'. tfcl.ruarv 1 MM 2 F L E S H E II T OX A i * V A N C E A Fall Trip Across Married The Atlantic .stev.tr' Mcl'hersoc At i'ie resi- lience of S>ir. Duncdi. Muir. ' =-vlon, wn am. 'la, t> Rev. '. A ililh*on, B. D., 1 . . 0'MM. v t V? *K7 ' . . Jl. .IJ l> i .WJIJ , LI. J-'., Jolia Coulthard <.f Feverahaiu. *:;,, i, n . .. Flolencli Stewart ti Auric McPherson, on a visit to the old country, ar. I . 'ins* , jl>oth of Ar'.euiesui. picscnt address u Rough H. mse, Aaby. Cuckerrcouth, Cumberland,. Knulsnd. sends the fallowing account of Ins irip' ' 4 ' at ' ne - Sbire-Un \Vednesday, Jai. . by Kv. ti E '-Uood. B.A., B.D.. Thoma. to Miss Bertha Mildred Shaw. County Committees The following are the sUudti) t Trains leave follows : C. P. R. Time Table. Fhsherton Station , Fleslifrt.-n A. < '. W. will rteet ni Clay- . ton's hall, Monday evening at S p. m. a.s ' A full att^nd.-inci of the members U re- <|uesied. Going South Goinjj North Word was receive.i here MonJ.iy an- 7.4: a. in. ll.'.V a.m. nouucins; the death f Mr. Davil Wii^ht 43;{ p.m. 8.3,'ty. ra. of New York, f-.imerly of Fle&herton, The mails arc closed at Flesherton a.~ ' Mr - w "^ht resided it Bl-om6eld. N.J.. follows : For the north at 1C.40 a.m. and and had been recently ajling with beart ' 7 .P,', m- . \ A " A tlt * afternoon mail fout!. at, trouble. The deceased, ho was in his 54th yeiir, was born netr Flesherton and was the eldest son of the late Mr. Wu.. \Vriht. Here he received his public school educatiou and after a biuine^i col- legs course a* connected with hw father's business for a number of yeara. Liter he w*i in business at Mirkd.tle with Mr. J. R. Trimble. Ab.,ut 24 years ag.-> he joined his unc!e in New York, bu' for -n^st of the time since has been iu business fir himself at a coedle iuipoiter. He was untried to Mi-s Isa- across the AtU.aic . ., i On NOT. 23 we left Jlontreal on the! S. 8. Virjjiuian, bu<- for some r-.-a-scn which I could not learn the vessel .-.[.- ped bef ere night and did n>t move fori 25 hours. At last we again got under way and after picking up some passengers! at Quebec we .-tirted r.n ..ur l,,n voy'a-t mittees " f ^"unty council of the county to Liverpool. The pa.--r.^i list num-' f Grey f r the yetir l ' Jl - ^ Finance and Lered 600, oi winch 50 were 1st c-Uts, A *'''"t-M:ssrs. Aber.-rombie, Ag- 150 2nd cU.-sMid 400 s eerage Thcr" e ' r - Burn8 ' Be< Bree ' e -.Bell, Chrmtie. were from tl.e S-ates s f ,r w"t Sfih C * !der ' <-'ordingley. Ell.s, JJ nxlfellow, L.Le city and from C,nd^ as f,r JP* m *" m ' Jii '-' ksou - K ' '* es - Kennedy. Pnnc* Rup,,t. Many .f U passengers Uask ' L " rer ' Li PP' rr - McKnight. Me- K - ui!lr - Mearw, Ph.l M ., Schenk. Th..inp- US HARVESTING MACHINES *S A MCCORMICK mower for the hay; a McCor- mick binder for your grain; a McCormick corn binder to cut your a McCormick passen were young Koglishnun who h,, i ' 8 '"' Welr ' Mr ' ' :ills ' Chair - '"*''* ' :UOo'c!ocK For morning train mail tlo-i- .-it .' p.m. the previous VICINITY CHIPS , uth . ev <i. , Mrs. U. McTnvisli is vmtioi; her son in Toronto this week . Mr. Elmo .)iii.ies< n of Toronto is \ i-itiug iii-i mother in town. Mr. 1 1 an Bowler of Owen Sound is the guest of hie brother, S. J. Bowler. bells Keefer, eldest daughter of the'l tie j Ge'.rg* Keefer oi this place, tnd tbe The l,urnin- of barns in East Xorra wa brjck residenc , UQW |he Pre8b ytemn found to be the woik of incendiaries. j ^^ b(J1 , t ,, y ^ WM th(J new home Mr. am? Mrs. R. J. Urown of Wiuni- , ,,f his bride. Beaides bis widow, two pe^ spent * few dayj with relitives in I daughters survive, the eldest mirried in town. | July last to Mr. K. A. Price of Colorado Messrs. .Jwhti and Hugh (Ubonie of . un j the younger, Mi-s taunt-line, at Nott.-twa visired wiih relatives here lat j home. The friends here of the bereaved week. I f tmily deeply sympathise with th-m in Born -At Wen Ton.nlo, ou Tuesday, ; lueir lo<w - Jt.n.29, to Mr. and Mrs. \V. l?et.tham,! This i the awon of the year when mother* u g,,,, i feel vry nrueh concerned over th* fre<juct i culda contracted by their children, acdha> Mr. Frank lU.wlcr of Povert. Albert., i.