SF.rTKlttBER 21 1011 THE F L E SH E R T O N ADVANCE K ^Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards MOULaX)UOH A VOUNQ K»ukFt> likrkdkle -•oerKl bknkiui; butiuea*. Money loaoad •t rcksootble rkte* Call 00 as. TCHI8LKTT, • PoctinMtrr. reylon. OonxiEiBftoner in H.C. J .Con«y»ncer, deeds, mortKU!*". ItM*'. wiUii etc. carefully drawn up ollectiooK mad.-, cbarget reaaooable. AUo roc eriM, dour. Ie«d etc. kept in ttook, Fricei t!b_t^ R.1 bl'BOULK, FleetaertOD ^lutciieionfr in H.C J.. Anctionee Con* TeyaDcer, Appraiter and Uoney lender Real Rotate and Ineuranee Agent. Deeds, isorteaitrii. leaeet and wills carefully drawn and valuations made on shortest notice oney to loan at lowest rates ol interest. Col. ei-tioaa attended to with promptness ehargea low. Agent for Ocean DominlOD Btaamsbip Company. A cali Jilicited. Farms For Sale or Rent ilfAKM KOK8ALK-l,ot iioi, in the .Hh con- ' cession ot the towniihip of Artciiieuia, uon I taiuini; 100 acren. eiiibty.Qve acres dared, I ba'aue hardwcoj timber. Property of I the lateW. J. Jleatty. There Is a bank baru I and roughcast liouse ou premises anil is well watered. Will be sold on reaKo.iable terms. Apply to. lames L. McMiiUeii, Ceylon p. u.,llMt. F"OHB.\IjEâ€" Cheap an i eaty terms. II not sold soon, tor rent to suitable tenant, North half lot .W and lot tO. con, 11, .\rteiiiesia, and lot 1, con. \i. Osprey. iOd acres, about 190 cleared balance mostly timbered land, hard aad soft wood ; Kooil stone dwelling and frame barn, stahlioK under : well watered with never- I failinii small sprint; creek crossing farm close to barn: This is an excellent grain or KrazinK I farm and will be sold very cheap if taken at ) once and on easy terms. AppI) to U. J. , Hproule, Flesherton, Oat, DMcPHAIL, hienami Aaetloneer for the • Coaotr of Grey. Terms moderate and .atis.«n,.on guaranteed. The .rranRement. and date* of sa es can be made a', The Advam k offie«^ hUideuce and P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone ccnnecUoo. Dec. 607. WM KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for "the ioun.ies' of (irey and Bimco.^ Pann and Stock sales a 8|«cialty, Terms xtSSr.tS .a...l.ct.on ««"""«'»• ^^'-i?". uenta for dales mav be made at the AOisnce ta,l o? a: T. Hutc^iiDSons store, «••""»"â- » ty addressins me at Fevershauj, OnU KLDD MATHF.-,V8, Markdale, Licensed aJc'-ioneerforthe county of «'«>• Good fctt^vice at resscuable rates. Dates can be L.ade at The Advance, o oa 1 HAHVEY rEKlOOE. broker. F>«^«»;*°° X (ilneril brok«race bu«ine«8. In.urftnca, of Ki?«*t»le etc.. Oj>en »«couuU and l>"t due olol** bandied and money advauced thereon. Correapondance •oUcited. ^^^^ Medical jjH ^Aj'^'^^^fiOnt.Pbyalclan.BorKeon etc Office *?d reaidenc^PetJr .t.. Fle.berton r F OTTEWELL ' r(i)t RALE ohea]) and on f^n^v terius-lyOtH 1 , '* au'l '2, con. 11 Onprey ; 'SlO acrev : fraui** I dwellhiK. frame barn and Mabliu^; undtr; abont 170 acie-t cleareil and un'ler cultivation. Koniu I BpJvndid cedat witli otliur mixed tinibvr on balance. aUo tw > KuiaU orchardHbeariuR. Wei H'atfred ;nerei falling eprin^ creek. Kpleudid craio andgrazinK farm. Aupiv to \i J.Kproule Klesbertou or Samuel (Osborne, Maxwell. VAKM KOK BALEâ€" Very chftap. 