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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1911, p. 8

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AVGCST 10 1011 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU "8T0NEHEN6L" BusixEss Cards UCUU^UOH A TOUNO Hankers Markd»la currtl ba'ikinK buiiDuH. Uone; 1okn«d kt retiiODatle rctci Call od uii. TChlBLETT, ' i'Mtuiaatrr, CeyloD. CoiniuifKloner in H. C. J .Convevancer, deed!, mortiiasM, leaB«». willn eUs. carefully drawn up ollrctioni mad/, cliariies reaaonable. AUo roeeriM, flour. («ed etc. kept In stock. Price! iiibt. Farms For Sale or Rent FAKU KOlt KALK-I.ot iio'i in the '.tli cno- . cusKion o( the townnbip of Arttiueiiia, con •.alnioK lOU acres mure or lens. I'r'>i><rrty of 'the latBW. J. Keatty. Tbere Is a bank bain j knd rutiKlicaht house on preuiiseH and is well I watered. Will be suM on resso.mble terms. Apply to JauiGFl.. McMullen, Cvyion p. u.,Uut, R3 8PB0ULB, FlMbarton ^oniiolsslouer in H.C J., Aoctlonea Cod. Teyaocer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Kstate and Insurance ARent. Deerts. mort«aaas, leases and wills carefully drawn and valuations made on shortest notice oney to loan at lowest rates of Interest. Col- actions attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean DominlOD Btaamataip Company. A call solicited. pull HALEâ€" I'heap ani easy terms. If nut *â-  sold soon, for rent to suitable t«na*it, North half lot :IU audiut 40, roo.ll, Arteiiiesia, and lot I. con. 12. Osprey, ^JO acres, about \M cleared balance mostly timbered land, hard aad soft wood : i{ood stone dwellinff and frame barn, stablini; under ; well wuteretl with nsver- failinK sitiall spring creek ctossing farm close to barn! This is an excellent ^rain or f^ra/in^ farm and will bu sold very ':heai) if taken at once and ou easy terms. Appt) to if, J, Kproule, Flosherton, Out, DMcI'HAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for the • County of firry. Terms moderate and •atistactlon guarsuleed. The arranKenients and dates of sales can be made a>. Tbb Ai>vancb olSee. Kesidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. e.a7. ; I, Oil SAIjK oheap and ou easy termsâ€" I^^ots 1 I '' and -2. con. 11 Osprey; '2(10 acres; framr ' dwelling;, frame barn and stablint; under; about 170 acres clearu'l and under cultivation. Knnie I splendid oedai with other mixed tluiber on j balance, also twtj small orchards beariuf;. Wei watered : nevei (ailiUK sprinit creek. Splendid crain and Krazini; farm. .fi>plv to It J.Sproulo Klesherton or Namuel Duborne, Maxwell. WM. KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and btoooe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Tern" oioderata. satisfacliou Ruarantted. An-ange- oieots for dales may be made at the Advance offlee. orA: T. Hutchinson s store, ieversham by addressing me at Keversliaui, Out. RUDD MATHEWB, Uarkdale, Licensed auc'.ionser for the county of (irey, Oood service at resatnable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance, o W con S.ALE very cheap and on eany termsâ€" *â-  The late Dr.Christoe's :i-Btory brick block in Flesberton with good stable and neverfail log well ou pieuiises. (loud lar^e store and good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two Kood stone cellars under building ; is and can be I'i'iit well runted ; twoguo<i halls ou seconti and third stories ; first class business stand and will be sold cheap as owner is engaged in other busiuess in the west ai,d lias no further use for It, Apply to It- J. liproule, Fiesherton. T UAKVEV IKHIGOF.. broker Flesberton J- (ieneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in safe and liberal companies. Keal estate etc. . Open accounts and past due notes handled and money advanced thereon. Correwpoodence solicited. Medical •pAHM KOFI SALE-Very cheap, 100 acres. I ''â-  lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only $:J00O, reasouabln ' caxli payment, balance easy terutn. 