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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 3

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. . f t r SPRING REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM Damp Weather Starts the Pain, but the Trouble Liei in the Blood Spring weather is bad for rheu- matic sufferers. The changes from mild to cold, the raw, damp winds start the aches and twinges, or in the more extreme cases, the tor- tures of the trouble going. But it must be borne in mind that it is not the weather that causes rheuma- tism. The trouble is rooted in the blood the changeable weather merely starts thq pains. The "only way to reach the trouble and to cure it is through the blood. The poisonous rheumatic acids must be driven out. Liniments and rubbing may give temporary relief, but can- not possibly cure the trouble. The sufferer is only wasting time and money with this kind of treauui>nt and all the time the trouble is be- coming more deeply rooted harder to cure. There is just one speedy cure for rheumatism Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. They act direct- ly on the impure, aaid-tainted blood. They purify and strengthen it and thus root out the cause, of the rheumatism. Here is strong proof of the above statements. Mrs. Eobt. Luffman, MidJand, Ont., says; "About three years ago my grandson, Robert Luffman, was at- tacked with inflammatory rheuma- tism. He became so bad he could only walk when someone helped him about. One arm he had to carry in a sling, and we felt sure he would be a cripple for life. The trouble also affected his heart. The doctor said his blood was turning to water and we had little hope for his re- covery. The medicine the doctor gave him did not do more than soothe the pain a little, then he would be as bad as ever. On a for- mer occasion Dr. Williams' Pink- Pills had cured my daughter of rheumatism, and we finally decided to try them in Robert'! case. After the use of three or four boxes there was a slight improvement and he continued taking the Pills until he had used .'2 boxes, when the trou- ble had '. >mpletely disappeared, and he has not been afflicted with it since." Sold bv -T!! medicine dealers or by mail at JO cents a box or six boxes for $'.' 50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Mfdicitie Co., Brockville, Ont. \ m % OLD ENGLISH IXNS. The. Pope's Head at Norwich, which the licensing authorities have decided to refer for compensation, claims to be the oldest public house in England. There are, however, other claimants, such as the Sara- cen's Head, Newark : the Old Green Man, Erdington ; the Seven Fine- den, which last, they say, was used as an inn in 1042. The Fighting Cocks Inn. St. Alban's, goes one better, and claims to be the oldest inhabited house in England. F. W. Qackwood describes it as. "a curi- ous structure, of octagonal shape, of early Saxon origin, having been built as a boat house to the monas- tery found<Kl by St. Albans by King Offa. about Stars. Witby-grove, Manchester, and the Bell, 795." BEATING SPEAKER. Col. Henry R. Smith, Sergeant- at-Arms of the Dominion Parlia- ment since 1872, has some good stories to tell concerning the ex- pedients employed by members of the House of Commons to question the truthfulness of other honorable members without being called upon by the Speaker to retract. A Westerner once called a fellow- member a liar in the House, and when urged to retract remarked that he would withdraw the expres- sion out of respect to the Speaker, but added that he would certainly call the member a liar outside the premises of the chamber. But in most cases attacks on veracity are more cleverly clothed in verbiage. The most artistic effort in this di- rection recalled by Col. Smith was that of a wit who, after listening Lieut. -Col. H. R. Smith. to a speech from the benches op- posite. said : "The statements of the honorable member just seated force me to the conclusion that if he had lived in the days of Sapphira that lady would have preferred him to Ananias as a husband." A GOOD UEMEDY FOR, LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can g'vc her lit tl ones. They are absolutely safe, being guaranteed by a government analyst to contain no opiates or other harmful drugs. They cure constipation and indigestion, ex- pel worms, make teething easy, in fact cure all the minor ills of Title ones. Concerning them Mrs. Mur- ray Marshall, Zephyr. Ont.. jays: "1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and always with the best of results. I can recom- mend them as a good remedy for little ones to every mother." The Tablets arc sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WE OF THE P.M. TALKSTO WOMEN TELLS WHAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOR HER. She Suffered for Two Years and Found a Cure for all Her Trou- bles in a Single Box. Lower Caraquet, Gloucester N. B., April 22 (Special). Mrs. Jos. 0. Chiasson, wife of the police ma- gistrate here, who for two years has been practically an invalid, is again in the best of health, and stie is telling her friends how quick and complete was her cure when the took Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My illness," Mrs. Chiasson says, "was caused by a strain, and for two years I was a sufferer. My back ached, I was always tired and nervous, there were dark circles under my eyes and after sleeping I had a. bitter taste in my mouth. "I had a pressure and sharp pain on the top of my head. I was al- ways thirsty and my skin had a harsh, dry feeling. I was often dizzy. I perspired easily and my perspiration had an unpleasant odor. "Almost from the first dose Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me, and by the time I had finished the first box I was a well woman." Mrs. Chaisson's symptoms show ed that the trouble was h"r kid- neys. That's why Dodd's Ridaey Pills cured her so quickly. . A ANOTHER RIDDLE SOLVED. Kind Scientists THI Us Why Cats Fall on Their Feet. The ingenuity of a scientist has resulted in the. construction of an apparatus to show why a cat in falling invariably alights on its feet. This apparatus consists of a card- board cylinder wherein are stuck four rods to serve for legs, together with a tail devised on similar prin- ciples. The object of the experi- ment is to show that a eat's pecu- liar faculty depends on the- rotation of its tail with sufficient vigor. It appears that this faculty is specially developed by climbing and leaping animals, such as members of the feline tribe, monkeys, squir- rel,*, rats, and most lemurs. The tail plays a most important role in the. turning process. According to the inventor of this apparatus, all tree-inhabiting mon- keys have long tails, and there is not the slightest doubt that these tails are of great aid to all climb- ers in enabling them to turn in the air. The tail also acts as a balan- cer, . evidenced in the case of a squirrel, which may be seen, walk- ing along a tightly stretched wire or string, swinging its tail from side to side very much after th<? manner of the professional wire walker bal- ancing himself with a pole. THE OLDEST METAL. A recent paper presented to the Royal Institution at London in dis-- cussing the question of the metals used by the great nations of anti- ' quity pointed out that gold was [ probably the first metal known toi man because it is generally found I native. The oldest metaJlic objects j to which we can assign a probable ] date are thought to be those found in a royal tomb at Nagada in Egypt supposed to have been that of King Menes. In one of the chambers were some bits of gold and a bead, a button and a fine wire of nearly pure copper. If the tomb has been ! properly identified these objects are at least 6,300 years old. Nearly all the ancient gold that has been ex- amined contains silver enough to give it a light color. It was gather- ed by the ancieoits in the bed of the Pactolus and other streams of Asia Minor. THE LIRE OF THE SEASIDE. From time immemorial the, sea has been calling the children of men. Sea-faxing men are lost ashore. The dwellers of inland cities and towns hearing the call \ come down to enjoy the cool breezes ! that are found by the sea. There is always life and action, even, the | coming and going of the tide, the' eternal restlessness have a luro. People are looking for a change of j scene and new places to visit each ! year, and Canadians cannot do bet- ter than to spend the^t summer this year at Long IslandTSound in the j vicinity of New London, Conn. | The Grand Trunk Railway System j will make it easy for their patrons as a new train service will be inau- gurated. A handsome booklet en- titled, "The Seashore," has just been issued and can be. secured fvr the asking, from A. E. Duff, Dis- trict Passengei- Agent. Toronto. HIS BAD LUCK. "I do believe my brother will die a bachelor. He has such bad luck. Every time he wants tu mar- ry