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Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1911, p. 1

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"S&f fk^hcxton %tfvanu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRlA'UiPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 30, NO 47 Flesherton, Ont., Tluirsday, May J a 191 1 W. H. THURSTON KDirOB and PKOPIUETOU Feversham Items; Rain is baJy ncednl at prosent, as the grmind 18 so tlry ihtve is very little growth yet. Mrs. Thtis. Pt'iijj'oe aiiJ uhilJron have rctuinpil to thiir home »b Echo Bay rtftt-r BjjHnJiiig a few weelis visiting with hiT ai.-ter, Mis. Harvey Perigoa and 'jiher fi-icnds ill this vi!hi<ie. Mrs. H. Al.^X'ii;iler paid a visit to friends in Ovoii .Sd uul lust woek. Mr. and Mrs. Cl.cster Lony and little daiiiflibar »f Col iiigwood, arc visiting; their parental hoiin's at MasiruII. We are (>Iad to sue Chester uruuiid after liis sevuro illness. Mr. and Mis U. .J. Cohiuetic visited with their daughter, Mrs. U.ury Uorton, ill CoUingwdod last week. We understand that Waller Kerton has purchased Jn from Mr. Wat- son of CuUingwool. While out for a ride on !?iitar<J»y labt, somethini; went wrong with tho niachiiiu and live of our citiztfus the iinploasant experience ot being left to walk home, while the auto was sido-l racked a conpio of miles out ; Lettir luck next time hoys. Two genileinBii from Hamilton, with an auto, passed thumgli our village to Thornliury on ijmurdiy, making ihe trip in about seven hours. - Don't forget the celebraiioTTTu Fever- sham on June 2"_'nd. More houses wanted for rent in this village. Mr. Ira l\ni.:o3 Inn coininenced the building of liis hew houso. .I.mKs .Speers was the contraoior lor the slono founda- tion. Mrs. Geo. Ottowell, who has been ill all winter, is improving in health and is able to be out a little now. Several jn'oyle are putiing up new buildingi this siiininer. Mr. Robert Mctiirr and James Conn, our carpeiitois, will have a busy summer of it. We undei stand that Mr. E. Bucking- ham lost a valuable horse from indiges- tion, a short time ago. Eugenia Finourowing weather a'though a unod rain would be a benefit to the meadows and growing crops. A tire started in the valley last Friday during the high wind. Had not the neigh- bors turne.l outund formed a bucket brij- sde it would have burned out Robert Gorleyf his house caught tiro several tiinos. A lot of fei ca was burned. Hurd work only prevented a deal of^damaga. Miss Clara Latimer is visiting friends at Walters Falls. Miss Edmu WillJHins is home from the city to spend a few weeks with her moth- er at Eugenia. Mits Jean (Jiaham has returned home from Cleveland, Ohio, to visit her moth- er, Mrs. Geo. Graham. Mrs. MeC'allum has ginie to Calgary, Alberta, for the summer. Communion service in the Methodist Church on .Suiuhiy evening was well at- tended as the Rev. C'.iin|)bell liati ciOHtefF a favorable iininessioii mnoiig the people of this ciii.miinity. Miss Dnisy rfmilh <;one to CoUirg- wocd to spend some time. As organitt of the Hresi yieriun church the will be great- ly missed. .Mr. Ducket is tilling his line kiln pre- paring for his customers. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel â-  McMullcn ami little daughter spent l?oii<liiy with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fenwick. Miss Mariha Fenwiek met with a very painful accident Suiday evening last. While playing a piece of ulass ilew up striking her in the eye. As ihe sight i.s not affected we hope it will not prove serious. Kimberley Toronto Line, North Seeding is nearly all tiiiishcd on our line. SVe are glad to see Mr. Fred Matliew- son out again after his long illness. Mr. John H. Gibson of the Orange Valley visited at Mr. Fred Brown s recently. Miss Pbiirl Blakely of Flesherlfiu spent the week's end at Mr. T. Lever's. Master Willie Davis spent Sunday For soreness of the musc'ea whcthiT in- iliicwl by violent cxtTcisc in- injury, Cliaiii- bei'lani'.