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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1911, p. 8

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April 13, 1011 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCJi. 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU Business Cards WALTER I.orcK8 Huilder Contractor For Brick, Htooe koil frame riwIdeocM, Ei- tiinatoc cfaoorlully lurpithed, Ontario. KiMbertOD P O M JULIiOUOH « YOUSQ Ul Hankar> Markdala •aaral baDkiug bualnaaa . UoDe; loaned at'ruaaooaUla ravet Call on ui. JhlSUETT, • I>o<tn)a»t«r, fiejion, Farms For Sale or Rent UNIMI-KOVRI) farm (or tn\«. heiiig lot 28, coucuHMioii II.OMiiruy. TbUiaBKlJ to be a fairly level lot witli connidarablii timber Mailable for wooil. To clone au eetatr will bJ aold very cbua)> and ou eaav teriiix uf paymaut. Apply to J. A. hAIiSTKD, Oapl Mt. If'oreat, Uut Foil HALEâ€" Cheap ani easy teriui. •old Boon, for rent to itultable J .ConTevancar, deeda, ilU etc. carefully drawn up ComiiiiMionar tn H, ( mort«;ageii, la a ae a , wil ... '^olWctiouf mad.*, cbargea reaaooable. Also nocerlea, flour, feed itc, kept lu atock, I'ricea rV' ht. &J 8PROUI.B Fo'tniuter. Pleeberton If nut t«na-^t, Nortli balf lot :n aud lot 40. con, 11, Artemenia, and lot 1, coll. I'J. Onprey, 'JOO acrett, about 150 cleared balauco motitly timbered laud, bard uadsoft wood ; (;ood Btoue dwellius and frame barn, Htablin^ under ; well watered witli nflver- fiiUng Hmall aprinij creek cioBKin}{ farm close to barni Thia ii» au excellent gralu or urtk-/.'uni farm and will bo sold very cbosp if taken at ooce aud ou easy termi^. Appi) to It. J. Kproule, Flesbertou, Out. t^«nimlssio'ner In H.C J., Auctionee Coo« ^'arE:tVt.*''rud^%nr"^eX"i:t.U^"j i.t'''«-^P^ "'-I'-" <"> o-'{^run-U,U 1 neai '••'*',_.""'".",,,„ -»rKliillv drawn and J. con. H Ouprcy ; -200 acres: frame â- p°'l'n'd''";iuaTon. mad'e on ,"o est'noUcJ fwen'oB. frau.o barn a^wl/.tabliDK under; about up »»" \".i„_ ..:.•- ^»i„t«rn«t Col 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Some money to loan at l_owo.trate«_^oflnterMt.^Oo^lJ^,^^^J,_J^^_,_^^ ^^^^ ^^,_^^ ^^^^^^^ ^.,__j^^^ ^^ ectioaa attended •itargoa low. Ag Staamtbip Cvuipaoj to with promptneas Well . , «;^.„.'" »„^ "r>„â€" .â- ', nni'ninion ' '"»''"'^*. "'"" '"J""'*" "'â- cbardKbeariui!. wen *»Mur««« low. Agent »or Ocean DomiuiOB ^^^^^^ ^^^^, ,^.,j j^ ^^^^^ Hplendid ipaoj. A e«ll aolloitea. \ . , „,.,,„„ ,._5, "^ .. „"i„ ,_ ,>. i s..r,.,.i« firain and ({razing farm. Apply to K' J.Siiruule â€" I Klegherto" "r HAmuet Osboruo, Maxwell. Licensed Auctioneer for the i rrr' „ . , . , ', Z ? Terms moderate aud KO!,'.,*'AH*' XV". .9''?»'' ?".? ?" "VK ,"",TT ,nts Ihe late Dr.t'bristoo 8.S-9tory brick block DMcPHAIL. - • County of Grey satlsiaction guaranteed. The arrangements and dates of sale* can be made a', TuK Advance efflcfl. Kealdence and P.O.. Ceylon, Telephone cuuuection. l>ec.0X)7. in Flesberton with good stable and never-fail ing well on pieniiaeB. Good large store and (;ood butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stone cellars under building ; is and can be kept well rented ; two good halls ou second and WM. KAITTtNU, Ucensed Auctioneer the counties of Urey and Bimcoe Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms atoderate. tati*f»ctiou guarantied. Arransa- loents for dates may be made at the Advance office, or a: T. Hutcblnfon's store, teversbam by addressing me at Feverabaui, Ont. RUDD MATHKWS, Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for tno county of Grey, Good service at reasonable rateb. T XAiade at The Advauce. o 09 for third stories ; tirat class business stand aud will â-  be sold cheaji as owner is engaged iu other : business iu the west abd has no further use for It. Apply to It J. Sproule, Kieshertoo. Lot. No. 8. eon. 8. Osprey. For apply to J. M. lluBNS, Feversbaui J.'