65 aure<t ; cleared, well fenced and in bJKb Btute of culti- 'vation. balance timbered, ^^od cotnTortablo frame dwellintf, otonu cellar uuder, never fail- 'iDKf'prinfj well and windmill pump at door. Lew fraiiiu barn, well Ilui6be<1, htono btabliuf; wjtb Hprin^ water under, altto iu slied. It in Mtuated i utile from Maxwell viila^o wbent ' tbertt are storef), post otUCKS, ^ood ecbuol. and iu on the gravel road, y* niile^ from railway Rtatlon. It Hold at once, above price, tbou^b ;VKI{Y C'HKAI* uiiKbt be Bbaded a littfe. I Apply to H. J. SI'ltOUI.K, Flesberton, or 'TH(»MAS OUY. onpnm;i8«#. •! DR CARTRR MCI'* SOnt.Phyaician.Snrgeon etc' Omce and residenceâ€" I'oter St., Flosherton JP OTTKWELL Veterinary Surgeon „„„„. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence - ascond door south ""t-O^/ iTlry street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. H WILSON. Blacksniith graduate of tue Veterinary Association. Durham Hoyd, Bros hardware. , Bcienc opposite Denti.strv Dr E C. Mt'RRAV I-. .). « . <lenUI surgeon â-  bono, grsdunte of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gaa admisiiiisUired for toetb extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaberton. Lecal I VCAB. KASF.Y4 - •-< Bolicitoi»,etc.-I. ». Lucas, h. C. ; w. WALLACE-Harristers, _,ucaB. K. C; W. K. Ilaney K. (.: J. H. (i, Wallace. Otfices, Torouio. KJfr'J TisJcrs Hai.k HIdg pHone main M12; Markdale Lucas Block. I'hoiie IJ A. Branch otlice at Dundalkopen every Saturday. Notice to Creditors In I lie iiiattci' of the eatste of Willium .Jiiliiiti of the Villnge of Fevor.shiini in tlif County of <jroy, tft^i'Uunian, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the re- vised Statutes of Ontario, lh07, Chap. I'Jii that all the creditors anil others having claims against the estate of the above named Willisui Juliau.'whodied on or about the fourth day uf May, I'JII, at the said Village of Fevershaiii, are ret] Hired on or before the 1st day cf .\iig- ust. I'Jll. to seiMl by post prepsid or deliver to James Hpeer. Fevershaiii. Out,, or to Itobert Samuel Mcfiirr. Feyersliani, Out,, (the Executors of the last Wili and Testainuutof the said deceased) their ohrlKtian sncl surnames, addresses and desuriptiuuH. the full particulars uf their claims, the statement of their accounts andlhe nature of the securities (if any) held by them. .\ND FUHTHKII TAKE NOTICE that after such last iiieiitioiieil date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the ceaseil among the parties entitled thereto, having regari] only to the claims of which Societies AO U W meets on the last Monday ID each month, iu tUeir lodge room Norris' block.lFlesherton, at », 1> '". M. W., H (, l*<lard : Hec., C. H. Muusliaw; Fin., W. P.crossley VisltlDB brethren Invited PKISCB AltTHUK LODOK. No. XU.AFd A M, uisets in the Masonic hall. Arm strong b Hhjck,Flesherton. every Friday on or before the full mocn. C. H., W. U.; Thos. Clayton, Hecretary, COUKTyLESHERTON, 995, I. 0. F. meets in Clayton s Hlock the last V\ eduesdav evening of each mouth. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H, K., Dyson; It. H., 'i. Hei.ry; Fin. Sec . C. M. Hichardsou. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the nnt day of the mouth. ^ CHOSEN KhIF.NDSâ€" Flesberton Council of Chosen Friends meets iu Claytonshall first and third Wednesday of each month (1 p. m Pay assessments to the Iteeorder ou or before ' tue flrst day of each mouth. Chief Councillor ^ T, Illakelev;Hecorder W. H. Hunt. T "Tie Farmer's Club meets in the high school building on the first Tlimsday in each month at H o'clock i Voung '»â- ;'""'» specially invited. K. (hard. President, ( . V>. Jlellainv. Sec. Trees. W. H. WRUillT, Owen Sound, (Int. <1 22 Solicitor for the said Executors. Dated tliiB2<)th ilsy of .liilie, A.D , I'.MI. I'Al.r, â- IKK.M OI'KN.S .VltJl .ST L'S ... :LMOTT Toronto, Out. t^tandH to day without u superior iu Canada. (iraduateR