Hints for Busy Housekeepers. RmI^s •â- 4 Other Valuable Infamiattoa •( Particalar lacercst t« Woai«« PolkA THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, APUL23. LesMB IT.â€" J«iisli repairs the Te»* pie, 2 Kiaca 11. 21 t* li. U. GoMea Text, 1 Chraa. 3». t. Chapter 11, Ter«e 21. Jehoash â€" _r o- "-â€" â€" - "-" f--' "- """"~ I a,,f. RAmnvo <ton««« obtain meat! « nen potatoes are mclmetl to go ; Popularly kjBown as Joash. He ^LTt "^LxZ ''i^^lnTrflTur i "- tht^res S^l^ tTpnTn:: i black after bo^ng, the foll^win/is wa. the 'eigth ruler of Judah h« .east. d,ssolv,>d. and enough flour • ^^^ ^^ ^^^ one-fourth cupfuls of » 8o«d plan to unprove the color grandmotner Athahahs bnef mne imcKer 1 ^_.,.__ â€" ^ â€" _ , , ^ _ and make them floury: Pare them usurpation being the only break in there will be no unsightly block mark left on the uai! afterwards. A piece of wire gauze makes an excellent iron cleaner. A piece of old gauze window blind answers the purpose admirably . Run the Iron to and fro across it, and you will be delighted end surprised at the result. The iron cleans perfectly. The dust from its surface falls I through the meshes of iire wire, in- FOREIGX DISHES. I pound of prunes, a*id two cupiuis »tead of being ground between the German Coffee Cake.-Set a «' <=old -ater. and let sta.^1 one ^^o^ ^.^ the clea^^^^ sDoni^e with onp half nint nf WnoH i ''Our. Let Simmer until prunes are , »*J~paper is usea. «ponge »ith one half pint of blood ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ nieat ! ^. ^V^en potatoes are inclined to go yeast, dissolved, and enough flour to make a sponge a little thicker, . fit than for breai Set m » /"- ; ^^l^f i.^S^^t'cLna^ou tL tste *» hour before cooking, and put the Davnlk line in the history of tTX "r saPa^^nf h^ree weU ' '" \^eTL ^rn^^ Di.^f^ them into enough cold later to.L- " Judah The revolution by whic'S he beaten eggs an" one teiron or ^'^^ tablespoonful of cornstarch in "«!>- cover them. At the right was placed on the throne « the Deaten eggs and one t^^I^on ot , ^^^^ ublespoonfuls of cold water, : time put them into fresh cold water, only one record m Judan s long add to prunes, and stir till thick, ! ">*'' s<"°« salt and a Ublespoonful , history. There were more stirring about five minutes. Remove cinna- of milk : let them come- to the boil. . times la Israel, mon, turn mixture into mold, and i «<* then simmer for the rest of the- 1. Jehuâ€" He wili ever be remem- salt. Beat well and stir into it enough flour to make a soft dough, just stiff enough to allow handling. Now with the hand knead into the dough about three-fourths cupful of melted butter or butter and lard and when well kneaded set aside to rise. When it has doubled its bulk tip out on a well floured chill. Serve with whipped cream. CLEANING HELPS. Irish Crochet. â€" Shave one ounce time required for cooking. bered as the effective instrument in If you wish your clothes to be bringing to an end the house of of a dazzling whiteness try this easy Omri. according to the prophecy of way of laundering them :*Put them : Elijah. He was, with Bidkar, close to soak overni^t in lukewarm to Ahab. and witi.t!ssed the official ^ J . , . ,, , «t white laundry soap mto a bowl ; ^^^^ J. j^ ^jj,,.jj j^ jj^^jj j^jjjj^ ^^^ ni„rj„ of Naboth, and heard as board, pat It out and sprinkle over i pour over it one quart of boiling ^.^p ^f • jk. ^^^ ^^^ of! well the doom pronounced upon It one-naif cupful of sultana rais- | water and stir until dissolved. ^^hen_m^{^^J paraffin. In the morning: Ahab bv the prophet. As command- ins one cupful of chopped dates, | lukewarm, puf the lace m. Let , j^^^ ^^.^^ ,j^ clothes and rub anv ing officer in the armv of Jehoram. and a few currants. Roll up and ; soak three hours, swishing it about : jailed- spots lightlv with the hands'. ' in the siege of Ramothgilead, Jehu put into a large cake pan with a j occasionally. At the end of the g^,^^ .