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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1912, p. 2

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INTERESTING GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. A Clergyman's Mistake Th* Racs Meeting Premier Bordan's Visit Beatlle Nesblll's Return. (W hum arranged for a weekly letter bout Toronto affairs, which, we belief*. will be of groat Interest to many ot our readers. These letters will be from the pen of on of Canutla'i foremost joiirna flits, a man who han covered soino o( the world's greatest happemnze and now o i'ii:. ii-. a leading position on ou of tue 'iu foil to dailies.) RCT. J. D. Morrow's campaign for $40 000 to ei.rnplttc II 1 t'g down-town EBUTOll luc- ii.. i Ik-en heli*-il by his action m mar- rying voting girl to a Chiuuiuun at u late hour t night, anil '.In- MUMOQttWJI Police fi.ort nr<iciN-iling- Mi' Morrow it the "marr/ipii" minister .if tho city, that Is. he of all th.' clergymen, has the greit- -nt muni . <if murnaEO cercniDnics to Ills credit in a year. He boasU lhat he tuniH all tin- leva mt-r to liin church fund, but the fees a a rule fr-im his patrons are not large, though thu riunamati g:ivo him $10. Mr. Morrow has 1>cen U'mg plenty of Other methods of raising funds. Sportinsy organization*, in recognition of his iu- V.-.-M in athletic* and hi-, fanner prowess a* a sprinter, have raised a goodly sum, bin the goal in at if, a long way off. Some of the wealthier oongreffatloDI have "iven p.-neroii^ly. and when Mr. Morrow gets a chance t<> go in another minister's pulpit he tells a touching story of his work among the down and outs and his stru?- r with the financial question. But large subscriptions are iufretiuent. Apparantly tu manv people Mr. Morrow U eccentric. WOODBINE GAYKTY. Fosribly the gayest Borial function in the Toronto calendar i the opening of the O. .1. C. spring meeting at the Woodbine. U le a scene not to be duplicated any where <m the American continent. United States race meets are not society func- tions. They draw a Knotting crowd pure and simple. And none of them has the beautiful setting that the Woodbine pro- tides the lake across the meadow, the unsurpassed green sward, the stately elms and the flower beds, (iiven May sunshina and May breezes the whole setting il Idyllic. The rrnwd i the moil cosmopolitan that gathers in Toronto. It cutii society in vertical section. The highest in the land is there. Ho is the lowest. About the stables one may see some rare specimene of humanity. Ro. also, in the public stand pi betting ring. Some sre. no doubt, attracted thither by the love of "man's best friend," but roost have the fever of gambling in their vein.4. PKKUIER IS I) KM Of RATIO. The first visit of the Kight Honorable R. I, B<.rden to Toronto -nice his arc. ion - the Premiership was the occasion of a warm welcome, as win natural in i-'.ty v,hn-h i so elronglv devoted to hie caue and party as is Toronto. While Mr. liordrn'H character RIM-IDS nil the sun I... i- " lack something of warmth, new* paper men know him to be one of tho --!-: i .,!>.- men in C-uiada to inter \iew. His nrede.-c-'Hiir. Sir NVilfrid Lau rier. relnwcl alwtys, and still refuses, to be quoted in an interview about anything-. Mr. II. -i. n t, nil the other hand, rarely de- clines to be interviewed, though, natur- ally. In it'"- not make important an- tiounci-mrnts by this method. To say that he is eaFT t interview does not mean that he iv a seeker of uunlicily. or has not a keen cn f c of dignity. Quite the contrary. Sir l.iltiiTind Osier, his host ilunnz his vi-it. has hv;iTH epresed himsi'lf n warm KdmiriT of Mr Borden'l abllit'ep aud i-haractcr. Kir Kdmund is one nl ( unailn's wealthieKt men, the Canadian 1'acinc -i <! Northwest lands having fur niched 'in with the moans of fortune building. LIVK WIHK IN I.AfROSSK. The Ucrofse rituution han been touched by x live wire thi seas'in. said live wir )M-IHK no ICHH a iiff-'niiK" than our olil friend H J. Fleming. ( Manager <>l the Toronto Ktieet Kailway. whoso chief liulilji. - heretofore hav been Jersey cun-- and Sunday scliiHil ui'tivities. Until last vear 'Bob' Klemiug did not know a liui'.