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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 8

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May 2, 1912 PI E F LE S H E R T N ADVANCE ' Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for, YOU BUSINESS CARDS [OULLOUOH A YOUNG Uarkdale t -encrtl banking buaineu. Money lo*ned "reasonable rM Cll oil uo. TCHI81,KTT. PoduiM Copmiimitoner r, Ceylon. in H, C. J . Conyneer, deed*, uioi-ts, lewen. will. etc. o*r Farms For Sale or Rent PAUM KOK8AI.K-l.ot uo'J, lo the :>th COD- cefti<m of the township of ArtctuctHia. con- tainiQK 100 Acres. tjf|(hty>ttvo acres cltxred, baUnti hmnlwuo'l tiuibar. Property of the laCeW. J. ]ttuty. There is * batik barn fciij rougbcaut bouse on proniUea mil is well watered. Will be *oM ou re*HO.iable temm. Apply to James L. McMulk-n, Ceylon p. o.,Ont. AN ECCENTRIC BUTCHER. Hit W.r. tireyani trefoil? drawn up oiieetlous mad/. c(;ar K< - roanonable . Alio t roori, flour, feed etc. ker.t lu stock. Price* lUtht. This May Interest You p .1 SFROULB, ,, herton We wiint H relUMe man to Kelt our well iner in H*C J., Anctionee Con- known specialties in fruit, tree*, Miial AppraUer "*__ M ?^f *, VfJ^Y f'Vits, st-e 'l potatoes, flowering shrubs ., in Grey (.county! during fal ter months. K-'.nt" 'tod Inauranee Agent.. rt.i leaa an! wilU crefully arwo Tnl riluation* made on inorteHt notice nev to lo*a t lowest rate* of internet. UN- ion" attended to with promptneM j and ex- D Ucl'HAIL. l.icenwl Auctioneer for the "ountyoJ Grey. Term, moderate ai.d iiacnou Kueranteed. Tho rran K euienti lt<-t i)I salr can tie made a*. THK ADVANCE *!;. U'dunc and r.O. . Ceylon. Telephone 'onnection. Dec. C.U7. YUM KAITTISO. >N fum Licensed Auctioneer (or ey and fai 8 P ecl ' lt)r - T "' mod Htock le oerate. ti.f.cod ginranue. entsor due- njy be made t the Adv.uoe ,.. or A! T. HuMbinson'. .tore, hevenbuu by addrewing me at FeTenham. Out. RUDO MATHK'.VH, -. auctioneer lor tbe county ol Orey,. ( wrrice at reciii*)le rate*, wade at Ttie Advance, o 00 Markdale, Licensed Irey. Go Dates can be Outfit free, elusive territory, pay weekly. Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well grown trees nnd shmbs that will satisfy your customers. Karly itud good delivery _uii u>.ti-,-il. E-itabltshed over 3,"i years. Write for whole or part time terms. SaUf Manager, PKLHAM M-RSKRYCO., 15 Dec. It Toronto. Boar for Service I'urebred Yorkshire Kpar j yvars oM, for ervice OK lot -Vi, con. H, Arteuiesia. Terms Sl.OO. -ALKX. I '.IMKKON. OiMD POSITIONS AWAIT GRADUATES at the MEDICAL D ' ' M i: I' * S Out. Physician. Surgeon etc Offloe and residence Peter t., Fleaherton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontailo Veterinary Collie, rewideace - cond tutor eolith weet.on fcrv itreet. Thie tret rani aoutb : <)\VKS SOUND Pres'.yteriau Church. I 1 borough courses, THE lilt Were Queer, and S* Hia Eating and Praying. In 1729 there died' nt Romford, In Essex, England, a well known butcber of that town named Wilson. Mr. \Vii- HOD, It appears, was notable for bU In- tegrity In business and fot the (ren- tleness of his manners two qualltlee wblcb, perhaps, would ecarcely have entitled dim to the notice ol posterity bod be not also exhibited a remarkable addiction to psalmody, extraordinary proficiency in penmanship and a high- ly peculiar manner of eating bis din- ner. Such butcher's bills