100 acres. '- lot 9. cou. 7. Osprey. nuly #3000, reaiionablo casb payment, balance easy termn, 8') acren cleared, well fenced and in hich state of culti- vation, balance timbered, ({ood comrortablo frame dwelling. Htoue cellar under, never fail- I ioR BpriuK well and windmill pump at door, new frame barn, well finished, stone etabliuf; with Hprinc -xater under, alno io xbed. It in situated i mile Iron) Maxwell village whern thera are Btore*. potit officer, ROod schi^ol, and iBon the gravel road, 9^ miled from railway station. It flold at once, above price. tbouKh VERY CHEAP uilKht be sbaded a little. Applv to H. J. SPHOULE, Klesberton. or THOMAS GUY. on pretLisea. *t pOIt SALE very cheap and on easy termsâ€" *â- The late Dr. *hrietoe'B;tf>tory brick block iu Fleitherton with f;ood staVilo and never-fail iUR well on pieuiiHee. Good lar^e store and Kood butcher (t ebop and dwelling ; two good Btone eellarfl under buildiui; ; is and can ba kept well rented ; twugood halln nn second nnd third Htnriee ; firdt class UueineHHKtand kud will be Kohl cheap a*t owner in engaged hi other bukiueKN in tlie went and lia*> <iu further use for it. Apply to I* J. Kproule, Fit^shertoii. JF OTTEWELL , ^ ^| | i^^^-^t- Veterinary fiurseon n^ii.«* i^T^^-pLLIO I I Vrebbyterian Cbnrch. ^__ H. ^ "'^r^ld^^'of^'il'L Veterinary Bcienc A,««iation." Durham «reet. opposite Jioyd. Mroa hardware Dentistry .» ss f MtlBKAY I.. O. S-, denUI surROon ~ Legal braucii oilce at Dundalk o|wn every haturday. TORONTO. ONI is recognized ail "lanadkH high riHPin ( uin- merciat School." The inutructioii is al^sulutely hret-cIaBh. Write tc-lay for our catalogue. l>*i>tMt- iKLir Kilter now W H WKIOHT Itarrister, Solicitor Conyey. ,,ir iu -Owsn bound and Hesherton. h-V-iwheilou office. Hproule s block every »tnrt>Y Societies a O U W meets on the last Monday I A in each month, in their longe room | Norri.- block.'Fleshen^n, a^t » ^V"i^^^^J^-. , "iD..' W. F!ViOT»le> V'.iiinK brethrtu Invited , nuiKCP AHTHUK I-ODOK, No. :«3,A.FAi P«'^A^^U.*.n":r.^a »'!^.«rvrr "FJldarol; 1 H.Muishaw, W.; Our Clubbing List The folldwiiiy jirict'M »re for strictly paid in H<lvaiice Nuli.scriptiiiiiKotily. We have no accountH with other {inpers. Flesherton .\(1vaiiL'e 8 ' •••) Yo'jths Conipiiiiinn 2 IW Tor<)iit.<> Woilil, daily 2 .15 Toronto Dnily News 1 85 Weclily Globe 85 Mail-Empire 80 Family HeraM & iStar 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer .Sun 85 Farmers Advocate 1 115 Weekly Witoe«p 80 I Saturday Nit;ht 3 1)5 1 Home .Journv.l «•) I I'oultry Newn 'M I I'oultry Hcview 45 Koil and (iun ina^axine 81) rtronx'a Ulock.Klesberton. or before the lull mocn. < tl.; Tbos. Clayton, Secretary. . rOV'BTTLEBHKKTON, 9M, I. 0. F. weets in I C Claytons lilock the last Wednesday eveuinK of iai^ month. Visiting •'•'>"•'";", ''«»'2;'''. welcome. H. K., Dyson; K. B., 1. Henry. 'â- 'A-^: i-ay i'u.'tl' Vilrsic. before the Ar.t day of tbe month. ^ , ' HHOKKN FKIKNDS-Desherton V,""',';'! "' C"?Uo«n Friend, meets '".t^'"'*"" ' ^'i'^i^' KDd third We<luesdav of each month H p. m vis a«i«m".t. to tbe Ke<-order ou or before r'e'Br.tda'J'of each month. Chief Councillor T Klakeley'.Hecorder W. H. Hunt. Sh. KariiiersClub meets iu the bixti school T buiWiog on the ft rat Thursday in each specially Invited. F.I liard l're.ide«t, I . W. liBllain>. Sec. Titas. BcrkshircB and Tamworths I have now lor sale a lew yery choice Heik .hire piKs. nearly ready t« wean. Hmry your OTderandietthe best. Also u.wd T.mworth hon four years old. tor sale' UOK loui y yi^jj ^ HOBS. Maxwell I*. »». BoMT for Service I'lire Kk'I TiiLMiiili •''"r I' r Icriiis, $1, Gasli. N. Hin.lle, Maxwell, Ont. Bull for Service •|'l,„r,.iiKli»>r<-'l Hh"ith..rn hull, llroa<llii".k's ,^\, U,r servi.-e on l"t In, j^.".. "â- '. .{^'^''-y- Fediitie^ <.n applu-utioii. Srivice, fl.tKlIoi trades. thor...i<1il.i-'l-, *"'. »:< »» """• "| iervice, KnII pri..