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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1911, p. 4

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June 22 1911 THE FLESHERT ON AD VANCE F. G. KARSTEDT, - flesherton ont JUST ARRIVED! On* cir loid of Citnada Brand Portland Cement, guaraateed to bo the best cement on the market. Fur aeversl yeirs the !,'overiiini'nt h.-id the monopoly of all the riutput. We ha\e handled it for sometime now and can any wHhout hesitation tiiat it is the Ktrongesst cement on the market. I I \*i I M "i ^\ n One car load of the famous Purity Flour. TREADEASY Buiit-in inner sole of Australian wool felt, conforms to the foot and absorbs moisture ; prevents jar when walking. Ask to see this "Empress Treadea^ Shoe." We have the Exclusive Agency foe this tkoe. Ladies whu have tender feet will find Treade&sy Shoe the most comfortable shoo ever Worn. They have Cushioned Soles and rubber hcclt. The upper beiii); made from the finest kid leather. Could vive you names of wearers who would wear nothing else since trying them. We have aluo other fine lines of the "Enr pre&s " Shoe m:ide in the newest styles. Its fame has ^ooe through uU the land us the best flour for bread and pastry on the Npurlcet. liread miido. from our flour hnN wou the first prize in our full show, yieldinK the whitest, tlakiest and (iweetest bread shown. When in town ask for n 24|b bag and try it. Price 8tj.00 per barrel. One car load of Fine Windsor Salt. This salt is 'known and •needs no recommendation. It ia the finest grade of Windsor Salt manufactured. I'AUASOL.S AND UMBRELLAS We have .i hir^e assortment of both Ladies' and Gentlemen's, niadn in the finest omteiial. LADIES' SUITS AND SUITINGS In the finest and most up to-diitu materials that can be bought. If you need a ready-made gtrment, leave in your measure and we c«u get them up from the factory in any style at a very low price. GENTLEMEN, â€" We have as large an assortnmnt ofj;fine Worsted, Tweed and Serge Suitings as can be procured from any wholesale houses. Call on the tailor, Mr. Jas. Bowler, and he will be very pleased to show them to you, SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Bam Door Rollers and Tracks, the newest Fork and double Slinks, Rope, Paint, Binder Twine, Paris Green, Machine and Cylinder Oil, etc. ir^gy^gg^'y^'^yy^i^'- ^^'^'^^^ TH JUST ARRIVED | AT CEYLON A Consignment i . . OF . . Wagons AND On Monday evening % couple of New Lowell boys who had got hold of a dynamite cartridge somehow, thought they would see what effect a lighted match would have on it. The cartridge went otf with a bang and badly lacerated the face of Ernest, the nine-year-old son of H. Lawrence. The boy was hurried aw«y to the Barrie hospital as quickly as possible, .ind the latest word from the doctors was that they hoped to be able to save hi* eyesight. â€" Creemore S'ar. Buggies Which will be («old at prices >{« Beat considering atylu hUo a full liiiu of tilUge, machines and Wind Mills, Stable Outfits, H»y Forks carriers. Now is the the rakdy. A call solicited. guaranteed. that can Not and ({uality, , Harvesting Fence IWire, , Hopes and time to get Satisfaction JOHN ricPHAIL Prioeville AGENT FOR- Frost St Wood Implements, Fleury and Perrin Plows, Tudhope Wagons and Carriages, Melotte Cream Separator, Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and Pianos on easy terms. 15Dec ''Was Fading Away' A Young Womanâ€" Scarcely Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cured S. HEMPHILL CEYLON BUTCHER SHOP I have opened up a butcher shop the ! old stand, Ceylon, and carry a full \ and freh stock of fresh and cured, meats, Hides purchased.â€" Terms cash. J.M.ENGLISH, CEYLON 15jly V"- -vn Dt-. FRESH FISH I Fresh Salmon Trout - I2clb. Fresh White Fish - - llcib. Lake Erie Herring • 25c doz. These prices will prevail at my house only, »i the narrow mar- gin will not permit peddling. H. RADLEY, FLESHEin'ON He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. "I think It should be the duty of the achools to teach children how to keep well," writes Miss Nannie E. Naydon, a well-known and highly esteemed resident of Bristol. "Ignorance of the laws of health and the use of Improper remedies destroyed my vigor, and led me to the verge of Invalidism. I waa as a girl ruddy and strong. Nothing