Jri.Y 1011 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU THE KING AS A LADY. A COUNCIL OF SEVEN Business Cards II uULLODOa * YOUNQ m Bknkctt MftrkdkU eoeral bknkiDg butineM. lloDey 1o*Ded at'reaconkble tkiet Call od ua. TChlSLETT. • PoatmMter. ravloD. CoimiiiMioBfr io H,C. J . ConTevancar, deedi, iuott«aKea, Isaaaa, will* etc carefully drawn up olleciioua ulad^ cliargea raaaoDable. Alio rocahaa. Sour, feed etc. kaptiu atock, Frioaa kbt. RJ BPBOUI.B, Fleabertoa ^cmmlaaiooer In H.o J., Anctlonee Coi< »ajfa»oer, Appralaar and Money Leodir Heal Katate and Inaurance A|f»rt. Deedp; â- ortRacee. leatet and willa caretully drawn and TaluatioDi tuade on ihorteBt uctlea oney to loan at loweat ratea ol iutercat. Col- ectlona attended to with promptneat abarfaa low. Agent for Ocean DoiniulOD Maauiabip Company. A call lolicltod. Farms For Sale or Rent fSIMl'ROVED farm for aale, being lot 28. ^ concession U.Oaurey. This i»B«iJ to be a fairly level lot with coneidarable timber tnitable for wood. To close an eetal* will bo eold very cheap and on «a«y terms otpaymaot. Apply to J. A. hALRTED, 9apl Ut. Foreet, Out FOR 8ALE-lheap an! easy terini. If not aold aocn. (or rent to aultable tenart, Nortli half lot :« aud lot 40. con. U. Artemesia, and lot 1, can. 11. Onprey. -^O acres, about IM cleared balance nioetly timbered land, hard aadsoft wood • (iOO<l etooe dwelling and frame barn, etablinx nailer ; well watered with never- fiiliOK small spring creek croaning farm cloae to baru: Thin is an excellent eraln or uraziDC farm and will be sold very rbeap If taken at once and ou easy terms. Appl) to It. J. Hproule, Klesbertoo, Ont, DMcFRAIL. Uc»na«d Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate aud aailsiaction guaranteed. The arraiigementi | and dale* of aales can be made a', Thk Ai>vance effice. Iteaideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. i Dec. 6.07. WM KAITTINO, Llcenaed Auctioneer for \ the counties of Hrey and Slmcoe. : Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms 1 ajoderato. aatiBfactiou Ruarantted. Arranse. uiente for dates may be uia<le at the Advance ofBse orA: T. Hutcbinaon « store, he verabam by addreaslng me at Fevorsham. Ont. IOKSAIiEobeapand on easy termsâ€" Lota 1- and icon. U Osprey; •JOO acres; frame dwelling, frame barn and vtabliug nnder; about ITO acres cleared and under cultivation. Bomu splendid cedai with other mixed timber ou balance, also two siiiall orchards beariug. Wei watered ;ncvei failing sprine creek. Bplendid iirain and grating farm. Apply to It J.Sproule Fleabertou or Samuel Osborue, Maxwell. RUDD MATHK'.V8, Markdale, Ucensed auctioneer for the county of Grey. Good »ervice at reaatnable rates. Dates can be ii.ade at The Advance, o 00 f'OK SALE very cheap and ou ea«y termsâ€" The late Dr.CbriBtoe's.l-atory brick block in Fleshcrton with good stable and uever-fail ing well on pieininec Good large store and good butcher s shop and dwelling ; two gccKl stone oellars under buildiiig ; is and can be kept well rented ; two good balls on second and third stories ; first class business stand and will be sold chea|i as owner is engaged iu other businesR in the west aLd haH no further use (or It. Apply to It- J. Sproule. Kieshertoo. IHAKVEY I'KHKiOE. broker, Flesberton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in tafc and liberal companies. Jieal estate etc. . Open accounts and paat due notes handled and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical DR CARTF.K , ,. M C 1' & B Ont. Pbyalclan. Surgeon etc Office and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flosherton Jp OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Gradnate of Ontario \ eterlnary College, residence â€" aacond door south weat.on laary street. Thla street rana aouthj Presbyterian Church. VAKM FOK BALEâ€" Very cheap, lOO acre*. ' lot 9, con. 7. Uaprey, only »3000, reaaonablii caah payuient, balante easy terms, e.> acren cleared, well fenced and in high stale of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortablo frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill puiiip at door, new frame barn, well finished, Btone stabling with hpring water under, also in shed. It in situated i uiile trom Maxwell village whore there are stores, post ottlces, good Bchuol. and iaon the gravel road.lU mileii from railwav station. II sold at once, above price, thouKIi VEKY CHK.AP might be ahaded a little. 