AL<;iisT 10 1911 THE F L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE 1V/iS>i',>.:v F. G. KARSTEDT. - flesherton JUST ARRIVED! One car load of Cunacln Brand Portland Cement, BUsniDteed to be the beat cement on Iho umrket. For saveral years the governiHcnt hiul tho monopoly of nil the output. We Imvo handled ii for sometime now an J can say without liositation that it is the sironijc&t cement on the market. One car load of the famous Purity Kinur. Its fame has gone through all the land us the best flour for broad and (>astry on the market ISread made from our tlour ha.s won the first prize in our full show, yleldiii« the whitett, llakiest and sweetest broad shown. When in town ask for ;i L'41b Lag and try it. Price W.OO per barrel. One car load needs no recoinmen Salt mafiufsctured of Fine Windsor Salt. This salt is "known and fy lend.itiun. It i.s the linest ^'rade of Windsor ,s^; PAKASOLS AND UMBRELLAS of both Ladies' and Gentlemen's, We have a larjie assortment made in the hne»t niateiial. TREADEASY Built-in inner sole of Australian wool (ell, conforms to the foot and absorbs moisture ; prevents jar when walking, y^sk to see this "EJnpress Treadeasy Shoe." We have the Ezdtuire Ag»cy (or this >hoe. Ladies who have tender feel will tind Treadeasy SImu the most comfortable shoe .•vor worn. They have Cushioned Soles and lubber heels. The upper beiui^ made from llie kid leather. Cuuld Kive you names of weirers who would wear nothing else since trying them. Wo have also other fine lines of the "Em- press" Shoe made in the newest styles. LADIES' ST^ITS AND Sl'lTIKGS In the fine-it and most up loda'e materials that cm be IwuMit. If you need a ready-made gtrinent, leave in your measure and we on «et them up from the factory in any style at a very low price. OKNTLKVIEN, â€" We have as largo an assortment of^'fine Worsted, Tweed and Serge Suitinsjs lis can lie procured from any wholesale houses, (-all on the tailor, Mr. Jas. ISjwIs'r, and he will beveiy pleased to show them to you. BINDKU TWINE Call and give us your order for twine. We handle Edi^e," GjO feet to the pound, manufactuied by the Cordage Company. Price '.'io a pound c;«sh. t!ie "Cilt Brantford JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . ' Stock for Service Durham bull aaJ Horksliire Uok for seivice nil lot 7, pjti. 1 N. D. v., Artomema. Termsâ€" -L. McAUTHl'It. I'riceville. July -21 lUiO. ' Bull (or Service Tlini-.)iiKhbtc(i HiTi-fiird Bull fur wrviee on i I'lt 1, on. 4. Kujihura-via T-rruiiâ€" $1. IVMi i;ree on application. ( CH.VS. H. M.\KTIN. I'n.p.â€" Wagons AND JOHN HcPHAIL Priceville CR es YEARS' CXPERIENCC Buggies AGKNT Ft)U- Tr«d£: Marks Designs SOPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending a Bkctrh and deacriptlon ma* qiilckir uacerlam dur optnlon frea whetlier aa lilTeiitlott ta prrthntiljr pHleriiiMa O'.nmumkn tlon«Htrlcilyr.iiiniii.Niiiil. HJ1NDB()0K o!! I'atouu •cut fro© OMost jiireni'y for Hiicurlotf piUenu. i*a!otiu taken liirMujtli .tlunn tt Cu. reu«lTe tprctiil notice, wir houl ctuirifo, la the Scientific JImcricaii. I A h.trxUomflr UltistratfHl WMklr. Lanc^ clr- ! rulation of any 8. i,fii(iilo j.,uni.*I. 'turuta fur ; trost & Uood Implcnienls, Floury i',f[fj'*i,*iJf^ ^"^'- ''"'^''° ''"'"''^ som b> Which will be sold at prices that can Not and Pernii Plows, Tudhope Wagons and | lyiDf^lJ J Qq 36 ! Broudwiy, MgU/ Vgrt Be Heat considering style and ijuality, Carriages, Melotte Cream Separator,, Br»uci»omi.u. <m k «, wwiiiu^iun. d.c. also a full liiie (.f tilKge, Harvesting Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and BUTCHER SHOP und freli stock of fre.sli and curecl michiiies and Wind Mills, Funca .Wire, Pianos on easy terms. Stable Outfits, Hay F\-rk», Hopes and c-irriers. Now is the the time to get ready. A call solicited. .Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Sight Restored Science points out tlie way to the restoration of sight. If yotir vision is delective we can have opened up a butclior t-hop tlio by scicntitic IJ stand, Ceylon, ami cany a full I nietiiods measure tlie defect and '"fi'''^' 1 supply the Hi'Jes purchased.â€" Terms cash, 1 necessary glasses J.M.ENGLISH, CEYLON '*° ''''''"' isjiy HOI.STEIN-FRII.SUN CATTLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworth Swine Brown Leghorn Poultry a specialty. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN BULL FORkERVICE- ilbl.l.F.\N C<J.'il c»l<l)l.\ DI'lvK Duhlll, .No. diti^] HIUK guecn K DuKol Duku No. (IIS..! M. II. U.Kil Keilfan Coucnnlia UeKol No. i4:|ir>,H. It., wboae uraml <laoi liuM t)l» W( >UIin'S lll:T TKlt Itl'( l)HI) a low joara aBii M.\KlN(i ao lAth.. too/.. I.N VUAYrt. Tliia younu animal imlalOK .1 yoan, la nf kooiI fiUeauJ ni'ltvi'lualitv.haviiiK won tlinm tst an<l iiuv tiucorjil |irf/e aa a calf at aoniu of tho prom- inent ceutm uf I lut.. aad lias won Ut I'lncH at on« nn'l tiro years olt al Kaat (iruy fall fair, FUalicrtou, Teiinaâ€" (Iradoa SLM. tUorouRlibroila ♦M.OO, payable l«t of Jan. All oowa not Irennlarly return«<lwill L»h charged. ItlCllAltl) AI.r,EN. I/OtlTO 2N. K, T. A S It Klefllicrlon I'.d. ] .)mu- II CANADIAN: â- SO) W. A. Armstronjj:. HOMESEEKEi EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatcliewan, ll'is^ls i>peci*l TtaJni Ie4ve Toro.iio 2 OJ p m <n APRIL 4, IB MAY 7. 16, 30 JUKC 13, 2? JULY It, 25 AUG. 8, » SE!>T. 5, 19 Second cUh tickeii from Ontario •tttJoni l,> pn- 4.:;'jl ' Noithwrit point! al LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES j \\'innipeB and retura $>i.UO; L'!dmon!on at;a fc mn I $41.00. •dtl lo jtAi^T iHiinti in p(o|»,>tli.>n. lit Lctj Hfitxi lo rfflurn wiihin tA) ti»yi from toiiu ditr. '' TOURISTSLEEPING CARS i on all fxcuriinni. Ccniforlablc brrlhi. fullv CTin-.tril ] with brjtlitie. can be ircur^d at moJciate ralft tiirou^h j ioci\ agcDt. I Early application must be m.ida ASK FOR HOMESECKCRS' PAMPHLET ronlaintng rates and (ult infomtation. Apply lo iifirriiC.P.R. Agent or loH. L.Tlrjropioa, Dut. l^aii. AbI . 1 oronto. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS S. Rand, A.^ent, Cevlon SEASONABLE IN FURNITURE Ttio iHr^uht niid boxt Ht4>ck of Knriiitiiiv ev«r hIiowii 111 KU'.sliortoii. TliiB without fuiir of mill- tradiction. miiu ntid Hoe Home of nice Ihiii^H in Side Hoards, Diniii){ Kooiii ( 'liaim, Parlor SctlH, liod llooin Sottfl. A H|)t'ciikl M^diic- lion just iiiiiv on t!very- thing, in order to ru- llllCl* I 111" Hlock. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton GOODS Canadian National Exhibition August 26tli - TORONTO • September 11th â€" â€" _ "* " CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL Linstock ami AKficallare - Artâ€" coms from Furo- Manufactures â€" Cnatcst C.reatetil. fchow on roiilin- pcan galleries â€" masters display ever bhowii in ent! Special Pria-s of from best collert ions in America! Goods man- $600 each. Increased Canada and United nfactured while you Prizes in all classes. States. wait. TH REE GREAT SPECIALS Festival of Empiri-pictur. Coldstream Guards Baiulâ€" War Beneath the Wavas â€" ing t 111' nlwrios of the Cor- Musicians of the Koyal Showing a battle between onation ceremonies. 1,500 Household, by special a Dreadnought and a pcrlorinera in uniform. permissioM of the King. Submarine. HOSTS OK OTHEB ATTaACTIONS MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS Kor all lnform.illon write Manager J. O. ORR, Clly ILill. Toronto. /lc6t)crton !X(tiaitce An liiileiwiident Dewii|>ap«r, mibliiihed every Tliuritday at tli.- iitfice, Collingwood Street, KU-shertoii. Subscription price »1 iter annum, ivhRU paid inadvitiice; tl.M wbeu noc wi paid. .Vdvrrtisiud rttte.< on appliuatiou. Circulation 1,100 w>^kly. W. II. Tliiu-ston - Kdltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN SWORDS INTO PLOUGHSHARES "They â- shnll beat their swords into plou<;hshai'eH, and their spears into prnn- ingh >oks ; iiktion shall not lift up xword ug^inet nation, neither shall they learn war any more."- Isaiah 2-4. The initial step in what it is hoped will amount in time to uuiveiMil world peace, was taken on Thursday of last week, when representatives of Frince, Great Britain and the United States plucod their nitmes to a document which insures lasting pe.