as be seat to his customers bad never been seen before nini have never been seen since. They were nil exquisitely -written by his own hand, but the top line would be, perbnps, in German text, toe sec*nd in Portlaw \ gloom lias lii'i-ii cast over t hi < noigh- jboi-hood by the death of Mr. Thomas Hnnoy, which occurred In Toronto on the 1 Till of April. Haven weeks illness with 'jplioid fever proved more than the strong constitution of tlia young nun could resist. The body was'brought up for burial in Mount /ion cemetery. Kev. Mr. Urotvn of Toronto attended mid Rfttijtod Kev. Mr. Campbell in the tun. i il xcrviceg. Threa brothers of Toronto, Hobett, Kdward arid (Jeorise, and Albert of Dundalk ami sistei, Mrs. Morrow, were present. Mrs. J. L. Woods of Ceylon, another niftier, was un- able to uttend through illness. Deceas- ed was brother of Mr, John W. lianey and Mra. Win. Tailor of this pluce, nnd H ,is wfll liked, having s))ent his boyliood Roman letters, simulating the finest l y' 4 ' r - prlnt: beet would be In one style of i MI. Thomas Shanfood'H house had an writing, mutton In another, lamb In a ^ cee j ing , y narrow e ,cupo from dwtruc- tifin by fire one dy lately. The alarm wax promptly Hounded "wireless" and a third, while each of these kinds of meat would be still further distinguish- ed by a different color of ink. He was a great friend to the church, observing all Us ordinances and a tri- fle more. Every Sunday he entertain- ed the congregation with a solo, sing- Ing the psalms by himself until the minister came into the desk. And on every fast day. while all the rest of the congregation went home to their refreshment and rest, between morn- Ing and evening service, be never quitted the cburch, but went about from pew to pew repenting the Lord's Prayer and singing appropriate psalms until he bad performed these favorite D ONTARIO its'e Hiatt'.lJtexcellent J JEVTI8TRY ' 'Muiproeut, ur own building, and we B, dental targeon ! K uarHlltee M place every gruduate.lhi -y>) position. Catalogue free. C. A. PleniMiK, F.C.A., U. L> Fleming, Principal. Secretary. devotions lu erery pew In tbe church, lie bad a large appetite and seemed determined that all Romford should know it; for. Instead of sitting down quietly to dinner In bis back parlor, be !'" Toronto. Jamitlcss tire brigade from the winds at once responded and just in the nick of time to save \\<t building front de- IMI-IMII. but not until considerable damage had been done. I'edlar Weatherup On Wednesday, April 17, at 11 o'clock a.m., in Toronto, Mr. Kied Pedlar, son of Mr. S. Pedlar, Fourth line, ints united in marriage to MUs Lylis >Yeatherup of Creemore. Rev. R. Cnrrigan, B.A., performed the ceremony at the parsonage. Mr. and Mr. 1'udlar left immediately after tbe ceremony for Niagara Falls and other points. On their return they will reside We wish the young couple Jr. E. C. MURRAY U hono. eraduate of Toronto Uuireriity auJ Royal v'ol1eo of Dental 8uroon of Ontario, Uu aiJuiiiinwUired for tUi extract on Offi. at rewdeoce, ToronM Street. Fleaherton. LEGAL , UCAK. HANKY & WAI^ACB-Barrieter.. *-> riolicitorn ctc.