May 18 1911 T HE F I. E S H E 1{ T O N A I) V A N C E ,, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^,^ ^ ^ ^- ^ ^- „ ^ ^ -^'y.^^'^^ ^'wXi^- "*' "^ ^^ â- ''^"^/ 1^.. iTT- "^-.'^ -^^ ."^ '^. '•' "*â- . "T"" "^ "^^ F'. G. KARSTEDT, • flesherton ont WOOL WANTED!! We ii'o i>n ii.i'id ii> I'ii.v I lie 1 lul lâ- ^l ] i if is fiir ill kiiicls of \\ ()( >L, wuslitil :md utiwiii-Iii-il. 'rii(.iij;Ii wn iM not guinj; (III lli« iivirket tii liny. Owing ti- the lifk nf help, wu me williii;; l« (»\y ycu all it in worth, for t'iili^,r ca^h or timlo by liriii'.'ini/ it !ii the ,-l<iif, tt» we (111 far ItuHer Hiiil Ki!K«. Tliii, we iliiiik, is tlm fijtUKt' piaii, ','ivini' fvi'iyliiKly ilif sHtii" prici', not olio iiiiiii <,'e'tliii» twice hk iiiucli us noi.'lilioi-, which is iiidi-t-d unfair. Field and Gardnen Seeds ^1 THE- North U.ikotii. whi'e Kliiit, i," .iupliii s Kiily •iiid Swf't ('iini'i mha in slock, iils j Su^ar Uoel.s un<l all kiiiils uf '.jiiiileii Heid->. Uipi', S.tiliz, 'l'uriii()S, Manglis Building Hardware It ih tune ilmse who inli'iiil to liiiild litluT .iliniise i r Iturii was li.i.kiii:^ up Ijis li«t of HiiiJwari' Ili<quireinoiits .iini htihiiii'iine iheiii t'> us, in order that we can c|ii"le on iheni. ]!y laying in hir^'u (|u:iMtiliiK oniihli's un t.) do letter for you than olhorwiic Wu can i)iiote you tli« h W'^«t poKsihie |)r<co«. Don't foiuet to call liffore you sij,'ii con- tract. Aiw, in CeniiMit, The Caiiiida t'enieiil liolds hij^hest rewards for Ktreiii;tli and <lural>iliiy. Wf have a car coinios, if ymi ar<! Ufcdiiiv; any, drop us a line and we «ill qiinte you. StrawHats and Felts Our lUisoilintnt »f lx>th these lino.s are ({ood. Kelt.s in lilai:ks. hrowna, Hieel gmys, and i;reena in nil the latest btyles. BUck, llue, bronze green christys, in ;dl the latest bluck.s. Those lines are good paying valuer, runnin<{ from 75c to ?2.ri0. Nciiv that w^; ar.' siiii- of sprini;, it is the time for IJ.iih 111 narrow u'ld liioad rim.i, our See our fniR'V straws heforo ISSririo.oS House Cleaning Requirements Now is the time, if you liiive not already bouj^ht you Lace Curtains, lilinds. Curtain I'olos, Oetons Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths', ('nine in and si'o our lines They are new and np-toda'e. HKlGilTEN I'l'. Use u little Paint or Varnish. MartiiiSenour P.iiiiiK can not lie lieaten Kl.'or Paints a specisltv. Spring 6v<^F CoaSs . ^^f?^^ , P^?!?^,^ Tlii'se all' a in'CSffi' y, owinj; to the coul I'vriiini,' air anda'sotlie hi avy rain falls. A Craveiiflie is just the thini; tor thii kind of weather, while not too heavy, they turn a lot of rain. They cannot he heat- en for Spriii;; and Fall wear. We have llieui at i?7."il) to f 1-2.00. Umbrellas These are a in is-,ily. .Ni ver kiioi wlii-n ycu are •^oin'i to lie rnulit in a rain stonn. liny one imw and Im' prepared for tiie worst. (Jood <,>iiality, larije Semi- Silk Covers, with either doulile orsiiiale spriii;^, with (iicis lani'iti'.; from (JiJo to JI.V."). \ ,koowUih.;eil hy all d<!alei'H and Manufacturers, hooe.tly, that the Par oid Hoipfini; i( the best roofiiiK l.e,-!^"^r^l;::.«./^-i';ji''''t^l;''*''''"'l';'il'ties, it ha. th„l yo. know ;i'v;"^!^/^?:j„:hy not .,uy an lu-tole lmyin« «ome,lnno y .„ have not"AM;''i-;;''^-^ '';';; found 111 he iilMhat IS r.M|UiI(il .and mora Coiled Spring Wire While i' lists, AC oir.-r to ihe pu'dic the cliance, uiikicovn to other inetohants, of huyino lirst-ulass coil, il S|)riiii; Wire, foi- .92.50 per cwl. This Win? ii Do infeiior i;iade, it is thd bust thai cm be bought. \^e stand behind the Wire, li.-iit it if you cm '. ^â- 2.:>n' , ,â- :â- ,At. ^1 ^i 'i. I I I P ,1 t i 1 V â- I I \ii independent new.siiaper, publiiihed every TimrHday at the ottiee, Colliii({wiKid Street, I'le.slierton. Siihscription price 81 |»eranirain, ivlii-a paid in advance; ?1..">>) wlitii not so luiid. .