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Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MEN. 1 VOL si, m 40 Fleslierton, Ont., Thursday, April 1 1, 1012 W. fl. TfiCRSTON EDIT'>B nail I'BOPlUETOl: - Rivers On The Rampage Heavy snow, no inter thaw and a eudden rite in temperature to spring 'laldm--- on Thursday list, continuing fur three days, were responsible for more financial loss in this county than was over before known. Tlie township of Arlemesia has been a heavy loser through loss of bridges, cul- verts and roadways. The (. . P. R. bridsje at Walkerton was washed away and jther damage was done out that way. Meaford had several dams demolished, flour mill and tannery swept away, and much other damage done, amounting to $100,000. At Owen Sound the harbor was strewn with wreckage of small craft, logs, trees, *tuu>p and timber swirling around as* though in .1 maelstrom, undermined buildings and damaged bridges, is the tale of Owen Sound's worst flood experi- euue. Five dams on the Pottawatomie and Sydeuham rivers were carried away. On the Sydenbsm the dam above Ingli*' r nils at luglit' Milk was carried out, followed in muck succession by that at Harrison's flour mills. The immense bodies of water backed up by these itruc- tures came down with a terrific rush, tarrying along a dozen or mote motor toata from the teoie or more hauled up Uong the shore for the winter. The temporary wouden bridge erected at 9th .- rvri two years ago was wrecked aud piles of wreckhge went tossirt; down the Niagara-like cutreot. Below the new Tenth-*treet cement biidge was a pile- driving pUnt on a ic>>w. Tho current wrenched I hit* from its moorings and, turning it over, it went crashing into the steamer Vennette, a pleasure boat owned by a local syndicate. The result was dis- astrous, a* the boat lies to-day with stern -uiik and its bow on the upturned scow of the piledriver. Scattered through i l^i harbor arc the wrecks of motor boots, while several of the fleet of fishing tugs MB scraped and battered by the impact of timber ind floating cakes of ice. But f _ while the Sydenham river put up the spectacular, the Pottawatamie river's rampag e did the greater damage. The danis at Wright's oatmeal mill. Nichol'S planing and .sawmills and Wright's Hour uiill gave way about the same time as those on the Sydeuham. The worst damage is the wrecking of the storehouse at the flour mill. The water cut through an embankment and made a watercourse causing the storehouse to topple over with its contents of mill stuff into the rushing water. A Urge iron tritti; bridge over the Saugeen at Durham was undermined and in the sight of hundreds of spectat- ors the in.' structure fell into the river. i his bridge was erected 6re years ago and will cost Jfo.ODO or 4.000 to replace Fourteen dams on the Credit river, from Alton to Port Credit, were washcj away by the freshets. WHY HE WAS LATE "What mad* you so l:it<-r "I met Sirithsoft." "Well, that is no reaun why you houUt \x an hour late getting home to |n>er." "I know, but I asked m'm how he was feel- iiiK, and he insistfl <>u telling me about hi 't.iiii.n h trniibU'." "Did you tell him to tske (.'hamlx-rUin's Tablets?" "Sure, tliat is he need-." Sold by all dealer*. Durham Mr. Wm. Bradley has sold his farm, lot 11, on the 2nd concession of Egre- mont, to Mr. Geo. Pollock, who occupies the farm opposite. The price was $>00, which is considered very low. Last wnek Mr. Middlelon i>f the Rocky lost a * 200 horse, which he had purchased just a few days before. A very serious operation was perform- ed Tuesday ou a four or five-year-old sUurhter of Mr. John Bartinan of Allan Park. The large bone of the leg had decayed, aud Drs. Gun and Hutton de- cided it was necessary to remo/e it. It teems the leg will have to be entirely re- moved, as it c.innot possibly he of any use as it is. The child is being eared for in town by nurse Carniont, but grave doubts are entertained as to her chnnces for recovery. --Chronicle. I'n-i-t mi has an old couple who have been married for sixty years. Both were natives of Glasgow. The gentleman is (Jo mill the lady SVt years of a^e. Ceylon Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sargent and two chil- dren of Owen Sound, and Mibi Lizzie Sargent of Maikdnle, spent Easter with Mr. aud Mis. Ed. Sargent. Robert Brodie left Monday furToruuto to spend the summer. Mr. Sam Chielett of Toronto returned Monday after spending the holidays with his parents. Miss Lillian Kutledge aud friend of Orangeville spent Eatter with Mrs.Robt. Rutlgdge. Miss Maud Hemphill of Toronto is spending a few days at her home here. Misses Ness and Sybil Collinson are visiting friends in the city. Mr. Conron of Dundalk spent Sunday at J. I'.Hiil, v - Misa Clara Cok is visiting with To- ronto friends. We are sorry to report I lie illness uf