-I. H. Lueaa, K. C. : W. I-.. Hanty K. - . : J. H. (i. Wallace. OUiccs, forontn. WC-.J T.ador, Hank Hid*, phone, Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service would usually sally forth Into tbe street with a leg or shoulder of lamb In one hand, a large knife In tbe oth- er, a small loaf of bread In his pocket and a heedful of salt in the bend of the arm which carried the Joint; and thus equipped would perambulate the town, eating as be went, until be bad consumed tbe whole of this very sub stantlnl meal. Chambers' Journal nil the joys that can come to a long and happy wedded life. Miss Ilia Lyoiih lian returned from To- ronti', where she nan spent the winter. A girl friend accompanied her home and vill visit in i!n iiuili';.ul)0od for some time. WRIGGLING Items of Interest How llilttur Hoy Calamity No. <7'.V, I), Convey- I "oldie Anticipation No. (toil). T TSSSSSsi^ttss 3RSSS&& starter llrnwu Poultry. (Stock for Klf. TaiuwortU I uiiii White Wyandotte : SOCIETIES A O U W uieeti ei. the laat Holiday 170. -JK.T. * S.H. B m eaoh month, in their louaje room 1aylou'hall Klenherton. at d p.m. >!_ W . W. .1. Hell.iny; Kec.. C. H. Muo.l.w: Kin., It. .1, S|.r.,ul. VwltlDK bretbraoiuvlted KKK< for UK MABI) AI.I.KV, r'lutlierlon. PRINCK ARTHUR A U, meet! in tlit No. :3. A> 4 Manouic ball. Arm- trong'H Hlock.KleBherton. eory Friday on before the full inocn. C. H. Mu-inLaw. M.; Tlioi. Clayton, Secretary. Bull For Service 1 Aiit-rdi-en [Atixus liull, d Kuiy," for di'i-vice on W. 99:.. I. 0. F. njeeta In Cliyton'i Ulock tbe last Wndnenilav evening of each uinntb. Vinitinc Forenter* beartily welconifi'c. K.. <1. liellainy : K. 8., I'. ' airta; Jfln. Hvc . W. Pleaw pay rtu to Fin. See. before ttio flrt day of the month. JJUck Di'imon .,t L'8. Cun I \V. H. I'ATTKKS'IX, the Movable Effect I* Obtained In Electrical Designs. Dr. J. J. HIOMII of O*en Sound was A great many electric signs are of arrested on a serious charge, the moving type. Walk dowo most j Mis. Sarah Myles of (Juelph was fat- any city street a tier dark and you llU btlrned , h(jr d , )tlli } . fi will see mniiy illuminated signs of novel and interesting design. Here a T' 10 *' or ' < "^ i"tllinj; wireleM on the long red and blue snuke sterns to be ' '' H- '.MI- i-s proceeding at Owen wiggling from the street to the top of Sound, a building. On the other side a wheel ' Vi ,, is rapidly revolving, helow It yellow "^T '"' ' l " n * T, 1 ', '" smoke Is issuing In clouds from a bug* 'I" Ultltlt ' fr '" lll(! boj "' a Mollnud brown cigar. There Is also a large *' 1(l liver - " 1 "' Uradfonl, and Khippiny theater sign which suddenly flashes l '"-' Ush to New York. Into view, only to disappear after an '' Thc llluyi , r of , , wen Sol|nd has inve ,,. ril in tliivc [inn- of swans fur the town. iTIiew will liu pliiced on llio river fur CflOHKN FhlF.SUB Klculinrton I'ounoil of CboMin Frlenil* uieeti in (Mayton'tball lirat H4 third Wedueady of eicb mooth N p in Vay amciiiiiieiits to tnu Kvonlcr on ur before (M Ant day of eacb iimuth. Chief Councillor t. !llaliele\ : Keconler W. II. Hunt. tlm Tbt Karuii in Club ineet> in buildluii mi Hi" HrKt 'I liurmlay nun. til at H o'l-lni-k f. in. ^ounij fai j)<-ill\ Mnil.,1. K.I hnl'l I'ri -iildllt, I UlU'll ineiH W. lloiii <> ill l'ir .M Tamworths lor Sale l'ly for browlinij. l'i i " < W. I!OSH. MaxwullIM). * :<i<ih ill I. nil. , I'nn i r Boar for Service I' TJ.II.VM.I'.II IVjir fur ^n i> <l, (VU. N. Ilin II.-, M;.v,-ll, Out. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong. interval long enough to read It It Is quite puzzling lo the ordinary pedeatrjiia to einlnla the wonderful light effects', il Is'ut (bat ,hd i" 1 ' 1111 " 11 "' 1 " 1 light is obtained from clcctrlcliy, but A tmppor niinml T.. his Is about nil that is understood. In f.,,,,,,1 , lend in llio wood such signs as where a snake seems to wi(h ,,,,,, hl)]( . s in , he be wriggling nlong. a cat chases a rnt, words that spell themselves letter l.y ""iT'd to Imv,- beou murdoml. letter and in all other similar signs tho i All the faclmioK in Merriton mul St. effect Is produced by a mechanical .Cailiariiifs which use tl u'. liydmulic race- device called n "flasher." which lights wny ,.iv shut down on' account ,.,f a the tiny electric sign lamps In the or- der required to produce tho effect This flasbor is drlvrn by a tiny motor. A '"'*" |mrt f tho ba " k wa " tor " " ut The flasher U tnnde up of a number ""' nlsh " f wn ' cr whlcb of flugers, nnd each finger drops In Its turn upon a metal plate that Is elec- trically connected with n certain letter or Berlea of letters, or, In the cnse of the snake or rnt chasers, with certnln bullis. The flnsher Is driven rapidly, and In this way the snnko cnn he i M ' If "" Sllllll:i y afion.iion at speeded nround Its course very swift- ; w " s f'niiirl i/y Mi.s. IVicr Milno ly. Where the only effect desired Is n i-d from a rafter in thu barn of her sign lu which cue letter Is illumlnnted hand, l.y he had been employed i at n time the (lusher becomes n muca ,,.,,,, ,,,, lv | n ii v ,.s M, il,t nei,!,' -- ' simpler device, but la nil ens?* tbe . ', , ,... ||iul ^ .,, ||ic w * D. ;r...ter wns * near MinJou body. He is ,,.,, , lhe hltlk: j m> lo tt lliuilkrat ,, , lll " l> ' ' nlsh " f wu ' 01 ' " lllt ' 1 ' ^"P'"' 1 ' """ 'Ij"ii>i"',,' viilley nnd niu-rowly n<i>Ked cnusiny JaniHge to adjoining property. -Uu-mli,,.- lhe p, W Mbili. v of having to ~, 7, .,..,,. ' " " f ' U "' 1 """ btngtd W_n> II,- simpler device, but la nil ens?* the utj- .', , , denying principle Is tlo snine.-New ' ' Vork Tribune. * * .*" ftueta r* ' uriy Sound. Bull for Service """"' l-'ull I'"'"' f-r M. ,a tiutv ""' tiproved Large Yorkshires cwt ri-ul >" w birUHry: r.-t-i-' 1 ' ( I..;. ^ iiiniK 'Ills I. II'' .!.>, Ill-l-ll III i'.i:i>\\ \.ii- -'- '!' s - " Ear n A Salary T.tki' nlir piaclifiil I'.IIMII "i N!ii.iili:in<l i-nur-. nf Ir.iiniii'.' nnd S. 1 . 1 I.'HV ^'"11 Wl' "ill ll-lVl' J.ill ' lu-lpcil. Knli'i- any d.iy. - ol, ri'.|Uest. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE ,ioi.l ,fv* HlB baUr FARM FOR SALE No. I*.- 1*7. in tin* i"'"i,.i I.UIK.-.-.I-I. Ui nil I S\.|.-lilialn K-'i'l. Allnm-nia. iiiK -I" " " - "I '' ' ' l.nnl ; tT.x.'l '.-MI v "f \\..'i i. i:. in i-lniM-li uiul tin.-.- iiiil.- fi..m l'i"l"in : I'O IMH! li:il<lwui,.l lul II. l.i.hin,.- i-|i-:i|-.-.l K"'"l t:il- "I i 'ill.i>.iti"ll. K'H |Ml|- u H >l> "- W. -I. JACKSON. I 'ml I, aw Hawkins. Principal tablespoon fills in a senmleas agato quart stewpno or cup nnil set 'it on the store, gas or bluu iltinio nucl shaUu It while U gctu nnutlicr scant paixhlng, never letting It get hot vnoiiKh to smoke or scorch. Set it fluldo till it gets cold and then pour on the water nnd finish up In the reg- ular way. New yorU Tress. A jmiiii' iriitt nlio lull just -ii'.