^c 'tick from a baseball bat Then he hail tl-i- Toronto I.-icronsn Club given t-. luin. It VV.IM literally forced on him. The ownern had lieen losing inoiiny. They - i .s no \\.-tv of veiling even. Tbe" had been iihiving on the Toronto Railway I'ompany s grounils n* Bcarboro lleach. and n< -hrv went t'> thn railway's man- Hger and calmly informi'il him that it wax tip to him to take tlin team off their band)'. He went to nee his hoys play. The? lol. lie .... .i.-.i to get .inn- new players. II in he n>- in formed that under the rules .f the N. It A. he could not eng:l|te new lilnyers at thai HMge of th- MI- i win. The in. i. lent ;-i ." wh:it a lumen he wns. Hut Ali.h y<-ar he '-:-. not t-> lie fofiled affain. ith the re-oi't that lacr isse pliy- i - have been mukii ir <-ontra<:ts at mi- ilii lined of priri'. There never h;in been iii Ii H...i:jr>. Of i-our e, the giiini' In Ibis leufne Inn been th.inng'ily profMitoB- rlifeil. anil nn oite f'-iy- (or irlcrv And hCln-rt-i they have played for niodemte r<-li , -p- di r,i t i.ii . Hut betwiH-n It. ,1. Klrniine and 'on. Jonei. .;. e- Australian, who runs 11 big bill' >H parlor in V-in- i inner, mid who i" .In- lucrossp inak'nuto *.l lir.t,h ' - . .MI''- - . <',i .-. have beoti When the Appetite Lags A bowl of Post Toast ies with cream * hits the riffht spot. "Toastics" arc thin bits of corn; fully cooked, then toasted to a crisp, golden-brown. This food makes a fine change for spring appe- tites. Sold by Grocers, and ready to serve from pack- age instantly with cream and sugar. "The riemory Lingers" ROTA.L PALACE OP DENMARK, THE LATE KINO AND HIS QUEEN. ^"^f!':^9. -". * .' ' .v '*.*-.' !.. . ,- -.' ..'-.- . ' . : ' , , ,;*, -t ;**" &&*Mk.^' * LT*TO*S% ;">'.* .lit;:.: Xv Boosted to dizzy height*. In the Newsy Lalondo alTair it is understood that Jones Daid $5.000 for a one-season contract after rlemlni thouirht he had him at $4.500. of which $2,000 hud boim paid over. Whon trlendf point out that at such salaries he t-au't hope to make money, oven il he fillod th largest grand ntand in the city at every game, Mr. Flem- mine declares that all ho cares about is to get a team that will win games. With biif 1,-iiu-ii,- laoro8M so thoroughly commeroialized it is a pity that thfi situ- ation in the amateur leagues of the na- tional came is not better. But there is a hope that the rivalry between the Ca- nadian and Ontario associations will bo straightened out before another season. DE. NESBITT HOME AGAIN. Dr. Boattio Nesbitt ii again in our midst. The method of his home-comin was quite iu keep me with his character. How to Ret from the Chicago train to the Jail without running into a reporter or a photographer wag a problem that eave a now turn to the gamo of life, but frame which offered some meacure The largo building in this picture represents the Danish royal palace. f enjoyment it appealed to the jovial .The figure inset above is that of the doctor and an Mich he entered into it !, , T?,^,._ ; with hi accustomed lest. ThoBn who aw the doctor in court de- clare he has aired creatly in the sixteen monthi since ho loft Toronto. He bun lost weiicht. added wrinkled and loot some of his accustomed ligbtsomences of man- ner. Sympathy is expresed for his wife and child, a little girl. Mrs. Nesbitt was one of the two daughters of the late Mr. Hub- bard, who had built up a Incr business in dental Bupplies. and left at his death an estat* of Home $200.000. Dr. Nesbitt man- aged the business for a period, but un- successfully. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING CENTRES OF AMERICA. TRADE # late King Frederick ; that below is that of Queen Alexandrine, who now becomes; the Queen Dowager. oats, 55c. No. 2 rye. 87 l-2n. Bran. $23.50 to *24.00. Flour First patents. $5.50 to *5.- 75; second patents. $5.15 to $645: first clears. SJ.90 to $4.15; second clears. $2.80 to $3.10. Buffalo. May 21.- Snring wheat. No. 1 Northern, carloads, s.ore. 81217-8: Win- ter. No. 2 red. $1.22: No. 3 red. $1.20; No. 2 white, $1 21. Corn, steady. Oat*. No. 2 white. 603-4c; No. 3 white. MMc: No. 4 white, $1 80. 591-4c. Barley, malting. $1.17 to M -. t bf i HI... it mi PoHltim I i-l.-ll I '> . I;'. I Purn K<nl K'ictoriOH Winilior. MI... . ... i l.i Prlctj of Cattle, Grain, Chitsi and other Product at Home and Abroad. BRBADBTOnrB. ToroDto. May 21. -Klour Winter wheat. 90 Dr ci-ut. |i iii-Nt. $4.05 at m-aboiiril. and at <4.10 to -I i for homo consump- tion. Manitoba BOUrt Pint imtenty. $5.- 70: second patPiitx. $520. and ttronj; lj;ik- er', $5. on track. Toronto. Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern. $1.- 101-2. Hay ports: No. 2 at $1.071-2. and No. 1 at $1.041-2. Bay port*. Krcil wh<Ml, 68c, H.IV iinrtM. Ontario ulirnt No. 2 white, r.-.l and miied, $1.05 to $1.06. out- Hide. Pens No. 2 shipping noun. $1.25, ottUldc. Oats Car loin of No. 2 Ontario, 49r. and No. 3 nt 47c. outsido. No. 2 Ontario, | 51 to 52v. on track, Toronto. No. 1 extra W. C. fwd. 49r. May portn, and No. 1 at 48r, Hay porta. I ('orn -No. 3 American yellow Quoted nt 621-20. Hay ports, and at 860. on truck, Toronto. Ilyy- J'rices nominal. Km knh. .1 70 to 72o, outside. Bran Munitoba bran, $25, in bag*. To- ronto fri'licht. Short* $27. COUNTRY PBOUUOK. Apples $350 to. $5 per barrel. HHAIIH Small lots of handplokad, $2.70 to $2.75 pnr binhcl ; prinicn. J2.60 to $2.-65. ll-.n.-v l-'i-i .11 u-il. in HIM. II txi 12c r. ' II). Oomlm. 2.SO to $275 n dojon. Ilali-d Hay No. 2, $18 to $19 a ton. Clo- ver, mixed. $14 ;<> $15.50. on track. Straw ?11 to $11.50, on track, T.i- rmito. Potatoes Car l.ttn of Ontarioa. in IHIBH. $1.75 to *1 80. and IMawurex at $1.85 to $1.90. Oiit-of-tore. *t.9j tn $2. Imported lio;atoc, $1.60 in car Lit-, and $1.80, out- of-itore. Poultry Wholesnlf prices of ehnice drcMHed po.iltry- Chirki'iiH. 15 to 17c per lb.; fowl. 11 to 12c; diK-ks. 12 to 14c: tur- keys. 20 to 21 c. Iiivv poultry, ulioiii 2c lower than the ;ilmvc niHTKK. l-:il(iS, rilKKHK. llnttcr Dairy, choice, 25 to J6c; hakiTs'. inferior. 21 to 22c; creainory. 29 to 30c for i-.illi. nml 28 to 29e for solidu. KKK<i New-laid. 22 to 23c per dozen, in case. lots. Cheese New die-one, 141-2 to 15c. per pound. LIVK STOCK MARKETS. Montreal. May 21. -Cuttle Prime hpeves, 7 l-2e to 8c: medium, 53-4c to 71-4c: com- mon. 41-4c to 51-2c : milch cown. JO to *70: calTPfl. 2 l-2c to 6 1-2c ; sheep. 5c to 61-4c: Hpring lambs. $3.50 to $6. CO each; hogs. 9l-2c. Toronto. May 21. Cattle - Kxtra eho'cp hc.-ivy sNrs for butcher and oxj>ort. $7.- 30 to $7.50: Rood medium to choice butcher loads, $6.40 to $7.30: mixed light butcher. $6 to $6.25; common. $3.50 to $5.60: can- iH-rti. $2 to $3: choice, butcher cows. llrm. at $5.25 to $6.50; bull*. $5 to $6.2S. Ktoekers Steady demand at $5.25 to S6 for (r-xid quality: oxlrn choice Iwavy f"<>ders $525 to $6.50. Calve* (iood veal. S3 to $7.50; bobs. 1.50 to $2.50. Sheen- Choice ewes. $5 to $6; bucks and culls $4 to $3; spring lambs. $4 to S7 each. HOBS $8.90 to $9, led anil watered, $8.65 f.o.b. KKI'LY TO GERMANY. MONTREAL MAKKKTS. Montreal. May 21 Oats Canadian West- ern. No. 2, 551-2 to 56c ; del., Canadian Western, No. J, 511-2 to 52e; do., extra No. 1 feed. 521-2 to 53c. Barley Man. fred, 65 to 66c: do., maltiiiK. $1 05 to $1.06. Duck- wheat No. 2. 