SUTKWBER 14 H«ll THE F L E SH K R T N ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards If UULliOUOH A YOUSa m. Hankrrr MurkJal* raeral LkukiiiK bDniunai. Money loanad At i«*«ODable rati'* Call od utt. TChlSLETT. ' >'>»tiuaitrr. 0»yIoo. Ooicii.ifi'ioiier in }\.V. J , C'onvevtncar, de*di, ucrtKkCen, Imm'H, wIlli etc. c*r«lully drawn up cllrctiua* wad.*. chari;t-a rnaaooable. Alio ro: trie*, flour, teed ate. kept lu itock, I'ricet Kb t. RJ SfKOULB. Flaaberton ^oumiteioncr In H.C J., Aactlcnce Con« Tryaocer. Appraiier aud Money Lender Keal Relate aud lueurauce Agent. DeeOB, IQcrt«aKee, leaaei ani wilU carefully drawn and TaluatloDi made on ebortnHt notice oney to loan at lowvat ratei ut Internet. Col- ectione attended to witb promptnesi charfea low. Ai;ent lor Ocean nouiioioD Btaamthip Company. A call aolloiWHl. Farms For Sale or Rent BAKM KOU KALK-I.ot nu-2. in the .'.th cnu ' ci'H>ionul tlie towUKbip ot Arteuietia, eon- talulDit lUO acrun, eiuhty nvi; acim clared, talar.e lianlwood limber. I'roperSy ol tb« lateW. J. Heatty. There ia a bank baru and rouKbcaHt houHe on premlKeH and iw well i watered. Will be noM on reaao.iablu teriue. I Apply to JanieHli. McMulIen, Ceyloo p. o.,Oat. pollfi.^r.Eâ€" fheap an 1 easy terms. If not I ^ void eoon. for rent to miitablu tcnart, j Nortb lialf lot :I'J aud lot 40. con, II. Artvnieiiia, and lot I. con. I'J. Uapruy, -JOfi acre, about I.OU ' cleared balance inoHtly ttniherud lanil. bard ajd soft wood ; ({oo<l Htotie dwelline and frauiu i baru, Htabltnij uniler ; well wateri'd with never- I f«ilin|{ Hn:all Bprini; creek cioai<ini{ farm cIukc ! to baru: Thin in an e.tculleiit Kraiu or Krazin^' I farm and will be sold very cbeaii it taken at I ont'e aud ou eatty term^. AppI) to H. J. . Sproiile. Klehhertoti, Out. DMcl'HAIL. I-lcen»ed Auctioneer for the • County of <ircy. Terni» moderate aud aatiHaciion guaranteed. The airauKemente aud datei of nalce cau lie made »•, Thk Aiivanck fffice. Kesideuce and I'.O., Ceylon. Telephone ccDDection. Dec. 6.07. r (III KAI/K aheap and ou eaxy term*â€" Lots 1 I •*•* ami 'J. con. II (luprey: 'i(X) acies ; frame I dwelliuK, traiiio baru and i>tab)in(; undtr; about ' 170 acieti deure'l and under cultivation. Somo I KplemUd ced&i witli other mixed timber on balaiHTO. hIho tw t Niuall Oil hardKbeariui^. Wol ' watered ; nevei falliiiK apring creek. Splendid { liraiu aiidiira/iuK farm. Al>|>lv to I{ .l.nproulu Klehhertou or Kamiiel (iHbortie. Maxwell. XITM KAITTINO, Uecnawl Auotioneer for " the countiei of tirey and Hiiucoe. Faru) and Sto<k •alen a specialty. Tcrnia oioderate. aatislaction Kuarantied. ArrauKe- itenti. lor dated uiav be made at the Advauce -fliee or a: T. Hutc^lntoua store. l-ever»baui ty'addreuing me at Kuvemham, Out. RVDU MATHK'VH, Jlarkdale, Llcenaed BUC'.ioDeerlorthe county of (irey. Oood aervice at reaacnablo rateb. Date" cau be t ade at 1 be .\dvance. o UU T HAKVKY PKKKiOK. hroker. Hesnerton â- •â- General brokerane bimineKH. Insurance ol every kind placed iu tafe aud liberal compauien. Keal eatateetc.. Open accounta and paat duo ootea handltd and money advaaced thereon. Corre»pondence aollcitea. ' VAKM KOU 8.