^^^^ ^ ^0^^^ ^f j^^^ ^^^^ ^33 selected bv the revolution»iy funnel which has been well greased 1 time remove it, rinse it two or three , ^^ ^^^^ ^3 ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^£ p^^y un^, EHsha to succeed the with butter and over which a layer tunes m clean water, then squeeze , ^^j^^ paraffin and one of soap king who had been severely wound- of light brown sugar has been 1 out the moisture, but never wring : J€iiV~~p,I7"the clothes "inT aid b^5 strewn wd a few shredded al- lace. Hang it in Uie sun and, when j^^'^j minutes ; rinse through two monds. Set aside until light or un- nearly dry, place a cloth wet with ' til almost double its bulk. Put into 1 raw starch on a soft ironing board; â- a moderate oven and bake about put the right side of the lace on this three-quarters of an hour, being and iron until perfectly dry. Pull -careful not to bum. An aluminum the little picots into shape with the fingers. Lace treated like this in- variably looks like new. Pendants and buttons should be wasived in the same manner. GEBMAN SAVINGS. Pe«pie of Ike Fathertiad Pat by Oae RiiiJua boUar« a War. When the German Reichstag a few weeks ago discussed the intro- duction of foreign securities in that countrj- there was general surprise at the amoaot of German eajiital which waa shown to be invested in foreign paper. But the Secretary of the Interior, Dr. Delbnieck, stated that the peo- ple of Germany are saving everv year about 91,000.000,000. ukd tha^ necessarily , * large part of this amount most go abroad to find pro- fitable investasient. These savings go into other avenues besides the mere purchase of securities. In 1905. according to a~ writer in Moody's Magazine, German invest- ment in foreign countries, outside of holdings of securities, amounted to about 9.2S3 milHons of marks (2,301.6 millions of dollars), in wladt the United States ...nd Canada were represented by at least 2.750 mil- lions of marks <.««5d,300,000). The holdings of foreign securities were estimated at tnore than sixteen billions of marks or some millions less than four billions of dollars. The real aggregate of all in's«st- ments, however, is higher stall than ^^w figures express, as not all German participation in coniasercLal or financial enterprises in foreign countries could be taken into^'ac- jlEWS FBOM SUXSn COASl WH-iT THE WESTERN PEOPLf ARE DOING. PrvgresB af the Great West T»M la a Few Peiaied pan is the best, as it will keep the bottom from burning. Grease the top of the cake before setting into the oven and take it from the p>an as soon as taken from the oven, as the brown sugar wili harden and then it will be impossible to get it out. For cinnamon rolls use half of the amount of above dough after it has risen for the second time. Roll out on a board until one-half inch thick. Grease with melted butter *nd sprinkle with about one-fourth cupful of sugar, scant teaspoonful of cinnamon and a small cupful of sultana raisins or currants. Roll up and cut into lengths of about one and one-half inches; lay in a shal- low pan which has been treated as the above for coffee cake or just a greased one, and in that case ice with vanilla icing on top of rolls. ed and removed to Jezreel. Hast- twenty minutes ; rinse through two ening thither, he slew Jeheram. aj or three waters, and hang on the , 'fell as Ahaziah. king of Judah, , «>ttat. v • .u u line iwho was present, and, riding up Scarcely anywhtre m the world ' to the palace, ordtred the ruthless i « » ^rge issue brought out without xi-nsivr THv vrw . oi^r assassination of Jezebel, who had i the German capitalist* being invited --HLHSi-^u mt .-stn IK.VZl,. ! survived her husband, Ahab. twelve 1 to participate. Only a short time This bloodshed was followed ' ««o » large Hungarian loan was Fashionable Society at Lend*. Haa '-^^ ^ destruction of all the princes \ placed in Germany and oversub- Takea it I p. Lj£ j^jjab's line, aud the slaughter ! scribed for several times, a Turkish ' The fashionable craze of the hour ' of the Baal worshipers at Samaria. | bond issue of large amount was Beaded Waist.