[f ♦ : ':\ THE F L E SH E £ T N ADVANCE Al'oust 17 l»li THE STANDARD BANK Dui.iuwi873 OF CANADA eoBr«,ci« MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low coft unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactoty way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 ... 3c $10 to $30 , , . lOc $3 to $10 ... 6c $30to$50 . . . 15c Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Brandi. FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager •1LAMCHE.S A.LSO AT DURHAM AND HARR.IJTOX 87 Trains •follows : C. p. R leave Time Table. Flesbercun Station as Mi«» ha Mitchell is viaiting Mabel Harting in Owen Souud. U.: A Column Of District News Mia9 P.trk.s, of Baoka, met with a seri- uiM accident on Saturlay luc by bein; thrown from a bicycle. Th«» young Udy was coiurin^ down the hill on cha nioun ^in roaJ when she loHt cnntrcl of her wheel and wa« thrown violently to the ^rouiid. A fractured skull and numer- ou* 'oruinflH lefc her in a very precarujua coadition. â€" ColUngwood Eaterpriae. W. G. Campbell's fine bam at Adaajh- ville, corth of Wiarlon, was destn-yed by tire. Mr. Cainpbell wa» hauling in h:;j, and while u»:ng the hay fork, fric- 1 tijn on the tfack cjiosed fiie ti strike, I iuniting the hay and deitroying the buiidinij with cr^naiderable contencs. The barn waa eighty by sixty feet and cairied insurance. This 14 the second bam bunied from this caiue in ^^iarton Mrs. Jif. McCli-ckling spent a couple Goine North i of *Iays "> Owen Sound vi-itin.? her h'':"''ty <iu"ng the pust year. 11.28 a.m. ' "Wer, Mrs. Gilbert, who is ill and in the 8..o3p. m. ; hospital. The mails are closed at Flesheiton a-i Miss Reta LeGard who has been in follows : For the north at 10.40 ».in. and Knox's store, Toronto, for the past weat to take a Goin^ South 7.4.3 a. m. 4.:*:'. p.m. 3 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at . «^- • I . r:- t • .^. , seven years has aone 4.45 n cloclc. For morning tram south ' mail clo% at i^p.m. the previous ev'g. pQaittoi> success. there. We wi--»h her every VICINITY CHIPS ,,^ VTuta Jessie McAulay w<»nt west 00 ^^s^ Saturday excursion, where eha expects y Miss Lily McNea of Cleveland is viait- iag friends here. Mr. Wm. Smith of Buffalo is renewin:^ acquaintances here. Mrs. Wesley Buskin visited during the past week in Detroit. Mr. F. H. Hickling is in Toronto this week purchasing his new stock. Mr. Eiwood Genoe of Toronto is holi- daying at the parental home this week. Mrs, Allen and two childreti of Toledo, Ohio, are ituests of relatives here. Mrs. J. J. Stark and children, of To- ronto, aie the guests of Mrs. J. Cargo. o> teach school, having secured district certilicate this summer, wish her the greatest success. her We I An important meeting was held at the old MathociU Chapel at Hay Bay, which U described as the mother church of Me- thodism in Canada. It is to b« taken over and pre.served. Thirty-eight tickets were sold it this station on Saturday for Wiaaipe^. and some had to net aboard without tickets as the azeot was sold out. We are informed that' about 100 left Markdala by the same tiaia, The results of the recent matriculation examinations were made public on Sat- I urday, and the ArtemeHia rural high Miss Gladys Johnston of Thornbury is school has tallied one more victory, only viaiting her sister, Mrs. Ceo. Stewart. Bin. J. Chard of Slarkdale spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Holman. Dr. Murray and party have returned from their fortnight's outing at Ewart's lake. Miss Miggie Caswell returned to To- ronto after a ten days' viait with Ler parents. Mrs. J. J. Thompson is visiting for a couple of weeks with friends at Shelburne. Dr. F. A. Thurston, wife and children, of Chicago, are the guests of relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and two chil- dren of Hamilton are visi'ing Mr. and Mrs. McTavish. Mr. John Kerr of the village ha.s -chased a jO-acre farm from Thomas bot of Inistioge. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fenwick of Osprey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Be«croft one day last week. Mrs. W. P. Crossley returned last week after an extended visit with friends in Toronto and king. Messrs. Will and Joe Dinwiddle of the San Joa<]uin valley, Californirw, are re- newing aoiuaintances here this week. pur- Tal- losing od pupil among the seven who wrote here. The successful '^nes were : Fred Karstedt, George McTiviib. Roy Kerr, Edwin Smith. Oshwell Whitten and Arnold Thurston. Principal Mar- cellus is once more to be congratolated. We were favored with a call from Rev. â- J. E. Sanderson rf Toronto, representa- tive of the Huskoka free hospital for ! consumptives, preparing the way for the ' Field Secretary, Mr. Watson, who will lecture in the town hill here on Monday, I Aug. 21. at d p.m. The lecture will be ; illustrated by 100 stereopticon views, I making it most instructive and eutertain- ] ina, with many suggestions for the pre- ' vention and cure of this fell di.sease. The I chair will be occupied by G. Mitchell, Evi. J«o. fee at the door, but a collec- tion will be taken m aid of these charit- able institutions. I Flesherton baseball club defeated the Dundalk team on the latter's grounds I Tuesday of last week, the score being I 24-11 at the end of the tkh inning, when , the game was called on account of dark- ness. A very good article of ball was I played by both teams until the last inn- ing, wheii the Fleshertonians got onto [ Pat Morgan s slants for tifteen runs. The ' latter part of the game was played in the Mr*. Vasey of Rochester returned to dusk- thus accounting for the big score. her home on Monday after spending a ' although the Dundalk boys could only mouth with her sister, Mrs. Jos. Cdnton. ' set only one run off Mitchell in their u J xr n r\ t ar II la»t inning. What the Herald thought Mr. and Mrs. Harry Down of Maxwell , • , 1 1 1. . , o J tM- rij- of the game is told elsewhere. were visitors in town bunday. Miss fclda i * Karatedt returned with the-u for a couple ' weeks' visit. ^tn a i ,^ ,, ,. ,, T $10 Rewaurd Chatsworth will build a lockup. Its proximity to Owen Souud makea this i will pay ten dollars reward to any necessary. Flies will congregate where person who will give such information as there is lieer. I will lead to tho conviction of the party or Mrs. .\. Ostrander of PriceviUe was , parties who, on the night of August 9lb, thi own from a buggy on Tuesday of la^it i stole my horse and returned it on the week and injured about the head- AJ night of Aujjust llth, with whip marks trained nurse u attending her. j on him four teet long. I will not only Miss McKenzie, who resigned from ' prosecute tor horse stealing, but wUl als. the ataff 0. the R. H. S. staff here, has >"»««"^« f^' ""»"y t" »oin»»l» secured a situation in the Allis'on con- 1 inuation achool at an increased saUry. j Among th'>8e who left for the West by ; laturday's excursion were the following j ftjxm this village : John Hales. Wm. I Burnett, James Cargo. George Watson â- aad Wm. Reid. The band boys vlsi'.sd the Ewart's Uke campers on Thursday evening last J ^^^^j^^jj^j^^j ,^j^^^^ ^^„^ ^^ and were treated to • fish su^jper. They in turn treated the camper* to a few se- lections on the horns. Rev. H. E. Wellwood. B. A., wife and family are visiting friends at War- minster. They will also spend a week with frienda camping at the mouth of the Severn river. 