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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 4

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7 i ; May 2 191-2 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r H K. Stfttmnct An iiHiejH-mW-ut ntw|*)>*r, miUiilwd ovwy Tc ,-!;< t tin- uflcv, < ' JBiiv-'- "il Street, >..:. 9ukMHiiM<in |>rkx- *J in- minimi, irli'ii |i>l in ^il> irt; fl ') win-ii not HO paid. IMyeradw rt <>ii nuilUatioii. Circulation lUOwMUy. \V. II. Triirlon - Kdllor TFHJ fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES NOT MEN IS IT OVERDONE? For years past we have herd a gnat de;tl Miid about the assistance tlmt is being given Ontario farmers by the i .riuin-iii i>i one way and iu<tl er. AVo have a magnificent and cosily in- eiitution at (im-lph maintained for the of turning <-ut Bachelors of men who thoroughly under- MBid agriculture from A. B. C. to X. Y. /., yet BUtifitics tell u that 90 per cent . of the graduate* do not make forming their life work. We have Farmers' Institute Iccturera sent Wound the country to pour out the result of then experiences ;nd knowledge. We also have resident dinnonstraton attached to several counties This educational policy has been 1,'oinR n for years, and the rt suit has not bem whc.lly satis- factory. H has not prevented the exodus to the cities and westward, whern it is supposed that greater rewards awuit the worker. So far it has not resulted in a percepli'ily larur yield of farm products or better markets for that produce. Orchards have remained uncaicd for and unrcmunerativc because of the want of a uurket. We have known years when farmers allowed their apples to rot on the trees became it would not pay to handle them. Of benefit would it have been to these t> know how to produce a greater crop in such a year? These fuels being the case, is it not just possible I hat energy and money is belli? expended in the wroiiK direction and 10 little purpose ' The Weekly Sun, epcaking for the. farmers themselves. Utters the following caustic comment : '\Vha* are thtse brave Government* going to dc .' Kncourageinent by ex- m pie, experiment, lecture and homily has been tried on the largest scale with- out gratifying sucrrss. It has been carried 10 far that HOIIIH have tern led to h> '.Satiric province has been thereby de|M>pulated ; that U, that the farmers hove tied from the Und to escape the urmy of homilixt*, male and female, who lurk<d in the fence corners n'.d t the iroanroiids. To common sense, it seems beyond discussion that the only encouragement of apiculture which will have general lui:ce8 is the encouragement of hotter reward for industry. That is to be ob tainod by reduction of tliu cost of openi lion, that in, by providing cheaper jj r >d and by securing wider markets ; tlmt is )jy reciprocity. F.ither will incrraae tin li- wards of agriculture uml tend to draw capital anil back to the hind When th rewiirds are great enough ti ji*y with even speculative celtninty wa^es to tho fanner and Ins f.-nnily ami ten per cent, or more on t ho capital, there will bo a rush to the I.inJ." THE EGG QUESTION AGAIN Tin 1 Produce section of the Toronto Hoard of Trade in out after fresh epgs anJ ib m iii ling thousands >; Icttcrn to farmers asking Ihrin to nmrket their u^gi while fn -li. The whole diffioultydoM not lie with the- f.imic'r, li m-evor, who i ivs hoi.est on the whole an tin* Hoard of Trade itac-lf, and a portion of I he responsibility must be place 1 with the iiini.lli'miii who fails to turn over his MO -k hefore it In-ciiiiirs IninU-J, iiltliiinjjli il in iy havcu iM-rn |H-I frctly fresh before it readied his hands. Tlio Hoard of Trade r-hould alno circulnri/e the dealer advising him ' handle only such exgM an lie cnn turn over nt 0111:0. Many a dealer i- only iccci happy to secure a cheap lot of iiiiwarrantrd rg^s and shove them off on his Clinton ers, and then when a kick omit.