["CLOSE QUARTERS L OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE CHAPTER XVI. (Cont'd) "But what about Gros Jean and the Turks? Surely Paris cannot again have swallowed them up?" inquired Brett. "Every effort is being made to trace their whereabouts," was the reply; ''but you must remember, monsieur, that they had many hours' start of the police, and that this period of the day is the most difficult of the twenty-four hours in which to make successful in- quiries. You must rest assured that the moment we receive even the slightest clue we will ring you up, provided, that is, you arrange for some one at your end to answer the telephone." "Oh," said Br<_tt with a laugh. "there is little fear of future de- lay in that respect. It will be day- light in another hour, and the ser- vants are already busy about the place." He rang off and then darted back to his sitting-room to consult a time-table, for the thought came to him that Gros Jean and the Turks had quitted the cafe in order to reach Marseilles. He could not yet explain this strange alliance. It was impossible to believe that the innkeeper would betray his daughter to serve the ends of a political party. No ; there must be some other explanation which the future alone could reveal. He well knew that the last thought likely to occur to the Paris police would be to suspect the miss- ing men of any desire to reach the south coast. It was with an al- most feverish anxiety that he scrut- inized the pages of the indicateur des chemins de fer, and he heaved a sigh of profound relief when he i there Brett detailed his immediate discovered that the first train Gros plan of action. gether, monsieur," he announced] eagerly, "and the French gentle- man first of all inquired of the driv- er how much he would charge to take them to the Jolies Femmes. Two francs was the fare, and this was agreeable, so they have gone there." "I hope, in this instance," said Brett gravely, "that the Jolies Femmes is the name of a hotel." "But .certainly," replied the por- ter elevating his eyebrows. He meditated on this question for five minutes after Brett's depar- ture, and then an idea struck him. "Ah," he cried, slapping his thigh with a grin, "he is a droll dog, that Englishman." Brett, secure in the knowledge that his quarry had been located, drove back to the hostelry. He found Edith, Fairholme, and Tal- bot just sitting down to breakfast. He joined them, and had barely communicated his- startling intelli- gence when Sir Hubert Fitzjames put in an appearance. "Dear me," said the genial old soldier, smiling pleasantly at the assembled party. "I see you are all nearly as lazy as I have been myself. I hope you slept well and enjoyed a quiet night." The burst of merriment which greeted this remark not only BOVRIL IS T HE GREAT BODY-BUILDER See the British Medical Journal. Sept. 16, '11. and the Medical Times. Nov. 18. 11. B-2-1- Fitzjames, she walked with them down the Cannebiere and on the quay. Then she strolled back around the harbor, still pursuing the track of Edith's midnight wanderings, when Fairholme suddenly whistled with amazement. "By Jove, look the re I" he cried. 'That's a piece of luck." He pointed to the upper part of the basin, in which a number of smart yacht were anchored side by side. Marseilles is a, natural point of departure for Mediterranean tours, and many yacht-owners send their vessels here to be coaled and stored for projected trips. "What is it?" queried Edith, when she could see nothing in the locality indicated save the vessels and the small expense of water dancing in the rays of a bright sun. "The very best thing that could amazed the worthy baronet, but I have happened. There is Daube- startled the other guests in the din- ! ney's yacht, the Blue Bell. Sup- ing-room. "That is a strange pose it becomes necessary for us to thing." whispered a Frenchman to j follow up Dubois and his fishing j his wife. "I thought the English j smack, and we let Daubeney into never laughed!" CHAPTER XVII. After breakfast the party ad- journed to their sitting-room, and Jf>an and the Turks could travel by left Paris the previous evening, and was not due at Marseilles until 8.39 ih-it morning. It was now close on seven o'clock, so he went to his bedroom, effected some much-needed changes in his personal appearance, and then consumed an early breakfast of cof- fee and rolls. At half-past eight he called a carriage and was driven to the railway station, where, punc- tually to