^rsli il (o Ms wife that they should' argue S..MIC i|iiestii>n fully and frankly M HL 1 ir t l'^y '"""" T| '' N . he '-'"""^l, WoitKI lu- Ip ill. 111 to gain a fuller iiiMjIn { Uiituir, thus making j This filst i|.u-s Call a woiniin "y" Helping the Coffte. Some of the cuflVe sold roasted and I ground cntisos complaint tan bo improved n jltlle, j UCOMS to bg llml u Is not i-onsteii ( i ' cno.igh and needs another touch of . Ure. You know tho less It lo roasted 'for iw'iPiiMnl tho more It weighs. I'm a couple of tn.u luppoue..! to b', BULL FOR SERVICE iltl.bri- l,Shrtli-irii biill." Jim ir K.-I v ic-c- ..n L.t 17<l, 'I' A H- K-. -\ Tliit iinitiiul i- "I ,-' v ..... I inilkiii -1, i . . *:t. J AS. STINSON Bar for Service . UTKX' wi i Tnrknliir* M int. :<nl i mini \V T. A - llntr f..r ncrvlcu- S. II., A itemed*. I W M.l.l'K. Bull fr Service ' in ItrMJ Hrf,irH linll I ,i Herm-i- i- ifl, 'tt. r. T k H M., \il.-ini-siii. <tk(i9I.M. r'irr bio.1 fg.OO. Any " r , >! -.,-l ( Illlll- Will III- K*l Al rurwil ml* I MHII-II 1:1 -T. k. J. WATHON, I'lulMll Sttllillll. CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS T TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special ( r .mi lr-, r J , i . n! 2.00 p m. on APRIL 2, II, N MAY 14, M JUNE II, J5 JULV 9, 71 AUO. I, It SEPT. t, 17 Second clan ii. krii dn Onurio ttnioni lo principil Nonhweil poioii nt LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Wlaniuri :! MNrn $34.00; Fdmonlon and rrlurn <4 ' mi .n, I lo olhin poinii in proportion. Tickcli toad lo relum wilhln 60 .! . i from foini du. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS y , to Edmonton via Saiktloon, alio to Winnipei n,l ( kliarv vi Main LJn on al) xcuri*oni. Com. I. .1 i.l.l' HtW, lull? equipped with Uddini, n be ucuradalnodtratt talei thiouih local aient. Erly appllcavtlon muit be mad*. A*K ton HMISKCKEM' PAMI-HLI T - n I I nm t I . Ir n, I fill I ittf Ofnttion . Applr lo nearcM C.P.R. Ami of M. C. MURPHY. Di.1. l '. Ait.. ToroBM. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANBE Of CARS Ditm't Hit Him. John Wesley hnd a reputation for cliec-rfulness. In his journul lie writes: "I prencbed In Halifax to a civil, BcnselesH congregation. Three or four gentlemen pnt me In mind of the hon- est man nt London wlio wns no guy nnd unconcerned while Dr. Sherlock '.\ -r. preaching concerning the day of juii.. Micni. One ,1 .i.c i, 'ji,i you not henr what the doctor unysV He an- iwt'.-od, 'Ves, but 1 um not of lili parish.' " Hit Early PrOmll*. "Does my boy," Inquired the parent, "M-I MI to hnvQ a unturnl bent In any one direction?" "Yes, sir," said the teacher. "He plvi-s every Indication of being n cn|>- lain of Industry some day. He get! 1.1 other hoyn to do ull hit work for him." Chlcngo Tribune. Just Our Luck. William* This U a queer world. Walker (tight you an. A man's ihoea will often get untied, but ne'rer lir.r. MB he Ii n-ady to f .! taem off - Jadir*. dfi-NH mi lifty ilollHr* years :'" lie took thu ultu illative mid Alton lust .-mi ho hail i MM! ril up ml, i the hnyli'lt and wns in! liti!{ tho liuldor up after him. K\pr Mi^HSuphia Carter, Ansjus, ui-nd lu yi-;us. thri-nti'iied to niluiuil MIH-M!C it hi-r lover, \V. Hoy re, 11^01! 