^ Liniment ia uxci'llcnt. Thislhiinient in iiUo hii^hly cstceiiicil for tliv relief it atforils i'l cases of rlieuiniitisni. .Sold liy W. K. Ricliarilsoii & .Sim. Dundalk A bumper celebration is being arranged for in Dundnlk on the Kinp''s birthda}-, June ;!rd. Keep that dale open for a big time heio. A special meeting of Proton Couicil WHS held on Thursday last for the purpose of coDiidvring the resignation of the Raeve Mr. D. Wilson, who desires to be rel ev- ed of the responsihility of the otlico be- cause of continual illness. A motion of sympathy was passed to Mr. Wilson and I the motion was laid over until the meet- ing May 27th when it is hoped that Mr. Wilson will be in a potitiou to resume his duties. In the meantime the other members of the council will look after Mr. Wilson's division and the township I Arbor day wns duly ob.servod in Kimberley public scho â- !, and tho yatd has been areatly improved. Our new principal is a Worker. Mr. W. Plewes of Kirkhill, visitod his .sister. Maud, who is fast lecoverinj,' from her recent iliiioss. Miss Reta Brooks of Clarksburg ia visiting friends iii this place, and is tho guest of her aunt, Mvi. W. S. Bishop. Mr. Charlis Graham has return- ed from the west, wbeio ho has been for some time. He roiiorls snoiv beini shovelled otl thesidewidks in liraiiduu and other places last week. At the evening service in tho I'uioii church, Mr. Deni i-f Collingwoi d toivn- ship kd the Rvni service. Miss A. Cainack piesided iit the organ, iifur which Mr, A. Mi'ls pr.Mcho.l i.n oxo^llont sermon fr< in thu 21st. cb»i>tue of Revo a- tii.ns. Afr. L>ean sang two solos duran; tho service, which wore inuuli appreciat' d liy the congregation. Come again Mr. Dean. Miss Ida Rulledgc of Ceylon, is visit- ing friends in Has loc;diiy and iu the guest of hor cousin, Mias E la Lawrence. Mr. Harold Proctor of this place. In I secured a posiinn with McFiirlaud it Co. of Miirkdiilo, and commenced his duties on^Moiiday inorniiig. Success, Harold. 5Ir. .S'cely and daughter of Meaford were visiting with Mr. and Mis. R. A. Ilolley, during the past wejk. Kinibeiley football team have orguni;:- ed for 1011. Cai.r., Ja.sper Stuart; inauager, J. II. .lohnstim-; Sec. Treiis., Ashley Fawcetl; President, R. A. HoUey ; \'\ct! Presidcii', Leas Lawrence ; Committee- Ern. Proctor, Art Press, Geo. Kake, Ern Mir^an. Clialciiges from neighboring teams accepted. The Kimberley branch of the Women's Institute held their annnid Imsiness meet- ing in the public .school on Friday, May 12lh. Ollicers were elected for tho en- suing year as loUows :â€" Pros., Mrs. Harry Sloafi ; Vice Pres., Miss Edith Haininond ; Sec. Troas , Miss Katie Widler ; Director, Mrs. Goo. Walter. .\ftor tho business part of the meeting, all repaired to the ice cream parlor and indulged i.i tho good things prepared by the ladus. Vandeleur Quite a number linished seeding last week. Mr. John Boland was on a business trip to Toronto a few days ago, and cill- e) 111 friends at New Murket, bef re re- turning homo. OwiHg to sickness in In-r family, Mi». McDonald bas rosiguoU her position ua teacher of our sclioo'. The trustees have secnreil Mifs Mabel Fadtlen .is teacher, for the reinaind r of tiio t.rtu. Miss Tholini Biard, who has been very dl with apjiondicit s for tho pa^t three weeks, parsed through a successful op, ra- tion ai the Gem ral Hospi'al in Toionlo hist Wednesday. Her faiher, mni thaj nurse in attcndinue, Mi'-" i''""- "'^' ooinpinieil hi-r tu :l"> "'Y- Cuurt Vaiidel. ur, C. O. F., purpose celebrating the 1st of July, by hoUiing a garden pirty oh the evening if that day. Mr. M. Bdard has tii.ihhed cutting the slock <f lots ill bis mill .