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Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1911, p. 7

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Ua«d In Canadian hontes to produc* llcioua hom*>inad« bread, and a aup* J la alwrays included ^ in Sportamana* d Campers' Outf Ita. Decline imitationa. They never 'e aatiaf action and coat Juat much. E. W. CILLETT CO. LTD. nlpea TorontOi Ont. Montraal Awordtd hlghttt honors at all EzpoiitlonS' JPETOIN THE WEST rom Immigration Commission- * Gives Strong Facts Ottawa says : xtracts from a J. Bruce Wal- >f Immigration, perintendent of iwa : â€" iral this week lie of western bed is in fine tie moisture is t. overseas immi- I from England, eg during the his week. Northern Rail- ;enderB for the mountain sec- Columbia, run- Fraser and ts cost approxi- n dollars. ending March d of live stuck )m the United ber 12,8S3 were first ten days r one thousand )ck and effects le gateway at itined to Sas- >rta. New set- irestern Canada ipril at the av- 1 hundred per day. These are being absorbed by western communities rapidly and satisfactorily. "Real estate values in farm and city property in the Province of Manitoba have advanced material- ly during this month. The increase in western lands in the prairie provinces runs from two to three dollars per acre since the first of March. "Five special trains have passed through Emerson during this week, travelling via Chicago and Winni- peg, thence by Grand Trunk Pao- ific to Edmonton, carrying over- seas immigrants and a large num- ber of repatriated French-Canad- ians from the New England States. "The Grand Trunk Pacific i« calling for tenders and is ready to commence the erection immediate- ly of a new palatial hotel in Win- nii^eg city. "Building permits in Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Calgary during the month of March aggregate three million dollars. "The work of reconstructing the Brandon Asylum for the Insane, which was burned down in the ear- ly part of last winter, has commenc- ed. The contract has been let te a local firm and the new structure will cost one and a half million dol- lars." 06 to $1.10. 18.â€" Wheat â€" 5 7-8c ; Septeni- No. 1 hard, hern, 97% to â- n, 94 to 96)<c; 9A%c. Branâ€" -First patents, seconds, $4.35 $2.95 to $3.40; o $3.60. MARKETS. â€"Choice steers 6 to 6%c ; fair- fair, 6 to 5%c, Bs, 4,'<S to 4%c at from 3,''j to :rom 4 to 5Xc I a further de- lbs. Calves, ) lower grades 12 each. Old 85 to $10 each, Tom $4 to $9 HAT PIN COSTS HIM AN EYE. Woman Passing (iatewan at Sta> tion MuimA Uiiu for Lite. A despatch from Omaha, Neb- raska, says : Henry Pepper, a gate- man at the Union Station, lost an eye as a result of coming in con- tact with a hat pin on Tuesday morning, and came near losing his life. He was punching tickets at the gate when a fashionably dress- ed woman pushed her way through the crowd, and as she passed the gateman the pin in her hat pierced his eye and, dragging across hi» temple, tone an ugly gash. The eye was badly mutilated and the sight destroyed. The police tried to find the woman, but failed. WH.VT DID HE MEAN. Mrs. Blenkinsop â€" "Poor you have seen better perhaps days?" Trampâ€" "Yes, indeed, lady. I never tasted such soup as youra before." March on Epernayâ€" Troops large With Bayonets Chalons- sur- The rioting hreatens to as- s of the wide- Ihe champagne ago which re- nation uf aiar- sses and wine ivns have been dreds t>f thou- â- hampagnc de- le houses were reels so litter- es and a raix- ne that traffic 1 ters destroyed | esses, and the I « charge with ' the mob could wine-makera, I marching on kgne entrepot, le intention of nay wine cel- )d troopa have Epernay and J point* in that •re awaiting ifettanta and have received orders to use every endeavor to preserve order and pre- vent the destruction of proporty. A despatch from Damery, De- partment of Marine, France, says: The "champagne" riots, which be- gan in this department on Tuesday, were continued on Wednesday morning by the excited populace. Wine cellars are being destroyed and the disorder is spreading in spite of the presence of troops called out to preserve order. Dur- ing the progress of the advance they sang rovolutiouary hyuins and waved red Htandar<l». This they did to disown the Government, which they affirm has abandoned thera to ruin. They declare the Government acted as a result of the steps taken by ihe makers of in- ferior grades of wiue. The column had roai^hed the