•yw m^ I INDIA'S NATIVB PBINUES. ' *rfa» -.^ii^g^:-' Wonderful DircrKcncn io Appear* anc'c und Charac(er. I India is govcrnod by the BritJHh, I but only pprt of it is governed dir- 1 cctly by thetii. Of tho 1,766,642 square miles ol India 090,000 squaro ' niilcs are under the rule of the ; native princes, as are 66,000,000 out of the aoo,000,000 inhabitants. [ There are some 6,000 native chiefs, STARVED NERVES The CausB of Neuralgia -It Must bo Treated llirough the Blood Neuralgia is a cry of the nerves (or more and better blood. It lit- erally means tbM ^e nerves arc being starved. Like every other part of the body tue nerves receive big and little, from .e Nazim, the their nourishment through the ruler of Hyderabad, with its popu- } blood. There is the.efore no doubt lation of 11,000,000, its territory of j that lir. Williams Pink Pills will 82,698 square miles and its revenues j cure t.'ie wor-st cases of neuralgia. ' of $12,000,000, down to a petty j They actually make new, nch ' chief, with a few squar^ miles of; blood, carrying to the starved territory, and a few thousands ft- nerves the elements they need, year of revenue. | thus diiving away the sharp, tor-!. There is as much variety in their turing pains which no.irly drives the sufferer wild. So many cases of neural(?ia have yielded to treatment through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that oM'ry sufferer from this dread- ed trouble should lose no time in giving the Pills a fair trial. Mrs. £ophia H. Johnson, Mozan, Sask., says: "For upwaids of ten years I was a periodical suffei'er from neuralgia. It located in the side of my face and iu the jaw, which â- would actually cliek every time I opened or closed my mouth. At times the pains would be almost unendurable, and as time went on, my whole nervous system seemed to be affected. I was constantly doctoring, but the doctor did not iteem to be able to give inc per- nuinent relief, and at last 1 de^'id- ed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Piils. I got a half dozen boxes, and be- breeding and hearing, and ability i AS in their territories and reven- ; ues. Some of them trace tlieir an- cestry straight back to the first conquerors from the North ; others are descended froift .\rab, Tartar, or Afghan inva<lers ;. others are the descendants of court favorites andv their ancestral right to rank is as illcgitiinato as some of the proud names in England and France, while otlicr.s are ' heirs of rough soldiers wIkj grabbed what they could and held it when the Mughal empire went to pieces. Some are highly e<hicatKl, oth- ers ignorant; some are Anglicized, some Pariscized, devoting much time, those to cricket, racing, po- lo ; and these to such European travel as they are permitted, and lazy licentiousness both at homo and abroad. There are fine gentle- men among them, as cMivalrous fore they were half gone I fdt much and ag proud as any noble in Eu- better, and by the lime I had used rope, and there are others who are them all every symptom of the mere naughty schoolboys. There trouble had gone, and I was enjoy- [ are not a few who spend their mon- ing a comfort I had nut known for I ey on schools and colleges and nou- years. I have since remained in the seums, on irrigation works and best of health, and can only say I tramways, on roads and bridges owe the Joy of living w ithout pain : and model prisons, and who pride FOR nmiM BABIES There is only one medicine foi teething babies â€" that is one that will make teething easy and at the same time can be given with abso- lute safety. That medicine is iJaby's Own Tablets â€" every box of which is sold under the guaraiiieR of a government analyst to be free from all those injurious opiates and narcotics which make "soothing" stuffs so harmful. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. George Leblanc, St. Pamphile, Que., nays: "I used Haby's O'wn Tablets for my baby when he was teething and consti- pated and found them an excellent remedy. The Tablets are sold by modicin'iWcalers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. themselv-es on the cfTuiency and smartness of their Imperial Service troops; and others who throw thousands about on motor cars, jewels, dancing girls, or favorite wives, and hideous Brummagem furniture and pictures. There are burly, heavy-shouldered, hig-hip- ped, gross-featured princes who look like brown caricatures of 'Ru- ben's women, and there are lithe, muscular, fine-featured fellows, who look fit for a tussle with a tig- er, anu show their breeding even m their finger-iips.