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Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1911, p. 5

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THE tLESHERTON ADVANCE April 20 1911 TliE STANDARD BANK»dl873 OF CANADA eOB««W TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 86 FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell. Manager CUma JLL^O JkT DVUBAM AMD BAJIR.1STOX I C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesberton Station Trains follows : 6o;ng Sooth Going North 1.03 a. ID. 11.55 a.m. \ 4.48 p.m. 8.45p. ra. The males are closed at Flesherton as; follows: For the north at 11 a. m. and i 7 p.m. ; aod the afternoon null soutn a 4 o'clock. ' Miss Edna of Durham i« visiting Miss Laura Armstrong. "^ Mi.-,!> MeU H»ll of Toronto is the puest { of brr aun«, Mr». A. Boyd. I Miaa Lena Walker ql Toronto spent ^ the holidays with her mother, Mrs. John VICINITY CHIPS Mi.-s Amanda McTavish is visiting friends in Turoulo this week. Miss Willa Wright, teacher at Desboro, is home for Easter holidays. Mr. W. H. Bunt and Master Frank yisited friends at Woodbridge over Easter. Walker, Hiss Martha Walker returned to Toron- to Tuesday, after spending the past two weeks with her mother. Mi^. Bradley of Toronto, is visitiDg , tliis week with her cousin, Miss Ettie Thompson, Flesherton. Owinij to the death of the late Coun- cillor McCallum of Osprey it is necessary to fill h s place. Nomination will take place at Afaxwell on Thursday. April 27 5ir. Andrew Dow, who mo»ed with his fumily to the west, has returned to Ontario, arriving here last week. We undeJKtand that ill health was the cause of his return. The committee appointed to look into Mr. Marcellus is this week attending ^^^ g^^ pro'ectim question desire us to the Educational .Association in Toronto. Mrs Marcellus left on Monday for an extended vi&it with friends at Calgary. Mrs. Hastie and daughter, Vina, left this week for an eiteuded visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kerr, Wroxeter. Mrs. Andrew Bentham leaves this week for Toronto, where she will spend the summer with her husband. Misses Annie Hawken and Bella Loucks ( f Markdale visited at the latter's announce for a meeting of citizens to be held in the town hall on Friday evening this week. Nagotiatons were completed the last of last week by which Mr. R. Goldhawk of Singhampton has purchased the bakery business here from Mr. Edward Thomp- son. Mr. Goldhawk took possession on H <nday. He comes highly recommended as a first class baker and we bespeak for him a good business here. He was in bu«iuee« at Woodbridge for eleven years. Married Fiaber â€" Blackburn â€" At the reaidenca of the brides parents, Artemeaia, on Wednefday, April 12, by Re«.U.MUlii<an, Th'^s J. FLsher, only mjU uf Mr.J.Fiwher to Misa Vi.^Itrt May.only daughCrr >i Mr. and Mrs. John Blackburn. The youns; couple have takru up i heir res dence in Mr. Triinbln's hcmse uppoaite the B<ip>iat Church vaciited by Mrs. Hu ie. Bentham â€" Lewisâ€" On Monday, 17th inst. at the hocne of the bridu's parents, 345 Clinton St. Toronto, by the Rev. Dr. Cleaver, Mr. Edward Bentham to Miss Florence Lewis. The Advance, with a host of FleafaertoD friends wish Mr. and Mrs. Bentham a lung life and much happiness. McConnellâ€" Sproatâ€" A very pretty weddins took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs James Sproat of Ceylon on Wednesday, April 12, when their d* ligh- ter, Blanche, was united in the bonds of mitrimony with Jlr. H. A. McCocnell of Colbeck. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Mr. Dimond, Episcopal clergyman of Markdale. The handsome young bride wa:> prutiily attired in a pearl grey suit trimmed with satin. The happy couple were greeted by^ their friends at the station with abund<uit showers of rice and confetti, aad left on ' the 5 p. m. train for » trip to Toronto. The bride wore a bandsome taupe grey travelling suit with hat to msbh. They returned on Saturday last and leave for their home near Cjlbeck on Wednesday, 19th inst. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. ColUuson, Mr. and Mr>:. T. W. