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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1912, p. 7

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I MOUSEHOLP MEATS. Spaghetti and Beef. Take one - pound of chopped beef and same mount of chopped onions and fry brown. Add one cup of spaghetti broken in small pieces, then one can of tomatoes, a little red pep- per, and one teaspoonful salt. Cook half an hour. Scotch Meat Pie. Get good round steak, cut into pieces, and dredge with flour. Into a frying pan put a little butter, a piece of suet, and a small onion. When hot, put in steak and fry brown quickly on both sides. Then cover with water and cook slowly far two hours. Add more flour to gravy if not thick enough. Put into a baking dish, make a rich biscuit dough for the top and bake. Put j a cup in the center to keep the crust from falling into the vravy. Beefsteak and Onions. Take a thick steak (a flank steak is best), chop thoroughly, dredge with flour, spread with butter, pepper and j sail i-j lasUs, place iu a dripping j pan or roaster. Cover with water, cover closely and place in the oven for about an hour. Slice onions, and twenty minutes before meal time spread the onions over the eteak aud return to oven. If the our with which the meat has been dredged does not make the gravy ing the lid of the teakettle, putting a flat wire egg beater over the top and covering with a small pan. To have line in the kitchen well out of the way select the most con- venient place along the wall, put two screw eyes aboojt a foot and a half from ceiling or in the top- i window casing;, allow about a yard and a half of rope to hang il-^wn sides, tie rings in centre of each and fasten on nail or h-.-.k. The rope will say when let down ; to avoid this put weights near each end, or, better still, pin baby'* wooden stocking f.jrms to line with large safety pins. WIFE'S RELAT1\ES GO AHLAD In England HusSanrt'M People Take Second Place. In England, where the question of precedence is a vital one even at family parties, there is a defi- nite rule as to whose relatives shall g<j first, those of the wife or those of the husband. As a matter of fact, says the- Queen, precedence is generally accorded to the rela- tives of the wife. There are 'several reasons for this being so. The wife's mother L> taken in to dinner by law, the h -jst, a = he could not take his own mother or his own sister. Again, a wife could go in to dinner with her brother-in-law, but not with her own brother when other men guests were present. Concerning more distant rela- tions the case is different. A host end Q f t j^ WILD mm us PATIENTS ONE RULE HOLDS GOOD ANIMAL KINGDOM IN Elephant* Lavish the Tenderwt Affection oo Their Young. It is curious to see how the great an:mal world is in many ways a faithful reflection of our own or is it the other way about ', At any rate we find that in the animal world some babies are e-xtreruely well and carefully looked after and !are wild animals and that no wild animal can ever be trusted. T - . djg has been dutur^ticated. through hundreds of years, and, although he might be offending mny dog lovers, had all the spirit n-d con- fidence knocked <jiu .f it. T r i cat, on the other hand, live | with you on terms ot ; qual- ity, and, unlike th- qhg, - not grateful for a beating. Ar.d all wild animaJ pet.-j. =aid the ! -i-tur^r, are like the cat. only much ;: so. A WOMAN'S TRAVELS IN AIKU V THE SilAY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, FEBRLAKV 11. Lr*ion VI. The boy Jesus in the Temple.. Luke 2. 40-52. Golden Question of Precedence Curt.s. at Miss Olive Maclecd. W::M trav- sonae have to shift "at oace for them- elled through Nigeria, the German Verse 40. The child grew De- veloped normally a-s a human be- ; iag- Wir-xi strung He was a healtli.r child, strong both physically and The verb wax is still good English, from the Anglo- .-ixoa weaxan. to assume by de- to set up a stone on the grave of pro- j Lieat. Boyd Alexander, ach- selves. And, as with u.s, it depends! Cameroon? and the French (. :.- _--.