â€" Scribner's * THE EXPLOSIVE. Giants That Man Ila.s Siictccded in Conijuerlng. The fairy story of a large and to be full grown and worth about | powerful genie confined in a smalj tVl. Then a lar-c, lleshy cone with ja^ j^ ^^^, more wonderful than is the flowers iu it grows amidst the true story of a bit of powder pack- heavy green leaves. This is just <,<] j,, a cartridge; when the pow- what the planter has been waiting j^r i, exploded it propels far and for. Then lie cuts the cone, leav- ; ^.j^h terrific speed. A Chinaman ing a bowl-likc hollow in the heart first discovered the power of ex- of the plant. Two or three times a plosives when he invented! gun- <l.i\ this maguey bowl fills up with powder, and it has proved to be haji, .^o that it has to be drawn out the areatest of all the forces that ii.y the gardener, who puts it in a have'changed the maps of nations, pir-kin vessel which he carries on writes llaymond Perry in 8t. his back. It is said that a healthy Kjohola"?. plant gives the Mexican over ai K.xplosives stj, powerful have been gallon of this sap every dny Per- ' ^jgcovercd now that no gun can be to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all me<licine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six bt)xes for 92.f>0 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. _ « TUL MAGLLY PLANT. The Mexican Planter's Woallh is Muiiily in the Cactus. When a Mexican owns field after field of maguey h\ is considered wealthy, for these plantations are quite valuable,* says the Houston I'ost. After a slij) of maguey is planted it does not require much care, because the climate of Mexi- co just suits it. When the century plant is seven years old it is said SUBLETTING A CONTRACT. A benevolent old lad.y happened one day to be visiting a school where a young incorrigible was undergoing punishment for a series of misdemeanors. The teacher cited him as "the Worst boy in the school â€" one I can't do anytbing with. I've tried everything in the way of punish- ment." "Have yo utried kindness?" was the gentle inquiry. "I did at first, but I've got be- yond that now." At the close of the visit the lady asked the boy if, be would call and see her on the following S.aturday. A boy arrived promptly at the hour appointed. The old lady showed him her best pictii res, played her liveliest music, and set before him a delicious lunch on her d.aintiest china. Then she thought it about time to begin her little sermon. "My dear," she beg.-in, "were you not very unhappy to have to stand in the corner before all the class for punishment?" "Please, ma'am," broke in the boy, with his mouth full of cake, "that wasn't me you saw. It was Pete. He gave me ten cents to come here and take your jawing." CHILI) BIRXED WILL. English Court Allowed ti^e Claim or Witiow. At Christmas time, when every- thing was (:liLo:ti,l and one could divert oi e;e.( as one would, a litT- tle girl of eight tliew open an un- locked dianer and came on a piece of blue paper, v.ii.'i no writing whatever on one fiao of it. When she prodr.ted doll's -houses and trees, kitc-liyi: g episoJes, and wonderful fashions to her heart's content, she toi a up the paper and put it in the fire. It was her father's willi' This free and' unfettered exer- cise of the artistic faculty produced some difficulty in the Engiish Pro- bate Court recently. Her mother, Mrs. Golden, the widow of a but- ler, moved to obtaiu probate of her husband's will. The eight- year-old limner was cited as de- fendant. Counsel for the widow said that Mr. Golden made a will leaving his property to his wife, but it was not forthcoming at the time of his death. The questfon at issue was whether he revoked it or not. Judgment was eventually given for Mr. Golden's will of June, 1C09, in favor of the wife, on the terms set out in the claim. Why let tliat hjadac^e spoil your &y's worX vr pleasure? Taka "' 25o. a Box at your druggist's. Guaranteed to contain no morphine, opium or other poisonous drugs, »>/ *« 3J t W.tto.1 Drug «nd Ch.mic.l C««i>«w of Cm..J.. UuH^t .... Mo«tr»«l^ O.K. Canadian 4-Eow Sprayer 1 c t#>lo;wh««i> •n I nozzla'i* K'l- Jimtabl* for wide mnd nar- row rows ami hifFh an<t low Tin."