\I,K-Very cheap, lOO acrcu. I ^ lot 0, con. 7, tlHprey, only 3?;IO0O, reaHonabln . caali payment, balance eaay teruiM, e.i acreit cleared, well fenced and in tiii;li stale ot riilti. ] vatiou, balauce timbered, titmA couifortabln . frame dwelling, otoue cellar uuder, never tail ' ing biiriiiK wetland windmill piimji at do<jr. I Lew frame barn, well llniahen. fctone Btaliliiu; j witii sprini; *ffater under. alHO iu shed. It iti I aituatcd i mile tiom Maxwell village when* I thera are BtoreH, pout officei'. Kood school. ' and iuon the gravel road, tl^ iiiileH from railway iftatiou. If Holil at once, above price, thoiiffh iVKltY CUKAl' iiiiKht bo shaded a little. Appiv to K. J. 81'ltOULK, Fleaherton, oj- I THDMAS GUY. ou premises, 'f Medical ' M C P * S Oot. Phyalcian. Burueon etc Office and residenceâ€" I'etor at., Fleaherton Jp OTTBWELL , Veterinary Surgeon «„„„„ Graduate of Ontaiio Veterinary ^o"?**; reeideoce - B«ond door south west. on' irlry atroet. Thia street rani eouth Prettyteriau Chnrch. poll H.\LK very cheap aud on easy teriuHâ€" *â- The late Dr. Christoe's .'l-story brick block in KleHhertoii with Kood stable and iiever-fail. ' iuK well on pteiniHcs. (lood lavf^o storu and Kood butcher's shop and dwelling; ; two i;oor1 stone cellars uiulor biilldiui: ; in and can be ' kept well rented ; twoKood halls on second and third stories ; first ctafis business stand and will be sold cheap as owner is encat'ed in other business iu ttie west and has no further use for it. Apply to l(- J. Kproule. Kieshertou. H WILSON, Ulacksmith Graduate of tue Veterinary Rclenc Astoclation. Durham Itreet, oppoa"* Boyd. BroB hardware. LJ-IOTT lORoNTll. O.NT. ia recOKu:/.ed as "Canada's hiKh <'lass Com. mercial ScIkjoI." i'he instniction is absolutely llistclass. Write tO'ilay for our tataltn'iie. Kilter now. J)e; EXTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURK AY U O. 8, dental eurgeon bono, graduate of Toronto Uulveraity and Koval College of Dental SurKoonaof Ontario, Oaf admiainistored tor teeth extraction Ofllce at residence, Toronto Street, KleaSorton. Lecal , VCAB. HASKYA WALLACK-llarriatera, L< Rolicitors.etc.-I.H. Lucas h. *"--y':*--, llaoev K. I'.; J. "• "• Wallace. OUlces. Tore. to. Hni-'J Ti.dcrs ll.iik IddB phone main 1412: Markdale Lucas Hlock. I'hoiie 2 A. Prai'cb otlice at Dundalk open every Saturday.,' WH WUIQHT. Harriater, Solicitor, ConTey- ; an'cer eU..-Owen Bound, and Klesherton. i Itâ€" Fleaherton office. Sproulo'a Hlock every I atuniav SOCIETIE-S I AC U W nieeta oi. \'na last Monday \ lu each month, in their loiiRu room I Sorris block. IFIeahertoii, at H p.m_ M. W.. H. C. l*(iard ; llec. C. II. Muushaw; | Fin.. W. P. Ciossley Vialtlny brethren Invited â- PKINCK AKTHUK LODliK. No. :i;i:t, A.K A ' A M, meeta in tht Masonic hall. Arm- •trouK's Hlock, Klesherton, every Kriday on or before the full uocn. C. H. Uu'ishaw, W. • M.; Thos. Clayton, Secretary. POI'KT:fLKSHKUT0S, oa-., I. O. K. ireetalm « Clayton's Dlock the last VNeduesdav evening of each month. Visiting Koresters heartily i welcome. H. K., Dyson; K. S., '1'. Henry; Kin. Sec , C. N. Hichardson. Please pay dues to Flu. Hec. before the tlrat day of the mouth. CHOSKN KltlENDKâ€" Klesherton Couucll of ' CbuHen Friends meets in Cla>toirB hall Hist and third Wa<lneaday of each mouth N p. in Pay assessments to tlio Uecorder on or before tte first day of each month. Chief Councillor ; T. JllakeleviKecorder W. If. Hunt. | The Kariuora Club iiieeta in the high school! buildinK on the first Thursday in esch month at H o'clock p. iii. Young farmeis â-º pecially invited. K. clisrd. I'ic»ld..iit, C. W.' llellaniv. H.C. Trees. ; Our Clubbing List The folliiwiiig prices Hre for strictly paid in udvitiice Nuhscripttimsoiily. We h»ve no AucountH with other paperH. KleKhertoii .XdvHnce { ' (K) Youths Coiiipniiion 2 (W Torimt<i World, daily 2 .15 Toronto D«ily News 1 35 Weekly (jlolio «5 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald & Star 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun 85 Farmers Advoonta 1 35 Weekly Wit.iesg 80 Saturday Niuht 3 Do Hoiiic .loiiiuJ (HI Poultry Nfwa ... .. . 