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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1912, p. 4

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Vd.niaiv 1 OIK F I. E 8 II K 11 T O X A U V A N C E -I N An iiicle|nMiil'Tit in'w-.;i.i|'i. |iuMi!il every Tuunday t tli>- i>HUv, ColuMwood Stn-.-t, I'. .-.lierti'.M. 8ulMCri|>ti<iii |>rioe >1 |R;I aununi, \tlinn paid in advtnre; 31.' r "' when nut*" |i;id. Vdtt-rtiifinir rte on a|>|>liratinn. l.llKP Wrtjkly. XV. H. TiiurMto n I-., lit.. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN CUTOUT THE FLYER For some ni<>nlh.s the government 1ms itniil.'i fast <lrand Trunk mail tiiiin fn ni Toronto through went- t in t >ntai io, anil at he.ny expense. The 1'ii-M-nt government h:n announced that niter May I next tins subsidy will be w ithdiawn, -ind . hol hns. (-one up from thu towns along the rou'e served by ibis train. lb* government is i nly tin- Hi,' tin- jn-t -In j in witfadrawiog tlie .Milisitlidy. All towns in t'.-tral.i w.i'ild like rnrly nud fust m til iniinn, hut that is beyond tin- ;.i.Ml.ili:u-. and one portion of the u.unlry h.-ts no right In he obliged to help p.ty for a privilet;! 1 tint lia-s no I'l-.iriiii. 1 vv!.Al.'Vi-r on its own we!- file. The liciu-lits in Ihi.s case are local .-iloiiX Ilm line of Irmel. If the lowni - rxi-d desiiv to ;;rt ilu-ir morning |i:per .- couple of In. ni> . " . i of i-verjl.ody i-UeJet ilu-in d i il.i-ii 1.1*11 sul.sidizin^. We hope th- ^.. \i.viiiiieni will deli-i mi- nedly resist tlu- frantic wnils -thnt are -.'oin^ up t" i-'intiiitie tin- pap-fed m-iil route ali-ny the I. Mini Trunk. If the <M.verninent weio in :i position to Si-nJ a "flyer" nut on very li'ie of railway in the country and Hcrre tho t-ntire do- minion with dully pper> nt breakfttt time, the i|uention mi^lt It- worth diit- < i.s-inL r , bur .-- it is in t nnd will n.<l I-.-. duiiiiu '.lie life of <l.e present <>eiieriiti<)ii, it is too i-hiini n. .il to even think alH.ut : Imt if these !..*ui which a'e m .kini; a dead set to have the service continued keep it up, the towns on linos of railway will r!a in thrir shun- in .sin-li a sirficr, undo rli jilit iv. The Chenley K.itei prise s.yi. .'MW.IHIO jieople lie by tdin rnrly train "brnugbt measurably cb-sir to lire commercial .-nntren and tr.rl.- benetititd." Of COUTH-. And the other . -..-'i inillii>n |JM-.I| ! ;..v for it, while they |.ir up unh the ridin- ary mail tiain nnd .oiiiitry :.i_-- . I..--. IIH have a f u; .1 il nil round or n deal at all. any purjiosf ilm ilii-y see Hi. rivitrrl- I.-H of i|.-|iirt net t;tl regulations. And many HII i-vi-iii. n of jolly fun nnd i-vial < Odds and Ends > inleii iiiiso in still ciij ij-fd in the n'd ^ , u_ ---T-IT- ~ w __ rm __ - - 1 - - ._.__ If the Star until couM c-nnu oiu mil MISCELLANEOUS p.u icignte in unit of the eve rs he would go IIOIIIB nnd disc.ird his -,o\( lin, cntidy, I'uir of n|it'cUcles lost or inihbtid in town. PI. <~r ', i..- ni 1 1,.