ir / \m MERRY 010 ENGIANO KE^TS DY HAIL ADOLT JOHN BLLL AM) HIS l>EOrL£. Oe«urronc<>9 in the Land That Beifas Supieme in the Cow- mcrcial Worid. The House of Parliament at West- jiinsWr cover nine acres of ground. Smallpox at Wellasey is spread- ng, three more cases having been Kimitted to the hospital. Northumberland miners have de- ilared in favor of a strike for the kb<jlition of three-shift system. Hampstead Borough Council has vpproved the expenditure of $62,000 ior altering and enlarging the Town Ball. A shark measuring five feet in ength has been captured at Pen- lance by Mr. Howard while angling or pollack. At the London Guildhall Library a'^t year there were 472,29" readers ind \isitors, the highest number on lecord. Another lunatic asylum at epson, o cost £450,200, is projected" by 'he Asylums Committee of the uondon Country Council. During last year 9,915 horses were ixamined at city wharves prior to Vei% exported abroad, and of Vhese 211 were rejected. A Leeds boy named Thomas Wil- aam Gibbon, has been awarded $.500 icir injuries received when knocked lown by a motor car. Directors of the Surrey Public- iouse Trust Company report that to per cent, of the business done luring the past year was in non- klcoholic drinks. A Leeds employer, connected with »ne of the largest firms states that If the National Insurance Bill ;>assos he will have to discharge 400 nen. Seven families have been found in one house at Swansea, and 900 ap- plications have been made for council houses, not one of which is vacant. .\ pit pony has died at Xew Hawne Colliery, Halesowen, Wor- cestershire, which has worked in •roal mines for 40 years, during 12 "(ii which it never saw daylight. A act profit of $60,000 was made last year upon the electric lighting undertaking of the Hammersmith Borough Council, and $63,000 upon that of St. Pancras. Mr. Robert Jones, the late work- house master at St. Asaph, has left a legacy of £S00 to be sent <ju giv- ing orphan children a start in life when they leave the workhouse. John Tinton, of Abersychan, who shot through a door and killed his wife, who had run out of the room after a quarrel, has been sentenced to five years' penal servitude. Much damage has been done to commons in various parts of Sur- rey by fire, caused by the intense heat. At Elstead upwards of sixty leres of Hankley Common were levastated. Among the latest additions to the Zoological Gardens is a swarm of (tnuU black bees. oalle<l angelitos, Irom Jamaica. Although provided with a stinging apparatus, they do lot sting. Mrs. Spierpoint, the wife of a me- chanic living at Latchmere grove, Battersca, was bathing her five nonths' old son, when she fainted, ind the child fell iuto the water and Kas drowned. The late Mr. Wotxlman Peters, of St. .Vustell, Cornwall, who left a fortune of £98,674, was born of poor parents, and started work as a lab- orer in a china clay pit, earning from 12s to las. a week. A young man named William Sal- mon shot himself dead at Hull after threatening his sweetheart, Alice Howcroft, and her sister with a revolver. He had been keeping eompany with .Mice Howcroft, but they quarrelled. Of seventy persons who were at- tacked by smallpox during the re- eent outbreak in Tendon twenty- >wo had never been vaccinated, and of the eleven deaths nine were those of unvaccinated persons. While Walker John Beare was re- moving f om the front of his house in Copperfield road, Mile End, London, a signboard that he con- sidered unlucky he fell from a lad- der and was fatally injured. The spire of Shaltket Church, in the Isle of Wight, which is so well known from the legend that "The Shalfleet poor and silly people sold their bells to buy a steeple.' has become so dilapidated that it is to be demolished. â- ^ r Try For Breakfast â€" Scramble two egfgs. When nearly cooked, mix in about half a cup of Post Toasties and serve at once â€" sea,soning to taste. It's immense ! "The riemory Lingers" V