-Vdvertisintf rates on application. tMrcidation I.IUO weekly. W. II. -rhur«tiSn - Editoi- TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE LIVE STOCK INDUSTRY TJuriiii; the [iiesent .-eisioi, of the lui- pirial Pailiainent our rtpresentatiie. Dr. Spfoulc, in a vig.irous speech cadcd at- tention of the Guvcrninunl to the steady decline uf the live .stock industry in Can- iula during the past ten years. The li'^urcs he yives of our exports, both in iiunibt IS of animals and their value, are somewhat startliuj^. A decrease of tifiy thousand cutile iu 191U as compared with the year 1900, and this dtcrea>!e steadily yoing on every year for the past ten or eleven years, is alarming in an agricul- tural country like ours. The decrease in U'uney values even in face of enhanced prices, is from three to four millions per annum. The decline from To Revise the Calendar Queer Chinese Headdres*. The female headdress is carried in â- i some countries to singular extrava- It is to he hoped that the movement g^nce. The Chinese beauty carries on started by the Swiss Government fot : her head the figure of a certain bird. ... ,1 -n f ^i,h This is composed of copper or of gold, revising the calendar will meet wuhj ^^'J^^Jij^g (^ the rank of the ner.son. Eoneral approval and bo put into effect, j .j'i,g ^ings spread out and fall over Sew Year's day shall not be the tiistday nose; the neck is fastened to the body of January, but shall st.nd by its.lf, no, I of Jhe artihcial _a„i.naM>y a ^spring counting as a day of the week, month ur | iry^^bie at tlie slishtest motion. (juMter. This leaves for the rest of ihej number yosr 3C4 days, »hich I divides ex^ctlv into four equal quartersj ^^^ ^M.";«^ ^"ctessive'htSkan hab- of 01 days each and into 52 weeks of "[jtations ur.earthed In Asia show how days each. Eich (juarter would contain | ^^^ advanced from ptrimeral savagery 13 weeks, 2 months of 30 diys each and to the pomp of Babylon and Nineveh. or.e of 31 If the change were made io 1912 any given date would hereafter fa'l on the saiao day of the week. Easter Sunday would always fall on April 14 and Christinas day would always come First he Improved the caves In which he dwelt by leveling the floors and cut- ting windows to give him light After- ward ho constructed entirely artificial habitations for himself, at first rough- ly made tents of boughs and leaves. on Monday. But what about the odd | tjjgn huts of mud and finally dwellings day in leap year' The proposal is that | of wood and stone, this loose day should in every fourth Spiteful. "Tea," said the engaged girl, "IMck U very methodical. He gives me one kiss when he comes and two when he goes away." "That's always been his way," re- turned her dearest friend. "I've heard -A. -A. -^ -^ -A> .#...*--*. JUST ARRIVED court of Revision, 1911 Inspector Burgess on schools AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . year, stand by itielf and be known as Leap Year inserted between June and July, but not counting in the week, products has gone from over $17,000,0001 n,„nth or quarter. This day would be a in 1903 to les-, than $10,000,000 in 1910. | i,a„k holiday, and, coming immediately The sheep industry is in even worse ( before Domini n day, would, in eveiy cvjndition than that of cattle and swine. ! fourth year, enlarge the scope of thatj lata of girls comment on It" Comparisons are made between our couii- \ national festival. A bill embodying these | Thus it happens that they cease tO try and other British colonies, Australia i proposals is before the British House of speaK to c . ami Nuw Zealand, also the Argentine re- ' Commons. A simpliticd calendar would public, .showing how small our product ; greatly convenience mankind. At y comparing our area of territory wiih printed calendar would answer for any or every year. A date would be a fixe i date, and the human mind would be releused fiom one of its vexing and un- ending worries.