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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1912, p. 7

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HER DAUGHTER SAVED Stricken With Acute Rheumatism - Recovery Scarcely Expected. Mrs. Dolina. J. Lawlor, writing from Oxbow, Sask., says: "I would be lacking in gratitude if I did not write you and let you know of the wonderful good your Dr. Williams' I spoon or to put"the knife into the Pink Pills have done for mv daugh- m outh ; but the more important art GASTRONOMIC CRIMES. "Content the Stomach and the Stomach Will Content TOD." Nor is it enough that school girls and boys should be taught to cook ; they should also learn ho* to eat. Few learn this at home. They are usually taught to eat silently, and not to take soup off the end of a ter, Belle Lawlor. Indeed I think I may safely say that they have be'.n the means of saving her life. For many years my home has bson in Bruce Mines, Ont. Something ovtr a year ago my son and daughter, then in her sixteenth year, loft for the west. When leaving here my daughter was in the best of realth, but in the following spring -ihe was stricken with what the doctor sakl was inflammatory rheumatism in its worst form. After a few weeks she was able to get up, but l.or ha.rtJs and limbs were so swollen that she could not dress herself. She con- tinued in this way for some time. of mastication is ignored. It is a branch of physiology and should be taught by experts in the schools. If it were, the next generation of mothers and fathers would know | that it is a crime to let their chil- dren swallow food, particularly milk and cereals and vegetables, before it has been kept for a while in the mouth to be mixed with sal- iva and made digestible. If it were indelibly impressed on school-children that gluttony is a vice which defeats its own end, that by eating slowly much more pleasure can be got from one mouthful than by bolting a whole and then a second attack, worse <" ' ? " thnn th* fir<f t in n,l m v , pltefu , that this pleasure can be than the first, set in, and my son telegraphed me, as she was very low. While I was getting ready to make the trip of eighteen hun- dred miles I got a second message vastly increased by consciously ex- haling through the nose while eat- ing, and that who eat in this way will escape the pangs of indi- uiw I*A*I*O * fivu at o^^vii^i lUBoanptv . .. , . to come at once, as they feared she g<^on-if these truths were, mi- could not live. When I reached P^sed on every chid mind, two- her I found her even worse than', thlr ^ of the m!nor . llls of mankmd I had expected. She was so weak! woil!d cusappoar in two genera- and emaciated that I would noti 1 ' 0118 . f r<1 m , ost u f the major mala- have known her, and she could only I d 'es also; for the stomach is the speak in a whisper. Her hands andj source of most diseases. As Tho- fingers were all twisted and her mas Walker wrote nearly a century limbs swollen to twice their natur-'ago- "Content the stomach and the al size. The doctor had then been stomach will content you." attending her for two months, and she seemed steadily growing worse. We did not dare move her in btd for fear of her heart giving out. She was as pale as a corpse, and her lips and face always cold. We had to fan her continually, and if BABY S OWN TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Mrs. Albert Barriault, St. Al- phonse, Que., writes: "I have used we ceased even for a little while , j) a by' s Own Tablets for my baby she would gasp for breath, and no i who BU fr ere< i from constipation, one who saw her thought it pos- They completely cured her and I sible she could get better. She ' can stron gly recommend them to all suffered such pain that I used to go' mothers." The Tablets not only out of the room and put my fingers cure con8t i pa tion, but they cure all in my ears to shut out her gasping' other tr(jll bl cs arising from a dis- and moaning. I had known before ordere d stat o f the stomach and of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and Welg such as colic> colds> 6imple as we could gradually see her sink- j f ever8i indigestion, etc. Baby's ing I told my son I was going to | Own Ta bl e t s are sold by all medi- give her the Pills. He