-,s a specified state or condi- on the size of the family. The turbot, for instance. duces 15.000,000 eggs a year. A ad i she had been engaged, told how she we find that in the heart of Mrs. j had travelled close on 4.00O Turbot. says the Locdon Evening | in Africa, chiefly on Standard, reporting the lecture of Dr. Chalmers Mitchell at the EUy- al Institute, there ii about a* much maternal instinct as you would get out of a pebble. All these 15.000.- back penetrating to i 000 olive branches, so to speak, account of her travels was tint hu- her son-in- cause noc tne slightest flutter of inanity n very much the sanie be- and i. many which no white feet had ever tr.xl before, savs the London Daily Mail. What struck one in her prkie or affection or anxiety in the maternal breast ELEPHANTS' AFFECTION. This unnatural mother is among the most prolific of all mothers m the animal world. At the other we. have the ele- Smart Afternoon Dress. Black COU , M take in his own married niece, ' phant an<J 5(? , at Qnce h<JW ;tr ,. ng velvet tunic draped over light grey i \ nd the bx-stess her nephew, but ig the affection there between cnti,, r,.,l r .' r, . rr.^ , I .Ifh eillr amhr^i., the.V WOUld DOt CM SO if t^C WIIC S _-_ ,_J ,,1J -TKu <,* satin and trimmed with silk embroi- thick add a little browned flour , derj- and buttons. mixed to smooth paste with water. | Keep en-'Ugh water around meat to have a nice gravy when done. | niece or the wife's nephew was pre- sent on the occasion. This because ' i of the preference usuallv accord- order, gather up the empty caid- ^ to the relatives of tne "wife b - oxes around the house antl - young and old. "The greatest na- turalist who ever lived. Darwin." said th? lecturer, "calculated that the average elephant lived a hun- dred vears and that in that time Serve hot on a platter, either pour- ! fit : t the drawer uine the dif- il r a ' ld Mr?. F.Vnhant had only in. .>aw .round steak or lerve * ! V* ,'_ ',-* ." A* ..5 : , It " essentially at dinner par- ng g'ravy around eteak or serve in a separate bowl. neath the surface all over the worM A nativ sultan's she said, reminded her very much of a European monarch's. The court officials had much the same apportionment of duties and quar- relled about precedence in the same (Compare the German sen. tj grow.) Filled with wisdom Literally, becoming full of wisdom. The wis- dom was a matter of growth as much an wad the strength of body and mind. 41. His parents went Women were not required to go. but often voluntarily accompanied their hus- bands and sons. The passover Originally a har- vest festival, which later was ob- served also as a. memorial of th exodui. Compare Exctl. iTJ. 14-17. 12. When he was tweh - ir A time of special significance in everv Jewish bov's Lf*. when in a religious sense he a v . Black belles wear false taLs of '' ' ' < hair and pads to make their reached his , . onv. : .?.**-.* de- appear more luxuriant. Even : little children play marbles in tne English style. And when ref,.rm- *?, 1."*"\2L" ers among us advocate certificat.' of fitness for marriage they or.- only pleading for a system which BAKING Buster Brown't .Boil ferent ones for different articles. as hair-pins, safety pins, common , ence has to be considered, but in reality it comes to the front : throughout the day, not onlv at on all or other of the lad'.es chi!<Jren ; > on " wnom \ hov ia% r. obtains among many West African > . ties that this question o preced- j ighed ^ tenderest affecti ,. c " It tribe* gloves, belts, veils, handker- j chiefs, combs, and brushes. Then | there always is a place for every- i pint add of prunes stoned cut re- each, telling where it belongs. Tie warm stir in a quarter of a pound the yiks of carnage or by motor car, the first to eiiter the vehicle is a relatr sister, followed is a much prettier story than that of the turbot. AIM! yet in spite of the small families natural among elephants. if all the young born to a single pair of elephants lived on. and on. these in their turn helping to families of we ~houk si f at the end ot ^00 years set the screens re less apt to j wire, rnotner or sister. touowo , have an elephant family on thi a relative