- (lli«rK--d f'-r '"'Ws ii"t "â- ""â- ""'• .1. M. Bl RXS. Boars for Service Catarrhal Bad^reath Ctrredcd Qnickly by the Use ol Catarrhozone Catarrh Is an Inflnmniatlon. Where there U Inflammation there is aluaya â- nore or It«« offeimlve secretion. In- riammation may be of the very active (ort, but it In ofti-fi of the hIow kind. Bn<) thl8 l8 tlio (lartlcular form In which the breath Is rendered offen«lve and the presence of the sufferer be- coniex nil offence to every person of delicate sensibility. Bad braath is in itself suffieisnt to jrge you to correct it, bseausn one dis- likes to be unpleasant to thsir friends, but this form of catarrh is dangerous bacaus* it supplies a hotbsd for ths devclopmsnt of Consumption or of ^j, ^^oth«r dissases of the throat and lung*. Rad breath l.^ an evidence tli.it the microbes have found a Kood resting place and are larrylns on thi-lr evil inroads into the health of the body. Catarrhozone acts at once and de- stroys iheye minute orBaiil»m.<, but It j does moreâ€" it heals the Inflamed sur- ! faces ill which they found a nesting 1 place and consequently removes h'jth j cause and effects of their notion. I If we only highly •itimaled iS* {valus of prevention and used Catarrh ozone at the beginning of a cold or just before it become* wall s*at*d, the deadly ravages of Consumption would 11 . .1,. „,..„l.l.i-«.l \.,ik. be *tayed and the terrible agonies of Tlie iiiiilrrsiKni-d lias a thoroiigUI red l.uK „ ^ .... „ _ â-º|,irelK>ar(or service on l..« Ho. -^rd rani Tellil.* .I..I. K, T. and H. K.. .\rtemesia. Al«i. Mert-toid I'-ull lor serMce 1 .Iv. BULL FOR SERVICE 'nior<.iiKl'l'r«'l**l""-"""'" >'"l,l.,""»"'l^; •''"' 81;M, for servict. ..n lot 17li, 'I- * •'^- ''â- • •*' teniesia. This animal is of a ,. .train. IVdiuree om "I'I'I'cation. lerirs^^- i;r»des »1, reifistereil n. .1 AK. STINSON Proprietor. Bu li For Sale Tlirfe y.>unK ll«'iel.>i'l Imll* foi sale, »iiil* bUc for servi.-H. Vmi will liu>e ti: hiiriy if y.iu want "ne "f tli«»'' hue yoiiiiK ani:iialH. MM an J -T. A .1- WATSON. „,i|{e, sufferers of Asthma or Bronchitis com- fl.iN) pletely aboliahed. Ih-ipwii. ' There Is MO remi-dy as effective for ,bud breath. Catarrh. Uronchltl.". .^*th- ma. etc.. as Catarrhozone. Besides belnif healing and soothing It Is gernt dii-troyliiK. .N'othing ever offered to the public can compartj with it In Us .., ..>.....â- â- •-- I promiitness. efficiency, and perman- ;s of a (?'•«"' ^"^'"""f jtncy of action, and yoit can buy It from any dealer in medicine through- out the Dominion of Canada, 'liic, r>Oc, ind Jl.OO sizes. Hy mall from The ."atarrhozone Co., Uuffalo, tf-Y., Cinicstun, Ont. 'und Dates of Fall Fairs FLKSHKKTON, KuKJrey, Sept 28- 2!) Our Equipment I'lioBville, . Dundalk . . . DurliHiii Fevuiahani... Hanover. . . , Mirkdalu. , , Meafor.) , . . Mt. For. at.. Orangetille. . Hocklt II oct.o.iulii ^l^'K-^S''^'^". ONT.UUO Oct 12 i;t f'""" '''"'y years wo have prideil oiir- .Sept. 2(1, liT . .,<.Oct. ;{,4 ' solvt es on our complete ei|uipineiil F.very modern device iind conveiiienoe llitt enterprise could su^'ues "aiol cspilal 8e|it. 12, l.'l ohlnin, is in out luiilding. The sinitll Oct 3 4 Kchool H'illi amall c^ipital and iiie«);re « » ou on '''I'l'l"'""'* cJiiinol ^ivo you llio asiiie ,Sopt. .^«.-", ri^ininu that you can .S,.pt. 28,2!) N„rlhern. .Sept. n.l.'»|C, 4. FlemJnt!, F.C.A., < -, Oct. 5,0, Prinrii.al. Shelbuine Sept. -t.27 p^LL TERM OPENS I i;et at the ^. D. Fleming, Secretary. SEPT. 4lh, " nSTIW G AN O CTOPUS. TIm Peturtr of Thta Rtpulaiv* Cratture Mueh Overratod. There bave been made abroad ex- perlnenta wltb an octopaa. Is a ape- clally deTlae<l tank of aea water. Id order to teat the trntb of the many •torlea told of monster cephalopoda dragging baman vlctlma to the sea boi:om, saya Harpefa Weekly. In the tank with the octopaa there waa placed a "dummy" of the aamfi Bpecl6c gravity as a man, and thia was baited with a crab. Attracted by this temp ng morsel, the