-, oili' > aid llioitii 1 juiss, nnd put in his spare lime in .1 ivd-ln.i ciinijia'an for n free of ilie ci'y schools f r simitar purporea. V'liiiiK .short horn hull, tit fur service, 'f'.r.silo. \V. Puitun, Ceylon, Out. an.l f.'i-^.'t Kccio'o-ity. Chopping nt Mnxwell every dny. S.H i-.f,tction iiuir.-intecd. M.u l::i!l Ker- Ilill. 1 full. Victoria Corners Held over list wivk iiiul ro.-i'ls and storms in ike III-WK oft roe. To lent or let 'in shares one half .si'c'ion in Albeitn, :iOti acres under 1-iiltivntion. At: ply oflk-e. ARTICLES FOR SALE Mrs. II. Warner and infnnl dan ".liter returned from Lite fornwi'a home i-i C'tis- Ten well hi-i"l nwe-i for tale. Apply to A. S. Mmr, Ceylon, (Int. 1 mo toriillc 01 Tuo^d.ty la.t. Mr. nnd Mr-*. Tlnun-is Arno'd'd on .Saturday for their home in iMouni Alhert aft-.'i >i montli'i visit u. Mr. (><j< . olooru'i. Mr. A. S' ins.'M is Ve to i.i' ,11-oiind A cir load of fee'l wheitt just in. First c 'ill'', tirnt served. P. L.mcks. One .sell liruvy bK-i.'hs, "2 sett o-s-ii'cd aleitilis. '2 li",ht 2-suiit -d [denture slei^h.s. '2 cnt'ers, .') sett heavy doublti li-uni'ss, '2 sett l : j{ht dun Itlu diiiiog harness, 1 i-tl aiiigU* luirne-s !" i'"he. (livi. K'.n.irl, Fli-sherton. family from the \Vc<t , Mr. noil Mrs. A. Slit-i'Miii. .nil Mrs W.iuclnih of I'mtuii Vtsitrd 'it W. I'-ilt ill's For s*l -Rivci-view hotel, Feveraham. Will sell ' li i] :u. d im reiuonnble terms, for mi medi ilii Ante- Also one Ford cnr, in; |i iswMii/er, and in irnod rc|ir. SUFFERED FROM Cow tor Mile -A firt rlnt-.s youii}; cow VIAIEMT r ATU kDTirC "i' 1 -""-'- '"I'l'luelo fr. shon March L'!l VlULtN 1 CATHARTICS -V. \V. Irimblc, Klesheif.m. ___ - _- f. _, F"r >:il cheii] .nid MV tenn Warning OI Mr. U-eO. U. iwuiediate poiweMmn, tirit c-'ii Fox Is One That Should ---" $? Be Heeded by All. or ri'iit s bn'ck F. H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. The New Store With the New Goods Substantial Reductions During January In Furs and Overcoats. The mild weatlier piTvailinjr during December, leaves us with a bigger stock <>t Furs ;n,d Ovciroats than \vi> anticipated. To move them quickly, prices in all lines have bcon substantially irduced. As all our goods are new this season, marked closely, and in plain figures thoc. reductions from our regular prices mean a big saving to you. and a visit of inspection will prove it to your satisfaction. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTER AND EGGS. WOULD IT WORK HERE? The Scieiilitic: American siy* ai- t ftit ion IMS l>eei i . ili. : ni it recent cn- Hidar re,i' it to the thrifty pi in followed in the province i>f Hanover.* OerniKny, f [diilitiiiit the road-idet ith fruit trees !.. product of which is void at. auction fur the b. 'in-lit of thu i- eil (.'ovi-rninent, the revenue thux obtained x u:l '-' * b>n^ way toward the upkeep of thii r-'.-ul-. l^anover hn m.nie 7,000 milfs of country liinhwayn thu* bordered. Thi.syeii MUIIC of the ruadt yie'dfl a leM-une, from ihii i-ource, at the rite <>l $.">(l."i n mile. The fruit IB protected by l.iw, and dumu thu teaHoii oF ripening the loads are |,at ruled \iy ohnrp-eyed watchnipn, on bicycle-, so i bat little if any of the fruit in duerted fi-i-m it proper dent iiut ion. The scheme ought to work i|uiu- well in Canada. How would it do for in township father* to line our roadway.