June 15 19H THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE a. i ' f.. F. G. KARSTEDT. - flesherton ont J WOOL WANTED!! We are prrparod to pay the hiuliest pikes foi al kinds of WOOL, washed niid unwadied. Though we ^ra not going on the iiwirket to buy. Owing to the luck of help, wo are willing to pay you all it ix worth, for either caith or trade by l)rin<iuir il to the store, as we do f.>r Butter and Kggs. This, we think, is the fairest plan, giving everybody the same price, not one imhii getting twice an much a.s neiiihbur, whii-h is indeed unfair. Field and Gardnen Seeds North Diikotu. white Flint, Croinpton's Early and Sweet Corns now in stock, also Rape, Sifiltz, Turnips, Mangles Sugar lieutN and all kinds of garden seeds. Building Hardw^are It is time those who intend to build either a house or l>arn was hxiking up his list of Hardware Ilequirements and Hubiuitiing them In us, in order that we can i|U<ite on them. By laying in large riuantities enables us tj do better for you thHi) otherwise. Wo can quote you the It we»t possible prices. Don't for«et to call before you sign coa- Iract. AIk, in Cement, The Canada Cement holds highest rewards for strenuth and durability. We have a car coming, if you are needing any, drop us a line and we will (|uote you. <. Straw Hats and Felts Uur asNortuieiit of both tliese hues are good. Fe'.t^ in blacks, browns, steel grays, and greens in all the latest styles. HUck, blue, bronze ureen christys, in all the latest blocks. These lines are good )>ayin.{ value*, running from 75c to $2.i'0. Now that we are sure of spring, it is the time for the straws. lioth in narrow and bro:kd rims, our assoriinent U large. See our fancy straws l>efore buyinz. Spring Over Coats These are a nece.H(8ity, owing to the cool evening air and also the h<:ivy rain falls. A Cravenet'e is just the thiug for ihi'i kind of weather, while not too heavy, they turn a lot of rain. They cannot be beat- en for .Spring and F.ill wear. We have thi*m at J7.50 to $12.00. Unvbrellas These are a noccs^ily. Nivor know when you are going to be caught in a rain storm. Buy one now and be prepared for the worst. Good Quality, Urge Semi- 8ilk Covers, with eitlier double orsinvle spring, with prices ran/iug from 60c to $1.75. House Cleaning Requirements Now is the time, if you have not already bouglit you Li^ce Curtains, Blinds, Curtain Pole', Oetons Carpets. Linoleums, Oilclothf. Come in and see our lines They are new and iip-to daie. BRIGHTEN T'P. Use a little Paint or Varnish. Martin-Senour Paims can not be beaten Flnor Paints a specialty, Paroid Roofing Acknowledged by all dealers and Manufacturers, honestly, that the Paroid Roofing is the best roofing on the marker. Owing to its lasting qualities, it has bectmie universal in its use, why nut buy an article ihitt you know gives satisfaction, as go stamblinit into buying something y->u have not already seen used and found to be m|1 that is required and more Coiled Spring Wire While it lists, we offer to the public the chance, unknown to other merchants, of buying first-class coiUd Spring Wire, for $2.50 per cwt. This Wire is no inferior grade, it is the best that can be bouiht. We stand behind the Wire. Beat it if you can ? $2.50 per cwt. *W -^ -^' M T> r ^*' "^ -^ â- ^^- -^^ "^ •^»â€" ^»^ "^ "^ -^.T^W .^ \^ .Afc .^ H^h. ^^ .^ .^ - ^ -^ -^fc .^ »- . ^. .Jkm. -Jl>s.,.