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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1912, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRISCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 31, NO 46 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, May 23, 1912 W. H. THURSTON EDITOR od PBOPBIETO Kimberley Budget Plenty of rain these days. Miss Delia Abercrombie of Heathcote (pent Saturday and Sunday last at her parental home. Mr. Amos McClung and Miss Myers of M irkiUie, spent Suii'liy last at the former's parental home here. Mr. Richard Burrell cf Rocklyn, one Euphmsia's most progressive farmers, was a welcome caller in our burg on Thursday last. Our local fruit export, Mr. Joiin Piewcs, is of the opinion that the heavy frost ou Tuesday nitjht of last week has done much more damage to the prospec- tive fruit crop than people are aware of. It was certainly a scorcher. Mrs. M. R. Hammond and Mra. Rid- del! visited friends at Beaverdale during the past week the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. John Manarty. Mr. John McGee had one of his legs badly sprained recently by a land roller passing over ic. It appears that, the tongue ran through the ring in the neck- yoke, thus causing the horses to run away with the above rrsult. \Ve are pleased to report that the injured mem- ber is healing nicely, and in a week or so John will be himself again. Can't keep a good man down, eh, Juhn ! Before The Advance reaches its nu- merous readers this week one of our pro- gressive young fanners will have joined the benedicts. Put on your think cap. Married- -At the Methodist parsonage, Mwkdale, on Tuesday, May 14, by the Rev. Mr. Younir, assisted by the Rev. J. R. Wilkinson of Holland Centre, Mr. Charles Giabam to Miss Sadie Plewes.ill of Kimberley. We offer congratulations and join with their many friends in wish- ing them a long and prosperous voyage through life. Mr. Saul Fawcett has purchased Mr. R. D. Carrutbers' property here con- taimn? some 75 acres. This property is especially adaptei to fiuit growing and poultry raising. Saul intends planting most of it out in fruit trees and to even- tually go extensively into poultry raising Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers intend to go west next spring. Mr. Ashley Faweett, the barber, who some weeks ago accepted :i luciative po- sition in North Bay, his recently opened up a barber shop of his own :U Callauder. {Success, Ashley. The sinking of the mammoth ocean linef, Titanic, which lesulted in the loss of some 1000 lives, e:ist a gloom over the entire civilized woild. At once every precaution imaginable was and is being taken by all steamship companies to in sure the safety of human life while cross ing lar^e bodies of water. But, dear reader, did you ever realize that righ here in our own country, Canada, wt license men to deal out poison to our fellow men that annually, directly, causes the death of thousands. The sinking o the Titanic, though the greatest marine disaster of modern times, is but a trivia affair compared to the awful miser, caused by the liquor traffic in Canada Yet practically little or nothing is being done by our governments, fuderal local, regardless of their political stripe When will we as Canadians wak up to sense of our duty ( Mr. Stanley Walter, who has spen the year in Toronto, returDcd home last week. Mr. Walter Elliott of Miu-kdale spen Sunday last the guest of Mr. mid Mrs Neil boyle. Priceville Jottings The snowstorm and accompanying rost on the 13th nipped the meadows adly. Timothy and alfalfa seemed to uffer iii'.i-;. Hay and oats ire becoming scarce ar- icles here. Wheat chop is used exten- ively, especially m feeding pigs. A thunder storm passed over here bout 4 o'clock Monday morning last, and hen it rained all the afternoon, all night nd half of Tuesday, leaving the unseed- d fitlds in an unworkable condition. Now, dear reader, many of you are al- ky* looking for fun. Some 6nd amuae- .isnt in the repetitious of a parrot, and onie look for sterner scenes, lite a boar >r bear hunt. Well, some have smiled luring the past few weeks and others iave not, while we ruffled the feathers of )ickie and he repeated the >ile slanu ,hat he learned while possibly in touch wtihthe gutter. We ledyouto tbe thicket and roused the wild boar with formidable tusks and bristles erect. Some of you ere thrilled by his furious charges and some were awed at the gnashing of his 'oam-covered jawa, and no doubt some loped that the btar at bay would squeeze or cuft' us with his mighty paws, but after all, an occasional