... BBTTTQJI PfHT DiiilM tUAL Result of Ballot Means Resumption of Work Rioting in Scotland A despatch from London isays : "It will be peace with honor and the men will return to work," said Thomas Ashton, Secretary of the Miners' Federation, on "Wednes- day night. Work in the coal fields is rapidly extending. Large num- bers have resumed in Staffordshire. The whole of the miners in the northern counties of England and a portion of those in Scotland have followed the fighting lead of the miners of Lancashire and declared against ihe resumption of work' in the pits until the minimum rates of wages have been definitely fixed. This will give a majority of the min- ers in the United Kingdom in fa- vor of continuing the strike. There has been some rioting in different parts of the country. At Dunferm- line iu Scotland the unionist min- ers stoned the detachment" of police which was protecting the non-un- ionists who had resumed work. At Pontypool, in Monmouthshire, there have also been disturbances, crowds of striking miners smashing the windows in the houses of the men. who have returned to work. Thi> coal \vhich is being raised is taken chiefly by the railways. DISEASE FROM PHONES. Berlin Companies Issue Rules to Gi.ard Against Infection. The following rules have been adopted by the Berlin (Germany) te'ephone companies for the preven- tion of the transmission of disease among the telephone operators : In exchanges and public telephone offices the transmitter shall be cleansed daily by wiping with a soft piece of leather moistened with a weak solution of phenol. In ex- changes which do a large business the use of the same receiver and transmitter by several operators is to be disco r intied. Each operator and eavh telephone- assistant must be furnished with a soparate trans- mitter for her personal use. All operators who are affected with contagious disease must be excluded from service until the danger . of communicating the disease is past. In doubtful cases the question of contagiousness must be settled by the attending physician. The in- atruinent last used by the sick oper- ator must be thoroughly cleansed without delay. KIM I I Ml HYDRO AEROPLANE. Successful Trial Trip of New Craft for the Navy. A despatch from London s.iys : A series of successful tests with a hydro aeroplane which has been constructed for the British Admir- alty, were made on Tuesday at H.ir- row under the auspices of Viekers' Sons & Maxim, builders of the craft. After skimming across the Caven- di-di dock at a speed of forty-five lile* an hour, the hydro-aeroplane rose birdlike into the air and alight- ed again. The feat was thrice ac- complished successfully. As the wind increased, further trials were pontponed. HIS OWN POLICEMAN. Walked Prisoner VII Night to Reach Winnipeg. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Leading; :i man with a rope tied ruiind his neck and with his arms bound behind his back, a Ualiriau marched a fellow-countryman four- teen miles into Winnipeg, arriviag t daybreak Wednesday morning. Through an interpreter the man ex- plained that lie had captured his prisoner at midnight in his house, when lie returned homo unexpected- ly, and that he wanted to lay a clivn'- against him. Ho said that fce had walked the man all night to get to Winnipeg. EXPENSIVE TASTES. Sign or Gabriele D"Annunzio. the THE NEWS IN_1 PAMGR4PH HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER mi; GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canmla, (be Empire nnd the World ill General Before Yonr Eves. CANADA. The Manitoba Legislature pro- rogued on Saturday. There is a great scarcity of un- skilled labor at Montreal. The Dominion linen mills will be moved from Bracebridge to Guelph. T!e Swift Canadian Company is adding to its plant at West Toronto. The C'.X.R. is planning to erect a ten-story office building in Toronto. Over $230,000 will be spent on Toronto harbom improvements this year. A lire at New Toronto destroyed the Brown Copper and