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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1911, p. 8

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NoTemm 23 1911 THEFLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over tfioni weekly. There may be •ometking f or.YOU Business Ca&ds MOOUiOcaB * Toimo ,»« » «J bM>>tm fcâ€"fm. Me»*}i IbB JarloB. 1. 0. J , TCMMIMTT. . r iii mn li r . 0« D H. O. J . Oâ€" f tâ€" Mr. _^.>.^ iMMt, vUlt ata. MtrvlollT «r»wn ap â- Â»â-  â- >!â- â- â-  Ba4*. •hWfM woâ€"bW . AIM tiM»1w. lau. iMd •*«, lM0tB Moak. rrtM* riMkWtOB wMBKtaaloatt >• BO J.. AaatiMM Ooo. TMMen. ApprmtMr kD4 Mob*; LmAot BmI BcUi* kBd laiorasM Ac***- !>••<•• â- Bi-lltM 1MM« *m* Willi •»r«tallydnwa »•« *»lQ»UoBt m»*» 01 (bortait b«Mm OB«y tel**a»tlowMtr»tMotlD*M'M«. OoU mUom aMMdad to with P'"»»'**" •tiM«M low. Agant tor 0«a»D DobIbVm -^ -• Oompkay. A aall ••HalWd. DMaTBAIL, UUBMrl AaMioMW tot tho • Oeutf •( OiBT. T«™i modorfe** m« «aJ tetao e( »>*• MO bo ta»t» %\ Tn Abtabob - lIS*JiJlB»«rA.O.TlOB. ToJBphOOB Farms For Sale or Rent rAKM POK BALB-Lol BO I, la U« ttb eoo- wMioa of U>* towoatalp of Art«Bi**ia, eoo- tklBlac 100 Barw, •ichtr-BTo utm elu«4, bBlaso bardveod UnbBr. >*Top«Hy of «b* latoW. J. KoaHy. Tboro !• • baok bun ••4 roaabOBat booM oa proBilMt and it wall WBUrad. Wlllb* aold ob raaao.iabia tartoa. Apply to JamaaU MeMallaa, Cayloo p. o.,Ont. 170R BAUIâ€" 4%*Bp aai SB*y tann*. U Bot I^ told *o«B, for roBt to taltabia taaagt, Nonb bait lot Maud lot «, COB, 11, Artametia, •d4 lot 1, eon. !«. Oipray, <no aeiM. about 190 alaarad ibalaoea mottlj timbarad laod, bard kadaatt wood ; good itooa dwalllai and trama bara, ttablioa oader ; well watarad witb Davar- faUiat imall •print oraak eroaslng farm eloaa tabarn: Tbii iiao (loallaiit grain or graiing (ariu aod will ba told rary obaap it takao at oaaa aod ou aaay tarmi. AppI) to K. J. â- rrvala, Klaabartoo, Oat. fOR 8ALK obaap aod oa bmt tarmaâ€" Lota 1 aod ILeoB. 11 Oapray; 100 acrea ; framv dwalllBg. trama barn and •tabllog aodar; about ITO aaraa alaarad and under caltitatiou. 8oma aplaadld aadar witb otbar iniiad tinibar on balaaoa. alao two amal I orebardt bearing. Wal watarad ; Darei tailing apriag creak. Hpleodid nala and graaiog farm. Apply to U' J.HpronIa FlaahartOB or Baiiioal Oiboraa, Maxwell. •JOT. w* tb* aooBtlaa of Orey »Bd BJn»»«: Farm Md Btook aala* a apaai^ty. Tars>* mmt^l^ â- attstaetloB gaaraataad- Arraaga- â- MBta tor datae B>ay ba made at tba AdTanea «Bm or a: T. HotoklBaoB'e itora, tawabam by afliliaaiini na at rarartbaai, ObI. K aaottoaaartorttaa aOBBty of Oray. Good e^JiiTBl raaatnabla rat... DBtaa aaa ba BiaAa at Tba Advanoa. o 00 T BABVCT PEKIOOB. brokar, Flaeb.rtoa 1 OasarBl brekwaga boalnMe. InaoraaM ot •yaryUad plaaad l7.ate aad llbaral oooipaalaa^ IMaMBtaeta.. 0|>aB aeeonnu aod paat daa Beta* baodlad aadnoaay adTBBOBd tbaraoB. OorraapoBdaBM aeUeltad. PARM FOR BALK-Vary ebeap, 100 aerea, ' lot t. COD. 7, Oepray, only gaOOO, reaaonable eaab paymaat, balaota eaiy tarmt, ts acrae elaarad.wall taaead aod in btgb etaM of anlti- ration, balaaea timbarad, good eomfortabln trama dwalllag, etona cellar nnder, nerer tall logepring wall and windmill pnmp at door. Iiaw frame barn, well flnlibed, ttone etabliog witb eprlng water nnder, alio la ebed. It U aitoatad i mile from Maxwell