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Flesherton Advance, 23 Nov 1911, p. 4

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VovemBBR 23 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCB JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Wagons AND Buggies Which will be sold »t prices that can Not Be Bdat conHideriag Ftyle and ({uality, abo a full liuo of tilURC, Harvesting machines and Wind Mills, Feiica Wire, Stable Outtitv Hay Korku, Ropes and carriers. Now is the the time to get ready. A call silicited. Sati.sfaction gun ran teed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Stock for Sale A few choice Oxford Down Ram Lambs for sale. Bred from Import- ed Sires. Prices reasonable. Four good cows for sale, do freshen December and January. to Lot 170 S N 1 Janr 11 KICH.\IID ALLEN, E, T. & S K KlejbertOD P.O. SEASONABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE The largest and l)e8t Ktock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, oiue and see sumo of nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed IUkjoi Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton 1H[ MIRinS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat -8.') to 8^ OaU 43 to 43 Peas 90 to 90 Barley 60 to tiO Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 23 to 23 KagB, fresh 26 '.( 25 Potatoeg per bag iSo co <>'> Gee«e 12 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens 10 to 12 Turkeys IC to 17 Wool 20 to 22 FARM FOR SALE Liit No. IWi-lH?. ill the Hi'cimil raiiKe euHt, Toront.! «ni Sydiuliam Koiul, ArteineHiii, cuutaining 24') acrea of tirxt ilasii land ; (?"'"' lmildliiK'<. plenty of water, ni-ar cliiirch and Hchixil ; tliret- niileii from J'rutoii Station ; 31 acres giK>d hardwiMMJ htish, halunce deare'l and in good Htate of cultivation. For par ticulars apply to. W. .f. .I.VOKSON, 15oct I'ort Ijaw CR 6fl YEARS' XPERICNCC GENERAL GROCERIES We have u full .stock of general groceries on hand. Sugars for preserving, icings and table use. Canned goods of all kinds, tobaccos, teas and candies. FLOUR I FLOUR I FLOUR ! We bundle Mil in:niuif.e ({usntity of tidur and krep on hand Ogilvie's Royal Uoutehold, FnrdK und Dundalk Flours in the several grades, also bran andt-horlH. Uoldhawk's bread bandied. Choiceat honiemade Ice Cream ready for serving. iind cooling Suuinior Diinks i) W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton THE- /le£il)erton !^Dt)ance ' .\n inilei)endent newspaper, published every Thursday at the office, CoUingwood Street, Floaberton. SulMCriptiun price $l|)er annum, when paid iu advance; SI. 50 when not bo paid. .\dvertiiiini; raten on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. H. Thurston - Editor He who has lost his sight best knows its value, Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might havt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. TRU fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPUE8. NOT MEN rhis May Interest You We want a reliable umn to sell our well- known a[)ecialties in fruit trees, Rniall fruits. Heed poiatoes, Howering shrubs, ruses etc., in Grey county during fall and winter months. Outht free, ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well grown trees and shrubs that will satisfy your customers. Early and good delivery guaranteed. Established over 3a years. Write for whole or part lime terms. Sales Manager, PELHAM NURSERY CO., 15 De\ 11 Toronto. Boar for Service I'urobreil Yorksliire ervicu ou lot 115, CCD. • 1.00. Boar 2 years oM, for e. Artemesia 'forms -ALEX. L AMEKON. THE TEUTON NIGHTMARE Thta continual talk about the nar-like intentions of Oerniany, and the hair- breadth escapes that we have recently had from feeling the mailed list of Kai.ser Wilhelra, will goon get on oui nerves if it is not stopped. Why is it that it is always Germany that is waiting with ghoulish eyes to snap the head off Eng- land and drink her blood ? Well, per- haps the wor'd knows that Germany is I the moat worthy opponent and lest pre- I pared nation to measure swords with the British lion. , Yet it cannot be claimed in jastica that Germany is a bloudtbirsty nation, as she has not indulged in any great war since that waged with France in 1870-71. Ill that war Germany did not lose a single battle until the surrender of Paris and she received a war indemnity of £200,000,000, also aoiuiring Alsace and a big slice of Lorraine. With such spoils and the blood lust now upon her, Germany would never have settled down to peaceful, prosaic occupations for these forty years past had she l>een the grasp- ing and ambitious ogre that she is some- times depicted. Ou the whole, we will try to sleep eomfcrtably, notwithstanding the hair- raisiog yarns of Germany's hatred for Britain and the narrow escapes we have had from a disastrous war witb the Teuton. CoDsiderable fun is being poked at Dr. Spronle over the fact that lie has been obliged to learn the opening prayer of the Commons and repeat it in French. There are some who believe it to be a great innovation for the good Dr. to learn a prayer of any kind, but we have no sympathy witb the cynical smners who give voices to any such belief. O i) Wo notice that some of the sur- rounding villages are moving in the matter of organizing farmers' clubs. For a year past a club has been in operation here and the meetings have been instructive and of an educational