of the husband, the mother of earth numbering 15,000,000. and it to move for with puff paste ; pour the mixture ; in and bake in a quick oven. De- corate each tart with a tiny pyra- f the table in tho" absence of the , ** way 'fa single tu. wcnt " them up rubbed on anj host and assists in doing the hon- j-} m . ! > wcn " , sh lso shouW bo able to walk or, to the guests. At tea she also with a candied cherry in the cen- ter. Delicious Cocoanut Cookies. Cream one-half cup lard, one-half cup butter, and two cups sugar; add one egg. two teaspoons vanilla, and one cup of cocoanut. Add enough our to roll and bake a light brown in a moderate oven. Old Fashioned Gingerbread. Use one cup of molasses, one cup of sugar, one-half cup of fried meat dripping, or lard, one-half cup of warm water, three teaspoonfuls of soda, and three of cream of tar- tar, one teaspoonful of ginger, and one of salt. Stir in flour to make a dough that you can knead on the board. Knead it a moment or so. then roll it out. put in small drip- ping pan, and bake. SALADS. Spinach Salad. Mash to a paste mattresses will keep them clean MM* her daught,-r in helping the living, we across the drv shod. Nature has to guests to all they require in the st6 P * n r "thlessly. There is in fact | fcV*%OUIV^ and free from bugs. A weak solu- wav of cakes an< j break an<1 but . a "prcxligious destruction going tion of turnentine poured down the , nt - ter, etc water * Week wi " driv<? At dinner she is the first to be as the waiting commences on among the youth of the animal N'early all young animals good to eat. "just as a The young men of these tribes are tested as to their man; ;inJ endurance by being beit-en with After the custom In harmony with the custom. This required I i- the feast be celebrated at Jerusalem by all males. The priv- ilege .>! attendance was, however, extended t'j women. Thij brought ith strips of leather or by bcius: bout great annual pilgrimag-s M sliged to climb up the face of aa the nativaa: capital at, this siiecial obliged almost perpendicular rock. L~u!.'?> acm.:i they satisfy the test they cannot When they had fu'.fi'Vd t ! ie marn. N^o women v. . . ept days -Seven days, during which them as husbands. c k?. v were required to eat un!eav- One very interesting point was encd bread and to observe special that the natives pick up Eng!:-ii eerenionle* prescribed for each i-iy quickly and regard'n as : the wh:to The first and seventh days were set man's language." If Fr. nchmea apart . eoa and Germans cannot speak it thev Compare Exod. 12. 13-17. are not looked upon as ' proper The bov Jesus tarried behind white men." So general is this Ab vrbt-d in the interest which the view that the German officers and wuderfu! services and cerernvuies sergeants are obliged to drill their black troops with Eng'i*h ' command. .:' away. hvlped. as the waiting commences are ? ood tlj ? at -, ''J ust , a * a bab - v ps are absolutely ; froffl th<? host . g r j ht nam , am , better than an o d gent.eman. and P not , in usc - th <; should ti,e guests be helped in the herein lies the Spartan secret order in which thev are seated, and whi h t:auire relegates all animals. wick is turned down below top of If you wish to shut off the view &n\ window voa cm i-asilv they happen to b numerous, un- ' from elephants to turbots. to t: ss there are duplicate dishes the proper pla THE SCHEME OF THINGS in , .1 olives of the husband have some- by thriving M Hule time to wait Jn ... lch a little hot water as mucu -psom , The si , al for thp , adles to leave salts as the water will absoro. Paint, tfa< dini ro . jm u [vn by th< . it over the window wh;le hot and, hostess to thc , ajv w , w is ^^j at when d/y you will have a good inn- ; thc host - s f ; , (t nan<J hor motht>r n of ground g.ass It ,< oxcei- in a fami! ,. tv and she ; s tho lent for transoms, g If a window sa> Throughout the animal kingdom we find that the one rule holds good : big families mean neglect and small families me'Ui care and attention. The frog produce* hun- i i u a iLimi:. ua t v . . niiu 311^ 19 mv l! "" rs m i first to lead the "way from the dm- dreds * ta<lpo!