-A. -A, JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Waggons AND Buggies V.'h h will >« sold at prices that can Not J e B»»t considering style and quality, •U . k full Iii.e f.f tillage. Harvesting â- uic'jines and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, tot >le Outfits, Hay Fork*, Ropes and â- carriers. Now is the the time to get r'-idy. A call Holicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON Got Father Morriscy's "No. 10" Just Id Time To Saie His Life. Mr. Aylward's letter tells the story : Campbellton, N.B., Feb. 5, 1909. Father Morriscy Med. Co. , During the winter of 1907, while travelling on the Gasp6 Coast, I contracted a severe Cold which settled upon my lungs. After I returned home I wrote to Father Morriscy explaining my case. I received a letter from him with a prescription for his medicine, which could not be filled at the time here. After one week's delay I received it, just in the nick of time to save my life. After one month's use I felt like a new man. Yours truly, Jno. Aylward. There is not much time to lose when a cold settles on the lungs. Pneumonia kills within a week. With Father Morriscy's "No. 10" at hand, you don't even have to wait for adoctor. "No. 10" cures all throat and lung troubles. It is a reals Lung Tonic, and fortifies against future attacks. Trial bottle 25c. Regular size 50C, at your dealer's, or from Father Morriscy Medicine Co. Ltd., Montreal, Que. 63 BUTCHER SHOP 1 ' ave opened up a butcher 8hop the oi I stand, Ceylon, and carry a full I V â- [ freh stock of fresh and cured | I • ats, I ' ics purchaseil . â€" Terms cash. , J.M.ENGLISH, CEYLON i5jly CANADIAN K HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO MaRito^a, Saskatchewan, AlJerta FRESH FISH Fresh Salmon Trout - l^clb. Fresh White Fish • - Mcib. Lake Erie Herring - 25c doz. -v^i Special Train. Uive Torojto 2 00 p.m. on APRIl 4, 18 MAY 1, 1«. SO JUNE n. Jr JULY 11, 24 »ua. 8, M SEPT. 6, 19 Second ckn licktu (rnm Onuno il.lioll. to nci.cipil Northwf.1 point, at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg and relurn $33.00; EdmonleMi and Ic'urn $41.00. and lo uhet poinu in pfoportion. I ickeU cood lo return wilhin 60 day. (icm Boinj dal*. TO'JRIST SLEEPING CARS o* all eirur«ona. ComfortaUe berth.. (uUy equipped w«h bedding, cin kl Kcured al nioderale rale, through local agent. H^rly a'>p!ication muit be rnit*^ ASK fCR HOMESIETRS' PAMPMLCT LjAlaioing latei aitj lull uiforinatio> . Apply to ..earertC.P.rt. Agent .f tot*. L. 1 hompaoa. Dial. PaM. Agt.. lomnto. ONLY OmECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS Honor RoHs Report of S. S. No. 7, Aiteiuesia, for tiie month of Vlay, 1911 : I 8r. 4â€" L. McPhail, C. GilcbriU, C. ! McMillan. Jr. 4 - L. Muir, W. Williamson, R. Williamson. ."i-R. Diiigwal, W. Pirslow, D. Mc- Millan. Sr. 2-B Meads, E. Oilchribt. J. McLean. Jr. 2- E Muir. Part 2â€" .\. Gilchiist. S. McLean. Sr. 1â€" Allie Parslow, R. Muir, B. Walters, S. Wliyte. 1 aâ€" J. Dow. 1 bâ€" A. Do»-, M. Gijchriat. Jr. 1â€" W. McLean, G. Oliver. W. Mc- Kenzie, O. Lliver, O. Dow, F. White, M Dow. Average attendance 27. â€" L. M. Alucorn, Teacher. Rrpoit for May, Sr. Ro ni, Flesherton P. S. 4â€" Muriel McTavish, Maud Boyd, Valeria Stafford, Irene Uaudin. Sr. 3 -Elda Karstedt, Florence Bunt, Leotie Thompson, Elmer Wrialit. Jr. 3 - Percy LeGard, Alrcd McLeod, Wilfred Watson, Aleda Mitchell. Prijuky DkI'.\KTMI!NT Part 1â€" Ethel Field*, Uarry LeGard, Ernest Uivi*, Ueriha Smith. Primary A Burt McLeod, Gladys Lever, \\ lifted Lever, Ruby Lever. B. â€" Mamie McTavlah, Cecil Mc- Tavish, Olive Matheson, Vada Wilson. Câ€" Janiio Wright, Ivan Wurtz, J Harold Be lamy, Lome Uobinsun. THE« f Icsdcrton !^duaiice .\n indeiwndent new.'tpaiier, piihliahed every "Tliuraday at tli» office, Collinffwood Street, Flesherton. Subscription price SI per annum, wh>-ii |>ai<l in advance; Sl.'iO wlitsn not wt paid. ArlvertiatUK rates on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. W. H. Thurston - Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVpR- PRINCIPLE8. NOT MEN WHEAT There are probably tome who think Canada, with her vast arean of the west, produce.s more wheat than any country in the world. As a matter of fact she coAei very low in the pcale As a coinpaiison, for instance, on a basis of lOOO parts fur the world, the Ui.ited States pioducos 207.3, while Canadn only produces .'53.9. Nine other countries produce mere than Canada, making ua tenth in the scale. These tijjurea are on the basis of 1909, when the yield was