Brass Roll- ing Mills. St. Catharines ratepayers have famous poet, writes very quickly, ! carried the by-law to take over the and he attributes his remarkable gas plant. powers to the fact that all his work I Spring work has commenced in the southern portions of the west- ern provinces. Brockville ratepayers will vote on the proposal to take Hydro-electric power on the 2. r >th instant. Thomas Cullis. aged seventeen, was killed in his father's mill near Thessalon, being caught in a shaft. A special report issued by the On- tario Department of Agriculture foresiiadows a prolonged scarcity of meats. Mr. C. H. Godfrey, the candidate of the reform element, was elected Controller in Montreal by a big majority . The prices of all grades of sugar have been further reduced ten cents per hundred pounds iu Ontario and Winnipeg. A two-million-dollar shipbuilding plant will be built at Sault Ste. Marie by a company organized by Mr. t'lergue. The Duke of Connaught tnter- PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRAUE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. BEEADSTtFFS. Toronto, April 9. Flour-Winter wheat, 90 PIT cent, patents. $3.80 at Kpalxmnl. and at $3.90 for home consumption. M.-un- toba Bourn -First pa-tenta, $0.60: second patent*. *5.!0. and strong bukvrB', $4.90, on track, Toronto. Mauitolm Wheat No. 1 Northern. $1.- 131-2, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, $1.10: and No. J at 31.06 1-2. Bay ports. Feed wheat, all-rail, 751-2 to 76c. Ontario Wheat Trade very dull, with prices unchanged. No. 2 white, red and mixed, 95 to 96e, outside. Peas Prices nominal at $1.20 to 41.25 outnide. Oats Car lots of No. 1 Ontario, ont- didc. at 47 ^o 48c, and of No. 3 at 15 1-2 to 46 l-2r. outside. No. 2 Ontario, 50 to 51c. on track. Toronto. No. 1 oxtra W. C. feed. 51 l-2c. and No. 1 50 l-2c. Bay ports. Barley -48 pounds at 85 to 90r, outside. Corn No. 3 American yellow, 81 to 82c. Toronto freights, and kiln-dried at 85 to 860. Buckwheat 70c. outside. Bran Manitoba bran, $26. in nngs, To- ronto freight. Shorts, $27.50 to 828. COUNTHY PRODUCE. Apples U to .$4 per barrel. Beans- Small lota of hand-picked 82 35 to $2.40 PIT bushel. Honey Extracted, in tins, 11 to 12c per Ib. Combx. $2.50 to 82.75. Baled May No. 1 is quoted at 816 to $16.50. on track, and No. 2 at $14 to $14.50: in i led clover. $11 to $12. Baled s.raw 89 to 810, on track, 'To- ronto. Potatoes Car lots of Ontariog, in hags. 81.55. and Delaware* at $1.70 to 81.75. Out- of-store. SI 70 to $1.90. Poultry Wholesale prices of choice dressed poultry : Chickens. -15 to 17c. per Ib. : fowl, 10 to lie: ducks. U to !5c : '.ur. keys. 21 to 22c. Live poultry, about 2u lower than tho above. BCTTER. EfidS. CHEESE. Butter The receipts of creamery are fairly large, with prices unchanged. Dairy, rhoice. in wrappers, 30 to 32c: lar?e rolls. 30c; and inferior, tubs, 20 -to 22c. Creamery. 35 to 36c tor roll, 33 to 34c for solids, per Ib. KITVS Now- laid. 23 to 25c per docen. iu cao lots. Chee**- -Large. 163-4 to 17c, and twins at 17 to 171-4c. per Ib. HOO PRODUCTS Cured meat* are quoted as follows: i WILDS The Most Remarkable Trip Ever Made Within The Arctic Circle A despatch from Dawson, A!a--ka, says : Joseph Jacquet, an explorer, has arrived here after U years' continuous residence in the Lower remarkable winter journeys ever made within the Arctic circle. In the week before starting Jac- quet made a, little trip of 150 miles to Eskimo Lake and returned to get Mackenzie River cotfntry bordering ' his wife, whom ho left with "friends. on the Arctic Ocean. He is accom- panied by Albert Ross, an Indian boy. They came from Fort Ma?- Pherson in the record time of U'., days with fast dogs. They travelled nine hours daily, equipped only with three light blankets, some flour and bacon. They killed five rabbits, gave most of the flour to Dozens of prospectors and trappers are living in the Mackenzie wilder- ness, several accompanied by their wives. Mr. Jacquet said, Harry Jones, an Englishman, is at Eskimo Lake gathering birds for a London society. word lias been received at Fort MacPherson from Stefansson and Al".