^,^ , ,,,, evlry culd is visiliuffhis nephew. S. J. Bowler of j weakens the lung*, lowers tbe tUality and thit place. t pavn the way for the mure Jterioc.* dUvura Three b,, J8 wer; cUrved with burning ! th " " en foUow ' Clumbertoia'. Conch ' i. L. Kmdr U famous for its cure*. ao<l it LJ.-lv Cnu College a: Farnham, i,'ue. ] . ., One of them confessed. Mr. E-nerson Bellamy left on Monday j j^ e ehrislian Commercial Traveller's to accrpt a p>M'ion in the hardware ' Association bare ct'inpleted a good work store of John Ad. m. Sr. Marys. I iu Owen Sound. This A^H.-iation has i undertaken the work, -or plaving a Bible The frozen body of Mrs. Jerry j jn efery note i bdroom in the Dominion. O'Rrirn was found in the snow near her ( Frank A. Douglas, lieneral Secretary, I ne at Aberfoylc, in western 'Jntario. i visited our town ibis w*,k and obtained I conunt of all'the hotel [troprietorx plac- Mr. \V P. Cr-.Mley fell while coining ,,^03, Bil , leg xi,^ Assocutiou or^amz- out of the poetoftice one day last week , n\ in March, 1911 aid have placed to nnd sustained trui*s that i-onfintd him date orer 'JOtJO Bibles in OuUriu, O. S. out two or three yenn ;md were g'.in: home MI :i visi; T ,er; m were two pianos on beard and * m-tny of the Kuada and Bridges Messrs. Cinining- young people cuulj j,Liy atid sin" we ^ Ula > DAJ. Goodfelloir, Hcwey, KUgei-. had pUfi.ty of music, which areatly i n ..Larter, Leaak, Lipyert. McL^d. Mc- creased the pleasure of the trip. Innis. Metcalf, McLennan, M u-risoo, At d,ur.er on the first day o U f fto(B :Km,ie, Robwt., Schenk. Weir- Mr. Quebec we tound ou our pUte. a list of * '^ Cluirm:i "' tlie names of the first and second e'asj < - Vunt y Property Messrs. Aber- piwsengers, aslip to till out gifiuss our cromble - Agnew, Breese, Bell, Best, names, p'.acj of birth, age. etc. Burn!i - Balder. Chrisli-, Cordingley, , and another klip stvin;; that (lie Allan Dl>l >i. Hampton, Larter, Leask, Me- ! Line News wuuia be printed daily, Diving, Anight. M earns. McQuaker. Philip,! the current oews as received at the wire- ltenn ' e - Shiel, Morrison : Mr. Lirter, | Uss telegraph station on boirl, T|j p 'Chiriiian. subscription price was 12 ceuts for the Education Messrs. Agu?w, Breese, trip, five issue?, or four cents ptr .-ing'e Best, Bell.Calder, Cunningham. Chribtie, copy. By the second day .rut *11 the Dobie, Day, Ellis, Goodfellow. Howey, ><>UDg ladies ou board were receiving iheJ* 01 " 011 ! Kennedy. Mc' t >'Jker, McKen- atteotion of at leujst one young -nan, **<? Meirns. McLennan, Schenk. Thorup- i who were iinprovin;; the timo by pro- 8)n , Wi'son : Mr. McKn/.ie,Chairmn. 1 inenadmg with their pnttners on the Pnntin.; Messrs. Cordin s ley, Ellis. ; deck, a pastime which could only be in- Klages, Kennedy, Lippert.McInnis, Me- i dulled in during fair weather. Seats Ken zie, Metc:i!f. Morrison, McLennan, : were arranged on the sunny side < f the McLtrod, Philip. Robeits, Shiel. |\V e i r ship where the older people c , u u s i t ao d Mr i^\\^ Chairman. engage iu conversation. I had jtii? L ommanications and ileinoriils talk with a man from B.C. He own, M(J8sr( . A Burns Doble Hlm I a tu^ aud is eu^*i> r ed uwm" l<>o %t 10 ton. McVuaker, McKiueht. Ronnie. the MwniiU,. As tbu kind ,,f work T ho,np S .,n. Wilson ; Mr. ceases in winter time, be fluently ttkes a trip to the okl home in KiiiiUnd The pa8 g< money fcr himalf and family amjunttd to oer three hundred dollars. I tlao fell m with a Mormon, a Dane by birth, who is m;tkiug a two years visit busker and shredder to shred and husk your corn a McCormick machine to fill your every need. They are built right We will treat you right, and you will find it to yoor interest to buy McCor-' mick machines. S. Hemp hill, - Agent CEYLON, ONTARIO McVu , ke , .' ^ U e C ;" U ' L " e ' ^\ Md the ^' rden Mr ' Ab " t b ' e ' tb..n.n. w dn' Committee Messrs. Jack- ack- to tliu house for several days. _. The Presbyterian nd . Do y,,u know that more iel ilner lurlw MetlU'di.st , m a common ivli 1 tha in uy other of tbe ptor. exchanged pulpits on bundav. ; ^.