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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1911, p. 7

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o 1 Ij f Y% GUARJ^HTEED 7% And a Share in the ProfHs As & rule our clients get the benefit of all the "certaiiAtieB" we control. To-day we are making use of "An Absolute Certainty" for the purpose of extending our clientele. Here's the proposition in a nut ehell â€" â€"a JX proflt-tharln;! praferanca stock on which dWIdands ara paid twice a yaar-a stock Issued by a ooneern with a record of tS years' suooesslul and progresilve business axpsrianoe-a ooncarn at present eantrolling llatural Resources which are bound ta double the value of Its securities before long. , >-.^,iv:ti W« Ruaraptee 7% on \hi« investment. We arc practically certain that this »tock will pay higher profits. It's the best iBd'astrial ' atoek,. at par, on the market. Furthermore, we guarantee to buy It back at par, plus 7 % Irom daU of Investment, i: desired. Write at once ts, In one year NATIONAL" SECURITIES Confederation Life Bldg., TSJRON TO CORPORATION, LmiTED 3S3 loard of Trade BIdg., MONTREAL In the New Home You want the beet when starting in the new home. Above al!, you want that home to be snug and warm and comfortable. You are sure bf warmth and comfort with a Pedectioo Smokeless Oil Heater, The Perfection is the best and most reliable heater inade. It is a sort of portable fireplace. It is ready night and day. Just strike a match and light the wick. The Perf ction is all aglow in a minute. TTie Perfection 0<! Heater does not nneH nor smoke â€" a patent automatic device prevents that It can be carried easily from room to room and-4« eqoaJly suiiaible for afiy rooHl iftthei house: • Hindsonrtljr finished, with nickel trimmings; drum* of cither turquoise-blue enamel or plaio stetj. PEjRFEcnON Ailt rour tlf«Isr lo ilww ro6 • Ptrfre&n SrDokcKatOil Hc«tcr. or writ*- loc (iooiptiv* Ciicuor dure: tu toy Afwcy ol ne Qaae« Citj Oa Coapaa;, LMtcj /f- %. CLOSE QUARTERS; OR, THE HOUSE IN THE RUE BARBETTE '=^ paring for him. It is a bad busi neaB. You are too soon lor thr banquet. The result is that youi poor little finger may get burnt, at the pie is &till being cooked." The man smiled maliciously al his feeble witticism, and Brett in- stantly took hia measure an a mem- bur of the gang of flaah thieve; which infest Paris. He knew tliai such a ruffian was both pitiless and cowardly. Whatever the outcome of the situation which faced him, he would not stoop to conciliatory me- thods with this despicable rascal. "I suppose," he said, "that th<' only part of the affair which con cerns you is the robbery." "Well, and what if it ial" "I can only say that your politi cal friends will be well advised U keep a close eye on you,, for yov would rob them just as soon as thr persona against whom they have employed you." The little thief laughed cynically "You are right, mon vieux, I woiilii be delighted to have the chance. But this time it is impossible. The stones are too big. Thev are worth â€" jx)uf ! â€" millions of francs, so I must be content t-o receive my pay, whioh is good." "Have you intrusted the Saltan's diamonds to the care of a scamp like this?" said Brett, addressinu himself to Hussein, and inwardly resolving that unless the conversa- tion by chance took a turn favorable to himself, he would forthwith open fire on the gang and endeavor to escape. "Yes," cried the conspirator with a 6a\-age laugh. "You have never seen tbem, Mr. Brett? Here they are. To many men the sight would be a pleasant one. To you it should be terrible, for the arrival of these diamonds at this moment means that you must die." So saying, he produced from an inner pocket of lus frock-coat a large, plain morocco case. The pres- sure of a spring cauaed the lid to fly back, revealing to the eyes of those in the room a collection of diamonds marvelous by reason of the size and m&guificeucu of each stone. In the center reposed the Imperi- al diamond itself. For an instant