\ander. explorers, accord- _ _ . ~ - - *ivt *u".-\t*inj^j, *r.^ (Jirj i t i .T ( *v.v-*/i i-i- Indians and carried neither tent nor I ing to Mr. Jacquet. It is feared stove. The trip is one of the most they are lost. DAMAGE BY FLOODS. Towns Inundated and Bridies and Dams Swept Away. On Sunday, at Owen Sound, sev- eral bridges and dams were wreck- ed, small craft were swept out into the harbor and wrecked, and the DIS( OVERY 01 RARE MINERAL Large Outcrop of Greenstone Found in New Zealand. An important discovery is re- ported of a large outcrop of green- .st.inc- in a hitherto unexplored mountainous district on the west C. P. R. and Grand Trunk tracks coast of the South Island of New were washed out. Two bridges at Zealand, which is thought to be Southampton were wrecked and the original mother reef from which much damage done to the electric I all the greenstone fjund in that is- light. plant and other business lae- j land is derived. A syndicate haa es. At Gait people in the low-lving teen formed for its exploitation. sections had to be rescued to boats. Several manufacturing plants were flooded and the loss is very heivy. Guelph reports the biggest flood in 43 years. Two or three bridge-i were damaged an-d dams also suf- fered. Here also factories are flood- ed, and- the Guelph Carpet Com- pany will lose a large amount iu stock and looms damaged by witer. lone clear.^ 121-4 to 121-Zc^per jb.. | Access to the Ontario Agricultural Two dams at iu case lots. Pork, short cut. $22.50; do..! , i a 419.50 to $20. Hainh- Modium to Colleg* IS cut off. taini-d the delegates from the Westli? 1 ;: but-bs. 19 to^Zpc. Indii-s at Government Hou.-;e and addressinl them on trade matters. ' A mad dog has bitten Severn! light. 16 to 161-2c; heavy 14 -.0 14 l-2r 103-4 to lie: breakfast bacon. 16 to It is anticipated that it will hereafter be so plentiful that its use will no longer be confined to souvenir jewelry, but will be used for mantelpieces, table tops, monu- ments, etc. It will also be export- ed to China, where greenstone, in the form of jade, is regarded with jxvuliar veneration. Up to the present time there has been no syndicate mining or quar- | rj-ing of greenstone in New Ze-i- i land, though the Maoris have ob- Til ' rcv8 ' i:!Wc: tubs - i: 1 ' Zc: pail9 - MONTRKAL MARKETS. iSisnor (iabricle U'Anuiinzo. is done at night At eight o'clock .. _ ^ __ in tin- evening, after a subst.-m'. i tl 1 other dogs at Sandwich, and strict i ^Montreal. April 9.-Oat Canadian meal, he sits down at hi- desk and j orders regarding muzzling will be as a rule works ste-idily on till nine ! enforced both in that town and in in the morning. Then, after a light \Viidsor. , o - Paisley were swept away, and Mr. uine<1 it {rom tuo ^ of str< , aulSi Jumes had from .using it for axe heads and for p.-r- drownmg Part of Branttord WM ' al a a ununeut , and it has also flooded. Quite a big flood occur- U et>n folin< i w i tn more or i,, >s f,-,.. r.-d at Ottawa, borne heavy losses I quoncv in tile Sout!l i s l a ,,d i n .;,, , . have been caused at Bewrerton and Western. No. 2. 521-2 to 5Jc : do.. No. i. 50e; extra No. 1 feed. 51c; No. 2 local white. 50c: do.. No. :>. '* . do., .No. 4. 48e. BarleyManitoba feed. 63c; maltinn. I lapsed. IJ.05 to $1.10. Buckwheat- No. 2. 71 -.o 73c. ' f or >>~ew z ea i an a gre en- Meaford. The C. P. R. bridge at st j ne jewellery is very popular with ^ 'do'.. "NO. 4.J Durham was undeniUned and col- tourists in that country, though l>r<-akfa>r. lie m>es to bed for the | Hon. J. D. Hazen stated at Mont- j Flour. Manitoba. Spring wheat patents day. Although he somewhit of a dream is a poet and real that the Government had tin- ' U r l ts ' * 5 ^ : ,. d<) ; 8e dB - 5 - 2 : do r..nic ,. . . bakers . <5.50; do.. Winter patents, cli. .;.,. fier, I) Annim- 1 t(T consideration the establishment ! $5.10 to is.JS; do., straight rollers. $4.65 zio has also a great love or luxurv | of a Canadian Llovds, owing to the ! **.75: < *> *2.ij .o 26 Rolled * * AH i a. ,lt a Ki.t u fct ftC . .1,. K.. n . <UI 11... W I and worldly comfort, and he is tin- 1 high rates of marine insurance on best and must e.