â€" Toronto Star Weekly. Waggons AND The tiist sit' iiig of I he Court of Revision Oil the Asses-'iiK'iil oi 11)11, township of Arleinesii, will be held a' the town Imll. Flesherton, on Saturday tlm third day of June, lilll, at II o'clock a. in. All persons having busini!s< at the slid court, will lake imtic-!. V\. J. liKLLAMY, Clerk. Dated, May 17, 1911. of Wi'.'.t (!r<^y in miity Council last would tliiiik our swept (.lice a day I .Sick hi'adache re.<iiIt.H from a d'norderel { condition of the i>toii acli, and inn In' ciireil 1 by the line of Chn.nbi-rlaiii's Stoinai-h and LiM-r Tnlilrtn. Try it. For sale l.y \V. K. «*Co Kirhaiditon A Son. i Which will be sold at prices that can Not The wHter in lake Ontario is leported ideven «nd a half iiuhes lower than at Buggi Be Haat. considering ttyle and quality, also a full line i.f tillage, Harvohting iiiichines and Wind Mills, Fence Wire, | Stible Outfits, Hay Korku, Hopes and | carriers. Now is the the tiiiiu to get ^ ready. .\ call sdicited. Satisfaction! yiiiiraiit-ed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON the ciiri(is|iondiiig peiio I lasr yeai. BUTCHER SHOP I liavo opened up a butcher shop tliej old slaiid, Ccyloii. and cany a full! «iid fioli stock of ficsii and cured meats, i Hides ptircliaseil . â€" Terms casli. | J.M.ENGLISH. CEYLON l.-.jly HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS i i| ro Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alierta Siwvial Ttftin» lc*v« Torojio 2 00 p.m. t.o I nw,i 4. 19 MAY 2. 16, 30 JUJit 13. 5-7 I JJLY 11.25 AUG. C. 22 SEPT. fc. 19 S-i^ond c\'A tlcVeU fmrn OiiUrio it»lioni Io r.ri..c;pii ^lJlthw. tl (K-inti at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES V. in-tipfj f-rj rel'lfn $33 00; tiiinonton nitJ le'-urn ii:.iA>. 1.11" to oih*-! ro-nti in piftprlM*". 1 iv.l.cU t; y-A Xj iMnrn \*ni.;n fiO cUyt Urm \i'Mv: d.»lr. TOURiST SLEEPING CAi^S fv II citrdtu^ni. Crm^iMjlV U«l<». tiiliv r<iuipt>ed i w.'b U- Wi.ig. "a U wf uircl St n»odcut« i*.:et throuun t\ T.»ily .ipJica'.ion muit bo made A">n ron Hovir8"e"*Fn9' pamfmict At'i-'y (0 •*-•'•* CRK. Ageni . t -â- i« L. ^ hompif.n. Uill. I'iiU. AkI , I uioillo. oiiLY Din:::! line no chance c? c.ns S. Rand, A){ent, Ceylon FRESH FISH l-resh Salmon Trout iTesh While Fish - Lake iirie Herrinti - - 1 2c lb. â- llcib. 25c doz. iju. These prices will prrtviil at my home only, as thu narrow mar- (jrin wnl not permit peddling. H. RADLEV, FLKSHHRTON SEASONABLE IN FURNITURE The larj/ehl and best Rtock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This withoulfear of con- tradiction. OHIO and aee some of nico things in (Side Hoarda, Dining Itooni Chaira, Parlor Setts, lied Uooin Sottii. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- iluco tho stiH-'k. . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton GOODS Publish My Letter^ The World Over The Words of Harold P. Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline." 'Three years ago T dlscovfrcd that a ni.Tii subject to luinbaBo inl«lit just aa .veil be diad 118 nllvo." 'I'hesi' words ipen the sincere, straightforward letter )f II. p. Bushy, a will-knovvn man In the plumblMB nnd tinsinithing busl- neas In Portland. "One attack came after another, nnd lumbago got to be a chronic thing with me. 1 could scarcely get In a day's work biforc that knifing, cruel pain uould .-ittark Til y back. I used a gal- lon of liniments; not one of them seemed penetratlns enough to get at tho core of the pain. I read In ,1 the Montreal Wlt- ri< ss about Nirviline, and got five bot- tle .