Brett reflected that whilst the other men were fascinated by the spec- tacle he would have a good oppor- tunity to shoot some of them with- out mercy and make a dash for lib- erty. But at the same moment there came to him an odd thought. His friend the jeweller of the Rue d© la Faix had not given him a lesson in vain during the previous afternoon. The barrister suapected â€" in fact, he was. almost sure â€" that the gems DOW flaunting their half-revealed glories in the light of the day â€" for not one of them had undergone the final process peculiar to the dia- mond cutters trade â€" wore not the stones stolen from Albert but well-fabricated substi- CHAPTER Vlll.-(Cont'd) Even the self-posscaeed Turk k>uld not conceal hit amazement at kie manner in which his strange vis- %i()r conducted himself to write or that sort of thing?" "No," said Brett. "I do not think eo ; it seems to me tha4i you have I thoroughly misunderstood the pur- pose of this meeting. I came here real Gat« tutes. (To be continued.) ♦ ., RED. It's the Red Blood CorpuHcIcti that Proper Food Makes. An Ohio woman says Grape-Nuts food gave her good red biood and restored the roses of yout^ to a complexion that had been muddy and blotchy. She says: "For 10 years I had stomach One Hundred Dollars in Gold given away I^'or eoiapletin^ ' the known name of a person promment iti Canada ^yhose name consista of 9 letters, she first of which is â- C" and the last 'T as C .-..T The above amount will be divided into prizes aa follows : â€" First Prize $25.00 in Gold Second Prize 15.00 " " Third Prize 10.00 " " Fourth Prize 6.00 " - '? and the next twelve will each receive $2.50 in gold. 18 The person sending in the oorrct name will receive the first prize, and others sending in correct answers will receive the other prizee in the order in which their an- Bwerg are received, also to the party send- ing in the oorreot answer next to lAst oua received wo will give $5.00, and to the buil $10.00. NiUGAMA ITEAI CONTEST COMMENCES NOV. T3TH, ini. AND ENDS DEC. 3Hh, 1911, BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. LETTERS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE EITHER BEFORE 1STH NOV., 1911, OR AFTER UTH DEC, Itll, WILL NOT BE COUNTED. CONDITIONS GOVERNINO CONTEST: Tou hava ona (.nawar with each O.NE POUND P.^CKAOE or TTfO HALF POFJID PACKAGKS OT iiuh^dXr \ TEA or COJ'FKE you buy. AH you have to do ia U> Btriim labrl oT the Toa Lead or trca the OsJTee •.inii, iwnd li tmo end piccot ol the Tea LabniB, or the portion of the Coflce habdu with piutur* 'il chllrtrf u n.i It, lUetia nrlth t •t-r answer, eiriDK name and uddreis in full, and send to "MELACAMA," Otpt. "B," 45 Front St. E., Tsrsnie, Oat. i.ui â- were unUmit«d. try early and ofteni. NO EMPLOYEES OR IMMEDIATE RELATIVES WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER CONTEST. Anawnra will be numbered in cnneecutWe order as Ihejr are reoelve'l, and at the expiration of the coBtoBt. the pr'.od will be awarded by a eommittee of dislnt«reKt«d persons, and the list of prito winners will b« (iTen in thin t>t>V"r MELACAMA TEA and COFFEE PACKED ANO BLENDED BY THE OIiD ESTABLIflflED PIBM OV MINTO BROS. TORONTO. KAiuJi- 'naainii WJwaii.aj H i On the Farm FEEDING THE CALF The subject of calf feeding never grows old. Possibly more interest is taken to-day in formulating the right ration for a calf than ever before. We have learned, says Hoard's Dairyman, that through certain combinations of feed, large, strong, vigorous calves may be grown and when the right practices are followed there is vei-y little danger of losing a calf. Professor T. L. Haecker of the Minnesota Ex- periment Station has spent many years in studying the calf-diet and ho answers the following inquiry in Farm, Stock and Home : "Would like a good ration for feeding young calves that must drink separated milk? Have clover hay, clover and timothy mixed, shorts, bran and oil meal." To build body a liberal supp'v of protein is required and all the f ';ds mentioned are good for young ^tock and for milk production. For calves clover hay and grain mi.xture may be • i former and a ton of the latter havf ! been a<Jdcd to our .storo of feotl. .A i teaspoonful of blood meal iu a small mess uf milk gives satisfactory re- sults, notwithstanding the fact that j it costs $l>'5 per ton. They alf>u i have access to a mixture of salt and bone meal, equal parts. If they grow rapidly, they need the bone for building bone. Having access to this mixture, tUcy never got in the habit of gnawing boaixls and bark. Persons roaring coits also should bear this in mind. In dister sitting in ttio big ariu-.