UoveiuBER no 1911 THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment 'â- 'â- '' . . OF . . Wag ons AND Buggies Which will Ik- sold at prices llmt can Not j B« B*»t cuimidering ntylr iiml nnality, , «lu s full lihc of tilU);c, Hmvesting' machines and Wind MiIIh, Fciica Wire, j Stable ()uttii>>, H»y Fcrki, Hopes and c-inierB. Now is the the time to get ready. A call Kiliciled. SaliHfactioii guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Stock for Sal^ A few choice Oxford Down Ram Lambs for sale. Hred from Impart- ed bires. Prices reasonable. l''oiU' (,'ood cows for sale, do to freshen December and .fanuary. I'.ICHAIU) AI.I-EN, Lot ITU 2 N. v.. T, 4 S K Kleiliertou P.O. GENERAL GROCERIES and AVo have a full stock of general groceries on ham Sugai'S for preserving, icings and table use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobacco.s, teas cniidie.'^. ; ,-. FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We lii.iidle nil iinnitnse i|U»n!ily i.f Hour nmi k(e| Hoynl Uout'ehold, KorilN and Diiiidalk Flours in the hran Hnd hliorts. Ouldhawk's bread l>Bmllo(i. on hand Ogilvie's Noviriil pade.s, also Choicest honiciuade Ice Creaiu re;idy for serving. tind ccxdin^ Summer Diinki- i v. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton XHK. /lcol)crtoii !X^t)ance .•\n indeiwiident newnpaper, ptiljIiHlied ei'ery Tfiui-sday at Oi<- otlice, Ciillingwuod Street, Klcsliertiiii. .Siil>»rri|itioii price SI i>eraiiiiuiii, wUin paid in advance; 81.50 wlici: not no paid. .-Vdvertisiui; rates on ap|iHcatioii. CMulation 1,100 weekly. W. n. TlmrHton K(li tot- He wtio has lost his sight best knows its \'alue. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention miglit have prevented it. E.xami nation fr ee. FURN ITURE B urgeM and IwnI htock of Furniture ever Hhowu in Flesherton. This without fear of «v("i tradiction. ouic and see some of nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room (Jhairs, Piirlor Sflts, Bed Room ^Sett». A special reduc- tion ju.«t now on every- thing, in order to re- duce llie stock. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton TRU fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN A TAX COMMISSION COMING I We »re exceedingly [>li'iised to know that Premier Whitney has changed his i attitude (>ii the taxation .|uestion, and I will accede to the demand to the e.xtent of appointing .1 cominis.sioii at the com- 1 inj .session of the Legi«lature to in(|uire ' into this complicated (|uestion with a 1 view to remedying abuses. There is no portitm of our civic gov- , ernment as difficult of fair applica- jtiun as thit of taxation, and perhaps there never will or can he ii .system de- vised that will We satisfactory to every- body, hut the matter stands to-day there is .so much that is unfair, and the law is applied in such a haphazaid wrvy, that there is much room for iinprove- I nient. A commission such as Mr. Whit- ! ney propases ought to find much juHtiti- cation for Its existence, and if it should, lu its investigations, becoine slightly tinctured with llenry-tieorgeism this Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, This May Interest You We want a reliaMe man to .sell our well- kiiown Fpociallies in fruit trees, small fruits, .seed potatoes, (lowering shrubs, roses etc., in Orey county during fall â- â- and winter months, ituttil free, ex- I elusive territory, pay weekly. , 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clei.ii well giown trees and sliiiilis that will .satisfy your customers. Karly and ' .,, , â- â- , , , good delivery -iiaranteed. Kstal.lislied | ff'"' *'" "^â- ' '-"'""â- R" " »'"'' harboring over :!.'i years. Write for whole or part ' " » hee in ii.s honnel.' term time Sales Maiiaaei. PKI.H.A.M M I'.SKKVCO., l.T Dec. 11 Toronto. Boar for Service I'liri-Oif'l ^ ork^iiii.' i-r\ icv on lot a.-), in ii, *.l.iiO. IHt IllllilS. Corrected Eacli Week Colts Came Astray Came to my | â- remises, lot 4, con, 4, .Vrtemesia, about Nov. (i, two colts. The owner is re(|Uusted to prove property, |)ay expenses and take the .same away. â€" WM. FLKTCHKK, Ceylon I'.O. Hard work and poor pay for the man Carefully Wheat / so • • «•'>«> 8'' <>at« .; *'-i to 43 Bailey â- .â- .â- .'.'.".â- .'. .'...... .. 00 to ,io! «'<hout the l.usiness trammg. Writ Hiy ......... 10 00 to 10 GO Butter •-'•â- $ to 2:! 