seemed to affect me until I was about thirty. Then gas began to form In the stomach. I suffered with bloating and •I general failure In strength set In. 1( 1 went upstairs my breath hurt. My system was very Irregular, and until 1 ijrew pretty bad I didn't pay much heed to my condition. Then I got blue, wor- ried uU the time, wakened In the night, ind couldn't get to sleep again. None jf the medicine I took helped me. One day I was reading of a very interesting :ase like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I took the same treatment. It •vas Just right â€" didn't physic me to Jcath, but took hold of the weak, aick jarts of my system, and set things -ight. It seems as If Ur. Hamilton's T'llls have made me young again, and ill my color, spirits, vigor, and health >t former days have returned to stay." Every girl and woman should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. They lelp a woman in many ways. Beware li the dealer who asks you to take an inferior pill on which his profit is larger than on Dr. Hamilton's. Sold in yellow boxes, 25c per box, all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone, Co., King- jton, Ont. CORNS CURED You can palnleH»ly remove any corn either hard. soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. Ii never burns, leaves no scar, contains nc acids; la harmless, because oompcAted only of healing gums and balm.'*. Fifty years In. use. Cure guaranteed. Solil by all druggists. 2oc bottles. Rel'ust jub..:ltutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR --^rtJ SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and l>eBt stock •>£ Furniture ever shown in Fle.slierton. This without fear uf cmi- tradictt<m. oiiie and see Home »f iiicii things in Side .Qoards, Dining Ro<jni Chairs, Parlor Selth, Iltsd Room Setts. A c|K'cial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in oilier to re- cluce the .iic« k. . . , W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton SEEDS! SEEDS! We Lave agaii: a large slupment of Seeds this season. The deraaud for high grade :jeed iy increasing, so come iii and sec the following : RED CLOVER, ALSIKE CLOVER, MAMMOTH CLOVEB, ALFALFA CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD QRAHS, CORN OF ALL KINDS ROOTS I Such as Royal Giaut Sugar Beet, Lnproved Short White Carrol, Long Red I Mangel, Yellow Oval Mangel, Yellow Globe Mangel, Giant Sugar Maugel, Turnip Reeds of all kinds, GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. E. Richardson & Son CORN AND GARDEN PLANTS Field Corn-Crompton's, North Dakota, White Cap and Mastodon- All Standard varieties. Celery, Tomato, CabbaiJe, Cauliflower, and bedding and house plants now ready. The plmi'iiig time in about at hsnd. It's lime anyway to stlect your eeds, and we are ready with a larfje .stock tn lend you every aasistaiioe in our power. Wehave Flennio.s and Kieehi Hi ig^s" Garden Seud.s, inRiigulds, Bugsr beelh, turnipH and c*rrots, hold aiul gsrden cornâ€" all fresh stock, and nil living up to the hiiih reputations of lhrpto<lucers. You can gel nn bettor seedh than we supply Dutch Setts and I'otsto Onions. .\ full lino iif Uro- ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L. Wright,' Grocer, Flesherton /lest)ertan ^hmnti An inileiwndKiit new»pa|j«r, published every Ttiursdiiy at th>* ortice, Ciillin(r>vo<jd Street, Kleaherton. >':4ulMCription price fl peranmiu, when paid inadvHnce; $1.,5J when not so paid. Advertisiiift ratcH on appliostiou. Circulation 1,100 weekly. W. H. Thurston - Editor TRU TH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN FORWARD, MARCH! Some very important events have transpired at the .June conferences held by the various rcligicuahjdics, but prob- ably the important of all is the long stride that has been made towards church union. The conferences, fiom the At- lantic to Pacific, some dozen in number, appear to be uverwhelniin|{ly in favor of union, and tu believe, nioteover, thst a â- ati.'ifactury ha.sis has been found upon which Methodist, Presbyterian and (Jon- gregationalist can come together and live harmoniou.sly as one ^reat family. Spec- ulation is now rife as to when this great event will be consiinimated, and some well k.iown divines predict that it will probably take place within the next two or three years. When this arrives the most