Canadian PMlum Ctraal Company, Llmlttd, Wl»ds»r, Ontario. Canada. A STORM ONtiALILEE. Squalls That Last for An Hour Do •ireat Havoc. The Sea of Galilee is not always calm. The mountains immediately adjoining are 2,000 feet nigh, and through their deep gorges the storm winds are sucked into the hol- low of the lake, so that sudden squalls come literally out of a blue sky. One charming spring morning we started out to sail from Tiberias to Capernaum, says a writer in the Travel Magazine. There was not a ripple on the water or a cloud in the heavens. But when we were a quarter of a mile frum shore our boatmen noticed a band of rough water rushing toward us from the other side of the lake. In spite of our remonstrances, they im- mediately gave up the plan for mak- ing Capernaum, took down sail with such frantic haste that they nearly upset the boat, and then rowed for the land with all their might and with such excited urgings to one an- other that we thought them a very cowardly crew. But hardly had the boat been beached in a shelter- ing cove -when the wind was blowing down on us from the mountains and the heavy break- ers were foaming along the shore as far out into the lake as we could see. A quarter of an hour later later the Sea of Galilee was again as level as a mirror, and only a soft, warm breeze was blowing over the smiling waters. thank her." Whereupon the I young servant owned that it was sh.c I who had cried. "Vive le roi 1" I Then his majesty said. "It is the first time that any one has called. 'Vive le roi !" in French since I cam<_- to the throne. My father : often had the pleasure to being greeted in this way." • Then the Queen asked, in French, which she seemed to speak : with less facility than the King, I "Have you been long in London i' and Melanic answered, "About six months.' "I think the English bien-gentiis et bien polls," she further answer- ed the King, and made his majesty laugh by saying that she would like England very much if it did not rain so constantly. A GENTLE LAXATIVE FOR THE BABY Stomach and bowel troubles is the cause of nine-tenths of the ail- ments from which little ones suf- fer. Let the little stomach and bowels be kept riglit and baby will be happy, healthy and strong. The only sure and safe means of keep- ing baby's stomach and bowels sweet and regular is to give him an occasional dose of Baby's Owa Tablets. These Tablets are a gen- tle laxative, they sweeten t!ie stomach, regulate the bowels, ex- pel worms, break up colds and pre- vent or cure the dozens of ailments that afflict the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville. Out. * . THE KING AND MELAME, A Little Incideut Mhich ^hous the Kinduess of The Kiug. King George is not destitute of the tact and graciousness which made his father beloved, even though he may not possess them in so remarkable a degree. The little incident which follows was printed in the New York Sun. It gives a pleasing glimpse of the new King. and implies his entire approbation of the eniente cordiale with the na- tion across the Channel. Melanic is a little French ser- vant, who lives with an English family in London. She has not been there very long, and has not had time to learn the language. But she is generally pleased with her English life, except that she finds that it rains a great deal, and that the sky is often gloomy with tlie smoke of the great city. The other day she was sent by her mistress to accompany Miss Jenny, the daughter of the house, in Hyde Park. Wh.en she arrived there, and was about to cross the Kow, she was brought to a s_taiid- still by a large ciowd. Knowing that the English are serious peo- ple, who do not waste their time merely for the pleasure of wasting it, she waited to see what would happen. .