. articulars n* UARM FOR BAIiB-Very cheap, 100 acres, ^ lot 0, con. 7, Osprey, only 43000, reasonable cash paymeut, balance easy terms, 85 acres cleared, well fenced and iu high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stoue cellar under, never fall- IHABVF.y PEKIGOE, broker rieanenon ing spriug well aud windmill pump at door, General brokerage business. Insurance or ,_„^ frame ham, well flulshed, stone stabliuii every kind placed in f afo and liberal compauies. Heal estate etc.. Open accounts and past due notes bandied and money advanced thereon. UorrespondeBce solicited. ^^^^ Medical D* ^^u^c'pit 8 Ont. Physician, Burgeon, etc Office and residence-Peter st., Flesberton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Neterlnary vesiaence â€" second door soutu Itlry street. This street tuns south Presbyterian Church. College, west; on H WILSON, niacktr.iitb n„i««„ tiraduate of tue Veterinary Bcienc Association. Durham itreet, opposite Boyd, Uro's hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. J. S, dental surgeon bono, graduate of Toronto University and Uoyal College of Dental «";;«'">"» '''°',',''"''°' Gas admi.iiiibtered for '«•>"'„'''' ":"V'*",,.,,„„ Office at residence. Toronto Htreel, HesSerton. Legal ( UCAB. BANF.Y & WALLAfE-Karristers, •-' riolioitorii, etc.- 1. H. Lucas, h. C.; w fc. Itanev K C : J. H. O. Wallace. (ifllces, T"fn(o,H)(;-U Traders Hank IHcig.. 1-bone main 1*12; Markdale Lucas liloch, l'>>0"« J A. Hraucb ouice at Dundalk open every Haturday. new frame ham, well Uuislied, stone stabling with spring water under, also iu shed. It la situated i mile Ironi Maxwell village where tbers are stores, post offices, good scbuol, aud is on the gravel load, M miles from railway station. If sold at onco, above price, though VEHY C'HKAP might bo shaded a little. Apply to 11. J. BPltOULE. Flesherton, or TH()M.\S GUY, on premises, tt 'por sale cheaper rent, immediate poi '^ Lot â- % cLii. 14, Artcmedia, about possesfion. it 75 acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to K J Bproule, Klesherton, or John J Martin across the road from said lot. WH WKIGHT. Barrister, Solicitor. Convey- ancer, eti..-Owou Bound, and Flesberton. B-Fleahettou office, Bproules Ulock every Baturdav Societies An U W meets on the last Monday in ea.-.h month, In their lodge room Norrls' block. |He«Jorton. at H..!'-"."; M. W.. H. C. Fin., W A GOOD START IN LIFE has been kIv- en thousands of yount; ])co[ilc who hnve ut tended iho .\t Owen Sound, Ont, during tlie | thirty years. What we have done for other.s wo can do for you. Try it by entering; for the Sjiring Term on Monday, April 3rd, Circuhirii free. C. \ . Fleiii.=n«, G. D. Fieminfi, Principal. Si-crelary. Honor Rolls ftepnrt of S. S. No. 'i, Al'tcineHia for the inoiilli of April. Sr. 4â€" Zellii Uentbani, Wilfrid Heniy, Rub Sharp, Hichard Wyatt, tiiual. Sr. ;! â€" Elsie Caswell, Hugh Moore, Roy Uest , Sr. 2 â€" Rhodii, Claicnco Oir, Ix;r;aru Bee o. H". Munshaw; | Wardie Harrinon, Willie Irwin, p. (rossley Visiting brethren Invited j J^. 2â€" Elijah Uontliivm, Willie Orr. Pt. 2- Mildri'd Sharp, Albert Mooic. Ft, 1- Freddie Irwin. â€" M. B. Wilson, Teacher. PBINCB ABTHUll liUUi.r., No. :m, A.F.4 A M, meets in the Masonic ball. Arm Friday on )BINCB AKTHUB LODdK A M, meets iu the Mai strong's Block, Klesherton. every or before the lull luocn. C. 11. Mu an.,.