- In: lays the bluniu :m the f.ti mc-i. There in tun inui.'h of this sort of thing and the remedy does not nlli guther liu with the t u inn . Now tlmt Mr. Whitncj lias made il eornpiilsoij on joyful citizens in local option districts to explain where they got their joy water it onglit to malir things easier fur UIOHO whose duty is to enforce tlio luw . What we want to sec in a law making it illegal for outsail: purveyors to sell by the bottle to individual topers in local option districts for the purpoHt> of taking it into local option districts for coiiMiinption. O Tlio great case of Hooscvclt vui SUM Taft ifl ii"\v bring fought out HIUOIIK fur American cousin*. Mr. Jioosc- velt apponiH to be going had* "ii liU liroralieB very seriously. iSotoo timr. ago liu Raid in i-Hiri. "1'on't ivm propose my name for tlio presidency, ne I positively will not accept," Later be proposed hitnsclf, and has jumped ' Jamos Irvine and Henry Barber, t wo into tin? ring with arm* bared and ! r n fc"-' vil l<' "port", left (irand Valley on tooth shining, while he swallows liis former eulogies of third term tradi- tion witlua cheerfulness that is sur- i" i n No doubt he will win out, too, Itoscy is a militant gentleman Wednesday ni>;ht wiih a double loud, one of which was in a five-gallon jar. They attempted to cross tho track in front of the east bound express, but there was n lictle to much liyhlfulness. The engine struck (he hone, crushing its shoulder o o for whom the American people have smashed the hu^gy with its liquid carg", a groat respect notwithstanding bia serious failings-- and twisted logic. but did not hurt -the occupants. Close call.- Grand Valley SUr. LUNG TROUBLE The wifck of the Titanic still re- mains a fniidul topic of conversation, and the investigation before the Senate committee at Washington is being watched with great interest.! perhaps the most sensational evidence that has been given the past week was that of the officers ou the steamer California, which was only a few miles from the Titanic au hour before she sank. The wireless operator on the California informed the Titanic that there was ice ahead but received only the laconic advice to "shut tip." The Titanic was evidently puffed up with liei OWU importance audstrength. every hour, and soon recognized i trial There is a passage in the Good bookjlf, ^oS ^odicVd"^ Zlu^ which says, "liefore destruction the through the air passages of the- thronl. and it touched the sore spots in the lungs that other remedies failed ID reach. Catarrhozone seemed to go just where It was needed most, and soon put a stop to my cough. It re- J stored me to perfect health, and I am iconvinced that no^ouRh. cold, or ca- |tarrh can exist If Catarrhozone l.< Mrt. Biny Brown, of Teneeapc, N-S., Was Cured by Catarrhozons of Lung Trouble and Catarrh, After Hundreds of Other Remedies Failed K your lunsrn are woak; If thorp ! consumption in your family |f COM? Catarrh, and Bronchitis bother 'yon' be surf to use- Catarrhozom- It i! especially adapted for these dlseas,'. and cures every time Mrs. Brown took cough mixtures but they madi- her sick. Then she usi-d an atomizer, but. after resorting- with- out benefit to poultlcex, she tried l'u- tarrhozone. "I used writes Mrs. Catarrhozone Brown, "five Inhaler." minute.- heart of man is haughty." Ma rket Only Fresh Eggs The produce section of the D j t rn , , , . , , Board of I rade has decided to ask f 11 in. i < of Ontario to cooperate with! 020 " 1 *- them in their endeavor to gii/e the con- sumer nn epg fit to cat every J>iy in the Toronto ., No treatment Is so clean, so pea.^- the U nt. so certain to euro aa Catarrli- By mean* of the Inhaler, thv local symptoms, such aa coughing:, in- year. The first bunch of ton thousand Ferrozone tablets, after oach meal, purify and cleanse the blood of all circulars has been mailed, imd it is hoped] poisons, and build u;> and strengthen thai the maiketinR of rotten eL'gs will be! tll ^, 1 ! ', yst , pm - , flammation and conRpstion are speed- ily corrected. which are taken , 1 ,,, This local and constitutional treat- reduced to H minimum. The ineichantH nifiit U alwavs effective and cures say that by improving the quality of the edicts sold to the consumer they will he nble to py higher prices to the producer Figures recently compiled by the Vetsrin- ary Director-General and Livestock Com- missioner showed that there were from two to tlitee bad eggs in every dozen marketed in Ontario and Quebec since last December. With a view to elimin- ating the shrinkage entirely the egu producer* will be asked tu observe the following rules (1) I'roude plenty of clean, dry nests for your hens. (2) lather the egi{ cases that have been Klven up hopc-lt-ss. Slonoy can't buy or produce anything better, and t^o get cured it is absolutely necessary to use Catarrh- ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 and $210,000 THE GOVERNMENT OV THE .PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the U.