1 Mrs. Gollip saw one of the men leaving, ' and gave the alarm. The authuritiee of ' Stayner were communicated with and they in turn sent an imperfect deecrip- tion to chief Borthwick here. The chief and P. C. Uauch immediately got busy, and noting two auspicioo* characters at I the Grand Trunk railway station gave Rev. G. S. Milligan left on Monday chase. One man took to his keels hot on four week* holidays and will visit his I ^as captured by the chief. The other old home at St. John, N. B. Rev. D. boarded the outgoing train but was se- McLennan, M.A., of Toronto, will be cured by Hauch. -^nd the train stopped the pulpit supply in his absence. ' at the outskirts to allow him to remove Mr. J. A. Hutchison, of Aberdeen, his prisoner. Sask., is visiting frienda here and called The prisoners gaTe their names as on The .\dvance Friday. Mr. Hutchison Herbert Hopps, aged 20. and William Uught the Porilaw school fir five years, and tive years ago went wesr, where he is still teaching and dealing in land at the s^me time. His father, who lived a": BaUover, Out., died recently. Mr. W. (;. Flood, residing on the 9th l!ne, St. Vincent, wect out ^to the tield on Monday to get a third horse for hi'ch- ing to the reaper. In catching the animal he was kicked under the chin, on the shoulder and alsi on the left wrist. He was obliged to crawl on all fijurs from the field to the house, arrivinsr there in an exhausted condition. Dr. Eii^le was sent for and was soon in attendance. He pur four stitches in the chip, but otherwise Mr. Fl"od wai» not seriously injured, as be was at work the next day. â€" Express. Bay it now. N'ow U the ame to buy a l»Kli.- 11. I'hamberUin's Colic, Cholfi-a and Diurhoea E^medy. It u alm'>«C certain M be ni?<;<led before th« summer iji ov-r. This ren^edy ha« no ^nperiur. For itale by W. E. liichardson i Son. Mr. W. D. Watson, of Bradford, ha.» organized a company and intends devot- ing all his time Co reclaiming the marsh lands in the vicinity of chat village. The comp-any is known as the Holland Marsh Land Syndicate with head oificee m Bradford, and they have already secured 15,000 acree. A: preset,: the land Is covered with a specie of sea weed, or marsh hay ; but there is supposed to be peat, ^a«, cil and anthracite coal below the surface, and the company will develop all the resources, retaining the land, which will be divided into small holdings ar.d placed on the market. During the heavy thunderstorm Wed- nesday afternoon of last week the barn of Mr. John Manning, lot 301, con 4, S. W. T. & S. R.. Melancthon, wi3.«truck lightning and consumed, together with two w'lgocs. seeder, binder and ether implements and ab<:iut forty tons of hay. The bam was insured for $1,000 and the contents for $^00. in the Duzferin Farmers' Mutual. On Sunday afternoon the barn of Mr. W. J. Kannawin, west half lot 2S, con. 3, Amaranth, was Kruck and burned to the ground, cgether with about 50 tons of hay, 19 pigs, wagon, sleighs, cutter, buggy, scales, fanning mill, etc. Mr. Kannavin had just ^one into this farm in the spring, having purchased it from Mr. John Ewing, and had not yet had the insurance transfer- red to his own name. .Abraham Baters. who resides at the "Thirty" Mountain, near Grimsby, has a horse which was struck by lightning and still lives although partially par- alyzed, the electric current playing a peculiar freak with the animal 00 Fri- day evening last. The st-eel hay fork that projects from the gable end of most bams attracted the