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Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1911, p. 8

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April -21, 1911 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE ^Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards WALTEB L0UCK8 BulUlBr Contractor For Hrlck, Htooo and frauiu loniJeDCos. Es- timates obeerfully lurpiabed, Kleaherton P U utarlo. M JUlAiOUOH U YOUNO VI Haukcra Markdelo geoeral bankiuc buiiine»». Money loanM at" reaaooable rata* Uall on ua. Farms For Sale or Rent TTNIVll'KOVED farm for sale. lieiiiK lot 2fi, ^ coDceBBioii lit <.>Hpruy. This u shM to be a fairly lerel lot Willi cooBi'lsrable tiinliur iiaitable for wood. To cIuhu an uBtatP will bij aold very cheap and on easy terms of payiiient. Apply to J. A. bALSTED, 9apl Mt. ForeBt, Unt TOHI8L.ETT. • I'oBtiiiaster, Ceylon. . Oomminaioiiur in H. C. J . Convevanoer. deedB, jnortRBKoa. leaeeK, wills etc. carefully drawn up OOllections mad?, cbargos ""onable. aibo BtOceriuB, flour, feed etc, kept in iitock, Frloea ftabt. RJ SPBOULB, Fleaherton <.onimUBloner In H.C J-s*"""''"", „^,^S; Teyaiicer. and Money Lender Real Katate and InBnr.nce Agent Deed. iDorteagea, lia.oB and will- "â- ^«|"''y^5,'l*? up and villfationa made on >"<>'*»" J^V"? money to loan at lowo.t rates of Inte"**- ^o'" ectione atteudod to with projnP«°*"' eharKes low. Agent for Btaamataip Company. von BAI'Bâ€" Ubeap an-l eaay tarma. If not ^ aold soon, for rent to aultablo tena-t, Nortb balf lot M and lot 40. con, 11, ArtemeBia, and lot 1. eon. 12. Osproy. 200 acres, about 150 cleared balance nioatly timbered land, hard aiidnoft wood ; fjood stone dwullinc and frame baru, atiibliiiK under ; well watered with never- failing aiiiull spring creek ciosaing farm close to barn: This i» an excellent grain or eraziog farm and will be sold very cbuai) if taken at once and on easy terms. ApplJ to It, J. Bproule, Flesberton, Ont, IOICBAIjE aheap and on eaBV i ' and 2,cou. 11 Osproy; 200 Ocean Dominion A call Bolicited. termsâ€" LotB 1 acres ; frame dwelling, frame barn and'atabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Home splendid cedar with other mixed timber on balance, also two small orchards beariug. Wei watered ; never falling spring creek, Kplendid lirain and graining farm. Apply to U J.Sproule Flesberton or Samuel Oaborne, Uaxwell. DMcPHAlL, Licensed Auctioneer for the , • Conntv of Orey. Terms moderat* and «.ti«^ 'ion' guariSleod. Tbe . --â- ra-B*'"^^",^'! and dstea of sales can be made a*. Thb Advance \ office. Kesldence and P.O., Ceylon, cou&ection. Dec. did. _. Telephone liicensed Auctioneer for the counties of llrey and Bimcoe. Farm and Stock sales a H'eclalty. Terms satistactiou guaranteed. Arrange- WM. KAITTINO, the counties aiodorate. .^ ... mentB '-'.^t^'>\^Z%^:ZT.iU Feversbam ofliee, or A' T by addressing me the Advance at Feyursham, Ont, MATHE*,V8, t"OK SAfjE very cheap and on eaay termsâ€" The late Or, Christoe's^-story brick block in Flesberton with good stable and never-fail- ing well on piemiaes. Good large Btore and good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good utone eellara under buildiug ; is and can be kept well rctited ; two good halls on second and tliird stories ; first class business stand i>nd will be Bold cheap as owner is engaged In other business In the west and has nu further use tor it. Apply to H- J. Rproule, Flesberton. r^uo^i;^u;;:-ii^^:«™^;a«''22 â- ervice at reascnablo rates made at The Advance. oW Markdale, of C Dates lilcensed can PEHIGOE, broker, Flesberton Insurance of E&dVrand"9^^rraSc"e^d«rer CorreavMjndenco solicited. Medical rvB CABTF^ Physician, Sargeon, etc Office «d»^sli'nc°-Pet^st.