-uly ,n c.,,,1 weather and twice a day L uthority of ch . pter 4> <jf th ' e Stfttures hot or rainy weathci. (:t) Do n..t waHliLf Ontario, 1911, invites subscriptions CKKS. I'se the dirty, small, very long from ilic pulilic for a loan of $2,000,000 and gracs -stained cjige a) home (4) Keep! 011 Ul)nd8 " f ttl0 Province of Ontario, or *.!., a cool, dry place, which i, OB*. , , from odor.. (5) Market your egg. twice 1 V 1 " h T ds wl ***,* lst . Mft >'' . ^ iaim payable on the Ul November, 1!I41, a week if pOMlble. () Don't sell ego j,, denominations of fl.OIK) each, with coupons fittuchud for interest HI thu rum of 4 per cunt, pur annum, payable lull win' ii wt-ru found in u stolen nest. (7) Keop tho eu^'S out of the sun when . . taking them to town. fH) Don't kt , el , yearly, on the M,,y ami 1 Novein 1 j tier in each year, n'. the ottica of the Cjigs near oil, omoim. etc., a* they teadi- Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the Iy absorb odors. (!>) Dun't nell ej-gs ofticeR of the hauk ot Montreal, in Mont' known tu be bad or which have hoen in an incubator. It is disln.nett. (10) Male biidis should not be tillcwfd with liens, except for tveedini; purjiosra. A ft or that period kill roosters, save fenl. and iinpnue your egg product. A young man was fined $100 IHI and costs in the police eourt hcie by n, L_M real, Canad'i, and in New York, N. Y.,at the holder's option. !(<>nds will bo nuulu puyablu to hearvr, but on request will be registered in tin otlirc it tho Provincial Treasurer and endorsed a piiyiblo only in the order of certain persons or corpor- ations, and on U'<|uextof holders will be exchanged for ''OnUrio Uoveriinicnt Stock " at any time. Also balance of Algi>ni|uiii I'.u k Loan of ^'JIO.OOO on the saint- terms and with T ii 1A' i ln same dates, under the authority of tnteJas. Toltonon Wednesday '>""'"" C |,Hpt- r !i,l Ouo li;i -(i. for selling liijimr to three Durham youllis. The eluirgo against him w;is the The iauc price during the month of Miy, 1!)12. will no 10'-> for ?100, and Upshot of the trial of the young; fvllow'iif er the .'tlst of May, Irilti, tho i.vsiu- from Durham who WHS lined $10 and!l' rico wi " '"" l(hj ""' l hiteient accnifd costs ,,,, M,,mli iy for carrying a revolver. fl ' 1J "' lho lsl ""* 11U '-- While giving his evidence In- slated he hud secured a hot tie of whisky fr, m a|i|UTY< >F T1IK HAll) ACTAHK FKKK Wulkeilon youth for Me. As this was -i|Kll>M ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL HiMiuiwliat M-rious violation ..f tint lw!' I ' AX '' :s - 'H \IWKS, SUVKSS1ON DI'TV AND IMPOSITIONS WHAT 11 , ci r mi was iinnicdiiitvly sworn out for his arret and hu appeared IH-IIHT tins niii(iit rale on Wuilnmil iy 11111111111-.'. Ho pleaded guilty to ihu clmrne. of M-llitiir li'i'i i withiiut a li-'unsu mid the m > , trntu impimcd a tinu of 81(10 anil costs, which paid. \Valkortnn The body of Mis Lutlie Gibson wan found in n ciiniil nt lii.'inifoiil, and Regi iialcl (iililic DM In-, l.c-. n ,111,- i, M| cm the cliargi' nf M-ndiiig bc'i u ihrculeiiing let- ter, which may huvj led to the suicido. 80KVBH. 1'iircliasi'i's .f stock or Huiiils will he required to send i-ortilit'J che([iio with tilt) application, pnyaltlo to the. nrder of li i "I'l'oi inei il Tu-HMiftr ,'f Ontario.' This liciui is raisotl upon tho oivdit of lll f'cill'oiiilnleil Kevciuie of Outa- r:o, anil is chari^ualili- t herenpoii. A. J. MATHKSON, I'l-nviiici-il Treasurer. Tn-Hsuiy Dupiiitnient, I'm-lianifiit liuilil- iims, Toront.), April I'.lih, IIM'J. NowspiiperH iii.vilini/ this inivcrtise- iifin willioiit Hiiilinrily from the Dtrpiirt- nunt will not lie piiil I'm- it. CLAYTON'S - FOR - - Boots and Rubbers TiIO.SK who want ifood wearing l>oots, cither Fuclory or llan<l inadi 1 lor tlir wet and cold wcnthrr or fqr winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTESE CROSS & LION <i: BRAND RUBBERS, Moth U-ln and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL. F. R W. H1CKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Clothing This week we place in i-tock a big shipment of of New Clothing for. Men, Itoys and Children- The Nswcyst Styles and Colorings are here. The range of sizes complete. They were bought right and all reasonably priced. We shall Iw pleased to have y>u come in and compire values. We make a specialty of High Grade Men's Suits at $!l.50. Girls' Washable Dresses A New shipment cf Smart Drecses for little Girls, just received. They