(;s and mo- | ing room to the drawing-room, fol * ttj m ^' a nne i** h is loose take low(?d by the othtff , adie8i the hos . ducks. Jhe toad produce* a very strong: cloth, the length ot the sash. ,, tess ;- , ag ,_ T;K , ad j liurnment small family, aud these ar and six inches wide sew up for a for t ,, e Q - ht ig madt . in a uke man . fathers! (fur Mr?. Toad is not bag. leaving one end open. l with sand and close the open end. fey Laid over the sash the weight ' are a'l __ at ail osai being 'suggested domesticated) until they are cap- her mother, and able of looking after them-*-'. - carred out as aforesaid. Thus it Often it is found among the lower nr Q ht {he roll of cream cheese and add the the sand will fill every ererce and wi! j ^ ^^ tnat t h rous hout the animals that the mother will have yolks of three hard forced through a sieve eggs. J exclude the wind and cold air. A<ld salt! Newspaper for Moths. The fol- , vbit , he honors of nothing to do with the upbringing to taste and a dash of cayenne, and lowing is the way to put away furs enough salad oil or melted butter; in the spring: Take the garments, c ., nsent to moisten. Measure and ndd an , outdoors : whip the fur thoroughly equal quantity of finely chopped i with a limber switch. Then comb seasoned spinach. Mix well UM! ! every inch carefully with u m.>der- are bestowed upon the relations '. of the yt>ung. T' seahorse, the of the hostess, and this by general stickleback, the toad, and the emu are examples where, the father rocks the cradle. It is not a very IN ROUES AND SANDALS. inspiring l;st. and throughout the higher animals the mother takes NO BRVSS BANDS 1\ ARMY. DeHoite Proposal That They Shall VII be Abolished. A despatch from London the temple presented. 44. Supposing him to be in the company The caravan of friends and neighbor? -\ ho t Aether had journeyed from Nazareth to Je- rusalem and who were now return- inn in the atne way. Men. wo- men and children above a. certain age wou'd quite naturally be in .'ate groups A day's journey Perhaps not - 1 - The British army without a brass b ? n l~*n C n Z f ^ ' " V '' '-> rf than S1X r "* ht mll wou!d of the Pal! Mall C.azette It says ^ o:vered bv such that a definite proposal has been ^ ^^ dav brought forward th:it all the bri-- bands of the armv. a caravan on of their journey. After three daysCounting shape into balls. Arrange ately fine comb, hang <-i line, ami ,. ;inil W ini-n Try to I .ook Vlikc the place intended for hex. in lettuce nests and serve with a air for half day if the weather will! French or boiled dressing. j permit. Fold carefully ami tie up j Cream Salad Dressing. Rub the iu two or three thuknosM^ of news- ill London's Freak l Inn. The latest freak club in LotuI-'M yolks of two hard boiled eggs paper. Put in a heavy vvtton bag, is called the Kthna. It has "ii'-m. through a sieve; use one dessert- i and tie securely. Hang in clothes- i on a street just off Picadilly. and epoonful of dry mustard, one table- [ press or closet after labe!:'ig with here i;s men aiu! women member- spoonful of butter, one teaspoon- ; a pasted paper slip, s<.) not to be met for intellectual sonverse, ful of salt, one-half pint of cream, disturbtxl u'ttil vvcited. The rule of tlie c'.ub <LnB;' either juice of one lemon or two! tablespoonfuls of vinegar, and as woodwork two tablespoonfuli of in the dress aiu! appear, n -e much cayenne pepper as can be baking soda aWed to a pa;l of waio members as possii' <. at:-.- i"-u: - ! M taken on'the blade of a small pen-; water makes t':e wn-iv <-\^-. . * and women don long flowing wU'te knife. Th's is a good substitute; To remove shiny <pof; froin black garments of sack'.ik.- shape :> '-I for those who do not like oil on woolen garments place g.-mnem. ! sandals before they <.-:it?r the .l ; m'> whetlier cat. troupers, or dres*. on light^l rooms of the -..>. M. ; ironing board ; wring a cloth from O f the men are clt-u'i shaven a-ul water, spread carefullv over pr- There is a moral here for these Hire mothers belonging to the high- est animals of all who sometimes of the Guards reicinn 1 it-, shall be abolished, and that the sole music provided for the r'u.are sha'! be that .'f the druuu and fifes ami bugles, with the pipers for the > tish r'-itun-'ir. s Some y.