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Flesherton Advance, 14 Dec 1911, p. 1

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/kshettxrn %lfmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0L31, so 23 Flcshierton, Ont., Tliursday, Decetriber 14 lOlL W. H. THCRSTON KDITOB and PBOPBIETOa •f r 5 Eugenia Paragraphs Does anyoue hear the wedding bell* rineioK ? Mr. Will Bentham of the city visited in our village the pnat week called on a number of old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Will Russel of Port Law visited at James Linton's the past .week. Miss Louie Hyslop visited iit her uncle's at Ceylon recently. Mrs. Johnston Woods of Ceylon is the guest of Mrs. Will Magec Miss Clerke. teacher, spent the week end with Mrs. L. Lfctinoer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cameron spei.t a couple of days with their daughter, Mrs. E. A. Graham, recently. At the monthly laeetins of the W. I., held at Mrs. T. Genoe's. it was decided to hold the ntxt meeting at the lume <if Mrs. H. Williams on Dec. 28 at 8 o'clock. Gentlemen invited. Mr. Will Harris of Thorubury, man- ager of the IJiK' skating rink lately erected there, was the guest of his friend, .lake Williams, the past week. Elections |)ass;d ofif very quietly here, not on account of uninterested peoi)k>, but the weather was very inclement. Mr. Richard Smith is having some im- provements done on his store, now being run by J. H. I'itrk». Georte Williaina treated the young la- dies to a tatty pull on Monday evening. Mrs. James Leopard has purchased a new gramophone. Em. Morgan has uone to Meaford on business. We wish to call yi)uratteiiti<in to the fa.t that luoHt infections liiseases rtucb ai» whoop- inj; congh Uiptheria and scarlet fever are contracted when the child ha." a loW. Cbiun- beclain's Cough Keuie<ly will nuickly cure a cold anil gieatly lessen the danger of c^'n- tracting these diseases. This remedy is faraoi's for its cures of roll's. It contains no upium or other narcotic and may be ){iven to a child with implicc confidence. Sold by all dealers. Vandeieur Happenings A jolly party of young people from Markdale spent a pleai'ant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georg* Warling on Wednesday eveniufr last. Quite a number are taking advantage of the mild weather to put in a few more days plowing. Wallace Ration of Rocklyn wa» a cal- ler in our burg on Monday. Wni. Buchanan lost a year old heifer by drowning last week. The animal broke through the ice on the Saugeen. Mes-sr-i. J. Boknd, C. Boland, W. Al- co.x, and E. CuUis each had a large pile of poles manufactured into wood last week. Jos. McCuUough did the job with his buzz saw. Joe is a hustler. In response to an invitation, about twenty "f tiie neighbors turned out with tlitir teams and each drew a load of lum- ber to Maikdale for Mr. A. WyviHe on Wednefcday last. Those who assisted at the bee, togoiher with a number of the you. ig people of the neighborhood, en- joyed Mr. and Mrs. WyviUes hospitali'y iu the evening. Mr. Sam Gilbert met with a painful accident on Thursday last. While cut- ting wood a stick about eighteen inches long He*t up and struck him 'n the right eye, indicting a serious wound. Dr. Ego was called in and under his skilful treat- ment the injured optic is doinu nicely. Riverdale i Euphcmia Stephenson visited Fanny Cowan of Sligo last A Dollar's Worth That is Worth While Kew papers on this continent Iiold the place in the contidence and respect of the people that the Weekly Globe and Can- ada Farmer, with its Illustrated Maga- zine Sectimi, does to-day. For three- score and seven yeats it has been iiccord- ed the foremost place among the metro- politan weeklies of Canada. Not sjilis hed with this, the enterprising inauaae- nient that has made The Daily Globe one ot the leading newspapei-s on the conti- nent has iucreiised the size of the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer and added (several new writers to the start" in order that it may keep pace with the progres- sive spirit that is permeating our urban and rural population. The mail service and great distances make it aliuo^t impos.sible for a large por- tion of tho people to get the lienetit of the splendidly iMjuipped news and tele- graph seivice of the Daily Globe. By this audition to the staff and eii- largemeul of the paper, the management of the Weekly Globe and Canada Far- mer hope to c<mipcn«itto those who must be satisfied with a pajier once a week by giving them all the week's news in a brief and conipreheiisivo form, thereby increasing the paper's usefulness, inter- est and e<lucative value. In order to get more people acquainted with it in its new form the publishers of the Weekly Globe and Canada Fanner are eiviug those who subscribe tor one year before the 31st of December. 