July 27 1911 THE F L E S H K K T N ADVANCE > » > :â-º. i> :^ '^ »; I' JF, G. KARSTS.DT, - flesh erton ont JUST ARRIVED! One car lotd of Ciina(U Hraiid Fortlitnd Cement, uuarauteed ci> ht) tli9 best ci?iu"iit on the market. For Meveral y2»r« the ^'uverniiiPiit li.id tlie iiiuiiopuly of .-ill tlie output. We li.ive handlt-d it for »oinctiiiii» ni>w and can say without hs«it<iiion thnt it ik the 8truii<{est cement uii the inirl<«t. One C4r load of the famous Purity Flour. TREADEASY Built-in inner sole of Australian wool fell, conforms to the foot and absorbs moisture ; prevents jar when walking. Ask to sec this " Empress Treadeasy Shoe." We have the Elzcltuive Agency (of thi* shoe. Its ftmc has ao"s I'lrouijh nil tiiu land us the best fluur for lircad Slid (Ki-Stry on the market IJie.^d made fioin our tlour lind won the first |)iize in our f.ill show, yielding; liie whitest, tliikit'st and Nweeiest dread shown. When in town ask for a "4llj hag and try it. Price JtJ.CO per barrel. One car load of Fine Windsor Salt. This lalt is Jknown and needs no reomnieiulition. It is the finest grade of Windsor Salt ina.iufactured. PAUAiULS AND I'MIU; ELLAS We have a large assortment of both Ladie.s' and Gentlemen's, inadn in tlie finest inatetial. LADIES' SUITS AND SUITIi\(}S In the finest atid most opto-daie materials that can be houijht. If you need i ready-made '.^irinent. leave in your measure and we c«n ^«: them up from the factory in any s'yle at a very low price. OKNTLEMEN, â€" We have in Ury;e an as.sortnii'nt of^ tine Worsted, Tweed and Serge Suitings as can be procured fn'in any wholesale houses. Call on the tailor, Mr. .las. B iwl-r, :tnd he Ladies who lia>e tender feet will tiiid will be very pleased to show them to you, Treadeasy Shoe the mo»t cuinfurtable bhoe ,; .• ,.â- ..: â- overworn. They have Cushioned Soles and 'RTVTili'T^ TWTW •rubt>erheeN. The uj.per beinc made from J3-- . 1 ^r.J. 1 >V 1 ,> r. .the finest kid leather. Coidd give you names of we-.rer« who would wear nothing Call »nd give m your order for twine We liaudie the "(Jilt else since trying theni. Edi^e," 050 feet to the pound, manufactuied by the Itrautford We have also other line lines of the "Em- press" Shoe made in the newest .styles. Cordasje Company. Price 'Me a pound ca.sh. '^ JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON Stock for Service Cattle Strayed. IJurl....i Imll »j,l H..k,i>ito Lc« (or service ^..^^ZV""^ from the i,r.-uuse, of the undersign oiilotT. cnii.l. N. D. H.. .\rteuje»ia. Tcruis- j "'•'*"><â- ""â- â- ^iteiiie^ia. aU>iit tl.' U ea«li ca»b. 'July 21 lino. -L. McAltTHlIt. friceviUe. A/^ • wv% £^w% Â¥ ^"" '""^ Service KAi n S 1 ^ n m C n l ' Th..rn,ii{hl.reil Hei^f..rd Huil f.-r service on I lot I, coll. 4. Kuplieranii Termsâ€" $1. Pedi i'uiie tst. four VO'iiif? luttle. two marked l.y piece etf left ear and two with |)lefr off ri«ht ear. In- forniatlon th.inkfislly received by A. Â¥â- I'odlar. Kiijfeni;!. Wag OF ons AND , (tree on aiiidicatiou 1 CHA.S. H. MARTIN. Pn.p.â€" Buggies Came Astray Came to I lie premises of the under- .signed, lot 170, ( ». D. H , .Vrten.esia, about June 10, one two-year-old .steer. 1 [ The owner i.s rfjue-sted to prove proper- JOHN ncPHAILjl^-Hr"'"'" "'^ -f t-'bestâ„¢' Px*ice'ville AOKXT FOR- W'hich will be nold at prices that caiiN^'^ lif^t & Woci-i»i4l.eiiients, F|eg*y Farm For Sale or ^fai â- ' fiOt 4, Ci>n,i\.i^^-:r?y'i,;uUi'Mnti 1W> ficres, <". -CJeM-ed ;iiid workable; tiist i-lai-s new _ fliiiildinor*, briik tumne : yotuig rrehanl ; well â- _ -^^ anil P,.ipni Plows Todh,.t>H W.i'.onK anil ' *''''''^*''- ^^ '" rent for term of Hie years to r.jBeat considering etyh- jiniV'^ul^ty, ' ' ^^"'""'» ""^ ' r.-hI tenant or w, old ,ell ..i. reawjoable t II 1 _i__»^<L...-'^ .. • Carriasjes, Melotte Cream .Separator, ,soa full hl^i t ^- li ^tlK ^e, H.arvesting : "• ' . '^ ' ^.K^-- "^ „ .,,,. 1 hinsrer »ewin!» MachineN, Ur^juns and >*^ ."Tries and Wind Mills, tenca .Wire, I ' _^ , . Prsnoi on easy terms. 