-drs ;ig-. fr. % -'.i re;-' Itions were made as to the imintenance of regimental bai>.N. Tiu- . - . them fell entirely on the crfi The new regulations threw svrne vi the exj-ense on the public r.urse. But even ti'.-w it is considere<lf that in a modern, business army the officers slHMild nut he li;li'e tv ti;is kind of expenditure. Every oflic-T to-day has :<> sub- scribe one day's a yesr to sup- tvrt his Mginental band, and that does not cover all hii excen-s , n the matter. Take t''e va-se of th*> FU>yal Artiilerv b;iud. The public tr . to w i tnout being so heartless a* meats or vegetables. DESSERTS. Dessert. To turbot, .U> not take the interest they should take in the up- bringing of their children. ^L^i* !"* l !?," 1 * ..**:!' '".' the '7 S ! ia11 .^ f S _ htt <l: ^' u ' t ;' ' :> Vt least ict tl..-m <lo as tho pen- guins do, and take it in turiiv. -o while Mrs. Penguin i* at the Mr. Penguin watches faith- fully over thc upiqne egg at hon;e. and then in turn takes h-.< two in>;-.- - off. Handling an alligator egg. ' u> of dates add half pound English walnuts shelled, thr tabu-spoonfuls of breadcrumb. one cup of sugar, six eggs beaten separately, and one teaspoon <f baking powder. Put breadcrumbs, augur, and baking powder in bowl and beat in eggs, adding nuts ami i ment. then pass a hot Hatiron back, hair, a f\ and forth just above the wet < tii hair t' as c'"sely as you ca!i without loach- heads ing :t. >!iinr The nap will ri*.- n ul the To Clean (.'arfx-ts I'se two ounc- es t-a.-h of sa'so<la ami Iwrax. one of wltat ^oap di*"'. i large bucketful of boiling soft water. Let stand until cool ; then a few of the women have shor ; rhalmt . rs ~ M ; ; , h ,-ii ^,,'aincd t^^Tio^ ^ . : I as tightly as posnb) THK MOTHER ALLIGATOR. Xo iut rtnluct ions are over nuulo the Anv member is i)ennitt*xl t" l.i ^ -s c;'J!<jus as long a* the young to anv other and to talk j j are in the egg. but so soon as they ,_, '',?' ' ar,- hatch xl in the sand she be | openly on any I I".-- ;; -.-.- : j havc , t ,. t;<tl -r!v to them. There is in a; of the club is to toster five th,cu^ , a ; . ( ,,. v that \ vhoM the eggs artf sion bet\M:X'u nio'i and wnnen. fruit last. Bake twenty minutes , arf< , t>v<) ou?u , t , s lf M1 |, )hurio ot!lor . in layer tins. Break up. pile n : Smib t he dusted carpet on the dish, and serve with whipped | floor wit}l , he warm , h ,: tl . m , wi , 10 <lry with a clean cloth. This will dfvtroy moths and o't-an ;rid brighten thc carpet beautifully. When washing off a kitchen table many people tako n knii'e and scrape off the particles t'u it May on. This often ruins tho table. The best cream. Italian Dessert.- Melt a cupful of light brown sugar over the fire stirring constantly to prevent bunting. When melted add one cup of blanched almonds chopped fine ; remove quickly from fire am! stir until the sugar hardens. Then break into small pieces; whip vne pint of cream stiff : flavor with va- nilla ; ai'.d the sugared nuts, mix- ing thoroughly and serve immedi- ately in compotes, should serve twelve This recipe persons. AROUND THE HOUSE way is to put some salt on the cloth and wash off the table hi this way. It leaves the table clean. To steam a few cups of pudding in a small dish use a medium si/.ed kettle ; place a wire toaster over kettle. Set the cups or dish on it aw.! c->ver with tin or enameled basin. Two biscuits or small slices ... .. ,, )) l ' rVWUJ IVl UIT4ilVilIK, 111^ J^rVMMWWi Visitow are oecasionally allowed. . . ^ bark |olK , lv- whewupl ; n th but .they must ot tx-urse wear il,e ^ air tor ' aud S( , rattf hc ready for breaking the youngsters tlw flowing robes and sandals. The membership is very limited. tual work of some sort. M"st <-f the members are writers, others are interested in social problems and work on conimittoes. while still others are members o fthe great baiul of men and women in London who seem always on the outlook for the very latest thing in fads and fancies. mother alligatc them up. But ches h'.nted that to con- the fi--' - journey homeward, a dry's journey back to Jerusalem, and another day spent in search - ru. ::i part am<_ ng their kins- k ai -.' i nintance w. 44). and rt after reaching Jerusalem. - mple--Pr-.ibably in one f the outer chambers which ad- - : 'he main build- ing, and in which the learned doc- -i of the i* conducted school aiui !" i.iiers Scribes and rabbis. Among the fj- - .iciiers of thi* period, some of whom rniv h-v< been present, were the aged Hillel and Shanimai, Kiu-V^'i Simeon. Cia'ini.o'. Joseph . f Ari'nathea, and Kieodenuv. Questions On s-.ioje.