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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1911, p. 5

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i. • % THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE July 27 1911 The Standard Bank of Canada Toronto HAS MOVED TO ITS NEW HEAD OFFICE BUILDING KING STREET WEST, CORNER OF JORDAN STREET, TORONTO. The Savings Bank Department at the new location will be made a special feature of the Bank's business. FLESHERTON BRANCfi George Mitchell, Manager •RANCHES A.LSO AT DURHAM AND HARRISTOX were uiiHniiuouNljr of the opinion that it WHS the must strikiMg xpectikcla they had ever »een. When they were informed that it would be repmJuced in every de- tail at the C<nadiun Niitii)iiai txhibition tliaip enthusiiism was boundlcsss. It touched tlieir national pride that Canada possessed an in.sutution of euch mai^ni- tuda that it could undertake the repro- duction of the ajroiitest processinn of the twentiflh century and of such reputation that the undertaking of it would mean its fultilineitt to the lust lettur. C. p. R. Time Table. Mr». R. Bentham returned last Thurs- diy after 8))oiiding tliree weeks with Trains leave Flesherton Station as ; friends in Lion's Head. Flesherton VVomen'j Institute will visit the Eugenia Institute on Au'.;ust 2. Riaa will leave The Advance ottiee at 1 p.m. to convey members. follows : Going South Going North 7.4.J a. ni. 11.28 a.ui. 4.:$;{ p.m. 8.5:{p. m. The mails are closed it Flesherton n.-, follows : For the north at 1C.40 a.m. and 3 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 4.45 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. T^ VICINITY CHIPS I Mr». Blackburn spent a few d^ys last week in Toronto. Miss Annie Flynn of Toronto is holi- daying with her mother in town. Mr. Muller of New York is vtaiting hij wife at Mrs. Uutledge's. Miss May Jamieson cf New York is .spending two weeks with hec mother in town. Little Miss Eleanor Thurston of Ckicago is visitin? her uncle at The Advance ottice. Mr. R. Bentham viaited Singhampton friends on Sunday. Miss Jessie McAulay spent a few days this week with Miss Clara Bianie, Proton. Miss Ethel Trimble is homefcom Owen Sound tor her holidays. Roy Kerr left last week fjc Toronto, where he took a position a.s commercial i iraveller. Misses Zell and Betuia Bentham are visitmK their grandma at Eugenia. Miss Ethel Brinht returned to Chicago Friday last after spending the past six weeks with Miss Florence Thurston. Mrs. M. Vaisey of R.ichester, N-Y., is the guect of her sister, Mrs. Joseph i ning to The liridgeat Jacob HoUoy's, east back 1 ne, is undergoing repairs, and the road is closed from Clark's corner to John Teeter's during the placing ot a cement bridge. Councillor D. McLeod is over- ieeicg the job. Thursday afternoon la»t Vandeleur Women's Institute entertained Flesher- ton branch at their regular meeting held at the home of Mr. John Huland. The visiting ladie.s furnished tha program, while the Vandeleur ladies served a very appetizing lunch. Tha afterno(m waa very much enjoyed by all present. Votes of thanks were given tha Vandeleur hidies and Mr. and Mrs. Bjland for the pleasant time given the viiitots, and to 'the Flesherton Udies for their program. Contracts for tha erection of two large steel bridges over the Beavf r down in the valley were let on Saturday last. These are the two bridges that the Reeves f<( Arterriesia and Euphrasia, MeSirs. Boyd and Ellis got the county to t.-ike in hand last year. Mr. McDonald of Dundalk secured the contract for steel and concrete for bcth bridges, J. R. Fawcett of Kimberley the s'ona work of the north bridge and D. Weber the atone work for the south, or upper, bridge. These will bo two fine stuctures when completed. An interesting game of baseball p'ayed here on Friday evening of l«6t week between the Dundalk and home clubs, when Flesherlou added one more game to its laurels, the score standing 13 to ItJ in favor of Flesherton, with an in- the good. Following was the Clinton. line-up: Fleshertonâ€" H. Smith, A. Mr. W. Mfad» left on Wednesday for Sproat, H. Mitchell, F. McTavish, R. the Golden West, and expects to he ab-' Piper, R. BelUmy, H. Kirstedt, E Bell- sent about three months. ) amy.EU.Lahaye. DundalKâ€"D. Russell, B. Born-^-\t Singhampton, on Thursday, :SeHwtight, P. Morgan, B. Irwin, G. \V. L. . y''"'>"'y> ^^- I^""t"'J' J- Eigan, V. Russell, J. LeGarJ. I'mpiie, The