'Apply to 11. J. SHKOL'LK, Flesherton, or THflMAS GUY. on pr«u;i«eB, *( Notice to Creditors H\VILBON, macktmltb , c..!.„,. Uraduate of tue Veterinary Bcienc Association. Durham Itreet, opposite Itoyd, Vro'a hardware. De.stistry Dr E. C. MURRAY L. .X B., dental anrgeon bono, graduate ol Toronto I'niverBity and Koyal lolloge ol Dental Surgeons ol Ontario, Gaa admisiniateied for teeth eXtrataion OIBoe at reaidence, Toronto Street. Heai:erton. w Legal , LTAB, BANEY* W.ALLA( E-Barrister«, | L" ()olicitors.etc.-l. II. Lucas K. L. .«.>•-â- I lunev K. « . ; J. H. U. Wallace. tjaices, Toronto. MiUO T.ader. Hank Hldg., phone main 14IJ ; Markdale Lucas lllock. Phone 2 A, Branch oltice at Dundalk open every Saturaa>. | H WBIQHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey-' an'oer etc..â€" Owen Bound, and Fleaherton. Bâ€" Fl«ak«rtOD office, Bproule'a lllock every i aturdav ' Societies a o U W meets ou the last Honda; 1 n ,n eaoh month, iu their loago room | Norris block. IFlesherton, at » P in^ ^'i.„'\ H <• LeUard; Kec, C. H. Muoshaw: Fin., W. P. Irossley Visiting brethren Invited | PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No :<:«, AF^ ! r AM. meets in the Masonlchall. Arm- 1 rtrongB Hlock.Klesherton, every !• riday on or before the full moon. C. H.Muiahaw, W. , II.; Thos. Clayton, Secretary. COURTFLEBHEKTON, OM, I. 0. F. meets In ; Claytona Hlockthelaat Wednesday evening 1 of each month. Vi»itinB ForesterH heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; R. b, 1. HeLr), Kin. Sec . C. N. Hichardson. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the first • day of the mouth. ^ j rnOHE.V FKIENDB-Flesberton V'""",';'!, "' V ('hoaen Friends meets in Clayton a hall first aud third We<Iuesday of each month H p. ni Pay asaessmeiits to the Ke<-order on or before tee first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. blakeloy;Kecorder W. H. Hunt. The KarmVr'a Club meets in the high acliool I bulldina on the ftret Thursday in each month at "h o'clock P. â- !'•„ ^â- <"'»« /""tl' â-ºpeclallv invited. F. (iiard. President, ( , W. ifeilamv. Sec. Tress. h^^^m III the iiiattei- of tlie estate of William Julian of the Village •>( Fevershani in the County of <»ri'y, (^eiitlenian, de- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the re- vised Statutes of Ontario. IH97, Chap. !'.£) that all the cre<litor8 and others having rlaiiiis against the estatu of the above named William Juliau.'whodied on or ebout the fourth day of May. toil, at the said Village of KcverBliaiii, are retiuired on or before the 1st day c-f .Aug- ust. 1911. to send bv i>ost prepaid or deliver to James Bpeer, Kevershsm. Ont.. or to Hobert Sauiuel Metlirr. Feyersliaui, Out., (the Executors ol the last Will and Testaiueiit of the said deceaHcd) their christian and Huruanies. addreBHOK and descriptions. thefuU particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts andthe nature of the sucnrities litauy) held by them. .AND FL'ltTHEIt TAKE NnTICK that after such last nientiuned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said.dc- ceased utnong the parties entitlecl thereto, having regard only to tlio claims of which they shall then have notice, aud that the saiil executors will not he liable for the said ssBets or any part thereof to snv person or persons of whose cisiiti notice Bliall not have Liecu re- ceived by them at the time of such distribu- tion. W. II. WltlGHT, Owen Sound, Ont. d '212 Solicitor for the said Kxeci^ry. Dated tliisiiOth day of .lune. A.D.. I'JII. \' I KAJ,LT1.K.M Ol'K.v.s AUtiUST 2K •LJ-IOTT When Kin-; George Loit the Hand* kerchief That ClaMified Him. ,„adral'rea<ly"T b^coiil'// afoVe 'a'd SOMETHING ABOUT THE 610 MEN m,. William B.oake.fo; who. hewck.d. Two Years for Perjury On the eveuing of the 27ih of June, Eine8l Williiiiis, an Knglish t>oy of Iti yeara, wag left in charge of the farm of wore appart-nt that this is going to be- a "dancing season," a* King George and Queen Mary themselvei are very fond of dancing. King Georgi' in the lancers rccallg a very nierry diinof when His Majesty was Duke ol York. It was at Malta, and a dunce wa.s organised, literally on the spur ol the moment, on board one of the ship:?. The duke wais al- ways willing to join in anything that pronii.