town of ^y at noon. Co-operating with another band, which had reached Ay from a different direction, the rioters proceeded to Veniuil, where they destroyed the huge wine presses. Troops, which had hurriedly been despatched to Ventuil, charged and dispersed the mob, but not until the manifestants had accomplished their purpose. SPRING iPURIlS JN 1 eiOOD Me tli8 Use of a Tonic Hedicine a Dr. Williams' Pink^ills are an •II year round tonic blood-builder ' and nerve-restorer. But they are especially valuable in the spring when the system is loaded with im- purities as a result of the indoor life of the long winter months. There is no other season when the blood is really so lauch in need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of tliese Pills helps to make new, rich, red blood. In the spring one feels tired ana weakâ€" Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills give strength. In the spring the appetite is often poor â€" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills de- velop the appetite, tone the sto- mach and aid weak digestion. It UNCLE HIBAM TO HIS NEPHEW He Tells Him Not to be Too Hasty in Discarding Old Ideas. "Stevy, my boy," Unde Hiram said to his hopeful young nephew, "when you get going in business you don't want to discard old ideas because they are old ; you want to keep on using them if they are good; don't forget that old ideas are new to new people. "As a matter of fact we don't have many new ideas. Most of the ideas we are using now are as old as the â€" well, maybe they are not quite as old as the hills, but they ape as old as civilization. "What do we get in young men for ? It's to put new life into the business, isn't it! Why, certainly and they do,; they put in g'liger and go, and that's what we want. And then some day the new V' ung man comes to us and says he has a new idea that he'd like to put into exe- cution, and when you hear what it is you say to him: 'Why, that young may says to you : 'What of it? It's new to me and I'll bet you it's new to 10,000,000 people.' "And so it is, Stevey, and you want to let him go ahead and try it; with his energy and determin- ation he'll make it go. Into old ideas he'll put new life, and that really is about all we do ; but the old ideas will seem actually new, as in fact they will be new to many people. "So don't discard old ideas. Stevy, because they are old ; keep them if they are good ; but to make them good you must keep life in them ; use them not sluggishly as if you felt they were stale, but with life and energy ; it is the way in which you do things that really counts. "Keep what is good, Stevy, but don't fall into a rut; keep plugging and keep thinking. Upon the good old ideas you may graft variations, and a variation may be all but as good and fruitful as a new idea you that scarcest thing in the world, an absolute'- new idea, and if you strike that, Stevy, you strike a for- tune." UNNATURAL THIINNESS EASILY CORRECTED. is in the spring that poisons in the ! idea has been used a thousand blood find an outlet in disfiguring ! times ; that isn't new.' But the pimples, eruptions and boils â€" Dr. Williams' Pink Pills speedily clear the skin because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, and many other trou- bles are most persistent because of poor weak blood, and it is at this time, when ail nature regains life, that the blood most seriously needs attention. To improve and fortify the blood is the special mis- sion of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and that is why they are the best spring medicine m existence. If you feel the need of a medicine this spring give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and you will rejoice in new health, new strength and new energy, and will be especially fit- ted to stand the lorrid heat which comes a little later. These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box, or si.x boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. KING WINS BY HIS ORATOBY. His Gift as Capital Speaker Not Gcoerally Known. The strange fashion of diplomatic etiquette has rendered it necessary for King George and Queen Mary to proceed to India all the way by sea, since it would be impossible, according to Euroi>ean custom, for their Majesties to take either the Marseilles or Brindisi route before they have made their official visits to the capitals of the countries that lie upon these routes. However favorable an impression King Goerge may