was opposed; cine d<?a i ers or by mail at 25 cents to my idea, for he thought a change , a box from The j} r Williams' Me- in the medicine might prove fatal, j dicine Co>> Brockville, Ont. However, it was finally decided to give her the Pills. In a week's time she showed some improvement and felt like eating. From that time on she began to gain steadily. EVER HOPEFUL. "What we want," said the em- inent philanthropist, "is to cstab- Gradually her hands and fingers U s h a system of universal peace." became straight, the swelling in the limbs went down, and he>- neart- "But aren't you likely to have some quarrels over the best way to beats became regular, a-id the establish iU" color returned to her face, and "Of course. But they will be soon the cure was complete. S'io useful in their way. People must is now as strong and heal'M- as any ' have some outlet for their activi- girl of her age, and to see her jou ties. And while they are quarreling would never tlni^ sue bad passed they are not fighting." through an illness from which none of her friends thought she c.-uld recover. You have inv sinccresi, thanks for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for my daughter, and you may bo sure I shall always warmly recommend them." * TO THE RESCUED. "I suppose by this time you have more money than you know what to do with," said tho old acquaint- ance. "No," replied Mr. Dustin Stax : "I haven't more than I know what to do with. But I might be a little puzzled about it, now and then, if _^ I didn't get a lot of helpful advice i cor( ii n g to directions. They rectifv HER MANAGEMENT. Mrs. Colin Gabble "Do you ever permit your husband to have/ his own way?" Mrs. Strongmind "Oh, yes, oc- casionally. He is sure to make a fool of himself and that makes him easier to manage next time." The Foe of Indigestion. Indiges- tion is a common ailment and few are free from it. It is a most dis- tressing complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is Par- Vegetable Pills taken ac- UCU/ 00! HEARD FROM AGAIN ANOTHER SPLENDID CURE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mr. Ben Gauvang hud Backache so bad he iiad to quit work Dodd's Kidney Pills Hxed him u;>. Puellering Settlement, Kent Co., N. B., Jan. 29 (Special). Every corner of New Brunswick tells of cures made by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and this settlement can contribute j its share. Mr. Ben. Gauvang is one man who without hesitation states that he owes his good health to the great Canadian Kidney | remedy. "Yes. Dodd's Kidney Pills cer- tainly did me good," Mr. Gauvang says in an interview. "Before I started taking them my back ached so that I had to give up work and I also had to be careful how I walked and moved about. I took nine boxes, all told, and they fixed me up. They are the best medicine for all diseases of the kidneys." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- all. They only cure the kidneys. But they always cure the kidneys, and with cured kidneys you can't have backache, rheumatism. Bright's disease, diabetes or dropsy. CORRECTING THE PARSON. "In your sermon this nioining fou spoke of a babv as 'a ne'" wave on the ocean of life.' "Quite so; a noetioal figure." "Don't you think 'a fresh squall' would have hit the mark better]" FOR A LINE OF GAS. "What is the best fuel for aerial flights?" "Gasoline." "What is the best fuel for ora- torical flights?" "Alcohol." COMFORT. Mr. Flubdub You women arc mighty slow. During the time itj took you to select that hat I went out and made two hundred dollars. Mrs. Flubdub I'm so glad, dear. You'll need it I SIR GEORGE ASKWITH, who prom- ! ises to add to his reputation for end- ins Industrial wars by arranging a settlement of the great cotton lock- out. CONFUSED ANATOMY." The elephant never fails to excite j wonder in the person who behold:; ; him for the first time. A writer quotes the remark of a small boy who was visiting a menagerie. "O, papa," he exclaimed, as they passed before the elephant, "look at the big cow with her horns in her mouth, eating hay with her tail!" Investments for the New year \Ve have to offer several first-class bond investments yielding 6 per cent, net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jamas Strat 308 McKlnnon Building, TORONTO. I* Cornhill. LOMDO.H. EMOLANO MALE HELP WANTED. RAILWAY* .vi'Iiii- f'r men with a kmiwleclue .il Tdlu^rupliy, !'