a girl for love, she has too little money." These Pills Cure Rheumatism. To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to directions and usd steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. TIMELY WARNING. Stenographer "Mr. Jones, I am about to marry a poet!" Employer "Ah! Then you are going to leave us '" ' Stenographer "Oh, no. But I j shall need more pay." In Order to Find Out . to what extent the different food products are, used by its millions o! readers the "Woman's World" (circulation over 2,000,000 copies monthly) recently inaugurated a most interesting coupon canva* throughout North America. One of the questions propounded was, "What tea do you us.'.?" end the replies received demonstrate that Lipton's Ten is the most popular of all package teas, showing its sale to be double that of its nearest competitor and over 100 per cent, more than the n^xfr two mentioned brands taken together. Surely Honest Tea is the Best Policy. LIPTON'S TEA GOES FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY COLT DISTEMPER Can l>' tiandietl very easily. Thesk-lcir*, crjrwl. and u!iotbpr9 In ^niif* M.'ible nu ruuilvr liow *vxioi- < <l," kcut rruiu 'i.ivinit t In- UK. .' t>J :. luM'ilUN'SJJWL'lUlilsThMt'KU </l:HK. Mill !.i- UiDulli-' ur . I. f,'*Ht A i'! S on tin 1 Mojil and <-ip4*ls jsof ailfonasof dUKe)mp8& B*-st roundly erer known for inarms in foal. 50r and II a boitu-: &; and 111 dnn-n. of druKBi*uar.3 l:iirTH-s> a-'ali-rs. *'i:t shows huw to r*>n]lloe> thr->:i;-,. Our fr.-p Pi,,.* ' ^tv^ ,-\ -rMIiinir.<"-r - -:ilng tit horstt rclni'dv In -x'.sT,-nr<- ,j y*-,irr. fjtetlibwMI ALi K W1IOI.K.SALB UK; '".'II-T- EPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Uuctor.olusists. Goshon, Ind., U. S. A. MISCELLANEOUS. FAHWS FOR 9ALE. H AT and FAKil 6CALES. Wilson'. Rnale Work*, RBpUumd*, Forotlto CANCER. TUMORS. LUMPS, etc. In- ternal and external, cured wi'hout pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. Collincwood. Ont. H. W. Oawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. H I'NDKED .\CPES IN CALEDON. County of Pec'!. T v, VO HfNDKED ACKtri I.N" CAIiKDOB TON SCALE GUAltANTKED. Wilson* i Kcale Works. 9 Kaplanade Toronto CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Cftii be done perfectly by our Kreiu-h process. Try it. British American Dyeing Co. Montreal'.. Toronto, O:tawa and Quebec. The Soul of a. Piano is the Action. Insist on the -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Hr\nUED ACHES COOD BUILDING; Orchard: near Oakville. 4 N IDKAL F\HM OF TWi> HUNDRED ."V and Nine -.- A ,-n- in Township ot Hi'iMn: ten minute* walk from Pontofflee lor Wharf: Fine *tom Hmise and Oood I Bank Barn and Outbuilding. ImplpmentB inrluded in the price. Buildings alone rust nearly as m ah as pr:co asked. It is a Knap. \FINF THIRTY-ACRE FI'TIT FARM <-,. , Dundr.s. tod Buildings; well planted; at T EN Ai'P.E FP.t'IT FARM ST. Catharines. Tw"vvTY-Kivr ACRE St. Catllarincp. FRUIT FARM CREOSOTE) Protect Preserve Beautify Samplei and Booklets on Application JAMES LANCMUIR & CO., Urn: ted 1374 Bathurs". Street TORONTO ALBKR'''\. -\SKATCHKWAN. BRIT- ih (V'lnmbin and Manitoba lands in <tn;ill r>r !.irse blocks. - - H. W. Dawson, Ninety Colborne Street, Toro"' >. COUNTY IN l for our ca- :te. London. ARMS IN KV^KV \\VatiTn Ontario So alofftif. We!ern Real E' ACENT '.VANTET CATS PAW PUBBER HEELS Tread softly - Step safely, l^s CAT'S PAW RUBBER SOLES Embody the patented features of Cat's Paw Heels. , Maypole Soap THE CLEAN HOME DYE Civet tied, even colots, tree hom itteaki and absolut- ely lt. Docs not ttainhandioi kelllci 24 colors, will give any ihade. Colota I Or. black IK. at youi dealer's oj potl - paid with bookH "How la Dye " from JJ 107 F. L. BENEDICT & CO. Montreal R TWO CRUISES -ON TUB- VICTORIA LUI3E (1C.SU) Tom) Froa N.-w York NOT. 12. 1912 From Sao Francisco Feb. 27. 