juice, which ran along the steel track, shattering the shingles and weather boards. Baters had put the horae in the stall a few irinutes be- fore with the harness on. After the bolt had struck he went i:t as <}utckly as possible, as smoke was pouring out of doors. He could see no Dre but the horse was f>a itx knees with a mouthful of hay. .V pecubar thing about it is that the animal can move i':» legs, but the ttMigue protrudsb full distance from it* mouth, and can be palled in any direction without feeling to the aninaL â€" Niagara Falls Review. James Manning of Shelburne sustai n- ed a big toss on Wednesday evening of last week. The baru ou his farm in Melancthon was completely destroyed by Sr«. It was struck by lightning and fired during a fierce electric storm on that evening and the bain and contents are a total loas. His *oa, John Man- ning, had the farm rented and had just arrived at the barn when it was struck. He had be«n picking huckleberries and the horse that he drove in with was knoeked down by the shock as he was unhitching it from the buggy. He succeeded in getting two colts out of the stable but the rest cf the contents were destroyed. The bam contained 40 tons of hay, 100 bus. of oats and chop, a new binder and mower, wagon, fan- ning mill, harness and other articles. Tbe barn and contents were insured in lh» Dufferin Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., the formal for $1000 and Hopps. aged U, both of Meaford. Thev j the latt* for $*)0. The bam was a had $29.** and two tickets for Meaford first-class buildiog and w.as only erected on their persons. They were taken to » [„« years ago. It could nut be re ' The raaidenu in the vicinity of the 11th line, S(. Vincect, were greatly shocked to learn on Friday last that tbe^ youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin hid l>een accidentally drowned by falling into the river which runs through the farm. The child, it appears had been out with her father, who was busily engaged at his daily labor.*. After some time :be child wns nii.tsiog and the father was h .rrlfied to tind that the little one, Mary Jine, had slipped into the river and was drowned. The little girlie was of a most cliatty and loving nature, bemij 1 year. T months and 2 dayri old. We Mympathize deeply with the bereaved parents in their very .*aJ beteavemenr. The funeral took place from the Farm home on Sunday morning last to Storey's cemetery, '>th line.â€" Mirror. Seemed to Give Him a New Stomadi. " I t'llf^red in'.riir^ly after .ruLinj^ ar.d li'^ m^Ucine 'jc Srt;a::i:'?at I tried 4e«me<i to .i any ir<).>.l.'' writeit H. 5C. Y.,anspeters. E.Ji cr jiThe .Sun. Lake View Ohio. "The tirst ie«c d.te»3 o£ ChamberUins .Stomach zmi Ijver Tablets gave nie §urpruing relief ami e'ie second txjtt!*! aeemed to give me a oe»- jtjmach and i>erfei.-t!v ipiod health. " i'u- 7a!e by W. E. RiiJiardson 4 .Son. CEYLON'S ""i^oRE %%/%%^%^ %^k^^'%^ %'%'*'^*-% % ^♦^â- ^^ ^^k^-*^^ August Clesoing Sale of all Summer Goods WaiatH in Silks and Lawn.^ at greatly reduced prices, and : .Summer H'xsiery. Boy*' Summer Suits, Parastjis and I'mbrell. Muhlin.*, Men's Undecwear, Ladies' Vests, Low Sli'jes, Slippers ar Pumps. In Prints, Cottons, and Lawns we can give you great valut Window Curtain.*â€" .Scrimm'a and Madrao. ar prices that cantbe bei» All kinds of Fruits on hand a: very reasonable prices. * _ Ice Cream on Saturday nights. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES P.