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Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1911, p. 6

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ST. VITUS DANCE ^ured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Chorea, or as it is more gcMierally jknown, St. Vitus dance, is a disease â- 'that usually attacks tho young chil- di-cii, thougii older jKsrsons may be Afflicted with it. Its must coninion syuijituuis are a twitching of the ;iiiuselcs of the fac« and limbs. As the disease progresses this twitching takes tho form of spasms in which the jerking motion may bo confined to tlio head or nil tlie limbs may be affected. Tlio patient is frequently unal)lo to hold anything in tho hands or to walk steadily, and in '«evero cases even the speech is iif- |£ected. The disease ia due to d'o- 'bility of tho Jierves and is always cured by J)r. WillLims' Pink Pills, which enricJi tho blood, tone and Btronglheii tho nerves and tlius ro- €toro tho sufferer to good health. Tho following is a striking instance of what Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs â- will do in this trouble. Mrs. Chas. Phipjjs, Pelec I.'^iand, Ont., says :â€" "At tho age of fourteen my oldest daugliter, Edith, bocanio much run down, and the trouble devclojicd into St. Vitus danoo. First hor loft arm became affected, then the Jeft log and (iitiro left side. She grew .so bad that she actually oould not hold anything in her band, and could only go about with a sliding, jerking motion. Not- withstanding that we were giving her mediciue, slie seemed to be growing worse, and finally her Bpeech became mucii affected. Wo becamo so much alarmed about her that finally her father got a sui>i)ly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and wo began givinij her these. In the course of a few weeks she was much bettor, and before all tho pills were gono she was axain enjoying i>orfect health. This was in liK)>J, and as she has not had a symptom of the trouble since I fool justilied in say- ing tho cure is iterinanent." lie suro you i?ot tho genuine pills which aro sold by all me<licino deal- er: or may bo hid at 50 oonts a box oi nix boxes for $3.50 from Tile Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Urock- .villc, Ont. MODKRN MANCimtlAN CITY. Dairen is liciiiK Orcuni/od on a Truly Ipdo-date IMan. • The city of Dairen, formerly call- e<l I)altiy, is said to b(; the m<ist up-ti)-<late town in Mancliuria. Here tho Japanciso aro siiemling lar^e sums annually on street, sow- er and ligiiting improvements. (IoikI hotels are maintained by the Soiitli Manchuria railway (wiiicli is a serai- oflicial organizatiuH). This lino now runs <'.\piess trains four times a week t.o connect with tho trains of tho Siberian lailwny ; thoy aro unsur|)a«Hed in lln; Kar East, br- ing e(|uipped «ith pullman coaclies, dining <'ars an<l sleejx'rs. Tlio rail- way also operates a twice-a-wcek Bteanier servic<! to Sliaiighai. Tho wharves of Ilaireii are said to bo the finest in the Far J'",ast, vessels drawing up to twenty-eight feet be- ing nmorcd aloni^sidc the (piay. Tiie port is open thii year round, as the ice that forms in tho bay is never thick <'nou^h to interfere with navigation. During tho year 1910, 1,.')0'J steamers <'iitere<l tliis port with cargo, aiul â- IH" in liallast, tneir tonnage aggregating 1,037,710. * Miss Rocksey â€" "But, papa, George is a hard-working young man." Old Hncksey "That's it, exactly. Tii<' man I wish you to marry must In- able to make money without working I" â- â- *i..fS*K». SKIN SUFFERERS Do you realize that to go through life tortured and diiiligiircd liy itching, burn- ing, scaly and crusted ec- zemas, or other skin and ficalp humors is unneces- sary? For more than a gen- eration, v/urni baths with Cuticura Soap And gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment have proved successful in the most distrcs,sing cases, of infants, children and adults, when all else had failed. AMtiuiiRh (^iiiloufit Honp nnd Oitiixiwiit .ini told %T tlruubita bm<1 iSMtHrn rvrr> witunv n