1913 Will vi, ii Multin. SMI*. |i.l. t rpl. Into. CerloD. M. ...l . SclllcneMi, !.., Philippine*. China, Jp. Saa^wica UUwit, with Overland American Tout. INLAND F,XCUR C 10N3 AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL | M Da,, In hJla TOURS I NOvii.Jopon Duration 110 Days Each luJing *" "** : Am mmJ* |A< ." If rt/, /or oo*/el. | HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINE f 4MS BROADWAY. N. Y. or Ocoan Steamship ARvrtey, (3 Yongn St., Toronto, Canada. MOTOR STREET CARS. Electric trolley-cars are to be re- placrd bv "petrol tramcars" on the short line betwee.ii Morecambe and Heysham. in the northwest of Eng- land One car is already in suc- cessful use, and two other cars have been ordered for the line. Each car carries 37 passengers, and is driven by a 55 horse-power, four- cylinder gasoline motor. The cost of the running and maintenance of the "petrol tram-car" well be stud- ied with intwrst by street railway managers. Many believe that the car will bo a serious competitor of the trolley system, sinee it requires no heavy expenditures for 'over- head or imdc.rgrouml equipment or for getierating-stationts. The Karoo grasvhoppr-r of South America has a ten-inch wing spread. Simple and Sure. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is so simple in appli- cation that a child can understand the instructions. I'sed as a lini- ment the only dir'Ttinn is to rub. and when used as a dressing to ap- plv. The directions are so plain and unmistakable that they an- readily understood by young or old. WORLD'S DEAREST WINES. In the RuthMiaus at Bremen. Ger- many, is stored the dearest wine, in the world. In tho cellar of this es- tablishment, built in 1405. is a col- lection of wines of vintage of 16;>3, 1227 and 17H4. The wine of the vin- tage of Kiuli is valued at $21,947,- 767,500, it is said. Send for treo sample to Oept. W. L., National Drug and Chtmleal Co.. Toronto. Cholera and all summer com- plaints are so quick in their action that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware that danger is near. If attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try a dose of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery . Cordial, and you will get immediate relief. It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect a cure. A VERY BUSY MAX. Posey "I tell you, Crankum is a busy man." Cooney "What's his occupa- tion !" Poscy "He owns an auto." * A Try Murine Eye Remedy """ !losmrtlnir-r'cv:ii I'ln* A<-tvulPkly. V' -. mm mm Try U I"r !!<.!, ,mk. Watery K) < and W O U r lirmmiMUd Kyt-'Mn.>ti<d Kmik i _ In tn.-h 1'ai'kairo. M' HIM, It com- m~ W A O p..Miiit,-.l tiy our> > ciiMKtii-nota"Vatcnt "F w *^ .Mwll,-liic"mitu,Hlini'Uci 1 <!Mll'li}ftl- 1U -^ -* fM I-I11H8' I'ti,.--! for lunny years. Nuw fW Cr & U .li-,ln-nf, a to '!. Pulrlto and sold by ^ I'ruKK -'^ [ ''^ !1 * l"' r ^x' 11 '*'- Murine g y mm A I v,- M|VV IM Axt'ptte Tubee, 'jfioTiOc. Mu-lno Eye Remed> Co.. Chlcioo A girl's kiss.'s an-> like pickles in a bottle the first is hard to get, but the rest coii^ easy. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. ''Did your wife turn out to be all that you expected her to he?" "More. When I married her she was as slim as a young gazelle. \c\v she weighs nearly 200 pounds." The most obstinate corns and warts fail (> resist Ho'knvay's Corn t'u re. Try it. HOW "LO" EXPLAINED IT. In the early days of the Klondike gold-fields, tho minors lived almost wholly on canned goods brought from the United State* and Can- ada. To an old Indian who fre- quented tho diggings, the cans were a constant surprise- the tnont. ve^c- t:ililrs and fish all ama/<Vi him. When the first phonograph was Imported, however, he had come to consider himself wise in the ways of tho paU-fai'o. After listening gravelv to a song b,v the machine. he aid. with the assurance of one to whom everything is entirely clear. "H? canned white man." Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. I wan v. -y nick with Quiney and thought I wnuld Htranglo. I uevtl MINARD'S LINIMENT and It cured me at ouce. I am never without it now. Yours (truthfully. Mil*. C. D. PRINCE. Nanwigcwauk. Oct. 21t. KRTS. EDUCATION, THEOLOGY. MEDLCirlE, SCIEMCE. Including flrts Summer Session July 3 10 Aug. I 7 The Arts course may be taken by cor re spondence. but students u.-v.i ing to K r a dua. t e must atteud one sassion. Short Course for Teacliers and gen- eral s'.iiiients Juiy loth to aiit. For t-.ilrndarx write the. Krfir:lr:ir U. V. CIIOWN KmgMi'n. Ont. KINGSTON ONTARIO \CK\TS SI-RK M0\w M.\KKR IS our Dr. liar Book. "nes'rni't:on of Tifanir." best book printed. eomm'r. : on 50 ix-r cent: outfit free: freijrV. n:ni; iTodit given ; Enrlone nostaee. f" ''"its. N'l'holn Co.. Limited. Tojvm'o rnnnHn. MALE HELP WANTED. |> \ILW.