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Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1911, p. 1

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w Iffppp ip"^ ^^9^ ^kBhcxion %hmnu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINClPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 31, NO 25 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, Deceiriber 28 IQI I -,. W. H. THURSTON ^^iw.ktor L 'f i ^ ^ Kimberjey Budget A Happy New Year to all. Looks like an open winter. Mr. Will McLean of Ha'iiilton spent Christmas at his parental home here. On Sunday movninu last the congrega- tion of the Methodist i hiirch, was favor- ed with a well rendered solo by Miss Wi'da Stuait of Guelph. Mr. and Mri, W. H. Stuart and family of Guelph, spent Christmii-s at the fcn.ier's parental honn; here. The Sunday school entertainment and Cbristmss tree held in connection with the Methodist church, on Monday nifiht (if last week, was a decided success. Mesarg. John Plewes and Geo. Proctor, two of of our enthusiastic poultry mei, have each erected two tine poultry houses. Now, watch for results. Messrs. J. E. and W. G. llamuiond of Meaford. Chas. E Stuart of Parry Sound, Stanley Walter and Clifford Camack of Toronto are hulidayini,' ta their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. .1. Kdman Corbetlt of Dundalk, spent ChriHttnas at the hitter's parental home here. Principal Johnston of the puhlic school is holidayinji at his home near Listowel, Miss Elvie Bishop has been engaged to teach the junior department cf our school for 1912. R. R. Fawcett, who for the past three months has been taking a special course in the Oollinjwood Business College, is holidaying at, his parental home here. Mr. James Hodgins uf Collingwood ie spending a few weeks with friends hereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Holley and family spent Christmas with friends at Meaford. As usual, the lighting township, Euphrasia, is attain in the throes of a municipal election cam))aign. Many are ui the opinion that the old council should have been reelected by accliimatioii, however that would be creating a [ire- cedent in Kuphiasia. Mr. Lyness Fawcett of En«lchart is holidaying at his parental home here. Lynesi is a tiavelliiiu salesman for thu Swift Packing Co. of Toronto, with head- (juarters at the above mentioiied town. Success, Lyness. Mr. John Plewes attended the poultry show at Collingwood last woi'k. The Collingwood Hockey Club arc liter rn^ctin- Bros., Krn. and llarohl, to give them a try out with a viow of lin,illy placing them ou one of their < >. H. A. teams. Thcjuiys are certainly speedy skaters and go'.d stick handlers, and with a season in fast company, would nndoubledly catch a place on the line up with one of the '). H. .\. teams. At the reci'iit fall exams, hold at the Collingwood t'oUegiiite Institute, Miss Hftisel Allen, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allen, East Mountain, was successfnl in winning tirst honors in form two. We offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuail and family af Flesherton spent Christmas at tlio former's parental home here, Victoria Corners Mr. Uamea is very ill. Max Hannoii of Dutton was home for the holiday. Mrs. Welter .\chesou is again on the sick list. Mr. and tnrs. Thom.u .\riiold of Mount Albert are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Gonriie Moore. Miss Walker and the pupils of No. t gave a very interesting eiiterlainment on Friday, Uec. '22. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore of Hawkesione spent Christma.s with the former's uncle, Mr. Geoige Moore. Miss Walker returned to her home in Durham for the holidays. Stone Settlement MiisJ. I. Fletcher of Corbetton is !;onie for the vacation. \Vu understand Miss Fletcher has secured a school at Ilccklyn for the coming year. Wo extend our heart-felt sympathy to Mr. Sandy McLeod and family of Price- villo in their sore bereavement, in the loss of a loving wife and mother. ^ Mr. Well Whittaker of O. S. C. I., visited his parents for a few days. He is at present visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. W. Hill and children spent Christmas with her parents at Berkeley. Miss Bella Harrow of Buffalo, and Miss Annie Harrow of St. Thomas came home last week to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. MoLeoJ, of Priceville. Mr. Roy Fletcher visited over Sunday with Orange valley relatives. A happy and prosperous new year to all The Advance Readers. Eugenia Paragraphs The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Magee, 8th line, was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, 19th inst., at noon- tide, when their daughter, Jennie, was united in marriage to Mr. Oliver Turner of Eugenia, while Mrs. Woods, aunt of the bride, rendered the wedding march. The bride was given away by her father. The young counle, unattended, took their places under an arch and bank of potted plants. About fifty (ruests were present. Rev. Mr. Campbell ef Eu^jeiiia performed the ceremony. The biide wore a beautiful white eilk gown with silk embroidery and overlace, yoke and seams. Her travelling costume wa» a stylish black velvet with hat to match. Mr. and Mrs. Turner left on the evening train to visit frienda at a distance. The young couple on their return will reside in our midst, and the best wishes of their many friends follow them. '.