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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1911, p. 1

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gkB\)txim %hii>anui TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEh NOT MEN. T0L31, NO 7 Flestierton, Out., Tliursday, August lO 1911 W. H THDRSTON ^^^?5opbietok Eugenia Paragraphs Miss Johnston of Toronto is spendin;.' a couple of weeks with her friend, Mrs. T. E Fenwick. Mrs. Thomas Hoath of Lions Head is visiting her ranny friends at Eugenia. On Monday evening last Mc. and Mrs. T. E. Fenwick gave an ice cream party to their many friends and neighbors, and ail speut an enjoyable evening with gamej, etc. Mr. Henry Fenwick h.<s been very ill for the past few days. Mr. D. Gordon and wife of Wareham eoent Sunday with R.McMaster and wife. Miss Kerr of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her friend, Mrs. McMaater. A large number of visitors were in town on Sunday last viewing the falU. e'.c. A well-known resident of thia place was laid to reot on Wednesday last in Salem cemetery, in the pewon of James Woodburn. Quite a number of relatives and fr.ends were present to pay their last respects to the deceased, who was much respected in the district. Mr. Frank Pember of the Pembei Hair store, Toronto, with his wife and three sons are fpendini; a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. Wallace Williams came up from the city on Saturday to visit relatives and friends of his old home for a few- days, y" Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pooley and faiylly from Toronto) arc visiting with /Mr. Campbell of the \ alley. / Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis ancf their daughter Edna are vls;tinR with Mr. John Williams. Mr. Robert Purvis and Mr. Williain Purvij of Toronto were up from the city spendini: the week end at their summer cottag« here. Miss Williams of Toronto visited with Mrs. Robert Purvis for the holiday season. The Eugenia branch of the Women's Institute entertained the Floshertoii branch on Wednesday last, the visitors preparing the programme. It was the intention to picnic in the grove, but owing to stormy weather this idea was abandoned, and supper was served in the school room to a large company. Mr. Wesley Jamiesim of Toronto is visiting his sister, Mis. Robert Mc- Master,for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and the-r son of Toronto are spending a few days with P. Muushaw. Mrs. Jake Williams, with Mr. and Mrs. Pember, visited Markdale on Saturday last, calling on Mr. anil Mrs. Will Stewart on their way nome. The manigcrs of the Presbyterian church held a successful beo on Friday last to tix up the walk in front of the church, ijuita a number of men turning out. The ladies of the church provided supper. A sacramentiil service was held in the Methodist church ou Sunday eveniuj^, a large number being present. Rev. Mr. Campbell preached an excellent sermon and the service was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Ed. Graham has returned heme from a visit to western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams gave ii garden party on Monday, a large number of the Williams family being present^ also a numlHjr of town ftiends and visitors from the city. Supper was served on the lawnanc the evening spent in mu.Hic knd song, everyone having an enjoyable time. Mrs. Woodburn desires as to Ihank VjI for their kindiirss and sympathy in >^r lYcent trial. V, . Cutwixl bruises may bu healed in aliout ..iicthini the tiiiii' rwiiiiifd by tlio usual trratmcnt by »p|>lyin?; ChKinbeilain's Lini- ment. It i.H an .inti.ieptic ami cau.-'cit such injuries to heal withmit maturation. This liniment also tolievcH sorenej,K of the ii:u.icle» aiiii rheitmatio |>ains. Fur Kile by W. E Kichardson A Son. Kimberley Budget The local showers of the past week just came in the nick of time. With tavorable weather conditions this week, it will, generally speaking, see the spring gram all cut here. Mrs, Simon Fawcett and fimily, and Misa Myrtle Fryne, of CoUingwood, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. R. Fawcett. The Misses Nellie and Edna Burritt visited Vandeleur friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cox and sun, Elmer,and Will Plewes and son, Beverley, all of CoUingwood, are llie guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. Messrs. Sandy and Stanley .icheson of Toronto, and the Misses Laura, Roxy, and Master Teriff.-Vcheson, of Harkaway, were the guests of their cousin, Mrs.Geo. Hutchinson on Suud-ty last. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Minehaughn of To- ronto, Mis. Arthur Court and Mr. ai;d Mis. J. Herbert Fawcett ar.d fHmily, of CoUingwood, apent civic holiday at Mr. J. R. Fawcett's. Fred Smith of Eugeuia whs the guest of his friend, Harold Proctni, on Mon- d.ty of this week. John Wickens of Moosejaw, Sask., is holidaying with friends here. Wm. Walter left last week for Parry Sound district to do some assessment work in a mine there. Wellington Fawcett spent Sunday last at Vandeleur. Threshing has vicinity. ^ Sir. .Albert Ellis is Toronto. •â-  We have spent many a day working hard, receiving very little remuneration to make roads through the country, and now we cinnot safely, in fact, cannot drive at all on the roads, on account of the deadly automobiles" remarked an old pioneer the oiher day. Wo offer congratulations to Miss Elvie Bishop, who wiis successful in her recent examination by securing her full tirsl class certificate ; and to the Misses Delia Abercrombie and Bernice Scott on secur- ing their second class certificates. Miss Bishop is but 15 years of age. Mr. Oliver Cornett and sister. Miss Alfleda of Dundalk visited friends here on Saturday and Sunday last and were Ibe tfuests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W:illace. Uiveiside. Mrs. Jas. Stuart is visiting friends Dundalk. Priceville Jottings Feversham Items commenced in this visiting friends in at Owen Sound News East Mountain Berry picking and harvesting is ihe order of the day now. Pistemper is prevalent among hoists in this part. Miss E'sie Martin leaves Wednesday for Owen Scmnd, where she will remain for a couple of woe'ts. Ernie Pnc'or and MifS Edna Caniack spent Sunday at W. J. Martin's. A carload of zinc blende was shipiied from Wiarton to Cleveland, Ohio to bo smelted so that the .^Iberms'-le Zinc Company may know the quality "f mineral. Some especially line samples of prodigious size have been taken out of the shaft. Dr. Wolverton, the promoter, is now sinking, and it is his desire to go down tifty or sixty feet in o.der to ascertain the depth to which the zinc extends. With portions of several of his ribs removed, Ralph Mercer is recovering from an operation whicli in these parts is uniciue, but which the doctors hope will be completely successful. The young man, who is about twenty years old, and a son of Mr. W. S. Mercer, East hill, has been a suflferer for some time from tubercular trouble ; and went to the hospital last week, where ou the advice of his phyiscian he underwent an operation a few days ago. Parts uf several ribs were removed from the breast and side, in the hope and expecta- tion that, with the pressure removed, the lungs will be able to expand more fully and would thus grow strong. .\t present Mr. Mercer is recovering nicely from the operation ; and the ultimate outcome is awaited with interest. .\ sad accident happened Wednesday evening in which Mr, Richaid John- ston, an old respected resident of Syden- ham, was so badly injured that he expired in a few hours. Mr. Johnston and sun, Thomas, with wlu>iii ho resided, Wdre taking in hay, the old gentleman driving the horses which were hoistinsf the hay into the barn. Whilu a lojid was beiiii< hoisted, the rope broke. The horses, suddenly freed, i;ave a jump, throwing Mr Johnston ort' his fcot, and ran away, dragging him libout foity feet. He was picked up uiicon6ci<.>us, and taken into the hou.'O. Dr. McDonald, of An- nan, n:K» immediately suiniuuued and found hiin badly cut and brui.sed about the head, and sutl'ering severely from shock. On ace >uut of his advanced age â€" 84 yejirs â€" he was unable to throw otT the shuck, and sank until ho passed away early yestoiday nui^niiig. He was a native of England, and a i-esident of the Township for many years. Two sons, Thoiu.-is and William, both of Syd. cnham, survive him.â€" O. S. Sun. Our fall fair will be held en Oct. 5 and t> this year. The sporting editor of The .-Advance can tell a joke in A. I style. The two jokes iu the issue of July 27, that caused such merriment among readers of The .