the minute, the Paris train arrived. Brett managed to secure a fav- orable point whence he could ob- aerve the passengers without being seen, for on the platform were stacked hundreds of baskets of fruit and vegetables which had arrived by a local train. There were not many passengers in the express, and among the first to alight were Gros Jean and the want to go off into Hindustani "The first point to determine is an important one," he said. "Which of you three Sir Hubert Fitz- ! jamos, Talbot, or Fairhohne looks most like a Frenchman?" The trio at once began to scrut- inize each other carefully, to Edith's intense amazement. Jack delayed the selection by in- quiring "May I ask, Brett, why you wish one of ous to haul down the British flag?" "Because it is necessary that some one should koep a okiM ove '~". J . ".- =>r.""* ' on Gros Jean and the Turks. Sir ! 8 T ? tI8 . f - v , hl8 cr , lt , 1C f 1 ., cy f' Hubert Fitzjames might possibly! be made up to represent un vieux moustache, but it is essential that he should speak French well." "Then," cried Sir Hubert decis- . ively. "I am out of court, because - vachtln ? ca P' mer 8^ ^om the my French is weak, and I always the know. The Blue Bell would pursue the Belles Soeurs to China. He would ask no better fun. I tell you that Brett will be delighted when he hears of it." "Yes. dear, but we do nut even know that Mr. Daubeney is in Mar- seilles." "Let us go and see. It doesn't matter a pin anyhow, because a telegram from me to him would place the yacht at our disposal, and he would join us by rxpn-ss at the first possible stopping-place. You do not know what a go.xl chap Dau- j beney is," and Fairhohne continu- ed to dilate upon the superlative excellencies of Daubeney until they reached the yacht rtself. A smartly attired sailor was pre- tending to find sum* work in care- ! fully uncoiling a rope which did not; "I understand you have never been to Marseilles before, Misa Tal- bot. In that case, what do you say if we run over and see the Chateau d' If the place that Dumas made famous, you know!" "Is it far?" said Edith. "Oh, not very; about a mile across the harbor. Monte Cristo swam the -distance, you know, af- ter his escape." "Shall we go in the yacht?" Daubeney bubbled with laugh- ter. "Well, not exactly. Miss Talbot. You cannot swing a ship of this size about as easily as all that, you know. I have another craft along- side that will suit our purposo." He whistled to a tiny steam launch which Edith had not noticed before, and without further ado the party seated themselves. (To be continued.) PLACER GOLD MINING IN QUEBEC. By the expenditure, of a large rani of money, and with no noise or publicity,. there has been opened up In the Bastorn Townthip* of Quebec, right her* at home, and not thousando of mile* away, tha larfeit placer gold mining proposition emt of the Canadian and American Bcckiei. The holdings oonsiM of 71.000 aorei of land, known an the Seigniory Bigaud Vaudreull. Bauce Co.. Ine'.uling a number of rivers following the beds of ancient itreanm. vrlrh Their imm^ncc de- posit* of gold-bearing grarel. Oold had. until a few yeaxo ago. been mined from thcee grTl bedi In a prlmltlre way for many yeara. Difference! ae to mining rifh'.a checked operat'.oni until very re- ctfntly, when a trng company, organ- '.I'd by prominent baain*** men of Mont- real, parchatad from the original owners of the Haigniory the perpetual right* to mine for procloui miner*)* on the 71.000 acre*. They entered into the practical exploration and dtiraiopment of th won- ! .-f - il gold deposit! on the tetirnJory. and intended many thousands of dollars in exploitation. A oomplato hydraulic plant, with all necessary machinery, has baan installed on ona of t'.io mcny gold-bearing rivor beds, and i>o;ual mining operation* eotaKithed. Three large "giant*." throwing solid stream* of water under Immenie preauure. waeh the sand and grutel Into a slnio* where tha nuggeta and dust aro collected and reoor^rwd. Throw ihort "clean-up*" wr mado before the erent of frooaing weathor last No- vembBT, resulting- for the first clean-up in a roeorory of 16 ft*. In gold per cu. yard. The second olean-np gam 42 ota. in gold pr cu. yard, and !h last one. after only two hour:* of washing on rir- gln ground, gars Taluei of |!53.00. rotund form, encased in many yards ' of blue serge, surmounted by a jolly-looking face on top of which' an absurdly small '. three Turks Hussein-ul-Mulk and the two others he had