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Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1912, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRI.N-CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 31, KO Flesh.erton, Ont., Thursday, Fcbrunry 1. W. H THCRSTON Circuit G>nvention The convention announced to be held on the Maxwell oiicuit did not come off j until, the 17th on account of the storm.! This was unfortunate, becnue it pre- vented Rev. R. S. FraUc of Ravenna and Rev. F. L. Farewe:!, B.A., of Toronto, from being presen'. However, a very profitable and enjojable time was spent. Following is a ver> brief retort >-t the session and papers uiven, Ju'-t -1 persons attended the morning w>ssion; The nr-*r paper was by Miss A. Field. It was on " The Miaistet." He was dealc with ; preacher, p;v-tor, and as a public man. As a preacher he -hould present the whole truti). not do as so nuny do, " harp on one strinp.' 1 He should luve a system, by which, in time, he could bring to light every phase "f the Gospel. Then he must enter into the olemn7Ty of the truth in its applica- tion to his people have both them and God in mind and heart, thus bringing them together* Then his purpose in preaching must be to please hi* Mas'er and not to please either himaelf or bis people,. As a paster l.e comes into touch with his peopl*, learns to know them and their need*. As a public man the minis- ter's influence is extended to the whole community and his success us a preacher depends to a Creator extent than he thinks upon this inriuence. The minis- ter should swk t > give Christian tone and direction to public iniititutiuiu and af- faiis. lie is too often prevented from doing tilts because of the dirt and ai.noy- nce attached. This paper was freely coaimented upon. Miss A. Feiiwick presented a paper on "The Minister's Message. ' He was to get this message from the Bible. Preach what his text proclaimed or justified. ^Remember now thy Creator ' liid not justify a minister in insisting that now is the time imp!y because it w:is not in the text. The messiia* is too often from true preacher and n<>t from the Scriptures, This papei prookd a lively time and many good points were brought out. Mr. rjatold .Spoffiird followed on "The Delivery of the Message." He declared that the minister y hould feel wh.-\t he Ntid and <ay it a* he felt it. Some luin- iKtcrt stood perfectly still and talked like machines ; some went to the other ex- treme , 8<nn took too much lime to de- liver the message their sermons ought to be cut In two. All miniitcrs should be *ble to say " I bel'ete. therefore hare 1 spoken.' Au animated discussion fol- lowed this address. ' The congrati'>n": its reception and use of the mesge," was handled by Mr. A. N. Biownridne. The ttvuUe with the congregation of to-day is indifference. It ought to receive tho mei<<* thought- fully ; ought not to forget it, nm\ to this end should (litre book in which to make a record aud then, at least once a <|uarter, the othcials and others take it to study and examine, commend or con. demn . They should accept the truth as it bears on conduct and make an effort to apply it in practice. Christianity is not a failure Itectiue it IMS not in 10 many centuries levelled the lump, but b-.cuise the levei) is left latent ia Christian liv The people as a whole nuke no use of a 6rmou : don't even remember the text. They should not only accept it them- selves but break it as living bread to other* make it their business to do o A very profitable morning was brought to a close by a he.irty discussion of this paper. Papers along Sunday schovil lines took up the afternoon, The first w;ks by Mrs. Down on "Die Superintendent." lie is an assistant pastor : first and last action is uld teach them their duties, habits of obedience. t< spek the truth, to retd a portion of the Word every i!ay, to priy. H is a mia sionary ; ought to be well informed aloiiv missionary lines ; ought to talk missions with his school : ought to gathor mission ary literature and toach his children i< contribute. Three superintendent* were i re<ciit and entered into the spirit of th* pap.T >|iiite froely in their comments therein. finally, t.