â- Advance here, are considered by some to be worth a year's subscription alone. Bah ; Riverdale cor. Sorry the old exploded superstition still remains in your pale. Canadians intend getting the " substance " by trading with the world. Canadians swept the enemy from Queens- ton Heights. Canadians tramped the veldt and sands of Afiica and captured their thousands at Paardeberg. Canadi- ans can .'ilso trade with their neighbors and still retain floating over their land the Hag that braved a t'ouueand years ihe battle and the Dreeze, while possibly the â- â- shadow " may still remain in the nar- row, superstitious mind of Riverdaleite and a few more in Ontario of the same stripe. Miss Myrtle McAithurof Buffalo vis- ited her mother and other frieuds f jr a couple of weeks lately. Misses Eunice and Ruby Ferguson uf Mmitowaniiig were the guests of their cousins, Misses May and Edna Ferguson, for a week. Bert Watson of Shelburne visited last week with friends here. Considerable barley has been drawn in alieady, and stme oats were cut the end of last week. Mauy harvesters after lin- ishing iu Ontario can go west iu time for harvest operations there. Rev. Mr. Thom is supplying for Rev. J. A. Mathesou in the Presbyterian church for a few weeks. Rev. W. G. Uanna, field secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, spoke in the Methodi.<«t church on Thursday evening, .\ugust 3. Tha Methodist garden party ou the 1st Was a success, notwithstanding the thun- der storms in early evening. Each ap- pointment was well repre8euted,alt hough many disapp(>inted persons were left at home. The kind members of other churches put in an ap()earancs between showers, and alto a little later when it faired up, and helped to swell the crowd, and added considerable to the receipts. Rev. Wellwood and a number of ladies from Flesherton came over through wind and lain, and W. W. Ramage and Miss Ramage, also a Mr. Watson, from north Egremoul, all of whom assisted in enter- tainment. Mrs. H. B. McLean, an old lime favoiite, sang two solos. The in- clement weather prevented sevei'al others who were to take part in the program. The receipts totalled ?«J0. A number t^f people from this part who visited the caves of the CoUingwood mountain on Thursday last report com- ing in contact with wolfs on the mount- ain side, but as the wolfs wers not of the man eating kind no harm came to the visitors at the caves. Mr. J. -A. Kernahan, our township treHKurer, has returned h>mie after a two week's trip near Ripley and Kincirdir.e, where he was judging grain in the field grain contest and reports the best trip of his life in a grand country. Mrs. Baxter and daughter of Nepawa Manitoba, visited with the former's cousin, Mrs. D. W'. Cliniun, last week. R. Brackenbury has finished the season's cut of higs and the men who worked with his are gohig west on the harvest excursion soon' Born On August 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hawtun, a son. Mrs. Geo. Lush is visiting with her son, J. B., in the subuibs at present. We are informed that ison of the Rev. Mr. Betliune of Maxwell and another young man named Campbell figured in a heroic rescue "f five people from drown- ing, three ladies and two geiuiemen, in lake Ontario, near Kingston,revently. Lizzie Hudson is home from the tjueeti city on a visit. Mr. J ihn Sample visited friends at Mount Forest last week. Miss Lizzie Hale visited with Dr. T. S. Sproule, M. P , in Markdilo last week. Miss Maud Guy of Maxwell spent Sunday with Mrs. Walter Keiton at the tempeiance hotel. Miss Miua Motfal is holidaying aC her parental home on the eighth line. Matthew Conron has arrived home ind intends raking a trip out west. A large gatliei ing attended the picnic at Rob Rob on Saturday lasr. Banks came uH' victorious in the football match between them and the Feveishaui Maple Leafs at the above picnic. Sangster Hemphill uf Ceylon visited wi:h his aunt, Mrs. John Speer, si., on Sunday hist. Markdale Chronicles Kev. Mr. Phaleu is holidaying at.Point :«u Banl. Mrs. C. W. Rutledge is spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Buggin, at Saafortb. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Armstrong left Tuesday fur a week's holiday on the St. Lawrence river. Mrs. Wm. McLouglirey entertained very delightfully at a Ladies' .\id lea ou Thursday afteriioun. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and daughter motored over from Oiillia last week and spent a few days with Mrs. W. A. .'Vrmstrong. R«v. .ind Mrs. Young left Monday for CoUingwood to spend two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Courtice. Mrs. John Walker is visiting friends in Detroit. Mirs Garnetle Freeman of Burlington was the guest "i Mias Sue Trwin this week. Mr. and iMrs. J. .S. Rowe spent a couple of days last week iu Branlford. Mathews, ihe Baker, has moved to his new home on Main .street. Mrs. J. S. Mathews spent the civic holiihty in Durham. Mr. and 5Irs. Tucker, Mis. W es. Rut- ledge, and Miss DeU Watson are camp- ii.g at Ewart â- ; lake. Mr. Thomas and Mrs John