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White. B«1U McLeod, Ellla Whittaker, Mrs . A. Rutledge of Ceylon, and Ida Thompson of FlesQerton. The bride waa the recipient of a Urge number (.f rery har^daome and valuable prtsenta. i HILL BROS. Markdale I We have placed in stock many new lines I for the Spring trade. YOU WILL FIND IX THIS STORE- In casei of rbeumatism relief from make* sleep and rest possible. Tliia may be obtained br applying ChauibeilaiB'j I.ini- ireiiL For sale by W. E. Richatsm i. Son. |>arental home over Sunday. Mr. Bunt and Master Frank visited The Woman's Missionary Society held Toronto and Woodbridge friends over their Easter meeting in the Methcdist the holiday. church list Wednesday. Rev. H. E. Mrs. W. H. Thurston and son, Frank, Wellwocd gave an address on ' Tihin^' and Miss Zella Bentham spent Easier and several members aave approprSfe with friends in Toronto. _ readings. Thij, with Easter music.made _ . c IT I .. ' an interestinir meetinir. The Easter Previous to i«>ivii)g for Kenora last "•"•«; «^ « * week, Mr. A S. Thurston was waited on by a few friends and presented with a . I be augmented at the next meeting, •uit case. â-  w , , ,_ . ^j 1 J Lunch was served to abinit hfty ladies Good Friday opened with heavy ram ^^ ^ ^^,^,^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^,^^ ^j^ ^^, ^ but durins the foteuoou the clouds rolled . ^^.^.^^^ ^^^ ^,^^ ^^,^^.^j^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ away and the baUnce of the day »'«â-  , Bj^..^), meetimt to he held a. Elm street warm and enjoyable. j ^.^^^^.^^ Toronto, on May M, 31 and Mr. H jUand, princi^vil of the public June 1st. ' thank -offering was presented, which amounted to over ten dollar:?, which will Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Tenaat wanted f"r temperance hotel, Kimberley Apply this ufiice. Meals served at Mrs. M. McDonald's, oppoiiite The Advance office. Room for a few bo-irders at Mrs. M. | McDonald's, opposite .\dvaDce office. For the Ladies: New DKESS GOODS in all the lead- ing shades: New Belts, Jabots and Collars. For the men: Shirts, Neckwear and Clothing at popular prices, which are sure to please vou. Dress Goods. In Dress Goods we have all the leading shades in Oriental Cords.Venetians.Panamas and Voiles. popularly priced 50c to $1.40 per yard. Black an'l White Checks at 22c, 50c and 95c. Checks are very fashionable this spring. These lines cannot be beaten at the price. In Oriental Cords we have the new Coronatian Blues, also Garnet, Navy and Greeo. Popularly priced at 55cenls per yard. Panamas and Voiles range in price from 50c to $1.2.3. Ask to see them. Sateen Underskirts. We have just placed in stock a fine line Black Sateen I'adeiakirta. sixteen inch flounce, Kl quality The reculir price is $135, on sale this week ar jtg^ LACE CURTAINS. Now that House Cleaning time is here we oSer you >"ew Curtains to bnghten up your home. These are moder- ately priced at 50, 73. 1.00 up to 3 75. We consider these cuitaias the best value we have over otfered for the money. Men's Overalls. i Mens Work Shirts. In Blue and Black, all fizes good weight, regular S5o and 90c, on sale at per pair 65c. In Black aos White Stripes, also ia English Os fords, all sizes, regular value from 50c to 75c., on sale at 43c. ARTICLES FOR SALE Bicycle For Saleâ€" Sew, coaster brake. a" bargain. â€" .\dvance Olfice. »cho<M, ia spending Easter hoKdays with < friends at W\>odbrid>;e. at her home at Kirkton, and MUs Mc- Konzie at Listowell. I A ceitain mother remturkeil. before .her 6-year-old son, "Well, here it is the 1 7th of April and it is snowing.' The â-  comment by the youthful logician was. The W.l. will n>eet in the high school . ..^y^„ „.,ther, I nuess G.-d didn't hav» on Tuesday'.April 2 30 p.m. Sub- ^ ,^,^nd„ up in Heaven." iects for discussion are Evils of Fault .,..., c. i» > ^ j t •' -. nr X r.r . . » < Mr. ChaHcs Stafford returned from a finding by Mrs. W. L. Wnglit. Mrs. *â- '.„. m. o months visit Armstrong wdl give a paper on The Sun- ^ ny Side of Life. Visiti>rs are always welcome. Beautiful gate si-ns, for farmers â€" for Side by R. Cook, Ceylon Om. Two colts for saleâ€" 2 and 3 years old â€" heavy T. Henry, Flesherton. Green Feed for sale mixed,â€" l>eas, oats, and bay. Apply VV. A. Tucker. SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Restored by "Nerviline." to Cuba. .