octopus made for the figure, seized U In Its powerful arms and tried to drag it ander wa- ter without success. It then urged Us body toward the edge of the tank, and. holding the glass with aome of Its arms. It dragged Its prey beneath the surface and crushed the crab shell with Its powerful laws. It Is believed that these experiments afford proof that the octopus can only drag its Tictlma far below the water near rocks to which It can attach Its suckers. There Is one spot In the bay of Naples where these creatnrea attain a large size, and now and then a fisher- man Is reported missing. It is thought that, such disappearancea are due to the unfortunate man being caught by the leg by a concealed octopna and dragged nnder water. In the case of such a repulsive and powerful creature as the octopus it la difficult to 8e;>arate fact from fiction. A VACATION IN BED. Twantyfeur Heura* Sleep Versua a Week's Holiday. If you want to obtain complete rest and recuperation equal to a week's va- cation in mlnlmnm time sleep the clock around twice la the advice of a physt clan who holds a blgb place in medical circles in England. "To spend twenty-fOar bonrs In bed." be said to a friend. Instead of mablns away for a few hottrs* cttange of scene when yon are mn down physically and mentally, is worth a week's holiday. The night before, having gone to a theater to take the mind off worries and having supped wisely and well. In- structions shonld t>e given that the morning calling abali t)e omitted. "Then sleep. On waking tnm over and sleep again. On waking again ring for some hot milk. Drink it and sleep again and keep on steeping. Ha v( nothing in (be intervals more substan- tial than soup. Do not read. Keep the eyea abut conatantly. Bave a wnrm bath in the evening and aleep again. "When you are tired of sleeping sleep again for the night Nothing calms the nenree more than reatlng the eyea.**â€" New York Herald. Remember the Baker. At the court of assizes In Venice when sentence of death la abont to be passed a man clothed In a long black robe enters the court and. advancing tu the bench, lx>ws profoundly to ttie Judgea, saying. "Remember the t>akerr Then be bowa again and retires. Here is tbe explanation of the cus- tom: Three centuries ago a baker was executed at Venice for a crime ol which be waa not guilty. Wbeu bis iunocence was fully proved the Judgea wbo condemned blm invested a sum of money, tbe interest on which serves to keep a lamp perpetually lighted In tbe palace of the dogea, this t>elDK called tbe "lamp of expiation." In ad- dition, their fatal mlatake bas for SUO years been held op as a warning to tbeir aucceaaora on tbe bench when they are abont to Inflict the extreme penalty of the law. The Bex Tertetsa. Though tbe tortoise la slow of foot. It is quick to maka the best of all its svallable modes of defense. The box tortoise possesses a alngular defenslr(> apparatus. Tbe plastron or abell cov- ering the under part of the body ia ao formed that Its front segment can be drawn upward to protect tbe animal's bead, the bead meauwblle being drawn back under tbe carapace or abell on the back of ths tortoise. Tbe upper and un- der shells (hen meet in front, forming a kind of box In which the creatnre Is ooassallable When the danger ta pasik ed the reptile relaxes a moscle and tbe raised part of the plastron falls, al- lowing tbe head and fore feet to come forth- This movable plate ia fastened to the plastron by » strong hinge cf elaatlc ligament. CIreumctanoea Alter Cases. ^Vben Israel iUngwIU waa an ob- â- cure yontb tenchlog In â- Jewish school in London be sent a abort poem to a leading American monthly. II en me back by an early posL He kept It. and after be bad achieved tame aa a writer he sent the aama po^m to the same magazine. This time be received a cable from tbe editor offering to bny the "world rights" for a targe aum. 