^uite a number of our friends are home for Chtistmns, viz.: Mr. Bert Magee, .Sask. ; Me.ssrs. Bert and Card. Graham, Vancouver ; Misses Allie and L(m (irahini, Toronto ; Miss Virtde Mc- Mullen, Tiironto ; Mis.s M. McMullen, Wodeh'Use ; Miss Etta Latimer, Hark- away ; Miss Eva Janiieson, from the West ; Mary Jamieeoii. Miss Annie H;slop, Herb Fisher and Will Caiiipbell, Tiir<mto ; Charlie Smith, Collingwood : Emerson Smith and Lorrie Munshaw, Markdale ; JulTn Feuwick, Paisley. WHO went away for Christnuis weie : Rev. and Mrs. Campbell and sons, to Maple : Mr. Wiified Plantt to the city, and Geo, Williams to Pauley. We are sorry to report Mr. George Gorley and .Air. E. Graham as both on the sick The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby- terian church held their annual meeting on Dee 20 and elected their officers for the ensuing as follows : Mrs. .Mel- drum Hon. Pres., Mrs. .lake Williams Pros.. Mrs. Adam Smith Tieas., Miss T. Williann Sec. Auditors â€" Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Mrs. Jidici Williams. This so- ciety has the sum of If46 on hand. The Toronto Telegram acknowledges receipt of five lollars from the W. I. of this phice fiu- liio sick chiMren's hospital. Thus was sent in last liaster. Miss Kvelyn Smith is home from Glen Cairn, where she has been for the iiiilli- iiery season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns visited thcu- brother hore last week. We were plea.sfd to see Mr. Arehio Cairns heme on a visit with us from the \\ C.St. East Mountain Mrs. Jolin .Martin is spending Christ- mas in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Martin and fam- ily spent Christmas at I'.eavcrville. Mrs. John Welsh is in Owen Sound for Christmas. Mr. Jiiliu O'Brien and the Misses llumberstoiie are spending holidays at the lalters' parental home. Portlaw We regret very much ti lejiort that Mr. Abraui Blakey, who has lately taken possession of the sture is down with an attack of piieuinonia. Another petition asking for a daily mail, has been signed and forwarded to the Post -Master General, and we hope Ij have the r>i|Uvst granted in the near future. Mr. Mclntyre.of Mclmyre is visiting indefinitely with his daughter, Mrs. J. .\. Thompson. Mrs. Robert H.innah visited friends in Markdale recently. Mr. McDowell, teacher, has resigned and left for his home at Diaytoii. Mr. Herb. Thompson i)f Chatsworth spent Christmas with friends here. Miss Oriersou uf Aberdeen is visiting with her sister. Mis. Chapman. Mr. Fred Pedlar if Toronto spent Christmas at the parental homo here. Word has been received from Mrs. J. H Watson that her mother whom she has been waiting on. has died. Miss Lovina VVatsiin is home, after spending some months with her aunt in Toronto. I>R. BURT .Specialist In diaoasos ol tho Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Offke-30 10th at Weat, Owen Sound At the Revere, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dandflk, 1st Thursday of each month. If you are troubleil with clii-oiiic coiistiiifttinii, the mild and gentle etfeet of Chamlxilain's Tablets makestliein suited to your case, Kir sale bv all dealers. Mzcxwell L. ( ). L. GG6 Maxwell held a special meeting on Dec. 5 and elected oflicers for the year 1912 as follows: W. M., Bro. \. N. Brownridge ; D. M., Bro. George Prioatley ; Chaplain, Bro. Wm. Lawlor ; Rec. Sec, Bro. Alex. Morrison; Fin. Sec, Bro. Herb. Clark ; Treaa., Bro. Marshall Kerton â-  D. of C, Bro. Marshall Morrison ; Lect., Bro. Matt Uonron ; 1st Com., Bro. Robt. Ring; 2nd Com., Bro. W. Hilliard ; 'Md Cim., Bro. W. Morrison ; 4ih Com., Bro. A. Morriaon ; oih Com., Bro. H. Ijinloy. Dave Cowan, who is running the hotel in Albion, was summoned before the magistrate last week on a charge of sell- liquor in violation of the local option by- law. A 'iinilar charge was preferred against Mra. Cowan. The offenders ack- nowledged their guilt by consenting to a line of $100 aud costs in each case. The affair will oo:l Cowao |210. Vandeleur Happenings Christmas greetings and a happy and prosperous New Year to you, Mr.Editor. Christmas pas.sad away ijuietly. A little more sn.iw would have been accept - aMe, but this did not prevent, the usual family reunions and gathering together of neighbors and friends to enjoy their Cliristiiias turkey. Mr. and Mrs, Sid Gilbert and two children spent Christmas with friends at Wiarttin. Mr. Will McLeiii of Hamilton is holi- daying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean. Samuel Gilbert had .i very successful wood bee on Tuesday of last week. < )ur schoolteacher, Miss Wright left on Friday to spend the holiday with her parents at Mount Forest. Mr. Ben Buchanan of Toronto univei- sity arrived home on Thursday for .i couple of weeks' holidays. Miss Daisy Davis of Toronto is spend- ing the holidays with her parents. .Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Davis. Miss Maggie Davis is visiting friends in the Queen City. The Methodist Sabbath seliool held their entertainment Wednesday evening last. There was a good altendaiice, nearly every family in the neighborhood being represented, and a number from outside points. Tea was served in the basement of the church, after which all repaired to the auditorium, where a very entertaining program, consisiing of drills, recitations and musical .selections was rendered by the .scholars. The proceeds amounted to J20.20. Mrs. George Prit chard and Mrs. M. Beard visited Rocktyn friends last week. Osprey Nominations For Reeve â€" .lohn Thomson, William Taylor. For Deputy Reeveâ€" -A. N. Brownridge Irwin Morrison, For Councillor-Joseph Henderson, John Muirhead, Louis Moore, George W. R„ss, Robe. I .]. Talb(,t. Letter of Condolence Mrs. .Alexander Muirand laniily : Dear Frieiula, â€" Court Priceville, I . < I. F., No. 47t>, herewith tender y<m our deepest sympathies in the irreparable loss yon li.ivo sustained by the death of a beloved hushanil and a devoted parent. .\s a t'ouit wo keenly regret the ileniise of our well-beloved brother. Much wdl we the tjeiiial coiiipanion.ship, for to know him >v,as to love and respect him. He was ever ready to help every cause which had for itsobjeet the good of liii - inanity. Hm we will kiio.v that in the home that he loved si well he will be more greatly missed, and there, thougli lost to sight, will ever be to nieiiDry dear. His was an exemplary life, honoi- able .and upright, in every sense of the term. It has pleased our Heavenly Fa- ther to lemovo our beloved brol,her from tho Court below to the Court above. II jw consoling the thought that your loved one is in the enjoyinent of that rest, that remaineth for the people of God. t )ur eariii'st jjiayer is that <!id will bo with you in this, the hour i f your bereavement, for Ho has promiseil to be a husband to the widow and a father to the fatheriess. When life with all its eareg and troubles is over, may it l;e ouis to meet, in that happy home above, where parting is uiikurnvn. Sign- ed on behalf <;f the Court,-- D. Mcliiiii.s, C. R. ; J. A. Miiiheson, F. S ; O, Mc- Donald, R. S. Bob Cook was released from the King- ston house of detention a week ago Hnl. and is now seeing the sichls cf Toronto. A few years ago liob lilleil ihe local papers up with the spiciest kind of news and the repoitais had a now sensation every week but the law iolerfered and Bob retired from public life for a couple ofyeai'.s. Me is hale and heart y and is as U t as a fiddle- Orangeville .Sun. Cominence at once. Tuesday, Jaiiuiry 2iid eoiiiniences the winter term at the NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Dwon Sound, (,)nt. Wlions an ontiie tlnuo utovoy block with \ thu hnuHt School tMiuipniuiit in Caiiadn. ti Hpbciul practical (ItiimrtiiiBiit ctiuippuil witli every labor aiitl tinio saviiifi olHco (lovico, a larf*(] Htalf of oxpurioncod npocial- iBts, ami ;tl HiicceRBftil years as a Rtiaraiituu i for tboi-oDt;hnesH equips youiiK pooplo for poHitioUH, wbich wo |<i)aratittiH to pinco j tlieni hi at f^radnat,ion. Tliu FMeparatory ; OepaiitiHHit ror tboHO wliOMt) LMiiIy eiluca- | tiou lias boon neglected. j (*. A. KI.KMING.KC.A., G. D. KLliMING, j rriiioipal. Hooretary Priceville Jottings Intended for Last Week. The recent thaw made a clean sweep of the snow and several farmers got about three days plowing done before the weather turned cooler, and tho thin layer of snow on the roads, at present, is not tit for drawing heavy loads on. Tho Saugeen river a high time of it for a few days, but is down to normal again. We believe thit in cases, the groups of hunters who went into the northern wilds.c.irrying the least amount of booze, returned with the larger amount of game. Dan McLeod was over here on Mon- day of last week, canvasing for "votes and iiiriuence," stirred up a hornet's nest. Eh Dan. Hector McEcheron over on the 3rd, south of Glenelgi'whi) has been for a time his own chief cook and dish washer, went out the other day and captured a dear in Beutinck. We wish Mr. and Mrs. McEcheion bon voyage thiough life. The Woniaiis Institute held ilieir last meeting at Fair View faun, the nicely situated home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pat- terson, on the townliiie 2i miles north of this villsge. Tliire was a good altend- aiice and a pleasant and profitable after- noon was spent. roffi 1^ Office Positions l'a.