74 to 75e. Flour Man. -I.IHU- whnnt pntetits. Brsts, $5.80: do., Mxxindfi. $530: do., -'. -n:r hnkera'. $5.10: do.. Winter patents, choice. $5.25 to $5.35; do, MM. iik'lii rollers, $4.80; do., it might rollerH. baRS. $2.25 to ?.... lUillpil oats liui. I, $5.85; do., bait <. Oil !!,.. $155. llran $25.00: shnr:s. $27.00; iniildlinirs. $2900: moiiillie. $30.00 tn $34.00. Hay -No. 2. per ton. lots, $18.50 to $1900. Chcesr -Finest We sterns. !33-4c; do., flnrxt Knst- erns, 131-4 to 13l-2c. Mutter Choicest creamery. 261-2 tn 3k:; do., seconitR. 2o1-2o to 26e. KBIS Fresh. 23 to 231-2c; do., No. 2 stock. 18 to 20c. Potatoes Per baR. car lots, $1 70 to $1.75. UNITKII STATUS MAIIKIOTS. Minneiip<iHs. May 21. Wheat May. $1.- 141-8; July. $1141-2; Sfpteinher. $1.0S7-8 to *1.06; No. 1 hard, $1.17; No. 1 Northern. $1.16 to $1.161-2: No. 2 Northern. $1.14 to ! 141-2; No. 3 *h -at. HI 12 In H. 12 1-2. No. 3 ycllo* com. 771-2 io 78 l-2c. No. 3 white Supplementary i -mn MI-- to be Prosontcil by Uio Ailinir.-ill.v. A" despatch from London nays : Mr. Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, announced in the House of Commons on Wednesday that in vit'w of tho additional sums to be <'X|MMiilcd l>y (Jet-many OH na- val construction tinder the new Can-man naval hill, which p.<t*scd its second reading in the lleichstafr, on Tuesday, ho would certainly hu\e to presont supplementary naval es- timates this year, as he had inti- mated in his sjM-och when introduc- ing thd naval budget. PUIXCK OF WALKS' PLANS. (.oiiiK to Kiigliiiid for Hirllulay. and Then llctiirns lo Paris. A despatch from Paris says : The Prince of Wales, after the manoeu- vers of the French fleet in the Medi- terranean in June, which ho will witness from the battleship Danton, will KH to England for his birthday, Juno 23. He will return to Paris immediately afk-r and will continue his itudiefl until the Cowes regatta, the first week in August. The Prince goes then to Scotland and will remain there until October, when he will enter Oxford. TITAMC FIND IS TOO UK.. What A The Mayor Does* Not Know to Ho With Surplus. despatch from London says: Lord Mayor foresees consider- able trouble as to what he is to do with the- subscriptions to the funds for the Titanic sufferers. He says quite, enough money has already been subscribed to relieve all dis- tress, but the donation! are still coming in. There will be a surplus of a considerable amount, to which COTMllderatiOB must now he given. UNWISDOM OF BUYING CERTAII SHARES ON PRESENT MARKET. Several Instances of Where th Investc Should Leave tho FICI-I Severely Alon and Let the Speculators Take th. Chances and any Ultimate Profit. The article* contributed bT "Inveitor re for the >ole purpose of guiding pro pectlve Investor*, and, if possible, of s ing them from toeing moneT throue placing it in "wild-out" enteri,rie. TV impartial and reliable character of th Information ma? be relied upon, writer of theoo article! and the ynblinh' cf this paper have no interMti to erv In connection with thU matter other tha tboae o* the reader. (By "Investor.") At the present time the Toronto and Montreal stock exrhair*en are shovrim the greatest activity for some monthi pant. Several important investment an. BPini-invoKtmont Mrurities like Rio de Janeiro Tramwayn. Sao Paulo. Winnipeg Klectric and Toronto Railway- not to men tion C. P. R.-have been .strong and ac- tive. Of late, however, there has been a decided prominence given to the commor shares of a number of industrial con: panie*. which may be justified from * sneculative point of view, but which n' one should purchase under tho imprei- sion that he was investing iu the trut sense of the word. For those who can afford to take ch:inees, and can diupen: r with inoome from their investtncnta foi some time to come -several years, per haps -there in something to be said for well chosen purchaies of industrial cir- mon stocks. Anyone, however, who is BUT ticiently well versed in the Hnun ml situ ation