^ed a bit of fun, so in "record AT SCOTLAND YARD. Great Detective Eatablithment Which Operate* From a Gloomy Office In London the Police ' Machinery Which It a Terror to Crooks, It Ruled by Sir Melville MacNaghten, Aided by Six Specialittt In Crime. ,._ _ . _. __ In the great, rather grim, red-brick time" a bull room was rigged up on ibuilding which, like a medieval fort- the quarterdeck. It was agreed, since there was not u girl in the whole par- ty, that those who were to take the ladies' parts shouUi wear white hand- kerchiefs on their left sleeves. Presently a "lady" approached the present King, and with what was meant to be a demure simper asked for the pleasure of a dance. "Go away, you juggins." was the royal retort; "I'm a 'lady' inyjelf, but I've lost my blesaed handkerchief. Have a cigarl-" .\nolher amusing story, in which Queen Mary figured, is recalled. U was at a state ball at Buckingham resB, dorainaten the Thames within a stone's throw of the Houses of Par- liament, there is a large, barely-ftun- Ished room which holde more secrets than any other in London, with the possible exception ol the room of Cabinet mysteries. It is the nerve centre of our great and complex de- tective system, which controls the cur- rents radiating all the world over for the discovery o( crime; and it is in this secret chamber that the myster- ious Council of Seven hold their meet- ings to unravel the tangled skeins of tragedy. This council has not long been iu Palace a few years ago The late 'existence; iu fact, it is practically un- Prince Francis of Teek, the Queen's brother, went up to a scion of a noble house, and, remarking that he was not danciuff. asked if he could find him a few partner: known to the outside world. It is only a short time since it occurred to the authorities ol New Scotland Yard that, in place of casual conferences between detectives engaged in the so •No. thanks, old chap," was the re- jlution of some problem ol crime, it piv, as the man stifled a v»wu ; "dane- I would be well to appoint a body of ing is such a bore, I think 1 will rest j their cleverest detectives â€" men ol a little longer" lucute and astute brains, with long Presently the man in questionâ€" hs | experience ol criine and criminals- is now a full-fledged peer-ventured to t" combine their efforts in solving the apiKiach the present Queen, and re- principal mysteries,;^ and, as might be (in,-st th.- honor of a dance. Her expected, the plan has worked admir- 'â- W'.fi "Frank," however, had been »bly- ^ , „ , before him The greatest care has naturally been "Thank vou," was the replv of the taken in choosing men for this re- Queeii. Aitii a cool glance at him, "but sponsible work. It was important that dancing is such a bore, is it notf" |the council should, as far as possib e. His lordship went home. icover the whole range of crime. Ihe detective who has specialized in niur- Florence Nightingale Statue. ;<!''' <^'- burglary may know little of, say, coiners and begging-letters ini- Th»- memorial in Kngland to Flor- ence Nightingale is to take the form, first of a statue to be placed where all may see it, perhaps in Pall Mall, op- posite to the Crimean Memorial ; next, of a fund to provide annuities (to be known us Florence Nightingale annui- ties), for trained nurses who. while devoting the best years of their lives to followins! their vocation, have been unable to provide adtHjuately for their old age or infirmity. Their Majesties Mr. Bloike lives near Thornton, and all the family were away this evening. When they returoecl Williaais told aHensational story of two burglars entering the hou.se and of shooting at them ih they were fleeiDg. He even described the supposed hurglai's, saying they were two phrenolo- gists who were working the district. Acting on this information sent to Crown Attorney Cotter, Detective