- with he l'"-t liiiit . in this uiannei ' It would probably pay if Hie \andiln could JM- kept down, IIP! some of these gentry Hie (|uitu a- 'Vhaip-eyed as the watch men nould hi- and ihefiuit wonlil prob- ably disappear before picking linn 1 . It map be ju-t an wcil to leave our roadsides t (Im wild rot of thistle*, burs, burdocks, cattle, sheep and hoyi for a l.-w ve;iis l"'i:'f, until the mraU of the ^rowin^ H iii-ration am xomewlm'. improved and c all lute I . 11.1 buttt-r educited alonx thrifty -tinl ae-thulie lines. Few men on the road are better F.u sale Cheap and on eay teitns, Known than genial Oi-orgo Fox- \vhoe g.j'id CUlfortabl4 frnme house, and two frlt-nds throughout tin- West ar<- legion ;,!<,(! vilHugu loin, in Fli)berl->n. app'y In thf following letter hr expresses , (l ^ j ,1.. Kratitinl. for signnl PI vires rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pill.s. Hi- groes on to Lois fur .side itl reimmabh* piices A "L-ntll I u.s.-d Dr Hamilton^ ,, l|I11 , H . 1 . ,.f ^...J U.iMi,,.,. !( ., the Pills anil pxperlenced tln-lr wonderful . , ... ,- v , ,.-, , mlulinsx ami eurativ,- pou.-r. I cstl- |II|H XN K. r !.-liei,-, I lesher un, mated the value of ev, ry pill by Its "' lorniit and hydeiih* n and Uinlnini K-tlvity. Talking iibout tills to H well- shvi IK. Apply to K .1. S|iroiile, known physlclun I met on the train Fleshfi ton, Out . th<- otlu-r day. lie .-xplalm-d thero are different kinds of <1: im that a'ct upon Kami for Salt! or Ki-nt Lot ,'f. con. lit, the bo\vc-ls, thr most active b<-lng HI ,,| |,,, 4 ,. 14, ()., |ir ey, letter known Known as drastic Except In extreme cases \vhrre the life of the patient!;, evacuation ot never be ilr.-s- ' tic. Pursativi-s rans<- catarrh of the l'"li bowels and Inflammation: thrlr dose must he Iric-rcnm d. causing even more harm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not Irritating, why they are mild, yet most searching- "From my experience I recommend everyone that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, purging pill, and. Instead, to use Dr. Hamllton'H. stlpatlon. bad stomach, and keep th< 'tti'ijnfflra until I I'.il. Vui , oiiday,'-m In perfect condition." 0, 101?. for tli coaitraotlon of w utoodnn tn To Winnipeg And We li ANADIAN PACIFIC TRAVEL. DIRECT CANADIAN ROUTE THE O NLY THROUGH CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through 'min of Conchcx. Tom i"t and Sr.-nnl.-ird Sleciieis and Dii.iiiit C-i-s. T'-i-eii'u to Vancouver 1" _'() p.m. diily. S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, Di.trict Pa*ten K er Agent, Toronto. Refuse nny substitute for Dr. Ham llton's Pills; sold for 25c., all dealers, or The Catarrhozoiif Co., Kingston Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation USE OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Tor >nto 8tur enli-rn a plea for the u of the public rcliools of tho city as p' !! for public iiii-'-iiii:'- and il. -n i(cnpial by ,lbc public which own* them. The regulations do not permit of this at tlio present tiniu. All the .