Mr. J. Radley bat hope for hin eirly recovery. Mi- Burrows of Riverview and Mr. Robert Tusker, teacher near Stratford, spent the holidays with Mrs. II Tucker. Mit-s Aggie McPhail, teacher near Black horse, is holidajtitiK at home. Mr. Frank Collinson left on Tuesday for Unity, Sask., with a car of hordes and other eflects. Miss Coletuan is visiting her parents l Owen Sound. Mr. Thorp Wright of West Toronto called on friends here Friday. Miu /ilia McLtod of l\<ruto, spent the Easter holidays with her parents. Walkerton William Scott wa* taken into custmly on Friday and placed in jail as a vagi mil . William is an rx-imnate of i '10 House of Refuge. Having sent a sample of hie apparatus for force feeding lunatics and suffragettes to tht Hollowy jail it London, England, Dr. H. H. Sinclair was surprised this week to receive word that hm rig Imd been usfld thete with marked success nn some militant female prisoner*. After being spool fed a tew times the Hollowny girU gave up the tight against food, ami all that ia necessary now to stimulate their appetites is to show them one of the spools, at which signal, it is said, they tall to and fnirly exhaust the pantry. Mr. Nicholas O'Hagan, who purchased James Cameron's farm in (ireeuock, is the proud father of twin babies, which his wife had the fortune to preaent hm. with on Friday last. The mother of tho infants was formerly a Miss Casaidy of Cireenock, and it is a fact not probably equalled ehewhcre in history that no less than eighteen set of twins have bccu born to the (.'assidy I'unily . The Caa- sidy women whc. are all related and orig- inated tii-iii the vunr family tree, had the honor of presenting their husbiuids with fifteen set of twins, whi'e the l'a- men had three set of twins present- ed to them by their wives. As(jreenock U also the home of the. 1 Bechberger trip- lets thoi-d must be .something in the cli- mate that so Ui.stinguishcN birt Inlays there Herald-Times. A Big Seizure of Game Provincial (.>anie Inspector Holden and Inspector Jermyn of Wiarton paid ;i visit to Owen Sound last Friday and startled some of the citi/ens. The nefc result of their visit wax 55 partridges, '..'I hare ami two boxes of dressed hare. The pro- vincial gan:e laws are very strict, and any of this species of game after Jan. Hi of each year is liable to bo i-ouBcatecl mid a penalty impused for each bird or animal found. Wliile the open season close* on Dec. lf>tli a period is given until -I HI Hiih for disposition of the game. Thus while (lie partridge and hare seized by Inspect or Holden may have been shot during the open seaton, they are none 'the le&s liable to become confiscated. Tim seizure wits made at the cold storage warerooms of Messrs. Lemon llres.. where the ^auio was being -stored for different parties about town. The owner- ship of the big end of the lot is stud to iest with the Patterson House, wlulo the balance of thu property in said t> be owiu-ii by three very prominent business men. Inspecti r Holden stored his si'i/.ure in Lemon's cold storage ware- house under the IIHIIIC of the department and returned to Toronto lo repnrt his wotkU the Department. Junt what :u-l inn will be taken remains to be seen. Clntswor' h News. Artemesia Council Artemesia Council met in the township hall on Saturday last, the Reeve in the chair. A delegation waited on the Council with a petition asking for the opening cf I'M sideroad. Island 2nd con. N.E.T. and S. R This petition was signed by (?"> ratepayers. Bylaw 7J.'5 to :-.pp'iint palhmasters, etc., was finally passed afier the fo'low- iu'_' changei had been mnde : J. W. Gibson was appointed pathmasler in place of F. A. York, W. Stewart in plai-e of G. Clark, .lames Cornfield in place of Alex. Anderson, L. Becker instead of W. H. Ludlow, J. A. McMillcn instead of A. Gilehrist. John Port eons instead of James Iiii-sel 1 . W. Duckett in placo of T. Bet's, Arthur Johnston instead of A. McLean, R. Genoe in place of L. Lati- more, D. D. Mcl^aghlun in place of J. English and J. J. Thompson instead of Dan Leitch. Meldrum A. D. McI/tod That in legard to the petition of Win > '.uin and ol hers re opening of 130 sideroaJ, con. 1 and 2 N. E. T. 8. R., that it be laid over for further considetation. t'jrried. Meldrum- A. D. McLeod That this Council hereby c msetits to the re-iuest of the Council f the township of ' ipry for the. extension of the Township of Ospiey telephoiiD system in this town- ship upon the line of road between thu Mth and ',lth concessions from the town line between this township^aud the town- ship of Osprey to the sideroud between |ota 25 slid ii in the "h and !Mh conces- aion<, and the i-ondi'ion*i of instalUtiou mid erectii.n shall be as provided by by- law No. .ViO of the wtiJ township of dupn-y- Crried. Cnuiicil a-ijourned. KIT rlieiiiiiati*in yon will find noibiug bet- fr