.: uht Tirkot .1:1.1 l(r::i^" wurk. Bu dm:in i own;: t > *o iniu-h e<m-truc- i : .iin a ,in. i. i , i salarioi ti batjili. Kenular IvMikii anil wire.i from rail way injure you prac- tical work nii-l a p isitiun wiie.ii qtutliflsjd. Free H...'k 18 explains. Vfrilt D-iiuiinoa .school Tele- graphy, T ir int >. STrtDC PfllinNC HEALS THE LUNGS STUrO UvUCNo FKICK. is AGENTS WANTED DANGEROUS PLAN. "It's a great comfort to tell your troubles to somebody." "It depends whom you select. Telling them to a dentist only seems to make matters worse." ^ ALESMKX-S53 PKIi WEEK SELLING i^ oiio Hand Keg-Beater. Sample and terms 26c. Monty refunded if uunalinUo- tory. Oolletto ill's. Company. Colling- wood. Ont. 4 GENTS WANTED. - A LINE FOH \. every home. Write us for our choic* list of agents supplies. W- DOVB the crra'.cst agency proposition in Canud to-day. Xo outlay ueccsRary. Apply I* C. I. Co.. 228 Albert St.. Ottawi. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. II. W. DAWSON. NINETY COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO. TIEN ACRE FKCIT FAKM-NIAGAKA Distru-t. I^IFTY ACRE FKflT A Catharines: w:th buil FARM - ST. rilWKXTY-FIVE ACRE FECIT FARM 1 Hi. Catharines; Brick House; good buildings. MANITOBA. ALBKRTA. KASKATCUE- wan and British Columbia lands in quarter, half or whole sections: u'. o in larce blocks. <F BUYIXO A FARM IT WILL PAY you to ronoult Mr. II. W. Dawoon, Ninety Colbnrne Street. Toronto. HELP WANTED. HOME WOEK.-WE V.V.NT KKLIAHLK families to operate our high-speed automatie Knitting Muchinr .it ! TO FIFTY BARHER.S ADVEE- tised for in Toronto unpero alone al- most every day ; let us teach you barber WHY SUFFER ALL WINTER. .c a. "It affords me great pleasure to Tey. not only to yoa. but to all ers from Backache and Rheumatism, the great relief I have obtained from the use of Oin Pills. I feel thankful to yon. I recommend Gin Pills to everyone suffer- ing; as I did. "ROBERT M. WILSON." Write as for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealers, or direct from us, SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if din PiUs fail to cure. National Drue <fc Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W.L., Toronto. on the subject from mother and the girls." Some men only keep their prom- ises because nobody will take them. Eczema 25 Years Cured by "Cuticura" Leg Like Raw Flesh fromlCnee Down "I Invo been treated by doctors tov twenty-live years for a bad cose of eczema on my leg. They did their best, but failed to cure it. My own doctor bad advised mo to have my lee cut o3, but I said I would try the Cuticura Remedies first, lie said. 'try them if you like but I do not thin'* they will do any good.' At this time my leg was peeled from the kuce down, my foot was like s piece of raw Uesii and 1 Dad to walk on. crutches. "I bought a cake of Cutlcura Soap, a box ot Cuticura Ointment and a bottle of Cutlcur> Ilesolvent. After the nrst two treatments the swelling; went dowu and in two mouths' use of the Cuticura Remedies my leg wai cured and the new akin grown on. The doctor could not believe his own eyes when be saw that Cuticura had cured me and said that ha would use Cuticura for hli own patient*. But for the Cuticura Remedies I miKiu java lost my life. I am truly grateful for tho wonderful cure that Cuticura wroufctu and X always recommend It most highly MMun and economical euro for akin troubles. (Signed) Mme. J. B. Renaud, 277 Muntauij 8t., Montreal. For more than a Rencratlon Cutteum Soap and Ointment have afforded the speediest and most economical treatment for ujnand scalp humon. Sold by druggist* and dealers Terywhere. For a liberal sample ot each, with 32-p. book, sand to Potter P. A 0. 48 Columbui Ave., Boston. V. S. A. the irregular action of tho stomach an<I restore healthy action. For many years they have been a stand- ard remedy for dyspepsia and indi- gestion and are highly esteemed For their qualities. The Abors swear their most bind- ing oaths over a dog, which is then killed and eaten. Mlnard't Liniment Cures Cold), Ac. A healthy turkev during the fat- tening process will daily consume half a pail of meal mixed with milk. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnkel.AXATIVK. BROMOQuinine Tablets. Drueeists refund money if it fails to cure. B. W. CROVK'S signature is on each bos. 25c. If plans made one loafers could ride in automobiles. rich, then their own For over fifty years Rheumatism and Neuralgia sufferers have found great relief in Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Don't wait for inflammation to set in. Get a bottle to-day. ANVIL STROKES. The pessimist forsees a storm in every we-ather sign. Ideals must not be so high as to be- entirely out of view. When meekness becomes self-con- scious, it vanishes. Who hungers for praise never gets his stomach filled. The contribution box never ta^s with the gifts of the lazy. Misery loves company, but the sentiment is not reciprocate. Who spends his sympathy upon himse.lf deserves great pity. You como to a knowledge of God, nut by investigating, but by loving Him. The Christian population of In- iJia now numbers nearly four mil- lions. QUALIFIED. "Some detectives ought to make good sailors." "Why so?" "Because they're so often at sea." A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases causing pains and oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is of- fensive and the only way to pre- vent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Pannelec's Vege- table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course of them taken systematically is crtttiu io euVci; a. cure. "I understand that old Billy on- air made his fortune out of a sim- ple invention." "No; out of a simple inventor." No matter how deep-rooted the corn or wart may be, it must yield to Holloway's Corn Cure if used as directed. Last year over 6,000 tons of beef were disposed of in the London Central Markets. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. A CALM ASSERTION. "This train is an hour behind time," said the fretful passenger. "Yes," replied the conductor; "but you ought not to mind that. It's a heap pleasanter on this train than it will be in the town you're going to." - j ; KIDNEY! , ... V ^,- ?f. -,,- ^ - V ; II ' ** - V ' -* The publisher of the bct paper in the Maritime Provinces in writ- ! ing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a I medicine that has stood the tost of time- like MINAKDS LINIMENT It hns been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since I can remember, and has out- hv.'d dor.ena of would-be competitors and , imitators." , '^*J ">.' . tVI uo MHUM ' MJ U(l u, * hole or spare knitting for t I trildo . ( ,, pcrl 1Illllr uc-t,.m . r.mstant prac- trade; good wages. For aU particulars :, ice . tlMlll) trKe Writo for clUa i,, KlJ0 . address, 'Ihe Canadian Wholesale Dtbtri ' buting Co.. Dept. W.. Orillia. Ontario. Meier Barber (.'allege,. 221 Queen East. Toronto. Your Overcoats urf .!* t Sulu truniil - l -' r 'r. .1 If no vnr I ran In rour Unrn. witim 4ir>ct to M. mre. , Hot 1S1 rltlsrt Amr*oan Dyalng Co. "All new arrivals are washed," explained the warder of the pri- son. "And if they make a fuss i" "Then they arc ironed." The Oil for the Farmer. A bot- tle of Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil in the farm house will save many a journey for the doctor. It is not only good for the children when taken with colds and croup, and for the mature who suffer from pains and aches, but there are di- rections for its use on sick cattle. Thore should always be a bottle of it in the house. SHIFTING THE BLAME. "Mrs. Brown's husband tells his! wif<> everything." "Maybe she makes it easy for him. You won't give me a chance to get a word in ANTED LADIES TO DO PLAIN and light rowing at home, whole or spare Ume, good pay: work Bent any di.-tanee. charges paid; send stanipH for full ji.irr :. National Manufacturing Co., Montruul. MISCELLANEOUS. H AY and FAUM SCALES. Scale Works. 9 L*|ji;imid Wilson s Toronto. CA.NCKU. rOHOBfll LUUPH. no. i. irnul auu exterual. cured wllhom (jam tiy uur Uouiti treulmeui. Writ* ut iM'fore too late. Or. bclimuu Mcuical Co, Limited. Collmgwoud. Oni As a vermicide there is no pre- paration that equals Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, It has saved the lives of countless i children. GTO.N SCALE UUAUAM'r.KD. Wilwa * Scale Works, 9 Ksplanade. Toronto. i GENTS WANTED. - A STUDY Of -.V other Agency propositions convince* d!