-hair looking very discont.olato "O Dick," said tiio little girl, vshoso name was r<!ally Gertrude, but who w.ia called "Trudie ' for short, and 'Tiddlo Toddle Toddle kins" wh^ Dick w.iultid to toai^e a little, "I'm so worried about I'ug- t?ins and Poppett, the littlo kittens Mrs. iSpcncer g.ivo mo. Their mo- ther died, and the ytoor littlo things are too young to drink milk them- selves. We must fiml Home way to feed them, but I've tried all :mrts fact, all animals in gestation sh..iildi;^j thing.s. and I cant teach thorn to have access to it . That is a point wo have not vet I ^° ,*""*'®'", H. °^*^^° ''â- Â«â„¢ >â- "" parti- ^ecided," ho said. "We ire <^"'*'^ *'^»<^'» w»" 'oad to the release jtrangely unwilling to take the^ife |^ Mr.JaW and^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ The doctors gave | u." parU of corn meal as it is eas- I did not come here to be killed, Hus- 1 ','• * '*^°*J ^ J° I"*â„¢*' â- . t^^if ,«>«- i ily digested and adds the carbohy- THE PHOFIT IN A COLi". In spite of the electric car, the] automobile and other motive pow- j er, horses have increased in prioe ^ commeusurato with other farm imi- ! malfi. Every farmer should have a j number of j-ouug horses ({rowing and coming on for homo use and for sale. A colt can lie grown as easily and cheaply as a calf, and at the same time the maro which mothers it will drink. They are goUing bo thin I don't know what lo do." Dick thought a minute, *nd liicii iio said, "Como on, Triidic ; 1 know the very thing." Ho r.-vn ui> stairs to his room, and pi'<it.ty tM.K)ii eamn bRck with something in bis bund. "Now," he xaid, "ooino out y.hero the kittens are, and let's see if I can get them to drink." First they went to tho kitchen and heated a oup of milk, not really hoi. but Jmt nice and warm. Then Dick aud Trudio wont .lut to the shed, where tho two littlo niothorl'.vs;^ kit- tens were in their Ikix. Uoally, Ihoy trouble which prWuced a breaking; m^a]. It would also be well to add make a half team for general farm work. The writer has a team of i were very thin, for, .is Trudic said, young mares of nearly the same size tliey had eat«.»n nothing for two and ago. During this lost season ! days. Dick toojfc'jim of the .iltle one li them lia.s rai»e<l a colt now ' kittens up. •â- """(TA"^" Tnidie .saw composed of two parts each of bran , worth tt least ST5, while the other | that what ho liOT W h.s hand waf .v and shorts and one part of oil mare ••â-  rking by her side has r.iise-d . nice, new, clean fouiit.'iin-i)en 'iUer jf such a brave man as yourself. If | )ve were assured of your silence, wo ; aein-ul-Mulk. would even be disposed to permit 1 »':"-"'^"'*- J- an^^n rou to escape this time, with a ^ • , ' " ^^" *?"*?" iolemn lamina not to cross our bead you wiH-only lo dicines failed to cure it. Along solemn 'Naming iiath again. But we feel that cle- pency is out of the question. There fB one hope â€" a slight one, it is true -which may permit us to gag you â- |ind tie you be.cur€ly in this room, where you will be left in peace for .at least forty-eight hours, after â-  which time a telegram can bo dis- 'pat<!hed to any address you choose â-  loâ- Â«^pp^3^U8 with. B\ifr really, ow- â-  log to unforeseen circumstances, • this chance of a reprieve is remote. , It wholly depcndn upon the arrival, or othei<<fise, -»t> this house, ot » â-  gentleman whom we expect at , 11.15." Brett leaned forward in his chair â- .nd took out his watch. The other misunder.stood his movement, and^ each of the other three promptly produced a revolver. Brett laughed quit^ herfrtily. â-  "Really, gentlemen," he ciicxl, "your nervousness is hidierous." He saw that he yet had five miii- nte.s' grace before his si-lf-coiiirtitut- ed jirHges w«u3d pj'oce.ed to e."ieciile Uieir .sentence. .