alwkyu hui-cuHKful. ( atalogUi- free. Our Clubbing List Tho following prices »ro for strictly paij in ndviinco HiiliHcriptionsonly. Wo Imve no accountn with otlief piipurs. KleHlierton .Advnnco f 1 00 Yo'jths Conipiiiiinn 2 (X) T . Uf ^11 If. „ Y »6 8fi 80 85 Bcrkshires and Tarn worths 1 have now fo If s liw very choice Helk :o wean> Hurry your best,' Also good Tainwortli botf four vtars old. for sale' liog loui years ^ .,^ ^ ^^^^^^ Maxwell 1'. <). • hire PUIS, nearly ready Uiwean Order and get the Boar for Service I'ure lireil 'rumMortli r."ur (ur service Ttniis, %\, Cash. N. Hinlle, Maxwell, Out. Bull for Service Tlii.r..iigblired .Shuithurn Imll, l!ro:ulliiH.k"s I.n<i. for service on lot lo, <'on, H, Osprey. IVfligree in a|inlicat1nii. Sei vicii, Sl-H" foi; grailes. thopMighlireds, «.'â- , M at time "f service, Full price (Ihiirgeii for cuws not ''"â- "'-'• .1. M. mUNS, Boar* for Service The iin<lersigne<l bus ii tl">r.,iiKlilpreil V>.rl<- sliire l»mr for ser\ ice mi l"t |ii7, :tril ranR^, K, T. aii'l M. II., Arteiiiesia. Terms, *1.(«) KW' Hereford liiill (or service. .I..I. Hum ii. __i -'v- . . _! BULL FOR SERVICE ThoroiiKl'hre I .Sliortliorn ImiI1,"|)»ii<Iv .Mm" 8I7H4, for sen ice on |..t ITU, 'I', * S. K., Ar- 1 temnsia. This animal is <if a \/>m\'^ \n\\V\\\Ti •train. I'ifligree on npiilicatioii, Terirs. â€" j «;rii<les »1, regisUTcl M. .1 Af<. HTINSON I'roprictor. Toroiil<i World, daily . . Toronto Daily News . . . Weekly Glolie , Mnil-Enipiie .... Kiiniily Herald A Stnr. Toronto Star Fanner Sun Karmers A(lvo(3(»ta Weekly Wit,ie«(i Satiirdiiy Nii<hl Home <)oiiru;il Poultry NewK ........ I'ouliry Keview Kud nnd Uiui niHKii^^ine. 1 :{.5 8,i ;i6 80 W (15 20 4(! 80 Chest Inflammation Bull For Service TliorrMigliliM''! Mere("r<l Hull fur »«rvTce on lot in, con, :i M. W. T, and S, R., Arte niesia. Terms -*<1 fur grade, %.\ fui pur. Iireil Any cow not retmncd will Ik- cliarKid ni full whether in i-rilf ur nut. { J4!ilari-.' -T. A .T. WATSON. | Dates of Fall Fairs | FLKHIIKUTON, KaaH'.rey, Sepf 28 2!t Piiceville Oct, I'l nnd (1 Pdnd«ik <)(;t. I2,i;r Duilmin S'pt. 2(l.'J7j Fpvurohnin O*'- •*.â- * j llsnovei- Sept- 12, Kl Mnrkdule -Oct. 3,4: Mcaford Sept, 28,21» j Mt. Koreiit Hcpl. 28,20; OrHngeville «opt- l*.!-'' ( Rocklyn "«»• S." I Shelburne Sept. 26,27 Suffered From a Heavy Cold, Pleuritic Pains in Side â€" Constant Cough- ing. •'An.vone that gops throngrh all thiit I suffered last winter will npprcclat.- the value of a r..moily that cures llUu .\cr- vlllnc cured me." Theso un. th.' open- ing woniH of the solemn declaration of 5 .?'â- , y". "">•'''•"• the well-known vlollnlut of MIddleton. ".My w.irk k.-pt mo out late lit nlKht, and iilmini? In cold draCt.v places brouKlit on a »,- vcre cold thai Bettled on my chest ] had a i racki ng couwh and II a i n a d a r t >• d flirougli niy .sidea and -s. tiled In my Hliouldera. I u.sed different liniments, but none broke u|i my Cold till I ii.s.'d Nervllliii'. I ruli- hed It oil my Iieck, chest and Hlioiilderx. riioriiini^ uiid nlcrht, and all the pain disapiieared Reallxlng: that aiich a heavy cold had run down my nystem. I 'noK l''>Tr.i'/,oiie at mealH. and was conipl.-tely built up nnd HtreliKlhened, Hlnce usIiik Nervl- llne I have no more cohls or pleurisy. and enjoy perfect health," It's because Ncrvllliu- contain!) the piiroBi and most healliiR essences and medicinal principles, becaiis.