-.inn- tho country public him for a long time lecogni/ed the fact that it duns own these buildings, nd uses them according- ly. Our earliest recdltntion i that of the old log school in which wax held political meeting*, Sunday achool, preach- in);, inarvolou* magic I'liitern *how( and teainerliniiM. Thu building <-, nonu tho win st- for it, and thu people w.-i .- very much .better of it both morally and vociilly. No one erer thought Ul thoHo <la).s of lefusme inn of the "oboolhotMa" for any legitimate public galhoiing. In later diya the towns and cities grew nnd tbi- NT m became too plebeian a thing for the ariMociacy they becnnm l>< u'-e-l of wealth, and built grand eliUrcliCK, public halls aAtheativs with vesrrveo tenttt to fe|ti-a\e th nlirep from tl.e j^o its. In the old days and in tin* coiintiy dihtiiclH to-day, llie M i la I inoKphein begotten by a free cuinniin|(- llng of nil on an equal Hocial plane v a< lid h n if h more fruitful i>f good will Mnong mankind than an- to-day Hie graded hii'l.i cf our town* and citicit. Tlie country dinfrictii still cling to t'nu Id order of il ing ( and im- their APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Tile no' in- lhai an app icit'imi will bt in-lib.' by llie Trustee!) O* llie 1'olice vi'- la'^e of Flcsliciliin nnd oilier rnteuyei> of iht sui I I'.diee Village. In the l.ejji*- l.-nivo Avsi'inbly of Ontiili'i at [ next !T<ioii, for tin Ai-t : 1. To incorporate the laniiaheteiMftci in. o 1 ' il mid the inbaliitants ilien-on into the Vdl-iije of Floshrrlnn in (In County of (Jrey. The propel ty include 1 hull coinpiisi and C'>HNim if MlO folio Ilia lallrtM, i.aine- Iv l-ii's 147. NH, 14!>, li'it). l.'il. I.V_. ir>.'t, !.)< and KM in lln; tiist < sioi: siintli west of the Toronto nnd Svdunlia i !:.-..! und li.'s 1-17. II-- I i' 1 I ". I.M lf>L', l.'i.'i. I. r i4 and l.'i."i in lln- lirst (iiiire.s NJOII noil I) east of the Tor nil" in d Syil cnh.iin lin.-i'l, all i:i the Town>-lrp "f A> teiiie--i.i n tbr Count V of (in-y. iiielildiii< all llie alliiWancui fir rouls m strec^- wit Inn or belwei'U the -a 'I lands. \V II WltlCIIT, Solu-ilor for the ajipK ml s l).iled ill OM-CII S> nnd .l,,n. Hi. I'M : KHI.! i I. .ik.ii--i m.'l nuio a f I. cm Wist l'i nl watel ami 1)1 f.lciii!! nt .Mt' I.H-V (,'uiinty, Ontaiii). I'laus. p|irriftc*tiiiD inrt fonn i.f conlrirt an lie .-. - a.ul fotins of teuilcr ulitaiin-il nt hi . Il- I'lirdn. n' anil at Hi. < lllcH (it II.. I. IjVUh, few]., Dlltrlol Kniiiiu-er, WlinUor. HIM.. l.ii.SiuK. BJ., Dl'trldt Kruini-er. Conle.l. la- Ion Life Hullatng. Tnrunto, (int.. am) on an;, i aliun to thr I'.i-i IIIIIN'..'!- at M- afiir.l, lint. l',-l - llll-l l.-ll'll-M ': JUI' llOttl\t!'l tllat t-Tll.'i^ will not lie eonsiil.-ri'il unl.'Nn ina''.i on thr ' (,ninn ll|i|.liwl. an I .1:1"' i with tlinir ii uml i -i .-iiiii- . takliif tbtlroooupatloni ami nlHi-.'i '.f rcsldmice. In tli-iriisn nt linns, th.' ,.. -Hi i ;.i.i in .