> be discouraged. Tberu was iio dissent from any of the teaching of this paper, except as to going home from Sunday school with your scholars. A sort of round-table ou the relation of the home to the Sunday school nnd the school to the church was next in or- der. It was decided that the home and Sunday school weie sn clusely related that when the Sunday school i* in session the homes inteiesled, so far as possible, should be closed, the family being at Sunday school. The Sunday school is the nursery of the church, and as such should be supported by the church, but the funds should come through the agency of the little cues. Mi-s MucKenzie gave a paper on the relation of the League to the Sunday school, which declared the League to be a spiritual college from which tin Sun- ilcv ^jhool pujr.l graduated with cotii- mand of hin -t:!:'. A thoroughly enjoyable and helpful afternoon closed with a paper mi- " Au indispensable commodity for all Peise- \."-ailce," by Miss A. Atldersou. In tbis j.aper it win deliberately asserted, uiut maintained in dUcu-sion, that it was perseverance that ace unplished tiling'. Some two-score fri.-nds from a distance were served with tea in tlie hal!. After devotional exercises and a solo each from Mis. Down and Miss A. An- derson, M:ss X. Wiley presented a paper on the purpose of 'he League, to a full house. This paper declared that the purpose w;ts t,i escape from every burden imposed by the constitution. Nine ouc of lei^cune to League when it was iure c mvenient or enjoyable to go or slay elsewhere This paper stirred up -.-.!. e feeling and opposition, to what purpose the future will tell. "The Leag-jw's o|>|>ort unities." :is then handled by Miss Macli'Mizie. These were, to lake stock, ot itself ; to find out what ueeded to be done, and then go at t and do it. Mr. W. L. Kerton put mi the cap tone by reading a, rwtper on " An indis- pensible virtue fur all Prudence.' After a short address by Rev. Mr. dills the meeting closed with A purpose repeat its efforts next year. D.V. Kiniberlev Budget Feversham soul-winner. His .sphere of utiiong the chiUmi. He sin Ceylon Too late for last week. bells are ringing. By the ime The Advance replies its readers two if our young people will be twain n ooger. M ire anou. Mis Jean Coilinson is home again. Miss Harri*. now teaching near Heath- cote, accompanied by Mr. H. Thompson, spent Sunday with Mrs. K. Rutledge. Mis. J. T. Chislett spent prt of Ust week visiting ith her brother, Mr. S Irwin, and other friendi near Klesherton Mr. S. Kauds spent Sunday week witl hi* tister in Toronto. Mr. Jumes Sargent is t Priceville load iug logs for the Durham Kuruiture Co. Messrs. H. Urodie and X. Mcl.eud havi taken the contract of painting aud paper ing the Queens hotel here. Mrs. Angus Mvl.eod met with a ver painful accident on Monday evening She slipped ou the kitchen Hoor an broke her urm near the wrist. Tbis Week's Items Mr. Ernie Spruat is visiting ut hi brother Fred's at Durham and also hi father and brother Andicw at Xeustetlt Mr. and Mrs. Albert McConley Keldon are at her mothei's. Mis. .! S pi oat. Mrs. Archibald is still very weak. Mr. 11. P. visited his father and other friends at Dromore an Duhani. Mr. John Ferguson of C'nledoti i vUiting at his brother Malcolm's am other friends in '.his vicinity. He spen several weeks in tbis locality last winter It WHS then reported that he piid ver, special attention to some of out ladi. but it is now rumored thnt he purposi to take ltek one of our Ceylon ladies t comfort him in his. declining yean. H seems 11 very kindly and genial old gjntleutan, and wish him much success. Miss Rachel Hutchinson it viiiling frienils in Proton. Miss Eliza Manarey of Beavurdale was the auest of her frienJ. Mis-s Kinross Boyle, during the past week. Miss Hudgius of C-jllinjjwo'xl is visit- ing friends here and i j tin sliest uf her friend, Miss Verna Wallace, Miss Amy Lawrence of Clarksburg is the j^uest of her cousins, the Misse* M.-Uee. Mr. U. P. Faweetr. his recently pur- chased from Mr. John Smi'.h bis fnu, b^in:* the front half .jf lot C. con -. Kuphrnnu. Two uf our pumiinent fariuera, namely lessrs. (i.H. Walt-r and Fred S uart, ere recently elected to the eieeutUe of t Grey Agricultural Society, the fi>r- ler as Second Y.ce President and the atter a a member if the Hoard i f Di- ectors. The Orauze concert held here on Fri- last under the au.