character. More farmers should identify themselves with this club and share in the benefits. Mr. C. Bellamy in the Secretary. The Dominion Parliament under the new regime was opened at Ottawa on Wednesday of last week. The function was the most brilliant in the annals of Canadian parliament open- ings, this being the first time that royalty has graced the dais, making the occasion one of historical interest, Hon. I.B. Lucas, minister without portfolio, IS making an enquiry into the qnestion of Qovernment- owned telephones. He will make the pro- position look like a mighty sweet one if any person can â€" but even tele- phones are not all flowers and poetry. â€" Kenora Mining Record. Colts Came Astray A WET ARGUMENT Anti-local option newspapers are point- ing out that a repjrt issued by the Inland Revenue Department Announces a con- OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO Tradc Marks OcaiONS CO^VRIQHTS Ac. (kiiTOna sending aakeffh and (1.'»crin(lnn mar onlcklr aacertaln mir oiJnlnn frm wholhor an lloiualrlotlrooondtntlal. HANDBOOK on ••nt Uâ€" ifl-lMl •#•'"" '"LT*.""'''i'*,>'." ~Pat«nU takan throuah Hulin a. i tfKUi iwXK.., wlihQut charge, m tba riiniulilc* I'ateota _ , uuieiita. Munii A Cu. r«o«lT* Scientific JItmricati. i baodaoiiMlT Uloauaud wnaklT-, Isr**"* ""â-  yrlrir jL* i jmi. puau** yni/HH. Sow lO aU i M wa rt aali t * u â-  "SHllS'iivr:::!'?!!.'* Came to my premises, lot 4, con. 4, Artemesia, about Nov. »J, two colts. The owner is re<iue8ted to prove property, pay expenses and take the Hania away. .. ... _WM. FLETCHER, Ceylon P.O. ' »'"«"'jl" 'norea« per capita of intoxict- ing litjuors cunsumod during the past year. As the business of th e'Mrade'' is Hard work and poor pay for the man to sell a« much as possible, and as local without the business training. Write' "P"""'*'" ^^''"° '^e spread of local ^ 1 , option until it embraces all of Canada, J both forces should work together quite harmoniously. Judging by the argu- ments used by the "wet" party, they are the ones who ^aro trying to curcail the UHu of intoxicants by taking away all impediments to their open s.tle. Local option causes an excess of drinking, and thbrefure the trade is against it, "hoof and horns." Now, thero is some rich argument for you. The tigures of the Inland Revenue Department, however, deal with the whole of Canada, iind the local option { tight is practically confined to one { province, no that the aiguinent is scarce- , ly a found one. In (he birite cities even ' of Ontario an incteasu iiiight be noted, t but such an ;noio;tNii ia made possible ' through tliu liiri^e inllux of foFuii<iiors and open baiN. The ciiieH do not t.ike kind- ly to local or any other option that wil cut out their booze. Fo a new catalogue describing a "North- 1 em Training" We guarantee to place [ every Graduate. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., O. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. I Proud Position 1 1 ONTARIO Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the authority of chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1911, invites subsciiptions from the public for a loan of $1,000,000 on bends of the Province of Ontario, or "Ontario Government Stock." The bods will be dated 1st November lull, and payable on the Ist November, 1941, in denominations of 91,000 each, with cupons attached for interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, payable half-yearly on the 1st May and 1st No- vember in each year, at the office of the Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the (itUces of the Bank of Mnn'real, in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y., ac the holder's option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but im re- quest will be registered in the office of the Provincial Treasurer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders will be exchanged for "Onta- rio Government Stock" at any time. The issue price during the month of November, 1911, will be 102 for each |100,and after the .TOth day of November, 1911, the issue price will be 102 and interest accurrud from the 1st November, 1911. ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTH- ORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PRO- VINCIAL TAXES, CHARGES, SUC- CESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certified cheque with the application, payable to the order of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." This loan is raised upon tne credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is changeable thereupon. A.J. MATHESOlS, Provincial Treasurer, Treasury Department, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, Ist November, 1911. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- pnrlmeut will not be paid for it. I ( 'nlliiiKwood liimiiitiSfl Collo^e now eiiJovH tlio rltatiiictlon of boiuK ono of th<« iiioRt widely HttunrleH. hunt i-fjuipp- u'l ami hunt inaua^ml itiPtittitioiiB of lt» kind iu Wo'-Utii Oiitarin. T)u> enrnll- iiieui thJM y»ar wah alinot^t doublu that of any preyioiiH year, and nearly every graduate waa (ilaced. Fall Term Openi Sept. 1st. "^ Bend for handttouiu new catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal pal I ji D At the coming soasion of the County Council a proposition will, it is expected, b« made for their consent to the use of part of the House of llefuge land at Markdale as an experimental farm plot. Mr. H. C. Duff, the Government Agri- oaltural representative at Markdale, is the originator of the plan of conducting ezperimeDtal work in connection with hia department. The scheme looks reaaocable, and it i« likely that the Oouaoil will consent to co-operatoâ€" O. 8. SuD. To Winnipeg And West CANADIAN ! PACIFIC TNAVKL DIRECT CANADIAN ROUTE THC ONLY THRpUQt >uaH LINE DAILY SERVICE Solid through train of Coaches, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and Dining Cars, Toronto to Vancouver 10.20 p.m. daily. S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, Diatrict Pasaenfer Agent, Toronto. Mr. Calder of Durham in opposing Jr. Jamieson in boiith Grey. For I Bouie reasou Dr. Mearna of Hanover, who had announced hia intention of oontesling the Heat, retired from the field. Mr. Calder has little chance of winning South Urey from the genial Dr., who has so long and faith- ! fully represented the riding in the Local House. The Toronto Ktar says it reads The Advance and likes it. The Star would be a curiosity if it didn't like it. Everybody likes to read The Advance. At the same time the Star thinks The Advance shows signs of "grumpiness" since coming home from the deer hunt. Not at all, dear effulgent point of brilliancy in the literary ether, it is merely % venison diet that makes us appear a little wild at times. Pay no attention to these idiosyncrasies of ours. We can't help it. MILES 2716 MILES TORONTO AND VANCOUVER WITHOIT CHANGE CANADIAN PACIFIC WAY Canadian Pacific all Canadian route entirely over its own rails, operutes its own equipuiuiit of standnrd and tourist sleeping cars, dining cars and coaches every day in the year between Toronto aue Vancouver without change of cars. A train in very truth that is the lust word in luxury. The route is via Fort William, Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Moose Jaw and Caluary, Connections for all points in Canadian West and North Coast points. November Rod and Gun For the big game hunting month Rod and Gun in Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont., still keeps big game stories well to the front in the November issue. Hunters on their annual vacation bent, those in oainp and those returning, after tine experiences and with many pleasant recollections of recent and former outings, will all welcome the wealth of good stories con- tained in the latest issue. Mr. Bonny- castle Dale opens the number with one of his British Columbia studies, which he makes so fascinating to all lovers of the outdoors. The artiolea on the Wild Pas- senger Pigeon and the surveying of a new Alpine district by Mr. A. O. Wheel- er should by no meant be overlooked. HAIR GOODS The Approaching visit of MR. FRANK PEMBER OF THE Vetnber ^aif Store and Joeautif Qulture institute of ijoronto Should prove of interest and advantage to every woman who reads this announcement. Professor Pember will display an assortment of natural wavy Switches, Braids, Puffs and Transformations, the equal of which has never before been seen outsids of Toronto. PROFESSOR PEMBER Will examine and diagnose free ol charge all hair and scalp troubles and his advice may be relied upon. Fine toupees and wigs for gentlemen a speciality. All goods are manufactured of the finest natural hair. A visit will undoubtedly be worth your while at the MUNSHAW HOUSE, - FLESHERTON Monday, Nov. 27/11 Ladies who for any reason cannot visit the Hotel kindly write or telephone and Mr. Pember will call. CEYLON'S ^•fi>RE Prizes to Biggest Buyers To the persons buying the most goods here for one month com- mencing the Isc day of November and ending the 30tb of November. The folljwing prizes will be given ; Ist prizeâ€" 1 China Tea Set consisting of 1 doz Tea Plates. 2 Bread Plates, 1 doz. Cups and Saucers, Cream Jug and Bowl. 2nd prizeâ€" Boys' Pea Jacket. 3rd prizeâ€" China 5 o'clock Tea Set. We have a good stock of Underwear in Peabody's, Penman's and De6ance Brands, all wool. Unshrinkable, alio the Fleece lined and Unions. We have some lovely ladie*.' Cloth Coats for this winter, also Fur lined and Fur with collar and bpells of Sable fur. Men's Pea Jackets Cloth lined. Cordoroy lined and Sheep Skin lined all at very reasonable prices. We have a nice range of Men's and Beys' Cloth Overcoats in the latest stylea, also the Furs and Fur lined and prices to coaipetc with anybody. Heavy, large, pure all wool Blankets at from $3.50 to 94.50 per pair. Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce ^as. jPattison • Cfey/i General ^t-ereAant on k^^mm^^ J. and W. BOYD mcrcbants Ficsberton « Ontario Furs Furs ! This season we are allowing some E.xtra Values in all kind of Furs in Men's and Wome-j's Fur and Fur Lined Coats. Mutfs, Scarfs, Caperiues, Milts and Caps. Prices cannot be eiiualed any- JjC where ^ Clothing We have some excellent value in Men's and Boys' Suits, tailored in the Newest Designs. Some very neat Patterns, to choose from. Overcoats We sre showing the largest range of Overcoats we ever showed befv>ie. Patterns and Styles cannot be excelled and prices right. Drsss Goods We have something very new in Dress Goods, a large range of colors at prices for 50u 60c and $1.R0. Ladies' Jackets We want ta »how you our Ladies' Jackets. This season we ^ have the range and some of the very Newest, at prices from »7. 50 to j|?

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