IT IS TO THK WKHl WHAT i;(;Vl»T IS TO TUE KAST. Its yparing nii F.uropoâ€" The Pow- crx Attracti'd by Its S(ruli*gic I'uHiliou. Fur many years things in Morocco have liecu guing from bad to worse. *)a\!. Tin- -New iurk Suu. Anarchy in a mure or less pronounced form bas heid bway in most parts of the Shereelian hmpirr. Not only has the greater part of that Empire t?ot out of hand of the central author- ity at Fez, but even that portion which was more immediately under the eye of tlie Maghzen, and there- fore, at least in semblance, under Oovernmental control, has become tlie prey of rival Moroccan pretend- ers. Now if Morocco was in far off Arabi.ii or in farflicr India or in far- thest China one would not feel that its condition was such a menace t(j the peace of Europe and of the world. It <-ould go to pieces grad- ually or quickly, as the case may lie; it could even be divided a- moiig the hungry European powers craxini^ for colonial expansion, And no upheaval in world-politics wiiuld necessarily result. But the geographical position of the, country and the complexity of interests of which it is naturally the centre make of it more than a mer« pawn in the intricate ganin of chess which is being played upon the political board. It bears the same relation to many problems dealing with the west as Egypt does to those iif the east. Both countries are in- timately connected with the con- ceriiH nf Europe. Both arc Medi- terranean powers ; the one guards the eastern, the other the west- ern end. A PREY TO THE POWERS. The failure of Morocco to move forward of its own accord has made it ;i natural prey to one or the other of the great European colonizing powers. England's commercial in- terests in the country have always been great, but another powerful claimant was on hand : France, and her position a< a great Mediter- ranean power and as a neighbor many was successful in making hei voico heard and in assert-nii li'i right Ui be consulted in all ^real world-proi)lems that lome lu; for discuHsioo in which European interests arn at stak s An-l the drew a cord across l''.'etii;a path in Morocco. On two occasions Geiinaiiy h'l- given the plainest ot u'nt. tli-it sho had claims in Mor>>c); one at ll>'' time of the Casablanca incident in 1!)0H, when German oei'".te"3 into the French Foreign I.eglon wei( forcibly seized by !he Oorniaii Con sul : the other on I of th';- ye,ir wlien a Germm warship sud ilenlv iiia<le its appi avaiv'"*- in the h.irlior of .Vgadir. On bwth occ.i sinus Germany acted wi'h the •.•iii!i' brutal abruptness vhi^li liul characterized the Imp'JT' il inter- vention at Tangier. AGADIR'S IMPOHTANC'E. The choice of Agadir as tlio i-pot for the new intervention has been made with coiisuniinate skill. It is a natural harbor ; some siy it I's the best harbor along the whol" coast of Morocco. It is on the At- lantic. It is the approach to the region of Sus, wliich is known to bo rich in mineral ores and where far- reaching concessbions, thoujjli not uncontested, have been made t'O the Mannesmann firm, and the Ger- man "MoroccolMine Syndicate." It cannot be said to be in the "sphere of interest" which eithc- Spain or France has pegged out for itself. But more than this: the holder of the port of .\gadir can in time of war menace the trade of the Atlantic, and that trade is largely British. The official reason put forward by Germany for this actitm is the re- quest for protection made by cer- tain (Jerinan firms doing business in Agadir. But the whole country around that place has been perfect- ly quiet : no lives of German sub- jects have been in danger. an<l Ger- man commercial interests there as in the whole of Morocco, are very small when compared to those of England and France. AN IMPRESSIVE SIGHT ttlant locbarg Seen In Atlantlo the South Prolwblr ona of tbi largest Icebergs M«n ot recent years near the track ot ioo«aD-golug steamers was viewed from the Itner Oravla ai she passed the Palkland Islands Id the South Atlau- tlo on her way to Liverpool. A gra- iphlo deicrlptlon pt the monster berg waa glveu by an officer of the ship. "The night was cloudy," be said. '"There was a cutting wind and tbe itemjwrature of the ara waa down to '38 degrees when tbe great Iceberg came Into view â€" a huge mass 500 feet high, partly covered with mist, a long shelving shore of ice, with tbe sea breaking upon It as upon a wide, deso- late beach. 