*. Kurni h ed with Brca )â- r»«t Vliuyiinl ami Tree Klnkvinr Atta* liiii-nta. Write for our CataloKu*. Canadian Petaio ixaohinery Co.. ltd. ' - 153 Stone Road, Oa!t, Ontario. I| FARMS FOR RENT AMD S.li-c H. W. r<V»VSON, Ninety Colborna Street,. Toronto. Phono Main 6S90. i^IFTlf ACRK KEUir F.\RM, good build- Niagara Fruit Belt. Ten r ing. Thouiaud 11IAVE itboat two bnndred Fruit Farms, all sizeH, all prices ou my list. CoD> Bult mc. IT does not matter what kind o( a Farm you want to either buy or sell, I I can be of service to you. I Â¥F you want Alberta, PaBkatchewan, I I .\Ianitoha or British Columbia Land* In any auantity, I can suppi.- yovi. l"*rOlT can get me niKhta or holidays at I Two .Seventy-two V/right Avenue. Phone Park 527. ^520 The Pure Food Law stopped the sale of hundreds of fraudulant me- dicines. They could not stand in- vestigation. Hamlins Wizard Oil has stood the test of investigation for nearly sixty years. EXPERIENCED. "How long have you been mar- ried?" "So long that I've got so that I can hook a dress with one hand." -r â- r If attacked wiih cholera or sum- mer complaint of any kind send at once for a bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kel- logj's Dysentery Cordial and xise it according to directions. It acts with wonderful rrfpidity in subduing tb.i^ dreadful disease that weakens the strongest man and that destroys the young and delicate. Those wbo have used this cholera medicine say it acts promptly, and never fails to effect a thorough cure. She longed for a new hat. So she began to worry her husband for a new dress. He â€" "A new dress! •Can't afford it. If you wanted gloves, or a new hat, I wouldn't mind. But a new dress!" She- Well, don't get flurried, dearest! You know I always give in. So just buy me a new hat." For Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator has ranked as the most effective preparation manufactured, and it always maintains its reputa- tion. ANTICIPATION. The new maid seemed eminently satisfactory, but the mistress of the house thuught a few voids .if ad- vice w.juld be just as .veil. "A;k1 remember," she coueluded, ''that I e;. act yon to be very re- ticent Rbur.t wlwt you hear when you are '..ait;;ig .:t t.".b}e."' "Ccrt.",n!y. ai.-i;::in. eartainlv I" replied le t:e'si,e. Eut then "her face lit U'.> w th a., iin'ocett curio- 8-ty. "May I ask, madam, if there v.i.l be much to be retice:it about!" ^Ib.QoO Thousand. ACRKrS. Twenty „ ^ _ _ Bunch Grasa- Range, Horses, Cattle and Implements. Prr particulars address A. C- Kennedy, Olalla, B.C. * LBERTA FAR.M LANDS FOB SALE. .A The hc3t mixed farminit district in. ."herta. The oldest land company In Alberta. Write for cstalopue. Depart- ment "\," The Saskatchewan Lend and llomes'oad Company, Limited, Ked Deer, Alberta. AGENTS T/ANTEO c AXVA.SSKRS W\NIUI> WesSly wlary paid.â€" .\Ifr6il lylor, l,on;I-'n, Oir:*ri.-». A GENTS WANTKDâ€" A study of other j x\. Agency propositions convinces u»- : that none can equal ours. You will al- I way^< regret it If you don't apply for i particulars to Travellers' Dept.. 22t Albert St.. Ottawa. A Pill that Proves Its Value.-â€" Those of weak stomach will find strength in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because they serve to mrj.a- ta'n t'le ^healthful action of the stomach and the liver, irregulari- ties in which are most dlstress.'ng. Dyspeptics are w.l acqu.a.'nted with them and value them at their nro- 'per worth. They h.ave afforded" le- lief when other preparati'.'ns have failed, and have viifected cures in ailmeits of long standing where other medicines were found un- availing. MISCELLANEOUS. A stitch in time saves nine, and every house fly killed early saves a thousand at least later on. Wil- son's I'ly Pads will kill many times more flies than any other article. "Yes," said Mrs. Wordsworth; "the family are most interesting. â- John dances divinely, Tom sings like an angel, Susinne paiuts with great taste." "And Henry 'i" "Oh. Henry ! Well, he's rather a dull sort of a fellow, you know. He j only works and supports the others." Ask (or MInard't and taka no other. baps you would