Joke Hung Fire A gentlemsn living in the suburbs is somewhat of a practical joker, and the other day he tried one on his wife that did not work out just as he had hcii)ed fjr. It was this way. The gentlemnn informed hLs wife that he believed a lady had sent in an invitation for her to a rug hooking bee about half a mile away. Of cou'se she donned her rug hooks and most fashionable gown and hied her away to help pull rags through canvas. The man of the house sat down to awaii developmeiits, but they were slow in coming. Dinner lime arrived and there were no potatoes boiled. However ho got over that with a cold " snack." Then came supper time and still no inadame put in an appearance. Alter supper there were the cows to milk, mdk to strain, pigs t > fend and about ten dozen eggs to gather. When the practical joker got through this ordeal it was beil- time and things looked serious. He hied away to a neighbor's and found that his wife had been there all day but left after supper. He went back home hitched up the and buggy and started off to hunt up his stray partner. In this be was not succe.ssful, however, and after a weary search and rousing a number of people from their beds, he re- turned home only to tind that the wanderer had returned a long time I efore and was sound asleep, while a gentle smile of satisfaction at a day of holy en- joyment ttill lingered around the corners of her mouth. All'.s well that ends well, but practical jokes will take a d fferent form in that household hereafter. July 20, 1911, to Mr. and Mr Taylor, a daughter. Miss McKi!ii/.e of the High School staff has tendeied her resignation and accepted a position elsewhere. Miises Lillian and L-vura Armstrong ai-e spending a couple weeks in Dur- ham with Mifs Edna Lyman. Miss Jean Douglas returned to her home in Dundalk after visiting her grandmother, Mrs. VanDusen, for a week or two. Mr. Fred and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish with their Eugenia. The Farmer's Club meets on .\uaust 3 in the High school building. .\ll farm- ers welcome. Two iutereating subjects to be discussed. Meeting at 8 o'clock p.m. Stanley Nicholson, the young news- paper man drowned at; Porcupine during the lire, was at one lime editor of the Clarksburg Reflector. Miss Maude Boyd is visiting in Toronto. She was accompanied to the W. J. Symington, The result cf the recent Eutrnnce ex- aminations appear on our front page. While only 50 per cent, of those which wrote here succeeded in p.assing, Princi- pal Holland of the Flesherton public school has the honor of (jfiKSsing ten out of a class of twelve which wrote, or 39 per cent., and one of the two unsuccess- ful ones did not write the last day of the e.xaminations owing to a death in the family. Over the whole province the of Toronto are holidaying average which passed only amounted to parents at their camp at I about 00 per cent. James Jelly of Shelburne met with a nasty expeiionce at Eugenia on Sunday. He came up from Shelburne with his Uge auto on Sunday and stopped at Eugenia. When ready lo|move on some- thing was not just right .about the machine and he crawled under it to make an examination, when the machine start- ed off and drugged Mr. Jelly seven or eight rods before it was stepped. He had unwitting'y left the power partiilly on. The result was the relegation of a city by her mother and Masters Kendall and Refgie, who remained for a short good suit of clothes to the rag bag and visit. few bruises and .lore muscles. Dr. R. H. ^Henderson wa.s in town over Sunday. His wife and son Ivan re- ' For summer diarrhoea in cblMn-n always -, , , ,. give Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy turned with him Monday, after spending :^„j ,„3t„„i,, ,„,, ^ „„,a^ ,„,, ,-, ,„,t^i„. three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. | i,-or ^^i^ i,y w. K. Ridianlson A Son. Blackburn. Pounded the Wrong Pig. A prominent citizen of ihia village has drawn upon hLs devoted head the happy he-haw of all who have heard the story, and the treat is on hiin all round. In fact he laughs over the thing now him- self. One day last weak he was working at the gravel pits with a gang of men when a black pig came along. Some discussion took place as to tha propriety of putting the pig in pound. The afore- said gentleui(.n decided that the pig belonged to a certain neighbor and that it Would be a good joke to put