\s for the Turk", they were manifestly .lahaiiicd <%>S having betr;iye<l such trepidation, mid thoy replaced the weapons so readily stag'^d. "That is .-v point in m,v favor," khought Brett. "Next time, if I do wish to re.ach my revolver, I may io able t' get the draw ou them Jrst." "During tho iotcrval " said Hus- »eln-ul Mti^k guavoly, "ia thnre !»ny- Ihing you wish to doâ€" ^ujy letters I am^not ffomg to be | ^-^^ ^^-^ j ^^^ frequent headaches, . ajf ot my nervousness and usually pain in my leave this, house for a prison, and subsequently for the gallows. .\nd so, yoti see, you stomach after meals "I got disgusted with the drugs. arc talking -childishly wien you -^PPed . th^"' !^n<l «off«« "« ^i^ort, WAn<rI« f.hpL f.),rA„i.. .«w:s.,..),ii„ la"*! quit eatmg dangle these threats and"prelimin- aries to immediate exectition before . j. vi i my eyes. It is not you. but I, who 1 f--,,7. ±1'^!^^. '. fruit and Grape-Nuts, with Postum drates needed. No matter how j carefully the toed is balanced the calves will not thrive satisfactoril.i unless the milk is fed with great regularity as to quantity and tcm- I perature. They should also bo fed everything but , out of clean pails. They should bo ! is true in growing ' â-  th none. The mure with the colt has or modicine-dropper. Ho filled the done exactly the same work as the I dropper with tho w.vrm milk and n'.ne which has no colt and now at 'put ona end in kitty's mouth. He tlio close of the early summer's ' then pressed the rubber oud •>! the work she is in as good condition j dropper, an<l kitty tast^xl the. w.irm .IS her mate, with both on tho same milk in her mouth. How Ah", did f,-ed and care. | claw and struggle to got more .\ colt, of course, is some bother i milk ! . aud consumes fkirae feed. Tho samel Trudie lield her in her arms .ind will dictate the tonus on which wc part. It may perhaps interest you to explain this new phase of the situatioa toj-tittr ie)j,g^.-(^^tniry- men, and the matter will also serve to dissipate the few minutes yet that have to elapse before 11.15." Hueacitt:U>^JVLiilk jn^i^da mo- direct reply to this remarkable speech. That it impressed him was quite evi- dent from his manner. Forthwith an animated but subdue^d conversa- tion took place between tho trium- virate. While it was in progress a pecu- liar- knock was he.ird on tho outside door of tho apartment. "All! ho come," said Hussein-ul- French. He left tho room in ordtr to -meet the now arrival. He- rotlimed- witliotfk d«rtaf , bring- any domestic Dick fed her milk until she wa:i saL- fed in small stanchions when the animals. But with a littlo pati- j itfiod. Then Trudio put hor b.ick milk is given. This should bo fol- ! p,ieo in the handling of the mare I ;„ the box, and tho jthor kitton was lowed by a littlo grain feed so they j .and foal, a marc doing genera! j _ will not get in the habit of sucking ' farm work, sliould raise two coH-» | f<^ '» t-be t,am<! way. Trudie foil each other's oars, Thoy should bo i every three years' and do abotit as j them milk in this way for wiveral fed hay out of a rack so they will ! well" as with none. The otilt^will not got it under their feet. If | reprceent at least 100 per cent, pro- The headaches, stomach trouble and nervous weakness disappeared almost like magic, which showed that when the cause was removed and good food and drink used na- ture was ready to help, j calves are given only as much as | fit," on the mouov and labor invest "My blood was purified and my they will eat up clean they will j ed in it. comple.xion became like a young Jloarn not to muss over and wasto girl's, while my weight w.iB increas- ! tljeir feed. With properly cured I days, until they learned milk out of a sauc.