create upon his Indian subjects personally, he is certain to please them with his or- atory, for the King is a fine speak- er. The purity of his Majesty's diction when he opened his first Parliament is still commented up- on, and one noble lord pointedly remarked that it is doubtful wheth- er the "King's English" was ever better spoken from the throne. While the King's oratorical abil- ities are familiar to his subjects it is not so generally know that he is a capital extemporaneous speaker. For e.xainple, on one occasion in opening a bazaar he began : â€" "When I came here I had quite • beautiful speech committe<l to memory, so that I thought I could repeat it backward, if necessary. But alas ! these charming surround- ings have driven every word out of my head, and I am as helpless as a shin which has lost its rudder. Howe**r. here goes." and forth- with he plunged into a spontaneous Midress so full of happy compli- moiits and rollicking humor tliat his •udience was alternately delighted •nd convulsed. I. SUFFERED SINCE II CIIDIIOOD BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE MRS. LAPRAIRLE A KEW W0MA3I. Nipissing Lady gives an experience that should prove of immense value to the suflerinff women uf Canada. ISO*S 'for COUGHS S COUOS rATAPRH. HAV FEVER CAN BE CURED THE PAV.\.j"i:= Oi^ ,.DNC'JMP -\Kjk MAr be:- Sr ),vtp Wfi'.. i AM i^^Jl t Dl C IN E CO MODEL WOMAN'S PRISON New South Wales is said to have the model woman s prison of the world. The cells are all well light- ed, plastered and colored light green. The bathrooms are supplied with b<jith hot and cold water, and each woman haa a daily bath. .Ml the wardress are educated women. The wouMfn are known only by num- bers, their names never being dis- closed, so that no prison taint may cling to them after they have serv- ed their terms. While in prison they are divided into three gra»les. In the second grade they may have flowers in their oeils, in the third they may have pictures also. Laprairie^nlle, Nipissing District, On;., April 17 (Special).â€" After suf- i fering from various forms of kidney I ills since she was a child, Mrs. O. ' Parents See Their Own Children in Laprairie is a well woman and once more it has been proved that no case of Kidney Trouble is too sc- LAP CHILDREN. Ali JhiidrcD. In describing L'ap, one of the vere or of too lojg standing for Caroline Islands, Dr. W. H. Fur- Dodd's Kidney Pills to cure. | ness says that children become more interviewed regarding her cure, â-  or less public property on that Is- Mrs. Laprairie said : land as soon as they are able to run "Since I was twelve years of age about from house to house. I have suffered from Kidney Dis- ; They cannot without extraordin- ease. I was always tired. My back ary e.xertion fall off the island, and would ache and I always had a like little guinea-pigs, they can find sharp pain in the top part of my focd any wliere ; their clothing grows head. My heart also troubled n:e. by every roadside, and any shelter, "Hearing of Dodd's Kidney Pil.s. or no shelter, is good enough for I gave them a trial, and now I feel the night, like a new woman." i They cannot starve ; there are no Thousands of Cii.aadian men and wild beasts or snakes to harm women are feeling just as Mrs. ' them; what matters it if they sleep Laprairie does â€" as if life had start- ' under the hig'i, star-powdered ceil- ed all over for th«-m â€" just because ing of their ioster-mother's nurs- they have cured their kidneys with ery, or curled up on mats beneath Dodd's Kidney Pills. For the kid- their father's thatch? neys are the mainspring o'f life. If There is no implication here that they aie clogged or out of order the parents are not fond of their chil- whole body is wrong. Dodd's Kid- dren ; on the contrary, they love cv P::ls always put the kidneys in them so much that they see their good working order. iown children in all children. It is ^ ,|, the ease of life and its surroundings I which have atrophied the emotion They were discussing feats of en- ! <jf parental love, durance. "Yes," remarked the ; When a father has merely to say long-faced individual, "I lived to his wife and children, "Go out three days on one bite." "Well, land shake your breakfast off the that's nothing," said his compau- trees." or â- 'Go to the thicket and SPRING SKIN TROUBLES. "Spotty Keep plugging and keep thinking! ! j*^"- ,';^ Y^^ ''''^*' * â„¢''"'^ "° "ue gather your clothes. " to him the and some day there may come toif.''