^ ailuiento . The fe way U take Cham. Rev. Mr. Milhuan |>rethed two ex- to his native land, after .A.I absence O f. n - Wc^'oaker, MoKni-ht : Mr J thirty-seven years in Cuh. I made*" 1 ' rlH ' rman - bold to a>k him if hi* church couiiten- anced ^'ygamy but be said it had Mrs> J ohn White abolished that practice in 1800. He huldiYorcedJone w.fof.r incontinence Di*d -At the hom-i of her son-in Uw. It said ha as 50 years of age. tho gh Thomas Taylor of PortUw, on Jan 22nd, by his walk and gentral appeirance he Mrs. j^ a White at the * 2 e of seventy I swuied like a m.tn well o*r seventy.,,,. Deceased, whose m lilen uame was Th.shesid was on account of hard KJ IM beth Wen, was >>o.n in the county woik, and hecerta:nly l,>Ued like a luan^Vrmauith in Ireland, c-ming to l'nda who had had Uo many wives and child-ii,, her --':trd year. F..riy-ci*ht yean, ago Kn to support- ^he was married to Johu While of Later in the trip a terrific storm Arteme*ia township, who afterwards NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! The Holidays are Over Now (or business. Start the year riybt by getting one of our Calendars and then keep right by doing your business at our store. You will get one hundred cents value for every dollar we receive. Our stock is New. Fresh, and Up-to-Date, consisting of everything you want to buy. We guarantee satisfaction or your money refunded. ighest prices for all kinds of produce. J. H. 1>ARKE Eugenia, Ontario. Cough Ro>e<ly, eel lent sermons to large congregations in j |>r e|>aration, and tid yuurorlf of the cold the Methodist church. |< ijnickly as possiUe. ThU remedy i- for ) sale !.y all dealer". The Jubilee singers were areelfd here _ o;i Thursday lust by a, very large audi- once, which ih.roujjhly enjoyed their f the! An extensive auction sale i-f farai n 1-t melodies. 'I'lu- mnlii'g capacity Methodic church was well taxed. stock and implements will I* heM 111, c->n. ii, O.prey. 0:1 Friday, Feb. !>, The Gi'ibe holel'at Stayner was buried ; tho property i f Mr. (.ieorgte Whiteoak. to the ground e*'rly Sunday niornins;. NV| - Kitting, auctioneer. Mr. McSherrr, the proprietor, was! Ar. extensive credit aucticn sale of timewbat injured cominij down the Hie ', f ; "m st-ck aud implements will be held ,. , ., R on It M, 27 and 2f, 1 N. D. K . Atte- escape. (he cause of the hre i. nn- ; ^.^ <)( Thursdsy (feb 1;! ,,, e known. Hie hre was prevented from ( . r0 |, ,ty of Jacob 1'arslow. See ad- spreading to other buildings At the Methodist church ou Sabbath m-xt sacramental serviea will be held a* ' Hi.IHi .1.111. Ai i he 7 p.m. service the pistor will bes{in a series of ternions on t*ie proposed ort!ni: union between the Presbyterian. Congregational and Mrtli- : ndisl li. idles, tho Mit-jocl beiii<;, " Is it d siritble ' Messrs II. i lirm/r.or, I. H, A.i in.*, | QJO. Holiii>Ker and K. T. liratf of k llan- over spent Friday in t >wn. These i;en- tlemen weru over s a delegation to ex- | amine the high school buildup with , view to erecting a siiriUr structure at ' Hnover. Mr. .1. T. Clark, aichitect, of Owen Sound, met the gentlemen here. , Dr. J. P. OH .>well and John McMillan were ap|x>ititeil trustees of the Artemeaia rural high school board. The Lamer ! take* th-.i unfinished portion of Mr. Mil lr inn s lerm, two years, that gentle- ! man hnvnii; reaiitnad to tun for towo.sbip | r uncillm. Mr. McMillan's nppoi.it- j uient stn. Is for three yean. Friday will be a red-letter dty in M.isonic circlci here hon * lodge of Hi- nt ruction will be held wi-.h two visiting lolgf, Markdale and Oundalk. The tirst .