Tillage wbere tbara are etoree. iioet offloae, good eebool. Bad iioo the grarel road, M mila* m>m railway atatien. II eold at once, abora priea, tboDsn VBRY C-UKAP mi<bt ba abadad a little. ApplT to K. J. 8PKUULB, Flaibanon, or TBOMA8 OUT. on premlioa. •< Medical D* ^'^m"** B Oat, rhy*l«Uo, Bergaeo at« (MUa bb4 ra.ldaa*a-Patar tt.. riaabartoa i.aa.u''^'oY.'ar'ir«?:.r.Bl^ C«JJ»j/ j:^r-.i^*^Ti.i."tt'raaV"*?.B.'::its PraabytarlBB CbOTBh. ffOR BALK rary ebeap and on aaay tarmaâ€" *â-  The late Dr, f 'hrlitoe't .M-etory brick block io Pleeberton witb good liable and Derer-tall- log well on pramiiM. Uood large etora and good butcher's abop and dwelling ; two good atone aellara under bnildine ; ii aod can be kept well rented ; two koo<1 halla on eacoDd and tbird itoriae ; flret claaa butineiiitandkud will baaoldcbaap aa owner it engaged in other baaioeei in tba wait abd baa no tartber oae for It. Apply t* R- J. Bproale, Flaabartoo. HWILBOH, Blaekamltb . adnata mt t«a Vatarioary BcUaa AieoelBtloo. Dorham rtroat, oppoalt* Boyd. Bro'a bardwaxB. Boar for Senrice A large wbit* Yorkabira Hoar for aarriea on lot 18S, Srd raoga, W. T. A & B., Artamaeia. Tarmt gl.OO- K WALLBH. Dentistry e C MUBKAV L. O. B., dsatal aargaoa A/ bMoi^graduala of Toroato Unlraraltyaad ItarBl collage of Dantal Burgeon, of Onteoao, Bai gdmlal^irtwad for taatb extraction ggJjjy^^Jdanca. Toronto Btraat. FlaabertOB. D' CAM E ASTRAY Btrayad to mr premiiei, lot 14. con. 8. <^>epfey oae ibeep aadjlaixib. The owner can hare the aame by uroriog property and paylag expauMa â€" B. BINNWOTOH. MaxwaU. Leoal , BCAB. BAHET W4U'*CB-B*fri.»*«, L- Bollcltort,eU.-h Bj.OBa«,.K. ^-^^-J^' Kaaay, Tpropt p»lP ' *r»» â€" », «>, i-B"". •»• •"•/-mb;,^ •V K. ( • J. H, 0. WallBBB. COT*", rpto «*-'(» *>»da" bank Ewg,, pboCf a iflglUxkdalaLucM Hlock. phooa J A. ?•!. oWJi B'oBflliuk open .».ry Haturday. Public Notice The Dnderaigned U iBBviog Portlav on D«c. 1, and deaire* to uoxitj all partiea owing him to e»ll and aetUc before that date, otherariae aocnunta will be placed iti other h*Dda for eollection. â€" W, J. JACKSON. ITkT noticT ^m^mr etc. â€" owan bobbb- •â- !» •-.•-m-.â„¢â€" . K-FiaabartoD pmca, Bproalti Block artry BatojdBT ^ * ^.. i _i i a (i-i»>., /'^n.... 1 Being informed that one CluirlM w«.riu"^w':^^i»5°'i:ir^iaa^^^^^^^^ hi«, u drcdutiog « •oo«, . „ ,.,. „,^k .,„, , ^^^^ ^^^^ J ^^^ ^y readp-mado clothing from him I hereby atate tliat I poii- tirely hare not bought a ceofa worth from hiai and duo't inteud to. The ready-made clutbing I handle I buy from a clean, reapectable and up-to-dale firm in Toronto. Youra Truly, â€" H. ALEXANDER, Merchant Tailor. Pereraham, Ont. Societies a O O W maate OB »b. laat Monday A °,u.Zh mo.tb, IB tbelr '»«•• J""*" Norrie- blo«UFl..b.^n, at fP -„«,*,: ^..,'w. I-I^'^la'y ^itlB;fbratb r«..nri.aJ nUNCB ARTHUR LODGE, Mo. Mi. A.VM V^A M. meet, in tb. "..onleball. Arm- atronr . Hlock,Kl«h.rton ""T J''**' S" or b.?or. lb. toll moon . ( . H. MoMbaw. w. M.; Tboa. Claytoa, Bavraiary. vSa7;,S, Block tba lart W*lue.daT •r*»'o« of a^ibmonth. Vlaitiug /"••t*" »>~rtUy waleoma. H. B., Dyaon; B. B., '1. Hatry, Fin. 8.e , C. N. Blebardaon. J,^,. ._, riaaaa pay due. to Fin. Bmi. b/ *• »''• ""» day of tba moBtb. ,'""» , reOBKN FKIBHDB-Fleaharton CouBcll of V Cboaan Friend. maaU in Clayton • hall flr.t and