^Fl»herton_ Jp OTTEWELIi „ A , ^"1"on?ar1o''"ve".rlnary College. Oradoate of 0°'""°, ' aoutb west; on 5ra'r1,^°"st7eet.""Tts^°t'reer"'r-UB south Presbyterian Ohnrch. Boyd, Uro'B hardware. i)ENTISTRV>- ^ or MIIDUAY li D. R, dental surgeon Legal llANEY * WALLArE-Barrlstors Lot No. a eon, 8. Osprey. For particulars apply to J. M. buKNs, Feverfbaui P. O. TCARM FOR BALKâ€" Very cbeap, 100 acres, ^ lot 9, con, 7, Osprey, only 8:1000, reasonable cash payment, balance easy tertiiH, 85 acres cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill pump at dour, new frame barn, well finished, stone stabtiug with spring wat<^r under, also in shed. It is situated i mile from Maxwell village where tbcrs are stores, post offices, good 8;;liuol, and is on the gravel road, 0^ miles from railway station. II solil at once, above price, though VEHY CHEAP might bo shaded a little. Apply to K, J. SPKOULE, Flesberton, or THOMAS OUY, on preuiiBes,- tf For sale cheap or rent, immediate poasesfion. Lot :iO con, 14, Arti'Uioaia, about 75 acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to K .J Bproule, Flcsherton, or John J Martin across the road from said lot; I, U, Lucas, K, t!.; W. K^ H. O. Wallace. Ollleos. I UCAS. l-< [Solicitors, etc. m H. WRIGHT, l.arrister,HolicitorCon«j_. *'^r^ie'sh«^uVmoe.°Bp"r'l,ule•i Ulock every Saturday A Norria H, t, , Fin., W. I' Societies Ti W meetH ok the last Monday ," ea\ ronth in their lo^igo rooin block^lFlosbert^n. at »,P"i„,l^- ; »^^iii„^- brethren invited A GOOD START IN LIFK has been Riv- en thuusaads of yminij people who linve attended the At Owen Sound, Ont., during the past tliirty years. What we have done for others we cnn do for you. Try it l>y euleiinKfor the Spring Term on Monday, April 3rd. Circulars free. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary, , (.'rossley TvHiVfP AUTHUR LODdH, No. :m, A.F.A P"'^AU, meets in the «"»""'« "j?":,^f°'„ Btroi.^H I<l"ck,Fiesl.erton "'"'V .,^,'- ^'^*J' 7. or before the mil loocn. (. or before th M.; Tbos. Clayton Setretriry. p OURT FLEHHERTON, OOp. v< ' '1'. Honry "to" Fln."Hic. before the first I, 0, F. meets in Jf^^^^^l;r'5:^l?Sg^i^"=" welcome. II. K , I'vao": "• " Fin. Hco., C. N, lUcbardsoii Please pay du day of tlie mouth. nnOSKN FUIENDH-Flosherton «;""•»=''"' C'choien Friends tueet. i" '^'^Vj^^V" ''»%",' m.nn third Wednesday of each montli » P- m ply as'seasmenSs to tl^ie He-order '>»»>â- >--; tbe first da vof each mouth. Ohiof Councillor T. Iilakolev;l<ccorder W. H. Hunt- Berkshires and Tamworths I have now for salo a few vory clioioo lleik. Bhlre pigH, nearly ready to wean. Hurry your order and got the^^-t.^ ,^^^^^_ ^^^^^„ ,, „ Boar for Service Pure liicd Tamworth Koar for servic Terms, %\, Cash. N. lliiiJle, Maxwell, Ont. SETTLERS' TRAINS ^^^^ â€" TO â€" MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through Uno LOW COLONIST RATES For Bclllcrt Iriftllini vtilb livestock aod tllecli Sppciul Trains Will leave Toronlu TUESD.4Y MARCn and AmiL 10.10 P.M. SrKlers lad lamilies Hilboul Itvratvik ihould use Rciiular Trains Leaving Turunto 10.10 P.M. Dail; Through Coionis! and Tourijl Slrrpers Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for berth* Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask Boy C.P.R. AicQl lor copy of "Selllers' Guide' S. Kaiid, A}<ent, Flesherton BULL FOR SERVICE ThoionKMire;! Hliortliorn hull,"l)andy .Tim" 817H4, for service on hit 17li, 'I • * S. H., Ar- tcmosia. This aniiniil is <if a K""d iiulking (train, rcdinroe i.u application. Iwii.s,- Grades «1, registered »3, .1 AH. STI N80N Proprietor. Bull For Service Thoronirlihiwl Hereford UuU (or service on lot 171, con, 3 M, W. T. an.l .S. H., Arte- nieaia. Terms -«1 for Krade, %:\ for pure bred. Any i-i.w not returiud will l>e char({i'd in full whether in calf or not. ,„„,,-, 14Mari2 -T. A J. WATOON. Catarrhozone Cures Permanently BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CATARRH Bull for Service ThorcniKlibrrtl lleiofora Hull for service on. lot 1, COM. 1. K,niilierK»in. Ternnâ€" $1. J'odi Bree on application. CUAS. 11. MARTIN, I'rop.- HOLSTEIN-FRIliSIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Sh««p and Tamworth Swine Brown Leghorn Poultry a •pecially. Hot.«TeiN-FHIE«iAN BULL FOR •tRVICE- llKl.I.I-'AN t;oNrOilIll.\ IIDKK Dehdii No. I724b» HIKK yneeii » UeKol Duke No. (:IIH>1 II. II. D.NM llelltan CoiicordlB DoKol No. ( latlil II, 1)., wnose grand iliiiii held tlio WOItldl'H HUT TBU Ilt'-('(>un a low years ago MAKINd 30 liHB., lOtlZ IN7T).