-es.i.'n will I-! at 2 p. in. and the econd at 7.">. D D. G. M. Rt Wo. tiro. Georga Menziea of Owim Sound will be present. A banquet will be given at the close. At A meeting of shareholder) of the Flrshertod llorrl Co. on Wednesday lust John Heaid WM appointed Presidunt, wihF. 0. Karstcdt VV- President. Other directors arc J. K. D*vis, Wm. verliseme:>t auctioneer. and tills. D. MiTliail. Free Course In Agriculture A free course <( instruction' in it.li (culture is offered to the youiw men of Utey county bexinniiu: with the tith uf February and ex- tending thrcnghout the month. This is a practical course embrac- ing the different phases of farming .tnl outlined wiih n view of stimu- lating an interest in farm woi k. The cl3 will be held in the i tlice of the Department of Agriculture at Markdile duiii g regular scho ! hours. There are iu> exmiu.itioi., fees or text books in connection with this course. For more com- plete information concerning the Mihjec's to be taken up, write or usk at the office for our >li >it course caledar. H. C. DUFF, District Representative. up ai.d as there \va danger u( reniored to Glene'g. near Markdale.. the waves coming in ever the stern of the Nine chi'dren were born of ih* union, boat, they turned her around and with only four of whom are now living.' her prow poiLted away from England, Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Portlaw ; John let her drit: with the norm towari herj. iu U!enlg, near Lauriston ; David. | destination. During the rtiv.-.irg night S.-ienee Master of tbe Normal S-'huol, , j they i^Jt her turuvd right aicmn and on Toront", m.-d Mis* Man;-irt; .f New' thj following day, when the storui York, all of whom were present v. the ! h.td abated but while the tea was still funeral. Mrs. White has for some years i running hi;h. it was a gmid sight to see been fiilin; in health. She w.vs of t : thi-s great twelve thciiNinJ tn ship be- retiring disposition, unselfish wd a de- j ing tossed about like a cork, the sport vo'eu i. ; * aud mother. ' ai.d plaything of the aves. Ou one The funor*l txk place to MariJ.ile . occasion while crosaiug tj the stern I cemetery <-u Thursday. January :.'.'>. just missed being cauitht by ail iu:mense,jv, llon j those who a'tended fivn a avc wh ch swept iu over the lower deck, divance were Robert Weir of Winghani : The morning oil which we we.c due at Wiiliim Wrir uf Wroxter : Edward ' Liverpool J<>und us still sis lumdied Aiinstiung of Foidwi-.-h. ir.iles from thit port. For the nxt thrve days it was so rough that I had to holdou to si.metliii- h:lo wiitiu" my Ko:- a -Train you will Ln i t hi-u!-.r'ain* j.unial. Oae of "the passoDKers wls Liniment eveelk h.Tt by a f.ill caused by the pitching of lhe bo-it, and an old sitilor w is dashed a -ainst an iron poat with such fcrce as to render him unconscious ai.d inflict a GROCERIES OF QUALITY In All Lines LALE SUPERIOR HERRING LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT u '.> Tt i F'.'ur and Foe<: Ovihie* Royal Hoinehuld, Wb i. - i . Mornioi; Glory. A!l these things aud uisi.y tii-Te can be had at ri^ht prices at The Grocery of Quality W, L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Liniment excellent. lo s bcalthy coadition. .'"> am! N> eciit N.r- ties for sale by all iteaJer*. severe ticsh w-und in his bead. Fiom such incidents you may form some idea of hour the ureiit ship was buTeted feyj the wave*. KXTKNSIVE CRKD1T Of Farm Stock and Iiup'emenls. Farm For Sale Lot 16, Con. 10, Township of mprey, close to Feversluin Post Onice. Frame bank bavrn aud frame house. Serenty acre* cleared . Apply to A. O. CAMPBELL, 3U> Kuaholme .'toad, Toronto. >Url Tha unOei signed has 1 een instructed But 11 voyages urns' come to an end lo ^n MV pu blic auction on Lot A'., -~ j at last. Nine d.-iys after Uavin>; Mout- nn> ^S, I s^.D.U., Ailemes'it. u ! real, and three dtys overdue, we arrived THURSDAY, FEBRl'ARY 13, 1912 t Liverpool and yu way be sure we The following valuable property, namely: were glad onou.