'When the moon appeared the sight was one never to he forgot- ten. We gased upon what seemed to ,be a floating city ot ice as large as Liverpool, with Its towers. Us temples, \ta tapering monuments, shooting up In fantastic architecture, shimmering In the moonlight like polished silver. It U the lot of few to see such a Bigbt." Elveryone on board the Oravla was ji,-pollbound by the majestic beauty of the scene. The berg, which was visi- ble for some hours. Is supposed to be 'the detached portion of a permanent 'Antarctic Icefield. THE NAVY'S DIRIGIBLE A TERRIBLE RBOORD OF CHILDREN'S DEATHS As every mother knows the de.itli _ _ rate of litfle ones in Caiiad.i dur made her claiTn in every I '"8 tl'C hot summer niontlis f.xr e.\- to Morocco sense a valid one. The rivalry of the-e two powers in Morocco threat- ened to become acute ; but Egypt was on (Jreat Britain's han<Is There. tfM>, France was the groat eoniiietitor of England, and an ob- stac'e to the consolidation of Eng ceo<is that^of any other season of I the' year. The reason for this is I that the excessive heat brings on j those dreaded troubles, cholera in- fantum, diarrhoea, dysentery and ] other stomach and bowel coni- ' plaints. These cjnie on so quickly IbikIs influence. To be free of this ! ""** "''^'' ''"?''' ''l*-'<" wir''i"«? that incubus was an absolute necesssity ' <jf<^'-'u baby is beyond help before the mother realizes he is ill. I)iir- ing tlie hot summer months the ino- thcr must be constantly ou her guard to see that b.ihy's bowels arc working regularly :ind bis lit tie stomach is kept sweet mid pure. she had a free hand in Moroc- j "'*''^'''* 9"" Tablets should alw.iys be kept in the home as they are the Th.' treaty of 190-1 paved the way for the laying of the old conflict be- tween tbe two countries in a man- ner that does honor to the two Btatemen who carried it to a sue cessful issue. France now believed that CO. rnforlunately Germany camel"'"''"''''' K^'at^'^st friend. A dose upon the scene of world activity at 1 '"^*' '"'*^ '''!'-'" "'â- " l""*"^"""! these a time when the greater part „f : troubles, or if they do ciime on sud the KJ.ibe which is available for tli«« ! *^'"''.'*' **"">' "''" ''^ quickly b.uiish- fouti'lins of co'onial empires was either within the grasp or in the purview of other powers. Though she has repeate<lly asserted that slie has no lust for overseas domin- ions and is only d.'sirous to become the open door for her ever-increas- inn coninierce, facts belie such word'. She soon saw the possibili- ed by the Tablets. The Tablets are sold by medicine deilers or by mail at ii> cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cj., Brock villc, Out. LINK WITH THE PAST 'An Accident Has Occurred to Delay the Launching of the Mys- -i^ terlous Craft Pew undertakings have been respon- tbe rigid dirigible balloon that Is be- ing built at Barrow for the Navy. Early In the year it figured In the War Secretary's statement In the House of Commons as evidence ot the Army Council's attentlveness to the subject of aorlal navigation. At fre- quent Intervals It has been described In the newspapers, usually In the re- dundant terms of appreciation, which. In connection with aeronautical mat- ters, the public appear to love. Thus, tje size, speed, cost, armament and eoneral utility of the new vessel, were all ireiQendoiis; It was being built under an armed guard, Its secrets evi- dently being of the highest import, and so on, for tho past ten months. It now appears certain that the launching will not take place this year; that there has been an accident by which part of the vessel has been destroyed. FIVE POINTS IN BOND INVESTMENTS f A desirable investment has in it these essentialsâ€" the safety of the principal â€" the certainty of income â€" a fair and fixed rate of income â€" probable appre- ciation in value â€" and saleability. f Bonds, carefully select- ed, ensure to the investor all these desirable ele- ments and are invariably secured â€" -principal and interest â€" by the total as- sets of the company that issues them. fl Write us to day for our litera- ture on Bond Investments and a list of those we recommend. ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILOINC YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO TOO MUCH OF A STRAIN. Grandpa â€" "I am giving you this cent, Willie, because you have been a good little boy." Willie â€" "Yes, grandpa; but please u...'t expect me to ait around like Sunday school all day again at the same price." Minard's Llnlmtnt Curts Colds, Eto. A TONQUE-TWISTER. "I l)eg your pardon ; I thought this was Mr. Dingly." "I am Dingly." "Then I am glad to find that I was mistaken in thinking that 1 was mistaken." â- fleyf" "I .say when I thought I was mis- taken i was mistaken in thinking I was mistaken, and, being mis- taken in thinking I wa.9 mistaken when 1 wasn't mistaken, I was glad to find I was mistaken when I thought I was mistaken, because I wasn't mistaken; or, rather, I was mist.ikcn when I thought I was mistaken, and so I couldn't have been mistaken. Well, at any rate. I am gla-d. Looks as if wo were going to have rain, doesn't itf ' In the days when execiitions were still carried out in public, in Eng- land, a servant-'rirl upon one oc- casion begged he. nistrcss to allow her a day out, for a p'.rpose which she did not divulge. The lady of the house gave the required per- mission, and the girl accordingly went off for the day, but returned in the evening weeping copiouslv. "Why, Mary," asked her kindly mistress, greatly perturbed at the poor girl's evident distress, "what on earth is your trouble. Tell roe, and perhaps" I can help you." "Oh, ma'am," blubbered Mary, "I went to see the man hanged at Sahs- I bury, b-b-but he's been repriev- ed :'â- ' GOOD REASON FOR IT. Mrs. Jabbe â€" "Jones practically lives iu his automobile." Mr. Jabbe â€" "Has to; be sold liis home to tiy it." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is prepared from drugs known to the i)rofession as thor- oughly reliable for the cure of chol- er-i, dy.iciitery, cliarrlioea, griping jiains anu summer complaints. It Ins been used successfully by me- 'tlical practitioners for a number of years with gratifying results. If suffering from any siiiunier coni- jilaint it is just the medicine that will cure you. Try a bottle. It sells for '2,j cents. Small but Potent. â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills arc small, but they are effective in action. Their fine (|ualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need no introduc- tion to those acquainted with tlicm but to those who may not know them they are presented as the best prejiaration on the market for dis- orders of the stomach. St. Isidore, p. 0.. Auf . 18, 1904. Mlnard'ii liiniment Co,. Limited. Ofntleniun,â€" I h»ve frequently used MIN.1KUS LINIMKNT and also premribo it (or my patieiit.i always mtli the nioitt cratifyiuK rettultn. and I cunHidcr it the best alli'uund Linimont pxtant. Yours truly. DE. JOS. Ai:0.. SIKOI.S. GOOD REASON WHY. "Why don't you speak for your self, John.'" asked Priscilla. "Because," answered Joiin, "1 have not had a chance to get s Word in edgewise." Fresh Supplies in Demand. â€" Wherever Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil has been introduced increased siijjplies have been ordered, show ing tint wherever it goes this e.\ cellent Oil impresses its power on the people. No matter in la- titude it may bo found its jjotency is never impaired. It is put up in .