1911, • copy of '' Daddy's Girl," which was de- scribed in these columns last week. A sample copy of this beautiful picture may be seen at this office, and arrangements made for your subscription. .Mi: Miss week. Miss • Hive Wiley was the guest of Mrs. Lawsou, Wodehouae, for a few days. Inspector Huff made his regular utticial vijit to our public school on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson of Wodehi)Use were callers here Friday. Mr. Chris. Bradey, Cherry Grove, was a caller in our burg on Wednesday even- ing. Owing to tlie inclemency of the wea- ther a number from here were declined from attending the necktie social .it Bai- head school on Friday evening hist. Mr. George Uowlaud of Knox College, Toronto, was the guest of his uncle. Will. Boyd, for a few days last week. The Riverdale lumber wcjrks are now running full blast. Mr. Baird A Co, are scientific hustlers. Portia w The Bell Telephone Company have extended tlieir line from Mr. Taylor's (if the '"Maples" to the third and fourth lines. The Central will be at Dundalk. Bornâ€" Ou Nov. .10th to Mr. and Mis. Geo. McMaster, a eon. Died â€" On De^. 2, the infant son if Mr. and Mrs. Geo- McMaster. Sliss May Cornfield Ls lecoveriug fri)in the effects of a very painful, operation for the removal of polypus and tonsils. Mrs. J. H. Watson has gone to work at Thessabn to wait on lier mother, who is very ill. Mr. Abram Blakey was in CUatiworth las' week on business. Barba'a Napier has returned from Winnipeg, where she has spent the past few mo lit lis. Mi.s8 Cooper lif Lady Bank is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Haiiley. Hi>u. I. B. Lucas held a well attend- ed political meeting in the school, Tuesday ot last week. Mr. Frank Blakey is visiting at Ux- bridge. M.r. Thus. TayliU' has sold one I'f his farina to Mr. J.ihu McReveu and bought Mr. Jackson's faiin. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson visited the luttec'a parental home at Mclntyre. Mrs. Jainieson Sir., has returned fram Toronto and is visitim< her son, W. G. Miss Lillian McKenzie is visiting with her aunt anJ other friends in Owen K«ound and Bothwell Corners. Mr. and Mrd. Jackson and family have vacated the store here and removed i:u Dundalk. Being good citizeii.s, they will be missed in the neighborhood. Everybody i.s pleased t > see MLss Flossie Simniiins out agijin, after being laid up so lon^, as the result of the severe accident which l)elel her. Mr. Chas. H<>lnii%n is in Totonto thLs week visiting friends. Ceylon Mr. Dave McDonald and mother from the Durham Road, also Mr. Geo. White and wife, visited at Mr. W. C. White's here on Sunday last. Mrs. Eva Muir, who unfortunately got her leg broken about twu weeks ago, is is now, we are pleased to state, doing nicely. Mrs. James Sproat has spent a couple of weeks with friends at Grand Valley. Mrs. J. L. Wood spent a week w;th her sLster-iu-lHw, Mrs. Wni. McGee. Mr*. G. CoUison has returned home after an extended visit with friends in St. Caharines and Haniiltoii. Mr. A. B. t'oUison has returned home after spending the summer in Saskatoon, Gew.McArthur and Jack Cairns have returned to their old homes, looking well and having a good woid to say tor west. .V Des MoiAes man bad an attack of nins cular rheiniiatiaiii in his shoulder. A friend a»lvii!edhiiu to gi> to Hot .Springs. That uieuut an expense ot .^l.Vl.iK) or more. He siitight for a iinicker and cheaper way to cure it and found it iu Chamberlain s Liniment. Three days after the first application of this liniment he was well. For sale by all dealers. Victoria Comers Mrs Tliiiinas I'annon aave a fowl dinner to her friends and ueiighbiiis one evening recently. Newton Banuon is learning iho jew- elery business iu Fleshertcn. Mrs. G. Moore visiced her daugliter, Mrs. W. Talbi.r. for a few d.iys luceiitly. Mis. Win. Patton ^peiit la.