*- , "V,? -^^ expect me to be- struggle for e.xistence is meaning- - heve that? "It s true, anyway, less, and without a struggle the came the reply. "I had a bite from prizes of lite are held in light es- my emplover's dog, and the com- ; teem. pensation kept me for a month." i Somebody's children are always I about the houses, and to the fore Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. ' j^ ^\\ e.xcitements. and never did â€"Through lack of consideration of \ see them roughly handled or the lady's needs many persons al- harshlv treated. low aisorders of the digestive ap- ! " ,j_ paratus to endure until they become chronic, filling days and nights with suffering. To these a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is re- commended as a sure and sp^dy , way to regain health. These pills j are specially compounded to com- 1 A lion-tamer beckoned to a big bat dyspepsia and the many ills lion, and it came and took a piece that follow in its train, and they of sugar from his hand. "Why. I are successful alw«ys. | could do that!" said a spectator. ; with scorn. "What, you!'' cried Mother (at lunch) â€" "Yes, darling, a friend. "Certainly ; quite as well By Clever Prscription Which Be Filled at Any Drug Store. Can No Need to be Thin Now as Reports Show This Method Ef- fective. Pimpies, Eruptions and Complexions." At this season, scores of people- girls and young women especiallyâ€" hnd their faces disfigured by pim- ples, dark spots, eruptions, etc. The skin needs attention â€" needs re- novating after the trying time it has passed through during the win- ter. Just think what it has gone through ! You have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have been at one moment perspiring from skating, or some other exertion. Then you have stood to "cool off. ' You have spent hours of the day in- doors at a temperature equal to summer heat. Then you have cov- ered up your skinâ€" except your face â€" and gone out inco a tempera- ture awav below zero 1 No wonder that, with all thc-se changes, the skin of the face and neck shows signs of needing attention. Zam-Buk and Zam-Buk Soap are the remedies. Smear Zam-Buk lightly over the spots, the erup- tions, the sallow jatches, at night. and wash with Zam-Buk Soap (only 25c. per tablet). Then notice how quickly your appearance improves. Zam-Buk is also a sure cure for skin injuries and diseases. Eczema, ulcers, ringworm, yield to its use. For cuts, burns, bruises, children's rashes, etc.. it is unequalled, and for piles. Mothers will find Zam- Buk Si'ap best for baby's bath! AH druggists and stores at 50c. box for Zam-Buk and 25c. tablet (or 'i for 70c.) for the Soap. If you have any difficulty in obtaining, order from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, and send price. â-  Mlckly Atova c««ibs Ika tkraat mmA laai*. Caller â€" "What's vour name, lit- tle girl,"' Little Girlâ€" • -Dorothy." Caller â€" "But what's your last name V Little Girlâ€" "I don't know what it will be. I'm not married yet." these little sardines are sometimes i as the lion!" eaten by the larger fish." Mabel "But, mamma, how do PtopU who aro very thin and scrawny oogbc not to be so. Undoubtedly tliey are more subjei't to dist^a^e uud ouitui;- ioas than the normally tlesby. Thionvss is usually aooompauied by weakness, ai:d weakuess subjn:t9 any one to colds, coufhs. consumytion. pneumonia, etc. It has bet*!! discorered, almost by accident, that tincture cadoniene, wbeu corobined lu a prt'srriptiou with proper accelera- (aged five live medicines, bei-omes one of the most i \ " .. iU i>- valuable, cffeitire. and reliable nutritiro j they get ttJC cans open 1 or Besh making medicines known to | science. It is citpei-ially beneficial to men and women between the aces uf sixteen and fifty-flTe, who from lack of proper rerT«" force and dieestion. remain un- developed in body. limbs, arms and bust. A well rounded symmetrical figura in man or woman indicates health, mag- netism, stamina and happiness. The reader who wi!>hes to add from ten to forty pounds should not fail to begin with this valuable prescription. First, obtain from any well stocked dru,?gist, three ounces of essence of pep- ."in and thre<' ounces of syrup of rhubarb in an 8 os. bottle. Then add cue ounce com- pound essence cardiol. Shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not cardo- momi. Shake well and take one teaspoon- ful before each meal, one after each meal. Driuk plenty of water between meals and when retiring. Keep up this treatment regularly and of a i-ert«ii>ty fn-m one to three pounds will be added to â- â€¢ weight each week, and the gener- al health will also imiprove. THE BEST mEblCINE SO MOTHERS SAY Mothers say Baby's Own T.iblets are the very best medicine thev can ENGLISH Ql EEN'S BABES. Ena of Spain Doesn't Like Her DaugbttM- Ki$i!