• , ,, ,11 . .. _ MS ne»er iiii luirt-u. it i^ imii ii j lu t e. of Morocco not only because of Man Tells of HI, Brother Dying Cen- j „ost portable shai^e in bottles and Its inherent riches, but aNobec.nnspj tury and a Half Before ^an bo carried without fear of of it« no.itmnl worth mid its evi.lenl I breakage TRUE DIPLOMACY. F^inploycr. â€" We want a diploma- tic, tactful, smart office boy. Boyâ€" Well, I used to send sis- ter's beau away when she didn't want to see him. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. .»! M'i, WiNsl.oWs S(KiriilNO SVRt p Ui* brrf. il-crt lurovrr Sl.>tTY VKAKSby MH LloXS of MOTHKRS (or tlifir CIIU.URKN WIllLK TKICTHINO. Willi l-KKFliCT SfCCKSS. II SDOTHKS Ihr CUII.U. SOl-TKN.S the C.l'.MS. AI,I.AVS«11 TAIN ; CUKKS WIND COLIC, and i» Ihelifst rrmeily for l>IAKRIia':.'\. It is nt>- solul>:ly lunnleH^ Be sturc and ank for "Mr^. Win.slow'i* SoothiUK Syrup." uad take uo other tcind. Twrnty-tive ceut.-i a bottle. mehely further proof. "Anywav, he has aa honest face." "Honest! You surprise me." "Yes, it's the only honest thing about him. It shows how dishon- est he really is." MInard'i Liniment Curet Oargst In Covi. innhilitv to stand upon its own Icrs Rhe went about the business with her nccustonietl thoroughness. A ( HfXK rPON GERMANY. ,, Now it is widely lie.M tli;it the "act" whi-h re^ultc<J from the Alge- ciras ( onference in lOOii was iu a large nieasiin: a diplomatic check upon (lerman a.'-pirations, as it placet! the organization of the Moroccan police iintlcr Spanish and French military ofHcers. Though Tho presldinR magltttrale at a pollci- court In Syria waa aaloiilBliert to hear a witness, wlien asked If lie liad any brolhorB, reply that he had one, but thai he died HX years ago. HroBsed for an explanation, witness stated that lie was tlie Issue of a, second inarriajte. Mis father married' his first wife ill 17«9, at the age of ninoteun, and tho foUowliiK year there' was boru a son, who died when only a fow months old. Tho letter's father married UKaiii In 1820, at the ago of' seevnty, and witness was born thai year following. ikage. CONSOLING. Struggling Passenger (on rail- road train) â€" "This window sticks so I can't get it up." Conductor -"Ves. Wood h 8W(jllen a liitle by the rain. It'll be all right in a few tluys." It is better to avert a war than to light and win ; better to provc'it sickness than to cure it. Keej) a she did not sti'ccecd inf breaking ' 'Tj'elng'olBiitynlne years of age when ' I'""'*-" "^ Ha"il'"s Wizartl Oil in the through the Anglo-French entente Klving evidence, the Interval since the;'!""'^^ " '"•''"' """•'" ""'^'-''''HR cordiale or in cutting into the His- '*<'^"' "' ^^'â- ' "'st child was thus ex-" it saves, pan . French mi<|;iiidiiig Cier- '*""'*-''J '" °^'<^'" l'"^ years. For regulating the bowels, invigorating the kidneys and stirring up the lazy liver Dr. Morse'o Indian Root Pills have proved for over half a century, in every quarter of the world, absolutely safe and most effective. = AN ARCHBISHOP'S RECREATION I KIdluB was a favorite diversion of ; the lato Archbishop Madagan, and In j addition to this he was a good whip, i and freqiienily drove a pair; while: j another recrcutlou In which ho In- 1 dulled In tho winter, when opportunity offered, waa curltng on tho Ice. He 1 had also a great love of animals. .' It Is not generally known that hiai Grace was an artist, and palntet^ cleverly In water-colors. The inhabl 25c. a box everywhere. 27 LOGIC. "Earlic, why don't you comb your hair .'" "'Cause I ain't got a comb." "Well, why don't you tell your mamma to buy one!" " 'Cause then I'd have to comb my hair." ' It is a fact beyond dispute that me packet of Wilson's Fly P.ids taiits of Keswick at one time becami^ ! has killed a bushel of house flies. quite accustomed to tho sight of the I This is more than could possibly be archbishop seated sketching on tha ' taugbt on three hundred sheets of GUESSED IT. Wiggingsâ€" Do you know that your chickens come over into my yards I Jiggina-I supposed they did, for they never come back again. WORDS OF WISDOM. Enterprise is the life blood of business. To be cheerful is nearly to be well. A heavy conscience generally means an ill body. I To do a child's thinking for it is I ttj deprive of the sacred right of ] discovery. Many people merely exist now. boping to live an idealfuture. Thev sacrifice their bodies, health, and minds to gain gold. A Sttmpe<l Medicine.