to uiuke such T>urcha:;es with pro per discrimination requires little further iu the way of general financial education For the average person particularly those away from the chief centres, where information (of a xort) more or lean in- formed may be had for the asking it is> the reverse of wise to 'dabble" in the stoek market. That, of course, i* all they would be doing were they to purchase the*- securities at the present time. The most recent of the common shares to move were these of the 'Stei-1 Company of Canada." Most of this stock wua given away to the promoters and us a bonu; lo underwriters of the bonds. A< such it represents merely the value pl.i- '! <m "good will." and at present, and fur -mile years to come, is chiefly 'witi-- that is stock created for vuriout pur posc-4 for which no money is paid, and. therefore, represents no invc-u -ne'it of cash in the plant. When in ye j ir< t<i come the increase in the vali:e of the plant and other assets h-jn jii.ttiHe.l giv- ing a value of nar for thi i stock the "water" is fr-aid to have been ' t-queese.l out." 'I'be earnings on "Steel of Canada" com- mon shares are about 3.8 per cent. It should bo some years before any divi- dend is attempted <>n the common <hares and so they aro not worth wlmt they UP.- selling for t<-d:i.v. though the s|ii-cula- live ciuince that u dividend may bo naid sooner than generally exported KIVCH them a value in the market quite dis- tinct from that which one would (live them from an investment point of view. Spanish Kiver Puln and Ontario Pulp and Paper Companies' common shares have, also been moving excitedly for some time now. but as those interests c!ose.-t to the inside are at a loss to juUify the present prices for as yet earnings do no; justify them, though they may before long there is not much to be said on the subject. Other shares like fiawyer-Massey com- mon are moving upwards too. The Saw- yer-Masscy common stock is dnubtle- s nearer dividends than many others more recently issued, but the water hasn't "ct been squeezed out in u suffloieut degree to justify the purchase of the stock a an investment, albeit an unremunerative one. for there is no dividend in night for some years on that stock either. The policy of not paying dividends un- til a good substantial reserve is built up is a sound one, and any shareholder who urges his company to act otherwise ifl HO eager for the fruits of the present that he jeopardizes tho possibilities of largu crops in the future. And so, anyone who buys non-dividend industrial common stocks at the present time. unleHH he has reason to think the period of reserve building is at an end. is not Investing winely. In any caso his in- vestment savors rather too much of specu- lation to be in any sense sound. BANDITS HOLD VI' THAIN. Southern Kxorrss C'o. Decline In- formal ion -is to LO.HSPS. A despatch from New Orleans says : Southern Express Company officials here declined to vouchsafe any information as to the amount of money secured by robbers, who early on Wednesday held tip a Queen & Crescent flyer south of Huttiesburg and dynamited the ex- press car. It is denied, however, that the robbers obtained a sum approximately $uo,ooo, the losses reported. FIGURES Till: KIMTISII INtJl IKY INTO THU TITANIC UISASTEU. FOR MAKING SOAP, SOFTENING WATER, REMOVtNG PASP^T, DISINFECTING SN5XS. CLOSE.TS,DRAINS,ETC. SOLD REFUSE SUBSTITUTES I5AAC5 HAMAR. GREEN\TQOD HP. SIR. JOHN C . BINGHAM, CHILD DIKS FROM RAT RITES. Mysterious Case of a Little Clirl at London. A despatch from London, Ont., ?ays : The Millar baby which was ' litten by rats at the homo of Mrs. ) Ueorge Haslett, York Street, where' it was being boarded by its mother, vho is now in Berlin, died as a re- -ult of its injuries at Victoria Hos- pital on Thursday morning. The ;hild was left in its cot in the din- ng-room on the night of