tbird Wadnaedar of each niootb « p. m Pa* aaaaaamant* to toa Kacurd.r on or bafora fBaftratdayot .acb month. Chlaf CooDOlUor T. BlakalaT:ltMordar W. H. Bout^ T~ba rarmariOlnb maaU In the blgh .chool building on tba flrat Tburaday in each month at B o'clock p. » „*°''''« '"â- "•J,' apacially inritad. F. Cbard Praaidaut, C. W. Sallamy. Bac.Tiaa.. STRAYED Strayed from the premises of the un- deraigned, lot 21, con. 10, Osprey, two ewea and oue awe lanili with lonit tail. Ewes with pig ringa in eaia. Finder will be rewarded. GEO. THOMSON, Faveraham. RcrkBhIret aod Tamworthd I bare now tor iaia a faw rary cbolc. B.ik .blra piga, nearly ready to waani Hurry your srdar aadgat tbe baet. Alio good Tamwortb boa toor year, old tor .ale* _ _ OKO. W. RO BB. Maxwell P.O. Boar for Senrice Purr Brrd Taniworth , Boar lur artric* Terma, $1. Caak. N. Hisdle, MaiweU, Oot ^1 â-  - â€" â€" ~* Bull for Senrice Tburottfhbred Shuctborn bull, Bruadbuok'a IM, far aarriea on lot lo, von. 9, Oapray. fadWraa oa apulieatioD. Sarrice, $1.00 fur gradaa. thor->u«bbrada, $^ t* at time of Mryiea, Full prioa dbargrd (or oow* aot raiuntrd. reiuTB^i. ^j_ ^^ BURNS. BoUs For Sale Three young Hereford bull, foi mIk, aull. able (or wrvice. Yim will have to buny if Tou waat one o( three fine young aniiiudii 14Maria -T. it J. WATSON. Stock for Senrice Durham bull BBd B.rk.bire bog tor lerTioe on lot T, coa. 1, N. D. B., Artame.ia. Term. â€" •1.00 eaib caab. -L. McARTBUR, I'riceTllle. nJaly liBO. Boars for Senrice Tbr underaign.d baa a thoroufhbr.d York- Mn boai (or wirvic on lot lti7, Srd rang*, K. T. and 8. K.. Term., -91.00 Atao Horaford Bull fur aarrio*. J.J. Brawa. 1 Jt- BULL FOR SERVICE ThurvuifLbra J 8hortboro bull,"I)BDdT Jim" »17»4, for errvice «n l..t 176, T. & H. K., Ar- ua. TbU animal ia of a goad mllkiof Gas Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Pre- vented Sleepâ€" When Health Was Qona, Cure Followed Uie of "Ker- viline." ttnin. Padigra* on application. Tanca, â€" Uiad*. 91, rrgiatarad 93. JA». »TIN80N Proprietor. Our Clubbing List Th« following price* ar* for strictly paid in adraao**ub*cription*only. W* hay* no aoeoanU with other papers. Fleaherion Advance t ' OU Yo'jtha CompaiiioD 2 00 Toronto World, daily 9 05 Toronto Daily New* t 86 Weekly Olobe 85 Mail-Bmpire •••.•• 80 Family Herald ft Star 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun 75 Farmer* Adrueat* ,.,. 135 Weekly WitncM 80 BaturAij Ni«ht 8 06 Horn* JoonMl 80 PoaltrrjNew* tO Poaltry BarUv 46 iWd^«o4 0«o biasmIm 80 Tettiffloniai No. 4890 "Ify laat wlab will be." write* Harry P. f'ullard. a well-known boot and •hoe traveler o* Hartford, "that every- one with a bad atomach may learn as I did. before It'a too late, that Nerri- line la th« one remedy to cure. Why, I waa In ir.irhty bad abape, my dlaaa- tloii waa all wro ng, and every Bight I would waken witb a atart and find my heart jumpinc tike a threcblnv macfaln*. Thia wa* caused by gas on my atonuich pressing a«alnBt my heart. When I atarted to uae Nervlllne I col better mighty fast. It Is certainly a grand remedr for the traveling man, keepa your atomach in order, curea crampx. prevents lumba«o or rbeu- mallam. breaks up chest colds and sore throat â€" In fact there hasn't been an sche or pain Inside or outalde for the paat two years that I haven't cured with