â€" Panne- lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use attained so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. Tbe ailing should remember this. Simple iu their composition, they can be assimilated by the wcikest stomach an<l are certain to lune a healthful and agreeable effect on tlio sluggish digestive organs. A parson was applied to for ad- vice by a member of his congrega- tion, who complained of the con- tinual noise made on a trombone by a ne.\t-door neighbor. "C.Tn a man," he asked, "who practices on such an instrument from morning to night be a good Christian!" "Such a man might possibly be a good Christian," the parson re- plied, "but his ne.\t-door neigh- bor couldn't." BLACK KNIGHT Stove Polish en.sures no hard work and no dirty work. No messing or mixing. A handy paste in a generous can. A few rubs, and you have a splendid finish that lasts and stand.s the heat. The best preparation for polish- ing stoves, pipes, grates and ironwork. If your dealer does not carry "Black Knight" Stove Polish ia stock, send us bin name and loc, and we will send a full size tin by return mail, m r. F. DALLEY C*.. UNITES, â- MDlTm. ONT. 33 »f**n a/UU/amnu '•linf Shat niuk. "IT'S A WISE SON," ETC. Th« First Boy (3«nt to bed t« await chastisement for bad behav- ior)â€" Here's father coming up- stairs. I'm going to pretend I'a asleep. The Second Boy (in case aimila» to first, but wiser)â€" I'm not; I'm going to get up and put somethiag UQ. One of the commonest complainti of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them ia Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. How it must jolt a man when he is polite to his wife in public to have her look as if she't used to it ! MInard't Liniment Cum Diphtheria. Anyway the tire of a lazy man isn't easily punctured. FARMS FOB RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. [F you want to sell a farm, consult me. [F you want to bay a farm, coniiult I H.VVE some of tho best Fruit. Stock, X Urain or Dairy Farmd lu Uutario. and pru-ed right. H. W. DAWSON. Ntuety Strei.'t. Torouto. ColboriH AGENTS WANTEa (^.l.NVASSRK.-l W.VNriSD WsoWy n\%t\ J paid. â€" AKibil Tyler, r.uDclua, 0u(»ia. AGKNT.-; WANTF.D EVEnVWIIERK - Higli class bubineis witli best peopt* lalvcrt 4 Dwyer Co, Limited. Toronto. A0ENT3 WA.NTED.-A study of other Agency propositions convinces u( tuut none can equal ours. You will w.-iys regret it il you rton't apply particulars to T Albert St.. Ottawa. ravollers' Deiit., at- for A f.E.NTS ON ."lALAKY OR COMilLS.SlON. a\. Tlie greatest agents' sellwr ovoi pi'oitiiiied: every user of pen and iniK buys il on sight; 200 to 500 per cent proflt; one agent s sales amounted to $620 in utx days; uuolber $32 in two boiirs. Monro* MfB. Co. X.. 468. L;i Crosse. Wis. MISCELLANEOUS. HAV and FAltH SCALES. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Wilson* Toronto. There are many sticky d«vices on the market that kill some flies, but hnusekeeiicrs who have tested them know that Wilson's Fly Pads k'il many times more, and do not age carpets and furniture like all sticky fly catchers. THE OLD STORY. "Had every cent taken last night. Woke up hearing some one in the room. Reached under the pillow fur my revolver, but didn't shoot." "Why didn't you?" "I'd probably be a widower if I had." Probably most people think you are as foolish as you think they are. private landlngitaKe of the beautiful estate of Kawo Park, which border? the Derwent water, and wag rented bj' Dr. Maclagan for hia holidays, and there are several admirable ltttl« Work* of his In existence. 'I punished you merely to s-how my love for you," said the f.'ither. â- T-that's all right," sobhwl tbe little felow, "It's a K-K*'od thing 1 ain't b-big enough to return ••••iir Move." 