seen in the Rue Barbette. It would be idle to d-eny that the barrister experienced a thrill of satisfaction at his own shrewdness, and he smiled as he realized the consternation of the Paris commis- eionary when informed that he had BO easily allowed the rogues to slip out of the net. The travellers were evidently tired after a sleepless journey. Qros Jean, being a fat man, hail wobbled about a great deal during the night. He much needed the restorative effect of a comfortable D4XJ i WullSt Vile younger and Turks, though whenever I open my mouth.' "Very well," concurred the bar- rister, "it comes back to you, Tal- bot, and I regret to inform you that for the next few hours you must be content with the inferior cooking and accommodation of the Jolies Femmes Hotel. If you will come out with me now I will get you "Why, there he is," shouted thi> earl. "Halloa, Daubeney ! Yoicks ! Tally-ho!" The person addressed in this Tho fompuny owning th'.3 Tahiable oro- p^rty : capitalnod for 51.000.800. !n -hare? of <1 CO cadi, fully paid, and a small amount of stork, being th* balance of Treasury Stock, it now offered for al tho public. This ia a profitable and pprmariMit InTMtrarnt. A real, prodnrlng ft-oid-mining proposition, no) a prospect. The Company will py larg* d'.Tldend* from th work of thi? one alone of the;r many gold deposit*, while Income* from the operation* "I proposed imbildlary oompanie* on other deposits of their largo holdings, will swell *ho profit* to share- holder! f th* original company. It 1* a worth-while investment ! A limited number of beautifully ill-is- trat-d 20 page booklet*, in English or French, havo jn*t been Issued, showing, among other thicg*. photograph* of nng- g: wanhed out at the "working*": the exploration work: hydraulic "giants" In. operation . the "clean-up." map*, etc.. etc.. and giTing a complete history of placer gold in Quebec. Thd book in ertremelr at- trat-tive and will b tn*ill fro*, npon req;iPit, to anyone intcrexted. Addrer.s. K. K. llelraick. rtpocia! Representative. ('hainn d'Or gold neldsi. Rigaud Van* drruil. Lim:td. Board of Trade Building, Montreal. Canada. startling manner ho had boon shot. >ppxi as though ; He gazed at tho gravoly surveyed tho gilded statue that sttrmounts tho picturesque church of Xotro Dame ' do la Garde. "Here I am, you idiot." continu- i FRENCH NATAL OFFICERS. rigged up in a cheap French unit, i ""? \ a ' m ' >0 T U That, and a supply of bad cigar- cd Fri*l* I ni rut in a bal- ettes, will provide a sufficient dis- guise for your purpose. You must pack a few belongings in a green _, tin box and betake yourself to tho ! , The ' tet , lng I here quick. on the quay. (.'orno I want to introduce vou to Edith and Sir Hubert.'' Jolies Femmes. Do not make anv heartv in the extreme. l l ua >' was inquiries about Gros Jean. Simply! M>" Talbot thought Mr Daube- watch him." nev rather curious. But still he more IV.->, LIU'ML,.! nn.vn Hint active, also "Can't vou find me a job!" de- * as ver - v mce : <jnd umn.ost.onably tared signs of fatigue, for this mandcd Fairholme. 'Yes. a most pleasant one. It will be your duty to accompany Miss Talbot and Sir Hubert, and show thejn the sights of Marseilles. the the Blue Bell might long journey, in their case, was a sequel to many hours of detention in an ill- ventilated apartment. So they paid not the slightest heed to their whereabouts, save in so far as to eye with suspicion ajbut \ve probably cannot see Mr. i be more than useful. So she was graciousness personi- fied in her manner, and promptly determined to invite him to lunch- .. ... . . I will meet vou here at luncheon, <K>n '. tanking that the chance d- harmlcss gendarme who happened to be oil the platform. The policeman, of course, took no notice of them whatever. CJros Joan was to him merely a typical Frenchman, whilst persons of dark complexion and Moorish appear- ance aro everyday sights in Mar- seilles. A diminutive railway porter loit- ered near Brett in the conceit that perhaps this woll-dressexi stranger might have feJonious designs on the oranges and cabbages. His intense joy imiy therefore be pictured when the barrister beckoned to him, placed a gold piece in his hand, and said "You see those Turks there. Go after them and find out whore they re going. They are sure to tako carriage, as their luggago ap- peartt to be somewhat heavy." Tho man darted off, secure in the belief that DO one who could afford to give away twenty francs for such trivial information would- be likely to pocket a cauliflower. In half a minute he returned. "They hav all driven off to- Talbot again until late to-night, when he will have an opportunity i to come here quietly and detail the : , r , . results of his observations. Of fh<? att , er f lapix?d hls heav - v fnend . -' twn vl thol l r conversation with '^t lo.