- It Iinn the power of slnklnif throtiKh the pores to the kernel of the painâ€" these are the ren.soiiH why It breaks up col. is, cures liimbaKO, Ptlffnesa. neiiralKln, sciatica, and, HVfiixi' any siibslltiite your dealer may suKKest - Insist on Sfervlllne only. I.nrge bot- tles, SOc. trial sUe 2Bc. Hold <vi'ry- whero. or The Catarrhostonu Co , Klng- â- too, Ont, Nerviiine CURES CHBST COLDS Origin of Fainout ^Ao^ument Veiled In Mystery. The first serious ifiquiry into the origin of Stonehenge cante from a ttiuracteristic quarter, no less a per- •un than the Britibh Solomon, King Jatnea I., who, says The London Globe, d-rected liiigo Jones, the lam- ous architect, to undertake the At the time of liis death Inigo had prepared some notes only. These were edited by a relative at the desire ol two famous men, Harvey, diwoverer of the circulation ol the blood, and Seidell, the lawyer; the theory ad- vanced being that Stonehenge was "a temple after the Tuscan order " It would be interesting to know how much ol the work was really Inigo's, ail it WHS based on certain geometric measurements which proved to have been accurately done than might have been expect<'d from an architect. The popular theory that monuments such as Stoiiehenge, 'or the circles at Keswick and elsewhere in the Lake rlistrict, were Druids' temples, origin- ated with Ur. William Stukeley. Stukeley wa.s a man ol great learning, but allowed his ideas to run away with him. His arguments formed a remarkable study. He had seen the circles, ap- parently temples without priests; he had read of the Druids, apparently priests without temples. He wished to connect them. Then ho lound in Pliny a fantastic story that in Gaul the .serpents congregated at midsummer, and produced from their saliva an egg to which magic virtues were as- cribed. This they cast into the air, seemingly after the modern ritual ol tossing the pancake, and he who would possess himsell of the talisman must catch it ere it reached the ground and fly lor salety beyond running water; lor all the terrors that Tarn o' Shttiiter or Elsie Venner braved were his Pliny crowns the whole by saying that he had seen one ol these eggs; so when he adds that they were regarded as a charm by tho Druids, Stukeley had no hesitation in saying that the circles were erected by the Druids for serpent worship. But why were they circles? Because, said Stukeley, they represented the coils of an enormous snake, worked in boulders, the image of their deity. To demonstrate this he made a sur- vey of the lines of stones near the circle at .\vebury. The resulting snake was semi-<.lctftched. neither continuou.s nor convincing, and it was only by the help of artistic license that he was able to pro<iuce the required dia- gram. Later he supplemented this by a plan of certain remains at .Shap. Westmorolaml. He himself remained at Carlisleâ€" he was a wise man, lor the weather was bad â€" and sent a young surveyor to do the work. He was a wise man also, for he knew what his master wanted to find and he IouikI it, having prepared, it is said, a plan of all the stones in a day â€" an utter impossibility. Yet Stukeley's theories created an extra- ordinary sensation nt the time, and are accepted to some extent even to Ihii day. Jack Tar's Letters. It is easy enough for you to drop your letters in n pillar-lxix and know that they will be delivered with al! due speed. But Jack, especiallv when he is cruising in foreign waters, has to wait wi^eks or even months to get H reply to his eorrei.iKindence. On every British war vessel n cor- pora! or lanee-corixiral of the Royal Morines is specially told off to collect and .lispatch letters and parcels. He ia the local iMistollice and postmaster, fvr be sells stamps and generally acts for and gives inforniation t<i the mem- bers of the ship's company about their mail. All the letters for Kn,'- land are fiLitened up in private bags and addressed to the G.P.O.. London. These bags are sealed with the de- sign of a British ensign around which are the words. "The Seal of His Ma- jesty's Ships." Many of the letters that are re- ceive<l from Jack Tar hear English stamps and the Ixindon postmark, whicli rather puzzles recipients. But the foregoing paragraph explaans this simply eiiougli. The-'-e mail hags, when projierly sealed, are taken ashore by the ship's postman and delivered to the nearest [Kistoflice. Very often the latter is twenty or thirty miles away and con>i8ts of a dignified barn. Atemesia Council The Council of the township of