not like this juice but when the children of the hot lands drink it fresh from the plant they call it "honey w&tor." When the jhioc is put in large vats and feruicnted it is called "pulque," made strong enough to be dis- charged more than a comparatively small uumlicr of times ; and there are machine guns, submarine mines and torpedoesâ€" engines of dc- ! stniction so powerful that no bat- but then it is not good for the Mex- , i\f. ^jtlicr on land or sea could last icans, for those who drink it be- j ,„o,.e Umn ^ few hours. Indeed, it e<inie sleepy and stupid. | jg predicted that soon no two na- No part of the maguey is wasted, ^jonj ^yju jare to go to war, sv The roots of the century plant i,p,.ri|,]e would he the consequences make such good foo<l that they are tf, themselves and the rest of the .often boiled and eaten. Sometimes ^.(,|.](j. the leavcH arc used for fuel, but .. While explosives are needed less often they are dried and put on the „n^i i^sg for war than formerly, outside of houses, just as wo would j-),gy gpc „sed more and more in tlie use shingles. | victories of peace. When the genie When the Mexican wants some ^.^^ i^t out of the jar he built very cold w.atcr he makes a trough ' g,.,.nt palaces for his master and of fresh green mnguey leaves and transported him great distances by pours water into it. As the oil j^^j^ ^y ^^...i ,.,„| ,„ the air; and evaporates from the leaves the ^\-^g^^^ jg j^s,t what the giant explo- watcr in the trough becomes so ^j^g jg doing to-day for man, his cold that it almost freezes. Itn't master. The power of dynamite is that a que('r water cooler The blasting rock for the foundation of century plant leaves are so very skyscrapers and bridge piers, and strinpy or fibrous that they furnish i,(„.i„g tunnels through the solid materials for making a kind of niountains ; while gasoline the coarse thread which the Mexicans j j,g^ explosive, is ivficd for trans- weave into clotli. Sometimes heavy i portation in automobiles on land, in twine or rope is made from the ^^otor boats in the water, and in fibre, too. When this rope is twist-' ac,.(,piane8 in the air, thus finally cd into coai'.sc mats the Mexicans aocomplishing the dream that man use them for chairs in t!ic day and j,j,g cherished for centuriesâ€" the beds at night. Even the stickers ^ niarvel of human flight, or thorns are useful, for they serve as needles or nails. Husbandâ€" "My dear, I thought we were going to practise economy for a time." Wifeâ€" "S<i we are, dear. I went down and c«4ynter- mandcd the order you gave your tailor for a suit, and bought a boii' net that cost only half the amount." The ease with which corns and warts can be removed by Hollo- way's Corn Cure is its strongest recommendation. It seldom fails. "What Jackson V will eluci am white you says lers like table wif torv. an' you." am oratory, Brudder "Brudder Simmins, I date. If you says black , dat am foolish. But if black AM white, an' bel- a bidl an' ivouvids on a bofe fists, dat am ora- some people will believe HIS FATHER'S ADVICE. "Now that .you are married, my son, listen to me." 'W'hat is it, dad?" "Try to be a husband, not mere- ly an ex-bachelor." I wr>B cured of Bronchitis and Asthma by WINAitUH LIiNIMEN'l'. , „ ilHS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P.E.L I was cured of a severe attack of Rheu- matism by JIIJNAKD.S UNI11E^T. Mahone Bay. JOHN JIADER. I was cured of a severely sprained Ice by MIWAitoa LINIME.NT. JOrillUA A. WYNACUT. Bridgowater. T.1AKM SCALES, special price. Wilson'* ^ Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. IJLACE your money with us in trust. Wo will guarantee large returns and solid in\estmeuts. Correspondence sol- icited. Edmonton Locritors, Ltd., Fin- ancial Agents, Edmonton, .^Ita. LUMBER, interior trim, ;'. its, flooring, sash. Price qunted iit your station. Small or lartie oraeis. V. iv'. T. Koss. Toronto. CUT YOUR GLASS AT KOilE-Our new "Red Devil ' Glass Cutler cuts wired glass, plate glast, susokcl and v.iudow glass. By mail 25c. W. K. Potter &, Co.. <b ilenoit St., Montreal. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PortaWu or, heavy. Lathe Mills, sjlunglc MillB, Engines and toilers, Mill Supplies. Tha- E. Long Manuractnrine Co.. i-tU., West Street, Orillia, Ontario. When a large white caterpillar crawls over the maguey he had better beware that a Mexican does A REEL JOKE. It was the elder's day plate, and he was shaving at the l-imself not sec him, or else he will soon be J„.i„r to church time, when -e n ade cooking in a pot, for the^poor man ^^ alight cut with the razor on the extreme end of his nose. Calling who works in the field thinks that •uch a dish is a luxury. his wife, ho asked her if she had any court plaster. "You will find some in my sew- , ing-basket," she said. j At church, in assisting with the collection, he noticed everyone smile as he passed the plate. Very much annoyed, he asked one of his assistants if there was anything wrong with his api>earance. • "I Sihould say there was," «n- I swcred the assistant. "What is that ; ui'.on your nose !" i "Court plaster," was the replv. •'No," said the friend; "it is the label from a spool of cotton. It says. 'Warranted 200 yards.'" f*-.- .T (re. ».o,,ii. in o^•,t. w. L.. Toronto's dry dock will be i>.<il(.(i«i Drue aoLi chamioai Co., Toronto. Trst of its kiuu in Lanaua. the SAILOR'S DEFINITION. Teacherâ€" Freddy, what is a dro- medary '( Little Freddy â€" Please, teacher, a dromedary is a two-masted camel. REST AND HUITH TO MOTHER AKD CHILD. Mrs. WiNSMiw'H SodTiiiNo SvRt'p has been used tor over SIXfY YEARS bv MIX I,10NS of , MOTHKKS for their CHlLilKKN WHII.K I TEKTHING. with PKRHKCT SVCCESS. It I SOOTHKS the CHILD, MOHTE.NS the (UMS, I AI.I.AVSiill I'At.N : ClRi;S WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy lor DIARKIUKA. It is ab- 1 .*oUitclv liannless. He sure and ank for "Mrs. : Winsluw's Sootbing Syrup," anci^ke no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Housekeepers are stroifigly ad- vised to commence the use of Wil- son's Fly Pads early, because a few ilies killed in June would otherwise become a host by August. In order to rid ourselves of dry, lonesome monotony, it is necessary to have a personality and let it as- sort ittelf. Harker â€" "Doesn't Cuttem, the tailor, remind you of a d')Ctori" Parkerâ€" "I should say not. He re.-ninds me of that little bill I owe him every time we meet." A Cure for Rheumatism. â€" A pain- ful and persistent form of rheuma- tism is caused bv impurities in the blood, the result of defective ac- tion of the liver and kidneys. The blood becomes tainted by the in- tr iduction of uric acid, which caus- es much pain iiythe tissues and in the joints. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are known to have effected many remarkable cures, and their use is strongly recommended. A trial of them will convince an.yone of their value. There are pleasures, and occu- pations, and duties for each day of our lives, and we must do things to-day which are of to-day. K*«!> MInard't Liniment Inthi houM. For Burns and Scalds. â€" Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil will take the fire out of a burn or scald more rapidly than any other preparation. It should be at hand in every kit- chen so that it ma,v be available at any time. There is no jireparatlo.n required. Just apply the oil to the burn or scald and the pain will abate and in a short time cease al- together. "Oh, love," sighed the sentimen- tal lover, "I would these were the knightly days of old, that I might go forth and perforin some brave deed to pmve m.v love." "But so you may, George," interrupted the girl. ''Go fiirth and speak to fa- ther." If we spend to-day in struggle, '; and ambition, and selfishness, we I have spoiled it and it passe* into a .yesterday, the looking b.ick to ! which gives us no pleasure. ODDITIES OF ENGLISH WORDS There are in the English lan- guage but two words in which the five vowels occur in their alpha- betical order â€" abstemious and facetious. Abracadabra and diri- gibility are examples of the very few nords in which the same vjwel occurs five times in succession as the base of as many diiitinct syl- lables. Unintelligibility ha'> tie greatest number of tyliablcs in proportion to the number of letters. Straightforwardness ftnd great- granddaughter have tlM greatest number of letters in proportion to the number of syllable!. Minartf't Linlmwi mm« fey PhyaleianiL 1^U> ?