'i'be poem was the same^ word for word. Different "Why, a year ago you told me this place was easily worth $15,0(X). Now you estimate its value at less than iio,ooa" "You must remember that I waa try- ing to sell It to you then. Now yoo want me to sell it for yoa"â€" Chicago Record- Herald. Adsm W«i Grouohy. The Serpentâ€" SVhaCs Adam so grouchy about today? The Apoâ€" Ob. tie snys that the arrival of woman means tbat a*l bis plans for universal peace have been knocked In the head for good.â€" ruck. Whatever deinnnds the deepest ronr n«B and endurance of soul of co'irst must uuvell most perfectly Us hidden aUeogtb.-Ueorfie W, Uriels, Ceylon Ceylon haa loKt one of her most re- spected c tizenH in the (icraon of Mrs. H, Tucker, who has removed to Paialey t > reside with her d«iii;hier, MrsT l.aac Cnrckshank f';r the present. Mr. James Spro:it has to f.r lecuv- ceed from his illness as to be able tu be around again. Mr. Rub. Tucker and a friend spent .Sunday with IiIh inotlier. Mr. and Mih. J. 15. Kj;an called on Mr. John McFayden on Sunday. -Mr. T. k. Gilchrist and Mr. (J. CoUin- sou took in the exhibition »t Toronto and visited friends at Port Diilhouaie, MiHS UurruwH from Kiveniew, ai.d Misd Menzie fium Mclntyre, have se- cured employment at Mr. James Palti- soii'm. We extend a heatty welcome to the young ladies and winh them much snccesK in their callings. Portlaw Miss Lizzie (jrierson of SaiKstcliewan haH returned home after a fortnight V vi.sit with her aunt and coositi, Mis. K. T. White and Mis. Geo. Chn{<in>n. Aliss Vina Watson has s^one lo Toronto I I spend a few weeks with her aunt. Misse-s Viola Coriiheld and Gladys White are atleiiding hiuh school at Fleshciton . ," 'â- >^- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Nicholson have returned from a len-jthy ti.ur in the We»t. .K happy event took place at llie hi'ine of Mr. and Mis. John Winteis, when their d.iughter. Miss Mubel, Wiis united III iinriiHgti to Mr. John McDonald of Mclntyre. That unbroken connnLial felicity may accompany the youiijf couple through life is the wish of the bride'a mitny friendii here. .Aiiionj; thi .ie who attended the exhi- bition sod visited friends in (lie city, were Miss Maggie Hill, &li^M Delia Ped- lar, Mis. 11 I). Mililiuiii, \V. G. Jaiaie- Kon, J. .K. Thomp.son, Haiiy Meldruni, W. H. and Mi.ss Hemphill. J. H. Wat- son, \V. A. Morten, T. It. liiid Alvin McKenzie. Our schoul trustees have bfeii fortu- nate in sccuriiisr the .services of Mr. Mc- iJuwell of Diayt'in us teuclier. Mr. Mc- Dowell has created a favoiablu impres- sion as teacher and citizen. |.See uur local cilun.iis for uroount of accident to Mr. .Simmons, which we have omitted from .tbove Ludget- E-l ] .lames Smith, CoUiiigwood, lia 1 his foot caught between the reach and hound of a wagon and Ixidly ciusleil. InKu BRumiiEL The Dandy Who Vied With George IV. for First Honors. Krummel never pretendetl to be anything but a daiuly. His recorded saying.- prove that he was alway? ready to burlesque his own po*e of cxquisile fastidiousne.«s and fragility. Thus he said thiit he bad cuught it "old because "ou the Brighton road the other day. that infidel Weston (his valet I put me into a rooiii with a dump stranger." There i* also tw^uno merit in lii.» iKipiii "The Butterfly Funeral," particularly in this ver»e: The Dormouse attended, but cold and forlorn, .â- \nd the Gnat slowly win<le<l hit nhrill little horn. And the Moth, who was grieved fo\ the lo»!i of a si.«ter. Bent over the body aixl silently ki*?