litural piSipl* of •»«-'>. wlitt :iJ p«ga tKiwkW) uB ir«Alitirul Of tktn «Ml tutir. vill Itu muL i>uNt-fr,r (iit«i>iilicu- Iton t« AuUcttni." iHm. DM. Umi»ii. t' &. A. BRITISH STATISTICS. Boport of the RoRistrar-Gcncral of tho United Kingdom. There has been a striking falling of! 1q tho natural increase in the population of I'^ngland and Wales this year. In. a report iisuod by tho Registrar-General of the United Kingdom it is »howii tiiat in the quarter ended Hcptembor ."50 births cxcecxlod deaths by only 81,645, as compare<l witii 1-J3,0i:i excess of hirtfi-s over deaths in tho corres- ponding quarter of 1910 and I'ili,- 309an<i 1'21,0.")4 in the third quarters of 190S uikI 1909 respectively. Tho nunilier of births rcgistere<l in Eng- lai:<l and Wales in the third quart- er of 1911 was 2:i-2,(i01, a rate of 21.4 annually a tliousaiul of population, or 2.9 a thousand iielow tho average birth rate in tho third quarters of tho t-en preceding years. It was tho lowest birth rnte ever register- 'nd in any third quaru'r sinco the establisliinent of olfieial civil regis- tration. In four large cities of tho Unitexl Kingdom outside of Englan<I and Wale^s tho birth rate to tho thousand of population was 20.4 in Edinburgh, 20. C in Glasgow, 28 in Dulilin and 28.3 in Belfast. The death rate in these places was Edinburgii, 14.2; Glasgow, 10.2; Dublin, 21.5, and Belfast, 10.9. French i-titisticfi just issued iii- dicato that there will be an actual falling off of 40,000 in the popula tion of Friuce in !911 a.> conijiared with 1910. l/tft year the official registration figures nhowed that there was a slight decre;ise, not en- ough to justify belief that the trend Would bo <iownward permanently. Tho figures ikjw i)resente<l, which cover the first .six months of 1911, show that therci were 14,000 fewer births and 2(),000 more deaths than during the first six months of 1910. [ This nia<le a not loss of 18,270 in i tho population. I Acc<irdi7ig to the British figures ' the estimated population of the Unitixl Kingdom at the beginning of the se.>.r<l imlf of "911 was 4,'),:ill,- 078. Sulidividiiig this total iMig- land and Wales are given 36,IGS,7iJ0, Keotland 4.7(;(i,S(J0 arid Ireland 4,- ;i7.'>,l()8. The natural increase in pofnilation â€" that is the excess of births over deathsâ€" was IO^.^'jO. Tho birth rate for Englaiul, Ireland, Sc<itlan<l and Wah's iciinl)ine<I in tho tliird quarter of 1911 was 21.3 a tiiousand of estimated iioiiul.ilion and the death rate 15.2 a thousand. NOTHING LIKE THEM FOH sofiE em DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS STILL DOING UKEAT WOUK. Mrs. T. G. Alexander, of Haw- thorne, after twelve years* suf- fering, tells (he public nhat they arc doing fur her. Hawthorne, Ont., Dec. 11 (Sjiecial). â€""'There is nothing like Dodd's Kidney Pills for a sore back." That is tlio statement of Mrs. T. G. Alexander of this placo, and all her neighbors agree that she should know. "I suffered for twelve years from a pain in my back. Rheumatism and Heirt Dis- ease,*" Mrs. Alexander continues. "I was always tired and norvous and my sleep was broken and un- refreshing. Sinco taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I am feeling so much better that I feel I must say a good word for them." No matter how long you have suffered Dodd's Kidney Pills cannot fail to help you if your trouble is of the Kidneys. If you use Dodd's Kidney Pills early the cure will bo quick. If your trouble is of long standing it will take thorn longer to cure you. But they always cure. People from all parte of Canada who have been cured are telling about it in the newspapers almost every day. . (> Sores Flee Before It.