-, 111* nature of tbi ooonpmtlon, mil |iUi-i-..t 11'ni'lenuo nl inell liii'lliliei- ol tho .inn must hi) ^iv.-r. Iliich tonilur nut l.o uoconipiiiiiiul by an n.-- i|il.'.l <-hr<|iir .MI n i-liai-li.rr.l Imnk, pn\alil^ti h.''r i.f tliu lliiiiiiril.i.' Mm Minlftri ii( i'liliii.- \Vnikii, e.|iial to icn lOipi<r i'nt. f Hi* itiioiint of ilm tt-ii.l.'r. wliicli will In f i .ili- 1 1." I t tliu |..-i . in li 'i !. in:; iluclllluH til I lltur Into a ..-I wlii'ii calln.l upon tn >lo no, or fail to I the work oOOUMtad for. If tin- t. h- li-r Im not acoi'pluil tht'clit'ine will lie ri'tnnifil The II' Martiiiont ilon not liiii'l Itself to at-- -I'i't tli.- )..ivi'stor any tvnilvr. lly'i-. i>. c- i)i:sit<n iii-'.ns. St'cri--tarv. Di'pnrtin -lit of I'nl'lk Work*. Ottawa, .Un. ' I'-'l-'. N. wfpHpi IB will not I... piil fur thin mlvui- , .t if rli.-y itiM-rt it with. nit niitlioiity nun fn; I'... pi tnlulll. rei ..^ni/.i'd llirOUI(h(iUt Hi:lioo| "liliM l.iijliest j,"d" priviM it. Writ,! for c-.t i .-my time. IIS r ; nt .-i SKA'.ri) 'I'KNDKK-i II.I.II--BHP.I I., thn II f-t.'l lir.rllll, \slll I". l.'.-iv.''l at I HlllWrt mill noon on Friday, tlit lt Mio-uli. PJI-J. lor .LO i-on vri.)um-i! of Hi-. .Mnj.-st %'.-. niailn en n .llllpOMI-ll l-l'l-llllll-l '"II 1 fl'l" M-lll . tllll'll tillll'S i. i M'.'k ciirli w.iv bi-lweeii I-'KVKIISII AM ANU l''l :\ I'.IISII AM ildunl Mint Hi livuru Krnin Ilii- r.istiimst.'r li.'il.'iin'.-" pli'llhiire. I' iiil.-il iiMll.'.'S r'.nliiiiilii -- finllu-r Infill ni'i- K toeoi.iliUollH i.f |iiopoHeil('ontli-l niav .. hi-cii Hll-t ti'i.nk ft.) ins i.f tell' 1 .-)- lortv l.iuili- nilii-.l .l tl.n l'.i"t I HI-I-K "f l-'"Vi'i limn Hint LIP!'. Iliink nil.) at tin- iitlii:.! n[ llir I'.^t Ollliv Inspuctoi', Tol-onto. I-,,. i,,ii ,-.- li. n.iii". "i Mail KurvicB llraiirh, .Itlan-a, illi'.li ,hil mil v. I'.H--' i. I. ANPKItSON. Sup.-l iiiti''lit. Do You Ever Sleep? It you do yon will he wise to pay attention. I mu at the present time making a Specialty of Iron J>cd*. Tho original of the picture given at the lieti'l of this advcftisciufnt will only (nut you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (jet something "ice and fjinfortablo on whieli to lay your weary head. (if CHUT91' we have other beds at other prici-s, all eijiially low in price Siinitiiiy IJt-da titch us everybody CEYLON'S BU | T Y r STORE CLEARING SALE Of all Winter Goods. Sale commences Feb 1st and lasts until Feb. 15th. \Ve want to clean out all our Winter <ioiuU in 15 i ij.s to mnke room for New Spnii./ (JcK.da ai.d in order to do thin vrc ,re uoiii? in i-fl'er all wi'iter -j-'oiiH at exceptionally low prices. Ladies' Aktiakhau .lackei-H. Si lu ci-l r. satin iphllej liuiny, re. $40.00 for $.T(I.Ol>. Laili-n' A-inikli.ii.i.iclAti. reg. $28 CO for 1 00. Udie' Ions; CIMIS. lifai-,'1 shi-11. nirley lining rubber interlining, reg. $18.01) for SU :." AitfuV Ala-ka leaver Fur Overcoats fur <22.1K). Meu' b-itv. i (),, -li livei .jut <|iii.ted li'iin;;. Mink Marmot collar, rey. $17 00 for $12 DO. Men do;; lined cnt, sable collar, n>.{. ^W.l'o fertSS.60. Wen's Waver shell cui ley liniiiL', oil cloth interlmin". I' Limb collar, n-s.'