15Dec St tble Outfits, Hay Ferka, Ropes audi __ . irriers. Now is the the time to get ! i.;«dy. A call mlicileJ. Satisfaction i guaranteed. I A Good Time Piece s. H EM p^H I L L 13 a p^itMiii Servant. terms. -Vpi'lv t.i â€" Ml{.><. A. K. .McfAMdM. llly.f Mavwell P.O. IHK. We make a Specialty of Reforminf the "won't-fo' I have opened up a butcher shop the «,â- ,.»„ .. i Bland, Ceylon, and cany a f„ll i KinJ. WflvU id frch stock of fresh and cured \v; repair leatB, Hides purchased. â€" Terms cash. BUTCHER SHOP 1 a watch or a clock we uaarantee I it to go accurately, and guarantee J.M.ENGLISH, CEYLON it to keep a-goin? accurately. i^j'y ^ |W. A. Armstrong:. HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE CANADIAN PACiric: HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, SasKatclsewan, Alberta 5;>ewisl Tliini k."^ Ti>foj:o Z l» » m -.a APRIL 4. II MAY 2. U, SO JUNE 13, i1 JULY 11, 2S AUfl. a. M StPT. &. 19 Stcand tU" Uck.n I' "n OouHa d.UUU U pn-c.:-a\ LOW round-tr;? ratis Uioniperf .ndtelurnJiV'X*. tam^mon auJ u uio $4l.0l>. •ad to diSer fo-nii in pfopririni. 1 ickeU 1 j.kkJ ti* rtfturci v»iiivo oJ J«yi fivci i^utt .l^xtt, I TOURISTSLEEPIiNG CARS oa .il ncL-riiotii. Cm' >-'lU« htr.\„. In'.., r-iuim-^ with l*<Hkiiot. ^.0 Iv v.-ur,-*! «i tno<kut* i*'« i:ir.»ugh Cjriy .i->pli.:a-.io'. niottbemaCi A9R FOrt HOMtSrfsrnB- PAMPMLIT c.jn'.im«a fit-i. '•oJ "uil inlonu.no* Al)tl>- tu u..r-ll C H.'<. Alinl . rl"t' L. 1 ;-..«Il»«)ll. Uiit. t'w.- Agr . 1 jionlj. ONLY DIRECT USE NO CHANGE CF C.-.R3 S. Rand. Agent. Cevlon Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworlh Swineâ€" Brown Leghorn Poultry a tpecialty. HOLSTEIN-FRieSIAN BULL FORaERVICE- ' • KtibKAN CO.«( <)KIJI.\ DlKK DuKDI. No, ;i4») R1I!K yuoeii's DeKol Diilci No. Cildil H. Ji l).\M Helltsu Concordia DeKol No. H:t4ei H. a wBow Kraiiil ilaiii b«M tliu WnHMVS KCT- rkU KPCdKr) « fow >e«r!i ago M.^KINU 80 1,B8.. lOO/. IN7UAVS. Thi« yoiiun aniuialisriilTiK .1 years, i» of good - ir.e and iiidiridualltv. haviiiit won tlireu Ut and lue aecond prii^e a« a calf at iioniu «( the |<roui- laeot ruutreiot (Int.. and liaH won 1st plaiie at 'â-¡6 nud two yaaia old at Eaat Gro) fall fair, >'leabertOD. TaiuiDâ€" (iradua SLV). tliorouRlihred* ^(.OO, ayable lat Of Jan. All cows not . reiiularly etarne^: will bacliaiKad. ItlCHAKI) AM.EN, .-.ot 170 2 N. K. T. 4 S K. Kle4liertou P.O. I .lune II SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN ITURE The Urnt'ht and Wst Htock of runiilure ever Hhown ill Fle»lierton. This wilhi.ut fear of con- tradiction, ome and Hee Honie of nice thingH in Side Boards, DiBing Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A Bpevial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the st^Hsk. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Canadian National Exhibition August 26th - TORONTO - September 11th CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM ALL liW Stock lid AlriCaltare- Artâ€" f>ms from Euro- Manufactures â€" Greatest Circutest show on contin- pean galleries â€" masters display ever shown in fill! Special Prizes of from best collections in America! Goods man- S600 each. Increased Canada and I'nited ufactured while you Prizes in all classes. States. wait. THREE GREAT SPECIALS Fistival tf Eiifin -Pictur- CiidstrMin Guiris Bariâ€" War BttMitk thi Wans â€" ing ihegleries of the C!or- Mu:»i<.iaiH of the Royal Showing a battle between oitation ceremonies. 1.500 Housetwld, by special a Dreadnought and a performers in uniform, permisaion of the King. Submarine. HOSTS OF OTHER ATTRACTIONS L.Y.R A. Rcjatt*â€" Athletic SpofUâ€" Boy Scouts Review â€" Vaudeville â€" Japanew Firework*â€" Twelve Maased Military Bandiâ€" Trottini and Pacing Racea, etc. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS For all Information write Manajer J. O ORR. City Hull. Toronto GENERAL GROCERIES We have a full stock ofgtMieral grot erios on hand. Sugar.s for presei'Ving, iring.s and tal)le uso. C'iinued goods of all liinds, tobaccos, teas and can dies. FLOUR I FLOUR I FLOUR I V e 1 i r.dle Ml inirr.tnse i|Uaiility (if tliiur and kfej) on hand Ogilvie'j III yal Iltutehold, Kiic's and Dundalk Flours in the sevtrnl gT«de.s, also I isii aiidtlii ris. Ci>lJliiwk's I read handled. Choicest homainade lue Crea-ii and coilini} Suuimet l>iink» i»l w ready fur serving. VV. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton /Icshcrton UDoance All inde|>en<l>>Bt iiews|ia|i«r, iiublislied every Thursday at tli-' >ithce, ColliiiKWood Street, Fk<heit.<>ii. l^iiUxcriiitinii price SI iHTftiinmii, whxn paid in advance, $1.:VI when not an paid. Advei'tUinx rute.i on applicutioii. Circulation 1,101) weekly. W. H. Thuraton . Kditor TRU fH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE NAPOLITANO CASE The cii'ie of Mrs. Nuiinlitiiiui, iliL-Siiult woman who wtis .sentenced to death for murdering her liusbiiiid, and whose sentence wiis commuted last week to iiiipritoiiiiient for life, h«s served to ex- hibit ill a niil fikvorablu light the working of the American mind nud the niiiudlin sentiiiientaliiy lliut can be engendered in a nation when the presi of the country chooses (0 count a criminal as a mart)!'. The true story was -a niobt sordid one, but the yellow press of the I'liited States chose tj cast a halo vf ^lory urouiid it that aroused the chsmpiuns of down- troddcMi women to a pitch of almost frenzy, with the consenut-nce that peti- tions contaiuiiiK thousands upon thuu- sinds of nitmes poured in upon the Cana- dian Minister of Just ice from people of the 1,'iiiled tittttes who evidently thought him aa ogre and a man witliuut u .sense of justice. There w.ts just h spic4 of im- pertinence in these petiiiuns. Canada is quite coinpeient to udniiiistet her Uw« and set up her own code of morals with ade.juate punishiiieui t\.r their infraction without advice from .my foreign people, and especially a peoplo wli.) are s^i prone Co err fioni the straijjlit path of dignity in administering it* laws :t> are the people of the I'nited States. Were the people of Cuiiada to take u like stand on every cise of injuiiiee as we see it adioioistered on the other side we would be kept in hot water all the while and have no time to attend to uur own business. The execution.^ over there without trial would uf themselves be sutticient to keep us iu a condiiion of turnii'il. We don't lose any nleep over the administration of justice as I'ucW Sani chooses to admluiater it, but we think a whole lot, and cannuC tielp com- ing to. the conclusion that I'ncle Sam has a beam of large proporiions in his eye that really ought to be removed before prtssing his .sentiments upon other people. We know here when juatice is justice without being told, and we don't lynch » ciiiniti'tl without givuing hioi a fair trial. Neither has the bruin storm obtained a foothold In this country i>s an excu.^e for murder. iu search of road agents and Buffalo meat. Buffalo Bill was largely in- strumeutal iu annihilating the buffalo; let us hope tlie career of Reciprocity Jiiil not prove so disastrous to live slockâ€" especially to our Canadian live stock. A Lincoln, Neb., Ifirl writes, •' I had been ^liliiiK for some time with chronic coiutipa- lioii and stomach trouble. I began taking Chun lierUin's .Stomach and Liver Tablets and ill three days I wiw able to !«• up and Kot Iwtter riKht along. I am the prom'.est girl in Lincoln to find such a g<K)d medicine.'' For sale '.ly W. K. Hich.udson & Son. Journey of a 10- Year-Old Smoke begrimed, weary nnd tousled, .lohniiy Potter, aged 10, ffot otf the late Oiaii.1 Trunk train on Friday evening, alone, and with no one to meet him. This was his welcome to Owen Sound, whither he c.iiiie in search of his pjirents, Mr. nnd IMrs. Alfred Potter, who were supposed to reside here. His forlorn condition attracted the attention of some of the bystanders, hut no one knew who his parents were or where they resided. He WHS taken and "iven into the care of the police. To them he told his story. In April his parents had left Burford Road, London, Kngland, for