\ letter else where gives some of his views regarding i conditions down there and he has promised ' us more for next week. He had purpos- Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hurd of Kimber- ed also taking a trip through Mexico, but Wy returned from Virginia last week, unsettled conditions there prevented, where they sp^-nt most of the winter. The revolution in Moxico appears to W and Mr. Uurd gave The Advance a call assuming serious proportion?, and rail- on Thursday. He says social and agri- i ways will not sell through tickets, as a cultural condition.s are still away behind conieiiueoce tourist travel is at % stand- tho times in the South. still. The Advance had a pleasant call from ' The G.xhI Friday sacred concert, given Mr. James Inkster of Stiongfield.Sask.. I by the Mission Band of the Methodist who was down here attending the funeral Oburch, was a decidetl success. The of his brother-in-law, Mr. Bert McOal- ; program was high-class and very ap- IJm. Mr. Inkster is charmed with the pivpriato to the day and to the holy West and has no dejire to return to old Kaster-tide. Tho t«stor of the church QjPj^Y ! occupied the chair, and the Rev. Mr. ' Kelly of the Baptist church firought Ales, son of Mr. Walter LeGard. of .^^.^^^j^ greetings fro.u the sister cou- Toronto, haa been very Uw with bn-n- , ^^^^^^^ ^he phasing variety in the «hi»l puounionia. Ue is showing slight ^^j^.^^^^^^ ,,„,j ^^e interest of the large «igo« of improveiueiit. , audience from be^iuuing lo end. Twin Marriedâ€" In Toronto, on Wednesday j drills- " Ue is dead, " symbolizing the April 12lh, Mr. Reuben Spence to Miss tragic Gwid Friday, and " Ue is risen, " li. C Rhode Island Red ei:gs for set- tinaâ€" $1, and .Xk: ler netting. VV. H . Thurston, Flesherton. Gonboy Buagy, used only one season for sale i-eaJooably.â€" .\pply to W. Loucks, or Dr.E C.Murray, Flesherton. A couple of choice youns Rhode Island Red Roo.<ters f'>r saleâ€" splendid breeding; birds. W. H. Thurston, Flesherti'n. Red Raven Strain S. S. Khode Island Reds, extra tine layinn and eihibition strnio, cock famous Red Prince, 5^ poin^«. Satisfacnou guaranteed. Eg)cs «l.aO |/.«rl3, A. R. Wilson, Eugenia. For Saleâ€" Ot-odison separator, wind slacker and feeder complete, in good re- pair ; also 17 h.p. simple traction engine and outfit complete ; Victor clover hullcr with wind stacker, .American Abel. Easy terms.â€" R. G. Julian, Fevershaui. â-  AUCTION SALES ' An extensive credit auction f&\e will be held on lot 10, con. 14, t)sprey, on Tuesday, .\pril 18, when a large bst of firm atcck, inipleaients and household ttfecls will be offered for sale, the pn.>- petty of Ge»irge Barber, who intends tv> go west. SN. Kaittin<;, auctioneer. CURED SIX YEARS Edith Kago, formerly of Orillia. The Advance extends congratulation. j In mentioning the death last week of Mrs. Theresa Robinson wo inadvertently said she was â- Â» daughter (.f Mr. John Mc- Kee, when it .should have been Wm. T. MvKee. The error was regrettable. Anumij those from Toronto visiting in town for Easter holidays we noticed the following : Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray, i Misses Alice and Lou. NicboWn, Miss 1 liUlu Mitchell. Ethel Trimblo, CharUe j Thistlethwaite. John Kerr. Annie Flynn. ; Miss Ina Beattie. who haa l>een teach- , ing at"the SaiiU for some time, iahomei for holidays. Miss Beattie has severed her connection with the Sault svhiwl and picturing the glad Fiister diiy, were especially apt. The ladies who trained the band, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Miss Florence Thurston and Mrs. R. Wright, deserve great credit. The Mission Band c*n Uwst S2 memb.irs and is a training place for b.-ys and girls in the Mission- ary spirit. The free-will offering of the evening goes toward erecting iho new home for Ruthenian girls in Edmonton, and amounted to ?17.50. Perry M. Hon. G. P. Orah.iin'8 son died of brain fever, William Puthie, bank manager .it Hillsbuig, has mysteriously disappeareil. For sale Cheapâ€" t>ne Soxon Seetl has taken a po-sitioi. in the public school Drill, only worked a short time, in good at Cobalt, and will enter up<in her duties ctmdiiion. Must be sold at once. R. J. there at ont'e. j Sproule. Flesherton. Mr. George Stuatt and family relumed William Calhoun, a former well known from Elk Uke where Ihoy have bi>eu liv- resident of Shelbuvue, died at West Mrs. Stuatt Supeiior. Wisconsin, from an attack of PROPERTY FOR SALE or TO RENT/ Q Q R N S Farm to Kent - lots 1S4 5. cv>n. 2. S. W. T. and S. K.. coMiains 130 iwres. better known as the old NeiUou farm. â- Vpply to W. .V. Armstrong. Flesherton. For Sale or Rent â€" Lot 5. ctm. 8, Osprey. On the lands are good frame baru, basement, stables, .