important change in the Methodist organization will be the discardmK of the itinerary syatem. The next forward step in this%onnection will be lu submit the question to a vote of the church member- ship itself. Another instance that indicates an ad- vance in modern methods is furnished by the action of the London conference at its rect.nt session, when it put itself on record as decidedly opposed to the en- gagement of pcofe.ssionHl evangelists to do the work that should be done by the ministry. It is a little late to recognize this fact, which has been patent to the laity for a long time, but submitted to and paid for with little murmur either by press or people. To these the action of the London conference has been re. ceived with peculiar satisfaction. Both church union and the discarding of professional evangelism tend towards the concentration of forcd and energy and economy in working cost, thus leaving the saving to be applied in a more profit- able direction. The " commissariat " of the church will be onucb improved and strengthened thereby. 8th Line, Otprey Mr. Pete Somersleft on TueHdsy Ust for Areola and other points west. Mrs. â€" and baby boy, accompanied the former's mother, are the gues'.s of by Mrs. T. Thorn bury. Mrs. Finland of Collingwood, who has spent the past few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Somers, will remain for some time. George Maddnn spent part of last week with friends near Dundalk. Miss Mary Farrel of Ventry spent the week enc with the Misses Madden. S. S. No.^ held a picnic en Friday last in Mr.Somers' grove near the school. The weather w&s ideal and a good crowd turned out, and on the whole the picnic was a decided success. Ice cream was served free and at no time during the afternoon were those in the tent idle. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was phonograph music, by Mr. Bob. Osborne. A basketball match was played between Maxwell team and the eighth line team, resulting in a victory for the former, the score being 5-3. The following were races, with the names of the prize- winners : 100 yard race, boys over 16â€" Karl Ilumberstoiie. One hundred yard race, K>rls over sixteen â€" Miss M. Boward. Three-legged raceâ€" Will Kaitting and Karl Humberstone. Potato race, girls over sixteen â€" Miss E. Howard. Stand- ing high jumpâ€" Karl Humberstone. One hundred yard raceâ€" Girls under sixteenâ€" Annie \ Brackenbury. Thin man's raceâ€" Karl Humberstone. One hundred yard race, boys under sixteen â€" Tony Madder.. Running high jump- Karl Humberstone. Hammer and nail I race, girls under sixteenâ€" Mary Farrell. I Sack race, boys under sixteen â€" Lance ! Roberts. i A DOUBLE CURE FOR DOUBLE TROUBLE Father Morriicy's If*. 26 Cures Catarrh by a Combined Treatment. Store Stock for Sale. General >tora stock at a bargaia. Excellent opportuDitr for brains. Must be sold at once. Apply to Barber Bros-, or I. Harvey Peri(oe, Keversbam. Ont. tf The sudden weather variations in our climate result in a great many cases of catarrh â€" a troublesome disease usually considered hard to cure, and one which often leads to serious pulmonary and intestinal troubles. A neglected cold m the head weakens the nasal membranes, so that at every future exposure the trouble returns. At length these conditions are fastened onto the system, and the sufferer undergoes the annoyance and danger of chronic catarrh. Some doctors confine themselves to prescribing external applications, and thus do not reach the seat of the trouble- Others give internal treatment exclu- sively, and thus do not promptly reheve the affected parts. Father Morriscy, the skilled priest- physician, rightly regarded catarrh as a double trouble, consbting of unpleasant local effects and their fundamental causes, the latter having to do with im- paired general vitality. HLs famous remedy, No. 26, is a com- bined cure for catarrh. It consists of tablets to be taken three times a day, and an especially compounded salve. The salve is antiseptic, and quickly heals the inflamed membranes of the nisal passages. The tablets go to the. seat of the trouble and restore the system to its usual tone. Together, they cure. Instead of neglecting a disease that is unpleasant to yourself and to others, and one which often leads to pneumonia and consumption. It is surely the part of wis- dom to take timely steps to do away with the effects and at the same time remove the cause. No. 26 does just that. . 