than rhaiulwrlain'K Liniment. Try it ami ire how i|iiicklv it given n-lirf. Kr ale by all A Bad Pair On Monday of last week James Duw- dall of Mono in Toronto and visited an employment ngeiiey to secure help to work on his farm. He succeeded in se- curing young man and Ilia suppos.d wile and brought them home with him on Monday evening am! took them uul to hi* lioi- Hf toon learned on Tucs- dy inotiiing that neither of them were * uted for the work and he drove them back to Shelburne on Tuesday att<>rni-ou and left them at the Queens hotel. They both went upstairs and shortly .it'er wardi the man came down and bought a c >uple of drinka of lageiine at the bar. They mid they were waiting for the north-bound eveninu train. \\'hen R. 15. Smith, meat dealer, went fo his room .it .-i tea he lisco,vered that his yrlil watch which he had left in his room wa.s missing and sho'tly after .-i commercial traveller Complained that his grip had been oponed and several articles taken. V this time the pair were at the elation waiting for the I ruin tn-gel out of town. Tlie proprietor of this hotel wont to the station and broughl thuni back they de- nied having taken anything .ml were u rvatly annoyed al being detained. Alter being i|uestioiieil by Mr. Smith and the traveller they finally admitted taking the good* and dimiij{ed. The man had the watch secreted inside his rants and the woman had the bulmice of the stolen gooili. They ri'in:iiiu-<l all irght :it the hotel and next morninsf. U. B. Smith laid information ' them but beftn-o the pa peri were icndy In serve they got away on tjie train. The muple hailel from the American side - Free Prc^s. Hatherton CANADI/ HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS v- TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan. Mberta Sprat) Trtiu lean Torcwlo 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2, 11. N MV 14, ft JUNE 11, K JULY 9, 23 HUG. (, It SEPT. I, IT Second UH tickeli fion Onltrio (Klioni to pfincip*) N*nhweil poiati *i LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipet ml return $34.00; EdmonloD tin) Klunt $42.00. and to other poinu in proportion. Tickeli EOOO lo return within 60 dty* from loina dale. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS through lo EdmoMon vi> Sulutoon. t\to toWinnipef and Caluty via Main Line on !) excunioni. Com- forltble beilht. full* equipped with beddint . n b '.--. 1 .1 Bxxfertte riM throuih locd *t n ' Early appllMlicn mutt be made. ASK FOR H9MESKCKCNS' PAMPHLET . .mi nun nil i*in and hill inforawlion. Apply to aeamt C.P.R. Al or M. C. MURPHY. Din. P. Ati.. Toronn. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANCE OF CARS We (tympthise with Sir, R. Brown of the Centre Line in the los.s of house and contents by tire Ut week. H had in his summer'* supply of rtour, sugar and other provisions and new clothing. Mm. W. Findlay of Markdale is visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. E. ISacloy. Misses Mabel Young and Maggie Hill are learning dressmaking in Klesherton. Sir. R. Y juiijj and family hare moved into Maxwell ami Mr \Yill Baker :i., , moved into the house vacated by the former. Miss Viva Seeley .,f the Fevorslnm continuation school, Feverahum, it spendini; holidays at her parental home. Robert Down of the B. T. Co.. Wet- ton, is xpetiding holiday* at the parental hom. Mi. and Mrs. H. Young auU daughter, Bertha, spent a day recently with their granddaughter, Mrs. ,/. Longhead, near Sinu;liampton. Mr. A. HORS had a successful wood lieu tail Saturday. Fn Friday while the little :t-year-old twin son of Mr. G. McMnster was play- ing upstairs in his rVct ho stepped on a tewing needle which penetrated al- most through his foot. He wat hiurid out to Dr. Hyckman'H who. unfortu- nately, was awny from home, but Mr. \V. Scull took him in h uid and lucceeiJeil in extracting the noedle. The little fellow was completely exhausted and fell aalepp noon afier the needle KM removed and is doing nicely. Catarrhozone Cures Permanent!} BRONCHITIS, COUGHS. COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH Throw medicine to the dogs. At best they are unpleasant, cfteu use- less. You are suffering- from some disease of the throat, nose, or lungs. Doctors call it Bron^iitis. Ant lima, or Catarrh, or It is a slight or severe cold. Germs cause these diseases they have a common root. Catarrhozone destroys disease germs, but it does more, it heals disease tis- sue. CATARRHOZOXE is little drops of healing carried by air to the exact )lace where Catarrh exists. Observe, -'atarrhozone not only destroys tin- cause, but immediately repairs the result of diseased condition. Catarrhozone means little drops of tealing carried by air and placed over he lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone is endorsed by