A. W. Beardsley went to Braden's settlement, between Thornton and Allutoo, and ar- rested the two men described. When confronted with the charge cf burglary they asserted that the affair was a joke and hastened to prove an alibi. They had supper st Mr. Cocbitne's on the :f7th of June and never left his place all evening. Mr. Cochrane supported the men and they were released. Wil- liams then confessed th^t the whole story was concocted by himself to covet up an attempted burglary by himself. He was arrested and appeared before Judge Wismiir ou the charge of perjui-y, the .sentence being two yeais, less a day, in the Central prison, wiih an order to deport him when hit liine is served â€" Col- lingwood Bulletin. STAT UE TO COOK. Australian* Will Erect Mtmorial to DItcovarsr of Continent. Really great Englishmen have us- ually to wait a long time after they are dead before a worthy national me- morial is erected to commemorate their exploits in the most fitting lo- cation, the heart of the metropolis. Shake.-pt^are still lacks a statue in London, though the memorial theatre that is to be raised in his honor will reniPtly tha.t omission. .\nd great posters, and thus the leading expert lEnghsh navigators have been as much in each of the principal branches of [overlooked as great dramatists and crime was chosen â€" men who know practically all that is to be known about their own branch and its pro- fessors, and whose names even are a terror to evil-doers the whole world over. But let us see how this council works. Suppose that a mysterious niurder has taken place in London. VVithiu a few minutes after it has the King and Qu<i-ii have gracious y ^^^^ reported to the nearest police given their approval to this fund bub- ^^^^â- ,^^,^ (^^,^ detective inspector and his scriptions may be sent to Mr. G Q. lajsi^tants are on the spot making in- Koberts. at bt, Thomas Hospital, Lon- .^.^^jj (j.^n,. Meanwhile the news has don. At almost the same time, a "'u- , been Hashed to New Scotland Yard • authors. Although Captain Cook gave Aus- tralia and New Zealand to Britain, and the story of his voyages has de- lighted generations of youngsters, I/on- don only has a portrait medallion of him on the walls of the Colonial Of- fice, and a tablet on a house in the Mile Knd road to recoid that the great explorer and his wife lived there. Three years ago Sir J. H. Carruth- ers, ex-Frime Minister of New South Wales, started an agitation for the erection of a worthy rnonuiiieut to »nd almost before the local men have |Cooks memory. In due course the ral tablet is to l>e erected to the mem- ory of the late Florence Nightingale, .^pU eominenced their inquiries ainiatler was brought to the notice of 111 the Cloisters ol oanta Lroce. at !^,p„,ber of the councilâ€" the man whose the British Empire League, and a rlorence. It may tj<? remembered that ... . i «-..= ... Florence Nightingale was named Hor- eiice bM'uu.^e she wu.s liorn in that city, and the hous*- in which she was born, the Villa Colombia, still stands there; it is owned by Herr von Kauf- mann, who lias given his consent to have a tablet set up over the door in memory of the event. special province it is â€" appears ou the committee was formed with the object scene and takes charges of the oper- of collecting subscriptions for this pur- ations. pose. King George, then Prince of If the problem is a fairly simple Wales, closely associating himself with one, as it often is, and the murderer the eflort. Only those who have had is speedily «â- "" '» earth, the services ol the council are naturally not re- quired. But if there is no sufficient clue to the assassin, or he has made his escape good, the council is at once summoned, aud takes the case in Berkshires and Tamworths I htve now lor «»le » few very clioice Ileik .blrepiBK. uearly re»dy to wotn. Hurry your (rdor kud K«ttlie bent. Al»o ijood Taiiiwortli boil four yearn old. for «»1b- OKO. W. KOSH, M»xwellP.O. Boar for Service Pure \'-t>>\ Tuiiwettli I'.iar fi.r service Tennt, »1, i'.»A\. N. Kiii.lle, Maxwell, Ont, Bull for Service 'I'li'.ri.imliljred ,Sli,iitliiirn Imll, l(rii»dliiHik'n Ijul, for Brr\ieooii lot 12, ion. !