- eil her. Brummel seem.* t<i have done no harm to anyone except his creditor.s. and to have had some kindness a* well us shrew<lne»s in his nature. Perhaps he wasted nothing excepi other people's money, for lie may have bi'eii liojii a dan<ly, as Mozart was born u iiuisician. If so, the fact remiuns that it i.« not w,'ll to be born a dandy, unless you can contrive to die yoiiiif. Brummel live<l to be sixty-two, and spent his last twenty- four years in exile in France, with no object in life except to tlress s> well as be couiil in spite fif a (loverty which gradually becaiiie dejtilution. Miss Clare .lerrold, in her liook on "The Beaux and the Dandies," telW the story of hi- miserable end. and makes us .see that at la.st he utlaine'V lo u real dignity through sufferinij. He grew tattered and filthy, and one lady in f'aeii was the only person who would receive him. She wa.s asked "How can you admit >iich ii drivi'ller!-" and she answered, "He '* never iu our way; and though it is trut he is not now the air using char- acter he once was. I like to see him take his scat before my fire." .\t last his niiiul went, and he was adinitte<l to a convent where the in- sane were kindly treate<l. There h^ died, more happily, perhaps, than his rival George IV., who never for- ifnve him lor being the finer dandy. â€" Times, Didn't Have Te. "Did you bear the rain in the night 7" "Yea," "Pleasant music, wasn't It?" "1 didn't notice the music. I was too busy bnstling around closing tbe windows. Didn't It keep you busy too?" "Oh, no! We rent n furnished honse, you know." â€" Clerelaod Plain Dealer. Her Coneesilen. "How do you know she's older tbas you nre?" >'Wby, she ndmlited It hersolf." "Honestly? \\ hat did she sny?" "She said, 'You and I srp )ii«t iii< same nge, dearie."'-'loleao IllaUu. Whi'e plsying on Thursday morning wi'h two of his little companions on the dock at Coliiiigwood, FVankie Felch, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Pelch, fell into the water. Although only a short time had elapsed Kince the hoys had been last seen, when after about ten minutes' immersion, the boy was rescued, there were but faint signs of life, and though two doctors worked for over an hour trying to lesuscitate him, their efforts were doomed to failure and be died about 11.30 a.m. -Mefsen^'er. Tht Canadian Northern Railway in- tend to inaugurate a new line of passen- ger and fiieuht steamers to run out of some Georgian Hay port to Port Arthur by the season of 1!)13. The President of the t.'oUingwood Board of Trade is al- ready in cominunication with the man- agement of the railway, with ft view to gettinc this port as the terminus of the I prop<»8ed fleet, and with the early advent ' of the railway to ihis point, thanks tir I Major Ourrie, now a certainty, a favor- able cinsiJeration of Ihe president'* cuinmiinication in assured.â€" Collingwood .Messenger. \Vm McTntyieof Grand Valley was found dc.td in the river at Guelph on I Sunday morning. Mr. Mclntyre was a I patient at the Homewood .Sanitarium. I The deceased whs well known all over I the county of Wellington, being a mem- I ber of the tirin of Mclntyre A Sons.grain- buyers and Hour and feed me chants of Grand Vallty. He wa«, at the time of his death, clerk of the township of East Luther, clerk of the village of Grand Valley, secretary of the .