\ce between these three great powers. It is not an offensive and de- fensive alliance, but a simple ajjreement that all future differences among them- selves shall be settled by arbitration, and that neither of nations shall £{0 to war with the other. This solemn event i< worthy of more attention than it has received, and marks a distinct step in advance in things affect- ing the comity of nations. No such an agreement between nations has ever be- fore been consummated. France, Great Britain, the United .States and Japan â€" who also has been invited to join in the treaty-could rule the destinies of the world. By this cuinpuct universal peace is appreciably nearer. To our friends who live in tear of forc- ible annexation of Canada to the United States, and see its consummation in the reciprocity bill now before the country, this news will act as a souinol- ent, and prevent many a »leeples.s night lietween the present date and Sept. 2l9t next. John Cotril was hiking for home Friday eveuiu); about 10 o'clock on hi* motor cycle when he met a cow oa the road, with which dumi) brute he had a head-on collision. John was dumped and his machine somewhat damaged, thuuj^h not seriously. As no report has been heard from the cow wa presume she still lives. â€" Creemore Star. Ad ordinary caiie ufdiairhuea can, oa a rule, be cured by a single dose of Cbauilier- laiiis Colic, Cholrra and Diarrhoea Rumedy. Thii renie.Jy has no «uperior for cumpUunti. For a»le by V\'. K. Richardson t .Son. Douglas Cain, a boy drowned near Sault Ste. oL twe welve. Mrs. Knnn Knechtel, aged 88, died near I.istowell from breiking her leg by tiipping over carpet. 50,000 FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA $io %" $18 Additional for Return on Folio winii Conditions: GOING DATES AUGUST 3rd â€" From all stationa on all lines on and South of the Grand Trunk Main lilt, Toronto to Sarnia. Including all Btations on CP.R. Toronto to Detroit and Branch Lines Including Cuelph sub-diviiion from Cudpti South and Brumpton South. AUGUST IZIh â€" From all stations North of Grand Trunk Main Line. Toronto to Samla; Including C.P R. points, Bolton Jet. and west ; also Grand Trunk points, Toronto to Calendar inclusive. AUGUST I61I1 â€" From all stations in Ontario, Toronto and East, Ottilia and scotsa Jet. and East on G.T. R. rJso Axilda and Eastern Ontario. AUGUST 23rdâ€" From all stations Toronto ro North Bay inclusive and West. AUGUST 2SII1 â€" From all stations Toronto and East in Ontario and Ouebec, also Eaat of Orillia, Scotia Jet. and North Bay, ^^^ ON&WAY SECOND-CLASS TICKETS WIU BE SOLD TO WINNlf EG ONLY Representative farnjers, appointed by Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta Govern- ments will meet and PUKage latwrers on arrival at Winnipeg. r, -c Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Paanc where laborers are needed, east of .Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, including branches, and at one cent a mile each way west thereof in Saskatchewan and Alberta. A certificate is furnished with each ticket, and this certificate, when executed by fanner showing that ialmrer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting points in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov 30th. Hit. Tickets are good only on special Farm I-aborers trains, which will be run from Toronto and Ontario points to Winnipeg without change, making trip in about 36 hours, and will be issued to women as wel! as to men, but will fK>i be issued at half fare to chiidrea. Kor full particulars see nearest CP.R. -Agent, or write â€" B. L. THOMPSON. D.P.A.. C.P.R.. Tonwto S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton. A FALL FAIR IDEA The Oraud Valley Star recently made a suggeslisn regarding fall fairs that is worthy i>f consideration and liiscu.ssion. The article w.ts called forth by the efforts of lair directors down in Dufferin to raise funds by private Rub- scfiption. The suggestion wai that the County Councils make a sufticienl grant to each society to ensure ita niiintenince on a free besia- making everybody a member, in tict â€" cut ou^. the membership fee allogeiher and let everybody e.xhibit who cares to do so. A special grant of $2*10 for esch society would accomplish t!iis. As there are about fourteen societies optMaling in the county of Grey this would mean a grant of $28tX) for the whole cjunty. There i.'