•. Oapify. IVdigire on aiiiiliefttiim. Service, *l.lHlfor Xnulm. thofiiiidilireilK. *.">, Vi »t tiiiie "I wrvice, Full prire dlunKeil lor eown nut "•'""""'• ,1: M. IHRNS. Boars for Service The undurtigmil lias a thoroii(flibrei1 V.ak- Kliire Ixiarfor nerviee on lot ItiT, Itril niii((f, , K. T. anil 3. U., .Vrtemenia. Termn, -Jl.iKl , AW. Hereford hull fm Kervice. ,(..1. Blown BULL FOR SERVICE 'niiiroiiKhbrelHliortbom Imll, "Dandy .liiu'' M7M, for Mervice on lot 17t>, T. A f*. B;, Ar | UiniRiiiit. Tlii» iiuliiial \* of » ({ihxI ♦milking •train. IViliirree on iip(>lic«tion. Tern «.â€" , < Jr»de» •!, regi»Ured W. .1 A,S. .HT I .NHIJN Proprietor. Toronto. (Int. NtaiidH to-dav without ii Huporior iu Canada. Oraduaten alwkya KUCOOiiHful. Catalogno free. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly pai.l in advance suhscriptioiiKonly. We liave no nccounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance t ' 00 Yo'jths Companion 2 00 ToronU. World, daily 2 «t5 Toronto Daily News 1 86 Weekly Ulobe • . .. 85 Mail-Empire . .,, ...... 80 Family Herald & Scar...... 85 Toronto (Star ' I 36 Fanner Sun 85 Farmers Advooata 1 36 Weekly Wit.iess 80 Saturday Night .1 05 Home .Iouru:U (K) Ponltry News .,. 20 Poultry Heview 4e Uod and (iun nnigazine HO LUNG TROUBLE Suitor Has Disappointment, The .Marquis of Northampton, who hand, has celebrated his sixty-lirst birthday, ' .\nd who are the members of the se- is a Knisjht of tfi*- Garter, and oiieicrat council!' Naturally, they vary of tlie bigL'esi landlords in lyondoii. from time to tune, due to retirements owning extensive jiroperties in the i and other causes, but the principal Clerkenwell district. He i» well-known members have so far remained the lus a pliilaiiUini|)ist, and taked great interest in' various religious enter- prises. He is not fond of politics, hut is a ke<'n student of the social prob- lems of the day. and is an accxmiplish- ed musician and ii great lover of art. The maniiiis is a widower, his wifi". who was a (laughter o( the second Lord .\.*hburtoa. having died in 1902. It is said that thi.-s lady might havs contracted an ulli.-ince with a meinlier of the royal family, and Queen Vic- toria was supposed to havi.' interested herself in the matter, but her affec- tion for the future Lord Northampton overcame all Am-, and t,hey were hap- pily married in Irt84. Caiitle .\.shby. Northampton, one of his lord.-diips country .sj-ats. is a mag- I nificent place, famed for its library I »nd-<'olleelioii i.f family portraits. Mra. BInjr Brown, of Teneoape, N-S., Was Cured by Catarrhozona of Lung Trouble and Catarrh, After Hundreds of Other Ramediet Failed Bull For Service Thoroiighbitil Hereford Itoll for aervioeon lot 171, ci.n. ;i H. W. T. ami M. It., .\rte- nip.iia. Terni»-tll for grmle, S;t for |pnre lireil, Any i-ovv not letunud will lie cliargid In full whether In calf or not. UMariJ -T. A .1. WATSON, Dates of Fall Fairs FLKSHKUTON, Kast (liey, Sept 28-2« I'licevillc ••ct. 5 ami rt Dundalk Oct. KM.'t Durham.. I Kept. 2«,27 F'eveishani Oct, ;l,4 Hanover..,; Sept. 12, IH Markdale.; Oct. 3,4 Meaford... Scpt- 2«-2!» Mt. Fore.st ..8«pt._28,2il Oinngoville '. ..Sep'tri4J5 Pocklyn Oct. 6,(1 Sholburno 8^pt" If your lunBn nre weak; If therfs Is consumption in your family; ir Colits I'atarrh, and Hninoliltla bother yon] be sure to use Cittarrhozone It Is eapeclally adapted for these dlaea!»e» and cureg everj- time .Mr.s. Brown took cough ralxtiirf;:. but they made her sick. Then she used an atomizer, but. after reHortlng with- out benefit to iioultlees, she tried <;u- tarrhozonc. "I used Catnrrhozone Inhnler." writes Mre. Urowii, "five mlnuti'.'' every hour, and soon recognized that It v\'a» Bolnir to cure me. I emild feel the soothing: medlouted air siireadini! through the air pa-ssuKes of th.- throal. and It touched the sure spots In the luiigB that other remedies fulled to reach- Catarrhozone seemed to ko JiiBt where It was needed imist. and tioon put a .stop to my cough. It re- stored me to perfect health, and 1 am convinced that no couKh, cold, or ca- tarrh can exist If c'ntarrhozoiie ii used." No treatment Is bo clean, so plen*- niit. So certain to cure us C'lUarrh- ozone. Hy means of the Inhaler, the local nymidoms, 9iich as coughing, in- flammation a'Dd â- conge.'ftlon are «nted- lly corri^Uei.. Ferrozone tahlets, which a'O t:rken nfter each ineal, purlf.v and cleajise the blood of all poisons, and bu'fW up and strengthen the system. This local and constitutional treat- ment Is nhvay.