-t week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Sheatson. I'l-iiton. Bom To Mr. ai.d .Mrs . Hugh vVar iier, a daughter. Kimberley Budget Very mild weather. » '. The Farmers' Club had a very profit- able meeting on I^c. (i. Mr. John Plewes gave an address on the care and management of poultry, which was one of the best ever given in Kimljerley. Mr. G. H. Walter aave an address on Stock Fattening which wa.s very interesting. The fiext meeting will be held Dec. 20. We expect Mr. Duff of Markdale tij be pre.sent. Miss Elsie Plewes returned home after an extended visit in Collingwood. Mr. H. Hiird had a letter fiom his daughter, Helen, who is doing missiiin- ary work in Japnn. He also received a book illustrating life in .lapaii. also a Japanese pipe wliioli is a curiosi'y. Yon will liuil that (kiigffistfc everywhere siMwk well i)i Chamberlain's Cough Remedy 'ITley know froiii long ex;M"rience in sale of it that in cases ijl coughs and colds it oan always Ix- <let)vniled uix>u, and that it U pleavant ami sale to take. Kor sale by all dealers. J Toronto Line North Boat Went Down Commence at once. Tuesday, January 2nd commences the winter term at the NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Owen Sound, Ont. Whore an entire three storey block with the (Inest School equipment in Canaiia. » special practical departuiaat ei|uipued with every labor and time saving office device, a large staf! of experienced special- ists, and 31 successful yeais si a guarantee for thoronghnessetiuips young people for IHJsitions. which we guarantee to place them in at graduation. The Preparatorv Oepartuient (or those whose aarly ednca- tion has been . neglected. A., O. D.KLEMINO. Secretary .\. FLEMING. K.t Principal. I Office Positions rayiuggood salaries are awaiting every vouDg man and woman with a .practic- Duainess trainiuK, No difficulty In placing worthy graduates. Write now (or new catalogue, enter any time. Winter Term Opens Jan 2Bd,1912 CoUiagwood BUSINESS COLUEQE T. E. Hawkins. The freighting tug ''Lady of the Lakes,'' owned and pilotedjby Captain Henmaii, of Thornbury, was wrecked about two miles this side of the Christian I.slands some time between Thuisday morning and Friday night of last week. The lug left here a week ago Monday with a load of general supplies for Parry Sound. In addition to goods and gener- al supples which Captain Uenmun was taking to Parry Sound on his own account he had on a consignment of flour and feed from the Thornbury mills as well as alx)Ut a thousand dollars' worth of Hour and feed for the Georgian Bay Milling & Power Co., which fortunately, was fully insured. The value of the en- tire cargo was estimated approximately at $5,000. Captin Ueninan and his brother were the only persons aboard the boat when from some cause or another she sprang a leak in mild water. The water began to pour in rapily, putting out the fire and disabling the engine. The two men had baiely tune to make good their escape in a yawl when she capsized and went to the bottom, carrying with her the entire cargo, which of couise is a total loss. Mr. Thomas Moore received a letter from Captain Uenmaii on Saturday night stating that hi.s boat had been wrecked and that he and his brother were obliged to abandon her when they saw their lives were at atake. The letter bore the Christian Island post mark and was mail- ed presumably on Fiiday evening.â€" Meaford Express. The Youth's Companion in I9I2 No other paper is nuite like the Youth's Coinpaiiiou. It is taken in half a miUioii homes, where the choice of reading is made with as much care as tlio choice i<i friends. For years the Companion has enji>yed Ciintribulions by distinguished men and women of (jreat Britain and C.iinnla. .\niong those already eiigiged to write fiu- the r.)12 volume are General Baden- Powell, who has something of interest to say about tile Boy Scout movement, Sir Harry Johnston, who recalls the last of the Great South .\frican Hunters, William T. Stead, Jerome K. Jerome, Jane Barlow, Frank T. BuUen, Uev. W. I J. Dawson, KicharJ Whitciny, Sir James Crichtim-Browne, and the Duke of .\r- gyle, former Governor-General of Canada. The serijil stones alone, which will fol- low one another the year through, will be worth ?L50 each when published in liiiok form. By taking The Companion the Canadian subscriber gets tbeiii all and 'JM other complete stories for SlJ.CO, and the .\rticles, Miscellany, Boy.s' Paae, Gills' Page, Household Pjge, etc , put in for good measure. Now is the time to subscribe, for on Jan. I, lltlL'. the sub- scription price will be advanced to $2.2r). Do not forget that the now subscriber for I'.U2 receives fiee The Companion's Calendar for U'l"-'. lithographed in ten colors and gold, and all the issues for the remaining weeks iif 1912, frjin the time the subscription is received, THE YOUTHS C0MP.