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Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1912, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' NO :u Fleshier-ton, Ont., Thursday, February B, 1912 W. H. THORSTON . The Passing Of S. L. M. Luke Th a death of S. L. M. Luke at the county house of refuse <>n Monday of la-st week brought, to a tinul close a ttormy career and one that bears its lesions. The old man wai well known to all the older generation throughout tho southern part, i f this county. In latr ye-u-s lie ac'ed us auent for a nursery firm, and thus eked out a precarious livelihood, but enough for his modest wants when combined with the good ottices of many good Samaritans of his aci|Uiiintuncc. S. L. M. Luke was, in the early days of this county, a strong and intellectual specimen of young manhood, with good education, and give promise of a useful life, but a great tragedy took place in his career which entirely altered tho course of events and made of him but a shadow, a travesty, of his former self. < >f Lite yeais he lias been called a tramp, a purmli. and other hard names, but let us be careful how we judge him. Kulier. let us cast the mantle of cliirity over him. now that be has gone to atone for his deed. And who can say that he has not been atoning all these year* I The event to which wo refer occurred in Durham on the early morning cf Sat- uiday. December 1!>. lrt*>.'<. At that time Mr. Luke was publisher of th Durham Standard, which he had started in 18.VJ. iliswifewasa Miss Mary Ann .John- son, whom he married iu JiM), and by whom he had two sons Montgomery Sh.-ridan, andLlewelyn . Ou the morning of December 1!), lst>3, between 12 and 1 a.m , Hugh McKay, John Uiddell, James Roiley. Abraham Feather and Jnnies Feather, went iuto McKay's hotel in Durham. Luke was in the bar room. All were more or less tinder the influence of liquor, and a ruw occurred. Luke left anil went down town. Later the bunch of revelers trted for lialbraith's hotel in lower town and jtut ^ter crossing the bridge encountered Luke, dre8*-d in regimental ;ti l> and carrying an En field ritle with a bayonet on it. Luke struck Uiddell on the aide of the head aud .stunned him. He also jabbed at Uiddell with the bay- onet. He then said if anyone came near him 1 1.- wonl shoot him. At that mom- ent one Seth Barnes, who was retuiniiiK to town from Bentinck, happened along and weir toward* Luke, taking hjld of the bayonet and pulling it otf. At that moment the gun was discharged. The others then jumped on Luke and bore him to the ({round. Barnes then went to the side of the street and leaned against a post saying, " Boys, I'm shot," then fell t. the ground. Luke was ar- rested and food trial on the charge of murder, but the jury decided that the shooting was accidental and he was ac- ,'niii-u. Barnes was tftktO to C!a! biaith'j hotel. Dr. Gunn was called but the wounded man only lived a few hours, 'I he bullet entered the abdomen and tore away a piece of the hip bone. As Dr. Gunn deposed in his evidence, it looked as though the shot was tired at random. These arc the facts regardim.' this sad case, as ({leaned from the evidence given before Magistrate James Edge on the day following the trial. The orii>in-il copy of this evidence is in our possession. Luke did not. remain long in Durham after the tragedy, selling out his paper to White \ Johnston, young men working in the office. Since that time Mr. Luke has been but Hotsaru on the sea of time, tossed hither and thither by his appetite for strong drink, lie wax nut H vicious man -. ho was in- offensive where honor was concerned anil hated sham in any form, but hw life was embittered. Years ago he was a power- ful writer on political topics, but in later years lost his balance aud indulged in such caustic criticiwiu and bitter invective where politics were concerned that no newspaper could admit his matter to its columns. Juat how much of this degen- eration was due to the tragedy described above Ilia public has uo way of knowing, and no method of weighing the right or wrong or gauging the amount of remorse or suffering experienced by this unfortu- nate man. As we