\iiif^Hooil salnricB aiP awditinf! every yotiDK mail and woman wit)) a i>i-actic- i>ii.niiiQS!i training. No ililHt'iilty In pl(R:iiiK wortliy Kradnatef:, Wiito now for nuw catalofjuti. I'iiitei* any time. Winter Term Opens Jan 2nd,1912 Collidgwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal Dundalk Morley and Stuckcy, the young men who committed the depredations in the South of Proton a couple of weeks ago appeared before the County .Judae in i)*en .Sound .md wore released frnm jail on suspended sentence on account of previous good conduct. The Judge however, gave the young men .i severe reprimand. James MePlierson'and sons, of the 10th con. Proton, who shipped some stock to the Winter Fat (Stock Fair in Toronto, though not successful in carrying oft" any made a good sale of their stock. Two steers 18 l!l months old, weichini; 1 100 and 1 140 pounds brou<iht ><H. 10 and S8. 1,"> per cwt., respectively, netting 889.10 and '.I2.H7. These are good figures for calves but lliey were prime animals. â€" Herald. JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment *. . OF . . Wagnos AND Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Noi Be li^at considering styli^ and .lualiiy, also a full lii.o of tillage. Harvesting machines and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, Stable Outfits, Hay Forks, Ropes and carriers. Now is the the tinie to get ready. A call solicited. Saii.sfnction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON We wish to call yuur attention to the ffteb that iiioiit infectious disranea such aa whoop- iiiK i.iugh (liptheria anil scarlet fever are eontracted when the child liai^ a cold. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy will quickly cure cold iiiul greatly lessen the ijanger of con- liactiiij; dUtases. This remedy is famous for its cures of .(lUls. It eimtaiiis no opiuui or other narcotic .iiid may l» (jiven to a child with iiii|iliet c-o itidenee. Sold by all dealers. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, i Jeweler I FLESHERTON, ONT. .lohn Martin of Colbeck district, insist- ed that tho eoon must come down, and that tlie ehicken-killitig on his place cease. L st week he found twelve dead one inoriiing,aiid the next night set a watch on the coop. In a few houis a eommoti 111 among tho hens gave inii- Illation that there was soniethiin! doini! and his boy, protected with gloves and and cirryiiig a bag slipped in. There he found a couple of full orown coons hav- ing a hlu' time. which he ei ded by catching .ml piiiting them into tho bag. Now, .lolin doi'sn't know whether to start o;i- position to I5ariiuiii and Hailey, or con- vert the cooJs into good pelts. -Grand Valley .Star-Vidette. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE Tho largest .itul best slock of Furniture ever shown in Flcsherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, oiiie and .see some of nice things ill fsido Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. .\ special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- iliice the stock. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Christmas Tailoring .lust ixcei veil a bunch uf nobby new suitings and over- coatings, an iinint'iiso choice uf ticwost pattt-niK and at very rcasonablo prices. Lciivi- yunr onlor for a Cliribtinas Snil now. Wo aim to please and wo hit ilie ijullsoyo every tiino- Call and look over oiii samples, anyway. S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR Stock for Sale X few clioicc Oxford Down Earn Lambs for sale. Bred froiu Import- ed Sires. Prices reasonable. l''our good cows foi sale, do to freshen December and January. RICH A It D .\LLKN, liOt 170 2 N. K, T. & S H. Fleelicrlon P.O 1 .luiie n Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Ofllco and Residence- â- ^^^S. 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" to 12 a.m., l.JiO to i.'M p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Oihit hours by appointment CHRISTMAS MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON HANI) FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE, SICH AS be:ef, pork, sausage, head- cheese, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. F L. E S H E I>^TO N r Get Your Christmas Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Oysters, Dried and Preserved Kruics, and Meats â€" all kinds. Our Pastry Flour For Pastry Purpcses. AND Cream of the West Flour For Brtsad. A very large assortment of Biacuits and Waifers. Everythinig up-to-ilate and ju.'^t right, at the Flesher- ton Grocery. .^ W. BUSKIN U^

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