-ind a koihI frame dw.'lluiit. For terms and condi- tiou< apply to John OsK'rn. Batleau P. O., or XV, J, Bellamy, Flesherton. It is because be feels it his solemn duty to tell to the world his faith ia Nerviline that Victor P. Hires makes the following declaration: "Kor three , years I <vas in the Koyal ilail service, and in all kinds of weather had to meet the night trains. Dampness, cold, = , and exposure brought on sciatica that | , affected my left side. Sometimes an ; ' attack would come on tltat made me ' â-  powerless to .wort I was so nearly a 1 complete cripple that 1 had to give up ' my job. I was in despair, completely cast down because the money I spent ! on trying to get well was wasted. 1 i was speaking to my chemist one day. ; and he recommended "Nerviline." I had ; this good linimons rubbed on several I times a day. and Kot re!!ef. In order to build up my get:- I eral health and im- ' prove my blood I : used Ferrozone, one j tablet with each i meal. I continued j this treatment four months ir.d was ' cured. I have used all kinds of lii-.i- j raeiils. and can truthfully say that i Nerviiine is far stronger, more pene- trating, and Infinitely better than any- thiug else for relieving pain. I urge | everyone with lumbago, neuralgia, i rheumatism, or sciatica to use Xervi- I lin?. I know it will cure them." , There isn't a more highly-esteemed | citizen in Westchester than Mr. Hires. | What he says can be relied upon. For| six vears since being cured he hasn't had a single relapse. Eton't accept any-i thing from your dealer but ••Nerviline. 50 cents per bottle, trial size. Zhc: sold cvervwhere. or The Catarrhozone Co-.| Kingston. Ont. CURED IN S* H«l KS I You ran pali.le'^sly remove any corn^j either hanl. soft, or bleeding, by; applving Futnaius Corn E.\traclor. It : nevtV burns, leaves no scar, contains tic| ; adds- Is harmless, beonus* compo.-<e<}i i onlv of healing Kums and balms. Fifty 1 .-cars in use. Oun- guaranteed. So;d : by all druggists. Sc bottles. Refuse substitutes. ; PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORI>f EXTRACTOR ing during the past winter. The deceased was a tiraiu and children will rem^'.i here this sum- pneumonia. mer but Mr. SUiart letuintd to Elk Lake exinrt and was a manager vi the largest on Tuesday. elevitor m that city A Rush in Wall Paper We have stocketi up'licavny T^ith Wall Paper this year ami will not carry tlio stiM?k over to another- season if prices can be made to talk. We want you to call anil look at the slock. All good, up-to date patterns anil designsâ€" anil there are over 3,500 Rolls to Choose From. You can't help beiuc suited. .\nd in order to rush the Koods out they aie marked away d'>wn. the prices ranging frimi 3 l-2e. TO 60c PER ROLL Such " Low Tide " price-a are bound to tempt the wise buyer, and we look to see this inimcn.w st«.H.-k move out in a few weeks. .Xsk to see the .stock. Eli. Robinson, Feversham, Ont. Graniteware Sale Xew granite ware just arrive<i, a full assortment of Saucepans, teapots, kneatiing pans, cenal- cookers, tlishpiins, roasters, pails and many other articles. Tinware â€" Also a good assortment of tinware hand- made and factory Goods. /. WOODEN WARE :. See our assortment ot churns and washing machines. We have the BOSS washer, call and see it. It is a winner â€" also wringers and tubs. Curtain stretchers, carpet whips etc. I The Bellamy Hardware ITS SPRING TIME! And we have prepared for it by putting in a stock M of new spring and suiumer Boots and Shoos in g Black. Tan and Patent Leather for men, women $: and children See our W. B. H. and Mixlel Makes of Shoes. They are neat and good wearers. Custom work and repairing as usiuil. CLAYTOPTS liiiRRKllS, Carefully Corrected Each \Ve«ki Wheat :.â- > lo T5 ' oats ») to 30j Peas 75 to 75 ; Barley 50 to 60 ; Hay 10 00 to 10 col Butter 18 to 1» \ Kitgs, fre«h lo '.o 15 Potatoes per bag 50 to 50 j Oeese 12 to 12, Ducks 13 to l»i Chic'itens 12 to \2 \ Turkeys 15 to lt> Wool 81 lo 83 >S! Widely Attended The splendid patrouace enjoyed to- lay by the COLLINGWOOD Business College Is the venlict of sound, thorough, practical training. Write for cata- logue. Now i.<i the time to euter. T. E. Hawkins. Principal

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