50a for the combined treatment. At your druggist's, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co., Ltd., Montreal, Que. 10» FALL TLRM OPENS AUGUST 28. •LJLIOTT L>j' ^ •> I Toronto, Ont. standi to-dav witliout a superior I in Canada. Graduates always successful. t'ataloguii free. One of the Colliogwood papers suggests the advisability of appoint^ lug Lawyer Bernie of Collingwood as county judjje for the couaty of Grey ! Is this gentle sarcasin, or is the paper in question afflicted with nightmare ? Fire at Clarksburg Clarksburg, Junn 19.--Thi8 village was visited by a disastrous tire this morning about \S o'clock burning to the ground the Queen's Hotel, owned by George Johntton ; the general store of Lougheed Bros., containing about $10,000 worth of merchandise, ajMi the residence of James Mitchell. The t'ltal lots will amount to fully $7,000. Each loser is insured for about one half his loss, divided between the British American, the Dominion, the National and the Gore Insurance Conipanie.'i. The Hre originated at the rear end, ap- parently outside of Lougheed Bros., and is believed co be the work of an incen- diary. Tlie fire burned fiercely for two hours, and but for the hard work of the citizens that side of the village would have been wiped out. The fire was check- ed on the north by The Review Printing office, and on the south by Keast's blacksniith shop. Fined for Obstruction J. aivdW. BOYD mercbants nesberton « Ontario County Crown Attorney McFadden and Police Magistrate (.'rawford, of llranipton, were in Palgrave, on Wed- nesday, June 7th, hearing a case against Thns. tStinson and George Zimmerman, residents of the village, who were charged with obstructing a constable in the di.s- charge of his duty. Palgrave is under local option, but it has been suspected for some time that liquor was being brought in for sale. Constable Duffy was at the station on Saturday last awaiting Siinson's return from Wood- bridge. The latter alighted from the train and handed a parcel to /immernian who ininiedintely ran of! witlv it. The countable ).'ivtf chase and catching up with Zimmerman attempted to seize the pnrcul which cnnlaiiied throe battles of \vhi.skoy. Ziininnrinan reiiisted and Stinsou came tu his assistiinco. Con- Btalilo Dully pwiiiptly arroaiod both men wlio came up for trial on Wednesday. They were detoiuled by Mr. Kraaer, of Tottenham. Btinson averred that iiionoy bad been given to him to go to Wiiiidliiidge for the liquor, tlint ho had inirchased the thrco bottles at one hotel, nt the same time and was bringing it tu Palgvavc for delivery. Both were found guilty (if obstructing ConBtabla Duffy, who WiW doing his duty in soi/.iun the liquor, fluipecliiiij it to bo for sale. Siiuson was Rued a>2 siid costs, the whale aniiiuntiiig to ^12.10 aud Zimmer- man 810 and e «tH, amounting to ?!1C.â€" Orangoville Banner, Wool Wool Wool We are in the market again for wool. Highest 5^ prices in Cash or Produce. Ready-made Clothing Men's Eeatly made Suits ; the Celebrated Progress Bi-and in a class by itself for make and fit, at prices from $10 to > I 8.00 A range of Men's a Special at 6.95 Boys' Suits Boys' Suits, in two and three piece Suits, in Bloomer or Pant, a large range to choose from. Childs and Girls Ready-Made Dresses We have put in stock a big range of Girls and Misses, some very neat designs and colors guaran- teed. Prices from 1.00 to $1.75 White Lawn Waists, some very special value from 1.00 to 2.25 White Repp Skirts, very neat and Dressy at 2.Cn ^ Satisfaction or Your Money Back! That's the condition that goes with every bag of Cream of the West nour. It's a fair, square guarantee, and I want you to take it to mean just what it says. Cream t^ West the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread Give Cream of the West a fair, square trial. If you don't have satisfaction in baking bread, you'll get sat- isfaction at your grocer's. We guarantee one or the other. Cream of the West is a superior bread flour. Improve your home-made bread by using it. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBEU., Prtiidant 108 Sold by W, Buskin, and J. Pattison, Ceylon.

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