'Won't you please give m© an order t" pleaded tho persistent 'traveller. "Certainly I" replied the crust/ proyrietor. "Cktoutt" sticky paper. All Druggists, G cers and General Stores sell Wil- Sfjii's Fly Pads. Re sure you get the genuine Wilson's. "What was the happiest tioment of your life?" asked the sweet girl. "Tho happiest moment of my life,' answei'«d the old bachelor, "wa^ when the jeweller took back an engagement-ring and gave me sleeve-links in e.tcliange." Corns are caused by the pressure ot tight boots, but no one naed he troubled with them long when bo aimple a roroedy a« Holloway's Oorn Cure is «vsil«ble. DOPDS V KIDNEY^ > PILLS. I to M ATI* 7.;^^ / TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY tor Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes •â- d Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smartâ€" Soothes Eya Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 26o 60c. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes. 25c. 11.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Bye Remedy Co.. Chlcaso. ACiKNXS WANTED. A LINK FOB every home. Write us for our ehoica list of agents supplies. Wg bave tho Srotttest ageney projoHitlon in Canada to-day. No ontlny imeessary. .\pply B. C. I. Co.. 228 Albert .St., Ottawa. |lA.NtER TUUOR.S. LUMPS, etc. Id. .V; ."""' '"?'^ external, cmod without pain by our homo treatment. Write u« before too Ute. Dr. Bcllmaa Medical Co_ Limited. Colhngwgod. Out '* heale Works. 9 E.ipluiiaJe. Toronto. Medical Manâ€" "Jj'nson las done the meanest thing ever I beard of. Ho came to my house the otier big dinn,>r, gi t then went to a'.i(>t':cr cured." J^PLtlALISTS ADVICB FUEE. Consult kr» us m regard lo any disea.ij. Lonosl piicea m drugs ol aU kindl I^n^'^'ri"""' i?y i°';''- »<"•<' ""-asur* mem. Olaflses Httert by aje. Write to-day for anything sold i„ first claso druc Ktorea to Dr. Pelluiaii. C oUingwooJ. Ont. Your Overcoats Irltlah Amsna. • n Oy«lr«g Oo. /f night, ate a gestion, and doctor to be There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads. Do not be de- ceived by unsatisfactory imitations. Get Wilson's. "^ VERIFYING THE PROVKRB. Figgâ€" "As a talker, Brown's wife ia certainly a wonder." Fogg'-"Iliglit you are I Wonders never cease." YOU CAN iviake: from $15 TO $30 A DAY liundliiiB thi^ proposition. Our ageiin eluewhiue are doing it. You can \u. llientic referoneea reqiilrod. Th.i i<, .sound and logitimatc. Addrosa. I'. O Jiox 11 Ij, VaiKoiivir. B. C. /i MInarri't Liniment Cwet Dlttemptr. EU. 7 18SI'E S3 11 : KIXl) OF WIFE TO .HAVM. | man who had been indulging! THI A too heavily was induced to sign ttic pledge. j "You must let me have it," ia;iid | the wife. 'I will keep it for you." So the pledge was banded over to the wife's custody. The next d.ay the man was drink- ing agiin as freely ,»s before. "How is this?" .isked a friv-nd. "You signed the pledge yesterday, and now you are drinking again." "It is all right, " replied the i pledge «ign4r, in unsteady tones, j "I don't hvivc to keep pledge, j My wife Says she will keep it for me. That's the kind of wife t.:> | have, old fellow. Let's *';ive i driakl" Canada Business CoiiePQ CHATHAIM, ONT. Schoolt or Butln«u Tralnlns. 414 STUPENTS PLACED IN IStt 3?? 2JH§I'*'^S PLACED N 9M w *" ?7"u°"'!'" PLACED IN I91i We publish the liais annually. We pay tuU f»ro up to WOO, and brlns "'?,' 4'1"""» "udeou for half fare. Uood board and room, U.Ot p«r week- If yun ckDDol com* to Gbathkin w* oaa train you by maiL Her* ar* aouis utadenU olacnd r«o«nUyi Nato Wado Cameron A Heap. Keflaa. K- Burk NloboUou X Bala, fiaclna. H„,Wood, Trum Co., Ch»boy«an, Uioh. Bl(ht nallfi juat recelTsd for Htanograpb •ri, Tuaebiu-ii and Auditor*, for omdIbci worth from «M0 to SISOO, will give y»« •unie Idea of tho damaaat. COLLEQI REOPENS FOR 3STM VCAU SEPTCMaCR 5TM. CataloBut U ieiu of work at Chatham. Cataroiu* 34 tell* of Mtrk by mall 'Kilher Vrea. ) a. it.'.;:' ^ » » 0,0. a. c»iia«% L..â€" .^..1. »nt â-