20 I'oultry lii'vlew 45 Itod and (iiiii iim)>a/.ine KO Gas Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Pre- vented Sleep â€" When Health Was Gone, Cure Followed Use of "Ner- viline." Kerkshires and Tamworths I have now tor sale a few verv choice Helk » hire plus, nearly ready lo weaii. Hurry your order and get the best. Also good Tamworth bog lonrytars old, for sale- OK<». W. HOSH, Maxwell I'. O. Boar for Service I'lire lliiil 'I'i ii.ui nil T'lr l> r .luiir 'i'<-niiB, tl, (Jash. N. Minlle, MuvHvll, Out. Bull for Service Tlioroiixlilinil .Slii.itli.iiii liiill, llroiulhiiiik's JjmI, (or service on lot In, cmi. H, <)»liiey. JViUkicc (n a|ipliiiitioii. .SeiAlce. *I.IKI [or grades, thoriiiifliliieils, ♦.'», )«;( at time of service. Full |«-ice dliarKed for cows mil retiirtieil, .... .1 M. Ill IIN.S. Boars for Service The uml.rsiKii.d Ims a ilion.uKJilireil York- ,l,lrels.arf..r service ..n lot HiT, :ir.l rufiK*'. K. T. anil S. I{., .Vrteiiiesia. 'rernis, ♦l.lMt Vlao Xerefoid I'.ull tor service. .I..I. lliiiwn. 1 .Iv. "W.v I.'XJ't wl'-h -ivlll be." writps II.Trry P. Pollaril. u well-known boot nnd 'hocjnivi ler of Hartford, ••that every - itii' wit'i a bail ctoinach may leant aa I illil. Ijifori- Ifs loo late, tlint NeiTl- ilMf Is t!ic one niniilv to ciii-.'. Why. I Wii.i 111 iiilifhty liail shaiie. my dlKi'."- tioii was all u r oiitf, ami every liiKht I would tvakfii with u .start and fliul my heart .jiiiniilnp Ilkp n llirishlnif muchlr.c. This ,vas caused ,^____^^_^____ ij.v teas on my (•toniiich pri'ssiiiK uKalnst my heart. Win M I started to use .Wryiline I sot bettrr mlfjlity fast It Is certainly a iT«:i(| ri meily for the traveling man, kei|w vour stiimaoh In order, I'lirca Testimonial No. 4890 prevent;* lumhaeo or rheu- breaks up chest colds and oat â€" In fact there hasn't been or puln Inside or outside for two years that I haven't cured Do you wonder I re- cramp.". !iiall!<m. imre thr H!i flche the iiast with Nervllinc ••omnieiij It? For Kcneral household use .Vervillne has MO enual; It will I'ure the uchea and ailments of the entire family â€" refiiHe anythlntf but Nervllinc. &0c per bottle, trial Jiize H.'rC. all dealers or Tho Cularrhoi; ine Co.. Klntr-ston, Out. W. L. Smith On Reciprocity Mr. W. L Smith, editor of the T'Jioiito Weekly Sun, apoke on reci- procity ill the town hall on Fiiday oven- iiiK l>8t to an audience of about two hundred, in which waa a sprinkliiii; of ladies, .t/r. Smith is a Ktroiig advocilt of the iiieuhure and put up a clever and eluijuent plea In its Wuhalf. Ho said in part : Thii was not a party i(uesti<di, Thcie was diHHtl'eition on both sides. The inanufaelurers and trusta were lining up against the nieasuru. InKide uf two years wo must havo another electrm owinx l" redistribution. Reciprocity was fru« trade in all agricultural product! except wool, aUo iu tish. The pact was ni.t biiidiMK for ten j'eara or one year but could be abrogated by Ciinada at any tiiiio desired. ThiH was the only time the farnier.s of Canada would have tliis clianco open to tluun. The .sjioaker ijuoted inurket figures to prove tlul I'nited .Siate.s iiiaiketH were better lh>in th lau of Canada, referring more particu- larly to cattle, barley, butter, etc. .