scratch or tussle n the dust only adds a little excitement to the chase ; and now we liave hung our DOW and spear on the wall for a few months, because " all sport and no work might leave Jack without a shirt." We read with much interest Arnold Thurstou's experience iu London, Eng. Archie McLean, Collingwoud st., went to the Michigan Soo a short tima ago and will likely remain for the season. Stanley Ferguson, who has been at- tending the Faculty of Education, To- ronto university, c une home last week at the cloe of the term, nd will likely re- tur.i in a few days to teach in one of the ci'y schools. It would surprise you to kuow ut the good that is being done l>y Chainberl-iin - Tablets. Daxius Downey, of Sewberg .lunc tion, N. B , writes, "My wife lia-s been us ing ChambvrUin'* Tabletsand rin.U them very effectual ami doing her Kits f good." If yoi have any trouble with your stomach >i bowels give them a trial. For sale by al dealers. Victoria Corners Rev. Mr. Wellwood of Fleshertou, preached a very inspiring sermou in Tnistioge chui'ch last Sunday. He and Rev. Campbell exchanged pulpits for the day. Master Robert Ludlow, Mr. Oeo. Ludlow's baby, has been quite ill but is improving. Maxwell The W. I. Concert held last week was well attended and pa*8d off very well considering it was held in the middle of the rainy season. The la dies should be thankful, however, as they were favored, with the only tine o emu- for lotne time. Born To Mr. ami Ml*. Norman II null*, on May 11, a daughter. Much sympathy is felt here for Mr. kM win Lioley, who received the sad news of the death of hit only brother, Mr, Samuel Linley, who has been iu the west for tome years. Durham David Hopkins of Bentinck fell out 01 a wagon, cutting himself ibout the fact and head and sustaining serious bnises Goldwin fluckinghani, aged 4, fell of a dray, one wheel of which passed ovei his mikle, but by some miracle the bun- was not broken. A new foot bridge has been erectet over the river where the bridge wt washed away by spring freshets. While a couple of town boys were driv ing a cow to the slaughtei house on Sat urday last there wiis a dispute between the cow and the boys. The boys though they were " boss " and the cow laidclain to the title, and herein Uy the trouble which was followed by a physical argu tnent. There was soon a general mixup The- boys and cow got so tangled tha they were at List unable to say which wa the boy and which was the cow. Subse quently they got on forbidden grouu and mixed up with Ye Editor's clothe reel. They, struck a snag and her bovin ladyship and the boys found theraselve taugled up in the wires. After some de liberation they decided which was which and began to unravel them selves. The Irishman who put his troiif arson wrong side foremost and jumpe from the fourth story of a burning build ing, decided, on viewing himself, that h ' wasn't kilt entirely, but he was fatal! twisted,"' so the boys decided the clotht reel was considerably disarranged aiv would need to go to the hospital for re pairs. It was ' fatally twisted." Dur him Chronicle. The Reid Wrecking Company ha succeeded in raising the Turret Cap uuk last fall near Cove Island an towing her to Collingwood. NOTICE Carney Mills Burned Owen Sound, May 18. The great umber mill of the Carney Lumber Corn- any was completely destroyed by fire t an early hour this morning. The mill as one of the largest and most modern >f ita kind in Canada, and is a complete 'reck. The warf and lumber piles in lie adjacent yard were saved through le splendid work of the local tire de- artment, and a favorable wind from tie ncrth-east. The loss Ls estimated at upwards of 100.000, which is partially covered by naurauce. A .staff uf about 125 men will e thrown out of work until the mill is ebuilt. The stock if lumber which is wned by the (lines Lumber Company f Chicogo, which took the output of the mill, was entirely saved. The Carney Lumber Mills were erect- d in 1906 by Messrs. Fred and Frank Carney of Marinette, Wis. The site of leven acres was granted by the town fur i consideration of $1,500, and the firm was given exemption from all taxation >ut school taxes fur ten years. The ilant was probably the most modern and horoughly equipped ou the Georgian Any, and special attention had been joid to tire protection, two hydrants and several stands of hose being iniulled in he building besides a complete sprinkler system. In the absence of the owners, both of whom are in the United Scates, it is ill possible to say whether the plunt rfill se rebuilt. The company's timber iinits are on the north shore. The blow o^the town, industrially speaking, will be r elt. The company employed over one lundred and twenty-rive men, and their wage roll ran up to about 75,000 annu- ally. Their annual cut ran "to upwards of twenty million feet each season. The oiigin of the tire remains a com plete mystery. The night watchman had been around tbe mill at - o'clock, and had gone (.uton the tramway?, where his ast register shows '2.1.'