^. It Is a wonderful niedUlne â€" I lould feel lis soothing paln-relloving aitlon every lime it wns applied. When I got the disease under control with Ni-rvlllne. I built up my strength and fortified my blood by taking lAr- rozone at moala- This treatment cured me permanently, and I urge everyone to give up the thick, white, oily llnlminta tliey arc using, and try an up-to-tlato. penetrating, paln-de- stroyir like Nerviline. "I'leaso publish my letter the world over. I want nil to hear of Nerviline." 13on't 1)0 cajoled Into receiving any- thing from your ilealcr but "NervUlne." Large bottles nOr-. trial sIbc. 250. Sold everywhere or The Catarrhozoiie Co-, Kinsaton, (.in;. liispectur Huri^ess his lepoit. to til.- C' .laiiuiry siys We , homes badly kept if ;;iid scrnbliid only oii; e a ye-.r. Then why should our cliiUlreii spend the iiu- lircsioiiable yi-ars of tluir life for j tive-.seveiillis of thf time in conditions I that no g'lod housewife wmild .G.'ntlenieii, I Imve fonie schools swept Uwo and three times a week, and scriili- i bed once in two or three yetrs. Oc- canionally we hear of teachers detaining I a child at recces. Thisisilio time that I the scho.ilrooin should be thoroughly Hushed with air. 'I'lie 'ecesj is mt a priiilcuo of »liicli a child may be de- prived for lud C'lndiic, but a time to lut the lo'iii and the cliiUl yet the nece.-^aly fi-hh air. Tiio ideal is a ".Sound niiiid iu a (xuiid body.' In .soiiie It Would le a good step to have a »»nitaiy inspiciion of schooU. We I have health inspection of fac'orits ] Which ate the more important, the ichecjie or the growing children I Th.f ficliooU are our centres i.f culture and ) must hare the Mippoit of evt^y citizen, whelluT lie ."ends i^hildren to school or nut. Kreipienlly I have heard men say "I pay taxes Biid 1 send no children t.i sclioid". Kducttioii is a piotection t.i pri'p'rty. lllla^ine how a man's prop- erty, and the uein'.orliood in which he livc» would depicciate if tlure were no schools, and the intflleclual life of ihr place were not sliiiiulatcd. A good .sch- ol Well built, well kept, and tinished in good last', is an educaiivn fo.ce in itself that caim' t he estimated in the life of the cliildrcn tliit are f .rtunatu enough toppeiid their school years within its walls. A girl trained in .lUchTi ^cliool will iirvfir bo s.itistied with untidy »ur- rouidiiijs, or an tiohyuenic home. It means belter homes, better iiioii, belter Women, letter citiz. ns. their products Hud area. Tho Doctoi address is timely and most interesting, but in the»e comparisons he lenves out any notice of difference ia climatic c ui- diliuns The live to six months cf winter has been our greatest ditiiculty to con- tend with in stock raising. In "Jntario cunditions in this respect are rapidly chan^ini;. Many of our fanners with laii^e clearances and crop area can aiii do produce nnre winter feed than they can get cittle pasturage for suinuier. This opens another <iuestion we may have something to say on in our next i.ssue. Palmerston is to have an automob .'• factory, the town hiving carried a b\ - law to raise ten thousand dollars for purpose. A rural free delivery mail route h.s been established between Shelburne and Keldua. tbo Fed In With the Argument "The leading question," said colonel, "is the financial one." "Right," replied the major, "and I was Just about to ask you to add $5 to that $10 I borrowed from you yes- terday."â€" Uncle Remus' Magazine. "The easiest thing I know of," says the philosopher of folly, "la to txglll to Bare up some money next montb.'