â„¢. ... II. ; Tlios, (;la)rton, Hevre'-^ry. COURT FLKHHEBTON, l».'i. J. ".P- "^o^'l.'" Clayton's Block the last NN«lne»dav -ve"' J of eiib month. Visiting Foresters !"'»""> welcome. II. B.. Uyson; U. b.. i. Henry, Fin. Hec, C. N. Kicbardsoii. ..„,., „„, Please pay duns to Flu. See. before the first day of the month. enOHEN FhlKNDB-Flesherton V'""",';'), °| Cbo*BD Friends meet. ln.i:'»Vton'.hal first and third Woilnesday of each iiionth 8 ,P- '" Pay assessments to ti.o Berorder ou or »'•â- '"'•• tLe first lay ..f eacli month. Chief Councillor T. liUkol'v: lleooriler W. II. Ituut. Berkshires and Tamworths I have now for sale a (ow very choice Hoik- shire pigs, nearly rcaily to woau. Hurry your ordsr and «•* tl** j^-^'^. .jogg, „„„„ p. «. Boar for Service Pure Hred 'I'ainworth IV'sr for Hcrvii Terms, •!. C»»h, N. Iliii.Ue, Maxwell, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE ThiiiwiKbbre 1 ."^liiprtlh.rii lmll,"l)aii(lv .Miu" )*17H4, for wrvioe on l"t 17(i, T. h .S. R-i Ar- lemiisia. Tliis animal 1" "f n K'-wl "ulkinK â-ºtrain. I'wJiKriw on »l'l'"< "''""•, Tji^l^ J;"" tirades $1, registered W. .1 AS. MTINSON Proprietor. Bull For Service 'ninrouuhbiwl llnreforil Hull (or service "u lot 171, en. 3 H. W. T. au-l H. K., Arte- iiiesia. T«rm»-»1 for ^taAv, »:I for imie IiohI Any !•<'* not returned will l)« charKcil in full whether In calf or not. UMan'J -T. * .1. W.VT.HON. Bull for Service ThoroUKhbr.Ml Kerefoid Hull (or servion on lot 1, ion. I Kujihorusia, Teniitâ€" $1. I'odi (Tree on aiipiication. „ , , CllAS, II, MARTIN, I'rop.- Reporl of S S. No. !», .\tteraesift for the month of March. 5â€" M. Parsons. Sr. 4- F. Farliaraont, Ti. T/'iwler, M. Parliament, M. I'ar.sonH, Sr. :!-S, Pedlar, E.Linlon, W.Maijce, G. llunaun. Jr. 3â€" M. Iiiwler, Belle MagOi', G. Carson. 8r.2 - Ua Mageo, S.Podler, T.Paraon.s. Sr. 1 â€" AUio Lawler. Primer sr.â€" Percy Maijoe. Primer int -S, McDonald. Primer jfâ€" W. Lawlt>r, H. Pedler. â€" R. W. E. McFaddon, Teacher. A DEED OF DARING. Tw*nty-Mv«n Live* 8av*d by On* Man In a 8hipwr«ok. A historic case of daring and endur- ance rurely equaled In life saving an- nals was that of the rescue of twenty- seveo souls by one man In 1807. The fishing schooner Sea Clipper was driv- en by the tempest against a reef near the Spotted Islands on that coast and speedily went to pieces. Captain Wil- liam Jackman, in charge of a flsbing crew at these Islands, bad wandered in a direction he had never been be- fore as if by inspiration and suddenly saw the whole tragedy enacted before bis eyes. Hurrying his one compan- ion back to the Qsbing station to sum- mon help, be plunged into the bowling swirl himself and eleven times swam to the ship. Each time he took back a human being to safety, battling splendidly against wind and tide. Then help arrired, but no means was available ot communicating with the vessel, so Jackman fastened a rope around bis waist and made Qfteen more trips, returning with a castaway on each occasion, it was then discov- ered that a woman had been overlook- ed and left on board, and the belief was expressed that she was dead, but be declared that be would not leave her there, living or dead. Accordingly be plunged into the surf again and soon bore the hapless creature to the shore, where, divesting himself of bis flannels, be wrapped bem round ber, as she was almost at death's door. She expired a few hours later, but lived long enough to thank ber preserver for bis noble efforts in her behalf- Wide World Magazine. BROUGHT UP HOT WATER. Th« Friction of the Boat Made tha Ocean Almost Boil. The steamship was speeding over seas with a record breaking list of passengers when one of