•\nd presently the King and the Queen went by on horseback. Rid- ing in front of them were two of the royal children, and three equerries were in attendance in the rear. Tbe King and Queen bow- ed right and left, and the crowd took off their hats and applauded with their hands, and the little bonne, knowing no English, but ap- prehending from he young Eng- lish companion that it was the sovereign of the English people, cried in her native tongue, "Vive le roi ! Vive la rcine '.'' Now Melanie called so loudly, and in so strong a voice, that every one heard, including their majesties, who smiled very graciously, and reining in their horses, they came by to where the young girl stoixl. She was fluttered witli fear, until the King spoke, and said, in beautiful French : "There is a person here who has greeted us in French; we want to BABYS TKKKllJLE El/E.HA. Five Doctors Failed! to Relieve, but Zum-Buk Worked a Cure. Mrs. Chas. Levere, of Prescott. North Channel, Ont., tells how Zam-Buk cured her baby. She says: â€" "My babys head and face was one complete mass of sores. The itching and irritation were fearful, and the little one's plight was so serious that at one time we feared her ears would be eaten off by the disease. "We had to keep her bands tied for days to prevent her rubbing and scratching the sores. Doctor after doctor treated her in vain, until we had had five doctors. "As a last resource we were ad- vi»e<l to try Zam-Buk. The first box did so much good that we felt sure we were at last working in the right direction. We persever- ed with the treatment until we had used thirteen boxes, and at the end of that time I am glad to say Zam-Buk worked a complete cure." For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch, ringworm and similar skin diseases. Zam-Buk is without equal. It also cures cuts, burns, scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic sores, blo'xl poisoning, etc. All druggists and stores at 50 cents a bo.x, or post free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse iniitati'.'iis. WelL Well! J'HISisaHOME DYE , can use M dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods - aiith the SAME Dye. I used CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. No chance of utinK the WRONO Dve for the Goodt one hftk to i-cilor. All L-olor* from vour Drucei.t ur D..alcr. FHKi: Color t:.«rd-jntj i TORY Booklet I*. The Juhn.An.KiL-!mrdftoii Co., Ljltilted, MoiilreMi, THE WITNE.SS. Hud.son â€" Has Jones a good me- mory ; Judsonâ€" Xo ; he forgets to re- member instead of remembering to forget. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. .ViRS. VVlNSLOW'S SOOTHl.N'fi S^'KTâ- |• llUs \KK\\ u,-.rti f.irovcr SI.\TY YE.4R.Sbv MILLIONS of MOTUKKS for their CHILURHN WHILH TEKTHINC, Y»illl PERKECT srCCESS. W SOOTHES the CHII.U, SOFTENS llie C.UMS, ALLAYS a'.l TAIN : CURE.S WIND COLIC, and t> Ihe IxrH reitinlv for UI.\KKHQ;a. It is. al>- soUitrly UamileNS Be siirc aoti ask for "Mrs. Win.'.low''. Soothing Synip." and take no ulher kind. Twtrnty-fivc cents a I>otlle. TOO men GOLD THE CAUSE, f ."^oienCiHt .4!«8ignH New Reasoa for i High Mwi of LiTiag. ! An ii:teresting suggestion is made in regard to the increased cost of living, wbicli, like an earth wave, hasi sent a tremor throughout Europe, causing food riots in France, an outcry against the but- chers in Belgium, and protests against dearer meat and milk in Germany, while it is largely re- sponsible for the labor unrest in England. • This suggestion is that the en- ormous output of gold in recent years has upset the balance of prices and that the world has not yet shaken itself down to a true adjustment. Statistics show conclusively thait in England, on the continent, and in Xorth America nearly all the commoner and most necessary articles of foixl have been steadily rising in price since the century opened. Meat, especially bacon, in England the poor man's favorite food ; milk. brea<i and sugar all cost more. It is calculated tnat there is a ten per cent, increase in the weekly budget of household ex- penses in England. Prof. Chapman at the meeting of the British Asp<x-iation predicted that the next three years would be an era of strikes, due to the fact that, whereas up to lS9fi the cost of living had been falling it had since then been rising. NEW KIND OF FRUIT. A new kind of fruit has been dis- covered in a garden at Dunstable, Bedfordshire. England. It is neith- er a gooseberry nor a black cur- rant, and yet possesses the qualities of botn. The wood is distinctly that of a gooseberry, but the berries. *hich are as large as a cherry, and maroon in color, are growing in bunches e.