Ait- einesia, met in the town ball, Flesheiton, m Saturday last. The inembers weie ill present, the reeve in the chair. The ninuteH of lait meeting were read and ;ooGrmed. Communications as follows *eie presented and read : the reeve, refort of expenditure on valley roud. D. McLood, report on rebuilding bridge, at lot 131, east back line. The reeve and McKcnzie, repitt on bridges in division No. 4. T. A. M. Ferguson, asking •{rant to Aitemesia .4pricultutal Society, By-laws Nos. 742, to levy rates, and 743, tp{iointing N, McKionon, S. Gilbert, W. L. Wright and R. D. Meldrum collectors of rates for 1911, were intro- duced and passed through their various stages. D. McLeodâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That by-law 743, be now read a third time 'a'gned, sealed and entered in by-law biok and 743 be laid over to next iession of council. â€" Carried. Caswell â€" McKen^ie â€" That accounts for eravel duly certified by patbmaster b3 paid, viz : P. Muir, 49 yds., $2.45 ; C. McMillan, 90 yds.. $4.50; R. Akitt, 78 yds, $3 90; J. Hill, 90yd.s., $4.50; D. McDonald, (10 yds.. $3.00 ; Jos. Watson, J>8 ydi., f4.f»0 ; Jolin Hill, 79 yds., $3.95 ; Wm. Henry, 42yd8., $2.10; T. Atkinson, 98 yds., ?4.90 ; John Wright, 34 yds,, $1.70 ; .John Teeter, 71 yds., $3.55 ; James Oliver, 121 yds., $<i.Oa • G. Moore, 88 yds., $4 40 ; S. Pedlar, 5C yds,, $2.80 ; Geo. William- son, 50 yds.. $2.50, Geo. Clark, 76 yds,, $3,75.â€" Carried. A. D. McLet.d â€" Caswell- That the clerk is hereby instructed to call the attention of the C. P. R. authorities fo the condition ef overhe!\d bridge near Priceville and urge them to have the same completed, and put in proper condition for public travel.â€" Carried. Caswellâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That James Hill be paid $1,50 for repairs to disk 'harrow. â€" Cariitd. D. McLeod -Caswellâ€" That this 'council grant $25,00 to the township of Artemesij Agricultural Society, being the usual yearly grant. â€" Carried. McKenzie â€" Caswell â€" That the sum of $2000 be granted to repair sidewalks in Eugenia. â€" Carried . D. McLeod-McKenzie-That W. H. Thurston's account, $57.75 for print- ing voter's list, 19II, and road notices ba paid â€" Carried. Caswell .\. D. MoLeod -Th-il the re[iort of bridge committee for division No. 4 be rec« ivcd and leave is granted them to have such new work a» may be desired necessary, constructed fur public saftity, and the committee be jiaid $2.00 each for their services. â€" Carried. Caswell â€" A. D. Mclieodâ€" That the report of D. McLeod on rebuilding bridge at lot 131, east back line be received and he be paid $13,311, his commission on expenditure in connection therewith. â€" Carried . McKenzieâ€" A. D. McLeod-That the Reeve's report of expenditure on valley road and bridges thereon be received and he be paid $12.C0 for .six days, directing the work. â€" Carried. Council iidjoumed. Royal Cyclists. King George, who has just present- ed a perpetual cliallouge tro|iliy fur cy- clists, has long been an enthusiast of tilt; wheel. Like so many other mem- bers of his family, he was taught to II. le by Mr. .May.'S, a faiimus racing man of the 'ei'^dities. and proved such ail adi'pt pupil that, to quote his in- structor's words, "He didn't want any teaching. He junipiid on his bicycle, wobbled Bboiil a bit, and away he went, riding itâ€" well, not exactly like an old hand, but very well." Mr. Mayes' first royal pupil was Princess Henry of Batteiiberg, who had her flrst lesson (on a tricycle) in the grounils of Huckingham Palace, Queen Alexandra (then Princess of Wales) bad her ilrst lesson at Sandringham on a tricycle which had been built in Ave days as a Christmas present lor her. Henry Lemire of Tecumseh died of injuries received a y(!ar ago in Detroit, when beaten by highwaymen, who have never been at rested. On Wednesday, July 19, Edward Brien, at tho aye of B.5 years, died at Uarriu gaol. He had been sent down by Magistrate Clark of (Uillia on a charge of vagrancy and although the fine imposed was only 2.5c. he was nu- able to pay. One ot his sons in Parry Sound was notilied of his father's con- dition lilt he refused him help of any 1 kind. This refusal, '.ocether «ith tho Ifact liial ho was in ill health hastened wis death, although deiilli was directly du.