\aid and has moved h s mill to Mr. W. S. Walkers i.ii the iiiiuli line â- â- ! Ijiiiiluas a I have opened up to the post oftico, for Business my new tciilor hihop next tloor Flesheiton, with a gootl line of Spring and Summ Suitings '"'â- 'â-  and extensive samples ^r' ) A Hen Yarn with friends at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson and j "'" ""^ sufler in any way. -H erald. fsi.iiiy visited at Mr. G. Pritchard's, ! .1. M. Howell, a ixnmUr drucgist of Greens Vandeleur. i bniR, K.y., says "Wu nse Cliatiiburhiin"s ,,, ... 1 • CouL'h Iteincilv in our own household and Mr. Will. .Swanton renewed aci|U;vin- , '•' '. . „ ., ,, , , ,,, ., ,, , , ,. , know it is excellent. ' I'or sale by W. P . t^uoea at \ andeleur on 'Sunday. , i^^.^^d^,, & «.,„. CLOVER SEEDS AT CLOSE PRICES Red Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Mammoth Clover, per lb. 18c, per bushel $10.50. Alsike Clover, per ib. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Alfalfa, per lb. 22c. per bushel $13.00. Timothy Seed, per bushel %1.^^. Field Corn.Crompton's Early,Early Masstodon,White Cap,North Dakota. These .Seeds are all Ronnios' Government .Standard Tested â-  The planting lime is just about at hand. It's time anyway to atleci your eeds, and we are ready with a large .stock to lend you every assisljince in our power. We have Kennies and Steele Biiggs' Garden Seeds, mangolds, sugar beets, turnips and carrots, Held and garden cornâ€" all fresh stock, and all living up to tho high repuialiouti of 'he producers, Yuu «an get no bettor Becds than wo supply Dutch .Setts and Totato Onions. A full line of Gro- ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton P riceville On Sunday, May T'li, the A. 0. f. W' and the 1. (). F. Societies nut at their hill and nmrchcdto the Methodist church where reserve seals awaited them. Rev. H. (Jerry preached a sermon which was arranged chiefly for tho society people, but all present could be instnicled and buuoliled by it. A good s/.ed delegation from Flesborton lodge, A. 0. U. W. came over and j.ined ranks with the Priceville societies, to and from the church. Tho Priceville Workmen, es- pecially, were highly pleased with the fraternal feeling of their sister UHlge,No 142. Some of llie members who have attended numerous services of this kind, even in outside towns mid cilies,say that they never heard o .o to ninal the address of May 7ih, in the Priceville church. A.J. McDonald, south lino, (jllenelg, got a bad shaking up on Monday, May 8th, his team with wagon, lan away, but Archie is pretty giitty. We will hoar him out in tho tiolil a.nin by the end of the week trying to work atseeding again. The fall wheat is all b'ldly damaged, nearly every field is being resotded again. Unci ; Ike s:iys While oi tin ipioition 01 spring cleaning out of doois, let mo put ill a good wi.rd for our fai'lifiil friend, the hen. Shut upyoiir lions to sa\e them from tho ill-wi l.i'f your mijlibors who are so short in tlo grain tint they gi I imgry it your hens tile Min-1 atlis in their llower beds, m scr.itch out 'he seel pens just after being planted. Why oneshould gel angry wlisn his neighbor's hens visis him, pur.zles me. They always ju buck home to lay, appearing to know the bother it would be having to send homo tile eggs. One excepti' 11 to this 1 re- nieniber well. In my bachelor d;i)S a good friend, a bachelor a'so, but a house. holder, had a neighbor's hen came over every day to get his crumbs. After a while she appealed with a brood of chickens which she carefully hatched and reared on his place, but in the fall when the chilly nights began sV,c went home, leaving her full grown brood. II? care, fully considered the matter and decided the hen belonged to the neighbor, but the chickens did not. Wishing to be perfect, ly fair he decided to try one of the chick, eup, and if it were tough take that as evidence it belonged to the neighbor, but there wasn't a tough one in the whole tlock.