said before, the mantle of charity should be cast over his grave. The lesson ho gave us is plain enough (o read. Ue WfW bui'U on the JwUi day of My, lt<3'>, ami wou.M conse- man, but few, very few, people living to- day knew the circumstances. Luke was, himself, the sole surviving individual of the principals in that dark night's trag- edy of hfty-twii years ago. Eugenia past Mm Evelena Smith spent th> week with friends in Maritdale. Mr. \Viiliam Hugh O'Brien of Yellow Grass, isiis!;., visited his friends in Eugenia the past week. finite a number around heru are suffei- ins: with severe colds. Mrs. Frank Thompson has returned home .from her visit with friends in Chutsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jamieson of Port Law were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mi-Muster the p'ist week. Miss L. Bellamy of Flesherton was the guest of Miss K. Paul over Sunday Mi-s.Kusk.ind Mr. Sankin of K-i- vonna visited Eugenia friends on Sunday. Married- Tuesday Feb. H, Kill', at S o'clock, at Mr. John K. Jamii-son'-. residence, his eldest daughter, Once, to Mr. Edward Hillick <>t Maxwell. Mr. Bert Graham has none on a visit with friends in Parry Sound. Mrs. Woodhurn is visiting friends in Fleshertou this week. There is uo Ivttvr mcilii-iur made fur ci'Ids than Cham berlaiu'n Coujth Reme-ly. It acts mi nature'* plan, relieves the IUUKS OI^UK th<- secretion*. aiuV fx|n;etoration: and restore- Uie yterii to a healthy condition. Kr sal" bv all ileoler*. Riverdale Weather probabilities : Stormy. Rev. Mr. Beveridiie of Rocklyu and Mr. McArtbur of Beaverdale were visit- .>is in this vicinity last wek. Mr. tnd Mrs. J. Lee visited friends it Blantyre. What has occurred to our bright, breezy S. L. A. correspondent ! No- thing doing in your progressive vicinity ' Sure there is. Let us hear about it next week. W regret to report that one of Eu- phrasia's early and lespected settlers, Mr. D. K. Ellis, is ill at present at the home of Ins daughter, Mrs. H. Erskine. An up-to-date hot-air furnace was re- cently installed in our public school by W. S. Perkins of Markdale. Wo hope that a piano will be adorning the class room in the near future. Mr. John StephenHon returned from Toronto on Saturday after spending a delightful vacation with friends in that city. Distance lend* enchantment to the view, John. A number from here attended the concert at Kimberlry on Friday evening. Found in a inowdrift in Kiverdtle one day lasu week, a pair ot socks. Tho owner is hereby requested to call and remove the sumo immediately, or they will be destroyed. By order of the Riv- erdale Boaid of Health. Owing to the inclemency of the wea- ther and procrastinated arrival of ma- chine repairs, lumber sawing opeiations at the Riverdale lumber works have K-CII temporarily suspended. Our accomplished aohoolina'in, Miss Kdith Scott, made a few professitmn calls in North Hivcrdale last week. Tho professional trappers, who early IMC fall predicted :i very inclement winter, deducing their accurate, conclus ions from the unusual length and thick ness of the fur of fur- bearing animals have assuredly made ,\ beautiful hit. Mr. Harry Burns of Iteuvcrdale and F Nolan of Markdale were the Kiiests the Misses Laura and Winnie Johnatoi on Sunday. The Riverdale Imperial Checkei League, vrhich is in a promising conditioi at present, has pleasure in extend ing a cordial invitation for a chcckei " Waterloo " to the members of any for eign checker association who have th charming audacity to drop into our burg Kimberley Budget Wl.en is that January thaw coming ' Don't forget the ice carnival here on Friday night. of this week. Flesherton liaiul nil! be in attendance. Squire Stuart spent a few days during the past week in Collingwood looking after his real i-st.ite interests. Misses Andy, Erle, and Miss Lizzie Robinson of Dundalk, were the quests <,f Mr and Mrs. George Htitclun.son during the past week. Mi?s Hoy of Clarksburg is the <;ui'.