( to apoplexy. Mr. O'brien leaves a wife and Iweiily children, eighteen daiijjhiers an d twii tons, liariie Salur- ilay Morning. "The Silent Man." As General t'omiiiis.«ioner of Police, Sir Edward Henry had the anluous task of milking adeipiate iHilice ar- rangements to deal with tho huge crowds id people who assembled in Loiiilon on June '22iid and '.23rd. Known aa "The Silent Man," on account of his (juiet, uiiassiiniiiig, unassertive manner, Sir I'Uhvard mado his mark as th.' Inspi'ctor-General 'if Police in Bengal, and is famous for his intro- duction ol thi^ systeni of recognition by linger-marks, which luy brought so many light-flngered geWry to just punishment. A Huge Elevator. Till' Clyde Navigation Trtist's huge granary fo be erected nt Meadowsidff for the belter handling of grain ar- riving iroin America nnd otlier places will ris" to fourteen storeys, nnd will be the highest building uf any kind in Scotland. Hovi/ Clouds Qet Their Fringe*. Prof, Tyndall used to explain to nopular audiences, â- with the aid of a brilliant experiment, that the blue color of the sky is owing to floating particles of invisible dust that break up and scatter the short waves, which are the blue waves, of light. This occurs principally at a great eleva- tion, where the ntmo.'jphoric dust is extremely tine, while in the lower regions of the air, where the dust ii coarser, the scattering affects all the rays, or colors, alike. Tho brilliant fringes of c!ou<lii, seen nearly in the direction of the sun, are largely due to dust, which especially accumulates In the neighborhooil ol clouds and re- fracts the aunlight around their edges. Queen Contort'* Flag. For the first time in the history of England the Hag of a Queen Consort was flown- over liuckingliani Palace recontly. The new fl^g is a beautiful creat*on, the color* being woven and pnint4.d with marvellous dexterity. Due .side of it does not differ from the Royal Standard; the other, composed of eight square iHirtions, consists ol the Royal Standard with new quar- ti^rings, illustrating tjueeii Mary's descent lr<^m the Houses ol Cam- bridge and Teck. ' Could Turn Engineer. The Duke of Sutherland is a skilled locomotive engineer, and could earn ft living at the work did he to desire. The Guelph Herald has received au- thentic information to the effect that the deal whereby the Can.idian Northern Railway Company takes over the charter of the People's liailway Compauy, ha6 been definitely put though. Ko pub'ic announcement has yet been made regard- ing this, but the {{entleman who was the Herald's informant is well posted in such matters, and is confident that what he states is (juite correct. His information was received from a promloent gentle- nrtn of Berlin, who is in close touch with the situation, and should know whereof he speaks. It is understood that the municipalities interested will be given bonds In the company, instead of the stock, and that this part of the agree- ment will be perfectly satisfactory to those concerned. By giving bonds it gives the road entirely into the control of the railway people, and will not per- mit of any of the interested municipali- ties having a say in the management. A public announcement may be forth- coming in a few days, but in the mean- lime the necessary papers are being drawn up, and the deal completed. Duncan McNeill of 4th con. Eld, was brought before Magistrate Mont- gomery one day last week on a charge of horsewhipping his wife. He was found guilty of the offence and was bound to the peace for one year in the sum of $100, besides havin<; to pay the costs of the Court. Domestic