piggie in pound with a Sfty cent penalty attached for the purpose of "setting 'em up.' This he did forthwith. About half an hour afterwartU '.he gentleman's wife came ahmg and informed him that their pig had got out of its pen and she could not find Ye», her hu.sbaiid knew wheie it wac, aliight. He had pounded liia own pig without recoiiiiizing its poicice features. There was a .sei|uel which we will not put in print. It would bo too cruel. It ii- said tha: when tlii> lady of that house wishes to have a little fun on the sid') she counts the baby's toes to the following adaptation of an old Mother Goose melody : , â-  t • This little pig went to market This little pig stayed around This little pig left its pig sry .-Vnd later was f<;und in the pound. The Country Press. Plenty of rain and high wind.s now. The wind of Monday was a regular hurricane and would give the early apples a severe shaking up. Mr. Dav.d Badgerow of Carsonville, Mich., spent liist week with his sister, Mrs. Mclntyte, 4lh line, Artemesia. Mr. Badgerow has been away for 32 years. Miss May Magce, and master Jim returned to the city Thursday last. They On Tuesday evening ot last week the Kpworth League of Wesley church, I Vandeleur, entertained members of I Flesherton, New England and Ebenezer I Leagues. A social time was spent and ! Mi's. Krieger, nee Mit* Ethel Douglas, wife of a missionary of San Nicholas, I Argentine Republic, addressed the meet- jing. She told of the great need of the gospel hi their country becajss of the great Uck or any religion. She told of their life among their people. Her little wert accompani^ by MLss Gladys Corn- j five year-old boy recited the twenty-third field, who will remain for two weeks. 1 1*""!"'.''' ^P^nish. The meetimt «as „ , , .... r. II â-  ; very interesting and instructive. A She will also visit Mrs. Runstadtler m collection was taken to aid Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Kreiger in their work. Lunch was Mr. J. R. Fawcett of Kimberley sent , sf'"^ }>y f '>f„W«*''^y '-«''SU« »nd much The Advance on Saturday the first gar- I eiiji>yed by all. den com of the season. The ears are white, fully developed and ten inches long. We do not know the variety, but the quality was superb. Ua.s thi.s got the county beaten ? We fancy so. Coronation Procession Exact Reproduction of Great Pageant at C. N. E. this year. When the Coronation procession was Jnfantile paralysis is prevalent in Col- ' '•'â- *'1"><« ''â- ' S'*^"*"^ lengths, through the .. J ,. â-  â-  . , ij 1 , r streets of London and holding tho Lngwood township. A 4 yearold daugh- . b^ei^thle.s attention of the hundreds of ter of Charles Patkmsou of Thornbuiy thousands gathered from all parts of the died of it after only ouo day's illueas. wcrld to witness its hstorical giaudeur, Thtes other cases have developed „ear *•'"•« «"^"l"-'f *^^"»^*'* '*"«'''"? '='''2e"» Ravenna .occupied one of the best stand«. They " â- 'â-  JLJ- The writer spent a two-days outing with the members of the Canadian Press, Association recently. To coma in touch with these men and to gain an insight into their morivea and reasons for i-ngag- ina in the work of supplying the people of Canada with their daily and weekly supply of what the world is doing, en- larges ones vision and s' lengthens one's faith in his native land. Party politics may divide the men of the press, but no- thing else will, and behind it all is a sin- core devotion to duty and to their coun- try's bebt interests. And in no section is this more forcibly shown chan among those wlio edit and publish the country weeklies. For the most pait thesa men receive little of this woild's goods. They work early and late â€" result, the man in t'.ie country gets tho news, both local and foreign, dished up to him in good form 52 times a year, and all for the sum of one dollar. In no other business on earth is so much value given for the money, a fact that the average reader does not fully apprecitte. The country weekly editor couiinues in business ju«t the same, and by .so doing is making for the crmntry's well being and prosperity. What would the small town be worth without its local paper ? It would never be heard of beyond a small radius. Peo- ple in the towns and cities and in the country as well sometimes forget how much they owe to the press of the day in the up-building of this land and in mak- ing its resources known abroad. â€" Cana- dian Farm. Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE CEYLON^S Seed Wheat For Sale - Dawsuu'irTI Golden Chiitf. R. Colnuett, Fevershamlvi A quantity of seed wheat for .sale. Ap- ply to J. Chard, Flesherton. \ Aj- .Seed Wheat for Sale â€" Dawsljii Golden Chatt'. Fred Stuart, Kim berl»y.A[%\ _, Harness for sale â€" Three sets heavy double harness, two sets double driving Iminess and a sot of single harness. Will sell cheap. George Stuart, Fleshcr- j l'^ itL ' A few li rge egg vats for saleâ€" Suitable for soft waier cisterns, in fine condition, will be .sold for about half what they cost. Apply to M. Scully Co., Flesher- ton. BUSY STORE Bicycle For .Sale -In good repair. Will i sell cheap as I do not need it any more. I â€" Victor Ellis, Kimberley. ^ ' PROPERTY FOR SALE or TO RENT «^%^%%'«^ «/«'m^»^%^ %^%^.^%^'% «.%^^/%^ «^«^%^%/%^ STOP AND THINK! Of all the odds and ends that are left over after the sale of 30 day.', which will be sold ott' regardless of cost. A few pieces of figured silk mull.-, regular 45c, for 29c Regular '3T)c for 24c And many other lines which will be sold cheaper than everr Don' think you can't get goods cheap yet, for we will make it worth your while to come no matter how far you come. We will still give â€" ;' lbs. Raisins for 23c ;> lbs. Currants for 25c (Ubs. B Rice 25,. 7 lbs. Pearl Pot Barley 2.")c (I packages goodenveh)pes 2i5c A lot of nice brooms for 25 and ;iOc We caa still give you good values in boots and shr)e.«. Binder twine at the very lowest prices â-  •., Machine Oil, the very best ' MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM RODUCE 1 am putting a new feeder on my threshing outfit and am prepired to Jo i'lod threshing at the old piices. R. H. Wri.'hf. Scaled tenders wanted for digging and filling a Jitsh about 27 rods long, and in- sertine tile, tile to be supplied by the] village. Tenders to he opened on Mon- 1 day, .'ilst inst. Addie.«8 all .tandera to Thomas Blakeley, Flesherton. ', %^/cf^ Ljstâ€" On July 12, between Maxwell; and the grounds where addresses were given, a gold h.cket and chain, locket' engraved on one side "From your class, i 190H." On other side are initials M. A.S. | Finder will be rowarded by leturuing to ' Mrs. E. H;iwlon, Feversham, Out. , â€" ~â€" â€" > â€" I Lost -Tuesday evening. July 18, ' between Flesherton and Vandeleur. a! gold beauty pin with blue enamel design ' around tha outside and set with nine! peikrls. Finder -Advance oltice. kindly leave at The Publish My Letter. ,The World Over The Words of Harold P, Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline." Three years ago I discovered that a i â- nan subject to lumbago might just as ivell be dead as alive." These words l jpen the sincere, straightforward letter' )f H. p. Bushy, a well-known man In the plumbing and tlnsmlthlng busi- , ness in Portland. "One attack came after another, and 1 lumbago got to be a chronic thing with i me. I could scarcely get In a day's I work before that knifing, cruel pain back. I used a gal-! Ion of liniments; i not on.' of them i seemed penetrating â-  enough to get at I the core of tho pain. I read in ttic Montreal Wlt- riiss about Norvillne. and got five bot- t!pB. It la a wonderful medicine â€" I could feel its soothing pain-relieving action every time It was applied. When I got the disease under control with Nerviline. 1 built up my strength I and fortified my blood by taking For- ( rozone at meals. This treatment I cured me permanently, and I ur?e j everyoni' to give up the thick, whit;. ) ol!y liniments they are using, and try an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-de- ' stroyer like Nerviline. i "Please publish my letter the world \ over. 1 want all to hear ot" Nerviline." Don't be cajol -d into receiving any- thing from your dealer but "Nerviline." Large bottles 50c.. trial size, 25c. Sold everywhere or The Catarrhozone Co., aould attack iL LETTER NO. 4311 The Bellamy Hardware We have the agency for the Boss Washer, which no doubt is the best on the market. There are at present over one miUion .satisfied users of the Boss. Will you be another ? Our Graniteware table is well filled at present with everything one needs in that line. Preserv- ing time is now onâ€" look over your kettles and see if you don't need a new one. .Dr Williams Flv and Insect destrover de- stroys flies on cattle. Try a can of it and you will be rewarded by its use . Clearing out balance of Summer Shoes at REDUCED - - PRICES. These are a few of the Bargains â€" Try a Pair. Women's Patent P ump, reg. tor $1.7.") for $1.60 Klngstoi:, Onl. NERVILINE A Family Liniment Women's Don Oxfords, regular $'2. 