-niies of tbe il Wije. No. Ij4l>. was largely at- cndcd and was a decided success. ' . a'er J.W. 1'atton ut RocUyu presided. Mr. r.enjunm Kuo.l if Clarksburg is isi'in^ meuds here aid is the ^uest if is sister, Mrs. k J. Stiurt. Mr. .iod Mrs. Thomas ProoU .! laiksbun; spent -an lay last the guests f rhe Intter's parent*. Mr. ami Mrs. K.I- ard Burritt. Principal .l..hna'u ot thn public :h. .,! is on the si-k list at preaeiu. Mr. Victor Ellis returned to Hamilton u Saturday last to resume his studies at lie Normal school. While cutting taw logs durin:; the past week Mesars. H H. Walter aiid Thomas loll came acr>s two bee trees and were uccesaful ia securing some fifteen or euty quarts of excellent honey. A weet nud. indeed. Court Ktmberley C.O.F., No. T-JO. ecerrly elected :he following ottioers for he eujumx year : J V R. Thompson Mleu ;CR, R. P. Fawceti ; V C U. Robert McMullrii ; liec Sec. Ernest ;'rocijr : Fin Sec, J. H. .lohnilou ; Treasurer, T. .1. lleid ; Sr \V,H>dwrd. rlaruld Kllia ; Jr Woodward, Oerald \Vallce ; Sr Beadle. Harold I'roctor : Jr Lieadle. J U T!i -mi's >n ; Auditor, Us|.r A. Stuart. A sleighloai of youn^ people from Vandeleur enjoyeda ploasur even;ii'j; s skate on our rink Saturday evening. Mr. aud SIi-s. John Proctor >f Kul- wiiii; spent Sunday !.u>; the guest of the la 1 ter's parents. Ml. nd Mrs.D Wallace. Mr. W. H.Stuart of llueli.h is the promoter of a company known as ihe Farmer* and Consumers' Co. of Ne Ontario. Limited, which lias been rec- ent Iv incorporated, with head office at North Bay. Th company will carry or a general mere mlilo business in tho chie towns thri>ut(hout New 'iii'.an- 1 fot th disposal of their pii>ducts. which they direct from tho producer anc dispose <if direct to (he consumer. At : meeting uf the shareholders Mr. Stiiar wa. elected President an.) lieneral Mm aer. There i. perhaps, IK man iu On tario tetter informed as to the needs am possibilities of Sew Ontario than Mr Stuart, who. by the way, is a old Kim berley boy, an. I sou of Mr. and Mis .lamos Stuart. Mr. Hemy Elli- 1 . who i also an old Kimberloy boy. is a'so one i the original inc\>qira:ors cf the company and is a Urge shareholder in the same. Mr. lu'orgo Pi^ctiT h^' bufl QtJKBttpB pullets just s:x mouths old that lit' commeiuevl Living. Who can beat that Thtf pr'oes of the products of the firm aro certainly so.imu sky-high theie times, which is only a natural I'onso- cjuenco >>u accounl of the very ripid de- velopment of ihe country. The marls are in rather condition, IMI IW! ><! as they blow in with auow as fast ss they ' |kj get broken out. M^-sdrs. Jiiha and Hn;h OsLorne of Xottawasaga spent a :'. iiys with their brother, William, of this village, return- ing home on Monday Sirs. J.'bnaton if Itladworrh. S,ik., u visiting with her auu'. Mi- A.J.Conrcn. The concert vjiveu by the schoub un Friday evening last :u> a MICCC-S. T:.e Citations aud ditli^ues gireii ly the iii'luri were rendered iu lirst c!.i-s tylr. The chair wan filitd by Sir. A'-ll ij5 in h:s ui'ial _ . The msical part f ihe pn^ram -.riven by Ir .1 IBM ^-ayres un tin vi.ilii: acd Mrs. ::.* i 0:1 :ho or:ru was encored MI and ajain. t; j;raUe is due the for the trouble they wen; tlie pi; \Vo i: e ai'riv ' i\;.-;i M . -. ertun under the .: - . T'rvteut Whi'e Mr. .n ; d Mrs. Charlei Weldrick f tha 1-th ^lilc w.-re iiiiy'f: m h.nin.- i lursdty laei tiu-ir h^uietoA jlie >ni was burneii t-> the ^r> unii. Their cliii- ren n ticed -.:uke ;.... 1:4 fi-m t'.ie tfc aud i;-ive the alarm i:i line for cijibbors to svi- nio;t . f the hou>ehold K)di. [Ml FINE TAILORING ! ! ! ! jgj H : - -:<-d invites the public to call in aud see what we have f ' J t .). rtWr iu Material, Workmanship -ir.d Price, before ordering their next " !J Suit of Clothe. \V e handle '*?' f I I i ! ! Tailor Made Suits Made to Measure in our own shop Fnru up. am! guji . up. that vou II (MI [I We Will Treat You Right, knowing iM will come again. Yours to Serve, I FRED MORLEY i*!' [M! NEXT DOOR TO BANK i I Mil'. \ J., t."nb 11 .t ^--.._-- : liv-i e aiiii nin Mr-. 