-id towartb tlu- >' ac . ht b 1 m * lu " ttxl , a ** 1' ">, bohm-. Mr - U8 * of bh course, >1 U1O WWW* **l*V'iJ. XX i i he added, addressing the : on the back. e *. ' * I rt.-vb- tbA.*ji VV U * SV, 11^7 CbUPVKW i (IViVI I^IOOAUK UUV .. r * young man directly, "if anything 1 e j^^ ^L ^Ll^'^fJ^ important happens during tho day you know where to liud mo, either personally or by messenger." It was natural that Edith's first steps with her lover and uncle would to ud towards the scone of jf, coal, champagne, and all that sort of thing?" "Loaded to the g\in.i'r~.." "That's all right, because wo may want the Blue Bell for a month or ; her overnight adventure. But Miss so ; Talbot was a clear-headed girl ami took no risks. She know well that in a chance encounter the sharp j eyes of Marie, ami Eugenie might j pick her out unless she was to some extent shrouded frvm observation. So she donned a large Paris hat and a smart costume, which, with the addition of a thick veil, render- ed her very unlike the girl who twelve hours earlier was pursuing a recalcitrant lover. Secure in the changed appear- ance effected by these garments, and especially in the escort of two such English-looking persons as Lord Fairholme and Sir Hubert r submit to * )>>dd to to wast* enwfy, time and comfort. To .top It ! mo knpljr ta*o NA-DRU-CO Beadccbe Wafers Your Dntcftet tU oooftrm our Hatemtat that they de o*t contain wiythlof foal can h*im Nea/t or nrvo<u (Vitom. Me. a box. NATIU*k Dftua CHCMICAL CO Of OAN*M. UTXC. IM W^F 'There she is," said Uaubi'iioy ; "fib to go anvwhoro and do any- 1 thing." Tho Blue Hell \v:t< an <-.\trnmoly smart little ship of '^oO tons register, and an ordinary speed of twelve knots. Incidentally Miss Talbot j discovered that tho owner mado the vessel his homo. He was never happy away from hor, and tho Bluo \ Bell was known to every yachts- 1 man from tho Hebrides to the Ool- 1 den Horn. To eke out her coal supply she ; was fitted with sails, and Dau- i bcney assured his visitor that the; Blue Boll could ride out a gale as j comfortably and safely as any craft ! afloat. Altogether Miss Talbot ! congratulated horbvlf on Fair- 1 holme's discovery, and she could not help hoping that their strange er- rand to Marseilles might eventuate in a Mediterranean ohase. When the tour of inspection had , ended Dauboney suggested an ox- j oursion. Orders ContVrrP.l in Connt-.-tion with Delhi Wreck. A recent issue of The London Times says : We are officially informed that in roc. ignition of the gallant aid ren- dered by the offic-ers and crew of the French cruisor Friant on the occa- sion of the wreck of ihe Penmsular It Oriental Company's stiMin^hip Delhi off Cape Spartel on December 13 last, the King has bevn pleased to confer on the officer commanding the cruiser. Captaino de fregate Andre Paul Marie Lequerre. an honorary commandcrship of the Royal Victorian Oixl.-r, and to ap- point Lieutenant Charles*. Jerome Alexandre Drujon to be an honor- ary member of the same Order (fourth chissV His Majesty has also conferred on the following officer and men ulu> formed the crew of the cruiser's steam barge which went to the as- sistance of the .-uviniship Delhi the gold medal for gallantry in saving life at sea: Liouctnant C. J. A. Drujon. Louis Rous.-.ivrd. Jacques Thomas. Albert. Marius Duricn and Jean Louis Le. Camelec. The King ha-s also presented to thi" families rf Joseph Noel Re- mond. Floront F.milo Carol and C.eorgp.s Marie l.a^a'.irc. tin' mem- bers .'f the crow of tho bartie who lost tlu-ir liv.-s on the same occasion, the gold medal for gallantry in sav- ing lifo at sea, which would h.avn been conforrod upon them had t'n-y survived. The British Government, in t.i>\r.:i of their appreciation of the gallant conduct of the officers and crew of the Friant. have prcsrntod to the officers a piece of gold plate, and they have. rruule a grant of 50 each to the families of the men who lost their lives. "IMITATIONS ABOUND. 