> : hat uone can equal uurs. Vou will al- w.iyi regret it if you dun t apply for par- ticulars to Travellers Dcpl., 228 Albert at.. Ottawa. London possesses 7, -170 licensed taxi-cabs and 8,105 drivers. Mlnard's Liniment euros Diphtheria. Cinematograph pictures of the King's doings in India should be of good photographic quality, on ac- count of the clear atmosphere of that country. Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup is the result of expert chemical ex- periments, undertaken to discover a preventive ot inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroy- ing the germs that develop these diseases, and fill the world with pitiable subjects hopelessly strick- cu. The use of this Syrup will pre- vent tho dire consequences of neg- lected Colds. A trial, which costs only '25 cents, will convince you that this is correct. Of the fifteen aeroplanes owned trice , by the British \Var Office, nine are. trum of British and six of French manu- facture. SPECIALISTS ADV1CB FKKE Commit SPECI us i PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Yonr rtrusm*t will refund iummy if I'AZO OINP- MKX Tfailt t i cure any oj of ItchiiiE, lllin.l. lileedia,; or i'r.itrudnii I'iloi in li tj 14 days. 4oc. Of the six million children regis- tered on the books of the public elementary schools of England and Wales ten per cent, suffer from defective hearing. When Your Eyes Need Care Try tturlnc Remedy. No Sniiirtiiiu Feels Pine Aets mlOkbli Try It for Red, Weuk, Watery lives aud tirautilated Eyeli<lM. Illus- tnitotl Book in eifcfh i':i- u (.- Mnrine is com(M>undeU by onr CVults's- not a'^^iu-nt Mrd- lelue" bul ned In sticr*sfttl FhysSt-tans' I'mc- tieo for muny yenra. Nuw BBwMMg lo tho Piib- lle nnd sold by uruirglsts at V.V mil 60e per llotlle. Miiriuo Kyo Sulyo In Asepilu Tubes, M> and dUc. Nlurtne Eye Remedy Co., Chicago DREADNOUGHT'S GUNS. An improved rifle of 13.5 calibre is to be used on British super- drcjuhioughts in place of the gun of the same calibre introduced not long ago. It is more powerful both as to range and weight of projec- tile. The older 13.5 gun, which is to be used on some big ships not yet completed, throws a shell weighing 1.250 pounds, but the im- proved gun will carry a projectile weighing 1,400 pounds. The new suiHT-divadnoughts will have also sow improved 6 inch guns for pio- tection agnins.t torpedo craft. Un- til very recently 6 inch guns were ro&ardcd as big enough fi-.r second- ary- batteries. ED. 7 1SSI E i- 12 MI, M tii-s Liniment Curs Cargel In Cow*. EXPLAINED. "I am sorry to see you here again," said the judge. "You're not half as sorry as I am, judge," said the- prisoner. "Bad company, my man, as I told you before, is sure to bring you back,'' said the judge. "Yes, judge.'" said the prisoner. "But I can't help myself. I tried to avoid this vulgar cop, but he just reg'larly thrust hisself upon me." u regard to any dieem*?. Lowest In drugs of all kinds, uses fltted by mall Rend meaiurv ment. Glnsaes fitted by age. Writo to-day for anything t-ld m finu-ela** drug storei to l>i Bellman. Collingwood. On! GIVE You AND YOUR BUSH A CHANCE MAKE MONEY WITH IT. ould not think of cutting down your hay or (train with hand seythes. and you Nhnn!d not UPO old pots and pans. IiiFtnll a "fhaiiipion" and mako more and better syrup with less time and fi:el. More revenue at a reduced cost. Why not try this? Wo llavo one that will i just suit you. Vou arc nitre to win. Write I for free booklet. THK IUMM vva m . i L.IMITKD. 58 Wellington St.. Montreal. Que. WHEREAS! five years ago the word Zam-Buk was unknown in Canada, and Zam-Buk is to-day admitted to be the finest cure for skin injuries and diseases: AND >fVHEREAS^ it has been represented to us that there are still some good Canadians, and even some mothers and heads of families who have not yet tried this great balm, we hereby offer a REWARD of one free trial box of 2am Buk to every person who has not yet tried this wonderful balm : PROVIDED they send by mail to us this proclamation together with one-cent stamp to pay return postage of such box ; AND FURTHER PROVIDED that they address such application to our offices at Toronto. Given under our hand this day.

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