â€" There are many who have been afflicted with soros and have driven them away with Dr. Tlionias' Eclectric Oil, which acts liko magic. All similar- ly troubled .should los(! no time in a|)plying this siilendid remedy, as there is nothing like it to be had. It is cheap, but its power is in no way expressed by its low jirice. On an average, a cow yields about 400 gallons of milk a year. MInard'i LInlmant Cures Colds, &o. How easy it is to think you would head the list of philanthropists if you only hud the money I MAKES MONEY ON TREES. German Murieipalily (irows Fruit .Vlouj; (ho lliglmays. There is a town in Germany that makes money on its sliatle trees. Consul Thompson writes that in Linden, adjoining Hanover, tho road.side fruit trees owned by tho municipality yielded this year $4,- 90fi. Tho Consul adds: ''This ap- plication of the beautiful, pract'cal and economic possibilities embraced in the control of such jniblic prop- erty afl roads is a fine illustratiin of the community thrift of tho Ger- mans. During the three or four weeks' period of ripening sharp- eyetl old watchmen on bicycles pat- rol the roads, being particularly active on Sundays, when the people are out in largo numbers. It is forbidden to pick up fruit from tho ground, and to knock it from t''0 trees is subject to a, fine of 100 marks (â- 'i<2;!.80) or more for each of- fence, l^aws and regulations 'or the general goixl, however, excite Kiich respect on the part of the (Jer- nian that cases of theft of fruit from tJio highway fruit trees rarclv oc- cur." A Cure for Rheumatistn. â€" A jiaiii- ful and jiorsistont form of iheunia- tism is caus«>d by impurities in tho blood, tho result of (h^fective action of the liver and kidneys. The bhxjd becom(!S tainted liy the intro- duction of urio acid, which causes luueh pain in tho tissues and in tho joints. I'armelee's V<^gctable I'ills uro known to have elTei'led many remarkable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of them will convince anyone of their value. * - JAl'.VNKSE DENTISTS. Extract Teeth With Their FinKors at u lireat Hate. Japanese native dentists conduct their busines.s in a manner which would undoulitc<lly cause any ]''.ur<HM'an jiraetitioner U) ojien bis eyes in ama/.cnieiiL. Tho victim is »tate<l on tho ground. Tho «lcn- tist biMwls over him an<l forces his left bai:<l between the iiatient's jaws in 8uch a. inanner that the mouth cannot possibly be close«l. Tiien ho grasps tlii> <lo<piiie<l tooth between tho tbiinib and foiefing<ir of tho right hand and with one deft wroiii^h removes it and throw it upon the ground. So great is the skill of these na- tive <l(!ntists that many of tlu'iti are able to ronlov<^ six or si-ven teeth nor miiaite. In<!ee<i, t!i('ir skill is Iiar<ily to bo won<iere<l at when ono coiisi<lers the coursti of preparatory training thi-y art? oliligetl to uiider- ;\ nuinhi'r of holes are bored in a slout plank an<l this is fi.\e<i (irmly to tluv grouiul. In the holes are <lrivi'n wooden pi'gs arul the wouUI he <leiitist has to «'xtriiet tlieiil with his fiiigi'rs wi'h'iit <lislodging the hoar<l. This pro<'ess is repeate<I with a boanl of pine wood and final- ly with one of oak, aiul it is only when he ha.s succ<'c<letl in <>xtracliiiB tlio pegs from tli<> oak plank that tho .lapancuse <onsi«lers himself q\ialifie<l to practice upon his fellow iiien.- Peiirsdn's Weeklv. TllltOldll I'.VKIIVTIMNO. Mrs. (Inuieli Oh, is there any- thing I hiven't been througii hince 1 m.irrieil you t Groueli (calmly) Nothing in the shaiH) of a iKicket, certainly. The TTnion of South Africa, which inelu<ies the Transvaal, Cape Col- onv, Na^.'il, and Orange Free Stato, has a poimlation of 0,000,000 peo- ple. NATIONAL ANTHEMS. Uoth tho Chinesci and Japanese national anthems have the merit of brevity. 'Hie length of most national anthems is in inverse ratio to tho si/.o of their proprietary countries. The Belgian "Hraban- coniie" is much longer than tho "Marse'llaise" and "G<xl Save Tho King." While there are only si.x- teeii bars in tho Russian anthem and twenty eight in "Hail, Colum- bia," the Siamese require seventy- six bars, to pfodaim their loyalty, and the record for length is held by the San Marino antlicni, which has ninety-seven, or more than four times as many bars lus there are sqiiaro miles in the republic. REST CURE FOR TRAMPS. LoafcrH and LuiiaticH in Denmark Have Special Treatment. About eighteen montlis ago the Government of Denmark, acquired