10 Girls' Tan & Patent Pump .regular $1.40 for $1.00 CI ild!5 strap and Pump, regular ^1.25 for 7i3c. Custom Work and Repairing. CLAYTON'S ^o«^o^:8:^<e:e:^ce:e3^5C9:^«^:8:^cB:e5ce:ft:^^ 'fhe Jea'h of Mr. Thos. Bolen, \n ex- reeve of Melancthon townshij'. took place at Corbetton. Decensed, who was well known :ind highly respectoil. had been in pour health fur over a year. PUBLIC NOTICE Tike notice thU Mr. Silas Shuiik, lately and for some time diniiis: tin past in my employ its insurance agent, has ceased to do business for uio since 1st May last. Since then I Jiave been »t- lendinif personally to same, »iid also in- tend doing so. Now that my time will not, ill the future, he taken up with the nieicanlile or any other business be.sides my insurance, conveyaiicinir, collecting and money lendine, all of which will re- ceive iiiy personal and close atlontion, I trust to increase my business muterially along these lines, I give this notice th«t my niary cus- tomers and the public may not be misled or deceived as I lisve been fre<|uently told they have, believing Mr. Shuuk •till ill my employ .ind doing business for uie. Th:ii!kiiig the general public and my patrons iniparticular for litieral sup- port in the past, and soliciting an in- creased continuance in future, I am your obedient ssrviint, â€" R. J. SPROILE, Flesherton. Our Equipment OWE-V SOUND. ONTARIOI For thirty years we have prided our- j •(elves on our com ptete eiiuipineiit. j Kvery modern device and coiivenieuce | iliU enterprise could su!;gest and capital â-  ilitain, is in our building. The Miiall | school with small capital and meagre; e<|uipineiit cannot give you the same! iiioing that you can get at tha ; Northern. i 0. h. FlemfnR, F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, ; Principal. Secretary. ) FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4th, YOU PAY WHEN CURED Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS CP- NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WrfHOUT WRTTTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY -a Thoiirinfis '^f yoiini? ami mhldle-ageJ men arn annually swnpt to a prematur* (fmva through E«rl)r Indiacratjon*. Exc»m«» aad Blood Dift«A«et. U you have any of the fol* lowing sympionn coiuult tu before it U to» I«te. .Vre yrjM nerviius and weak, despon- dent and K'l'">iiiy, s|wks Iwforw llw eyes, with dark cirelps under them, weak iHick, kidneys iriital>li!, palpiuition of the heart, bashful, dreams and lo-'»es, sodlment in urine. fiimpfeson ihe tac«, iiyus sunUen, hollow chwks, oai-oworu nxprassion, poor memorv, ifeles-s, (listnisitfol, lack enerj;y and strength, tired morninps, restless uishts, changeubW moods, weak uumbood, pruinature decay, Ijoae pains, hair louse, sure throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our Now Method Treatment can cure yon and make a man o( yon. Under its Influ- ence tho hiain hecoinaH aetivt!, the blood puriHed, so that all pimples, blotchKS and ulcers disappear, the rieiv«» liocomo strong as steel, so that nervousness, baahfulness ond des- pondency vanish, thoeyo bfloomes bright, tho face full and clear. enerBy returns to the body and the moral, physical and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains ..easeâ€" no more vital waste from thi> sy.-^teni. Don t let quacks and fakirs rob you ot yuur bard earned dollara. Wo will cure rou or oo pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who hns treated you, writo for an honest opinion Free of Chano. Book* Froo -"The Colden Monitor" ' lllUBtrated ) on Secret Diseuei of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST DRs.KENNEDfY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. IJ^-JOTICE see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat â- e patioats in our Windsor offices which ire for Correspondence .ind Laboratory for Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows; DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windtor, Oat. _Writ» for oor private addreaa. ^ All letters from Canadn must be .addressed to our Canadian Correspon<lence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to

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