\lexander McKenzie was in favor of free trade with the I'liited .Sfites and (ieoige lirown was sent to the I'niled States to negotiate, but the negotiations caino to no;hin)i. The lirst tiling Sir John Mac- diiiiald did w!ien he came into power Was to make a btanding oti'er of free trade. Sir John Tlioiii|ison was also in f.ivor ol it. Kverybody admitted tha'. the treaty of 18.04 was favorable to Canada, and duiing the time it was in force Canada multiplied her trade foiii. fold. There had been no other period in lier history when expansion wiu* so great. At that time two-thirds of the .Americati people were producers • now only I lie-third were producers. If frie hade was good enough in 187?' it must be good enough now, because of tlid big increase of population at our doois. Kvery farmers' organization in Canada hud declared in favor of rtMiiprmitv, Reference was mtde to the bin delega- tion of farnieis which went to Ottawa last winter, every man of whom whs in favor of reciprocity. The speaker di- clarcd that the fear that the price of hones would drop was founded on fuhe reasoning, and cited facs to prove his argument. There was an unlimited market at big prices for heavy horses acro8N the line. Ueciprocity would en- hance the value of farm lands, more es- pecially near the border. The Americ:ui .Agriculturist said that every farm and town lot in Canada would be enhanced lu value. Mr. Smith relened to the defection of eiglitcen Liberals in Tomnto. They were all voting from personal motives in this election. Mr. Itlain was inter- ested in the Wallaceburg sugar retineiy and knew he would have to |iay a little more for his beeis. Mr. Klavelle would have to pay a dollar per head more for his hogs and he foresaw a decrease in the I'JO per cent, dividends. And so it. went. These men were trying to hood- wink the f&rmers into helping thtni to defeat recipro ity. Monopolies weie getting a hold ol this country that would very sliiiitly make serfs of thf> people. Ihisiness Was being cuntrali/.ed by thein and the small luanufacturers'iif the coun- try were even now practically extii.ct. The demand canio from the We*! about a year .igo for free access to I he American market, and it was the farmers them- selves who ha.l forctil the ^ovornuieiit to action. Ueferiing to the cement Coiii- biiics, Mr. Smith s.iid these had stolen millions of dollars from the people of Canada, anil it was no wonder these and other special interests did not desire any cliauge in the business conditions of I he countiy. It behoved the farmers to vote for their o.m interests Recipro cily would bo of the <iealest ma^eiial ad- vantage III opening up a great .iinrkel to the people ol Canada. The speaker was .ii-cordod a hearty vote of thanks. BULL FOR SERVICU TlioioiiKblire 1 .Sli.irtlii.i-ii liiill,"|liiiiilv dim'' 7H4, for service mi lot 1711, T. A .S. K., .\r- teiiinsia. This animal is of a K.iod ^niilkinK strain. IVdiifree on upiilieatiHii. 'I'erns.â€" <;rades »I, reKisteied VS. .1 AS. .STINSOX IVoprietor. K1 NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN Bu U lor Sale Three yoiinK Heieloid bulls foi sale, iiiit , able fur sen lie. Voii will hate to liiiriv if: you want one i.l lliese line yoiiiiK aiiiomi". M.Mar.