morning. An Mr - Un was an old and highly such things are uncommon here con- 1 respected siderible notice was taken of it, aud the comment was not favorable to the enter- prise displayed by our sister town. There have not thus far been sufficient entrries for the tield crop competition which was proposed to be held under the auspices of the Agricultural Society, and unless they come iu during the present week the scheme will have to be abaudoned. We notice by a Mont Cluir, N. J., newspaper that Mi.-s M-y J*iuieson, daughter of Mrs. Jamieson of this place, has received her diploma as a trained nurse. Miss Jamie.son haa been attend- ing the Mountainside hospital, Mont- clitir. She will practice her profession on the other side. Owing to changed condititions in the village il is found necessary lo elect a new public school bgtird, the law making necessary i\ boaid of six. A meeting for the appointing of a new board will be hell in tbe school house on Saturday evening of this week at 7 .'JO. Kate- payers in the suction should attend. Mr. Mack Kiistinnn, who taught school resident of thii township, having corue out from Tyrone, Ireland, in. the year 1856. Shortly afterward he took up land near Pioton Station, and in l*i Hi he married Mias Margaret Jane Henderson, sister of the late J. W. Henderson. Betides his sorrowing widow the following family survive : John J., at home; Armour, Toronto; Robert, of Proton. Mrs. Robert Wil- son, of Briinle, Mich; Mrs. John Stin- son, Saskatchewan; Mrs. Andrew Brown, Saskatoon, Sask . Mrs. W. Diupwnll, Artemrsia ; Mra. R Cairns, Siislc. ; Mra. Ueo. Niles, Proton ; Mrs. Andrew Doin, Canadian Soo ; Edith, in Toronto. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery ou Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Carson waa a subscriber to this paper froiu its inception. He was in adherent of tho Anglican church. Ceylon Mr. Sam Chislettof Toronto is spend- ing hit vacation with his parenU here. Mr. T. Chislett visited Owen Sound at Priceville a few years ago, and who f r j e ,,d g over Sunday. has been spending the past session as Fellow in History, at Columbia Uni- versity, New York, has been placed in charge of the depaittnent, of history in the Mew University of Calgary, Alberta, at a salary of $2000 per annum. Mnafurd mnr<jhant have agreed to cljso their stores every Thursday after- noon during June, July .in. I August. There is a movement on foot to have Fleskertnn stores at 6 p. m . every evening except Wednesdays and Satui 1 - days. This has not yet been settled, however, and may tnke the form of a town bylaw. I The annual meeting of I he \V. I. w.l^ bis held iu the In^h school on Tuesday, May 28, at 2.30 sharp, when the annual jroport will be given, arid election if officers fur th ensuing year will take plac*. The member* aru requested to Mr. Ed % Sargent is spending a few days at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker and babu of West Toronto are visiting at Mr. A. WhittakerV Mr. James Hemphill returned Lo To- ronto Saturday after spending a few weeks with friends, feeling much better for his holiday. Mr. J. McKinnon, after a montk'e visit at S. Hemphill'f and with other 1 1 in ml M, returned to Toronto last week. Miss Ina McMulleu of Maple Creek, s.i.iu , is visiting her parenU, Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen. Mi', and Mrs. VV.Kellsaud daughter ol Miple Creek,, spent a couple ol d-iys the past wc?k at/ J. McMullen's, Mrs. H. Love visited Proton friends the past week. Mrs. Bloodin, Chicago, is visiting her pay their fees ;it ihis meeting. A large attendance is requested. Mrs. H. Wood sioteis. Mrs. McLod, Mrs. D. Muir iind and Mis* Karsteik will give readings. i Mrs - K- Stewart. Kincardine town is the latest victim of the guarantee folly. The corporation guaranteed the bonds of tho Ontario West shore Electric Railway to the ex tent of $50,000 for a trolley line between Godeiich and Kincardine. Tho company went broke and now it is up to the town to get a special act of the Legislature to extend ihe payments over a number of years. The town will get its share of the assets of the company, consisting largely of ties and mils, but will likely hand them over as a gift to another company which will agree to build and operate an electric or steam railway. A portion jf Huron township is H!SO hit hard by the collapse of the Electric Railway Co. A sectional bonus to the extent of $40,000 was given by farmers on the west side of Huron Township and the liability of the farmers who guaranteed the bonds will amount to about $400 on every hundred acres. Chesl>y Enterprise. John Haycock, for the past ten years inspector of binder twine for the Domin- ion, has resigned office by special request of the government. Mr. Haycock is the gentleman who turned the Patrona of Industry bodily over to the Liberal ptrly and ran the organization into the ground at express speed. Tim above inspector- ship was given him as a reward for his loyalty to the party and, per contra, his disloyalty to the Patrons. That body has never recovered from the blow ad- ministered by iu leader, and he has never recovered the confidence of tlie people For some time he lisa been a dead one. A despatch iu the Glube says the " companies " were well satisfied with his supervision, which is rather a left-banded compliment Shelburne Free Press. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the mi- Ii-i -j;'ii".j, and endorsed ' Tender for Wharf or Kotainiug Wall at Owen Hound, Out.." will ba received until 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, 1912, for tii.-J construction of * Wharf or Ktttainiug Wall at Owen Sound, Orgy 1'ounty, Oat. Pluu*. xpecillcation and form of contract can bo Been u.i.i forms of tender obtained a' this Department ami at tho CffiOM of J. (i- Slug, Esq.. Dibtrict Engineer, Cunfedera tion Life Building, Toronto. Out., auil on appli- cation to the Postmaster at Owen Bound, Out, Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered inilum, rim : on the printed forma supplied, auJ signed with their actual signature)), slatiug their occupations and places of.residencu. Iu the case of nrma, tbe actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the Qrui must be given. Each tender must be accompanied by *n ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of tbe Honorable tbe Minister of Public Works, equal to ten (10) per cent, of tin amount of tho tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering declines to untor into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. II tho ten- der be not accepted thecbeque will be returned The Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. Bv order, B. C- DE&ROfHKRS, Secretary. Depaitmjutjof Public Works, Ottawa.^May 7. 1912, Newspapers will not bo paid for this adver- tisement if they insert it without authority roui tho Depaitment. Bull for Service Shorthorn Bull, "Village Lad," for service nn lot 0, con. 4, Artemesia. Terms 81 for grades. ISept A. S. HASSARD, Prop. Court of Revision Notice ia hereby given thut tho Court of Revision fur the Township of Osprey on the assessment of 1912 will ha held in the Oritngft Hal), Maxwell, on Saturday, May 25, next, at 10 :'.(> a. in. TUOS. SCOTT, Clerk. Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Now is the time to Ret r id of your rheuma- tism. You can do it by applying Chamber- Iain's Liniment and masxAfring the jiarts freely at each application. For snlo by all dealers. Two ten dollur bills lost un Sunday, May 5. Communicate with The Advance. farmers, ship yuur produce direct to us Best pin.-, unl prompt returns. Correspondence solicited. DundaB Pr- duce Co., 179!) Dundaa sf., West To- ronto. May 14 Markditle creamery operntiona for tho seanon May 20lh. will commence n Monday, Court Vnndeluer, C. O. V. will cele- brate on Dominion IViy (July) 1 this year. Bull For Service At Uuguniu. Ducket, Propiietor. 1.0 VI ARTICLES FOR SALE Car load of fresh Portland cement Mi.ii in :it F G. K n-,lrji '-,. Hay loader for sale Apply to N. Few- ing, west bock line (McKenzitt Duuuan farm), Proton Station P.O. A few Egg Vats fo Sale At less than half what they cost to manufacture them, Huitable for soft water cittterns or for tanks to water cattle. M. Si , illy Co., Flesherlon . HILL BROS., MARKDALE "We are offering this week many reasonable lines of New Goods that are Trade Winners. New House Dresses, Waists, Parasols. Boots and Shoes All New, Nifty Stuff, both pleasing to the eye, and in touch with everybody's pocket book. When in town come iu and see us, even if you don't buy. We will be pleased to show you through the different lines. House Dresses We have just received a shipment of one hundred House Dresses from uno of Canada's Best Manufacturers made from Ginghams, Cotton Voiles, Muslins and Prints, beautiful '.pods. Ask to see them. Moderately priced from $1.48, in easy steps to $3.98. Print Wrappers This week we will otter ten dozen Print Wrapper*, all collors and all well made. This garment is sold regularly nt $1.10, this week, to clear at , 75c Parasols at Half Price jsSl We have just received a shipment of Ladies's Parasols. The handles are gold und pearl trimming, good quality ;'.< top, the kind you usually pay from $2.75 to $y.f)0, for this week while they last $1.48. || Corsets l^j This week we will sell nve dozen pairs Corsets, regular seventy-five cent line, with suspenders attached, in white 1 j|| only. New spring style. This week priced at 58c [ill j|jj Men's Shirts jj We will sell the broken ranges in Men s Work Shirts, regular value up to 7.'.i. all sizes in this lot, priced for " |iiick selling 3<j c . Men's Smocks and Overalls 10 do/.eu Men's Smocks and Overalls, blue only, regular value up t $1.00 tins week on sale at per garment. .