â€" Put two cupfuls 1 in London. England, is nursing. A Jehu then reigned for twenty eight | willingly taken, and just when the flour into one quart gasoline and g^^d deal is being made of the fact years. â- emigration of German capital." as stir well; leave the waist in this that "Nurse Grimston, " who has " Beershebaâ€" A village in the ex- ; they used to call it over there, was for a couple of hours: shake and ent^^^ ^ training home at Bow in treme south of Israel, famous as the, being discussed in connection with stir around, but do not rub ; give a the East-end of London, happens to residence of Abraham, Isaac, and i the proposed listing of St. Paul second bath of clear gasoline : put ; such force that she reeled, totter- Jacob clean corset cover on a form orj ed, and then fell ! shares on the Berlin exchange 2. Jehoash did that which was ; papers reminded the banks that pillow, stretch waist on this to dry ; ; Backward she went, turffing heels ' rightâ€" After the death of Jehoiada. I they had to be in readiness for the then brush with a soft brush to take ' over head, and making several com- who for some years after the coro- ; Chilean loan soon to be e.\pected. out any remaining flour. You will j plete somersaults, but still holding nation continued as guardian for I The large Genaan banks have find your waist like new and the j on to her precious burden with both the young king. Jehoash is said by ' been repeatedly blamed for their beads safe and bright. The seams 1 hands. She was soon landed in the tne chronicler (2 Chron. 24) to have' assisting this emigration of capi- only need pressing. I cold and swift-running waters at departed somewhat from the way ' tal. and the present situation, os- To Clean Wallpaper.- The follow- \ the base of the cliff, and there she in which he had been instructed at 1 tensibly directed against listing of ing is a most excellent and simple ' fas compelled t-o let go of the hat- any rate, the revolution was not j some American papers, but really method of cleaning wall paper and: hoxes, which floated down stream complete from a leligious point of: aimed at not keeping available can be used with confidence in everj' j be the Earl of Verulam's daughter, view, for Jehoash still permitted house: Take one quart of flour and : As a matter of fact, the' peerage the high places (.hilltop sanctuaries stir in five cents' worth of am- has supplied a good many recruits of Baal), and leniently winked at Set aside until light and bake in 1 monia and enough water to maluL to the profession of nursing in the the heathen sacrifices of the people moderate oven for about thirty min- a stiff dough : work and knead untiT last few years. (3). utes. If brown sugar is used in ^ smooth, then wipe the paper with; Lady Esher's first aid classes' 4. All the mouey^r^Tbere were pan turn on to a plate as soon as • this batch of dough, workinjc^ it so j have given an impetus to the move- ' three sources from which this was removed from the oven and in the | that a clean surface will be present- '' â€"â- -â- '- ''-- --' - - ' 'â- â- ' ' "^ other case turn out and ice the top ' ed with every stroke. Go over the funds at home. on the banks. again is an »: ttack WHY NEGROES ARE BLiCK. while hot with an icing made of con- ) paper in this way and your paper fectioner's sugar and cream with a j will be clean. little vanilla. j For breakfast twists use the other SF\SO\\BLE HINTS half of the dough. Break off pieces about the size of a large walnut aud \ For Gardeners.- When using Food Determines Color. Says a Gei> nan Pr«fesiM>r. What makes the Caucasian white. ,,. ,,1. • - I , the negro black and the Indian red f Chron. 24. the principal source q^ explanation is that the black ^ â- , â- n n » K , â- r?l!