^.' -T. k .1. WATSON. Dates of Fall Fairs FI.KSIlKKTtJN, Kasl •'â- icy, Sept L'8-2)t I'licovillo '>ct. .'i and li Dundalk Oct. \'1.\\\ Durham «epl. 'Jtl.-JT KereiNham Oct. ;t,4 Hanover «fpt. l'.». \\\ Markdale Oct. :i,4 Meaford S^pt. 2H,2« Ml. Kor»at Sept. 28,21) Orangeville ^i'-pt- 14.1''' Hockljn Oct. r.,»l Bhelburne Sept. 26,27 Our Equipment ;o\VKN SOCNU, ONTARK* For thirty years we havo prided our- solves on our complete eipiipment Kvcry modern device nnd eonvenience 'that enterprise could Niii^gea "and capital obtain, is in our building. The small school with small capital and meagre I eipiipment cannot give you the same ] Iraimng that yim can get at the Northern. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., fl. I). Fleming, Principal. Secretary. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th As to th* Flr«pUo«. Tbe Bidea ot a Otvplac* ahonld tM veil splayed or berelPd In order to r»- fleet tha beat, says Arts and Decora- tion. The back should lean forward at the top for the same pnrpose. and the Oreplace should not be too deepk A projecting cbltnu(>y produces no cCfect of pnsblns the guest away, wharMs a receding one beckons him nearer to enjoy the hospitality of the open flra. For this n>aaoo the Inglenookâ€" that Is, the fireplace built into the wall of tha roomâ€" Is aapedally coxy and attractlT% WANTED .\ live lepresenlalive for Flcfhertoii and surrounding district to sell high slock for Tho Fontliill Nurt'eries Mole fi ml trees will lie planted in Fall of lull and spring of WVl than ever bi- fore in the hlsloiy of llntnrio. The orcbaid of the fiiluic will be ihu best payintr part of the farm. We teach our men SHlesmauship, Tree culture and how Irg piohts in liiiit growing can be iii.ide. I'ayweik'y, petmanent euiploymenl, exclusive territory. .\N'rie for pariiculais Stone & Wellington TORONTO dLOTH I N THE MAKINfl. The Way the Uneoirth Preduat ef tl» Laam It Finishad. Every woTen fabric la made I19 crossing or Interlacing two distinct M ries of threads together. When tb yam comes from the spinner It I mounted opon tha loom in spoola writes Rapert Bowers In Harpart Weekly, sia wonderfully antomatJi are these modem looms that when 1 bobbin la emptied It is forced oat an! a fall spool is pot In Its place withoa â- topping the loom. There are a] classes of looms for all classes of ma terial, from the thlimest fabrics up ti the thickest felts. To attempt to da scribe one of them or the principles 01 which they are constructed would in Tolve the reader in a wilderness a technicalities. The power loom is oni of the most remarkable and compleo of mech.TnIcal products, the growth a many years of experience and ingennl ty and the crystallization of the la ventlve genlns of many minds. The cloth lu the shop window resem bics the cloth as it comes from thi loona 80 remotely that there wouH seem to be no relationship betweei them. Tbe first product of the loon Is usually uncouth, barsh and aoytbln} but inviting in appearance. It has ti pass tbrotigb many processes before II Is finished and made ready for tbe mar ket It is first mended so as to cor rect weaving faults as far as possible Then It is scoured and thorougbl] cleansed. Again it is looked over aa< mended before it passes to the fulling or milling machine which, witb soai ond fuller's earth, produces tbe flnlsl that is