infelicity has bi'oken up many a home and the best cure for a husband who uses a whip on his wife is to give him a dose of his own medicine. We don't want to encourage the whitecap business but we would not divulge the names of the men if we .saw them giving a wife beater a horseliiding. â€" Cheely Enterprise. Lightning has been doini; a great deal of damage in alt parts of the country. George A. Magec was instantly killed at his Thome in West Gwillimbury. He aud his father were hauling hay and just as they reached the barn door a bolt of lightning struck, knocking the father senseless and killed the son. When Mr. Magee, sr. recoveied consciousness he found the hay on fire and then saw the body of his son. Urged to the quick action he lifted the body and carried it a short distance away, return- ing to find both horses killed and the barn on tire. There was no help near and it was impossible to save anything. Mr. Henry Roeddnig of .\yton pur- chased a ticket for -Alsfeldt for the early train last Friday morning, which ticket was taken up by the conductor. He was afterwards advised by a train otticial that the train would n^t stop at .\l8teldt, but would be slowed down when oppostte the station. He was told to jump, which he did, and was rolled up like a ball, injuring his nose, both eyes, head and right knee. Be is now laid up at his home in Ay I on. Dr. Mearns, of Hanover, G, T, R. physician, was notifi- ed to examine the man which he did yesterday. This may result in a suit for damages. â€" Hanover Post. A well known l>e» Moine.s woman after suffering iiiiseriilily for tw.i days fr.'iu Iniwel C'liiiplaiiit, wiiseuied by oiie done of Chuni- lierlain'n Colic, Cholera aii.l Diarrhoea Rem- edy. For sale hy W. E. RitlianUon A Son. Voters* List Municipality of the T.iwnship of Aitemesia. Niitice is hereby given that I h'ivc transmitted, or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections Hand 9 of the Ontario Volei's List Act, the copies re(|uired by said sections to be traiis- iiiiited or deli''ered of tho list, made pur- suant to said .\ct, of all persons a|ipoai- iiig by the last revised Assessment Roll of the Said Munici|iality, to bo entitled to vole ill the said ftluniiiiiality, at elec- tions for Members of Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Election, and that t'le .said list was posted up at my othee at Flesberton the 6th day of .\U2Ust, 1911, and remains for inspection. Electors an c:;'!"d upon to examine the .said list, and, if any on.issions or any other eirors are found therein to take iiiimediaic proceedings to have the aiiid errors corrected according to law. W, J. BELLAMY, Clerk. r»'ed AuRUt tilth, 1911. SOUR RISINGS • FROM STOMACH Those Who Experience Full- ness and Pain After Meals, Stomach Disorders, and Indigestion, Should Read Below. "When I â- was working around the farm last winter I had an attack of ia- flammation." writes Mr- E. P. Daw- kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to work until spring. Bui something went wrong with my bowels, for I had to use salt.=i or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and al- wavB after eatlnrr there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of in- testinal indigestion. Nothing helped m<' until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pilla. Instead of hurting, like other pills, thev acted very mildly, and seemed to heal the bowels. I did not require largo doses to get results with Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, and feel so glad that I tiave found a mild yet certain remedy. To- day I am well â€" no pain, no sour stom- ach, a good appetite, able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do. and I can say Dr Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and Riy letter. I am sure, proves It." Ill fuse a .o ibslitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pil'.s of Ifandrake and Butter- nut, sold in yeliow boxes, 2l5c. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Ca, Kiagsion, Ont. Or. Hamilton's Pills \ Cure the Stomach ' Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Joanna Hendry of the township of Osprey in the County of Grey, farmer's wife, deceased. NOTICE ia eereby >;iven pursuant to the revi.sed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 12i» that a!l the creditors and otheis having claims against the estate of the above named Jwiiina Hendry, who died on or about the twenty-second day March, 1911, in the said Township of Osprey are required on or before the 1st day ot October, ItH to send by post prepaid or deliver to Robert or Charles Sworder, KoUpore post ethce, Ont., (the Executors of the Idst Will and Testament of the said deceased) their christian and surnames, and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securties (if any) held by them. Ami FlKTHER T.tKK NoTK'E that after such Last mentioned date the s^id executors will proceed to distribute the assets of thu .said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard- only tn the claims of whi.^h they sh.-ill' then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors will not be liable tor the saidi a.s.sets or any part thereof to any person, or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. IIkick & Fair, Collingwood, Ont. Solici'ors for the Executors. Dated this 12th day of July, A. D.. 1911. Our Equipment ^//^/^^^(^^^^ OWEN .SOl'ND, ONTARIO For thirty years wo have prided our solves on our complete e(|uipment. Every modern device and convenience that enterprise could suygest and capital obtain, is in our building. The small school with small capital and mosgrc ei|uinnient cannot i{ive you the same training that you can get at the Northern. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., 0. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th, FARM FOR SALE Irfita 2:1 and 34, Con. U, towiwhip of Osprey. cmtaiiiing l"-"i noi'ps cleared mi Icr k<miiI »iate of eiiltivatioii: well fenced, the reiiminilt'r timbered with hardwood ami s,.ft tiinU'i', fiaiiie liarn with xtoiie wall and water throiifrh the stnlilex, hrick liense and ){.iimI rtrcliard, Teriiis ea'<y. Must 1h' Hold owing to illnoHH. Apply to .SAMTKL TARK lAtijr Fevrrsha.n, Ont. Mortgage Sale Of Farm Property In the Township of Osprey^ Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by- public auction, at's hotel in the VilUise of Flesberton on Saturday,, the 12ih day of August, A. D. ISIll, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, namely : -Lot number Nineteen in the Seventh Con- cession of the Township of Osprey in the County of (Jrey, containing one hundreit acres neirs or less. There is said to be twenty-five acres of the above hind cleared and the lutUnce- in hardnood bush. I'piin tho premises are fuiid to be a small fiame house and a frame stable. The property is situated two miles from the Village of Maxwell. TER.MS: Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid on the date of sale, and the balance in thirty day* thereafter, without interest. For further vuiriicuUrs and condition* of sale apply to W. H. WKKJHT, 'Vendor's Solicitor Owen Sound, Ont. ,II[ MOKHS. Carefully Corrected Each Week ^^'heat 75 to 75- <>«'» 35 to .35' Pe»» 75 to 75 Bailey 50 to 5a Hay 10 00 to 10 W Butter i(i n, 16. El! gs, fresh 17 .^ 17 Potatoes per bag 65 to t>5 U*""-^"'"- 12 to 12 Du*'k8 12 to 12 Chickens 12 to 1^ }y^^y» .'. 15 to \» ^^"o' 20 to 22 Proud Position t'olliiiBWooil lliiiiiiess CdIIoko now 011.I0VS the iliBtiiictioii o( bBiiiK one of tliemostwi.lely attuudeil, boat riiiiipii- e'l auiUiest niaiia<ieil iiistitutioua of iU kiiul in \Vu»teru lluUrio. Tho enroll mint llii« year was almost .louble that o. any iiicy o is year, ami nearly every Kiadimto WHS plcHHed. Fall Tensi Opens Sept. 1st. Sen.l for liaudsoine uew catalogue. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE

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