tho Lsland of Llyoe, of 1,000 acres, and placed Prof. Kellers, the well- known psychological expert, in charge. There were sent to him for treatment a number of profes- sional tramps and lunatics from tho State workhouses and asylums. Prof. Kellers has for some time been a persistent advocate of the out-of-door treatment of lunacy. Hia chief contention is that fresh air tones up tho nervous system, while the varied natural objects are cal- culated to arrest tho attention of the patients and dissipate the more di.stro.ssing symptoma of monomania ofttimos prevalent. The author- ities, however, preferred to effect a compromise, relegating to the new sanitarium many of tho criminal lunatics hitherto held in practically solitary durance. A peculiarity of tho system is that under the com- prehensive classification adopted by til authorities men of the more de- generative class, both as regards crime and vice, aro removed to Llyoe for treatment. The method of "cure" of confirmed laziness is somewhat Spartan. Either the men must settle down to regular habits of work â€" chiefly of a rural characterâ€" or the "rest cure" is pushed home to its logical result â€" they are forced to lie in bod for a. term varying from a day to three or four days. By that time tho ennui become simply unbearable, and the men are glad to e?cape from the torture of sheer inactivity. RONn^; >VILL INCREASE YOUR DKjrHUO INCOME q Your surplus money, your savings, float most of the big undertakings 'ia Canada. The banks, loan and insurance companies, etc., use the money you deposit with them to buy bonds. . fl The government charter under which these companies act, restncta them to certain kinds of investment. They cannot invest where their money is not quickly available when wanted. They can and do buy bonds. ^ When you increase the yield of your money it is equivalent to increasing your principah Whenyou can do this without any sacrifice of security, as is the case wh»n purchasing bonds, it is a matter which demands yourclose and immediate attention. q Literature on the subject of bonds which we will send you on appljcation, describes fully this premier form of investment. ' orkVAI SECURITIES KU I AL CORPORATION limited BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING R. M. WHITE Manaeer YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO mo.ntreal-qucbe; LONCO -HALIPAX-OTTAW* Collectira and ahippers will find It to their adTant&ffo to get thair nanifj^ on onr mailing ll-i. 'ni.-* tniirr"-'! ' 7 â-  y^t re.-«ipt of oar quo- tations anil leneniriQtnrQiatlan, which will b« ready about the isthof Norembnr. You can be sura of fair and liberal treatnienl when yon aliipjourcolIeotinnstoWaKnfr. BraalerftCo 86 Front St. Cast. Toronto, Ont, I FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ' ASK OAWSON, HE KNOWS. [F foa w«Dt to eell a (arm, conabll L me. I'' you want to buy a (arm. cone me. ^ 1HAVE some o( the beat I'ruil. tJtQci. Oram or Dairy i arms in Omar.* and prices risbt. . COLD SORKS AM) I I.( KRS ARE IIK.VLED BY ZAM-BIK, Cold sores, chapped hands, ulcers and winter eczema are common troublos just now, and for all these Zam-Biik will be found the surest and quickest remedy. Sometimes cold sores arise from chilblains on the toes or fingers, and in the for- mer case, where colored socks are worn, there is a danger of blood- ))oisoiiing from tho dye. Zam-lJuk being so i>oworfiilly antiseptic re- moves the danger as soon as aiiplied. Mr. \V. J. Halliday.of Ash Grove. Ont., says: '1 had my little linger frozen, and it cracked at the first joint, causing a bad sore, which dis- charged freely and would not heal. Tho pain was very bad, and the whole of my hand became swollen. 'â- .