\ID FOR ALL FARM RODLCE -^Odds and Ends ^ ARTICLES FOR SALE Hor»es for .Sale â€" On e horse i year-i old, 1 mare 6 years old with f«al by her side, 1 co!t rising 3. John McPbail, agent, P»cevdle. Stock For Sa!o â€" Youna horses and colts for sale. Apply to Joseph Craw- ' ford. Lady Bank P.O. Jas. ^atti son 'Genera/ â- ^Lerehant zylo n A few Ur'^e egg vats for aale â€" Suitable for soft water cisterns, in fine condit:on, will be sold for about half what they cost. Apply to M. Scully Co.. Fle?her- ton. Stock for sale â€" Berksbires and Hamp- shire pigs ready t-) w^sn, also < >iford D)wn Eives and Ram lambs. â€" D. D. McLaughrey. Drawer B Markdaie. The Bellamy Hardware We have the agency for the Boss .Washer, which no doubt is the best oq the market. There are at present over oce 'million satisfied users of the Bos-s. Will vou be another \ ~m " MISCELU.NEOIS The chopping plant at the e'ectric plant. Eugenia. will be running on Thurs- days and Saturdays and will be open every day Lat«r un. Silas Shunk announces to the insuring public that he has taken over the agency from R. J. Sproule of the York Fire In- surance Co.. Toronto, and is now the au- thorized agent to collect all premiums and to transact any business pertainin:; th*reco. Also agwnt for first cl.iss *toci£ companies and the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Owen S'^und. Forty-twt> years in business. Fixed tiay- ments of $^ per $!•») per annum, linuc on live horse $1')*). Co* $50. sheen $S. pig $13. Oar Graniteware table is well filled at present with everything one need^ in that Iine."Pre.serv- ing time is now on â€" look over your kettles and see if you don't need a new one. JDr Williams Fly and Insect destroyer de- stroys flies on cattle. Try a can of it and you will be rewarded by its use g Clearing out balance of § 8 Summer Shoes at ^ I REDUCED . - PRICES. S -JOSEPH B. WEBER. Kimberley, August U, liUl. Burglars Caught \ On Wednesday afternoon the resideoc* I of Wm. Gollip, a farmer living near I Siaytier. was entered and $31 stolen. i The farmer and his wife were working in I PIBLIC NOTICE Take notice that Mr. SiLas Sbunk. lately and for some time during the past I in my employ ;ts insurance agent. ha.-< ceased to do bu-siness for me since- 1st May last. Since then I have been at- tending personally tiy same, and also in- tend doing so. Now that my time will not, in the future, be taken up with the mercantile or any otJker business besides my in.surance, conveyancing, collecting and money lending, all of which will re- ceive my personal »ai close atteniioti, I trust to increase my business materially along these lines. I give this notice that my roar.y cas- toniers and t'ne public-aiay not l>e misled or deceived us I hive been frequently told they have, believing Mr. Shunii still in my employ .and doing business fj>r me. Thscking the ^neral public and my patrons in, particular for lilwral sup- port in the past, and Mticiting au in- creased continuance in future. I am your obedient servant. â€" R. J. SPRl.>l-T.E. Reshertocu These are a few of the B2U'gauns â€" Try a Paur. W Women's Patet:t Pump, rtg. %2j2o tor ^1.7o S Women's Don Oxfords, regular $2.10 for f 1.60 Girls' Tan vS: Patent Pump .regular $l.-tO for §1.00 ?J Q CI il-ls strap and Pump, regular ^l.'2o for Toe. g Custom Work suid Repairing. I CLAYTON^S ^ They were taken to Stayner by the chief of police of that pl-ace Thursday morning for trial. â€" Col- Ungwood Mes-senger. a few years ago. It could nut placed to-day for twice the iasuimace. â€"Free Press. Liberal-Coacervative CONVENTION The Liberal-Conservative Conventijo sf East and Centre (Srey wil be held in HaaketJt s Hall MARKDALE At 1,3<) o'clock p. m. )t> Fx*i., Au^us^ 18 To select Candidates t<ir the Dominion Piirluuuent an<i the E*roviooisl Legislature. Vice-Presideats jf Munisipalities will kindly provide for a full r«(>res«atation of Delegates. The Canveotion is not limited to delegates only, but all in- terested electors are cordially invited to attend By 0rA»r. N. L. Carry, Pres. W. Turner, S«.cy. Came Artray Okiue to the premises of the under- , sif»ev», lot 170, O. D. R., Artemesia. about June t(K one two-year-old steer. The owner IS r«4ua«ted to prove proper- ty, pay expenses and take the same away." -J. T. BEST. FARM FOR SALE Iioc No. l<l>-I-<7, in the 4e«ond range aasH. T"r»nt.