• ISSli: -JT, U The boy of the family, the smart little son of an editor, had just passed his ninth birthday, and de- lighted in stirring things up when- ever he found a chance. On his way to school one day he popped into a confectioner's. "Say, mis- ter.' he called out, "do you keep fk'nJants !" "Oh, yes," replied the confectioner, "we've kept them for years." "Well," returned the boy, start'ng for the door, "just adver- tise in pa's i).aper, and then you won't ke?'^ the'n so long.'' Don't ignore the few house flics you see in June. Unless you com- mence using Wilson's Fly Pads early your house will be overrun by them in midsummer. Fredâ€" "D;d .vou know that Cap- tain Twibble had two left legs?" Uncle Ned â€""Nonsense !" Fred "But it's not nonsense. His right leg was left at Paardeberg, wasn't it? .And he has a left leg still, hasn't he?" TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated liyelids. Murine Doesn't Smartâ€" Souibes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Ltqutd, 25c, EOc, $1.00. Murine Kyo Salve in Aaepttc Tube.-s. 25c. 11.00. Eye Books kQd Eyo Advice Pree by Mall. • Murine ISye Remedy Co., Cbicago. When a man recognizes he has not the ability to make a name for himself on account of his brains, he resorts to dress in order to give him distinction. MInard's Liniment Lumbcrman'i Frltnil. NEW OPUIGHl' PIANOS, two hundred dollars, payable twenty doU.Ts cash with order and ten dollars monthly. Write Wholesale Department, The Leach Piano Co., Limited, Montreal. Cy A.NCEK. TUiiOBS. LUilPS. etc. In. / lernal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write u* before too late. Dr. liellman Medical Co.. Limited. Colliugwcod. Ont. •â- TO.V SCALE, Bpecipl price. Wilson'* O Scale Works. Esplanade. 'IVrnnto. OUE.N WANTED to taiic .rilers in spare time, no e.X]>ei-<ei!ce iieces* sary. Onr line? eypecialj.v used by mothers and uirls. Api'ly i>c;.t. .\, Erit- inh Canadian Indubtrinl Cumijany, 221' Albert St., Ottaw.-v. SPECIALLSTS ADVICE FilEi:. Consult U3 in regard to any dibciis;!. Lowest prices in druss 'o£ ail kinds. rrussos fitted by mail. .''end measure- ii^eni. Olc.nseii IIM tI by ace. w'rite to-day for anything wild in flr'^t-c;ii:i.4 drtiR- stores to Dr. r>ellir.an. Colli'igwood, Ont \\T E pay the express in O'ltiUio. Korty, » » 8 weeks Yoi-kanireu, rettislered. ten dollars eacli. Write for what y. u want. Thos. N. Havens & Son. AhUiore !' O . Ont. 'chenille ouhtains iinil all kintUt of ho' â- •' hunttinKP, in^o LflCe CORT?\INS â- '^ = ", ^ mV.v.*"** Wriw to ut n^•ut >'o»ir* tRrntHAMtRICAHOVIIHC CO . CoHSJ, MmtraM Kingston, Outarto. ARTS. EDUCKTIOM THEOLOGY, MEDiCIKE SCIEHCE. Inclucliija EHGinEERino. The Am course may he ttYm hy] [ correspondence, but snidenis cjesirinfl [to graduate must attend (.r« ^rssicn.' ARTS SUMMER SFj-SlOH )uly 3rd to A>;.^«i I 'in. For Calendtrj write the Regis;r»r, „ G Y. CHOWN. ^:ir.gs;-..r, Cntario] MEAT HELPS. To preserve beef steak . ad chops, saturate ii piece of th ,i »-. ..te cloth in white wine vineg-ir. I'iace meat j on a platter, firsi. wetti'ig pjatier ; with it little of the vuieg.ir, then 'spread cloth ove. meat. In this I wuy meat ca,n be kept witJiout ice I for two tiays, by n;o:xce:i.ng the I cloth with vinegar â- ivh..'u it begins 10 dry. The meat vvill not taste of I the vinegar. 'â- Confound these railway time- tables, ' snapped Mr. Stubb, as the long folder refused to remain closed long enough f'jr him to place it in his pocket. "They remind me or n woman." "The ideal" re- plied his wife, in surprise. "What is the comparisoiri" "Why they are hard to understand and you can't get them to shut up." "Pa," said Willie, "what does it me;»n to say a uiaii is 'one of Na- ture's noblemen';'' "'One of Xature's noblemen,' my son," re- pKed the old gentleman, with a sig- nificant look at his "better half, "iS H man wIm s niles w hen he gets iHimc ri'.liculou.s cheap gift for bis birtlK(.<iy and exclaims: 'How nice I J..3t wh,;t I Wttiilcdl' " Wife â€" "I came ii^ross a bundle ol lyour old K>ve-lettt rs to-day.'' Hus- band â€" "Did you read them over?" Wife -"Yes."' Husbaid - ".\nd what was the effect of that peru- sal i" Wife â€" "I wondered which was the bigger fool- you for writ- ing them, or I tor marryiiyg you after receiving them." aim b the bMC> remedy knows for timl»nni, iwat* raahM, eczema, sore ISeetn stings «n<l MUtmrs. A skin food ! JU Dni9fUI» awl Slort*.-l»t.