\prnsively-<lr<".s4-d ; the St. Lawrence, man in Italy. The poet's idea if the value of money may be gather- ed from the fact that when he was offered #15,000 to give a series of lectures in South America he tele- graphed as follows : "I was disposed GRKAT BRITAIN". Tho decision of the British Min- ers' Federation to end the coal strike was generally approved by I>acket of cigarettes. the same. " oats--BarrnlH. 85.05; do., bags. 90 Ibs.. 82.. 40. Bran-S25: Shorts, $27. .Middlings. 829. Mouillie. SJO to S34. Hay- No. 2. per ton car lots, $14 to $14.50. Cheese- Kim-st Westerns. 151-4 tn 151-2r: do., llnest east- erns, 14 to 15e. Butter choices; creamery. 351-2 10 36c; do., seconds, 541-2 to 35c. Kirgs Fresh 25 to 27c. Potatoes Per bair car lots, 81.70. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, April 9. -Cattle Extra choice 87 to $7.25; IRON PLANT GUTTED. Eire Docs S50.IHM) Damage Desi-ronlii. all of it is real greenstone. It is used largely for brooches, brace- lets, cuff links, waistcoat buttons, etc. ' I In another section of the sam*' island a unique deposit of trans- parent boweniu?, known as "tain;'-- A despatch from Deseronto says : ( wai ~ .. t , )e n of ep!1 , t<IIIt , Si - A destructive fire did *M.WO ,:.,- ,, as bw . n f(H1I1<1 TanKlw;li , s differ . age to the plant of the Standard en t from the ordinary kind of green- Iron Company here about 3 o clock stone _ as it is translucent, even in Sunday afternoon. The elevator, | mo d er atiely thick pieces, and porme- engme room, storehouse and boiler A ted in sume cases with irregular room were all gutted, and as a re- ; oloudy waves. The ordinarv gr.-.-n- TWELVE YEARS FOR ll.VH. to cross the Atlantic, but not for a| "'',, '"'^'~' r- butcher steers and heifers. $7 to $7.25; qpvenrv-five mMi will \v> thrown The British C hancellor of the. Ex- |, m(l8 K<H)( | t<> ,..,. butcher $620 i<T 86- =.= auuuai. utja M m- i chequer showed a record surplus i 90: medium choice. $5.90 to $6i mixed light | " ut * employnicnt for a time. The lucent only in very thin slices, for the financial year just ended rf | |]j*J*"L ** !? JfLf*?i!? b "^' h '' r ,.V" M loss is P"*'* covered by insur-ince. <4.50'; $3--'.7'26,000. Tlie Hood situation at Caruthcrs- j ville. Mo., is very serious, the river Can a ilia n Sentenced to I. OUR Term I rising at the rate of five inches in is almost opaque and i runs- only in very thin slices. Old Maori legends tell of the loss $2 *3. in .Mexico. A despatch from Mexico Citv the twenty-four hours. A British journalist. .. Market steady to strong lor choice eweijaiid shipping pig iron. returned from Tripoli, reported the Italian *8.!0. and *7.7S f.o.b. defunct United States i, T. H. TO EXPEND WOOO.IIOO. Important Matter* to Come I p ut Half-Yearly Moeting. A despatch from Ottawa says : The healf-yearly meeting of the Grand Trunk Railway Company has been culled for Thursday, April \*. in London. The official notice which appeared in the- Canada Gazette on Saturday states that a resolution will be submitted to the meeting to authorize th^ directors to exercise the powers conferred by the Grand Trunk Act, 1912. This is the Aet authorizing tri e raising of $30,000, 000 by the company for various works of . construction and better tent. Company, was on Wednesday sen- c'aptain Scott, in a private letter tenc'-d to twelve years imprison- ment on three counts of the indict- ment against him. charging misap- propriation of the funds of the in- stitution. Ham has been confined iu the Federal District Prison since the failure of the bank in January, 1910. Im'ls. 85 m u'> 0ll 85.5oT ! 'cannen!.' Merctir ,v Company of Montreal are of the original tangiwai supply bv 8tockers-c;<x)d demand. 