Canada. They had left him behind at the time be- cause lie was ill and unable to travel. His grandmother had taken c,-»re of him and when he was entirely recovered sent him on to Canada with a lady who was coming over. The little lad got along all right until he reached Owen Sound -the ludy, whose name he did not know, hav- ing left him at Parkhead Junction. Heie he was completely stranded. He knew his father's name was Albert Potter, but whether he was living in Owen Souud or out on c farm couldn't say. The most widespread iiniuiries through town and the vicinity failed to locate Albert Potter and the lad nieatiiiine was sriven into the care of the matron. On Tuesday, how- ever. Potter arrived in tswn from Kem- ble to get the boy. On Monday evening he had noticed a news item in » daily, stating the fact that a boy named Potter was bilking for his parents in Owen Sound, ard at once concluded that the boy ,iii ((uestion was his sou who had come without his oareuts being aware cf the fact, phoned m and verified his surmise.â€" O. S. Times. A ;{ood joke was pulled olt' this week at I he expense of the Town Constable. Il apiKJurs some weeks «go a business man i»!is fined $1.00 and costs for riding hisiiicyclo on the sidewalk, contrary to i the by-law. He paid i he tine and kept his eagle eye open for a chance to get even, when this week he caught tho â- (;liief napping in allowing h's horse to ijiazrt upon the market scjusre; Ac- cordingly, Mr. Business man lodged a complaint and the Chief was fined i2.l)0 ,and costs for sn infraction of the bylaw J prohibiting ijuaJiupeds running at large. The Chief is now enjoying a hearty lauth.â€" Meafiird Kxpre.s3. "PILlJUKE A FYLE" So Harsh and Drastic are Many Pills as to Seriously, Injure Health. In a letter written from his home liJ . Valencia. Mr. Marsh Selwyn does ser- vice to thousands by drawing atten- tion to the injuries inflicted upon deli- cate people by drastic purgative pills. , "For a long- time I suffered from constipation. This condition compell- â- â- ed the use of pills- Lilte many an- other. I made the unwise choice' of using pills that were like llghtnlngr In their activity. I began to be filled With intestinal disturbances, constant nmiblings, gas in the bowels and diar- rhoea. I grew pale and emaciated. Then the doctor told me drastic irri- i tating pills had caused catarrh at tha bowi'ls. an almost incurable disease. Explaining my situation to a friend, he advised a trial of Dr. Hamilton^ ' Pills. I speedily experienced the lieal- ing and curative effect they exert on the .stomach, liver and bowels. Tha ' intestines, freed from irritating drugs, I rapidly regained natural tone. thu bowels acted as if nature and not Dr. Hamilton's Pills were at work. I know it will be of value to thousands ta know that a piU a-: mild and curatlvo as Dr. Hamilton's is available to tho ailing." For bowel disorders, sick headacJi;. 'constipation, liver and stomach de- rangement, there is n-o pill so invar'- ably sure to euro as Dr. Hamiltoti s Pills. Refuse a substitute. Sold in 25c boxos. all dealers, or The Catarrh- I ozone Co.. Kingston. Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills AreMiid--NeverGripe| Sproinn require careful treatnieur. Keep i|tiiet and apply Chamberlain's Ijniinent freelv. It will remove the i»oreiiet, and qnlckly restore the parts to a healthy condi- tion. Fors ;ile l>y W K. Kiehard.<on & Son- â- WILL WE GET PARCEL POST? Theic seeiiis to be a fair prospect that sometime. |iiobably in the iiear future, we will gel a [urcel pi.st in thi.s country, a thing that has been needed fur a long time. Hon. Sydney Fisher .says he has a man investigatiii.