required Then It is scouref ogaln. Tentering Is tbe next process. Thli seta the cloth at a satisfactory widtl and straightens it for the operatloni that follow, tbe first of which Is called raising Tbe millions of tiny hooks 01 tbe gigging macblne raise np tbe fiben on the surface of the cloth and leav< them in an aprigbt positloiL Tbe pUt or nap is the result This produces 1 remarkable change in tbe app«aranc« and condition of tbe fabric. Sbearlni is the next thing. This cuts off all thi raised fibers, leaving them of a mil form length. Tbe reqali«d gloaa an4 solidity are obtained by the presslnj which follows. Bannertnan were driving cut of Walker- horn the ho u»« he took aim and fired ton in a democrat on Friday their team ju.staathe Mock was rising from tlic became frighieued a*, an auto driven by ground. The charge wtnt right into the Mr. .\, H. Wahlqiiist, arid in the nnx-up tbe midht of them and 18 bhckbitd'j fell which followed Frieburgei was thrown dead to the ground, from his rig and had several ribs broken, A young fellow 17 years of age who behides s-istaining many bruiws <tud a was known as '•John" rode away from severe fchaking up. The other occupant the farm of Mr. Robert Jordiaon, t»o ot the rig escaped unhurt. â€" Bruce miles umth of Chataworth, taking with Herald. Riverdale him a tiuit uf cluthes, » pair of boots, a watch foil and 1 small sum of money. T1ie man had been in the employ of Mr. Jordison for a few days and on Thurs- day lai>t during! his employer's absence in Owen Sound, "John" helped himself ' and headed south towards Durham on visit- one of Mr. .Jordison's best horses. Search ha-s le?n commeiiced for the Miss v.. Briscoe of Killaloe resumed â- . professional duties in our .school iin Tues- day of last week. Threshing is the order of the day in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Dol.ion of Toronto ed fri;nds here recently. Miss Lou Wiley returned to Meaford y""' """• I'"' '" '»â- â- *»*-' '""' *>««" "*<=â- i last week to resume hinh school studies, ^d no further than Wiliiamsford. The 1 ,, 1 »t I VI-., r I. J 1 horse found its way nonieaday or two i Mr. and Mi-s. J. >\ ilson of Beaverdnle , , ,, . , , , , . . -â- .,,. J â- , â- • - -^ t,r I , SKo- ".Johii n described as a homely I visited friends in th's vicinity Wednesday , " , . , , . , . ,. .^ ,, I ., , loi'kmg lad o ft. t. in., weighing 120 lbs, i of last week. : ,. .^t â- medium dark complexion, wearj Chrmty stiff pretty well down to his ears, hw dark coa', red vest and grey trousers. Mr. Mullen, a young Scotchman who M.S. J. (iould pleasantly entertained ,,,^ ^^^^ .iccupyhig the pulpit of the her friends at a. lUiltiDg bee one day lavt^jj^j^,.^^(,^^j.^^ at Keady for the pa>t ''*' â- three months, wa.s on Friday p'actd What is the matter with our esteemed | under arre...t . n a charge of theft. He Stone Settlement cor ? : jg jt present in Owen sound gaol await- .Miss Kveline Arinstiong of DuntLilk ing a hearing which will t.ike place 10- I is the guest of Miss L<:titia Boyd for a morrow. Mr. Mullen is accused of ' few weeks. 1 I Inferring from the low, immoi-Hl marks of our PticeviUe cor. his morbid *""" "^ """"-*^y "'""""ting »<> *138 and intellect is not cap.ible of understanding '*" K"'*! W'lches were misjing. aud 'good, plain, immaculate Kngli.'