the gay, young and Inquiring girls wbo are found on every trip skipped up to the captain and asked: "Captain, are we really going fast? It seems as If we were Just crawling." "Fast," answered the c.iptaln grutf- ly, "of course we're going fast. With nothing to see but water and sUy you can't judge our speed, but, my dear young lady, the friction of the bout Is BO great It makes the water hot aft" "1 don't believe It," gtggl€>d the girl, and the captain, wlih a great show ot indignutlon, culled for a rope ond bucket to prove bis words. These brought, be slung the pail down aft of the vessel directly under the drainpipe of the galley, where bot water runs all day, and brought It up smoking, to the astonishment of the awstrucU girl. A long, lean ynnkee who hud been watching the performance then came forward oud druwiod, "Say, cap, that must make you change your course mighty often." "Change my course?" blustered the captain. "What would 1 change my course for?" "Well," snld the Yankee slowly, "so darn much friction us that must wear the ocean out mighty quick."â€" Phila- delphia Times. Assessor Kndacotl finds there are ;!0 people leas in OtanKCvillo than a year ago, the present population heinu 2;i21. The total aNseHsment is 8i)BI,7!H).'24. Sugar. Our word "sugar" U snld to be de- rived from the Arabic "sukkar," the article Itself having got Into Europe through the Arabian Mohammedans, who overran a great part of the world In the aevcnih, eighth and ninth cen- turies. According to Dr. Van LIpp- man, a Dutch writer, as a result of the Arab invasion of Persia sugar found its way Into Arabia, whence again its culture was carried to Cyprus, Rhodes. Sicily and Egypt. In the last nataed country the preparation of sug- ar was greatly Improved, and the Egyptian product became widely fa- mous. From Egypt the industry spread along the northern coasts ot Africa and so entered Spain, where. about the year 1150, some fcurtaeu re- fineries were tn operation. Columbus Introducod sugar cane Into the new world.â€" Argonaut. H0LSTEIN-FRIE8IAN CATfLE Oxford Down Sheep and Tamworih Swina Brown Laghorn Poultry a specialty. HoueTiiN-raitaiAH bull for aaavto*- IIKI.I.FAN <:(J.<('(mi)i.\ IHJKK DeKOl. No, (7:iiHi KIIIK yii«i>n H Di'Kol Diik" No. i:ilHii H. M. I),\M Mellfaii CoULurdia DeKiil No. (i:i«ll U, Jl„ wbomi urand ilaiii lield tU» WOBI.H'H HI;T TKll lIKi ()U1> a low years ai|u MA KINO SO L.1IH,, lUOZ 1N7 1)AVH. This youiiR aniuisl Is risinit :i ynais, is oXunaA alisanil maivKlualllY, liaTluitwoiitlire* 1st ami on« >iiiioii<l |irl«o »H aualt at sninii of tli« proiii- iuiilit runti'tiH uf Out., aiitl liaHWoii iHt |>la«e at oua and two years olU at Kast drey (all fair, Kisslisrtun., liayalile ist of .Ian. All onvm not regularly leiuruiKl will imi'liarRed. IttCHAlin Al.liKN, tiOl 170, a.M. K, T, * v. It. Flesbertou P.O. 3= Hhaldon, till) blind pool operRlor, re- aentty oaplured in PitlHliiii'K, has been returned to Montreal, the loene of hia Catarrhal Deafness Successfully Treated By Catarrhozone Oeafneai it not so common a* bllnd- nete, yet thousand* are more o lata afflicted by It, and their comfort ter- iouily Interfered with. Cutarrhul (leufiie»« inaiilfi.stH Itm'lf but Hlowly, yt:t It munt lie urkiiowlmlu- fd that the great iniijorily of those who becmie tnlally (leaf might have avert- ed thia uiitorlunati! t'oiHlltlon If they had tronteil the culurrhul Inflununa- tl >n at it." beKliininK. The only rcnieily that cnn ho nafely "iniiloyed for all form.s of eatiirrlml leafiM'BS 1h Catarrhozone. You Hlniply oharife the air ynu breathe with thi-i heallntr. soothing agent, an. I by forr- Ine It Kently through the ears destroy the germ life which keeps up the tn- flnminallon, and ut the same time by the soothing, healing action It heals tbo Inflamed surfaces of the middle ear. ("ATAltrillOZilNK. to thd.ip who are Just a little deaf, ntid are growing In- ireaslngly deaf, l!