«ed. Queen 'Victoria Eugenie, of Spain, has given a fresh weapon to the anti-monarchists in her edjct pro- hibiting anybcdy from kissing her children. It is a perfe^-tly rational order on sanitary grounds, but it give their little ones. It is tholwas issued with the unfortunate happy experience of one nuitherj percmptoriness characteristic of the that helps others to keep their lit- 'Queen, who is fast developing that tlo ones well. Thousands of mo- ' temperament which has earned for thers have found the Tablets a! her mother. Princess Bcvtrice of never-failing cure for the ailments : Battenberg, the reputation of be- that afflict their little ones. Mrs. j ing the "most tactless' royalty in E. Sandwell, t'oldwater, Ont., Europe. says: -"I find Baby's Own Tablets' King Alfonso realizes the injury the best medicine any mother can that has been done by the Quecn'i give her little ones. 1 trie<l iiui>ulsive methcds. A few days ago, "soothing'" mixtures, but they did i hearing of a disagreeable scene in not help my baby, but as soon as [the Triana Gardens, when an Eng- bogan giving him the Tablets they j lish nurse snatched Baby Princess made his teething easy and I would [ Beatrice away as the head garden- hardly know he was cutting a cr's wife stooped to kiss her, tivok tooth. I would not be without the his daughter himself to the Gar- Tablets, and always recomiueiid dens the next day, and presented thera to my friends." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine deal ers or by mail at Hb cents a bo.\ from The Dr. Williams' Mtnliciue Co.. Brockville, Ont. Cotton gloTos to wear in doing housework are cooler and better In every way than old kid gloves. I( h.niwirt especially for this pur- po.^o get a size larger than usually worn. After an umbrella has been in use for a short time, put a drop of •il in the centre of the top aWut •nee a month. This prevents the ribs from rusting. her to be kissed by the old woman who was overcome by his condes cension. In the cafo chantants allusions are made to Spaniards not being worthy to touch the "English Queen's children, though they are expected to provide for them, and the affair is being distorted in every conceivable way, •!• The proof of the bluffer is in his failure to make good. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red. Weak. Weary, Watery Byes and 6ranulat«d Eyelids. Muriae Doesn't Smart â€" Sootkes E.vo Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy. Liquid. 25c. 60c. 11.00. Muriae Eye Salve is Aseptic Tuk«s, 25c. $1.00. and Ey* Advice Free by Mail. • Uurlaa S7» Remedy Co.. Chicago. Only the uninformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones apply HoUoway's Corn Cure and get relief. "Well, my little man," queried the minister who was making a call, "do you always do as your Eye Books mamma tells you f* "You" bet I <lo." answered the precocious five- year-old, "and so does papa." REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AKD CHILD Mrs. WiNSLow'-i S<>orHi?io Svr'.'p has been Jenny â€" "Jack, you ought to make some sacrifice to prove that you love me. Come. uow. what will vou u»mi for over t-ixrv vE.^Ksby millions of v-v»*.^, uv , ".•"""*" J""" ! MOTHEK.S lor their CHILURKN WHIUK give up when we re married! Jack TKhrmNo, with hkri-kct siccess. it â€""Jenny. I'llâ€" III give up being a bachelor." I Some persons are more suseep i tible to colds than others, contract- ' ing derangements of the pulmon- , ary organs from the slightest caus- j es. These should always have at jhand a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Con- 'sumptive Syrup, the present day sovereign remedy for coughs, ca- [ tarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no mat- ter how severe the cold may be. You cannot afford to be without a remedy like Bickle's, for it is the best. "I saw you, sir â€" I saw you with my own eyes I How dare you kiss I m.v daughter, sir, before me!" ex- { claimed an irate mother to a young man. "Well, I'll kiss yon first in future, madam!'' said the vouth. I â- liMu^s Llnlmrai Rtll«««t Nturaltia 'Violetâ€" "So your uncle was ninety years old at the time of his death. Was he of sound mind when he died f" Jack â€" "I really can't say. The will has not been opened yet.'" fCCESS. SOOTHKS the CHILD. StlKTKNS the GUMS, ALU-WSall 1>.