85.25 the principal owners of the concern.' burial in a landslide somewhere <i;i 'ep a1id Luiiibf 1 - ' A ^Tff business is done in making the slopes of Anita Bay. Tho site of the present discovery corre- sponds accurately with the refer- ences made to it in the old nativo -lories. Many samples of the stonu taken from the new lode have been ris and lambs. Kwi>. $5 to $6.40: yciirlings. | $8 to $9: bucks and culls. $4 to 85; $5 to $8. Hog* Market steady to lamoB, v rrxrnii IM i i in i. i uu^i \ strong: select*, fed and watered. M -.o i ObALK.VI. t I 1,1-IH h. I 9KX, says: Ge.u.1. Ham. President of : the | f b-.ttled up in their trenches. Montreal. April . The top P r>e paid ., 10P "'i" 1 " II " 01 " lnc new ioae I13V< Banking a , )d unal) i e to advance. for ' hu "''' '""" "'" * 7 " and the Wer !< "' > < 1 <' (> l !< >"'' " ll<> _ r '" Wteaener tak( , n t< _, Auckland, and the WASHKD FKKT OF 1'OOR. Also Reprieved Thirteen Men Sen fenced to Death. A despatch from Madrid says Good Friday, the King and Queen, according to custom, washed the feet of twelve poor men and women and served them with dinner. Ex- President Diaz, of Mexico, and many courtiers attended. Thirteen men sentenced to death were re- prieved. TO RECEIVE ALBERT MEDAL. Gallantry of Edward Bell In South Porcupine Fire Recognized. A despatch from London says : The King has approved of the Al- fc^t Medal, second-class, being con- rred upon Edward Bell, of tho Canadian Copper Company, for gallantry in connection with the . ."* Vll^-lll, HI3U UVt? Ill disastrous Lre m South Porcupine, the Second Lifo Guards AVIATOR WAS KILLED. (.alliriiili P. Rndgcr*' Biplane Fell From Heizlit of Jim feet. A despatch from Long Beach, Cal.. says: Oalbraith P. Rodgers, the. first man to cross tihc American Continent in an aeroplane, was killed here almost instantly late on Wednesday, when his biplane, in which he had been soaring over tho ocean, fell from a height of 200 feet and buried him in the wreck. His neck was broken, and faix body bad- ly mashed by the engine of his machine. He lived but a few mom- ents. before his departure for th Ant- arctic, said he had no intention of competing with Captain Amund- sen in a race for the Pole. The anthracite operators issued a statement objecting to recognize the union of the United Mine Workers of America, which they, assert is controlled by the bitum- 1 inotts workers. The British Government, while Kradeii sold from that down to 85.511 per i cwt. The bent conn and bullx brought $5.50, and the commoner ones ranired U Governor OC Bermnda. : d-clare it to be the real ' : queen A despatch from London say? : of greenstones." valued before all from that down to Si.50 per cwt. Yearlin* J j eut .-Gen. Sir Geo. Mackworth others for its beautv and quality. lambs at $4.50. the supply of calven was .. , large, at prices ranging from $2 to 8 ' BullOCK has been appointed each, as to size and quality Hogs were nor of Bermuda, to succeed tho late> firm and tn good demand at $9 to *9.;5 : i :- nt r* ,,, o:.. J.- 1 .p/l,,,.i 1 .l c Walter per cwt. for selected lots, weighed off J J .. P " i,. ftl . i cars. ; Kitchener, whose death occurred at . JMI.l-.l POTATOES FROM SCOTLAND. Carloads Are to Arrive in Chicago. A despatch from Chicago says : TERY <;VME. Hamilton on March T. Gen. Bui-! lock was born in 1851. He has seen YftUDg Man Who Promoted 't in service in India. South Africa . and was major-general commanding in i F.gypt in 1905-08. Ottawa Gets a Vear. A despatch from Ottawa says: Irving Hobinson. an auction salos- inan. charged with being the pro- rfusinic to subsidize an \tlantic ' fan- l-i nnnr mip.rl i otatoes from Scot-la-nd will be Stephen Kyoshk, an Indi.-ui. was moti-r of a >i-rios of lottery cable , Canada, announced murdering ,!"lr> in tins city, w.-i.