->t of her friend, Miss Myrtle Camack. n Sunday 'morning butt the pulpit of the Methodist church was ably tilled by ilr. ['. A. McAslin of Heathcote. Miss Lily Curry of Rocklyu spent last verk the guest of her friend, Mis.s S.i In- tares. Messrs. Alexander Achesou of Hai k fl - way, W. H. Johnston <>t Maichand. Man , .'Hid George Nesbiu of Saskatche- wan werd the gueats at Mr. and Mrs. ienrge Hutchinnnr. durin;; the past week. At the iniugiirnl meeting of Grey Co. Council Reeve W. T. Kllis of Kiiphnism was ek-cled clmir:imn oj the most import- ant ummiltee, viz., Finance and Assc-s- nent. Mr. Kllis U aUo a member of nine two or three other committees. \\'o Her congratulations. Mis.-. Kdith Hammond, who spent tile jast t*o weeks visiting friends at Mea- ord and Thornbury, returned home on Saturday last. Some people compl-iin of poor accom- modation for man and beast in local op- ion towns and villages. Not so here, is there is tirst class accoiumoda'jon for jnth man anu beast at the Travellers' :lotne. Mr. George Proctor ind ion. Harold, re b'isily envaged plastering some louses in Mcaford. Mr. Ran. Brady and bride (nee Miss Miua Webi-rl left for Edmonton Tuesday norning to visit the hitter's sisters. Mrs. Will and Miss Mamie Weber. Price ville Jottings '^^^^^^^z^ Some very good ice uiukiu<> weather of late. The ice harvest commenced 1 i.-t week, and a number of teams were drawing in otf the mill pond, ft seems to be of good Duality. Monday and Tuesday .>f last week were (hipping days here and a lot of cattle and hog-t went to the city. Wednesday was Matrimonial Day aiiil there was smnethin' doin'. Mr. Ji si-ph Campbell of Kgreniout has been without a homekeeper for some time, but on Tuesday evening he crossed over the sideroart and secured the heart and hand .if Mis-; Fli'iM Mrl'hail, hencu on Wi-,1- iK'.iday '-he Rev. .1. A. Ma:h>son was siniiinoiied to legali/e ihu s!i:d contract. We tender Joe and Floe conur.-ituritioiis. Frank |{iley, blaekiiuith, has been very ill for some days with quinsy. The Feb. mcetm.: >" the NVi-nu'ii s Institute wa> held on the afternoon of Thursday lust at the hmnii of Mis S. Mi-Kinnoi:. and no doubt President Me- Kinnon's heart sweKeil with joy at see- ing such a i.""'dly attendance, perha|;s ihe largest of the season. The Mm i- ell employed, some good papers were read, protitable di.icus-sioiis took place, a humorous reading and piano K,\,: were sandwiched in, ai.d when adjouin- nient took place, all seemed well pleased with the meeting. The March inert ini; will I* held on the tirst Thursday at the residence of Miss Stotbai-t, and her brother John, at the western limit of the village. FINE TAILORING ! ! ! ? I I UK IK The undersigned invites the public to call in and see what we have to otlVjr in .Material, Workmanship ami price, before ordering their m-u Suit of Clothes. \V e handle Tailor Made Suits Made to Measure in our own shop From .<14.UO up. ami gtui:nt-.-e satisfaction. |M| Panting* Crom 93.75 up. |M| |^| We Will Treat You Right, knowing that you jy. will come again. Yours to Serve, I FRED MORLEY NEXT DOOR TO BANK ill! Flesherton, - - Ont. l>tL___^_ ________________ , ;J , Vandeleur Happenings Miss Rosie Gilbert spent week with friends in Flesherton. Mr. John Roland was in Owen Sound recently. Mr. John M. Da\i is on a business trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Jasper Gilbert of Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs. T. A. Neely of Toronto, visited their sister, Mrs. Will Hutchin- son, for a couple of days last week. At .1 special meeting of the ratepayers of this school section on Wednesday ev- ening, Mr. George Bowles was elect- ed trustee to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Jos. Buchanan. Mr. W. G. Hutchinson and bride of Toronto, who spent part of their honey- moon with the former's father, returned to their home in the city last week. We wish them every prosperity. We are sorry to report Richard Genoe on the sick ht. Marshal Heard has Herb. Baker em- ployee drawing saw Ions to his mill yard. The members of the W, L are busy preparing for a valentine social to be held here on Feb. 14. Mrs. Tliurston of Flesherton, accom- panied by her niece. Miss Irene Gaudm, spent a few days last week at Mr. Win. Buchanan's. The latter remainds for an extended visit. The Hon. 1. B. and Mrs. Lucas of Markdale were visitors at Mr. Geoitje Wai-ling's