{h to fe-l the ao'.iU erth;pi, t .k draught mare riaing years old in uudr our feet once more. S x hundred foal. B'owu dr*'mht Mire rising years i p.-oplefiomover the i-reat.-r part of the o!l1 '" fl '- Bty drau-ht Horse rising :> ,,.,., , , , <veirsn!d, Bty drauijhl horse rising 3 I mted butM nnd Canada l.*d leen JJJJ oM ; Ui , y rse Jg o years M ^ \ thrown together for a few Jnys on a ship.;$ y e *is old due to calve Feb. 10, Cow 6 There they formed a distinct c.-oiinunity, yenrs o'.d calf at foot. Cow 4 years old ; iso: tt te<J, except, for the mysterious calf ' foot. Cow ~ yeir* old doe t-. calve , . . . \pril 22, Red Cow ~ years old due to agency of rle wireless telegraph, frooi ,, April 22, Cow T years old due to the rest of the world Cuder such con- ^ire March 30, i Stears rising 2 year* , ditioas an acquaintance of a few days old, 5' Heifer* rising 2 year* old, o Ster* i seemed lik a lifelong fiieod, but once rising 1 year old. Brood Sow due to far- , wit. i row March 10, youni; Lwt. 100 2 Dai, and W. H. Bunt. The Treasurer it W. A. ArmUccng. An o8for will b NOTICE Tho annual meeting of the Grey .iad Bruce Mutual Fire Insurance Cmpany will be held in Miller's Hall, Htnover, the bt^t touched shore each went his H<fn(| ^ Pul i et ,' tW r j n g brill l"a-he own way. The six hundred passengers ,, eltr ly new, Chatham Fanning Will and separated, iu another day or two to b* Bag->er nearly new. Land Ko!ler,Mass*y- sca-tered over the entire continent of Harris Disc Harrow U-phtte. No. 21 I. . Ptler Hamilioii Plough, No. , \\ilkiuson Europe, never .a moat c.-wes to uieot p|ough w _ bu ,, lro H%rrow> Uwv . on SttuuUy. Feb. lOih, 1912, *t 1.30 ' p.m., to receive the Annual and Audi- ! tr's> rcrx>r', and for the oieetion <f Di- rn%do U> collect the balance of moDira ; tect ,, w l 1M>d .,, her In.sine*.. duo on iulHcn;r ion unit j;"t the financial' M H. MILLKU, M -r tger. affair* itaishtjncd out. Rauovev, J*H. 13th, 1912. again with a companion of their voyage Harm Tunvp Pulper, Bugjy Po'e, Across the Atlantic on board the Wagon lUke, set of Timber Sleighs, set | Virginian. "' Hey Harness, Washing Machine, j _' Coal Oil Barrels, and many other small articlis. There is no bett-r medicine made for coK' TERMS All suns if S5 and uuder, thin Chamberlain'* Cou^b Retned.v. It avli ;aa)i : oer that amount twelve moll hi' on nature's plan. relif\s the lungs, opens thccrvtU' ill le given or 5j er cent, off tor motion*, aid* cxiwtoratioa; and reatwrea ca*h in lieu of notes. ^a!e at 1 p.m. the *yt n to a health? condition. Kor sail JACOB PA US LOW IXMcPHAlL by all dealer*. 1'n prielor Auctioiuer SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How many young men can look back on their early life aud regret their misdeeds. "Sowing their wildcats" in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- ture's laws "wine, women -, fj and song" .ill h.\e their victims. You h:ivo re- formed but what about the seed you h.ive sown what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of post indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering aj the result of a misspent IHe-DRS. K. & R. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED W Treat and Curo VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER DU- eaaea and all Di*eaax> Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FBEE. Books Fro en [>,.,.. of M.. If on.blo ta call, writ* for a Quetio Blaak for HOMK l'KKAT>IKVl . DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Gritwold St., Detroit. Mich. All tetters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence UepArtment in Windsor, Ont. tf you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see aud treat no patUnta in our Windsor offices which are u<ed for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters ." follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windaor, Ont. Write for our private ."*-Urcs.