< an iment capable of affording the utniiii-t Hatlsfaetlon. and Us U8P la attended without dangnr. and as the treatment can be curried on at h<ime no person thn»"atened with the affliction of deafnoHS should postpone one moment In beginning Its uac. From every part of the Dominion glowing aooountt of the beneficial ao- ilon it exertt upon oatarrhal oondi- tient of the middle ear have been sent In, and you will be resorting to the only method of cure, and the eimpleat thod too, if you try Catarrhoiona. TAR AND FEATHERS. A Coat of These Meana Excruciating Torture to the Victim. People who read of tarring and . feathering know that the punishment i Is a very unpleasant one, but few Im- | agine how terribly painful and dan- ; gerous It Is. Hardened tar Is very { bard to remove from the skin, and : when feathers ore added It forms a | kind of cement that sticks closer than | a brother. As soon as the tar sets the | victim's suffering begins. It contracts as it coola, and every one of the little veins on the body is pulled, causing the most exquisite agony. The perspira- tion Is entirely stopped, and unless the tar is removed death Is certain to en- j •ue. I But the removal is no easy task and (equlres several days. The tar cannot be softened by the application of beat | and must be peeled oft bit by bit, > •weet oil being used to make the proc- I OSS less painful. The Irritation to the ! skin Is very great, as the hairs cannot ' be disengaged, but must be pulled out or cut off. No man can be cleaned of I tar In a single day, as the pain of the operation would be too excruciating for eudurnnce, and until this Is done he has to suffer from a pain like that of 10,000 pin pricks. Numbers of men have died under the torture, and none who have gone through it regard tar and feathering as anything but a most fearful Infliction. The tishinsf tug Eagle of Lorrain, Uhio, i was captured aa a poacher in Canadian Wilers and the vessel with a crew of six men was brought to Kingsville. The little steamer Iro<iuoi8 foundered off Vanc3uver Island and twenty pa.ssen- gdrs were lost. The captiin and mnte j «ere the hrst to como ashore in the | lifeboat. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance 9 i 00 Youths CompauioD 2 00 Toronto World, daily 2 >15 Toronto Daily News 1 85 • Weekly Globe 85 Mail-Empire .... 80 Family Herald & Scar 85 Toronto Star 1 35 Farmer Sun . . 85 Farmers Advocate 135 Weekly WiUess 80 Saturday Ni({ht 3 05 Home Journil 60 Poultry News . . ; , 20 Poultry lieview 40 SETTLERS' TRAINS -TO â€" MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES Far ulltin lintllial wilk liinlock %mk tllecu Special Trains Will leaf c Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and AFBIL 10.10 P.M. Stitltn aad faoiiliet wtlbsat l*vr«4«cb sllocU m^t Regular Trains Lcavioj Toronto 10.10 r Ji. D.ii, Tbro«^ Colobi^t and Toarijf S'rrpris Colonist Cars ob all Trabs No charge for berths Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ask txi CrX Ucal ki wn °l "S«iU»' C«M>" liod and Gun magazine 85 ) S. Rand, Agent, Flesherton- TOBACCO IN TH E ARCTIC. R*aouro» of Miners Whan Thay Can Neither Chew Nor Smoka. "When the wind Is blowing thirty miles on hour and the temperature is 40 below it is some cold," said a man from Alaska. "If a man ased tobacco in the ordinary way out of doors dur- ing such weather and got bis lips