Nervlllne. Do you wonder I re- commend ItT" FYir general houaehold use Nervlllne has no equal; It will cure the aches and ailments of the entire familyâ€" refuae anything but Nervlllne, 60o per bottlo. trlai alae 85c. all dealera or The Catarrhoxone Co., KIncston, Ont NERViLiNE CURES ALL PAIN Artemesia Council AncBSMa Coaneil met in th* towa kail on Satorday, Nov. 4. Th* »••- ber* w*r* all pr**eDt eicspt Mr. Ca*- w*]|. The R«*te In (k* abaU. Min- uta* of laat mvatiDg were read and coa* firm*d. Tba following ooamnnieatioD* «*r* pieaentad and read : W- B. Rieb- ard*oD, aocooBt lor atalioncry, $3.90 ; Robert Ricliard*on, aocoaat for drain a* per anaDgtmeal, |15 ; Clerk of the Peace, certificate of filing report of atlec- tiona of juror* (or 1911 ; George Tryon, letter ackinx refund on businss* aaaeae- m*nt, 1911 ; the Reav*, raport of ln*p«c- lion of ditch near Proton Station. Bylaw* 745, to aathorite'th* Tr***or- er to pay certain school money* and d*- po*it debenture money ; and T47, to ap> point the following deputy reUiming officer* and poll clerks, vie, Div. 1 John Faddenaod Fred York, Div. 8 Wm. Sharp and Thomas Bulmer. Div. 9 T. M. Bannou and George Moore, Div. 4 D: Harrow and Geo, H. Cairna, Div. 6 D. G. McLean and A. G. McDonald. Div, 6 Geo. Warling and Ed. Bak*r,Div. 7 Geo. Meldrum and Wm. Walker, Div. 8 W. G. Jaoiieson and W. H. Bemphill. wrre introduced and passed through their first, second snd third readings. McKeniieâ€" A. D. McLeod-That all parties sre hereby forbidden to remove Krarel er other material from the valley road eicept by permission of ths Reeve. â€" Carried. D. McLeodâ€" McKeniieâ€" That the ac- count of W. £. Richardson, |S.90, for •tstioncry, be paid.â€" Carried. McKencieâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That tha township of Proton be paid $14.60, be- ing Artemesia's share of coat of digging ditch as awarded by Enginasr Trajnor under the.Ditches and Watercourses Act. -Carried. D. McLeodâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That the East Orey Arrirultural Society be granted the aum of $26, being the usual annual grant to aaid society â€" Carried. D. McLeod-A. D. McLeod-That Robert Graham be paid 90 cant* for 18 loada of marl used on road as certified by overseer. â€"Carried. McKenzieâ€" D. McLeodâ€" That W. T. Oenoe be paid $2 (or right of way over hia field to gravel pit. â€" Carried. D. McLeodâ€" McKencie â€" That the Reeve, Clark and Aweeaor be pAid $< each for service* as local selectors of jur- ors for 1911.â€" Carried. McKeaxieâ€" McLeod-That th* Reeve |>e paid $^ for iitspectiog work on towa line Artemesia and Proton. â€" Carrisd. A. D. McLeod-HcKenaieâ€" That it having l)e*n represented that oou. 10 at lot 25 ia re<)uired for public travel, the Clerk ia hereby required to notify Mrs. R. Oorlay, ar., to remove the fence she hts placed thereoo.â€" Carried. McKentieâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That the Reeve confer with Mr. R. Richardson re ditching on 140 sidsroad, eon. 1 N. E., and enter into an agreement in accord- ance with the Reeve's report thereon in 1910.