\ friend advised me to try Zam- Buk, and in a very short time it healed the sore." Miss Lillie May, of Stoney Creek, Ont., says: "A few weeks since, several nasty, disfiguring cold sores suddenly broke out on my lips, which Ix'came much swollen. I tried Zam-JJuk, and after a few applica- tions of this balm, everv sore was healed." Zani-I3uk will also be found a sure cure for eczema, bl<xid-poison, vari- cose sores, piles, scalp soros, ring- worm, inflamed patches, babies' eriiptioiis and chapped places, cuts, burns, bruises, and skin injuries generally. All druggists and stores sell at oOc. box, or ])ost free from Zam-lUik Co., Toronto, upon re- ceipt of price. Refuse harmful imi- tations and substitutes. Use also Zam-Huk Soap, 23c. tablet. Best for b;iby'8 tender skin I • * PROOF HNOUGH. Ho â€" "I never love*l before." She --"lUit how can voii prove it!" He â€" "By my savings bank book. There's a deiK>sit every week for the past four years." Kako tho furnace, Chop the wood â€" Thus doth winter Keep ua good. A Pill that Proves its Value. â€" j Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmeloe's Vegetable Pills, because they servo to main- tain the healthful action of the sto- mach and the liver, irregularities in which are most distressing. Dyspeptics aro well acquainted with them and value them at their pro- per worth. They have afforded re- lief when other preparations have failed, and have effected cures in ailments of long standing where other mcdicineb were found unavail- ing. H W. DAW^bON, Ninety Colborue btrect. Toronto. ' AGENTS WANTED. LOVE'S LOGIC. Sheâ€" "But, Jack, you don't earn enough to support two," He â€" "But won't we bo o then','" ne AGENTS WANTED. - A LINE FOB erery homo. Write ua for our choice iKt of agouta aappiiea. We have lie greatesit affeucy proposition io Canada to-day. No outlay necesaary. Apply 'iJ- C. 1. Co.. 223 .Vlbert .St.. Ott awa. HELP WANTED. ^ ALKSMEN -JoO PEE WEEK SELLINO »5 ono band Esg-iJeater. riample atid terms 25c. Money refunded if uueattmac tory. Collette Mfg. Company. Colliug. wo mi. Out. ' LEAKN TUE BAKBEll TBADE RIGUT.- Tbo iloler Barber College id the on- Kiual college, founded in 1I»J: gradualca are now aufceejiul barbers all ot«t the world; yoii get exiwrt ladiruction; coQstaul practice. v* rite tor catalogae. iloivr Barber Collpfe. 221 Quee n Eaat. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AY and i ABU SCALts. Wilgont caie Works, 9 Esplanade, lorouio. H Hamlins Wizard Oil is recom- mended by many physicians. It is ustM.1 in many public and private hospit.nls. Why not keep a bottlo on hand in your own home / South America is nearly twice as large as the whole of Europe. MInaril's Llnlmint Cures Carget In Cows. If a girl has a figure like a clothes-pin she imagines she is slemlor and graceful. To have the children fwmnd and healthy is the first care of a iiK'ther. 'riii"y cannot be healthv if troubled with worms. Use Mother Graves' Worm I'.xtcrniinatori rnu.tvsoPHKH. "My I you wanted friinl ixdatoes, didn't youf saiil tho careless wait- ress, as the custiiuier in the restau- rant finished his meal and rose to leave. "That's all right," answere<l tho patient man. "I've wanted so many things all my life that I di<ln't get. I'm nstnl to it." KIDNEY TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY ' Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eye* "Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Jrtâ€" Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists 8*11 Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c 60c. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 23c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice FVee br Mall. Murine Kye Remedr Co.. Chicago. CI A.^CEB. ILilOBS, LUilPii. etc. to- / ternal and external, cured wlthoai b.»in by our uome treatment. Write ua before lo» late. Ur. Beilmaa Medical Co, Limited. Coilingwood. Oni- /• rON SCALE OLAUANTEED. Wilann,* O Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. \ (JENTS WANTED. - A STUDY OF j\. other Agt'iicy propositions conTinc** us that I) >nc can equal ours, i'ou will al- ways regret il if you dou I apuly lor par- ticulars ;o Travellers Dept.. ia Albert trti. 0*.taw:i. Safety matches were first invent- ed in Sweden in 1S55. â-  MInard't LInlmant Cures Olstemptr. TWO LOOKS. "Was it a case of love at first sight!" "No, second sight. Tho first time he «aw hor he didn't know she was an heiress." Sudden transition from a hot U^ a cold temperature, exposure to rain, sitting in a draught, unseason- able substitution of light for heavy clothing, aro fruitful causes of coltls and tho resultant cough so perilous to persons of weak lungs. Among tho many medicines for bronchial disorders so arising, there is none better than Bicklo's Auti Consumptive Syrup. Try it and becvjmo convinced. Price -25 cents. KN'OWX. "Did anyone call whilo I was out. Nora?" "Yis, mum, a gintlemun etHetl. I don't know his name, but I oould show you his face, as there's four of him up on your dressin' table." 