\YH. Thlx yonnn animal lerltlns ;i year*, is of good hI^m iiiKl imlivirliialltv.havlnd won throe lit »nfl OIK I . .'iidiiri/o aa aenll at some of the proni' ill' n' ' 'ii'iu'i of Ont.. and has won 1st (ilaco at nun Isro >oar» old at Kant drey lalUalt, flesherton. , ^ , , ^ Toiiiii<~( trades •l.."SO, thorough bredi 6:i.Wl, (layable lit of .Ian. All ooivs not regularly returned VI 11 lieohargod, ItlUHAKI) ATa.UN, Lot 170, 8,N. B, T, * 8,H Fl»<h«rtOD P,0, l^j5B«idence of John Lynn, Allnn Pi*k, tieitr Dtnhsm, was destn.yod by 'Vm wllioh oitught from it gluvepipo in Throw medicine to the dog«. At best tluy uro unpleasant, often use- less. You are sufferliitf from somo disease of the throat, nose, or lungs, Doctors cull It Hronchltis, Asthma, or Catarrh, or It l.s a sllgrht or severe cold, acritia cause tbeso diseases â€" they have a ooinmon root. Catarrhozone deitroys diieaie germs, but it does more, it hsala diieate tii- •ue. CATAHRHOZONK Is little drops of healluK carried by air to the exact place where Catarrh exists. Observe, Catarrhozone not only destroys tho cause, but Ininiedlately repairs tho result of diseased condition. Catarrhozone means tittle drops of healing carried by air and placed over the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone is endorsed by doc- tors, druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people who have used it, Catarrhozone Yes, Sir. it is taken in air. "Little drops of healing" carried by air to weak places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Three sizes:, SOc, and 11.00, at druKKlsls. or by mall postpaid from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N, Y~ and Kingston, Ont Hon. Mackcuzio Kin? has appointed Rev, (', W, Gordon of Winnipeg, Chair- man of tho Conciliation Uuard, ap- pointetl to deal with the coal ininer'a Htrike in the west. Early Days in Osprey Donald Blair of Duntroon in the CoU- inttwood Bulletin gives the foljowing in- teresiioK reminiscences regarding pioneer days in Osprey : In The Bulletin of Dec 29th,1910,tbere was published a story copied from the Christmas number of the Farnacrs' Advo- cate written by Mr.), McGowaii of Raven ua, in which she claims that her' father, John \Veldr<ck,was the first settler of the township of Osprey. I do not believe this to be the fact. John McDonald, or better known as Prophet McDonald, be- cause of his weather proc!DosticationB,Bel- tled there about 1840-41. Ue was one of the early pioneers of Nottawasaga and lived on one of the five acre lo's near the Scotch Comers. I think it was about that time that those liviiiijon the five-acre lots were leaving fur larger farms, Mc- Donald choso Osprey which, by the way, I do not think whs called Osprey then, as it was not surveyed for eight or nine years after. He was a squatter and was living there with his faiiiily about ten years be- fore Mrs,McGowan'8 father left England, This is according to her own figures as she says ho was born in 1882 and was maried when he was twenty-three, in 1851, and came to Osprey, There was a goodly number uf settlers there at that time, but where her father settled might have been miles fiom neighbors. McDonald built hisohanty clo?e to the St. Vincent Uoad which traversed Osprey in a north-we^tly direction. The road was but a trail through the bush until it came to Collini»- wood township, in which it was cleared three or four rods wide. It was the sauie through the township of St. Vincent to Owen Sound. This roid was the mail route between Bairie and Owen Sound till 1855 when it was changed to the rail- way between Toronto and CuUinawood. McDonald settled near a largo beaver meadow where his cattle would have plenty of pasture in summer and beaver hay in the winter. This was called Mc- Donald's meadow, and I remember the settlers of the tenth ocncession of Motia- wasaga, those who lived near the Dun- troon cideroad, cutting beaver hay there betoro they grew their own hay. They stacked it in the meadow and drew it homo in the winter. McDonald and his family lived a number of yoar.s without a near neighbor, the nearest being John or Jock McKay, who lived at the toot of the lock on tho Duntroon sideroad. There was only a trail through the bush then and they were about two and a half miles apart. Some uf McDonald's sons are yet living near the place whore he set- tled. llisTtirst neighbor was, I think, Duncan McDoutjald.wlio squatted a short distance 8;)uth of him. 0.