^ â€"Cleveland Leadec _ i Mr. J. M. Wilson, a mi lionaire wine merchint of Montreal, has been called to thtf .Senate at Ottawa in the place of the late Senator Foimt. ^â- -•N* Ir^ Wales is reported to a^ain bo " stirred by a wouderfal leiigious \ ' revival conducted by the well ktiowti , ' evangelists. Hev. Dr. Chapman aud ' ' Mr. Alexander. | ! } ; The United Slates potdal service! • department which two years ago Imd a deliait of over seventeen i uiiUioii dollars expects at the end' ol the present fiscal year to show a ' surplus, the tii st in twenty-tight ' years. I I Great Britain's Indian opium trade ] forced upon Ciiiiia, which lias long ; been a disgrace to the eiupiro and has liaiupened the work of Mission- aries, is liiiely soon to be cut off. IJetween the Indian (iovtrnmeiit and j China negotiations have lor some | time been under way which it is ex- pected will result in the exliuction ofj the trade within two years. J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesherton « Ontario Now Is The Time For Hoii.=-iclcaning andrenovatint;. See our stock of Carpets and IIo^l^elâ- lln)ishiuss. Carpets in Lrussel?, 'I'apestry, Wools, Unions, at prices from 15c to SI. 35. iiUGSâ€" A sou • bte range of Rags, wiili a big assoitmont of patterns, sizes from 2J x 3 to 3J x 4J, price from $S to 820. Linoleums, UilclotLis, ilattings. Curtains, etc. See our tlirce-yaid Cnrtaius at (JO cents. ^r^i "•'TiNTro,. re i«o9 T>KTTICOAT LETTER NO- 4311 Mr. ,and Mis. Frank McMillan, a f.uiiier mill Wa vi'.U\ who lived near Nor- wood, nut instant death on Friday last, when struck by a C. P. R, frBinht train it a level crossing over which they were driving, on their way Inmi. The Chinese Empire has awakened to the advanlagps of new civilization She is to have a respiiisible cabinet modelled on wesiern lines, and I'rince Chiiig is named for the lirst Prime A/iuistrr of the Celestial Kingdom. It I. as now been decided that Sir Wil- frid Lauricr shall attend llio coronation and Imperial Urmforoncc .soon to be held in London. Sir Wilfred with other mem- bers of iho (loverniiient, ei))ect to sail on Friday. Hon Mr. Fielding will lead the whch will pioliahly ndjmru about May 23rd to again meet in the Utter part of July when the discussion on reciprociiy will bo continued. 'llie Methodist Bo'ik Committee has for some time boon considering the ap- pointment of an assistant editor fiT the Chriau III Guardian, v/ho would reside in VVinnipog, but instead the committee has now decided that in each of the four conferences, one minister shall ho elected to be responsible for the chuich and editorial matter of his frreiicri. School Children's Eyes, Scs the ntew KAYBROTAF Underskirt Maui'fac'tured by McKay Bros., Toronto. The fabric i.s tiie very latest dftvelopement of the treatment of Cotton Tafl'etta. Its tinish is absolutely permanent and every oarmetit is guaranteed to ivt.iiu the crispne^s and "swiih" of silk, but much more durable and will not bo effected by atmospheric changes. See the now Spring Dress Goodsâ€" All new materiaU and colors. Also a complete range of GiiiKhtms, Zephyrs, Foulards and Prints. White Lawn Waistsâ€" A nice range to choo.>:e from. Everything in our store IS uii-to-to-daie and the iiuality is nghr. news ' own con- Peter Clark, a well known resident of Sydeiihim. wns found lying dead at Ins work in a licld by hi« Nephew, .Stanley Laycock, fur whom he nus working. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. Beautiful Austrian Ware, equal to French China worth three times the money, a stock pattern, 98 pieces, for $22.50. Gold En;iniel Ware most modern desif:jn, also a stock pattern, DH pieces, for $l6.3o. See our Fancy Crockery and Cuttlery NERVBLINE A Family Liniment ^^^Dr^sPlE.^sui^O Many lives have been riiincci through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. .â- ' (^< . . . . FOR SALE BY F. G. KARSTEDT. FLESHERTON ONTARIO