â€" Carried. A. D. McLeodâ€" McKencieâ€" That D. McLeod in Mr. Caawell'a absence be sp- poioted to aee to repairing culvert* re- ported by Mr. George Soell as being out of repair, and have the same put in a safe condition. â€" Carried. D. McL«.idâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That the Reeve and Clerk be appointed to meet the Proton Council when notified to aettle smounia of expenditure on the town line between the said townships.â€" Cairiea. Council adjourned. extended and the proper methods of msBSgeoMBt uf tha forest should hs applied, aad pablic •daeation to th* valae of the forsal ia evMi moi* n*c**- ««>• L. Fiagban't sawaill at CoUiagwood »B* bnraad lo th* ground ; lo** $4000, partly inaarad. Charles Trsia of Ih* Csniral botal, Collingwood, was fined $900 and cost* for aeliing iDloxieatiag ILjuor. Burglars eniered the home of Dr. Per- kins, Grand Vallsv, and csrried off two diamond rings worth $800. "It is a pleaaura to tall yoa that Cham- berlaia'a Coogh Remedy ii th* beat onigh medicine I har* ever oacd," writaa Mrs. Hugh .Camphall of I«vonia, Ga " I hava need it with all my rhildrea and ths rasnlla hare been highly aaliafaclery." For aale by all dealers. We were a little snrpriaed tba othsr day to find $126 lying under a Ira* in ths middl* 3f s faia owned by a farmsr of thi(> section, and tba mora so to find thai it had Uin there for some months anmolested, but baginaiBg to look much the worse for the exposure. The meney was in the shspe of a binder that will h%ve to ha replsead by a uew one before many years aalea* osred for battsr thsD that.- Cbatsworth News. Thst the root crop in this vicinity this year was tha bsat In many a season was further evidenced on Thuisday last when Mr. Joseph Condy of Greenock brought into the Teletcope Uftiee Ike largest turnip that hss sver been on exhibition iu Walkerton. Thie turaip which is of the Oreyatone variety wcigha 24} pounda and ia 39 ipchra in olrcumfersnce. Mr. Condy states thst he had many turnips in thia year's crop which weighed from 16 10 'M lbs. snd this crop was the best hs had ever known. â€" Walkerton Tele- scope. SjFiAYMNAISL Tft* W«ar llw OaiiHliw I fcyFr The Havoc of Fire An interview with sn engineer given recently in a western paper to the effect that there is abundant timber on the line of the Hudaon Bay Railway is an illustration of the niisapprsheniiun in regard to this mstter thst exists in ths public mind. Because there are Urge areas of land in ths north on which thsre is timber of some kind, tba conclusion is reached that it is sll o( present value and that the country haa an uuliroited aupply. Aa a matter of fact a careful inspection of the timber along the line of the Hudson Bay Railway mads iu ths ysara 1910 snd 1011, by the Forestry Branch of the Department of th* Inl*rior *how* that there i* not *nough uatur* timber along the line of that railway tu build the road. Thsre ar* no prairie diairicUufanyaxUnt along th* rout*, tber* are tree* everywhere, but owing to repeated fire* tb« foreet i*, except on th* oiereat fraction of the ares, too snail for commercial purpoees and unless it can tie protected from fire uutil it reaches niatuiity, will never beany use to the country Exploration* in other parts of tha northern fore*t*d diatrict* tell th* •ame tale. Everywhere fire has worked havoc, and the forest is a mere wreck of what it might have been if fires could ba prevented. And unless adsquats measures are taken now to protect the young and immature forests which form the msjor (lart