mi: WEARY SMILE THAT COVERS PAIN Women are Themselves io Blame for Much of Their Suffering. Women are weak, yet under a mile they will try to hide pain and suffering that any man could not bear patiently. If women would only remember that their frequent failures of health arise from feeble or impure blood their lives would be smoother and they would longer retain their natural charm. When the blood fails then begin those dragging backaches and headaches; unrcfreshing sleep that causes dark linos under the eyes; dizziness ; fits of depression ; palpi- tation or rapid fluttering of the heart; hot rashes and indigestion. Then the cheeks grow pale, the eyes dull and the complexion blem- ished. Women should know that much of this suffering is needless 6 ml can be promptly remedied. Purify and enrich the blood through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and your suffering will vanish. Thuus.-inds of women know that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have brightened their lives by making the new, good blood of health, and so toning up all the vital organs into healthy, vigorous action. Here is an in- etancc from among the many. Miss Cora Cornell, St. Catharines, Ont., savs : ''Kser since the age of fourteen I have suffered terribly with pains in my back, and severe headaches. 1 was also much trou- bled with indigestion and had to be extremely careful as to my diet, and sometimes did not feel like eating at all. Some two years ago the head aches became so bad that 1 had to give up my position, which was clerking in a store, where, of course, I was constantly on my feet. I took a position in an of- fi< <-, where I could be seated most of the time, but even then I suf- fered terribly most of the time. As the medicine I had been taking did not he!]) me I finally decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I got a apply, and soon felt they were helping mo and I continued taking the pills for several months until I felt perfectly well. Although my doctor advised me not to go back to my old position, I decided to do o, and have not felt any ill effect. I never have backache now, sel- dom a headache, and all traces of the indigestion have disappeared. I cannot speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I hope this letter will help someone who suffers as I used to." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. * FIRST AID. Kdith Whom are you writing to, dear I Kthi'l Jack's written to me that hia girl ho* thrown him overboard, o I'm dropping him a line. Unless worms be expelled from the system, no child can be healthy. Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor is the best medicine extant to destroy worms. TO BE EXPECTED. "Have you finished your shop- ping tuur with your wife?" "No; the shopping has finished me." Inard'i Llnlmtnl for ult vtrywnor*. "Do you always do as your mo- ther tells you?" asked tin- visitor. "You," answered the five year-old, "and so dors |iajj.'i !" PUNISHED AS A SPY. Some indignation has been ex- pressed in Great Britain at the sentence of three-and-a-half years' detention in a German fortress which was passed upon Mr. Bert- rand Stewart, a London solicitor, at Leipzig, on February 3, after a four days' trial before the Supremo Court of the-German Empire. When the sentence was pronounced, Mr. Stewart, it is said, protested vigor- ously, saying: "I am innocent, and THIS IS INDEED A SEVERE TEST C. MATTKSEX HAS HAD RHEU- MATISM ALL HIS LIFE. But Dodd's Kidney Pills tliivc Benefited III MI so Much II.- I.'. - commends Them to Other i Why They Always Cure Rheumatism. Holberg, B. (Special). That Pills will cure C., February 26 Dodd's Kidney Rheumatism has Mr. Rcrtrnnd Stewart. been proved again and again. Where the dread disease is making its first inroads into the system the cure is quick and complete. Where the rheumatism is of longer stand- ing it takes longer treatment, but the result is always the same. Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure. Probably the hardest test Dodd's Kidney Pills have ever been given is in the case of Mr. C. Matteseri of this place. It is best stated in his own words : "I have been- troubled with Rheumatism all my life," Mr. Mat- tesen states, "but I am happy to tell you that I have received so much benefit from Dodd's Kidney Pills that I can recommend them to A PORT OFTEN CROWDED. In a seaport town in the north of England there is a wealthy but il- literate man who owns many ves- sels, and follows their course over the seas by aid of a large atlas and a ten-horsc-power magnifytng- glass. "I've just had a letter," he said to a neighbor, "fiom one of my captains, and he tells me he's been in a fearful storm. I'll read you from this letter what puzzles me. He says : " 'The waves rose like mountains. We were driven before the wind to the danger of our lives and put into great jeopardy.' "What I want to know," said the shipowner, "is, where is Great Jeopardy 1 It's somewhere in the Mediterranean, but I can't find it on this map anywhere." other B," desire that everybody in England Here is a case of the longest pos- shall know it." The chief com- [sible standing. Eut Dodd's Kidney plaints are that the trial was in ; Pills will surely cure it. Wh.v ? camera, and that apparently Mr. I Because uric acid in the blood is , Stewart was condemned on the sole j the cause of rheum.itism, aud evidence of a Belgian informer, al- 1 Dodd's Kidney Pills take the ur-c leged to have been convicted of acid out of the blood by making ,r ff .,,'1 ,.,* 1 various offences. In a letter to the Times, however, Mr. Stewart's fa- ther, Mr. Charles Stewart, himself a lawyer, has said: "I desire to the kidneys do their proper work. SUSPICIONS. Fortune-Teller You wish to know express emphatically my respect ; something about your future hus- for the judgment of the Supreme band? Court of an enlightened and friend- Customer No, I don't. I want ly country." He also deprecates to know about the past of my pre- the fomentation of Anglo-German sent husband. ill-will on the subject. "My son's actions," he writes, "which have been grievously misunderstood and misrepresented to the Court, are no proof at all of anti-German feel- ing among the people of England." SOOTHING Ml\l I l!l> II \ M. I 1,'IM v TO < IIIMIIII N Mixtures eold under the name "soothing" are usually dangerous to the life of tho little ones whom they are supposed to help. They contain opiates and narcotics and any sleep prompted through their use is false sleep to be plainer, tho little one is drugged into insen- sibility. The only absolutely guar- anteed remedy for little ones tho only remedy hacked by the guaran- tee of a government analyst to con- tain no opiates, narcotics or other harmful drugs is Baby's Own Tab- lets. Thry cannot possibly do harm they always do good. Thousands of mothers have learned their value. They help not only the newborn babe, but also the growing child. Stomach and bowel troubles ; worms ; colds, simple fevers are all banished by them and they pro- mote that refreshing sleep BO help- ful to little ones. Trie Tablets are Soft corns arc difficult to eradi- cate, but Holloway's Corn Cure will draw them out painlessly. SENT TO ASYLUM. Was Deaf and Dumb, and Thought Hun Insane. A startling story of a man con- signed to Nottingham (England) Lunatic Asylum simply because he was deaf and dumb, reported to tho Notts County Council, led to Mr. R. M. Knuwles issuing a grave warning to magistrates to take greater care that patients they cer- tify for the asylum are reaHy in- sane.. "Recently," he said, "a man was sent to the asylum from a distant pa/t of the country. The medical facts were, so glaringly deficient, simply stating he was deaf and dumb, that when the report was sent to the Lunacy Commissioners in due course they ordered tho man's immediate release.. "Tho sending of a, person to an asylum was a serious matter," he naid, "and although the magis- FREE TO BOYS Bplciidid magic lantern (with 12 elided) ; steam engine (nearly one foot high) with whistle, fly wheel and everything complete for running: solid gold signet ring, or guaranteed watch free to any boy. Rend your name and wo will send you 30 seta of beautiful Easter and other post-cards, to sell at ten cents a set (six cards in each net). When sold, send n the money and we will etnd you whichever prize you choose. For selling 40 pets we will give you a "Simplex" Typewriter. We prepay all charges. Address UOMER- WAKKEN CO., Dopt. 122, Toronto. GOBBLED HIM. Mrs. Gnaggs "You are not a man. You are a a worm." Mr. Gnaggs "Well, I notice you played the part of the early- bird." Ready-made Medicine. You need no physician for ordinary ills when