\I.N ; CIRKS WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy ("r 1>1.\RKH(K.\. It is ab- soUitrly harnileiu*. Be sure mdU aslc for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Synip." and take do other kind. Twcnty-dve cents a bottle. . PILES CURBO IN 6 TO 14 DAYS V»ur (IruXKisI will r«fuod mon«T if P4Z0 OI^VT- MSNT faiU to cur* aa< oa.i« o'f Itcbliig, Bliad. BlMdiag or PtotradiB( Pilu la « to Udkf*. Mc Host â€" "Have you seen the wed- ding gifts, old manf Guest â€" "No, not yet." Host â€" "Well, wait a monK>ut. I'll get one of the de- tectives to escort you through." "Those pigs of yours are in very fine condition." "Yes." agreed the proud farmer; "if we were all as ready to die as them, we'd do." Millard's LlnlRMni for sal* •«*rywn*r«h "Funny, isn't it?" "What?" "Call a man level-headed and he's pleased, but call him flat-headed and he'll knock you down." It is in Demand. â€" So great is the demand for Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil that a large factory is kept con- tinually busy making and bottling it. To be in demand shows popu- Revive the Ja<led Condition. â€" When energy flags and the cares of j lar appreciation of this preparation business become irksome : when the | which stands at the head of proprie- whole system is out of sorts and j tary compounds as the leading Oil there is general depression, try m the market, and it is generally Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They [ admitted that it is deserving of the will regulate the action of a de- | lead. ranged stomach and -& disordered liver, and make you feel tike a new I ciara-"When I refused Tom three weeks ago he declared that it would be the death of him. -•Well, it to me last Claraâ€" "Then he must have I consider MINARD8 LINIMENT tlw BEST Lininirnt in us«. I got my fcHit badly iamtupd lately. I bathrd it well with Ml.SARD S UNI- UKNT, and it was as well as ever next day. Youra »ery truly, T. G. McMULLEN. "I was only acting the part of peacemaker, ' explained a prisoner. "But you knocked the man sense- less!" the magistrate pointed out. "I did," was the answer. "There was no other way to get peace." from debilitated digestion when so simple and effective a pill can be got at any drug store. Maude wasn t. He proposed week and I accepted From the point of view of happi- ! "'â„¢ ,. . ,1. ,, ness, the problem of life is insol- ^ '"'^»"*' * ''''"« '*^='^'*- uble, for it is our highest aspira- tions that prevent us from being happy. A pin scratch may cause blood {H)isoB, a rusty nail cut is very apt' to tlo so. Hamlin's Wizard Oil used at once draws out all infec- tion and makes bUnid p«.iison im- possible. How much money have you wast- ed in trying to get something U>r mM*. koala [ M<.>thing 1 B4 caMa. Mtnt.>d'» LInlmsnl cyra* Oandrull. CURED IN ONE MONTH. 11 every woman, who has Kidney or Bladder trviuble, rould go to DaTisviUe, #iit., and talk tu Mrs. iSimpoon, thcjr w«uld do just a.'< she did, take (liii Pills i and cure them.selyes. "For 14 or IS .years : I had Kidney or Bladder trouble, suffer- i ing nt times pain. 1 doet^^red I continually but nothing gave me pertnan- out relief until I was m^r^iiuded to try Oin Pills. "Within a couple of days 1 reoeired great relief, iiiul after taking one box was completely cured ' Mrs. A SIMPSON Write Natioual Drug ami I'hcnucal fo. it)<>pt. W.i. Toronto, (or free sample. 50 cents a box, 6 boxes (or $S.50, at all deal- ers. TO CL'RB A COLO IN ONB O.W Tall* LAXATIVB BBO.VIO (Juiniua TaklMa nnijriats lafuaJ laauav if i^Uit* to oar«. a W aaoTVa ttaaatar* la oa aasb bax. ta*. The more style some pei^ple put on the more collectors they put off. Mlnard's LInlnMnt Cur«s tkrns, c\% HIS INTENTIONS. "Young man" â€" it was her father who sp<.>ke "you've been calling on Hilda pretty regular, haven't youl' "Yes, sir."' "Every Sunday night for two years ("' "Yes. sir." "Well, I want to know what your intentions are !" "Why, sir, my intentions »r« hon- orableâ€"but remote." Mrs. Dobsonâ€" "Susan toi<t me she saw Mr. and Mrs. Hobson go- ing to church this morning. I wonder what's the matter?" Mr. Dobson - "Why, either Mr. Hobtoa has h.<id another attack of b«art trouble or Mrs. Uob.soa haa a new hat." .

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