-ts nertiin- :n* to '.he niti >n^! r^'iif-.on. upon > h. as a wide-awake a"d ziftetl ' id. he had medit-iteol profoundly J.7. All heard him Inc'iulin'jt filed teachers of the law. !< S.'i! Lit'-ra'ly. chi'd. A touch of ende. -\rrne n*. as' 1 as renr.> <l is evident in the words of M-irv ^9. How is it .'-Jesus is surprised it >t at th'- ; r o'!n:ns back for him, but at their not knowing immedi- ately where to look for him. In my Father's house Or. about the -iv F it'vr's business. Literally, in or about the thi'iss f mv Father. cruiting sergeant who cat'- - - The boy's cj;- apiin an ap- men by the National't-ry de- ' peat to his past obedience and !_>v- eJwTM >t the au -liti. n : the ally to his varenf. i< we'l .-< X. bands will pretty well ruin his their -ittPMosuHl inKler-t UK! -ig of - "ess. the fact that in a special sense his - O was to be a li:V f'-r G J Mary's IIP n,' rut- i-i -!-UL- ' early traini-i* of her -^-n without doubt contribute*! much t - i-.cul- Sir Ui'iiam White, a leaJinu eating this conviv'.i-'H. wiiich now naval architect, declared recently i* >r ivngtheiu-d and cUnlied bjr that the. facts that te:d t - limit the '.he enlighteume-it of the Spirit. their natural duty and i grant is '.ioo a year, .-'--.o! -. ficeis . f the '/ailed are upon to ' >, 4.1 f i? 1 1.000 annually to m.iintai.i their splendid string band. The suggestion u ti:-it if the War C>ftice put an end t.> this tax !) t''ie officers us not being in tue best in- terests of the service the Ch.i- lor of thc Exchequer is no: U to provide the whole cost of i ; v i-iry brass bunds out <ji tho public pur-it- \-"l a chiefly in the M/.C of ship* are commercial. Large s! .">: \\ as subject ii'ito thc--i A tact specially incut i nuxl by th M M-I-, they are not so sure of. tiaiy. obtaining their complements of pas- j either the egg or the story would need a tolerably large pinch of salt. But the s'n.vlest alligators do bark, a:d loudly. Mr. Mitchell ti-ok two liomo one day ;ind put | addition, comparatively few harbors them for the moment in a small bath in the sitting-room. A ';uly visitor who caH-d L- >-t ii'oro to buikl than small ones, -evangelist lest from what precedes and arc m -re- . x|x-"v\o to oporato ; his reatk-rs nu^ht infer the o".i- ng their comp'ements ot pas- or cargo without delay. In ciianiifls of stiflicient depth, or dock< larg- enough t" accommo- date \e-<o'< even vf ilu- length and' Stature -Or, age. Favor Or, grace (In coivvtion v:th compare ;i'<" 40.) this versa diatolv afterwartl and was le f t in I weight of the Mauret-inia. Sir \Vil- ^, the room for a moment had some- believes tliat although large Mother, in sending out my ! thing liko kjvtoHM who., she heard ships will continue to pl> ; bot birt inlay i'i\ it at ions, 'Voar presence is 'Of course i:'>t. shall I sav. a di^p baying proceeding from a a few fv..rcd ports f..r special ser- DH-1'HK1-\T TKMPM11ATUHK.'el- 'Tell a man your love is uj rei)iicsttxl' !" footbath. i vices, and e\en lanvor ones may >>e. growing cold aud he won't mv <Var; vou i Finally Mr. Mitchol! g-M- ?onio l>uilt. the great bulk of oc ') traf- fr^m bis paper." To keep top bureau drawers in of cake may be steamed l \v reinov- questc-J.' ' *-*l V\I-MV-V ,* v v "V -vx****,*^'**! , -^ s ... . . -it Tt 1 iT 1*1* 1 >* should sav. Your i>, esonu are re- hints on wild animals ax petv One he jll i-ontini-.e t> be MrtMd by Helen- -But tJ. Lira his dinner ' ' ' must always remember that they , ' mcdtraU sue. (l cold and he 11 jump six feet.

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