are made <>f ust colored Ginghams und Percales, most up-to-date style and shades. Sizes suitable for girls of C to 14 years. Prices from 50c to |2 '2a. New Carpet Squares, Rugs, Linoleums, two and four yards wide Window Shades and Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. Prepared Paints Alabastine and Jellstone, Turps, Raw and Boiled Oil Paint and Kalsomine Brushes. Everything Reasonably Priced, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. LOOK ! ! Now is the time for Kave-Trough- ing and Plumbing which I am tjiv- ini; special attention to. Also I am prepared to give good value in Corrugated Iron Roofing, good material and work satisfactory. REPAIRING SATURDAYS. Call at F. L. McGillvary's Tin Shop For i' ci ! ni ii Old Advonce Otticc. -- Flesherton. LOOK! LOOK! Spring Announcement For Housecleaning Time * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^_ A uood assortment of everything required for Housecieaning New Wall Pjipers, New Prints, Varnish Stains ami Brushes of all Kinds, Linoleums and Oilcloths. Do You Ever Sleep? It' you do you will be to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (let something nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all eijually low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs and Matt fusses to lit all bo;l. Kxaiuiuc our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. WANTED AT ONCE A man with some experience- in liortioul- turn to handle our tr-ule in Fleshcrton. Splendid opening and perni.uu-nt position for the right party. Write for particulars, and state experionco Une Stone & Wellington Fnnthill Nurseries, established TORONTO, ONT THE Km [IS. Carelnlly Corrected Each Week Wlu-Hl 85to 85 Oats , 4;i to 43 Pens 1 111 to 1 1U It.n ley TO to 70 II iy 1(1 00 to 10 00 J! liuiter L';; >i :.':; ; Iv-iC", fresh L'l . _'! ' GFeeae into 10 Ducks |0 ,, |j ,' ChickenB Ill to 12 I i.irkpys !8 u. 12 Wool aOto IHl Jmbroideris in skirt length widths and down to half inch. Very pretty allovtr Embroidery and allover Lace in Silk and Satin. A nice range of Spring Dress Goods such as Satin striped Voils and Foulards. A hig assortment of Men's Furnishings in Fine Shirtr, Hats and Caps, Braces and Fancy Socks. Spring Suits ready to wear or tailor made suits. Satisfactirm guaranteed. MILLINERY Special prices on Hats for Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. las. ^attison (teuton J. & W. BOYD Flcshcrton, - Ontario. House Cleaning Time Now is tho time for House Furnishings. \Ve huve made pre- parations for a larvo season in nil lines. Hugs in Tapestry Wool, Itrus-ols nt except iinirtly low pricos. Carpets, Tapestry Wool, Union and Hemp From I'.'i IVnts u, si :::,. Linoleums and Oil Cloths in largo virieties nnd :it the Ri-ht Prices. (H'RTAINS \VelmvealltheXewDosigiiHin Lace and Net curtains m White Cri-am Kchrn at prices from 50c to $4.50 pi>r pair. Soe our :! yard Luce Curtain at 4H C . , '' New Spring Goods ! Dress Goods Tho Neatest and Prettiest Uange of Patterns and Colois we have ever shown. Sco oar Votlts, Gray Chauipayne, Nile Grpcn, with a very neat stripe of IMack. at 50c. Serges in Navy, Hlack, Ganict, 50c to 81 .00. A full hue ot Fancy anil Plum Drees Goods JOc to $1 50 Wash Goods We have a full range of all tho new Fabrics, sucl, as \ oik-s, LhambrayH, /ephyrs. Repp, Ginsjhams, Etc. Some very pretty Colois und Patterns from l-JJc to 50c. Prints We are showing something very neat in prints. See our Specials at lOc and l^c. Boots and Shoes Ouv Stock is now compK-lo in all the N t . w L as i s alu] tor Bpving.and puces which cann,,t be bcatcu anywhere. White Embroideries Some exceptional values in white Embroideries showing just now -all widths, fiou> the narrowest edgin to full skirt width. Corset cover widths in handsome patterns at 25c Skirt widths oOc to $1.50 Allover Embroideries oOc to f 1.50. High Grade Footwear You will find a collection of High Grade Boots and Shoes here that cm t be beaten anywhere. The newest styles and lasts in Patent Dongola. Gun Metal and Tan Leathers. Complete range of sizes for Man. Woman and Child All reasonably priced. Our S3.7."> Lady's Shoe is special value and conies in Tan, Patent, Gun Metal, Kid, either Button cr L*ce with the New High Toe and Heel. Rubbers to suit the very latest lasts in all sizes. Tan Rubbers if you want them. .,* .- v . . > , tf y I 4 4 4 ... 4 . 4 '* '.4 < ' ,-V <: ; ; 1 ^ s

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