something like l.'iO millions. We are creep'ng up, however, and with prtaent prospects ought to taken position c insideralily higher. Ex- perts are already liKuriog on the western crop reacbing the 3*XI million mark. In production of given area we stand considerably higher, or in the sixth, place, with the United States tenth showing our great fertility of soil and suitability ,of climate as compared with other countiies. When the great West is fully settled there will be a muuh different story to tell. Canada will iheu take her place al or near the head. S. Rand, Agent, Ceylon Report for May, S S No 4, Arteinesia : Sr 4â€" M Heard. L Stinsou- Sr 3â€" Marcus Heard, E Steveim, L Wyvillo. Jr3 -M Wyvill, M KichoUs, I Nich- olls, Mabel NicholLs and L Nichols equal. Sr 2â€"1 .Stinstin, Ros?! Stevens, L Love K Scott, L Lockhart, W H.aid. Pi 2â€" E Slillaoll^ R .Stevetis, W Nixon P Scott, () Lockhiirt, S Lut'low. Sr 1 (c)â€" Vi.ilei Miners L Nichi.Us. Jr 1 (h) Marjory Nicliolla, S Achesou G WyviUe, (H)--Edith Stinson, A Little. Average attendance 28. â€" L. B. W.vi.KKR, Teacher. LOAVES AND FISHES A despatch from Ottawa says that tlie whole civil service ia in blue funk becauie orders have been issued that all holidays must l>e over by July 18, when parlia- ment rcascembles, and that as the Con- servative party is the cause of this condi- tion of affairs it is likely to turn the civil service vote against that party. Can it be possible that our civil service is made up of that kind of patriotic citizens â€" men who vote on personal grounds, without any thojght fur the larger questions which are agitating the country ? We would hope not. We would hope that ti.e despatch was sent out with sinister de.signs, and that it traduces the character of ^ claa.s of gentlemen who are not al- together given over to the worship of the loaves and tinhes. It it is a fact, there should be a readjust meat of t!.e clerk- ships at the capital. w SEAS FURNITURE The largest and best Htock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction, ome and aeo some of nice things in Hide Boards, Dining R<K)m Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, JOHN HcPHAIL Price ville AGENT FOR Frost A Wood Implements, Fleury and Perrin Plows, Tudhope Wagons and Carriages, Melotte Cream Separator, Singer Sewing Machines, Organs and Piano* on easy terms. 15Dec Ly the death of Cuuuty Jmlge Hattoa, wUich occnrred in (J wen Soand last veek, the position of Couuty Judge is now vacant, and there is cousiderablespectilatiou as to who will be the possible successor. The only name we liave heard meutiooed is that of W. H. Wright, who is probably the best qualified of local men. It is jnst possible, however, though hard!}' probable, that an out- sider will^et the appoiuttaent. Tlia United Stales government has certaiuly shown wisdom in deciding not to further increase their naval squadron on the great lakep, as ap- uouDced from the Navy Department on Friday last. This action is taken through fear that Canada may protest so strongly that no training ships whatever will be allowed ou the lakes. It is thought bbtter to retain the bird already iu hand. Away up in Nortiiern Ontario there is a township named Nesbitt â€" at least it was there when the last govern- ment map was made. Perhaps it is not theie now, but if it is, it shouldn't be. Wedou't want the name per- petuated. Uive it to the Mexicans. garding the opening of 30lh sideroad, coos. 1 and 2 S.D.R ; F. Irish, asses- sor, accuUDt 94.75 for eijualizing U.S.S. A, M and U ; deputation of R. Cuutti and Wm. Rowley, asking fur improve- ment on40th sideroad, con. 3 S.D.R; notice of obstruction to the street in Singhamptou owing to Brown's shed fall- ing down ; Municipal WoiW., account 60o for supplies ; J. A. Kernahan, treasurer, account $2.20, expense for exchange of che<iues with county treasurer ; Dr A H. McFadden, account $8.disinfecting house ol John Arnott. Orders were issued on the treasuier to pay Henry Heitman 95, clerk's postage ; Thomas Scott to, service as returnini{ ofhcer filling vacancy in Council ; F. Irish 975, salary as a8fea!