doc- ors. druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people who have used it. Catarrhozone Yea, Sir, it is taken in air. "Little drop* of healing'' carried by ir to weak places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Three sizes: 2~>c. ode. and $1.00. at niRgrists. <<r by mail postpaid from ' Tho Catarrhozone Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. and Kingston, Ont. Jewelry Proton Station Mr. Malco'm McFaden and family htve moved to the house on Win. Lud- low' farm. Mr. - aiid family from Shelburne h-ivc moved into Mr. \V. I). Hopkin s residence Mr. Jos. Mongoinery of Clifford was the guest <<f L. Becker a few days last week. Mrs. John McLtau of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. Sunald Melkan. Mivs Aljoe, school teacher at Chals- worth was the guest of Mies K I.. M Comb on Thursday. Mr. T. Sargent aud grandson. Master Re. Karn of Toronto, were visitor* here last week. Mr. Fred McTavish and M -.-. Kdna Patton of Fleshert'in. tinited with friends in the burg on Friday. Will Uazen spent Friday with friends at Dund.ilk. Mrs. J. \V. Lyoni and little o.m^litci are visiting friends in Toronto over the holidays. Mr. Oreenis and Mis Trelford ol Orangevillu spent Kiister witli the latter'.' parents, Mr. nd Mrs. J. Irelford. Miss Clara Binnie, Toronto, is spend ing her vacation at her homo neai Prot m. Mrs. ThoH. Wauchob, Kva and Lloyc visited friends in Durham over Sunday Mr. Robert V-i - :i and family o Owen Sound spent K.n 'n with tin former's parents, Mr. and Mis. Jaine Neilson. April Rod and Gun i 'nee more Kod and (!un in Ciinad-i i out with a special spring fishing iui<iibe thu April issue- and as usual there i> soinelhing to interest tishermeii in every province of Uiu Dominion. The Real Easy rishiiii; chili's Canadian outing 01 the French rivei is the opening nuiiiber mil. believe us, it is a good one, illus trilling the tine sport indulged in by i parly of American sportsmen who an swered the call of the wild. In thii stuiy it was not the big fish that go away, as is evidenced by reproduction! of photographs, one of which, " I lovi my best girl but O you muscalonge," hai been as, a cover. Of exception.-) in' crest, also, i.s the account of .1 fishing trip through Tusket Lakes, Nova Scotia Oilier an iclcs are in keeping with tin character of a special lishini; number o this Cunadmn which is pub lished by W. .). Taylor, Limited, Wood stock, Out. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. New Tailor New Goods New Styles Peter Tiffany, an aged employee of the i Hepworth Furniture Factory, attempted m three occasions, on Sunday aud M mill. iv r.i commit suicide. Firtt lie took poison, but the doctor was soon clle 1 and he was put out of danger: then lie attempted to cut his threat with a knife, but his s >n was watchin? him and prevented the act; then Dually, he at- ] tempted to hang himself, but. *as like- wise foiled in this act. He is deranged and was taken to the county jail and will likely b traiixferred to thu anylum. Tr* Leader. A large seixure of game took place u Owen Sound lust week, consisting of >a partridge*, .4 hare and two boxes , if dressed hare. The seizure WHS made , at the cold storage wareroums of Messrs. Lemon Bros, where the game had been ' s'ored for various parties. The Pateraoii Mouse in said to hare owned most of il. tulvLMi over the tailoring business of Mr. It red Morley 1 am now desirous ot introducing myself to the citi/.ens ot" Flosherton and surround ing country, and would solicit a trial order. I feel my sell competent to give you thorough satis- faction in tit. finish and pric". C. BLAKELEY Standard Bank Building FLESH ERTON. OM < \'on "ill look a K.MM' while before you find ali-.'ttr|lttcr medieine for cough* ami colds li -.n ChaiiilM-rlain '* Cough Kenirdy. It not) inlv <iven u-li.-l it eiirm. Try it whn you I liavt- a "u K li or a i-olil. and ymi are certain to be |>leard with the prompt cure which it it M ill effert. For sale by all dealer*. tnereai> your Karmui: at'emlini: ttm UJOTT . Best place in i anadadir HiRh (irn.i.- ltm>ine<4 Kiliicitiou. Fhtar now. upon all \ enr. i xt- ^u|^n free. SEEDS SEEDS RICHARDSON &. FLKSHEI^TON DR. BU RT 5peclall*t In diseases ol ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 30 Oth it. West, Owen Scund At the Rovero house, Markdalo, 2nd Thursday ach month from 8 to 12 a. m. Duaailk, let Thuraday of each mouth. Spring Suitings We have just received our supply ol Spring Suiting*- latest P.-ittei-UH and in great variety. Wo can supply you with the Mobbievt suitings for spring and summer done up in the host style of art tailoring. Our price are right. Di op in and look at our goods, whether you order or not. We want to make your Spring Suit. S. J. BOWLER, THE up - T0 - DATE BUSKIN. BLOCK. TAILOR FLESHERTON,

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