2.') t The Tax Reform League does not ask the goveriiment to go so far as to adopt all of Henry George's theories, hut merely to make the taxation of iniprove- nieiilsopiion.il with municipaliiies. It is asked thai iiiuiiiei|. dities be allowed to do what they elioosu in the matter. „ , 1 1 .„„ .\ eoinmission is a fiiir v.ay of looking llr nr J >,*aiK ol<l. for -^ " », Aitenii'-ia. Teriiin jnlo the i|ue8tion, and again wo express pleasure to know thai Uoii. .lames Whitiu'y has uroiiiised to grant such a Commission, In the psat .seven years we have learned at least one truth about I'remicr Whitney, and that is that he keeps his promises. Like the old adage of woman, "Wlie.i lie will he will, you may de|)eiid on't ; when he won't he won't, and that's the end on i." -.M.F.X. ( AMEROK. Admirality will be consulted as to the policy which would be most valuable for the defence of the Empiie and a bill will be framed which will either be submitted to the people at a referendum or at the next election. The announcement of Mr. Lorden ha» been well received at Ottawa. Tlie Hon. Champ Clark now says he would oppose annexing Canada by force. But then, when the time for that come.s he can "explain" that he didn't mean just that, and proceed to whoop her up for forcible annexa- tion. His explanations have been very freakuent of late. â€" »-»«#»«-^ Flooded Cargo to Save the Ship With her hold Hooded and the passen- gers joyous that the voyaije was over.the .â- \lberta of the Canadiiiii Pacific Heet ar- rived at Fort William after a terrible trip from Owen Sound. Practically the whole cargoâ€" she carried package freight â€"amounting to about 810,0W}, will be a loss Hi a result of the necessaiy efforts to keep the ship above water. It was while approaching Isle Royal, that dangerous point where so many •hips have met disister, that the full strength of the 70 mile gale was enccmn- tered. Great waves lifted the vessel and flung her about, resistless in their grasp. She was not heavily weighted and Capt. Davis, ill order to secure some lelief, ordeied the hold to be flooded. This brought the vessel to a safer depth and she rode more easily. For twenty-two hours the ship felt its way through the bliuaing snowstorm in the endeavor to find the entr.ince. The piissengers, those who were not too seasick to care, were sure that the ship w.'is going to turn turtle many times. Many of the sailors could not stand the motion of the boat and were inca- pacitated. N. R. BUGG ARRESTED Engs, fresh 2.^ c Potatoes per bag <>.'» lo Oeeso 10 to Ducks 10 to 1 Chickens 10 to 12 Turkeys !•> to 17 Wool 20 to 22 THE REIGN OF HARMONY As a result of the rearrangement of (ij ,1,^. I governments in the Dominion, Manitoba and Ontario stand tobeiieht very largely. dy^ 4'<^/*//%fy^/^^ ^^ i Manitoba will have her boundaries ex- '>•' / â€" J^// 1/ J// i i f /"///'/y/' ' I 'ended to the Hudson Hay, and Ontario }! ,^y^ '^'â- >(^'^*<^-*^\f^^^y^'' 1 will secure waterpowers in the eastern portion for hydro electric purposes where FARM FOR SALE Lot No. Inii 1.^7. ill lie' '"â- '•â- ii'l laiigouust, Toronl." an i .Syilinham Komi, ArtrnieNia, amtaininK 'iâ- V^ acri'4 of tirHt ilaHx land j K>"'d anil buildinK)*, plenty of water, n**ftr cbiirch ai Kchoul ; three miles from I'rolon Station ; acrrM good hardwtmd And In K'""' 'talc of ticiilam apply to, l.Vict l)U':b. bnlaiice cleared nltivation. For pui W. .1. .lAf.'KSOX, I'oit Law People's Railway Promoter in the Law's Clutches. Somewhat I'f a sensation has been cre- ated hy the arrest at Berlin ou Monday, at the instance of the'Ower. Sound po- lice of N. R. Bugg, one of the promoters of the I'eople's Railway. He was taken to ( >weii .Souud. The alleged irregularity is in connec- tion with the transfer of certain notes given by shareholders of the company to Mr. Bugg, who turned lliem over to the company, instead of their being placed in the bank. However, they were trans- ferred to .L /ulier of Berlin, who has issued writs for payment of the notes. Sidieitor .1. A. .Scellen is looking after Buga's interests and is confident his cli- ent will lie cleared of any charge of wrong doing. Don't waste your money buying strength- eniii'^ plasters Clianilwrlain's Liniment is iheaper and better. IXampen a piece of Han- lu'l with it and bind it over the atfeer,i-d parts anil it H ill relieve tile pain and soient»i». For sale by all dealers. OWEN SOIND. OMARIO Fo a new catalogue describing a "North- ern Training" We guarantee to place every Graduate. C. A. Fleming. F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. roffi OVER 68 YEARS' tXPCRICNCE Trade Mark* DcaioN* COPYRIOHTS Ac. UnrOIMMndlng nkMrh >nct il(!»rrtiitl(in m»r <qiitrklr aj*-«rl*lii otir ..