-^r. to drink ed from 90 to 120 pounds in a few monthsâ€" good, solid, firm flceh, where it used to bo soft and flabby. "I recommended Grape-Nuts and Postum to one of my friends, who was afflicted as I haxf been. She | ^jj^;; ^ "f^^j^^^f^ followed my advice, and in a short ^, jj^^.n fed time was restored to complete j i.^ving its own manger and the health, and in about 8 months her i ^ ;„ .,„j gji^gg weighed out weight increased from 100 to 148 ^ ^^j, ^.„,f Everything is e.atcn pounds. , , „ land the manger licked clean. They "Our doctor, observing the effect ^ftvo tho i)ropcr habit. In another of Grape-Nuts and Postum in our^i^^^n another lot of young things feed in right quantity every thing will be cleaned up in a short time. Rcoeiitly the writer inspected the mangers of 38 calves born the lust week in May aud in only ono wa.s They have al- ways ooen lea in st.ancliion, each PUGGINS AND POPFETT. "Well, well, what's the matter, Tiddlc ToJdlo Toddlekins I" said big brother Dick, as he saw his small Tho kittens are sleek, grown up cats now, and wol! able to take oar*' of thMiiselves. They li.ive forgotten all about huw they uwd to t;ik« milk ^.nit of a uie<lioiM<>-dropp<ir. but Trudio has not f.iri^oMoii, and sha thinks Dick is tiie nieest brother in tlie world. 1 rather think that Vufi gins and Poppett think flo, too. ing with him a man very different , cases, declared, tho other day, thatjij^yg always b<>en fed in an open ho would hereafter prescribe thoBo' anger. One of these calves will food products for gastritis. NameL^a,,^ ^ore feed than the 37 fed in given by Postum Co., Battle Creok, ] ^j^nchions will waste in a week. | The writer has for thirty years made a special study of calf rearing and has made it a practice to daily , (Mrsoually inspect them and note their behaviour. Regularity in all i things, clean mangers, clean quar- ! tei-a, uniformity in (juantity of feed, I arc the fundamentals in sucuctsfui from those whom Brett had encoun tered thus f;vr in connection with the crime. This was a dapper little t'reuohnian. wizened, yellow- skinnwl, black-haired, and dressed almost in the extreme of fashion. He at once addressed himself to the barrister. "They tell mo, ray friend," he «aid, "that you have thrust your finger into the pic which the friends of his Majesty the Sultan are nre- A MAKTYK TO HfeuA.O ACKi:S 7 IJjfDRuicolmDMNBwgERS 2So. a Box ai your druggist's, will make Ufa oomfortabte (or you again. They relieve the worst hesdachtl In 30 minutaa er !• llaliiiBal Drug ind Ckaailaal Company of C eaa il a. kbnitsd, • • 31 MMtroal. Mich. Read tho little l>ook, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "Thare s a reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and lull el human Iniereti, Young Wife â€" Arthur, dearest, how do they arrange those pickles , animal rearing, in tho bottle so nicely ? Young Hus- ; goon we will have some 50 new- baudâ€" They pile ihc picklen up, i born calves to rear. We have choice ; Petsy, and then blow tho bottle j upland prairie hay. corn, oats,; around them. 'bran and oil meal. Wo will also; â-  1 have a limited supply o" skimmilk. Paste this In your bonnet, girls: j These feeds may seetu ample, but You can never tell what sort of hus- ; exiierieuce has shown that it is best band a man will make by tho bran I: jo Lave on hand blood meal and of love letters he whites, hom meat. So half a tun ot the, 57 YEARS EXPERIENCE EXTRA oranuuate:d sugar IS ABSQUUTELY PURE. The first and great essential of a fooil product, Is Purity ; tlie Purity and Quolity of our Extra Granulated Lave never been questioned. Onco muke a comparison with other .Sugars and you will aci "Atislied with any but Uciliinth. L 'ta, T,"ibles are always served with Paa,_., LUMPB to be in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the jwund. Tho Canada Sugar Rerming Co.. MONTRKAL. CANADA. Umlleu Gdabllfiicd^ln 18,^4 hjr Jjjin Rcripath "^j*i*' >.•**,*.;-•%

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