* xT ^''L^^^^l} *P-! races aVe made so as a result of >rominent socially. One of the best p..mted by Mo^s to be paid bj^ continuous exposure to sunlight, known society nurses is Ladj- .\n- eye^' Israelite or the maintenance ; j^^^ ^^ theorT does not seem to ment. while the practical interest drawn: (1) current coin; (J) assess- in nursing institutions which Queen ments. for the redemption of per- Alexandra has repeatedly shown is sonal vows \,see Lev. 27. 3) ; (3) free- also largely resp^msibl^ for the will offerings in coin. According hold which the vocation aas taken to 2 on the minds of women who are of revenue was the half-shekel ap- i jf nurses is roll on the board until about five egg», break off the tops, empty con-; nesley. who became deeply interest- of the tabernacle vtxod. 30. 11-16). ; ... ^. thro'uahout inches long and one-half inch thick. ! tents and fill with soil. Plant in | ed in hospital work and spent much 5. Every man from his ac- 1 (^^Mn ^ - D V twist and lay on greased pan one each shell a seed of cabbage, to- |of her time in the wards of the City quaintance â€" The priests were in I, 7, h'^â„¢*?, ''Z*^ ^^"^ n "^ h. and one-half inches apart. Let rise. When light grease and sprinkle with the following : Take one-half cupful of sugar aud one- quarter cupful flour and one tea- spoonful of cinnamon ; mix these in- gredients and rub into them one teaspoonful of butter. Sprinkle the twists with this and bake in moder- ate oven until a golden brown. For low coffee cake take a shal- low pan and roll dough one-half inch thick, let rise and grease and sprinkle over it the above mi.xture. Bake in a moderate oven about Berg- mato. pansy or anything you want | of Dublin hospitals. But for her addition (according to the ^^ln^^ni j ^*^\*^ (t'*'^ 'J't'"^" * '^th^t '^ to start early, and set in egg case j marriage she would have adopted cles) to raise a personal subscrip- | * .. a temp <o prove t a 1 fillers in a warm, sunny window, j nursing as a profession, and in the tion from among their friends!^* * â„¢* er ot leeoing. e pom s The long egg boxes (one dozen car- (end she founded a village hospital throughout the country, each priest ' '^"^ t&at m t.le anunal and insect ton) will set nicely in window sills, j in the grounds of her home in Coun- having jurisdiction amonst certain ' f**"" «*>»<>'â- »» oiten determined D\ When plant is large enough, break !ty Down -' *"â- ' â€" ^"- ' ^'^' *°'^ ^^ """S"** '^>" *^^«'"'^'*1 I of his own kin Lad.v Hermonie Blackwood, ai Repair the breaches ot the house ; P^^^f^* the same results are shown twenty minutes. .\n endless nuiu- j dragged, and often ruined. A ber of good things may be ma<le j convenient and inexpensive way of from this dough and treated iu dif- i st.)lving this pn.>blem is for the hos- fercnt wf»\s. I tess to buy at her grocery paper Rolled thin it may be used for ! bags large enough to hold a pair apple cake with apples sliced on it ; of overshoes. One of these is han- »nd a few currants sprinkled over|ded to each guest, with a word of it. For breakfast n.<lls it can't be 1 e.\plauation. by the maid as she surpassed. I bake them on Saturday | opens the door. There is then no shell and set in garden. Chershoe Help. â€" How to dispose | marquis" daughter, and sister of â€" Jehoash had been brought up sec- of overshoes in wet and muddy wea-iLord Dufferin, is president of the retly in a part of the temple, and ther is a serious problem to a bos- i Irish Nursing Association, and tess. If not removed before going I among earls' daughters who have to the dressing room the carpets J been to the fore in the nursing and rugs soon become damp and { movement ar » Lady Katherine dirty, over which surface the hand- 1 Stanho!