8PECTAL1.STS ADVRB FttEB. Consult us lu regard to any disease. Lowest prices in drugs of all kinU^ Trusses (Itted by mall. Send measure meut. Glasses fitted by ace. Write to-dar for anything sold in 6rstK.-las» drug stores to Dr. Bellman. CoUingwood. OnL" DELHI TANNERY -CCSTOM KOBB and Fur tanning. Cattle and llors* Hides make best Kobe* and Coan wh..>n oroperlv tanned. Send them to me and have them dressed right. You will b» well satislied. B F lU'll. Delhi. Ont. CARPET DYEING ^^aiid Cleauinj. This is i. iPvVtsUy wi:i: the*^*^ British American Dyeing Co" fleud («lrtk-ulws by p.>5'. and weire 4ur« to ^liitf, ' Address Boi IS8. Montreal. The Heart of » Piano is the Action. Insist on the •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action H. H. NIGHTINGALE STOCK BROKER .MeinlK-r Matidiri Stock aii.l Miuiuj Kichanie UtrtD 8T0CKI CAIRIED ON MABCIH Correspjudeuce Inrited XI MKLINPA ST. TORONTO. I was cured of terrible lumbaco by MlNAUn.S LINIMENT, KEY. \VM. BKOWN. I was cured of a bad case of earache by .MIN.VKPS LINIMENT. JIKS. S. K.VILBACK. I was cured of sensitive luuiis by MIN.VUDS LlNlllENT. UlCS. 8. MASTEUd. ^ GIVE YOMR BUSH A CHANCE AND MAKE MONEY WITH IT. You would not think of cutting down your hay or grain with hand scythes., and you should not use old pots and pans. Install a "(.'hanipion" and m.-\k«, more and better syrup with loss time and fuel. Moro revenue at a reduced c^st. Why not try this? We have one that will just suit you. You are sure to win. Wrro ' for free booklet. THE GRIMM MFO. CO, LIMITED. 58 Wellingtou St., Moutmal, Que. • ,_ , , , , , On tlie shores ot tho Unitixl Kiii.?- lurkey .s Army, plaeod on a war aoni l;»st vear tisli to tho value of ' footing, totals one million men. ,„oro than eleven millions storling . as laiuied. Post Toastiei are a Canadian Product. Made by Ctnulian Pnsluni Cereal Co., LlJ. Pure lootl FactoiM* \^'tnUsoi, Oalui<H CcMila P'ABCTES Kl). 7 18SLE 50 -U MInard't Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Treat a man like a dog and it will make Ihini even if he dviesu't deveKiji hydrophobia. Holloway's Corn Cure takes the corn out by the riK>ts. Try it and prove it. NI.VGARAS BIG LEAD. What ia tho true eompari.<<on betwtH<n the power i>f Niagara and tho Victoria Falls in S«iuth .\friea f The answer is that tho tlow at Ni- agara varies between 02,lXKl,CKXi an<l 104,OO0.tHiO gallons per minute ; that at Vietoria is as low as about .^, (100,000 ealloiv-s in .\ugust. The mean nvaihiblo «Ir<p at Niagara is lr.0 feet and at Victoria ?H0 feet. Hence, whlll^ the minimum Xiair.'ira tlow represents about S.OW.tVXi horse power, the Vietoria (low in .\ugust represiMits only ."SSO.OOO horse pt>wer, and 'nceepting tho statements of loeal authorities that in November the fl'>vv of Vietor-a drops to iMily 2,.">00,l^00 gallons t^er miunte, the minimum h(>r»e-pow'^r, there can be onlv about one-teith of Niagara's miidnium. The ui \\ imum of Victoria is net given DR. DOW'S STURGEON OIL LINIMENT Kxtornal application for man or beast. Kvoryone knows of the wonderful qualities in the oi! of the STrilGEON for sprains, lameness, etc. I)r. l>ow's formula has it Ln it.s best form. For Kheuniatisiu, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings, etc.. it eannot be cciualled. Try it onw and you will be -satisfied. Price i5 cents. ASK VOUR DEALER. HE SELLS IT. The Hrayley l»rus Co., ltd., r,'- Props. St- John, N. B.

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