you have at hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil. For coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchial trou- bles, it is invaluable, for scalds, burns, bruises, sprains it is unsur- passed, while for cuts, sores, ulcers CHENILLE CURTAINS and til kinds of ho haDftoei. ) L*CE CURTAINS OYED ..y c N C E L """ Write KJ us about yours. niTISH AMERICAN DYEING CO.. Box 16*. Montreal 1 6 ' Ostrich Plume FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. H. W. DAWSON, ninety Colborna Street, Toronto. HUNDRED ACRES COUNTY OP Halton. that U a snap. Ask for particulars. SEVERAL GOOD FARMS IN PRINCE 3 Edward County, cheap. H UNDRED ACRES NEAR BRAUP- ton. Jnt th kind of IMru.il Plume i->u hVH to pny b.OTJ for at rctnil at<m Fullj iein,-|jlii.- extra wide, willon flund iHrgf.ht-u-v.., \ _-^- drooping hfAtl. h--iicl \// JI.CO to-dnir; thliappor. ' tunity for a limited time C "/'" only. AlKia, large, hnd-\S_. nrne *7.jO Plume at K.'ti. *~\7' Mini v hack if not rntirt-ly p'oai IrtW YOU CMK1CH II v [ill K CO., Inc. Dcpl. H f "''Hi Avenue and Hd Street, New York Patron Waiter, what is the mat- ter with this establishment'! This steak is burnt blrck. V.'aiter Yesseh. Mark er respec' seh. Our chef done died yestiddy ! It is Wise to Prevent Disorder. Many causes lead to disorders of and the like it is an unquestion- j the stomach and few are free from able healer. It needs no testimoni- al other than the use, and that will sat ; sfy anyone as to its effective- ness. NO TAKERS. "Why arc you rushing around so to-day?" "I'm trying to get something for my wife." "Had any off erst" Try Murine Eye Remedy NoHmartlnir-rVfiUKtnft Acti> Quickly. Y f II f Tr ' '''"' Kwl - '''-"- ' :' Kvra n<l m U U I Ormniil*ttd KyclliU. Hlufrtt4<d Hook In ru-li i -..-. MI-KINK It coro- iKiutidi'il by ourl'ctillste-nota'-i'-fttvnt MwlMne" but UIM-(| In nut-ciu>fiil PbT8t* U fm M* ft cliiH' 1-nu-tlce for many yMn. Now IH tS C U .1... n. !,-,: to the I'M hiii- and (old by them. At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing their functions, a course of Parr.elee's Vegetable Pills should be tried, and it will be found that the digestive organs will specd- , ily resume healthy action. Laxa- tives and sedatives are so blended 'in these pills that no other pre- paration could be so effective as they. When poverty comes in at the door it never stops to wipe its feet. AN IDEAL TWO HUNDRED ACRB Farm, with fine house; good out- buildings; near Burlington. A GOOD FARM, WITH THIRTY-ACRE . Apple Orchard, near Port Perry. AN EXCELLENT HUNDRED-ACRB Farm, near Teeswater, at a bar- gain. HUNDRED ACRES NEAR STATNER- Worth consideration; building* good and price wry low. 1HAVE A GOOD LIST OF IMPROVED Farms in Manitoba, Saskatchewan. Alberta. If you want to buy Western Property you should consult me. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. H. W. DAWSON. 'Phones, Main 6990, Park. 527, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE-YOUNG MEN TO LEARN -<-. Barber Trade; demand for barber* every day; cannot supply demands; let us teach you trade. Write for particu- lars. Moler Barber College. 221 Queeu East, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. H AY and FARM 6CALE3. Wiiioo'l Scale Works. 9 EHiilnuade. Toronto. CANCEU. TUMORS. LUMPS, etc. In. ternal and external, cured wlthoai ain by our borne treatment. Write ut .fure too late. Dr. Bellmau Medical Co. Limited. Collintrwood. Ont 6 TON SCALE GUARANTEED. WiUon'l Scale Wurks. 9 Eaplanade. Toronto. WRITE FOR PROOF are in a great measure guided by doctors' opinions, they must take the. utmost care to satisfy thrms -Ivcs that the person alleged _, , sold by medicine dealers or by mail ; inHal|c wns ^ n at 25 cents a box from The Dr. , !. , tnt ,,! - . 1 .,] t A Trial Treatment of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Free to Skin Sufferers If you, or someone dear to you, arc suffering the itch- ing, burning, sleep-destroy- ing torments of eczema or other cruel skin eruption, \vith its embarrassing, un- sightly disfigurement; if you have tried all manner of treatment, no matter how harsh, to no avail, and have nil but given up hope of cure, write to-day for a lib- eral sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Thousands of skin-tortured sufferers, from infancy to age, have found that the first warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle application of Cuticura Ointment bring instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and prove the first steps in a speedy and successful treatment. Ad- dress " Cuticura," Dcpt joM, Boston, U. S. A. .to be detained." He declined to William. Medicine Co., Brockvillo, j givc the namos of the doctor and the magistrate concerned. ShilohsGune QUICKLY STOPS COUOH8. CURCS COLDS. HtALb THE THROAT AND LUNQ8. 