of the aland, the outlook for the future ia none too good. It th* noithern foreet* are to eontinu* to ba a p*rman*nt sourc* of wealth to tha oountry, it is absolutelj neceaaary that tba fira ranging syitam thoaldb* ritra all. aga rate ui« TtaatRr vttlMal eaaklBg la OBeb a wmf tkaS tba alz- tn* via aal eai€l» CiM pnpaettno tt tkm taffailaats aa« tka Matka« afl tatd^ tbMi tagatkar aay M nxUt^ ilaiUr to alwaya tta auBa^ foto w Ol fc> t maM • iTo itUff^lS rHk. oM Mwt mgM of •ilraaU, tfetaa twapoMifttli af TtiacHr, • MltgpooBfnl at aalt, « â- altipaaafol 9t ngu, a nght «nat al eayoiBa mat a iaral telt taMpoaafnl at pawd a rae BtutatdL Braak tka yalk with a foit. b*at tba aostaM. aalt. pepper aae angar tato It and wkaa a UBoath mlztnr* kaa baan fomed ba> gin adding tb* dO. drop by drop, aatU tba whole bagla* to look Ilka craaMsd butter. Th«B paor la tba ctl faatar nadl all ts a**d. Whlla tba afl to ba- iDf added tb* drtaaUf skoald ba baat> en constantly witb a fork. Last of all. poor la tba Tlnegar Tcry slowly, baa^ tag tba drasalng rapidly while dolnf 90, Bat It OB lea to atand aatll want* *d aad add it to tba aalad tba laat no- meat befora aervlBB. It 1* well to have averyttalnc â-¼â€¢T cold when making this draaalng, al- tbougb excalleot mayonasts* bas baM made without tha naa of lc« but tha oU must not ba ao cold that It haa ba- goa ts thicken. It to aometlmaa atatad that tba drop by drop method to on- aaeaasary, Init whlla anccasa auy ba obtained by pntUag tba togradtoato togatbar noia quickly It to alwaya rtoky to do ao. Tha drop by trap â- atkod t>ractlc*tly laaarea suecaia. it daalred Ita* toin max ba aabatttatad for tba Tlaagar.â€" Exehaaga. FRENCH ..iCEMEN. Thay Caul Ba "Fhcad.* and Th«y Aia Ahwaya Palltsb na towa af Fraaea ratatfra ta tha aat of door Uf* of tha BMaaaa ara Biada la tba totareat of tha paopto^ rnrtbonnor^ tbay ara aafbtcad. Tbara to BO dilac thiaga with a French po- UeanaB. If your Mcycto ka* aaMaaly baaa twlatad tota )«ak by a carataaa drtTsr tha baited aa« bna* feattoMd gaatlaaaa who antvaa oa tha aeaaa qoaattoaa yon with iBtolligaaea aad Iota dawn ta bia aataboak tka fketo H tha accarraaea â- â€¢ aaar aa he can aa c at tato tha*. Vhreng hoot the Utarrlaw ba to pollta, alert aad palaaUkta* ia gatttag at tha asact truth, aad. whath- •r yoa ar tha aCaadlag driver ar bath •eeaapaay hta to tba peltoa statiaa, ba eoadoeta yon with a qotot Ogalty aad aa air at fnlMlltag bto taty. It Aoaa not auka tha allgbttat dUhoiMa ta Fraaoa wha yaa ara er wbatbar ar •ot yoB hava mntaal frtaad* or aoaa lyaa bto "ward" or aia a ratotlTa at OongrMaBMB Boaai-aok If yoa ara at fkalt yoa aaat pay tba daaagaa. It tba atkar fcitow to ta Mama yaa win ba tuharad tlraa tba pn aa a ca tt tha la poliea with aa moch loatol poUtanaaa a* wooM ba •haw* at a ilplonatlo tatarriaw. It It to boUag bot or fraeatag eoM and yoo ara to aaed ut taforautloa, go to tbo Baar**t poUeaaaa, addxoat blm aa "noiutooi" aad latoa ronv'bai Ha win llnmadUtaly ratun yoo a biIV Itary aahitai, ttotaa attaattrely aad glva yoo. aa carafnlly aa poaatbto^ tha aaiy aaiaiy lafOnnllaa. oalattog yon agata M F«o rataa yaw bat to toava hlm^F. tirilK fTaiUMW Oai tl In 8v*d*n, wbico ba* Isrg* *xt*oU of north*m for**t, praetieally UDinbakitad, similsr lo thoso in northera Canada, hi about eliminatod the fire danger