<» effective, and cures cases tljat hav,e been given ti|i ns hopefess. Money can't buy or produce anything better, and t>o get cured It f.4 abHolutely neccs^iry to use Catarrh* ozone. same. The head of the council is, by virtue of his office, Sir Melville Mac- naghten, chief of the Criminal Inves- tigation Department â€" a man who probalily knows more about crime than any other in the United King- dom. Few men look less like a catcher of criminals than Sir Melville, who suifgests rather a prosperous and gen- ial stockbroker than a Sherlock Holmes; but, all the same, he is an expert in crime to the tips ol his fingers. Apart from his long experi- ence of crime and its professors, he is a born detective, if ever there was one. So intuitively clever is he thai It is said he can tell, after a few min- utes' conversation with a criminal, of what particular branch he is a spe- cialist, and his resource and tenacity are just as wonderful as his instinct for discovering clues. .\fter Sir Melville, who controls the council, its principal member is Sup- Bricks They Use In London. Pomethiii}.' less than a century niro there used to be :. tiix on buildinc â- . i , t- a i < i bricks in Kntfland, and in order to ."'"'^nJ*-'"' !'"«"'<.. "•'»''« <*">^ «â- ' evade it the' l.rioks were made „{ 1 P''^^*'='*', "' V"'*'''*^","''* "â- â- « ." "'';'-*',^'''- larger and larger sizes. These were \ ^^ \ sleuth-hound of justice he has u>Kl for cellar; and other concealed;""^;" laurels in every part of the world places. To stop this fraud an act wai i"-'^^'"' N'"',"! America to Australia, passed in the reign of George 111. *">* '"'"! California o »pa.u. There fixiiu; the legal size of bricks. Early '-^ scarcely a criminal m huropV who such a project iu hand know how dif- ficult it is in England to raise fujids for a memorial of this nature. Now a site has been chosen, and Sir Thomas Brock, the sculptor of the Victoria Memorial, has been oomniis- sioned to make the statue. When fin- ished, it will be erected on the Mall, close to the new Admiralty Arch, uii the left hand, looking toward Buck- iugiiani I'ulace. But Cooii was not without honor in his own day. Benjamin Franklin, it may be re inembered, ordered the .Am- erican privateers to "show him every respect, and permit him to pass un- attacked on account ol the benehts he has conferretl on mankind." .\ statue to Cook is a necessary act of national recognition, although, as an English naval historian has said, "his truest and best memorial is the map of the Pacific." in Queen Victoria's reii;n the tax wiw. taken <ff. and bricks nuiy now be legally made of any si/.e whatever. Hut any cliiinu'e from the .-tnndard si/.e would brim; about t'real incon- venience. .Ml c iloulations are made for huildini; on this standaril size, an.l the I^ondon hiiildint! acts have practically fixed it at !l by 4 1-2 by 3 for all time.â€" London Standard. Will Be Grand Affair. The ball which the Duchess of Suth- erland will give in June will lie a very imiKirtant social function, lor tht! King and yueeii have notilied their inten- tion to be pr-*'.seiit. For this rea.son the ball, which is to c<'lebrate the de- but of Lady Kosemary I,eveson-{iower, Ihe only daughter of the Duke and Duchess, is to take place on tlve night (ollowing the Coronation Day, instead ol Coronation Day iUself, as at lirst .contemplated. Most of the royal and other distinguished guests then in England are expect^.'il lo be present. does not kmiw of and ilread him .Vnother ve.hiable member of the council, entitled, perhaps, t.) rank next to this terror to criminals, who, by }gkull the way. Is one of the most am. able Cromwell't Skull. The Beasborough earldom was cre- ated in 1739. and Ihe present holder ol the title is the eighth of his 'line; is jixty years of age, and succeeded his father iu 1906. His lordship served in the navy, retiring as a lieutenant in 1874. Five years later he was called to the Bar. and was secretary to the Speaker ol the House of Commons' from 1884 to 1896. and also secretary to the Cale- donian Canal Commissioners from 1896 to 1899. , â- Lord Bessborough has told a story of a stuivviniaii at a village fair. He was exhibiting some curiosities, and among them »as a skull which he declared to be the skulil of OUver Cromwell. K gentleman staudiilg by said it coulu not be so, lor Cromwell had a very large head, aud this was a small Manuel Plays Golf, King Muiiiiel <.