-, sentenced on FATE OF 130 SEALED. Wreckage of. Steamer Koomhuiiii Indicates All Perished. A despatch from Perth, Western Australia, says: Wreckage picked up off the coast appears to seal the fate of the" 50 passengers and the. 80 nic'ii of the crew of the British steamer Koomban.i. which has been missing since the disastrous typhoon that prevailed on the north-west coast of Western Australia during the last week of March. LORD HYDE FOR CANADA. other countries. j T)(J ] e I S I. UM I toes grown in Michigan, Wisconsin i' ! Ab.-ut 100 shop proprietors and and Minnesota. Only once or twiro 'Have you any nice fresh far- ; ollst ,, M ,,,,. s wh( , ,,?..,,.,.<! tne gain9 have potatoes ever before been im- mers' eggs ?'' inquired a precise old w ,, re nno d about ?!'. 500 in all. ported for Chicago from across the lady at a grocery shop. "No. ma- 1 ^ attempt was Atlantic, although European sup- dam.'' replied the practical a.--i-i j the Viceroy of J plies arc not so uncommon at New ant. "but we have some \ery good Sunday the day of rest; bu| York. New potatoes from the south hens' eggs.' year. GENERAL. An unsuccessful made to assassiirite Mauchuria in Mukden. Captain Scott's party discovered : are not coming here freely, and the trv. coal and marble iu the Antarctic. ' northern States are shipping far and achieved valuable scientific re- less than usual at this time of the suits. Relations between Turkey and Russia are again reported to he strained because of alleged Turkish aggressiveness in Persia. A despatch from Shanghai re- ported a serious anti-foreign sen- timent, attributed to the delay of the powers in granting recognition to the Republic. She took three to ' <l'*l . v " u evor know a. man who fel* i rested on Monday morning! BROUGHT GOOD PRICES. One Cow Sold for $520 at Auction by Breeders' Club. Will Develop a Property He Has i The "*** fth oc.f.H ii Bought Near Toronto. A despatch from London says : Lord Hyde, the eldest son o/ Lord Clarendon, with his wife, and her brother, Lord Seiners, sailed for Canada on Wednesday to work somo property they purchased near To- ronto. They intend staying several ytars. Their children are accom- them, also five men lato of PRIEST HAS THE LEPROSY. Pcfe Isidore Dupiiy is Confined in Madagascar. A despatch from New York says : Word lias been received by Jesuit priests here that a distinguished member of their society. Pere Isi- dore Dupuy. has been stricken with leprosy and is at present confined in the leper colony at Mnrana, in Madagascar. He cannot live more than a year, it is said. f ^ FOUR FIRMS SUFFER. IEST EGG OF 6, What The British Government Proposes To Do With The Big Surplus A despatch from Ixindon says : Tho Admiralty evidently anticipate the German navy bill passing, with a consequent increase of the strik- ing power of the Geniian navy, 't'ho six million pounds ui;jj;fls which The Times holds the decision wise one under the circumstances. The News, chief Ui.'vernnieut news- paper, is silt-lit regarding this as- pect. The Telegraph says: "Lloyd George is perhaps the most surpris- A despatch from Belleville says : uner district Club, was f >,"* ** ..',.' \ ix f *" " ' eunesoav attcr- Vv'ednesday and vontinued Thurs- noon did damage lo the extent of -^^n Col. V. R. Kell.v. Of Syracuse, about 8120.000 to four firms in Has- I . win S to the < ?x - - the auctioneer. The prices rea- | tings Street, the Fit-Reform Cloth- :ued were good. Edith Prescott Aibino Korml.xke brought $520. the bcyer beiM? Mr. Tracev, of Co- bonrg. Her sister, Buttergiel, brought. $350. Several cows old for over $'-00 each. Chancellor of the Exche^ 1 " ^." k to present the Government's p "^ V '!. diplomatically and pacifically. It is Ubt> but the the is n*it at om-t- to T ' should be U!r.l;-r stances, for be ued ( as u cireunv ing Company, Sweeney and Xei-J ham Clothing Company, \Vadd Bro- thers, photxigrapliers. and the den- a two-keels-to-one ).ioliey in respect a tistry office of Dr. BfcGuir*. Tho 1 1" nny ship built by Germany over I ion will law office of Uuncan and ScriiitgMur j and above those .s{vecined iu her | financial expp'Sieilt is fully jiist> was also damaged. i- i I nav> law programme. .1 lied." -"L Ji '. ^