\giicultural So- ciety, the Schi ol Board, and also the Ma- soiiic lodge of Gr«nd Valley. He waa 39 years old and leaves a widow and four i:hildren, three girls and a boy. CEYLON'S «"^RE August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods Waists in Silks and Lawn.s at :;reatly reduced prices, and all Summer Hosiery, Boys' Summer Suite, Paraso's and I'mbrell.i.s, Muslins, Men's I'nderwear, Lidies' Vests, Low l^hoes, Slippers and Pumps. In Prints, Cottons, and Lawns we cang ve you great values- Window Curtains Scrimm's and .Madnis, at pricei that can't be beat. .AH kind s of Fruits on hand at very reasonable prices. Ice Cream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODIJCE YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WIXHOirT WRITTEN CONSENT _^ NERVOUS DEBILITY Thoiifincls of vounir and niidJle-a^ed men are anouully swept to a premature CTOTe t>ll'oii|;h Ejirlr lB^i>cr«tion>, Exc*w*a and Blood Di*««MS. If you tiave auy of the fol- lowing; Hvnipionitt coiMult ua Wfor* it ia t«3 Ul«. .\re yuu nervous and weak, despon- dent «iiu Kl<K>iiiy, K(H-okH bt-fure tlie eyes, wjtii dark circlt'S under them, weak biick, kkloryN irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. fiimpfeson the face, eyes sunken, Ik)11ow checks, t-areworn expression, poor Tuenutrv, ifeleas, distriistful, iacic energy and strength, tired uiorninps, restless niiehts, ehanfreable moods, WMik maatiood, ifreuiature devay, huue pains, hair loute, «ore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Cor N«w McIIimI Troatmcat can rure you and make a man of you. Vnder its Influ- •nce the biaiii lKs-,>ines acii%e. the blood purifled. so tluit alt pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear, the nerres t>«c>'me strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulneas and d«0. pondeDoy vanish, tho eye lHM.-oiiies briirht. th« face full and clear, energy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual •ystems ar« invigorated: all (trains ceaseâ€" BO more vital waste from the system. I>on't let quacks and fakir* rob you of yuur iiard •arueU duUaia. Wa wiH cwa ym< ar bo aar. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONnDCNTIAL READER: No mttler wbo has trwited you, write tor an honest opinion Pr«« a/ Ctun*. BovkaFrn "Tka Goldm Moailnr" I Illustrated I m S«cral DiaoMO* af Maa. QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY C«r. Michii$«ii Ave and Griswold St, Detroit, MIeh. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont, If you desire to â- ee u* personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat M* |i«Mâ€" 1 » in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and LabonUory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY * KENNEDY. Windsor. Oirt. WiMa far our prhral* addrass. NOTICE A Combined Treatment That Really Cores Catarrh. Canadian weather, with its extreme cold and .sudden change!^, gives almost every one Catarrh, and makes it hard to cure. Some recommend internal remedies â€" some external applications. I'uther >lotsJajyLUsed both â€" tablets to l>« tak«Pk|({4e or four times a da^ to invi)(Otatc the system, pnri{y the blood, a^d help it tlirow tVfT tbc djUMSse, a*nd a soothing, li«al1^^^\iitiseptic salve to be applied inside the This comhined treatment known as "Father Morriscy's No. 26" attacking the disc-ase from >vithiu and without, soon cn.'^s. Mt. A. C. Thn<o<1rau,t'.enerul Merchant in Kogersvillc.N.B., writeioa Jun. 'Ij'id l.i>t : "A frw word-* as to the met 1(1 of your Catarrh Cure. For the 1n«t 10 yeais I hnvr lieeti tvoul>led with Catarrh of the head and itotiiach j;nd iliirinR tU;tt time have tried nllkindiof other Remedies with no Tevultv, until 1 tried your Catnirh Cure which I nm glad to say has < tired 1 ;. 1 highly rccummcntl it to those who are stinr ring with this uiscu!^. * Dc::'t trifle \\'\\'.\ C.i'.. rrhâ€" cure it with Father Morriscy's No. 26. 5('c '.or \\\ii co:u'.-i:.cd treatment at your dealer's, 68 Father h^crriscy lyicdicino Co. Ltd. Mlontroal, Quo. . ^