< I'orluual, who now, it will be remembered, lives at.Kieh- niond, ha-s developed a great liking for golf, and plays on the Mi«l-Surrcy Dluli links. He also goes in for row- ,iig. He is extremely nice to all with whom he is brought into c<intact, so it .s said, and is very popular. h<i has made a special study of the shai'pers of all kii)ds of Europe and .\nieriea; and who, in a variety of characters, ranging from a inilkinuu to a Piccadilly lounger, has made many u lUible captures oi criminals. Others are Chief Inspector C illius. an expert iu tke lower walks of crime. to whom the slums of Lindoii are an open book; Chief Inspector Kane, i (luiet-maniierod, liu'. "sharp as a nee- ! die" and as tenacious as a bulldog â€" i when once his "tejth are iu" he never I lets g.i; and Chief Inspector Sc.itt, ai Two^f a Kind. "Oh, Georg"," sighed the lovesick jniiden, "I'm sure I'm not worthy to je your wife." "Well," replied Oeorgc wp.nr'ily, '1 m tiot worthy to be your-hu*band,' JO wej^re Just_ abqu^ matchtd." task he undertakes. Booth's Rules. General Booth gives the following as his rules lor long life: eat littl', drink water, tak.^ ex.Mcis.-, have a system, lake pleasures wis;^ly, avoid excess of all kinds, aim high. Elgar's Hobbies. Sir Edward Kii;aT, the fnninu.s com- poser, is nn ardent haturiiliaf, and ilf one- tini." made a hobby oi idaking tad flying; kites. An amusing incident took place at the C, P. R. fitation ou Monday when ou the arrival of the express a well dressed lady emerged from a coach, and another otv the platform ran gushingly to greet her. Both ladies were dressed in the height of fashion, and strange to say. both wore Urge picture hats. At any rate they tried to ki<^8, hut the problem was a diffi- cult one. There seemed for a few se- conds to be a clinch, I hen they broke away and blushiiii; furiously, went at it again. Finally they succeeded by tilting their heads slightly b:ick wards and down- wards till t)ie brims of the two hats stood opposite to each other iu almost the- same place. The faces were then cautiously advanced, creat care beiDf; taken however not to allow the brims of the hats to clwh at any point. Conse- (jiiently the proper angle was reached' HO that the space between the face*" be- came inlioitesimal and the daylight show- ing between was reduced to a mere crack, the lips were projected and the deed waa done. The grratest caution was again exercised in the break away, and the ladies red and smiling .sauntered off, fully conscious of the silent latughter of the- on-lookers â€" (J. S, Herald. , . , . , , , Thereupon the crowd began to laugh and genial of men. with a ready smile ; ^t the showman, but without being aud laughing blue eyes, is Chief In- j jn the least disturbed, he said: "Oh, spector Dew who has figured so prom- 1 1 kn^w that,* but you Aee this ia hie ineutly m the Lrippen case. . i akul'l when he was u boy !" Among other recent and present | Lady Bessborough was Miss Blanche members of the eouucil is t hief Jn-iQu^t^^nd is sister to Lord Wim- spector Drew, tail, debonair g -ntle- bo,ne, sii,e j^ given to charitable en- manly, and a past-master of disguises I jejprije. and is serious-minded. The "' ' â- •.-.. Inception and advancement ol Irish home handicraft is the main object ol her life, and the Garry Hill Cot- tage Industry presents pnxil of- much successlul endeavor. .\3 Lady Dun- cannon she started a shop near Bond street lor the sale of these products, and her name, "Viscountess Duncan- nou," appeared in large gilt letters over the doorway. Yorkshire's Strong Man. George Hirst is one of the greatest ol modern all-rouud cricketers.