( in order to formulate a plan, but that there are grave ditliculties ill the way. It would have beeii iiilerDSting and .satisf»'?tory if Mr. Fisher had inforined us wliat some of the graver of these dithculties are. Fur in- stance, why is it that the (•uvernnient Will cany a larger jiarcol to a foreign country than il will carry froun one post- otlice to aiiiitlier in Cun.iua ''. There art' mat y other anomalies in the present system that appear strange to the lay eye and an e.vplanation of which would be recaived with thankfulness, because the public his got it solidly implanted in their minds that the postortice dep;irt- mciit is run too much after the plan of an au.xiliary to the Canadian cxpre.s.s companies. The public are beginning to become suspicious that the e.xpross companies liuve too tardea pull at Ottawa- It ia claimed in some i|uaiters that the bi^ wi^ railway men who own the express companies also larvely own the guvern- men'. This may nut he correct, but tho fi.ar and trembling with which these ex- press companies are treated by the Post- odice department ill the mutter of com- peting as parcel carriers, and the favors shown them, gives color to the charge. We hope ti.e dithculties i.ccefsary to overcome will not be found insurinuunl- able by the Hon. Mr. Fisher. We do not 'hink they will be providing that too mu ch railway stock is not held by the Solon* who control our destiny. While Mrs. Reuben Baunian, of Corbetton, Wis • n a loaded wayon hold- iiiU the reins a few days ago, the horses ran away, throwing her out in »ach a way that the wheels of the wagf.n passed diaoonally across the upi>er [lail of her body from her shoulders. She miracu- lously escaped with some bruises and a dislocated collarbone. Had the wheels struck her head she would uudtubtedly have been kilUed. Dr. .Sui'th attended to her injuriesâ€" Shclburne Kcououiist. TENDERS WANTED j -FOK- I Repairs to Water Tank House of Refuge, Markdale I Sealed tenders will be received by tho I undersigned up to Auzust 1st, I'Jll â€" I Iâ€" For removing otitnide aiding on pipioi; ' tower, and also pi itlorm of water works. 2â€" Tbe covoriDR of platform of tank witii 1) I inch, ftrst class pine lumber, fres of knota. TUa tongue and groove to be made \ iuch from lower side, and primed with ^ood liaseea oil i wbeu put togetlier. : .1 -Tlie sidini: for pipiiiii tower to be J iuch ( t1rHtcU>.9 piue lumber, free of kuots, auu sbip I lapped. j 4â€" The siding and platform thorougbly nakilsd I wbeii put together. I 5~-TUe entire tank aud tower to have two distiuct coats o( paiur. liuaeedoil aud white ' lead. The secoa<l coat to be put ou ouly after first coat is thorouKhly dry. 0-The contractor to furuisli bia own ecal- toldinij aud remove tbe same after job is I completed; For any further iutormatioo see Hanagar ' House ol Uetuge. Markclaie. I J. F. VANDL'SEN, Duadalk, \ Chairman House o( Refuge Committee. J. and W. BOYD merchants Fksberton Ontario .! Mid-Sutnmer Clearing â- â- The knell of tlic English House of Lords as a virile body politic is ring- ing. Ttie Veto Bill, which was emasculated by that body and sent back to the l>ritisli House of Commons sliorne of its virtue and value, ia like- ly to prove the undoing of the upper chamber. The British premier has secured the promise of tlie King to create a sufficient number of uyin- pathetic poers to pass the bill, which whdn passed, will practically elimiu-, ate all excuse for a prolongation of the upper House. Like Esan, it will be ahoruo of its birthright. Reciprocity Bill v.ent througli the United Stales cenate whooping. Ilia predecessor, Buffalo I'miI, created almost as luiicli iiterest in the long ago, when ranging tbe weatern plains i White Lawn Waists RKGCLAR fl 00 FOR 78 CENTS " 1.25 " as " 1 50 " L15 1.75 " 1.35 â- 4 Parasols in Black and Fancys, at Reduced Prices. Muslins and Ginghms A large range of patterns and coh.rs. Reg. 15.-. All go ng at lOc. Childs Ready-Made Dresses .All made in fast color materials and a large vaiiety of patterns. Sizes, 4 to VI years old for 11.00 to t2.00. Ladies' Tan Oxfords We have an over stock of Ladie.s' Tan Ox'ord* in prices $2 00, f2.25, •J'2.50. Ycur choice for tl (Jo Boys' Jerseys â- • I a 1 4 4 We have another lot to hand iu colors, artea wi;h red, green with wiiie. Sizes, 20, 28, aO, .â- J'2, at I,.-.. 25c.