\Y Af.KNTS. TKI.Ki; K \ PHKR8 I IV :irul Clerks in (tnMt ,|i-:r!.n-il tliroiiBh- lout Ontar-.ii and North \V^t Six rnon h xvill qualify you. Day and M.iil <vrir:;e, ,riH ("'iiro<l. Frtr Pivik *3 prnlains. i Dominion S"h''l Tc-lpgraphv. Tor^n; WANTED. TADIKS TO no PL MX AND LIOHT A S<-iri!,' at iionu*, wlnilp or ^pari> time, B""J i>ii.v: rk M-II; any Jist:iiiri>, chantcB prt-p-'iid : ><-nd -4tamp f*>r full particulars. N it rial M.iiuifacturing Company. Mont- real. WILLIAM'S EXCUSE. "How does it happen that you are five in.niites late at school this morning.'" the teacher asked se- verely. "Please ma'uin." said Wil- liam. ''I must have overwashed myself." "Bought a farm, eh? Pay cash for it/" "Well. I paid cash for- what it was worth and gave a mort- gage for the balance.". All mothers can put away anxi- ety regarding their suffering chil- dren when they have Mother Graves' Worw Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. In the reign of Charles II. the burning of coal was accounted a public nuisance. Ask for Minard'3 and tako no other. BIGGEST RACK "Br'er Jones, does you think de devil is a black or a white man ?" "I d-unno ; and all I does know is do biggest race ]>roblem is how ter keep ten yards ahead i>* him !" In the year 1700 the United King- d<>ni produced 2,iJ!2,OiXl tons of coal ; in 1900. L'io.-.'OO.OOO tons. -~DQDDS ' IKIDNEY %, PILLS, ED. 7. IJSSiE 1:2. Trial is Inexpensive. To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement >f the di- gestive system, a trial of Parnn-K'e's Vegetable Pills is recommended, should the sufferer be unacquaint- ed with them. The trial will br in expensive and the result will be another customer for this excellent medicine. So effective is their ac- tion that many cures can certainly be tr :ed to their use where other pills havo proved ineffective. Wife ' 'id yon post that letter I gave ycm ' Hubby Yes. dta. . I carried it in my hand so I couldn't forget it. and I dropped it in the first box. I remember, because Wife There, dear, that will do. I didn't gi\<' you any letter tcrfpost. WORSE THAN' SOUP. Wife (,d:nj:ig at restaurant) "John. dear, can you see what tiioM- pc.iole at the next table are eating f" Husband "I'an't w at all, but it sound 1 , 'ik" celerv.' Xothng lights up like a uod match. a girl's face Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. A CONSIDERATE SON. A certain father, whoso son as an undergraduate at one of the larger (I'Vges, has frequent occasion to remonstrate with the boy on his extravagance. In a recent letter he sent a check for fifty dollars, but accompanied it with admonitions to lead a more economical life. "My son," he wrote, ''your stu- dies are costing me a good d<-,il. To which- his son replied, cheer- fully : "1 know ii, father, and I don't study very hard, either." ''John, do you love me!'' "Yes." "I l-i you adore un 1 '" "I s'posc.'' "Will you always love me?" "Ye look here, woman, what have you been and go"" ordered sent Yes. Maud, dear, it is quite all rirjht for you to accept rings ( rnm marrird men if you work at a tele- phone exehage. Minard's Liniment used bv Physicians. Within the past few months I over 100 persons have written I to the Zam-Buk Co. reporting I their cure of eczema, rashes and skir diseases by Zam-Buk ! Doestnisnot provethat Zam- Buk is something different? Don't you need it in your household? Miss Mary MoCuaig, 913 St. CV.h- rino Street W"., Mun'real, ny8: " I do not know wonls powarfiu enough tu expiesa my gratitude to Xara link. Kcv.ema, hi ol; out on my scalp and hands. Tho irritation of the scalp wna ao bad that 1 could not Rleep or i mi, and 1 fuarvd I should have to have rav hair cut off. On my hands the disease appeared in Roro patches, the burning and itching of n hich drovo me many times to polls of weeping. I wont to the die- pensarT, but they referred me to a skin eiiecialiat, who said that uiino was as lud a case of eczomaas he had seen. He gave me some ointment, ;iinl '. lii-ii a, si'i-dir.l lot, but neither gave me any relief. " I WM in A vory bad condition wht n Zm- Puk wss iutr'vlufed, but I o*m found out that it \v9 different from all tho other rvrue- die*. I porMveretl with the /.ni-Uuk trrt- int-nt, arid e.icb Irox ilid me more and mota BOxJ. The. irritation unil .niar'injf aoon lie* appaarcd, than Uie *ans be<it tn hor.l, frcnh hetilthy nkm Rrew over tho pnrt* which had boen tun>, b:il I un now quite Iroo frc:u all t rocs o( eczrmu, both on hrwJ and hajida, My hair hat aNo been a\ -!." /Atn Hti* in "Uo n mm ci'rr for pfli*. wriiHi' n. l-l . !;>.,].. i. .in. ttiirttfi anil all tWtn InfnflM, UC .Ml Jnio.Ula ' i"l UTfl, or Kain-Huk Co., Tottmto. for price. H HIM lulnUUil. >.

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