>e. L»dv Rosalind North- some gowns of the guests are later! cote. Lady Griseldo Cheape, and Lady Maud Keith-Falconer. in the different human races. He thinks that the original man was black, as his principal diet must have been vegetarian. Fruit and reheat them for breakfast and lotf Sunday evening tea. I usually nse double the amount in the re- cipe. â€" Mrs. F. W'. Hungarian Goulash. â€" Into the bottom of a well bettered casserole put one pound of round steak cut in three inch squares. Pare and slice three medium potatoes, two parsnips, one large carrot, and one large onion. Put them on top of meat, season with salt and pepper, cover with warm water, aud cook, cloeely covered, in a slow oven for three aud one-half hours. DESSERTS. Pudding.â€" Two cupfuls it was natural for him to wish ti restore its beauty and neglected worship. Uuder Athaliah the sec- , ^^^ vegetables contain mangaiiates red treasures had been transport- 1 *b;«^.>» •Hy, themselves with iron. ed to the h^^use of Baal, and both ' ™»k"S » ^»'"^ ^rown combination. the walls and the foundations of . I*"-- Bergfeld sa.vs that negroes who the temple were sadly in need of re- »^ â„¢^»t and milk to their vege- CHILDREN ON THE STREETS. construction. i T. Jehoash called for Jehoiada- ; The plans of the boy king had mis- ; carried because table fare are never as dark as those who only eat vegetables. Indians are red because they ot the sSftlessness i l»»ve absorbed for generations he- Bill to Prohibit Tr-nding by Boys of the priests. But now he had moglobm. the red substance in tl^ grown to full maturity, and he pro- ! blood of animals killed for food, ceeded to take the whole matter out Mongols are yellow because they of the hands of those who had done descend from dark fruit eating rae- nothiug, tor it pained him to see es who penetrated into the plains the house of God falling into such j of Asia, became shepherds and liv- rank decay. jed to a great extent on milk, which 9-13. How Jehoash got together : contains chlorine and has a bleach- and Girls. Lord Shaftesbury has drafted a bill which will prohibit any street Nut Pudding.- Two cupfuls of •our, two teaspoonfuls of baking cod liver oil, etc.. mix a powder, and one-half teaspoonful ' ground dry mustard with mating of oversh«.>es. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. When darning certain kiiKis of material â€" knitted underwear, among other thingsâ€" it is a ginxl plan to baste beneath any large hole a piece of soft net. aud darn over and through this until the net is concealed. The net adds to the firmness of the darnetl piece. To free the hands from disagree- able odors, such as that of onions, little warm »lt, siftetl together. Then add one-half cupful of granulateil su- gar, add one cupful of milk to two eggs well beaten. Stir this into the dry mi.vture and add one-third of a cupful of molted butter, boat well. Stir into this one and one-haif cnp- fuls of nut meats of your »'wn choice. (Hickory nuts preferable.) Steam three hours. Serve with a sauce as follows : One and one-half cupfuls of sugar and three-fourths of a cupful of water, dissolved and boil to a thread as for icing. Have ready the well beaten yolks of three «ggs. Then add gradually the hot 5yrup over the eggs, stirring brisk- ly. Set aside in ice water to e<iol, «tirring constantly. .\<kl flavoring to taste. Before serving, on the pMdding blend carefully two cup- tttls of whipped cream. Prune Pudding.- Wash one half excuse tor anv one wearing her . •- . , ' j .- - , L " ",' J '^ -..„ trading bv bovs under IT vears and overshoes to the dressing r^Kii... The; , . f, ,.„.„" .^ -ri, â- j" ' ""^ 1 â- ... .L V.-â„¢., by girls under 1$. The idea under- names may be written on the bags ; , â- . * , ,.,, . , .,_ • . >• before hamiing to each guest. This ^^'"S the bUl is that street trading _ .,. _.. ^.. ..^^_ ^ method prevents the loss and mis- **;f^,*r-'* the potential capacity of ,ie money necessary to revviir the | mg effect. children to become good citizens, temple, and how he disposed of it. j The Caucasians were another turning the boys and girls who en- xhe priest was ordered to place a i branch who became still whiter gage in it into hopeless unemploy- chest at the entrance to the temple, ; thn.