in auch diatricia mainly by educating her people to tk* valu* of tb* fortsu. Ulsnelg polities ars begioniBg to take shape. Keav* Haat, after some credit- able years to office is retiring and Dep r**v* Wsir we undsrstaod aiU be eandidale for the poeiiioo and trill likely have oppoaanta. The vetaran, John MeMiUan, witb bia vonderful raeord of about a third of a century in office, is agaiB in the field for the council, and will likely get ther* again. Not much talked of Ib the other toaoehip* as y*t. â€" R*vi*w. Boll k 8*0* of Brampton Jersey stock farm havs received word that some six- teen or eeventeen Jereeys, shipped by them to th* Alberta government farm last month, were caught in a rear end culliaion near Molson, Man., and all were killed or burned. Worae still, ths msn in charge, Mr. J. Chisholm, a Novs Seotian, who bad basn working with the Messrs. Bull all season, cannot be found. A doctor is said to have exaaained the re- oiains in the ash pile and to have de dared no human bones were to b* found, but the Mewrs. Boll are certain their man has perished for he wss not the kind to run away from a disaster like thi#. There are no particulars of how the wreck occurred, excepting that it is said to have been a rrarend oolliaion followed by fire, in which many ears were burned. The Jerseye destroyed were the pick of the Brampton herd and many of them were price winners. They wereaeldcied by Bon. Duncan Marshsll, Minister of Agrienllure for Alberta. The bay'i sppetite is often Ike seoree of amazemeot. If yoa have auch aa app*li«a Uka Chamberlain'a Tablet*. They not oatr create a healthy appctita, but •trcngthao ths atOBxach and enable it to do it* work nstu- - rally. For aala by all dealers. Rears Slsck of Mono wss fatally in- jured while creaetag the C. P. R. at Mono Itoad by being run orei . U* died io a Toronto hoapital. SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT aTHARTICS Ae Wtfniog of Mr. Ctoo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by AIL Become Independei.t ; Attend ilOTT. Few men on the road ar* batter known than genial Oeorge Fox. whoea Mend* throughout the Wcet are legion In the following letter be expressea gratitude for sianal services rendered by Dr. Hamtlton'a Pills. He goes on to say: "UntU I used Dr. Hsmitton's Pills aad experienced tbelr wonderful mildness and curative power. I eatl- mated the value of every pill by ita acUvity. Talking about this to a well- known phyalclan I met on the train the other day. he explained there ara different klnda of drugs that act upon the bowels, the most actlvo being known as drastic- Except in extreme caees where the life of the patient depends upon speedy evacuation of the l>owels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catsrrh of th* bowels and inflammation; their dose must be Increased, causing even mora iMirm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr Hamilton's Pills are curative and not Irritating, why they are mild, yet most sesrching. *Trom my exp^Tlence I recommend everyone that takes ptlls to give up- tbe old-faahioned hsrsh, purging pilU and, instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation, bsd stomach, and keep tho system in perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; sold for 25c.. all dealer*, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. ONT. TORONTO, Students of this year ara in positions worth from $50 to $100 a month. Write for Catalogue. Enter now. Superior Inslructinn in all Dapartmenta. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. Ka & Ka TAKE ALL RISKS NO NAMES OK PHOTOS USED WtTHOtrr WMTTCN OOMSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY neutaad* of yoaag aad mlddleagad msa are through Emtw lailiniHiai, Ea r aad Blosd ma naiall â- * kalara II ia tea lata. todalooaiy kldnarairrttabto, >Ma aad mlddleagad msa are amiually swspt to a trsmatore grave ' ~' ' ~< n Mia, If you bare aay of the fol- â-²ra yoa Barvoos aod weak, deapoa- deat aad ilooiny, apaoka bafora the ayaa, with dark eirclea under tbeia, weak back, ^ â€" •i.palpJt Faoa, eje* aunkaa, boUow cbaeks, earawora axprcaaloa, poor roemorr, tfaL lack aaargy aad atrength, tirad momioin, reatleas nlghta, chaogeaDla ... tatloa of the heart, bashful, draama aod loaaea, aadlmeBt In urine. OB th* faoa, ejes aunkaa, hollow cbaeks, earawora axprcaaloa, poor memo iowtng aymptoais •- - - idr" lir riraliaa,'distnutfBi. lack moods, wsak auahood, prematurs deoay, bona paiss, oalr loose, sors throat, eta YOU WILL BE A WRECK Oar Now Malhed TrsatBawt esa core you sad make a man of yoo. TTader Its tnfln- saee the brain baooosa aetlTa, the Idood purlfled, ao that all pimplas, blotcbca aad ulcers diaappaar, tba Bervas bacons strong ss ataal, ao that Berroaanaas, baabtulBasa and de*> poadancr vaaiah, tha are lieeomas bright, tha face full aod clear, energy raturna to the body aod the moral, paysical aad aasual lyatama are lDTi(orated: all orsins eaaaeâ€" bo Bwra vital waste from the ayatem. Doo't let quacks aad fakirs rob you of your hard saraad doUara. We wil aara ywi er as aay. EVERYTHING nUVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL REAOCRi No matter who has traaled yoo, write for SB boBestoplBloa Pkee af Cksraa. Baoka FrM-'Tba CaUaa MMrilar~ (Illuatrated) aa Sactst Diaaaaaa a« Maw. QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cer. Michi|aaAvcandGriswoldSi. Detroit. Mich. All letter* from Canada must be addre**ed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windeor, Ont. If you de*irc to act tt* personally call at our Medical Institnte in Detroit a* we aee snd treat •• psWst* in our Windsor offices which are ior Correspondence and Laboratory for C»nadisn bosincsa only. Addresa all letters a* foltom: MS. KENNIOY dk UNNIDT, WiaAMT, OM. ^Wito nv Mv prtrsM â- onwiB _____^_^ _^ â-  ac«tt*per*ot â-  •• p*W*«N â-  Laboratory 1 ^Witt»ft*earp NOTICE With Every Bag "V of Flour There Goes A Guarantee Tbat laataate* a«aa* that I bcHevs Cream of tk* West to be th* best bread floor oa th* aaarkct. If your bread doe*a't b«at aay yea ever baked before, if it fail* to ri** or doe*a't |iT* *xtra *ati*laction in every way, your |roc*r will pay yea back yoar aioaey oit retura of Ike uaused portioa oi tk* bag. Crcam .^ Wcst Flour th» hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread It people will fairly aad boaettty try Cream of th* We*t th*y will hav* aucccss with it. That's why «* |uaraatca It W* ara sure of it. The Campbell Milling Compuiy, Limited, Twronto ARCHUALO CAMPRELL. Ptiiliial IM Sold by W. Buskb, FlMherton & Jus. ratti$oii, C«ylq|l»

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