\actly like those of black currants, while the flavor is difficult to define. \t the Dunstable Horti- cultural Show it was agreed that a new fruit for the table may be the outcome of the strange cross. BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED. "Did you have a good time at Mrs. Gaxidaway's last night f '"Not very. 1 was disappointed." "How!" "Well, several t>eople wanted Miss Mickleworth to sing." "And she refused?" "No, after holding out for quite awhile she consented.' COLLATERAL VALUE OF BONDS % Bonds generally speaking are considered by bankers, financial men and corporations as the most desirable collateral â€" or security for loans â€" because of their salability. 9 Financial mcnknowbyexperi- ence that good bonds will appre- ciate in value â€" because of li ; reasonable certainty of increj^e in the value of the security behind them. ^ r.he investor in bonth has an absolute atsurance thit. should it ever become .1 neressitr he ci.uM find ready sale fnr thctn and convert them into cash on the fthorteat notice without entailing more than a non.inaj .jokt in the wayul'cura- inisaion for filing t!tem. * \^ew;t nonemay, Botjdsasaninveat- ment undoubtedly have all putntsin their favor, whelherfrum appreciation in value security for the money invested, sal- atnlity, or a g^j^xl income. 1 Let ii< setid you our literature oa " Bond ' ' invesuneno. Drop a caitl ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION L M I T t D BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO M!nard's Linimant Relieves Neuralgia. An Easy Pill to Take.â€" Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelec's Vegetable Pills are bo prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as " a medicine for the stomach. The girl who delights in keeping a man on the rack may find her- self later on the shelf. MInard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. POPULATION OF SCOTLAND In a Parliamentary return issued showing the areas, population and valuation of the counties, burghs and parishes in Scotland, the total area, revised by the Ordnance Sur- vey Department up to l)eceniber 31st. 1910 was given as 19,070,4(56 acres, the population at the census of the present year 4,7,59.14o, and the t4.ital valuation £3'i,t»3o,9'I7. The most populous county is Lanark, with 1,147,113, the next in order being Edinburgh with 507.062 and Renfrew with 314,574. The highest valuations are Lanark £9,1592.644 ; Edinburgh. £4,7(5,5,095, .Aberdeen £l.9l!o.l-21. and Kenfrew £l,S9.5,-2S9. WHAT ELSE COULD HE DO? Mother â€" Now, Bobby, you must not get into any figlits with the neighbor children. Bobby â€" But, mamma, I've got to get acquainted with them some way. AVhether the corn be of old or new growth, it must yield t<i Hol- loways Corn Cure, the simplest and best cure offered to the public. It Testifies for Itself.â€" Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil needs no tes- timonial of its powers other than itself. Whoever tries it for coughs or Colds, for cuts or contusions, for sprains or )>urns, for pains in the limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. This shows why this Oil is in general use. WHAT .S IN A NAMt. "Try some chicken, sir." "Give me anythi.ig but chicke-^.'' i "Have chicken fricasse, -Ir. I There's everything in that excend ; chicken '." Many mothers have reason to bless Mother Graves' Worm E.xter- minatur. because it has relie\e<l the little •.