Foster were married Wednesday evening, Aug. 2, by Rev. J. R. Yiiung at the home of Mr. Jake HoUey, Mi-3. Reid and daughter of Blantyro spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs, J. C. Henry. Miss Mabel Plewes of Gravenhurst is spending her .holidays with her parents here. The Flesheitun campers at Ewai-t'n lake had a number of c.illera on civic holiday. X jolly crowd of Markdale young people picnicked at Riverside park on Monday. â-  , ^ » > Jewelry « Rock Mills Miss Edith Sedwick of ToroQto is visiting Mrs. Belts. Miss Ettie Radley is visiting Toronto friends. Mrs. Jos. Lighthart, wife and daughter who have spent the past three months in diJ'ereiit parti of Ontario, have relurn- lo their home in Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Thos. Fisher is raising a hue burn on Wednesday. Mr. Jas. Milne liius got a foundation built for a batn. Misi Wyant, CoUingwood, speut the pa,st week at R. .\kitt's. Lottie and Myrtle Stu,u-t of Kimberley are visiting their cousins, Freddie Uar- gravo and Kditli Belts. Mr. Thos. .\kitt and wile have return- ed to their home in CoUingwood, after si)ending the pasL week with the former's brother, Robert. Mis.'jos Annie and Rela Belts aie visiting friends at Durham and Mt. Forest. I -Vlbert Bhickburn and wife visitid CoUingwood friends, Mr. Win. Tracey of Toronto is visit- ing his wife at M. Phillip's. Mrs. Kd. Fisher and son and Mr?. Byron have returned to their home in Toronto, after spending a fortnight witli the former's moihor, Mrs. J. Radley. I>R. BURT 5p«<:tnlUt In. disestct ol ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office- 30 10th *t. Watt, Owsn Sound At the Rovoro house, Markdalo, 2iid Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundalk, 1st Thursday of each mouth. Durham For having li<,uor on the preiiiises, the Hahu house was mulcted Sr>0 and costs before Police Magistrate Telford on Fri- day. That same morning about G.30 Matt Beckett of Owen Sound, with his assistants, dropped intu town and, put- ting up at the Central, walked down town to the Hahii house where they com- iiienced operations. The .search resulted iu the finding of some kegs of beer and several bottles of whisky, the forinei', after the trial, being turned louse in the gutter and the latter oonli.scated. Ye Editor went to Claiksburg week to visit his father, brothers, sisters and a host of other friends and relatives. Father is a man Sti years of age, but he can hear, eat, sleep and talk apparently as well .is when he was a much younger man. His memory seems to bo as goud as it over was ; in fact some think he re- members things too well. He is not able to walk without ciu'ches, being crippled wi'h rheumatism and stiffened up with hard work which scemeJ !o bs the joy of his younger days. He goes to church on Sunday mornings and In sec him spend half an hour hobbling a few rods might bring shame to others who could make the trip witnout effort, but fail to do so. He is truly a wonderful old man and seems as though he might live for many years yet. He likes to drive and sticks to his job when he meets an auto on the read. Chronicle. James Ciirbett, ex-reeve of Proton, met with an uiifortiiiia'e accielont on Saturday afternoon by which he sustain- ed fracture of his leg bBtween the knee and hip. His son Herb was driving a spirited teiiiii and iii starling from the home place to the other farm for a load of hay, the horso". became fractions and Mr. Cobett, sen., who was on the wagon, thinking they might run away, jum| ed from the back o' the rack to save hini.self. In the fall the leg was broken.â€" Herald Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4li8, '.Ith St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hoursâ€")' to 12 a.m , 1.30 to 4 I'D p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appoiutiueuc A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - 0^^^ Summer Suitings N EW Summer ."suitings to baml â€" some of the nobbiest weave:? to be found any- where. COrCH TWEEDSâ€" A new line now on hiuid. ot very tine weave and appearance, with lai'ue selection to choose from. Leave yjur onlers now for Satisfaction Guaranteed, summer clothing. S. J. BOWLER, â„¢S"IiIgR^^''' r Fresh Fruits All the leading kinds of Fruit in their season. We have a fullline of Fresh Groceries, Breuil. Biscuits, Flour, Bran, Shorts, Tobaccoes, CiMifection aiy, Syrups, an<l Honey. THOMPSON'S ICE CREAM. ^ It you have not already called delay iu doing so at on us, do not The Flesherton Grocery L. W. Buskin.

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