>or; Mrs. A. E. McCallum 97.50, amount due the late A. E. McCallum for service ; F. Irish 94.75, for equaliziig U.S S. A, M. and O ; The members of Council, includ- ing the Clerk and assessor, 92.50 each for service on Assessment committee ; James Elliott and John Gordon 960 each, salary as collectors ; Municipal World 60c Dupplies; J. A. Keinahin 92.20, ex- change on cheques. An additional sum of 9150 was appro- pria/ted to each of the five road commis- sioners' divisions, thus mrjkiiig 9,*500 to each, A special grant was given to the improveiueot of 40th aideroad, con. 3 S. D.R., of 950, with the underataoding that commissioners of divisions No 1 and 5 would fpend some of their appropria- tion there also. James Gordon was awarded the con- tract for making tile on the same terms as Itist year. Bylaw No 548. appointing A. N. Bi'uwnrid^e road cotnmiasioner ; Bylaw No. 549, Ukiug lots 12 and 13 m Con 8 and y from S S No .5, and attaching them to S S No 9, also taking lots 24 and 25, Con 9, from S S No 7, and attaching them to S S No 8 ; Bylaw No. 550, estab- lishing a local municipal telephone sys- tem in Osprey, were each read the neces- sary number of times and passed in committee. Council adjourned to meet at Smg- hampton on Saturday, July 18, nex'. â€" THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. of her niece, Nellie Carleton. Mr. John Chislittis visiting friends at BuneMsn. &Irs. J. L. Wucd visited friends in Dutidiilk fur a week. Mr. and Mrs. Jadlev were called away Inst week to attend the funeral of the former's brother, Jackson Radley, Balti- more, Ontario. Mr. U. Tucker is still very poorly, and is nut improving at fast aa hia friends would like to see. Mr. James Sproat pent a week at hia on Fred's in Durham recently. Miss Gertha McPhail visited her sis- ter, Agnes, at Burgoyne for two weeks but is now home again. WTiooping coujfh u not danserou.t when the cough 19 kept loose ande.xpectoratiim easy by givini^ Chamberlains Cough Rem- "^^L- ^''j^'" ***" """"^ '° '»anv epidetuii.'a " . u ti'**.'^...*i'"> I'^ff"*'' auccesa. Fur sale by >V. h. Kichardson A Son Ceylon Mis. R. Cook is home from Toronto for a real. Her daughter, Mrs. Cuahine, is somewhat better. Mrs. Rands from Shelburne visited at her son's here last week for a few days. Mr. 8argeiit_ is home and is pleased with the result of the operation oo bis toe. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Konold from Salt Lake city, are viaiting friends at Ceylou, Durham and other places. Mrs. K.>noM is a cousin to the postmaster here. Mrs. Jss. Sproat is home from Gtand Valley, where she attended the wedding Kimbeiiey Plenty of rain these days. Crops ate looking fine. A number from here attended the circus in Colliugwuod on Wednesday of lass week and report the uiual good time. The Women's Institute meetings held here on Wednesday afternoon of last week were well attended. Miss Gilholm was the principal speaker at both meet- injfs and imparted much valuable in- formation at both meetinics. Mr. John Plewes, one of our enter- prising citizens has purchased a farm near Collingwood. For first-cUss accommodation, for man and beast, go to the Travellers' Home. Mr. Oliver Irwin is the new •nanager. Mr. and Mrs. George Gorley of East Mountain spent Sunday last the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill. Mr. and Mrs. EJ. Holley and family of Meafurd spent Sunday last the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holley. Quite a number from here .attended the annual meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' and Women's Institutes held at Vande- leur on Tuesday of last week. Mr. J.R. Fawcett was re-elected President of the Farmers' Institute, while Mrs. W. T. E'.Us was elected President of the Wo- men's Institute. Both are