! o'clock. It was immediately after this that he saw the smoke rolling up from the mill and ni in the alarm. The insurance .will cover part of the loss. 7 eversham Items Our constable, Mr. I. H. Perigoe, had luick call over to the 12th line on Fri- ay evening last to arrest a tramp fur ettiog tire to i vacant house on a farm ented by Mr. Charles Weldrick. The ramp wa sent to Owen Sound by J. A. ernahan, J.P. Constable Perigoe took im there on Saturday morning. As uck would have it, the fire was noticed i time to extinguish it before it h id ained much headway. Mr. John Stouteuburg of Collingwood was a visitor in our burg on Sunday, omnig over froiv the former town in his uto. Mr. Chester Long of Collingwood apeut unday at Mr. lieo. Whiteoak's. Born-Oil Thursday; May '., t) Mr- nd Mi. Eru. rlawton. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander spent Sun- day with the former's mother nu the 10th ine. Mr Stiver of Dundalk tpeut Sunday with his uncle, Geo. Whiteoak, iu this village. A Tale of Hardship A tile of terrible privation :uid grin endurance on the inland seas is told in despatch from Wiartou which suys : For sixty-einht hours practically without food, drifting about in a launch on th roughest sea ever known oi^the (-ieoriiui Bay, Phi'ip Clark, Jack Pyett, Tlioiua.- K11U, and KotiaJd Mclntyre, all natives of the Manitoulin island, were picked up by the barge Tempest of Toledo, thirty nine iniles from Cove Island and brough to this port safely. It was a sight t< make strong men weep to see them beiui, carried on the arms of others to the shore. Their story is as follows : A (*..'JO Saturday evening they left Provi deuea Bay for their homes at Michael' Bay, a distance of ten miles, iu a iso line launch. After they had none abou rive miles their engine played out th gasoline was done. They had a 6-g.tlloi c:in full en board but to their dism.v they found that the rocking of the launc 1 had knocked the spout off and that th water which had come into the boat hai _;nt into the can tnd consequently th; were without any power. A s'.ron north-east wind blew them directly mt the lake. All that night, all day Sunds and Sunday ni'.'ht, in the rain and snow with the wiud blowing a sale of liO mile per hour, with the worst sea ever know OD lake Huron, they were tossed nbou and exposed to the weather. All th food tlu-y had was some raw potatoes an some raw prunes. Still they never Ins hope. Once they thought they t-aw him but afterwards it proved to be only cloud. Al last, on Tuesday afterii(,>i>i about 4 o'clock, they were sighted by th barge Tempest, Capt. Johnston, from Toledo, and brought to this por'. Thei hands and feet were badly frozen, and i some cases probably amputation will b necessary. The fact that they are aliv is proof of their strong physique an their courageous spirit. Ronald Mclu tyre tutfered the least. The men are re ceiving medical attention and every pos sible kindness is being shown them. It i not thought that any of them will die. Singhampton The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at tha home of Mra. J. Shields on Thursday. May M, when twelve members and three visitors were present. The usual business was trans- acted iucludmi? the election of officers. The June meeting will be hel in H -.-. Hall on June 15th. Miss Allison of Chicagn will take charge of t!it meeting and lunch will Le served as u?ual. Mi. and Mrs. Hippinstall uf Meaford ivere Tutting at the Exchange Hotel recently. Ma-ster liecrge Ewing happened with a painful accident on Friday morning when he had his arm broken ic two j places. T'dton and Stout Bros., our new store- keepers, are just about settled now, and doing a rushing business. We are pleased to learn that Mrs recovering from hor illness. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Bwkev'a DURHAM, opeuS SAT. MORNING, JUNE 1st at 8.30 o'clock. S40.000.00 Stock New Droker's Bargains. 4 Saturdays, 1!) straight Business Days . All Come ! A. D. LEAROYD, H$' K N .V 8 StMing MtKechni.'