wet through smoking a pipe or chewing be would be apt to get Into trouble. First thing he knew he'd have his lips crack- ed, and they would be raw all winter long. "The regulars stationed at the mili- tary posts up In Alaska found that If they tied a tobacco leaf in their arm- pit previous to undeslred duty they would become very sick and could pass the post surgeon for hospital, getting rid ot detail work they wanted to avoid. "The miners up there learned some- thing of this and found that the tobac- co craving could be satlsQed by bind- ing a quantity of the leaf eltber in the armpit or against the solar plexus. This avoided broken and bleeding lips during the winter, and they weren't prevented from smokiug Indoors as well If they wanted to. It was the out- door smoking or chewing that made ail the trouble."â€" New York Sun. CEYLON'S BUSY STORE We Have Seeds of all kinds The very best quality we can procure in clover and grass seeds aud at the right prices. Men's and Bo js' Hats and Caps for spring â€" the very latest styles and shades. We have some very pretty Ladies' Suits for spring, also a large variety of Dress Goods, including poplins, reps, linens, muslins, figured silk mulls, ducks, ginghams and prints. I think we have the best prints we ever offered at 10c per yd. Ask to see our Lace Cut - tains from 3oc per pair up. They are just what you want. We have our new Wall Paper in. In Paints Varnishes, Paint Oils aud Brushes of all kinds we have everything that is required for house cleaning time. Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rugs; Oil Cloths and Linoleums 1, 2 and J yards wide. Fresh supply of Groceries always ou hand. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE Way to Treat Vanison. The sportsman was explaining to a few of his uninitiated friends. "If you don't like venison," be said, "it is because It has not been prepared properly. I think I know the kind you have tried to eat, and I agree with you It Is not fit After the deer has been shot the carcass probably has been allowed to lie around until the blood has discolored the meat and really has almost tainted It Few hunters dress their game carefully enouglu As soon as a deer Is killed the carcass should be thoroughly bled, sUinned. the entrails removed and the meat hung up In the dry air for some hours. Thorough and prompt bleeding is of the utmost importance. Venison prepaicd In this way is comparatively light In colorâ€" that is, it U a clear, bright red, and the fat Is white and clean. There is no strong, rank taste." New York Press. ^as. X^attison Seneral -^lenchant Qeylon Hia Bad Draam. Truly orlcntol was the defense put forward by a prisoner at Allpore. Charged with stealing a Hindu Idol with Its ornaments, he stated that the goddess told him In a dream the night before that, as she was not properly worshiped by the Illndu priest, she would be better taken care of by him, a Mohammedan, and that unless he took charge of ber worship she would In ber wrath destroy bis whole family. The magistrate, however, was not sat- Isfled with the story and sentenced the accused to two months' rigorous Im- prisonment and to poy a ane.-Bom- bay Gazette. maihod too, if j. â€" -_, -^ . .,1 . ..„i Oaalara avarywhara aall it, Z5o, 50c, and 4apr»d»tiont, whora he will get i» ilin a^^x)^ bv mail from The Catarrhoiona |^Ol.