residents of this neighborhood. Congratulations. Mr. Georue Hutchinson represented Euphrasia circuit as lay delegate to the Methodist conference held in Toronto last week. Reciprocity seems to be the chief topic now under discussion throughout Ciiuada and of course, as usual, the party papers such as the Globe and Mail-Empire, are tryinK hard to switch everyone into line to their one-sided views regardioK the matter. Our advice is to read what every paper has to say and then draw your own unbiased conclusions. There ia one ntedicine that evet7 family fhou'd be provi'leil with and eai^cially dur- ing the sutunKfr months, viz. Cbauiberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Renxedy. It i« almost certain to t» needed. It costs but a quarter. Can you atfoixl to be without it. For sale by W. K. Richard»on * Son. Milton Baker, a Hamilton Spiritualist, committed suicide by taking poison. Report of S 8 No 17. Artemesia, for May : 4th Classâ€" Wessie Smith. Sr 3â€" Herbie Betta, Bertha White. Jr 3â€" Lome Atkinson, Aitie Porteous, Violet Smith. 2nd Class- Frank Bettd, Pearl For. teous, Sarah White, C Stafford, I Smith. Part 2- Lily Fisher, Bertie Porteous. Sr l-Lily Parks. Jr 1 -Laurie Smith. Jr 1 a~Janet Black, David Black, E Betts, Clayton Betts, H.kzel Porteous, - J, M. Smith, Teacher, ovkh es years' CXPKRIKNCC Traok Mark* DntaNS CopvRiaHTa Ao. AnTOne sending a eketoli and dMorlptlon may .^ ... .. ,j|..^ ( SB Muiin in ttu^i maHifU, witbont obano, Ib the imlok'lf aaoartaln our oi>lnlon fraa waathar an luraiitlon la probablr paieiltabhk " lions strtctir conlldaiitlnl. IMNDBuC s«nt (re* Oldest aaencr for aeovrluaiMtei ratenta taken tnruush Munn A Uk ivoelva 'omiDunlo* onPatanta Scientific Jliiiericdit A hjuMUooMlr UlintTftt«d WMklT' lAr«Ml cl^ enUtton of »nT •«4«at(flo journal. Tttnna for Cftiuda, ia.1t ft 7«M. poftUse pnpaM. Bold V, ftU ntwiltiftltii "!!!fflS&r;S!tl-,!!!!!!l«.rt Osprey Council The members of the Osprey Council met at Maxwull on Saturday, May 27, last, as a Court of Revision. Mr. A. N. Brownridjje having teen elected to fill the lauancy in the Council caused by the death of A. E. McCallum, filed the statu- tory declaration with the Clerk ana took his seat. There were only two appeals against the value of the assessment, viz . John Banneiiuan appealed again>t hit property, lot 31, con. 12 ; lot 32, con. 11, and lot 32, con. 13, being assessed too high. The Court sustained the valuation set by the a*ses.sor. The other case of appeal was John Tyson, lot 18, con. 14, as being assessed loo hi^h. The Court reduced this asteaimeut from 923U0 to 92100. A number of names Were added to the assessment roll by parties inter- ested, and some changes were made re- garding the asseasment of dogs, which completed the work of the Court of Re- vision. The Council proceeded to general business, all the members being present. Minu*ea of laH meeting wore read and adopted. Communications, accounts, etc., were read from Henry Heitman, account $5, clerk's postage ; Dr, W. C. Hyckmaii, a.skiug to have a ttuwit officer appointed for the towoahip ; W. H. Wright, aolioitor for A. L. Smith, re- il^^ iil^>a/v«^NM^ Na va'sa.>v.>sa.-\m>sa^v.>Na^v « s«^VN»-va- arNa-Na'va/;A:;A- J. andW. BOYD merchants % Flesherton « Ontario % Wool Wool Wool We are in the market again for wool. Highest prices in Cash or Produce. Ready-made Clothing Men's Keady made Suits; the Celebrated Progress Brand in a class by itself for make and fit, at prices from $10 to ^ I 8.00 A range of Men's a Special at 6.95 Boys' Suits Boys' Suits, in two and three piece Suits, in filoomer or Pant, a large range to choose from. I Childs and Girls Ready-Made Dresses We have put in stock a big rangti of Girls and Misses, some very neat designs and colors guaran- teed. Prices from 1.00 to $1.75 White Lawn Waists, some very special value from 1.00 to 2.25 White Repp Skirts, very neat and Dressy at 2.0« tW^" " " "^''^^^^^'IWRJlWlfTWRjIWlWRflwIWF