recently. East Mountain Mi>. John Mai-tin returned from Owen Suvnd jn Saturday, after a visit of ive weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith attended he concert given by the jubilee singer* 11 Flesherlon last Friday night. Mr. John Welsh Lought Win. Hmnber- slone's timber land last week for $7">0. Mrs. Milton Neil ami children are in Markdale this week with her mother. Mr*. John Welsh who has spent the [jasl live weeks with her sister in Owen Sound, returned home last Tuesday. Mrs. Irwin Fawcett is ill with pnen- The Davies' Pork Packing Company have closed down their establishment in Uarriston -ind are leaving that town. As a result about Id or 40 families who have been depending on this industry for employment, will we understand, move from Harmton. 'This is prooably the gieatest industrial blow that our sister town has yet e.\peiieneed. and i* said to be largely due to the Isck of sufficiently cheap power to run the institution, they having to generate steam at an annual cost of about $50 per horsepower. The promoter* of the new dam in Walkerton propose to furnish electric power at about halt' that cost, and an effort should be made lo induce some of these industries, who .ire look ing for che*p power, to locate here. I'.nice Herald. Enroth Grutihow of Walkerton was sen up for trial on a charge of stealing silk scarf from Walter Booth, barber. > have oOeii eigntjr year* o/ gd ha<l he lived until ne-U Mai- \VolwP t: .ue thwfc extensively HIM this case because everybody Who knew S. L, M. Luke ktatw that he !^d killed a. Maxwell A most enjoyable afternoou WHS on Saturday, when tho Maxwell Metho- dist Sunday School went for a sleigh ride and then returned to tlio hall and were given a good supper, when about one hundred sat down and an onjoynbli> time was spent. Thil Advance woulu like to get a 'Correspondent tf Alwwell. There are plenty of intelligent people living there who could easily budget of news. give us a fortnightly Who will do it t HI-I-I- is :\ iiicxaifi of lui|H) mil I{IIIM| flieei- Mi-, t . .1. Martin, Hoono Mil 1 . Va.. who Is tin- timelier "I eighteen children. Mis. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and constipation by Chamberlain's Tablets after live years "t suffering, ami mm- ri'cnn- menils tlu-sc talilet- to tin- public. Soli I li\ all di-al.-rn. All exchange reji.ats that a woman drove into town tc- do her shopping, but found she had lost her purse. When her husband unharnessed the horse, after returning hunie. something dropped from its hoof. An investigation showed that it WHS the missing purse, with money intact. dlscut* of I bo 5pecUlit Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Offirt 30 10th t. Wet, Owen Sound At till- Ui'Vciv house, M;ivkd;ilo, 2nd 'rhursdity each month from S to 12 . m. Dunihlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ofliceand Residence 4tW, !>th St. Kant, Owen Sound, Ont. Hours ~!l to l-> a. m , l.:<0 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Satisfactory i Tailoring I usl received a bunch of nobby new suitings aiiJ over- coatings, an imnieuse cboice of newest, patterns and at very reasonable prices. Leave your order for a Christmas uow. We aim to please ami we hit the bulls-eye every Calljand look over our samples, anyway. Suit time- S.J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR I CHRISTMAS MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON HAND KOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE. SIC II AS BLEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. & McCLOCKLIN F L E S 1 1 K ITO X : WE SELL Print's Stock Food, Poultry l-'ooil, Hour; Cure, Louse Killer. Heave Cure, Worm Powder, 1'isiiilecinnt, Salve for sores an I burns. Klax Seed, Linseoil .Meal, Oil Cake, Salts, Saltpeter.. Sulplier. Oyster Shell, Hen Feed, Bran, Shorts, Chop, Flour Cream of the West. Sovcrigh, Eclipse. Pastry and Low Grade, Pens. Pencils, Scribblers, Note Books. Writing Tabs. Envelopes. Blank Notes, Receipt Padr, Account Tablets. If you do not see you want, ask for it at W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, - - Ontario.

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