«nce if juitice is to be MliNlied. Co-. Buffalo. N, Y, and Klooaton, Ont Whan tha Loat Waa Fait. Wife (ou returning home after a long visit)â€" Hnvo you noticed that my husband missed me much w4ille I was a way, Mary? Maid-Well, mum. I didn't notice that he felt your absence much at Orst, but this last day or two ba bas certainly seemed very down- hearted, mum. Ungallant. Ucnderson- Ever tiiot with any seri- ous accident while traveling? Hen- peck-Did I? l met my wife while traveling abroad. Artist and Social Worker. .Mwiiys keenly intorostod in social prohloin.s, Sir William Richmond, B,.\.. who opened uii exhibition at Whitcohiipel, Ixiiulon, rpoently, ha.s jireat ideals for truiijforniiiig London into ft beauliUil city. The thank* ol the public uro due to him for his vin- ceusing efforts to got the s.nioko nuis- ance of London stopped. He hates uglines.s as much as he hates noise, and .wine time ngo announced his in- tention of dosigning a inotor-rnr on graceful lines, becauao he considered the motor-car ol to-day a very ugly niiiohine. The fiimous Academician wns one of London'* Iwy prodigies ..louip Hfty years ago, and often aston- i.shod his friends and relntivos by car- tt>oning them uiHin w«lli», doors, ta- bles-upoii anything, in fact, which would bear the mark of his peuciL DRS.KENNEDT&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS L Da. KlXXEDT, Mkdical DntKCTOB vr Dns. K. &. K. Dra. K. A K. are la.\ irablr known through- ley have (lone busl- TDOu^aIl<ls of patieuU out Canada where t lej uess for over 80 j, ara luive t>eea treaiev KiJ ri'Ttd by their great skill and tlirougi t le <. -tue of their New Method Treatmant. Wbru you treat with them you know you ore dealiug with respon Bible as lliey owu and occupy their owu oRlce building in lietruit. valued atS'OO.OOQ. Wheu tliey ilecide your case is curable, all your vn.riy is removed for you kuovr they will not deceive you. They guarantee to cure all curable cases. Ko matter how many d<ictors have failed to benefit you; no matter how much tnoney you have spent in vain; no matter bow dis- courugeil you may te, don't give up iu des- pair until you i^c a free opinion from these master specialists. If you are at present within the clutches of any secret habit w hich is sapping your lito ly degrees; if you are fuffering from Iho results of past indiscre- tions; it your blood has been tainted from liny private dist'.nso and you dare not marry i( yo\i are married aiul live in dread of symp- tiinis breaking out and exposiog your post; if yi>u are suSering as the result of a mis- CONSULTATION FREE Books Free on Di»ea»e* of Men. If unable to call, write for a Queilion Blank for HOME TREATMENT spent life-Dn. K. A K. are your Rctu«e. l.av your case before them confident ially aud they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Curt VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD end URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY end BLADDER Dieeaae* •nd all DiMaees Peculiar to Mea. DrsKENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Grnwold St. Detroit, Miche ^^^^^^Hf«W||ft*ji All letters from Canada must be addressed l^^^^^^nU I ll#Ei to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- {j^^^P^ wmmmmmK^mam meut in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address ail letters «s follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, (>Bt. Write for oar private address. Hs Promlisd. Suttonâ€" No, can't spare the money very well, bat I'll lend It to you If you promise not to ke«p It too long. Gay- boyâ€" I'll nndertake to spend erory pen- ny of It befur* tomorrow.â€" Washlng- tonlan. Feeding the Fish. Diagnated Kisherman (emptying hIa bait Into tha atreaml-nanged If I'll wait on yoo any loogerl Hare, belp yonraelTea.â€" Life. Sorrow la to •Til wltb nuukjr f««tâ€" Bold 13y F. O. KAI^STEDT, Fl^ESHKI^TON r * if?

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