-;prcy was Buhject to summer frosts until it wa.s cleared and these were a £»reat drawback to the settlers for some years, but to day it is a flourishing township with (iplendid, farms and fine buildings. About fifty-eight years ego the north part of it, that alonu the St. Vincent road and the adjoining township of Collingwood, wag sparsely settled. I waa over it as far as Walters Corners, now Ravenna. A sketch I f the road as I saw it may be in- teresting. From the mountain or McKay rock as it was called, there was a trail of over two miles and a half through the bush to McDonald's; to Holden's it was bush again. From Cripps' to Brock's I was lold it was eight miles of thick forest with but a trail wide enough for a wagon to go through it in Osprey, while in Coll- ingwood township the road was eloarel three or four rods wide. The latter growing thick Aith second growth of young trees nearly to the wagon track, evidence that it must have been chated a good many yearsjbefore 1 went over it. From Brock's to Walters Corners it was five or six miles of forest also, there not being a clearing between Cripps' and Walier.s' except Brock's, The St. Vincent road is not used at all in Osprey or Coll- ingwood now and I doubt it it could l>c even traced in either except in odd places. It is a tiling of tho past. In Nottawasaga the only part of it that is travelled now is tho Duntroon sideroad to tho town line of Osprey. , Division Court Division Court waa held here before Judge Widdifield on Wednesday of last week, when the following caaes were dis- posed of : Leach v. Finley â€" Action for board of horse for fG8.83. Defendant had paid toO on account. Judgment for plaintiff for balance of 818.63. •Pivniok v. C. Hoy and Durham Furn- iture Co. garnishee, â€" Judgment against primary debtor for anaount, 911.40. Weber v. Orr â€" Action for balance on sale of apples in barrels. Judgment for plaintiff for amount of claim, $3, and costs. Heard v. Stevia and Arlemesia school board garnishee â€" Action for 815.29. Judgment against primary debtor. Perigoe v. Hindleâ€" Action on note for 857.80. Judgment for full amount. Sargent v. Crowtherand C. P. Ry. Co. garnisheeâ€" Claim for 812.15. Judgment for 86.30 and costs. Heard v. Thompson â€"Action on account for $40.60. Judgment for 828.60 and costs. Campbell v. Mathewsâ€" The parties live in Proton. John Campbell leased a farm to James M. Mathews. The statement of claim was made up of baltnce of rent 828.60, failure to work the place property and retain manure, 820,damageR for tear- ing down petition, 810; total 858 60. Judgment for plaintiff for 830 and costs, to be paid within 14 days. Collinson v. Bj38â€" Attachment for 8100. This is an echo of the late depart- ure of the lamented Ross, who absconded between two suns. Judgment for full amount. South Line, Artemesia Too Lite for Last week Tho weather is very cold and backward for this time of the year. Nothing much as yet has been done toward seeding operations. Wood bees are at present the order of the day. Mrs. J. Watson, Saugeen Junction, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jos. F'erris. Miss Ella Mead.H, O.D.R., visited her friend. Miss L. Dingwall, last week. Miss Edith Dingwall, Owen Sound, spent Easter at her homo here. Messrs. Donald McKinnon and Archie Currio had successful wood bees on Mon- day and Friday, repectively, last week. Mi,ss Ethel Anderson, Porllaw, is on an extended visit at tho home of her sister, Mrs. A. Currio. Miss Kmma Oliver has been laid up with la grippe, but we are pleased to hear she is around again. Wo are pleased to see Mr. A. Currie much improved in health. In the damage suit for 81500 brought by Elizabeth Doyle, of Nicholslon, against Jos. McDerinolt, of Tottenham, the plaintiff was awarded 8400 and costs. Her character, which has lieen grossly assailed by the defendant, the jury declared was unstained. Several letters were produced in which Mc- Dormott avowed his love for the young Woman, and asking her to fix the date uf their mu'tiage. lie changed his mind on meeting a Mi»s Uaghes, of Toronto. Prinoipsl Steele of the Orangeville high school hits held that position for 32 years. Recently he was presented with an ad- dress and te.stimonial that took the form of a donation of 32 |20 gold coin«--one Coin to represent each year of his prin- cipalship. Thii was a very handsome acknowledgement of the faithful work done by Mr, Steele. R. Carmiohael, Collingwood, a you roan of 20 years, employed as a waK man on the freighter Reginalast sumno lost his right les; at the knee by becomi entangled in a lope at Port William, sued the owners of the boat for 810.