>ugh adding salt to their dietary. ables, whose ultimate destiny is the beside the altar of burnt offering' Common salt is a stn.>ng chloride. pris*.'n and the workhouse. | which occupied a commanding place and is a powerful agent in hleach- The Ix>ndon County Council. > in the midst of the outer o-^urt. ! ing the skin. The effect, he declares. which tried registration of juvenile , \vhene\-er the chest was lil!ed-<he can be seen on negro children who street traders, has decided that the contributions were gathered into have been bri^ught up on a white system of badges has not been a bags and carried into the palace success, and it has just adopted and there counted by the high new by-laws to deal with the evil, priest and the king's private sec- These by-laws will have the effect retary. The money was then care- of taking off the streets 10.000 boys! fullj- weighed out to the architects, and 1,000 girls who are at present I and by them paid to those who were engaged in street trading. Among; to do the work and provide the ma- the changes are the following: i terial. No boy under 16 to be employed 13. The vessels necessary for the to be employed ia street trading. proper conducting of the sacrifices water and was(» the hands well with it. The saucers of scales, or vessels used in cooking, can be freet^ from odors by the same method. Brushes and brooms would last much longer if they had an occa- sional hath. Fonr tablespoonfuls of household amnK>nia in two quarts of lukewarm water are the pnii>er proportions. Let the brushes or twigs stand in the water for about half nn hour ; then rinse thorv>ugh- ly and hang them in a cool place to dry. The busy housewife is often call- evl upon to attend to a pinched fin- ger-nail, either of her own or of some member of her househoW. She should applv cold water, and cause the injurtd finger to be held upright for at least half an hour, not letting it hang dv>wn for one 8««ond. If this rule is adhered to No boy or girl under 14, liable to in street trading before 6 a.m. or after 9 p.m. No ba>- or girl under 14. liable to attend full time at schoi'l. to be employed for more than three and a half hours a day. No boy or girl under 14 to lather customers or do other work in a barber's shop. "Here!" shouted the railway of- ficial; "what do you mean by throwing those trunks about lil^ that?" The porter gasped in as- tonishment, and several travellers pinched themselves to make sure that it was real. Then the official sv>oke again: ''Don't you see that you're making big dents in this concrete platform:" of the temple were not made with this money, it being devoted ex- clusively to the repairing of the fabric of the house. But there dietary. They are never as black as their kindred who have not abandoned vegetarianism. FACT -AND FANCY. When a man is taken in. he is put out. .-^ single Honduras mahogany tree will s<.>iuetiu!es realize $11,000 worth of boards. Like a savage, the average man on having words with his wife. Chilliwack is building » fIT,OOI eitr lull. Enderby. B. C, will be lighted J«> tungsten street lamps. Phoenix, B. C. is to h»Te a new and first-class skating rink. Pottery clay is being shipped from Kyuquot Sound to Victoria. Revelstoke has this year struch a tax rate of twentr-five miin« The C. N. P. R. 