1!', did not iniiny her. Thi' ^irlwns tnkeu to I! tine j-nl wluirt' -she told her story, ami of her iiiollii'i-'s lefusitl lo allow her to j-rt mar- i ried. Tlijs ul joi-tiiMi was overcome on pi'i-siii-iNtiiii of thu Crown Altonn-y. and Uctn-tive Itcmdsluy made a trip to i fin Koyce, whom liu found Junker outs. Uoyce rciidily nl t > rrtuin with llio deterlivo Mniiday afteiuooii the youn s ' were tnarrii il atul hiked bark to l\ ti'ihnm next day ID coiumeiu-e tho stern n-nlitit-n of mm ried life. QrMntOTC tr. Seizins HI* Opportunity. Wife Mr. Bowen'n house Is strictly \{p to dote, with electric npnllnncos throughout. All she has to do is to touch a button ami almost any desired result U accomplished. Husband- Well, you would never be able to get results In that way. my denr. Wife- Why not? Husband-Because you seem to bnve a horror of tone/bins but- tons Just look at my clothes. CIM TBAT COIDNEW STOCK ! New Suitings xj D * INew Pantings Everything New! H Yea Use /^ I f Catarrhozonr will i'elUve ("olds al- most Instantly and in u feiv hours w'.l i.-ure completely. If It Is ohl-stanjin: asthma or broncffltli It* i|'.:kk anr curative rtsulis will astonish y >u. Caiarrnozcne is little drop; of he* 1 ing medicine carried by air to (h sore and diseased parts. You breath them through the Catarrhozone Inh:! er and they spread throughout sll th. air passages. It Is senap ns well as hcalinif, be- <mi^< Catarrhozonc is a germ kilhr, li. ,jt . and restorer of weak tissues because it Is BO prompt and t-erlali la ItH nsuit.w. better than any olhci rwnody for diseasi-s of the throat, lung- and bronchial tubes, anil it Is neith.'i Ifohol, morphia or cocaine all dang- wo us. Tens of thousands have used Catarrh- ozone without reporting a single casi of failure to cure diseases of the throat and lungs and nasal passages. Remember. CATARRHOZONE is taken in air, and is little drops of heal- ing for the throat, nasal passages, or lungs. It always does cure is guar- anteed- Price 25c.. 50c., and Jl-00 at all drug- gists or by mall, punt paid, from The Oatarrhr.zonr- Co.. E-uffalo, X.Y., and Cunada. CLEANING & PRESS- ING A SPECIALTY at* Solicited C. BLARELEY Zfailor Standard Bank Building FLE8HERTON, ONT. Cljeeriip! ffere's a Good Hired Man You will bo surprised nt the amount of lubor a manure spreader will save you. Try on* and learn its true worth. We handle the Corn King. There is no bettor machine made. This machine has a return apron, ^tnvonient levers for throw- ing the machine in or out of gear, and it will spread barnyurd manure of all kinds, commercial fertilizers, litno, ashes, salt, etc. A year's use will convince you that it is a good in- vestment, and you will IHJ wU'Jajf to admit it's tlm rx^r, hired man you ever had. Drop in. Examine this machine. Compare it with others now upon the market. Let us explain the many excellent features found in its construction. Get a Don't put it off, but call today and start saving money. S. HEMPHILL, Agent, Ceylon, Ont. Seeds! Seeds! Cunu' with tlit- crowd and jjjot your Kcd t'lovor, -Maiiiiuoth Clover. Alsikr Clover, Alfalfa aiul 'riiiH.tliy Seed, tlrain and Feed all kinds. Fresh (!r< it-cries always on the move. .See our goods and 1,'t-r (tin- prices. \\n\ will miss it ifyott don't call on W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, Ontario. nnd m couple JUST RECEIVED A larr ol' Kartheinvarc t'roiu Kn^l;i ml, which will now l>e sold at bargain prices. Call and let us show the many designs in t'aney China Plates, Cups and Saucers, Fruit Dishes and Salail Howls. Also a number ol nice designs in dlassware, consist inj,' of watei Setts, Mutter Dishes.TSu^ar Howls. Jugs and Pitcher Call and see the goods and get our prieee. J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - Ontario.

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