-h. We| *«'« '""""l '" t*'® >'"""S >«»"'* ri'«"'- j wlvisc our poor cor. to give much thought -^ P*>-"''''"^"^»""<="f ^''^ »"'â- *''â- '" "'*' I to thp following lines of the immortal ^^^ ^'^ 'h" »>""unt stolen belonged to the young mtii himiclf. Mr. Mullen stoutly denies that he has any connection with the affair. He was well thought of by the people of Keady who are nat- urally shocked at the seriou.* charge laid robbing the home of Mrs. Sinclair, of' yg. Keady, with whom he was boardin.;. K \ Longfellow : Fride goeth forth on horseback, grand and gay. But Cometh back on foot and liegs its way. ; Fame is the fiagrnnce of heroic deeds. Of Howers of chivalry and not of weetls. against him and there are many who aie A JOLLY TIME AT HOME. Advlea to tha Man Whose Wife li Away en a Vaoation. During any time when your 'wife If on an extended visit with her relatlvet yoa can save money from your boar< allowance by keeping house for your self. Ton may find the following sag gestlons helpful: If you forget to order Ice yon cat render tbe butter serviceable In Um following manner: Take a cut glast finger bowl and Oil it 'with cool water Scrape tbe butter into the flnger t>owl When ready to spread your bread ex tract your butter in quantities as need rd With the cucumber lifter. Tbat'f thnt flat sliver spoon with boles in It If you smell smoke you will doubt less Ond tbe lamp la smoking and ttii room is covered with soot First tun the wick down to save oil, then get ( damp cloth and go over everything carefully, rinsing out tbe clot It frou time to time. When cleaning tbe wullt USD only a downward motion, so thu> the streaks will all run vertlciUly. Not having your wife's social charm you will doubtless t>e given tougb steat by your butcher. One way to mafef sto.Tk tender is to run It repeateuij through tbe sewing machine. Cse e coarse needle, but no thread. The bob bin trough will catch the Juice, whict Clin be used later for gravy. It jot take out the bobbin first you will bar* more room for tbe juice.â€" Walter A. Dyer In Delineator. Owen Sound News Mr. Wm. E. Johnston, of 5th Con. I Derby, evidently holds the record for shooting black birds. At 4 .10 on Friday afternoon he saw an exceptionally large Hock of birds crowded together on the of the opinion ihat he will clear himself. ' He was plaiiuiiig to gj to McMastcr I'n- (iversiiy at the end of the month. â€" Sun. ( ground and getting a do-jble-barrel gun ^Jnly lii.o. Stock for Service Durhaiu bull aoU Ha'ksLire 1i>h: tor service on lot 7. con. I N. V>. K.. Arteiueiia. Termsâ€" «^l.lOeash cash. â€" L. McAKTHl K. I'liceville. CEYLON'S -"i^RE August Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods W"i,;,»ts in Silks and Lawn-; at greatly reduc;;d price.s, --lud all Slimmer Hosiery, Boys' Summer Suits, I'ataKols and I'mbrellas, Muslins, Men's rnderwenr, Lidi>'s" Vests, Low Shoes, Slippers and l'iiiii(is. In Prints, Cottons, and l^iuns we ,an give you great uilucs Window Ciiitains Scrlmin's and .Madras, a' prices that can't lie beat. S.\\ kiiids'of Fruits on hand at very reasinable prices. ce ream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST .MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM ROUl'CE A Shadow Fifty Miles Long. The peak of Tenerlfe projects a htife shadow stretching upward of ^^ miles across the deep and partly eclips- ing tha adjoining Islands IBxaggerat- ed shadows of Immense slxe are com* monly seen In many other placeai On the Harm mountains the so called Spec- ter of the Brocken throws glgaatle shadows of mountain climbers Into the â- ky. repeating every movement made by them. The same occnrs on the summit of Pambamarca, in Para. On the topa ot Alpine peaks and on the summit of Ben Lomond. In Scot- land, mists In one case and rarafled ah: In the other explain tbcss opdeai lllnslona. Tbe same causes pcodnes also colored shadows, varying at aacb hour ot the day and traceable to tbt dispersion ot the solar rays.