•nes of suffering and mada them healthy. NOT EXACTLY. Conductor â€" "Did yiui get out and stretch your legs, when we stopped at the junction .''' Passengerâ€" "Well, not exactly: I went into t!ie dining-car and had them pulled. BIG DIFFEKENCE. Heâ€" Did Maude say that mar- riage is a failure 1 Sheâ€" Yes : before her wedding sha a,sed to get 90-cent chocolates and now she gets the 25-ceut bra^id. The Bowels Must Act Healthy.â€" In most ailments the first care of the medical man is to sec that the bowels are o>)en and fully perform- ing their functions. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredie^its in them act on the bowels solely and they are the very best medicine avail- able to produce healthy acti<in of the bowels. Indeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. 5t. Jo«pph. Lovif. Jtily 14. 1905. Hinard's Liniment <.'o , LiiOiiod. Gi-utk-mifu,â€" 1 wan badly kiriii'd by my \ horse lust May and at;''r using ^^•v^•rai , preparatioRit nn my lex numuiff would i do. My leg wat< black as jft. 1 nas iiiiri j up in bed for a forinigiit and could .101 ' walk. After u^inj; liirt-u bwt.lrb of ynur iMl-VAltDS LI.MilL.NT 1 waa pcifcc.iy uured, no that I could start on itic r-iad JOS. Dl Bi>. Comincrcial Xravckr. Every packet of Wilson's Fly Pads will kill more flies than can i:ossibIy be caught on tiiree hua- dred i^heets of liticky paper. If you have to w.ait for anything keep busy at it while you are wait- ing. . Minard's Liniment tor $al« everywhere. A good bluff makes more noise than great riches. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. IF you nam to ..oil a larm. L-onsul» IF ycu want to bay a farm, cousult Mrs. Xewbride â€" "Boo-hoo ! Henry threw a cake at me. One that I made myself, tool" Mother â€" "The mLnster! He might have killed you !" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. THey keep tl\o Mrhole system in tHe pink of condition. Their singular curative pro- perties discovered by an Indian tribeâ€" intrcducedtociv.ilization nearly a century ago â€" com- pounded since 1857 In the Comstock Laboratories at Erockville, Ontario. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills have a remarkable record for consistently curing constipa- tlon.bilicusnessandindlgestion, purifying the blood, banishing headaches and clearing the tl skin, 25c. a box everywhere. Mrs. Ncwlywed â€" "The night you propo.sed you acted like a fish out of water." Mr. Newlwed â€" "I â€"and very cleverly landed, too." No i>erson should go from home without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dys'nteiy Cordial in their p.ssession. as change of witer, cooking, climate, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint, and there is nothing like being rea<ly with a sure remedy at hand, whicii oftentimes saves great suffering and frequently valuable lives. Ttiis Cordial has gained for itself a widespread reputation {<>r afford- ing prompt relief from all summer complaints. Cultivate the great art of leav- ing people alone, even those you think you have a right to direct in the minutest particular. TRY MURINE EYE R£!MEDV ter Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes â- ad Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart â€" Soothes Eyo Pain. Druggists Bell .Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, BOc. 11.00. Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes. 25c. ?1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice FYeo by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Cliicago. KISSING THE BRIDE. .