April 25, when thirteen days old, ar.d when discovered by Mrs. Haslett in ths morning was in a very serious con- dition. The bedclothing was satur- ited with blood, and one of the in- : ant's nostrils, portions of its ears ind left check had been bitten by odents. TORNADO RAXK.S VILLAGE. ITiiiiiliTtls Killed by a l.l-Miuutc (.'yelone in Hungary. A despatch from Vienna says : In the district of Szolnock, Centra] Hungary, a tornado wiped our, four market towns within fifteen min- utes, on Thursday. In Balvjnyos Varalja 240 houses were .;\vept away, leaving hundreds o.v.;tituto. and burying dead and dyin^ in the ruins. In the Village of Sza^uiatc 150 houses were blown aw \y. Of th? Town of Kaba Ujfalu, with hun- dreds of houses, nothing remains. In one place 170 house? form a great help of debris. Military detach ments have been sent to help tho destitute population. It is impossi- ble to estimate the loss of life, but it is feared it must reach several hundred. 62 INTEREST AND SAFETY Q Price Bros and Company Bonds pay 6 per cent on the investment. They offer the strong security of first mortgage on 6,000 square miles of pulp and timber lands which are insured at Lloyds against fire. The earnings of the Company at present approximate twice the bond interest. The new pulp mill in course of construction will double this earning power. Purchased at their present price they pay interest at the rate of 6 per cent. The best posted investors in Canada and England have purchased these bonds. Owing to the security and increasing demand of the products of the Company, these bonds will unquestion- ably increase in value. If you have money to invest write us for complete information. SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING R. M. WHITE Manager YONCE AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO MONTREAL-QUeSEC-HALIFAX-OTTAWA LONDON (ENQ.) $50,000 WANTED FOR LARGE MANUFACTURING COMPANY The business of the Siemon Company, Limited, has bean growing so rapidly ths: an Immediate Increase of capital Is re- quired. We are Instructed to offer $50,000 ^reference stock, in shares of $100, In this Company, on the following terms: We guarantee a dividend of 7 per cent., payable on June 1st and December 1st. This 'tii-ilfnJ /tan ni-i-fr bnn, /xt-ised. Invettor* d?.-iirinf the, nntnfn qf parti t* a!/ through Ontario who //air bffn rfff.iv- in/} divitUn(Uof7p*r rent, for eight or itinit year* >i-ill kindly tvrite us, and > .ifiafl be jitra.tfd to sfndfiifl particulars. Preferred stockholdirs also share In the dividends on com- mon stock, as follows! If th common stock nays 3 qor cent, the preferred pays 3 pjr cent. In addition to the 7 per cent, guaranteed, or 10 per cent, in all. Investors may rtd:em their shares at par at any tlm* after one year upon giving ilxty days' notice. NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LTD., CONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING, TORONTO, ONT. T5 Our New Perfection Broiler Is pleasing many women. It enables the housewife to broil as well on the New Perfection Stove as over a coal fire. It USeS dl the hsat. ] ^ c ^ ^ Cour5e y u ' familiar with tho It coo/; v evenly. It broils both sides at ones. ^ It doesn't smoke. Oil Cook'StOVC It U tuch a convenience all the year roucd. It will bake, brail, roait and toart juit it well a* a regular coal range. Ail Iu tct the Now I VrliM lion Stove at your .-i>,-,. h u K.irkmic-lj tm!i._-,l in nickel, wmav ckomrl top, drop ihelvo, lawel rack*, elc. It hal loci, enameled, tin quoiie- blue ckimeyi. Mida wilh 1 , 2 or J buriwr.. Vn Cool-flok wid> ever IT ilnte. Cick-Book aha ivrn lo anyoM _ - ... '..i i conti lo cover .'mn^j coil. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited I 1 ?.').' r I, St. John, Halifax and QUIVMI <Miv !,'!-.' MOO, Toronto

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