> an i Sydsnham K'Mkl. ArteiiieBia, ointaining 240 aonw of tir«t elasf) land : it«od ^ liuildiDgs, plenty i>t water, near church aad .«:hi>oi ; three liides from Pr.>bou Station : 9) acm good hardwood bu^h. balance cleared and in good »tAZt of cnleivacion. For par ' Uculars apply to. W. ./. JACKSON. 13uct Port Law VARICOSE VEINS CURED 10- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. ' H-'a-ry- -irori. 3ev"t- straining ao'l »'i! habits in yeocli bfrm^rt oa Vi.-..-.>se v»ma. Wjen I »-jrte<i bo.-! the utitiDg woui'i twcome sevt^r^ anU I wajoftea laiJ up t>r a â- "â- ^it at a tamei yiy (amily phy-Mcua toli me aa operatioa was my oajy hopeâ€" but I droodeil it. i ;r'..?iiie9T?ral 3peciaa:>c:>. buc soon found -jut a.', rbev- wanie-l was my moQev*. I oommeoceU :o lo<.>k upon all doctors as Ittcie better than rogu-i. One day my boas a»ed me why I was o.'I work so tnuch aad 1 zoli him mr conditioa. Hesdvised me to con^aic Dr!i. Kennedy ft- K'tme-iy. as he had ta^en tr->atmeiit trom thens himself aal kn?w thev wer^ sq-.iaw aa-J skillfuL 1 wrot© them ao-i ?or. Thb Naw MsrraoD TatArxs-vr Mv pr^nn?** was -jpmewhat slow and durios th»fi!^tt moath'^ 'rvatznrfoc I waa somew'aat Ji-vocra^-i^d. However, I jontinued treanneot for three months i'^0(t«?r aa-l was rewarded wttha'?')mpi,»<^.?ur^ Icouidonly fam $v» a w»?.?i in a macfai-DS aAop before trwit.-rent. now I am «amme JBi anl ne»9r looae a day. I wuii aa so^Bcen kiww of your vaiuabie n !â- < [ BE>-BT C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BECN DISCASED1 BI.l>?D POISOK5 »n the most prwralent"«nd most seriooa diseases. They sap tlie very life t>iood V Ihtj *a-uia inU -jDie^;* eatireiy eradicated fr.>m th« system will cauao wnous compii>.-aii->DS. Be-arars of Mercury. It may suppreaatte sympcomiiâ€" r>ur SEW ]1ETU0I> curav a^ blood diseasesk TOCNG OB XIDDLS A':;SD XEH.â€" Impradeot acta «r iMar e xm sss ha-rs l>rok«a down your ^rst^m. You f -wl ih« svmptom* stealiag over you. M»nt»Uy. phymcaUv and vitaUy yoaareaottbemaayouusedtobeorsbouldbe. W ill yoohe«d the daii|,<w signal ii? PCIHCO Arfly'n a victim? HaT» you lost hope? .Vrwjoo tatendinic to marrT? Baa nCjUIUl your bl'wd tMes diseased? Hars y.>u any weakness* i.>ur Vvw Sctsod TasaTacsT w\ll curv you. What it has lone (orothenit w.'.l do (or you. Ca^Mhi^iaa Ffw*. >'o matter who has tr^ate.! v»ti. writ« for all honest opinioQ Fr«««<Oane» Bs»k«ft»wâ€" 'Boytiood, Maah-»1. Fath-;r*tood." clUuatrated. on bijeases of Men. NO NAMES USED WTTHOCT WIUTTCN CONSENT. PnVATE. Na mmmm tm h t mm ar â- â- »« I b h ««. Cvwrthms ruafiitaarisl. QmstasB L«t aad C««t m Truaait HtESFOKHOMETItEATMan'. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Gnswold St, Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada miut be addressed to our Canadian Correspoadeao; Depart- ment in Windsor. Ont. If >-ou desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we se« and h'eat in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory tot r^n^'^'^" basiness onlv Address all letters u toUows: DRS. KENNEDY * KENNEDY, WiadMr. Oiit. ^Wrlt, for oar private addrssa. -â- sWL