( damages, and at the assizes the ji brought in a verd'cl fur 81)100 and cu A rural mail deliivery will be instit ed between Meaford and Rocklyn. When a medicine must be given to yoi children it should be pleasant to take. Obi txrliun's Cough Kemedy ia made from '. sugar, and the roots uaed in ics preparal give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, m ing it pleasant to take. It has no snpe for colds, croup and whooping cough, sale by W. E, Richardson & Son. CEYLO Seeds oi Don't forget your Clover and G of timothy is so high there won all kinds of garden seeds, Manj We have a nice range of Wa Flour is very low just now, bt have the Five Rose.', Cream Satisfaction, also low grade. ] Linseed, Oil Cake. Stock fo Riverdale House cleaning is the order of the day. Mr. F. Cutting of Wiraton, returned home on Monday. Miss Lou Wiley returned to Meaford on Monday. Mr. G. Thompson of Harkaway, is on an extended visit with friends in this vicinity. Agricultural manipulations are now in full swing, and if the weather continues favorable, seeding operations will be completed in good time. We are pleased to report that Mr. R. Gibson, who recently underwent a critical operation in the Western Hospital, Toronto, is recuperating favorably, and will return home shortly. Ceylon Farmers are all busy seeding. Our new teacher, Miss Harris of Strat- ford, entered on her duties on Monday. Present indication.s are that she will prove successful. Somayitbe. Mr. Arthur Whittaker is visiting friends at Durham; Mrs. md Miss R. Sproat are visiting their friends at Durham and Grand Valley. Mr. Bennett has moved into Mr. Ash- down's residence, lately vjicated by John Crowthers. Mr. J. Woods has taken a position on the railroad, and Mrs. Woods is visiting friends in Dundalk. Mr. Alex. McRae, Sen., wo are sorry to say is no better, and his .son is also sufl'ering very much, ulcerated teeth and abscesses resulting therefrom. Mrs. D. D. McLaughlan is improving slowly. Robt. Bales has returned to his work on the section, after his long illness. Miss Sadie Lovo has returned to Toron- to, after visiting friends in Ceylon and other places for some weeks. Mrs. John Tbif ard has gone to Holland Centre, after visiting friends in Ceylon for some days. Coll- Win. S. Holdship, a pioneer of ingwood township, died recently. The Commons will start morning ses- sions in an effort to finish up business nJ prorogue in four weeks. Lame Shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the museles, and quickly yields to tho free applieatiun of Chanilwrlan'.t Uninient. For sale by W, K. Kichardaon & Son. A number of prominent financiers, in eluding Mr. Homer Reid,of town, Mr. C. W. Haitman, Clarksburg, Mr. Henry Pedwell, Thornbury, and al)out twenty others from different parts of Ontario, left on Tuesday in a private car for Alberta, where they have gone to inspect a block of land with a view to buying same. Tho party was organized by T. A. Neely, who is superintending the trip and who proposes running several such excursions throughcut the summer. -Meaford Express. The death occurred at Walkerton of Alexander Shaw, K.C., at the age of 78 years. Mr. Shaw had not been in very good health all winter. He was thrown from his buggy on Tuesday even- ing, and, white austaining no serious In- juries, was badly shaken up, and the shock to his syMtoin was great. Pneu- monia developed, and death came. Mr. Shaw received his education in the town of Perth, buk removed to Kincardine in 1858, and waa there married to a daughter of Mr. Peter Rotiertsou, He served in the Legishs- ture and was the oldest practising lawyer in Bruce. We have a good supply of Pent Net In Dishes, we have something Waier Setts, and Berry Setts. on any uf these goods, and t HIGHEST CASH PRICES P ^as. X attison Sen NERVOUS DEBILI1 NO NAMES USED WITHOUT Wf opet. Everything Confidvntial, Que* TREATMENT. DrsKENNE Cor. Michigan Ave. at see us personally call at our Me< â- o patients in our Windsor o Laboratory for Canadian busiu^ DRS. KENNEDY < ^Write for our private address. FOR SALE BY F G

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