â€" SdsntlAe American. Walkerton While Mr. and Mm. .Tolui Foster of Hiaiit were sitting aiound ilie kiti'lirii lire on Satuiday iiioriiinu lliey were »iid di'iily shocked by the stoxeiiipe^ living in all directions. K\\ showed tint linhtnin^ had stiuck and deiiio! ished the ilumney and lisd Iruvelled iilo the kitchen with the above result. The second lobbiiy that liius taken (ilace ill the Wall in ton Imuor store since Mr. Kigali I lok chaiye whs pulled iff oik- nii-bt hut week, when soimoiitj with an appjiite for boor.e entered throuijli a wind'W' at the rear of the s'ore and ap- proptiato.l twenty-live bottles of the choicest b:ands if whiskey, I randy iiui «in. Mr*. Ihieker had tho niisfoitune to run a lari;e cMrviiiv knife inl« eye, mtlictiii^a painful and sriioiis wound. She was eiitlin); a lari;tf roast when llie ki ife .sli iped and wuiit foicitily u).a iit her eye. Dr. Frikser expects to sav,> iho liljht. I While Jctcph Ftieburger and Win. ! ^as. J. aftison ee yton NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-ACED MEH. the vktimii of early iujisirvtious and lalerex. ce>j>e». who aix> failures in lifeâ€" you are the I'lieswe can rvstore to ninuhooU and rerivo tbo spark of eiuTcy and Tit;ility. l)< n't (!l»« up in despair Ijecause \ou liave treatr<l with otlier doctoi-s, u-.e<l elecirlo belts and tried various druR store uoatruuis. Our N«w MatVoa Trcalmcal has snalrhml buiiUrvda frt'iii tlie ti-ink of despair, has re- stored liappiin'i-! to fiundmls of lionies and has made successful men of those who w»re -down aud out." Wo prmoribo specillc rem- i-dies for each individual case acoordinc to tlie â- yiiiptoiiis and c<<uiotioulions-we havei no patent niedi.-inea. This is oii» of t he secr«u of our womlerfnl siKX-^aH as our treatment can- not fail, fi>r we pr«ieribe reniwlies »dapte<l to eaili liidividualcase Oulv ciiiublo cases ac- c*-[>«n.l. Wa kaTc doM biuiMM tlu«l«iM«l Canada far o«<c 20 Yaar*. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY BFinFRi^'*''"" » Tietlmr Hare you lost IILHULn noi*» .\rw you lutendluc to iiiarrvt lias your bkHHl bet?ii disease*!' Have you any weakm-asf Our New MatlMMl TnatnMnI will cum you What it lias done for othera It wlU do for you. CoDaaltaliea Fr««. .No matter who lias treate<l yon, wrilo tor an honest l..>yhiH>.l,Miinh.»Hl. Fatherhood." illlustrat- ed) ou Uiavaaesut Men. NO NAIWES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No nama.on k«.. a, ,«,Ji. TREATMENT '"* ''•"''''•"''•'• Q""*-'" L^' and CmI oi Tr«.im«Bt FREE FOR HOkS DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Coriespondence Depart- â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to .see us personally call at our Mivlical Institute in Detroit as w sec and treat «o p.l„nu ,„ ,nir \Vin.l«,r offices which are for Correspondence and UiUiratory for Catiaduiii l.usnics.s onlv. Addre!«i all letters as follows- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wind.or, Ont Write for our private addres><. Bf-liOTICE