(We Hardware ! Hardware ! We carry a full line of Hardware and Builders' Supplies. If interested get our prices before buying elsewhere. ill HILL BROS., - - MARKDALE. i I HI i R. D. M.I. bum, Portlaw, issuer ol nmrriaae A Komi house and Lot with stable to rent-, in Eugenia. Apply to John H Ja,niieson, owner, 101 Mont row Ave. Toronto, or Jouathun Latimor, Kuifeni p.o. 21 June. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We lave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance $ I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News 1 &") Weakly Globe Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald & Star Toronto Star 1 jW Farmer Sun 75 Farmers Advocate 1 X' Weekly Wit.iess 80 Saturday Niht 3 W Homu Journal "Q Poultry News . . ; . Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun* magazine 80 Dr, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflice and Residence 468, Oth St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment SEEDS ! SEEDS ! EED CORN Cotuptou s, Leetniug, Notrh Dakota, White Cap, Rcunio's Government inspected Mammoth Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa; Common Red, Timothy Seed, and all kinds of Garden and Flour Seeds Sowing Rape, Dutoh Seits, English Multipliers. FLOUR AND FEED Ugilve'a, Royal Household, White Rose, Ford's Patent and Morning 'lory for Pastry. Bran, Shores, Coru, Chop and Chicken Feed. Best Quality of Groceries at Prices always right, at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Brantford Roofing Crystal roofing and siding. Asphalt rooff- ( ing and siding, Rubber rooting. Steel . roofing and siding, Metallic ceilings. J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. For Sale or to Rent Lot 22, Con. 11, Glenelg, containing 100 acre.*, 'JO acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, balance hard wood bush, good frame barn, stone foundation, good stabling and driving house, com- fortable house, never failing well and good orchard. Tho above farm is only j miles from *he villaac of Markd*le. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor, Poitlaw p. o. OVEN OS VKARC' EXPERIENCE NERVOUS DEBILITY I OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you nnd mako a man of ymi. L'niler its inflmmro tho bntia MOOOMMtHK the bloou puritlu.l so that all pimples l)in:rhi and ulcers up: tho nerves ueuome strong ad ste*l, so that nervousness, ba.-.hfulncs nml aMpoadency cllsap|>ear: tho eyi>s liecome bricht, the face full (inJcleir, energy rrturnslotlio fxxly, and th? moral, physical and mental ytr-manr9 Invl-roratcil; r.ll drains ccisc no more vitnl waste from the systnm. You fool yourself a man ftn.l know mat-ringo cannot bo a failure. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you ot your hard earned dullara. W" NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS Telor E. Summers relates his experience: "I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. 1 lay it to indiscretion and esccsses in ymitn. I became very despondent and didn't care whether I worked or not. I imagined everybody ho looked at mo guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened ine my back ached, had pains in tho back Of my head, hand* and feet were cold, tired in the morning, poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes ohirml, hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in the (in.rrs s:t in and the doctor told me ho f'-aml paralysis. I toolc all kinds of medicines nnd tried many flrst-clnss physicians, wore nn electric bolt for three months, but received little benefit. I TRADE MARKS DMNM COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone aendlng- a nketch and dwcrlptlon mj qnlnklT MOrlln our opinion freo rrhelhor " iiivnnllnn IB prohnbly niitonlnMo. ( nnmiunlciv tloni trlollj Sonauoiil Inl. HANDBOOK on P.InU onl free OlilMt ngoncy for uticui mil ; polonta. I'liKinM taken through Munn * Co. recelvt fxrfni nollcv, without chnroo, lu tba Scientific Hmencait A hniultnriWlY .-ulmwn of IUIT M-M Cauda, I&.TS jeai. U uewndwaeia. - jounil. Torm for potUigo pteimW. Sold b, u. II L Brao% Onio*. 6 F 8t W.-whlntlon. 1>. C. doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced tbe NEW METHOD TREATMENT and It .:i . -, i my life. Tbe improvement was liko muffin I could fel tbe vigor going through tho nerves. I was cured mentally and physically. I have seat thorn many patienta and continue to do so. CURBS GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W., treat ! cm VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AMD URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES awl .11 D..c... peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If to c.ll writ* for . Qumtteo Blank for Horn* Treatment. DRS KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. M AT I f* IT AH letters from Canada must be addressed lw i IWfc to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- eHHMBteflteM incut in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patie.ts in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windaor. Ont . Writ for our private addrea*.