'has catabliahe^ an emergency hoquxal at Hope. The Victoria hotel in Calgary hat been sold for fSS.OOO cash. Edmonton is to have a new school building at a cose of $74,492. Civic assessments in Kamk>opt increased by fSCO during 1910. Vancouver's civic budget for tbt present year totals $3,000 000. A linseed oil and paint factory it being erected a: Medicine Hat. For a month this winter there was no fresh meat at Fort George. The village of Ecmott, Alta. , is ap- plying for incorporation as a eown. Tbe handsome new central school at Revelstoke has been formally opened. Sturgeon is selling for 15 centa per pound in the New Westminstet markets. The City Council of Xorth Van- couver has declaied against com- pulsory raccinatioi.. Seven Slavs were recently de- ported from Rossland under the re- gulations of the Immigration Act. A. Endersby. of Rossland. hasthe biggest bam in British Columbia, the total length being 2M feet. White fish from the state ot Washington are to 6e placed in Vancouver lakes during the com- ing summer. A patrol of Girl Scouts, a sister organization of the Boy Scouts, was organized in Trail, B. C, re- cently. The Kootenay Jam Company aft Nelson, has sold its factorj- to the Doukhobors ,and will more to the coast. It is a common occurrence, says a Calgary paper, for men to ask for permits to build half a dobea houses at *3,000. i?o many gophers are ravaging the Okotoks district th.«t a general kil- ling day will probably have to be appointed. That no less than 400 teams pass- ed him within six days in the Peace river district is the statement of E". F. Cot*. D.L.S. He says the influx into that portion of Albert* is al- most beyond belief. Robert Evans has sold 9T acres of land adpoining Oroville for fSO,- 000. The land will be cut up into several fruit farms. Fur traders north of the Sas- katchewan between Edmonton and Lloydminster report the fur catch as poor, owing to the heaw snow- fall. The new sanitarium at Baltimore has been opened. It contains more than 60 bedrooms and the dining- room will seat more than 100 peo- ple. Many settlers from the United States are taking up land in the San Joseph valley, on the west side of the northern end of Vancouver island. The now Edson-Grande Prairie road. Manitoba, which joins at Sturgeon Lake with the old trail from Lesser Slave Lake, was lately opened. Three young women were recently induced by an advertisement to come to Canada on the promise of imn>e\liate employment at Regina, but they were left stranded in Win- nipeg, without moaey and without friends. A p.-vrty of nine .\shoroft dis- trict Indians has left for .Australia under engagement to a Melbourne amusement enterprise on Wild West lines. This summer $140,000 will bo spent by the C. N. R. in extending trackage and erecting edditions to the roundhouse and freight sheds in Edmonton. « WHY TE.VCHEK REFRAINED. Teacherâ€" ' "Why were you not at school yesterday '' Willie â€" It was my birthday." Teacherâ€" But I don i stay home from school on m.v birthday." Willie â€" "Well. I guess you've got used to 'em.'' must have been a surplus of some' rushes straightway for his club, sort, for Chronicles tell* us (2 ; Egyptian mummies sometimes Chron. 24. 14) that "of the rest have teeth quite cleverly filled with were made vessels for the house ol the Lord. " 15. Reckoned not with the men- There were no specifications, the laborers and overseers b^ing of the ideal sort that can be trusted to deal squarely. 18. Trespass-offerings â€" This money, aivd that received {or guilt (sin) offerings (Lct. 5. 1-6), belonged to the priests, being paid to them, according to the Jewish regulation, for fines, and, possibly for the pur- ehase of sacrifices. gold The reason rich men have so many friends is because they are capital fellows. Banana juice makes & very fine indelible ink. He who does what he can may soon be able to do what be would- Occasionally a girl lets her par- ents select a husband for her so that she will ha>«e some one to blame or it- Success is a target with a mighty small bull's eye. • Well, here I am," announced the fashionabltt physician in his breezy way. "And now what do you think is the matter with youT" 'Doctor, I hardly know, " murmur> ed the Jjishionable patient. 'What !s new \" "Oh, Johnnie. Johnnie." said Ul aunt, reproachfully, why is it yo^ never remember to say 'Thank you' •" "I expect it's "cause I don't get things ^iven to me oftes enough for practk-e." answered th* young diplomat, hooe.(ally eyeing 1 box of chocolates.