\l'a certain church it is the pleas- ing custom at a marriage for the clergyman to kiss the bride after the ceremony. A y^uing lady who was about to be married in the church did not relish the prospect, and instructed her prospective hus- band when making arrangements to tell the clergyman that she did not wish him to kiss her. The bridegroom did as directed. "Well, George," said the young lady when he appeared, "did you tell the clergyman that I did not wish him to kiss me?" "Oh. yes." ".And what did he say?" "He said that in that case he would charge only half the usual fee," Tl.e laughter and tears of a wo- man are equally deceptivo. UNLUCKY. "That was rough on Davis." "Whati'' "He stepped on a piece of orange l>eel, fell, and was arrested for giving a street performance with- out a license." The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almnst every .^merlc.^n State Board of Health is carrying on a crusjide against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body is gen- erally laden willi disease-jnoduc- ing germs, makes him one of the greatest enemies of the hum.i;» race. If the housekeepers of Ca.i- ada will use Wilson's Fly Puds persistently, this peril would be tremendously reduced. EASILY TOLD. "How do you know that your daughter's music is improving/ " "The neighbors are getting more friendly.'' Ill.Wi; sntne of tlio best t'ruit. ^ti>ck. (jiaiii or Dairy i arms lu Ouiario. and |)r;<cs right. Accidents, Burns, Scalds. Sprains, Bruises. Bumps. t*\its. Wounds, all are painful. Hamlins WizaixJ Oil draws out the infl;i:nma- tion and gives instant relief. Don't wait for the accident. Buy it now. H \V U.\^V^O^. Ninety Colburn* >;r.'*-t, roroino. AGENTS WANTEO. 4 U1-..MS \v.\.STi:U .\ Biuily ot uilier .^tL .\gtMicy i.ropo&itioiia coi*v:nr«B ue iQul uuue can utiual oure. Yuu will al- ways rugrel it 11 yuu don't apiily fo^ particulars to iruveUcrs Uept, Allien St.. Ottawa. ZA r-N EMPLOY ED MKN 0\\ WOMK.N, UU I. vou wish to luaku rive U.iUart. ai»y lor balaiue of y.'.ir.^ if .<o. loufuit J. L. .Siitiois fo., I.iiir.i.'-l. rjr'ii.o, IMISCEULANEOUS. 11 AV ami K.\KM ^(.ALKS. Wilsons Scale W.iiK..., t l.jiiluiiiide. T>.iotito. 4 (iKNTS W.'iNI'Kl). .V LINK l-'Ott ..:\ cviry homi'. Wntc u» for our clli>i«;» list of agents -upiilio-. Wt liavu th» Strt-att'st agemy pioiiosition ill I'uiiodi* U>-iiay. No outlay u>'i<-.-.«ary. .Xpiily B. t;. I." Co.. 228 .Albert St . Ottawa. Ct A.VCEli, ilMOB.-<. l.LMPS. etc. In. / lerual atiii ujterual. ourud wittiou* i.uin by our home trfatmenu Write ue before t«H> late. Dr. lielliuau Medical Co.. Limited. I'ojlingwvxid. Ont. <• TON Sl^Al.E HL AK.VNTKEl). WIIroii * > Siale Work". ^ K..'i>lunu<le, Toronto. SPECIALISTS APVICB MtBK. I'onnult us in regard to any di^eass. Loweet pnees in urugs of all kitida. PrusscK fitted uy tnnil. Send mensnrp- nieiit. Glasses fitted by a^e. Write today for anything i^oul 111 tirpt-da;** drug • torr« to Dr I'l-'liinaii. Coihttirwood. Ont- AFTER THE WEDDING. "What's the matter here.'" ask ed the caller, noticing the barren appe.irance of the house, "Sent your goods away to be storetlf" "No,'' replied the hostess. "Not at all. My daughter was married last week and she has merely lakon away the things that she thought belonged to her. " FEATHER DYEING Uleantng anil (Mirliui; aiitl KttI Oldvo* '-)ean«4 Tha-ti oan i>e â- *ent Uy pimt. ic per â- »*. BRITISH AMERtCAN" DYEINC Ca MO.NTUKAL. tU. 7 issL E a: u ' Canada Business Coliegs CHATHAM, ONT. In a cl,-i;3 by Itself Among America's Schools of Business Training. 414 STI.IDENTS PLACED IN 19M 3«5 ST'.IOENTS PLACEO iU ISM 47S STUDENTS PLACEO IN I9t0 Wo p^ibl.!<h tbo iitits uiiitually. We I ay full fare up to $8 00, and bring long distanre students tor bait fere. Good board and rooia. So.tH) per Meek. If you caunot uoiDo to L'hath&in. we can trAin you by mull. Hero are some ttudents olaord reieutlyt Nate Wndo. (.'anierou bt Huau, Beglno. E. Kurk. Nicholson ^ Bain. Bcfiiia. H. Wood. Tniht Co.. CtaeboyBau, Mich. Eight lallu Just reccivod for 8lBBugr»Bl>- ers. lenchers, and Auditors, for opening* worth from â- i600 to JISOO, will glye you some Idea of the demands. COLLEGE REOPENS FOR 36TH VEAR SEPTEtHBER STH. Cntalcgue 33 tells of worit at Chatham. Citalogua 34 tells of work by mall â- Eitber Fr««.i O. MoLACHLAN A CO., C. B. Celle^Sk Chatham, Ont