|ioil-.n fr'ie nhttth«r aii lnTi«nll.>n !• prohBlilf ijnl*itf«Mn. *'oiniiooilf% tloin«lrlrllr<v.iiIMoiithil HANDBOOK c.ril'«l«iil» Mill (ro* iil.lMt uiiiiii'7 for n.'.TMioK l>«'e"'"- I'»l»i)U taken (hrouuti Munii % Cu. roovlrt 9f4tU' <t«(U., without c tiwrtf o, luttlA Scientific jRlmcricam A h.»t>a*>m«lT lllil»lr»"rt WKklT- 'â- •ItMt i-lr mlaJitfO uf ftny »<'i«iion.; louniAl. I«riu* fur <'Miii4a. t*.i* 1^ T**'- ikmuis iMtitiii. siia \i, tXL MndMOar*. iTI Office Posi tions l'a\ iiiKgoorl »alari4]»i art* awaititii; •nery yoiinu mail and woman with a jiructic- liiiHiiitisH training. No liitUciiIiy In placiut; worthy Krarliiaten. Write uuw for now catalutiuo. Ruter any tiiiu*. Winter Term Opens Jan 2nd. 1912 ColUngwood BUSINESS COLLEGE I T. K, Hawkinst Principal di the Commi.ssion was held up by (ho Lau- rier administration. It is especially pleasing to know that Manitoba will got a lont;-deUyed justice in the instter of hor boundaries, and that it will no longer be known as the " poslaiie stamp" pro- vince. Maiiit(d)a will now proceed to develop itself, ami will in short order become one of the greater provinces. These things have been made po.ssible through a change of government at O'- tattli. Where the provincial and federal authorities are not in harninny, ofttimes justice is very slow iu loming to the former. Eugenia Paragraphs Mrs. Latimer and Mrs. Williams, who attended the W. \. convention in To- ronto report an interesting and instruc- tive time. Mrs. Charles Turner has returned from Toronto, where she paid the last sad rite to her mother, who died two weeks ago. Mrs. P. Munshaw 'and son, Laurie, have returned Irom Edmonton, accom- panied by her little grandson, Kenneth Lariie. Kenneth don't like the West- there are no hills there for sleighridin/. Mrs. Woodburn is visiting with Mrs. Jerry Thompson at Flesherton for a couple of weeks. Mr. .1. E. Parke spent a couple of days during the past week at his former home in Wiarton. . ;^ The monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs, T. Genoe on Wednesday, Dec, 6, 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Fred Pedlar took her little son, Arthur, to the hospital in Toronto to be treated for infantile paralysis. Quite a number in our vicinity are suffering with severe colds. Mr, Jake Williams has been laid work fora couple'of days with a .sore knee, gotten by too smart a clip at a horseshoe nail. Miss Bella Genoe is visiting with -her cousin, Mrs. Boyce of Durham. Miss .\llie Williams is visiting with her friend. Miss Osborne of Maxwell. Miss Parliament of Paisley is the guest of her .sister, Mrs. T. FenwiCk. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stuart of Flesh- erton, visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. John Campbell has returned home from Saskatchewan for the winter. Marriedâ€" At Vancouver, B. C, Nov. 8th, I'jll, Miss Jean Hague, to Mr. Edgar Graham, second youngest son of .Mr.s. G. Graham of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Hoggart of Heathcot*. visited faiend.s m the village this week. The Meaford papers are talking up a ho.i!pital for that town . A Message From Santa Claus To the Children : I have a large book for the names of jgood boys and girls under twelve years of age. to whom I give present.-*, and, having arranged to make Perigoj's stole at Feversham my headquarters this Christinas, you will find this large book there, in which to write down your names any time before the 21st day of December. Children who are too young to write may have their p.irenls write them. Then on Friday and Saturday before ChristDia.s I will be at the store myself offjto give these pre.sents to the children whose names I tind on the hook. Have your names on the book as soon as possible. Hoping that it *ill be go<xi weather so that I can see you all at the store, I am With best wi.shes for a Merry Christ* mas, Sincerely yours. ,* -SANTA CLAUa. MUNNSCo.