. Big Stk, Durham. Poor appetite is a sure ni^n of impaired ligestion. A tV\v tinsfs of Chaiulterlain * >niuch and Liver Tablets will strengthen vimr digencum andiiuprote apjwUCe. Thmirt- ands been benefited ty sakinir tbe-^ Tablets. Sold by all dealcn. Sir Charles Tupper, who i coming jack to Canada with the body if Lady Tupper, will probably spend the rest of liis days in the Dominion. The veteran statesman is now over ( J) years uf a^e and only recently passed through a some- what serious illness. The Dominion Government is providing a car in which the remains of Lady Tupper will be taken to Hdifax for interment. Sir Charles will afterwards go through in this cr to British Columbia, probably Ottawa on the way. It is tliought that he will make his home in British Columbia. Fred Liiriow of Underwood touhip, Bruce county, was thrown violently against a birbed wire fence by a runaway tea and injured so badly that be only lived a short time. Lame back is uaualy caused by rheumatism oi th mutcles of the back, for which yon wilt nud nothing belter than Chamberlain's Liniment. For tale by all dealers. Grateful Mother Ferrozone Builds Up Weak Tells of Her Daughter's Re- covery. A mother will always be wnrri ! and anxious if one at her daught'-ra jhould be affected: that from any ;auss the natural functions t the boc'y become retarded or suppressed. Any irrvguiurity. especially in a growing ffirl. is apt to be the furcrunmr "f a long chain of sickness. not unfro- auently followed by pernicious a::- ieniia or consumption. "My daughter had just passed hir sixteenth year \vhen. owing to an ex- posure at an inopportune tim\ an im- portant action of the syto:n ceased- " So writes Mrs. Thomas E. St. Nicholas, of Manchester South. "Stilla subject to violent nos.: b!e.-d was hysterical and borne down by fits .if mental depression. She grew- listless and debilitated, and her progress at school \vas prevented by frequent small ailments which kept her at homo. After using b'errozone six or seven weeks, some signs of improvement i-ame. but not suffi- cient to show that he would grow na- tural again. It was c; , fully three months ull s after she had been using Ferrozone be- fore my worry was over. After that her system became natural and regu- lar. I cheerfully recommend Kerni- zone for all troubles incident to girl- hood and womanhood." Ferrozone is a womanly tonic that supplies to the blood and nerves the qualities that are lacking when health Is poor. No medicine is so nourishing so full of life and vigor-making prop- erties. Try one or two Ferrozone Tab- lets w-ith your meals watch the re- sult- Fifty cents a box. six for $2.50. all dealers, or The Catarrbozone Co- Kingston. Canada. CORNS CURED \J t\ 111 O , M HOVRS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam s Corn Extractor. I never burns, leaves no scar, contains no icids; is harmless, because composed only of healing Kums and balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. Hdc bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR any lousiness I'olle^oe cloee for a vacation during the niitumer ELLIOTT. TORONTO. ONT. , does no6- >'owi3an excellent t.iuii wcommenceacourr-i Writs for ctrleguo. BURX 5pcci<ll*t In iiiifi.' of th Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Offiee-30 Oth *t. West. Owen Sound At the Revere house, Mark dale. 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dunlk, IstThnrwUy of Get Ready by Telephone Sprin-r I'lantin; suggest many wante . s-'<K tomatoes, new implements. The Rural Ti'irphone is boon to the farmer in the Daily Routine and in all The Bell Telephone Co. Is now considering Rural Line extensions in this district. Write for particulars to our nearest Local Manager, or tail at our The Bell Telephone Company of Canada \\Y ,,'. ihe .:iJest Seed Store in town ,-iud we ^n'y carry the best. A >ii.a 'in the best hliuses. Cmneiu aril see them. Timothy > lt j. K-.-d Cl.-ver. Marnir.'tli rVvur, Alfalfa Clover. Alsike Clover, S' l iiii; Kape, Orchard (.irass. The. best a^ortment f Tui-iip SeeJ, Mangel Sred and Sugar Beet. In Flour aud Vegetable Seeds we can giTe you a big choice. Sweet Peas au.i Na <iurtk'ii Seeds m packi^es ami bulk. In Crn we -lava Crouipton'-* Early, Longfellow, North Dakota, Etc. W. E. RICHARDSON & F L E S M E 1C T C? X SON 1 * Spring Suitings We have just received our supply of Spring Suitings latest Patterns and in great variety. We cau supply you with the nobbiest suitinga for spring and summer done up in the bt style of art tailoring. Our price are right. Diop in aim look at our good*, whether you order or^not. We want to make vour Spring Suit. S. J. BOWLER, BUSKIN BLOCK, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR FLESHERTON

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