28 CENTS A woman doesn't care about what her husband earns ; it's what she liii-kiVs Anti-Consumptive Syrup' gets out of it that counts, is an unparalleled remedy for colds, i coughs, influrn/a and diseases of | Always Serviceable. Most pills the throat and lungs. The fame of 1(IRO te r properties with age. Not the medicine rests upon years of 1, wit .'.\ 1'iinncloe'n Vegetable Pills, successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting man- Ont. . tj. IN GOOD STANDING. Business Man "What references can you give, young man'/ 1 ' Tall Chap -"Here ' a letter from a tailor asking me to come and look at his spring, suitings." -m* MVOBMSttftttMteMrlMMljti Murine *~ 3 FG *** ~'" u " '" AM I"> Tiibei, .'.. ..w. ~ Murine Eye Remedy Co., ChlctBO Nlnard's Liniment rum Dandruff. "There is one question I want to ask you, George, dear," said the dear girl who had promised to merge her future with him. ''When | we are married, will you expect Proud Father "I tell you that ] me to bake my own bre:id !" "You may do as you like about it, dar- ling," replied tho diplomatic can- didate for matrimonial honors, "but I certainlv shall insist upon your not baking mine." baby of mine's a wideawake young- ster." Sad Neighbor "So I hear." PILES CURED IN 6 TO M DAYS. Your omnW will refund tuonov If PA)!O OINT- MKNT fail* t ruro any cai of Itching, lllin.l r.;.-.- li M : iii l-rotrudin; Pilej in U t - 14 ,!... MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCE "You seem cross, Pillsey." "So I am. A follow called me a born idiot to-day." "That's nothing to worry about. I think it was very considerate of him to blame it on your ancestors.' PURIFIGO ou CANCER AND TUMOR CURES I AND" Canadian Branch: Purltico Co., BrMglburg, Ont R. A. LYOM H. L. PLUMWIE* LYON & PLUMMER (Members Toronto Stjck En-bangui Stockf, Bonds end Mining Stocks bought unit told on comm(lon. Dealer* In Government ml Municipal Securities. 21 Mellnda Street, TOHONTO Tels. M. 7978-9 Cable: "Lyonplum" The Heart of a Piano is the Action. Insist on tho "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action of fligh-Grade The mass is so comii(Uiii(U-d that tn( ' ir strength and effectiveness is be too careful to fight it in its oarly stages. Iticklci's Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. Lawyer "Were you ever called to nerve on a jury before?" Juror "No, sir. This is the first timii my intelligence has ever been ques- tioned." kind from tho fatal ravages of con- preserved and tho pills can be car- sumption, and as a neglected cold j rio<1 anywhere without fear of los- leads to consumption, one cannot j V'K their potency. This is a qua- lity that few pills possess. Sonic pills ioso their power, but not so with I'armelnc's. They will main- tain their freshness and potency for a long time. Bill And you asked the father fur his daughter's hand in mar- I riai-? Jill -Yes; last night. Bill - What did he say? Jill Ho was very angry. Bill And what did you do? Jill I treated him as I would a king. Bill How BO? Jill Why I backed out of his presence. Miunrct'H l.irut-MiTit C<i., Limited. (IcntlciDi-!), Th*Mtik'r- Dornis. a custo- mer of mint 1 , was c-oinpleU-Iy vuriM of f KiifTorinir. MINARDS , I'lu'iiinatimn after five yfn.ru hy the judii-iouB uo of LINIMKNT. The iihovn fnctn can bo vended by writ- ing to him. to the Parinh PrieKt or any of bin nuighborg. A. COTE, Merchant. St. Isidore. Quo.. 12 May. '98. PlTrt ""id 'or Free Book eivmf L I I V '" particulars of TRENCH'S I 1 1 REMEDY, the World-faainu* II W Cure for Epilepny and Fit. >! _ Simple . home treatment. O I I Is I ' t% 25 years' succees. II. IK I" 1 1 Testimoniah from nil I parts of the world. Over w ^* i.ooo in one year. TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED 107 St. Jamas' Chambers, Toronto. Send for our Wltb over 150 Illustration:) .ml Valuable CULTURAL DIRECTIONS Free lor the Askln: DUPUY dTFEROUSON .is Jicques Curlier Square, MONTREAL SI.IPI'KU FOR STAIIt CLIMBING Mr. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at Wellington, on the Prince Edward Island Railway, says : "Four years ago I slipped In the station and (ell on a freight truck, sustaining a bad cut on the front ot my leg. I thought this would heal, but Instead of doing so It developed EawH Strain on tho "j 10 a bad ul ' and lat , er lnto a ' of eczema which spread very rapidly llt>art - . and also started on the other leg. > . u i n ' Both legs became so swollen and ore To make calls on dwellers t n top that x |! ou , d only go ftbout my Thirk Solrs floor flats which arc without eleva- I j,y having them bandaged. My doctor t Mrs is a trial to people with weak ; said I must stop work and lay up. hearts. To minimize tho strain of "'" "The Most Beautiful I.nc-ntion in New York City." HOTEL SAVOY Fifth Av*., 58th ti S9th Street Overlooking Central I-ark Affording delightful re.idence, from which all the principal centres of tlu city are reixdily accessible. JVnutifii! rooms: Sin-let, m'h hiihr.i.in t-i I .........i *..*,. SJfffu ,Vi :;,:;' ,f,^i Urn. ,,,, !,< *,l,o.,,ii ,, n ,| I,,,,',,,,,, |6 !. 01 lnt< iNiln ,,po n ,,,,,,1,, , ., tciUuianl, uli,, -a,,,, n. bllliaixl Fuom, etc. t. JOIIX F. Only One "BROMO QUININE. ' Thnl In I.. \X.\TI\ K IIIIOMO QUIN1N K. L.rk World over to Cure n Cold In Ono Dny. 25c. IN A GLASS HOUSfl. Mrs. Drown- "Mrs. Jones has the worst habit!" Mr. Brown-"What is.it, dear (" Mrs. Brown "She turns around ixnd looks back every time we on the street !" Mr. Ilrown "How do you know she does?" "I'm looking for something really nice for a young man," said a young and pretty shopper. "Why don't you look in tho mirror?" jinked the gnllunt nhopm.in. And she wn so flutp\ed that he man- aged to sell her tour different limn'-- that ulin did not want be- fore she knew what she WBH doing. Mlnird'l Unln.enl Rllltm '.00008 < * w --,'".*' ' KIDNEY rT. r ' O "' ?'ABETE5 ED. 7 1SSIJK 10 12 "After six months of this trouble I consulted another doctor, but with man army surgeon, has, "so the ' no be"er result. I tried all the Halves, Munich Medical Wo ( -k savs, devised < liniments and lotions I heard of, but ** Inatnnrl nf cyuttlticy )n>f r . M- I u . .f n- , , T-. . . . stair-climbing, Dr. Schurig, a Ger- a slipper which docs away with the exhaustion. instead of getting better I got worse. "This was my condition when I got my first box of Zam-Buk. Greatly to I his new slipper, which is to be my delight that first box gave me re- worn on ono foot only, does not lief. I continued to apply It to the d iff IT from other slippers, except in one particular. It has a very thick sole of about three inches. Each step bo : ng about six inches high, tho energy needed for passing from one stop to a higher one is reduced by half, the doctor calculated. It must be noted, of course, that both foot have, to go on every step. Tho slipper is light, easily slipped over the shoo, which is also collap- eiblo, and on the wearer reaching the level can be easily put into his ponkat. John "So you paid a visit to your rich uncle, Tom, and he seemed glad to see you?" Tom "Yes. I'm almost afraid the old chap has lost his mon*y." Llnlmtnl Curit aurno fit. aores, and day by day they got better. 1 could see that at last I had got hold of something which would cure me, and In tho end it did. " It is now over a year since Zam- Buk worked a cure In my case, and there has been no return of the eczema." Such is the nature of the great cure* Zam-Buk la dally effecting. Purely herbal In composition, this [ great balm la a sure cure for all ekln diseases, cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcera, blood-poisoning, vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring- worm, Inflated patches, cuts, burns and bruises. All druggists and stores sell at 50o. box, or post free from Zam-Buk Co.. upon receipt of price. DR. DOW'S STURGEON OIL LINIMENT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oil of the STURGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr.v Dow's formula has it in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc'., it cannot be equalled. Try it onoe and you will be itifled. Price 25 cent*. ASK YOUR DEALER HC SELLS IT. The Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props. St John, N. B.