â€" El. To all who wish a natty, ueat-fittino: Suit we wouM snui;est au ciit'ly call. \S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR FLESHERTON IWEAT MARKET Fresh Heats of all kinds IBSIiLCON £ir*andL Oysters i< 'ri'sh (ly.^ters, put ii]i in sunitaiy lin c:iiis, which are thrown awi.y wb'ii cni|ity -a decided iiniiriiveinent over the old unsanitary tubs wbicb were lelilled when empty. Try .some of this choice deli icicy. ''iVILSON Sc IVIcCX-OCIii-IN It] In Memoriam Clintonâ€" In loving nifinory of our dear mother, Mrs. John Clinton, who died May 18 I'JIO. One year has gone and still wmniss her, Never shhll her inemoiy fade. Loving thoughts shall always linger Round the gra'o where ii'oiher's laid. SEEDS! SEEDS! Wc have agaii: a large gltipmcnt of Seeds this season. The demand for high "rade seed is iucreasiug, bO conic in aud see tlie foUowiug : RED CU)VER, A\H^;^^rv^'^ny,Vi,;,, MAMMOTH CLOVER, ALl'ALl-A CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD GRASS, CORN OF ALL KINDS ROOTS Snch as Royal Giant Sugar f3cct, Iiiiprovea Short White Carrot, [lOng Red Maugci, Yelbw Oval Mangel, Yellow Globe Mangel, Oiaut Sugar Mangel, Turnip Reeds of all kiuds. GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. E. Richardson & Son Victoria Corners Mr. S. Shcardown has gone on a trip to England. Rev. Mr. Campbell and little son .ire visiting around the corners. Seeding is progressing. East Mountain House clcniiing is the order of tho day u:iw. Fall wheat is an utter failure in this neighborhood. Mr. John Marl in lost a valuable hoi>o last week with indigestion. A number of others lost their little colts. Dr. Ottowell has been in this vicinity numerous times of late. Mariied~~On Wednesdiiy, May lOlb, Mr. Clms. Fawoett, to Miss Alico Lsjiac, of Kimbeiley; We tender conyratula- tinns. Mis. Walton i.s bedfast .again. Stone Settlement Seeding i> in full swing now and with weather like the present some of our farmers will soon bo throuuh. .Mr.*. P. R. McLlveen and little daur.h- ter Joan, of Owen Sound spent a few days '*st week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I Lizard. Mr. John Whittaker i f Uurhani visited on .Sunday with R. Whittaker and fiinily. Sunday School re-opened on Sunday for the suninior months with a fairly g.'od at- tendance but we hope more will tur^ui next .Sabb;iih. Mr. John Irwin has secured work in the cement woiksin DurliRin. Mrs. McArthur visited Proton friends on Sunday. Mr. Margin McLeod of Piiceville, ac- companied by Misses Rolle and Edna Mc- Leod of Ceylon, wore visitors at Mrs. J. McLoodV on Sunday. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. SEED_CORN Wl' have Crompton's Early North Dakota, White Cap, Imperial Learning, Giant White Ensilage, Carrot Seed. Mangel seed, .Sugar Beet, Sugar Mangel, Rape, Millet, Hungarian Giass. 1 FLOUR CREAM OF THE WEST-McGowans Noted P.istry. Thompson's Ice Cream at y The Flesherton Grocery = W. Buskin. ifp^â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" . IT WILL PAY YOU [ •TO GET SOME OF TH05E BAR= GAINS ON SALE R n K J. E. LARGE Eugeivia : Otvt. OR. BXJRT Specialist In did as: B of ' hu W. A. Armstrong, ' Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat : Offiee-30 10th »t. Weel, Owen Sound Jeweler ^^ ^^^^ Rovero Uoutic. Miukdalo. 2nd PI V<iHFRTON . ONT Tlmrwlny onch nioiitli from 8 to 12 a. m. r LE-SntIV 1 V^l^, V^ll Uunddk, 1st Thuisdny of eaoli month. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Otllco mid lU'sidcnceâ€" 4B8, Olh St. Eiist, Owen 8ouiid, <)iu. Hmirsâ€" n to IL'.i.m., l.IiOlo 4.30 p.m., 7 to 8 ii.m. Other hours hy nppoiiitna'iit

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