\NlON Hi Berkeley st., Itoslop, Mass, New subbcriptions received at this office. Wet weather and muddy riia'ls. While drawiun a load of poles a week ayo 51r. Lever meC with a seri- ous accident. He i;ot off the load to walk up a hill, then on arriving at the summit he attempted to jump iin again but missed his fooling and fell, the sleiah running up on his leg so that he cimld not remove it. Alter about half an hour ill this position aid came. His foot was badly injureL The wound is now, but, slowly, on the way to recovery. We are triad to see Mr. Fied .Matliew- sou able to be around ai;aiii. Mrs. Thos. Lever received Wi«id re- cently that her uncle, Mr. Win. Clark, f.irmerly lif Klesherton, had gone through a successful operation for the removal of a growth on the cheek. There was no serious injury to his face, but his eye- sight is affected a Utile. Mr. Fred Brown returned from the Wesw lust week. Fred, you must have been walking hard. a.s you look iiuite thiM. Mr. Henry M. Di.ugl.iss is this week I attei ding the Iniernational Live S.ock | sho* ill Chicago whero he has a horse on I exiiibitiiin. This is ilie tirst liim^ Stay-' ner has been repivs-nted at this >;reat sbiiw and we wish our represeiitiifiv. every sue ss. â€" .St.iyner Sun. Riliiea appems to be becfiniiiig very i pievaleii! il.iwn around Grand Vil:ev. where f overjl hive develope 1. ewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. LUNG TROUBLE Mrs. Biny Brown, of Teneeape, NS., Was Cured by Catarrhozonc of Lung Trouble and Catarrh, After Hundreds of Other Remediea Failed Christmas Tailoring \ .'I'.st received a buiicLi ef nobby new suitiugs and coatings, an immoLise clioica if newest patttrns and at reasonable prices. Leave your order for a Christmas now. We aim to please and we bit ibe bull.seye every Cilt ai;d look over our samples, anyway. over- very Suit time- S. J. BOWLER, â„¢^ UP-TO-DATE TAILOR Principal K A live-days trip through the bush over trails covered deep with snow and across muskeg not yet frjzen surticienly to give good footing, having to trudge around ill bodies of water on which tie ice was yet thick enough to make passage Siife this was the exiicrience of Thos. Taylor, who, bearing with him the body of his son who had been drowned, arriv- ed in New Liskeard last week from West Shining Tree. The boy, 21 years of age, met his death while alone trying to cross a lake on ice which broke beneath him. If your lungs are weak: If there Is consumption in your ramily; if Coid-s. Catarrh, and Bronchitis bother you. be sure to use Catarrhozono It is especially adapted for these diseases and cures every time Mrs. Brown took cough mixtun^s. but they mado her sick. Then she us.'d an atomizer, but. after resorting with- out benefit to poultices, she tried Ca- tarrhozone. "1 used Catarrhozone Inhaler." writes Mrs. Brown, "five minutos every hour, and soon recognized that It was going ti> cure me. I could feel the soothing medicated air spreading through the air passages of thi.- throat, and it touched the sore spots in the lungs that other remedie.s failed to reach. Catarrhozone seemed to gi' just where it was needod most, ftnd soon put a stop to my cough. It re- stored me to perfect health, and I am convinced that no cough, cold, or ca- tarrh can e.xist if Catarrhozone is used." No treatment Is so clean. ?o pleas- ant, so certain to cure as Catarrh- ozone. By means of the Inhaler, the local symptoms, such as coughing. In- flammation and Ciingestlon are speed- U.v corrected. Ferrozone tablets, v\-hlch are taken after each meal, purlfv and cleanse the blood of all poisons, and build up and strengthen the system. This local and constitutional treat- ment is always effective, and cures cases that have been given up as* hopeless. Money can't buy or prodMoe anything better, and t.o get cured it Is "absolutely necessary to us« Cat&rrli- ozone. CHRISTMAS MEATS ACO.MPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE .MEATS ON HAND FOR THE CHRIST.MAS TRADE. SICH AS BLEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. r Mrs. Ersell of Walkerton fell ou th« icy walk and broke her left leg above the knee. She was unable to rise and lay for half an hour before her cries attract- ed attention. BURT 5p«clallst In diacasoa el the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Offic«-30 10th St. West, Owes Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2ad Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. n>. Dund«lk, 1st Thursday of each month. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oftice and Re8tdence-468, IHh St. East, Owen S<mnd, Out, Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 ko 4.30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. <Jthar hours by appointment Get Your Christmas C'andies, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Oysters. Dried and Preserved Fruits, and Meats â€" all kinds. Our Pastry Flour For Pastry Purposes. AND Cream of the West Flour For Bread. A very large assortment of Bigcuits and Waifers. Everythimg up-to-date and just right, at the Flesher- ton Grocery. Tl W. B US R I N

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