^,- iRe- maii of rare organizing talent and the, .i , . , • ,,, . ... widest knowledge ol criino, who is not- I f.l""/ 3.? .*?"^ .^.'."_* ^_T^/*,f .''^.f''^.*' ed for carrying out successfully any for lorty-ono runs and followed up this bowling feat by scoring a' cen- tury! Not a l^d performance for' a man in his lAtieth year, wUo'' has been playing .first-class cricket for nearly twenty years. Hirst is one of the most popular figures in the cricketing world, aud everyone ^w^s delighted when, in 1904, he had a re- cord benefit wliich brought â- â- hira in <17,600, part of which he invested in a toffee factory, which is doing a big business. Aw atimsing incident oC<;ut- red at Brajnaill Lsiie' some time ago. .'V strong wind was blowing tlie bails off \vlieu Hirst was batting. "Stick them on with your toffee, Gargel" yelled one spectator. â- And genial George smiled all over hialace. " FARM FOR SALE Lots 23 and -'4, Ci>n. 11, township of Osprey, containing 12.") acres cleared unJer good state of cultivation; welt fenced, the remainder timbered with hardwwid and n-ift timber, frame bam with stone wall and water tlirough the stables lirick house and good orchard. Terms easy. Afust be sold owing to illnens. S.\.MCEL P.\RK .\pply to 1 .4iig Feversha.ii, Ont. Notice to Creditors In the matter "f the estate of Mrs. Joanna Hendiy of the township uf I l.sprey in the County of Grey, farmer'a wife, deceased. NOTICE is eereby <;iven pursuant to the revi-sed Statures of tJntario, 1897, Chap. I2!» that all the creditors and otheis havint! claims against the estate of the above named Joanna Hendry, who died on or about the twenty-second day March, 1911, in the said Township of Osprey are required on or before the 1st day of October, 191 to send by post prepaid or deliver to Robert or Charles Sworder, KoUpore post office, < hit., (the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased) their christian and Kurnanie.<:, addiesses aud descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the .statement of their accounts and the nature of the securties (if any) held by them. Am> FiitTHBK T.4KK NoTicK that after such last mentioned date the said exccutoi-s « ill proceed to distribute the assets of the said ^deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they .sh.ill then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors will not be liable tor the s<dd assets or any part thereof to any person or person.s of whoso claim notice .shall not have been leceived by them at the time of such distribution. liRii K & Fur, I'oUingwood, Out. Solici'.ors for the Executors. Dated this 12th day of July, A. D.. 1911. Mortgage Sale Of Farm Property In the Township of Osprey. Cnder and by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be oB'ered for sale by public auction, at Muushaw's hotel in the Village of Flesherton on Saturday, the 12ih day of August, A. D. 1911, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, the followins property, namely :-Lot number Nineteen in the Seventh Con- cession of the Township of Osprey in the County of ttrey, containing one hundred acres mors or less. There is said to be twenty-tive acres of the above land cleared and the baUnce in hardwood bush. I'pon the premises are said to l>e a •mull flame house and a frame stable. The property is situated two niile<4 frnm the Village of Maxwell. \ TERMS: Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid on ihe date of sale, «ud the balance in thirty days thereafter, without interest. For further particulars and conditiims of sale apply to W. H Solicitor Sound, Unt iply to \. WRIGHT, v/ Vendor's !? Xs Owen I J,|!JHI[IS. Carefnlly Corrected Each Week Wheat 7r> to 75 ^»t« 36 to 35 Peas 75 lo 75 Barley 50 to 50 , Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter i(j to 1« ' Kegs, fresh 16 'c 16 Potatoes per bag 65 to ttS Geese ]2 to 12 Ducks ... 12 to 12 Chicken* 12 to 12 Turkeys ]5 to 16 ^^'<'"1 20 to 22 n Widely Attended The .splendid patronage enjoyed to-lay by the COLLINGWOOD Business College Is the verdict of Bound, therougb, practical traitun);. Write for cata- logue. Nowi'stheOme lo enter. T. E. Hawkins. Principal \ >.â- >â-