11 Be 9n the alert. Don't accept a substitute for "SAL A DA" simply because it leaves your dealer a larger profit. Demand. CEYLON TEA And you get the genuine unadulterated, uu- painted, uudcctored article. INVENTOR'S TROUBLED. Thirty-six years ago last Wed- nesday on February 14th, 1376 Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, for- merly of Brantford, Ont, invented the telephone. Like other scientific discoverers, he had a hard time at first to get people to understand and believe in his invention. Dr. BeJl says that it was his work among the deaf and dumb which led to the tele- j phone idea, and he tells a deaf j man's story to illustrate public 'is- 1 trust of anything new. One Sunday a man appeared in a country church with an eir r.uin- HIS PREFERENCE. What a curious question this must have seemed to little James '. Hostess : " What part of the chicken do you like best, my little man!" James (passing his plate timidly) : "I like the meat." LOW COLONIST RATES TO THE PACIFIC COAST, Via Chicago and North Western Ry.. on sale daily. Mar -h let to April 15th. from all points :n Canada to LOB Angeles. San Francisco. Portland, .Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver and many other point*. Through tourist sleepers and free reclin- ing choir cars from Chicago. Tickets rts rwiahii routes with liberal stop-over*. Full information on application to B. H. Bennett. Gen. Agt.. 46 Yonge St.. Toronto Dr. Alexander lira ham Bell. pet something unfamiliar to the, congregation. Just before the ser- j vice began an official approached the stranger. "Say," he said, excitedly, "you can't play that horn in here. If you , try it. I'll put you right away." Dr. Boll is a Scotchman by birth. His residence in Canada was bri--f. After going to the United States he became professor of vocal phy- siology at Boston University, and founded the American Assoei ition to Promote Teaching of Speech to the Deaf, to which nniarii/atixn he donated $250.000. Dr. Bell is sixty - five vears of age, and now lives in Washington. The priTy-pit cloet in the yrd Is objectionable winter or summer. In winter, it wposcs to severe ciulb. ".ten bringing on serious iUoewes. In summer, it is a positive invitation to fever of *w kinds. At no time docs it alford privacy. now.. Chemical Closet can b> installed in any bouse at little cost. A b- olutely sanitary and odor- leaa. a Hards complete privacy. Endorsed by medical authorities and iranteed by us. Quality of material* and rigbt scientific principle* make it tbe bat on the market. Inferior closets are wrongly built of flimty materials, therefore neither sanitary nor durable. Ask your dealer, or order direct. Send lor booklet " The Path to Health." PABKER-WHYTE UNITED TOO LATE. She looked at him sadly after she had promised to be hi wi'o. "Why do you gsize at me like that!" he aski-d. "You look as if you wore unhappy." "I'm sorry this couldn't have hap- pened before." she replied. "Now everybody will 'hi-ik I took advan- tage of my Leap Year privi'ege." NA-DRU-CO Ruby Rose Cold Cream A toilet delljht, with th: exquisite fragrance of fresh roses. Makes chipped hands smooth anJ solt and keeps them so. Preserves the most delicate complexion against exposure to llic severest weather. Try it you'll certainly appreciate it. In 2Sc. opal jars, at your druggist's. NATIONAL ORUC1 AND CHCMICAL CO. OF CANADA. LIMITED. 184 TOROHTO VASCODVEa Can't urn nor Rot For little money, get a roof that is weatherproof, won't burn, and is safe even from lightning Guarantee bond insures iv. No repairs, no point- ing. Get roof facts from M. S. & S. Co. PRISTO*. ONT. SM/oA's Cure HKAI.S THE LUNOS mvitnuf oAiinue HKAI.S THE LUNO STOPS COUGHS FK1CS. CKNTS It is never too late to mend tin less you put it off until you forget how. ED. 5 ISSl'K S \-> How Do You Judge Fencing? Leader Fence will K.Y.* yon lastina service. It in built throughout of No. i hard nt.vl wtfc, with a double-trip lock, aad (alvaniied according to our own *peciflcftt:nna. It in built to withstand th* .-.,-.. pxtreme* of the Canadian climate. You cau. Dot li.iv ii ore raiuo for your mon.T If you pay ln than tho ! ' \I'; II prlc* you Dimply got lower quality. Send for our booklet. It contsinx trntr facts you *tll be Uii t know. It ilcrribOB the LKADKR FBNCG and the doublv-crlp lock in a cle&r aud inreat- mi manner. It is a booklet you ouvht to h in your hand thi* "TV minuu. We w.ll iilso Rend a LKAUKR FK5CK lock fr if you'll ak ui for one. If you do not know our focal agent, writ* direct to n< for oomlvte iBformv tion. Agent* w>tnt<l in unrepreoted dlitrict*. Writ* for propoiitioo. THE Frame & Hay FENCE CO. Quean St., STRATFORD,, ONT.