. 820.() for $U.7iV All other Fur, Stoles, Thr .wsand Mutfs at 'JO per cmt. ntf reif. price. Men's Cloth Over- .-..,t a' conespondinK prices. Ladies' Tnderwear at eosi, and lei-s Men's \Voi.len I'nderwear. reg. $1.00 for 7.V. Ilteg. 75 to !K)c for 5.V. Flreee lined, re?. TiCc tor :C)c. Boys' Fleectd lined, reg. X>c. 4(>o MM43oat99c. Sweaters and Sweati-r I'oi's, ir> per cent, off rei;. nricci. A'so Horse Blankets and Huns, !.' percent, off regular price. Heavy Rublwn and Felts of nil kinds at \>i% reductions Men's mil Tweed Suit.s just in. reg. $10.00, $10 ,'H) and $11.00 for 87 .'.0 11 $!>.:.<) for .*!i.:.0. Boys' r B . $5.00 for f: 7i. Keg. $),.ll() f,, r $4 7?. Ma FHllelotlt Phut*, ng. I8.8& for f 1.76, Re. SL'.I'O f..r >i rm Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce fiattison General Qe ulon In lit all way, before Examine our stock any- purchasing your ship itulticcra. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, Y^^^^f^^ CLAYTO N'S FOR Boots and Rubbers TO-'sK who want , p oo<l woiirin^ lioots, cithc'r aetory <>r Haibl made for the wot und cold weather or for winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. >!rtxwae*ce^*39Mme3* WANTED A live i-i'l'riseiitfttivrt for Fle>lie|-tin Hiul MI i ..n ml i ir-. distnct to Nell Ir- li class si uck for The Flint hill NursiM-ios More fi uit trees will ho planted in Kill of I'.lll Hiid spring of I'.MS limn ever be- fore in the liis'iuy of Ontario. 'I'he orehnnl of ihe fu' uic will be the bcht [inyini! [uitt of the farm. We teach our men tmleamuiiKhi|i, Tree culture and how liijj prnlitri .\ Irnit- |lu VMM" CHI) lie III l-lr. I '.iv weekly, |ierniiiuenl eniployini'tit, ' territory. Wri'e for iiarticuluri* . CXclllHIVl' Stone & Wellington TORONTO Ill 1IIIER Carelitlly Corrected Kach Week Wheitt 85 to 85 tat A 43 lo 43 Pens . 1 10 to I 10 Hurley 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 CO liulter -?."> !o 2.") Kegs, fresh 'M .r !?8 r,.t:it.i,- |- 1 1.14 1 1 'i i i.. loo Oeese 10 .o la Ducka 10 to 12 flhroktm Id to 12 Turkpjs 18 to 18 j Wool 'JO to 28 Clearing Sale Saturday Will be the Last Day of the Sale. Next week we will take stock after which we will New Spring Goods. till up with !1 Udie, Sweater Coatu, all colors, $1.10 lo $4 W), half price See our lUnue of Woollen Shawls, FaicinMori, Clouds, cte., piling about half price. Women's and tiirl.s Imitation Umb Gauntlets in Wack Nm ( (;, oy KeuUr (ilK-, clearing . ... ..................... g^, Ui'viil'ir 9 1.00, clearing .................... a!(c Ladies' Wool Underwear all goinp; at cost See our -table of Tmpies, Cauntlets, Mitts., (Sieve*. Socka nnd Ladies- Hose, all at ......................... . ,> , Ladim, 1 and Children'. FlanncUie Ni K lu Dresses, all at ha'f uric- Uminolut'e KUnkots, regular $1.00, clearing il' Boj.' 0, er Coat., mm 28 to :2. r^uUr <-> M, d^ri ' Hoys Overt .at-, Lu-e Storm Collar, i/.es :W to :$5. feuhr lll ;,', ' TERMS,- CASH OR PRODUCE. J.& W. BO YD Flesherlon - - Ontario. i!! . > . .

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