> no doubt what- ever that sMcli a move would act as a strong siimuliint to the fall fairs and irake tlieai much more popular. We rather favor the idea and pass it along to those nho have it in their power to make such a ch.inue if, after thoroughly di.;est- ing such a r.tdicil propo.sal, it is th:>ught that a lasting and decided benulit to the county as a wluilo would result. NOT MENDING. BUT BETTER A little Fleshert'iu girl, whose mother had been ill, called on an erranit at a neighboring residence. Tho lady of the house courteously in<iuirod : " Is your mother mondiug, my dear .' " .•\ftcr looking thoughtful for a moment Bjrtha replied : " Noâ€" !-he's ironing." GENERAL GROCERIES Wii have a full .stock of <,'(>iuM'fvl groceries on hand. Sufijar.s for preserving', icing.s and table use. Canned gooils of all kinds, tobacco.s, teas and candies, FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! We liinidlo an iniintnse i|uai]:ity of Hour and keep on hand Ogiivio'a Koyal Household, Fords and Dundalk Klonrs in the soviial grades, bran and shorts. Cn.ldhawk's I rend bundled. Choicest homemade ice Cream and cmding Summer Diinks ahva y ready for serving. W. L Wright, HSrocer, Flesherton TORONTO ON ICE CREAM Till' Lord > Day .Xtt is a bad for some Toronto people and ils iiiterpii* tation appears to be a matter of ditticulty to some jurigfs. For instance, witness this fau'o : A great many Toronto peo- ple like to eat ico cream any day of the week, Sundiiys included. It was held to hi illegal to sell this delicacy on Sunday. Then a judge woh found who decidid that ice cream was a food and Ita Sunday sale was jus-til'able. Another jutlge co- incided with this view, but gave it as his opinioii that the delicacy must be eaten on the premises where it was purchased. The latest ])liase ot tho matter, however, i< that proviiiing the purchaser takes a bite out of it ho may carry tho rest home with him. lie must not cut the bite otf with a knife or any instrument, but wiih his native unw.-ished teeth. He must not use a clean pair of false teeth for the pur- pose. There is a.s yet no provision made for the man who wears false teeth, the man with a toolhaohe, toothless old grey- liearda or babies. They may go without or clean up the platter right where tho purchase is made. Toronto judges must be a (|ueer medley of interpreters. Hut why do Toronto people want to buy i-re cream and cigars on Sunday ! The cigars can be purchased on Saturdty night and the ico cream will remain fiozen until Monday morning. It is no necossily. Out in the old-fashioned country villages we tind no ditticulty in e\isting without ice cream for one cay in the week without losing in weight. Our city o«nisins could do tho same if they only thought so. Seriously, it is a pity that a good law s'l.iuld bo ma<lo farciil in this wfiy. It looks to us aa though it is done with a sinister motive. J. andW. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario ! Mid-Summer Clearing . . . White Lawn Waists REGl'LAR «l 00 FUR 7S CENTS. " 1.25 " 98 " 1.50 " 1.15 •' 1.75 " l.:i5 Parasols in Black and Fancys, at Reduced Prices. 1^ Muslins and Ginghms L; a largo range of patterns and colors. U,-,' {'>:. .\11 joing at 10c. Childs Ready^Made Dresses All made in fast color materials anil a hirge variety of patterns. Sizes, 4 to 12 years old for $1.00 to f2.00. Ladies' Tan Oxfords ^^ We have an over stock of Ladies' Tan Oxfordi in prices ?2.00, §2.25, •S^'. .">'). Yeur choice for $1.65. Boys' Jerseys Wo have another lot to hand in colors, greea with red, green wiih while. Sizes, 20, 28, 30, ;!2, at inc. A Positive Cure For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Have you ever felt a leadeu weight in the pit of the .stomach â€" a feeling of fulness, with belching of wind and perhaps severe pain ? Then you know how indigestion feels. It makes a person sarcastic ami cranky â€" it causes misery after every meal â€" it saps the strength. FATBOl MORRISCrS "No. 11" TABLETS â€"one of the best of the late priest-physician's remarkable prescription.'?â€" positively cure Indigestion. Dvspepsia Sick or Sour Stomach, Heartburn, and all the sufferiue that comes from a "bad stomach." I'ach tablet will digest 1 3^' ptnuids of foo<lâ€" agood meal. Take "'No. i.'- Tablets regularly, avoid articles of food that yon have found disagreee with you, and you will be benefitted from the start and soon cured, 50C. at Your Dealer's. ra»h«r Morrlsoy MMnoln* Co., Ltd., 52 MoiTtroal, Qua; » i-. ' " • • • !• . ;. .> . I. • ;« ^^ •I* :r.