1 '..' Martin. 1 one who I- lh- motlier "f eighteen I:- Mania wMciwl ot >t"iu.-H :;.'. ' u>:iiali"ii l>v ChaiuberUiu * fter n\e year* ' -utferiui:. arnt mw reo-n'- 11 dealer-. James J.imiesou if West Luther waa killed while workin! in a mTel pit by gr.ivel fa'hni ui>:i him. Catarrhozone Cores Permanently BRONCHITIS, COL'GHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH Flcshcrton, Ont. ia a ijji IMI ]i!i i8i !ii [Mi Throw medicine to the dogs. At Jest they are- unpleasant, ctten use- s. You are suffering from some disease of the throat, nose, or lungs. Doctors call it Bronchitis. Asthma, or Catarrh, or it is a slight or seven? cold. Germs cause these dis\isi s they have a common root. Cata-rhozone destroys disease germs, but it dots more, it heals disoau tis- sue. CATARRHOZONE is littie .lro;>.s of healing carried by air to the i-x.ict place where Catarrh exist?. Observe. Catarrhozone not only destroys the caiife. but immediately repairs the result of diseased condition. Catarrhozone means little drop* of healing carried by air and placed over the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone is endorsed by doc- tors, druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people who have used it. Catarrhozone Yes. Sir. it is tkn in air. "Little drops of healing" earned by air to weak places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Three sixes: ~>c. 56c. and Jl.OO. at ilrugrl*t. or by mail postpaid from Th- V::t;!rrriozo!ie ' " Buft il-X N. an,! K;i..,st. :. Out. Jewelry Christmas Tailoring .Just rccuvtil a luiucb of nobby new suitings aud over- coatings. au ioiruoijse choice of uewest patterns and at very i-easonablc price;!. Leavt yoar order for a Christmas Suit now We aim to please auJ ure Lit the biilUeye every time- CalljauJ look over otu samples, anyway. S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR CHRISTMAS MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON H4ND FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE. SICH AS BtEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. WILSON & FKKS1 IKl^TOX "" . I). L, White of Toronto is vwitii R I Apc!aliit t W. C Whiles hero, and at b>- Miss Kva lukster followed with an ex cellent puper on " The teachers." They must know their pupils individually, visit thorn in their home.* "o horn,- wit)} (heni t from Sunily school. Tu*t> 'must know thoir Inuon tak ittno to Know it ; time daughter's Mrs. Flc -n n.-, . fni Station. His many rriomH for study : take timo for uraycr. 1 hen | (() see him arou|)d ^j,, ,t tho attention of the pupils ; como | Miss JM , ( Co ,| illson j, v ,, ifln ,, , u ,,,,,. into ooiifoiiiiily to tho rules of tho scliool i sister's, Mrs. A. P. IViIfoul- i'f Poit and insist ou pupils doing tho i.uuo ; and Mr. \Vni. Knniage, postmaster at Th stle, cnlled on the postmaster h re lat week. H(J wa-s Yisiting frieuds in The ollest man in Sou'li Ont:ii i > Oied at \Yhitby *S;kturO;iy in the person of Thomas \Vray, in his 102ml year. Mr. Wray w*s sin|?ularly bright mil nlert up until a fe* months ig.-. <>n ^epr. _'! hiat h voted .it the Dominion electiop. Mr. Wruy wns poet of cousuierablo ulnlity. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. ,,, t, \\ ,tC In JUcasoi t!J UH Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 iOthat. Weat, Owen Sound \ ^.cKovcro housr, Markdale, 'Jiul .Thursday oach month from 8 to 12 a. in. I t)itidlk, 1st Thursday of each month. Or. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 4i^, th St. Owon Sound. Ont. It to 1- a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. WE SELL 1'ratt's Stock Food, TortUry Kooil. Koup Cure. I.otisc Killer. Heavi' (,'iire. Worm Towder. Disinfectant. Salve for sores an 1 burns. Flax Seed. I.iuseed Meal. Oil Cake. Salts. Saltpeter. Sulpher, Oyster Shell, Hen Feed. BIRD. Shorls. Cbop. Flour- Cream of the West. Soverigb, Eclipse. Pastry anil Low Graiu . Peus. reneils. Seribblers, Xnte Books. Writing Tabs. Envelop. >.. Notes, Ixeccipt Padr, Accouut Tablets. If you do not w*| what you want, ask for it at W. N B U S K I . GROCER. Flesherton, - - Ontario.

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