>«< Brlncb 0«Bc«. arm W«l.ln«lun. 1). WHEN DECIDING ON Your newspaper reading for next year do not omit The Advance. . . , Balance of 1911 Free To Winnipeg And West CANADIAN I PACIFIC TRAVEL DIRECT CANADIAN ROUTE ONLY HROUQH T CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cats, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Tiiu annoinicement that the Hydro* Electric Commission propcscs to erect power lines thorouglit this county is ot very great importance. The coming of cheap electric power I means a great deal to all industries, including that of farming, lu south- ern Ontario fanners are installing electrical plants and thus working a \ revolution in their business. There ! IS no telling at the present time to ' what the use of clectiicity will lead in the near future. We cannot guess I at it; but it is certain that the work of the H. £. Com. opens up a vista ' of possibilities that were not dreamed I of ten years ago. The uses for I electricity are only beginning to be known, and they are extending every day. I Italy is still trying to corall its Christmas Turkey, but the wary bird appears to be giving it an interest- ing time. Premier Dorden has announced his policy on the navy question. The ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $I,OUO,OOU THE GOVERNMENT OF THE rnoVINCEOF ON'TAKIO, under the authority of chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, UUl, invites subsciiptions fioiii the public for a loan of 8I,(H)0,000 im bends of the I'rovince <if Ontario, or "Ontario Government Stock." The bods will be dated Ist November 1V)11, and payable on the 1st November, l'J41, in denominations of 8LO<)0 each, with cupons attached for interest at the rate of four percent, per annum, payable half-yearly on the 1st May and 1st No- vember in each year, at the otlice of the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the otiices of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, Canada, and in New Vork, N. v., at the holder's option. Bonds will he made payable to bearer, but on re- ipieht will bo registered in the ottice of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on reijuest of holdei-s will be exchanged for "l)nta- rio Government Stock" at any time. The issue price during the month of November, 1911, will bo 102 fc>r each 9100,and after the 30th day of November, 191 1, the i.-.sue price will be 102 and interest accurred from the 1st November, 1911. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDERTHE AUTH- (»RITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES, CHARGES. SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Slock or Bonds will be required to .send certified chc(|ue with the application, payable to the order of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon tiie credit of the Cons(didated Revenue Fund uf Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon. A. J. MATHKSOiV, Prt>vinciBl Treasurer, Treasury Department, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, 1st November, 1911. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid fur it. BUSY STORE CEYLON'S Prizes to Biggest Buyers To the persons buying the most goods here for one month com- mencing the 1st day of November and ending the 30th of November. Thefolljwing prizes will be aiven : 1st pri-.seâ€" 1 China Tea Set con.ststing of 1 doz Tea Plates. 2 Bread Plates, 1 doz. Cups and Saucer.s, Cream Jug and Bowl. 2nd prize- Boys' Pea Jacket. 3rd prizeâ€" China 5 o'clock Tea Set. We have a good stock of Underwear in Peabody's, Penman's and Defiance Brands, all wool. Unshrinkable, also the Fleece lined -ind I IIIOIIS. We have some hively ladies' Cloth Coats for this winter, also F'lir lined and Fur with collar and lapells of Sable fur. Men's Pea Jackets Cloth lined. Cordoroy lineil and ."sheep .Skin lined all at very reasonable prices. We have a nice range (f Men's and Beys' Cloth Overcoats in the latest styles, also the Furs and Fur lined and pri-res to compete with Hiiybody. Heavy, large, pure all wool Blankets at from 83.50 to S4.r)0 per pair. Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce Qetflon //as. ZL atfison c^eneral ^ie J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario Furs Furs ! This season we are showing some Extra Values m all kind of Furs ill Men's and Wome-i's Fur and Fur Lined Coats. Muffs, .Scarfs, Caperines, Milts and Caps. Prices cannot be equaled any- where Clothing We liave some excellent value in Men's and Boys' Suits, tailored in the Newest De.signs. Some very neat Patterns to choose from. Overcoats We are showing the largest range of Overcoats we ever showed before. Patterns and Styles cannot be e.\celletl and prices right. Drsss Goods We have something very new in Dress Goods, a large range oulors at prices fur 50c 60c and $l.iiO. ot Ladies' Jackets ^ We want t.i show you our I.,adies' Jackets. This season we !^ have the r*nge and some of the very Newest, at prices from »7 50 to ^ $18.00, jt^A-