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Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1911, p. 4

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AiMU!. 13 1911 T HE F I, E S H E R T O N ADVANCE ;5 F. C. KARSTEDT, - flesh erton ont . GENTS' SPRING SUITINGS AND SUITS W f have p'caHirr etisin in eliowing a full line of Worsteds, TwecdB, Serges, Droadclotlis, etc., to be made lip ill auy Ktyle desirable. If uiiticipatiiig bu}iiig a Tailor-made Suit cou3ult us first. We can suit you. Tlitii in tlic first class Semi-ready Made Cloilies wccan excel them all. For style, fit and quality the " Advance " brand cannot be beaten, being manufactured by the largest wholesale clothicry lirm in Canada. Rugs, Carpets and Linoleums l'\ir fine quality Tapeslsy, Velvet, Axminster, Wool and Union Itugs and Carpets. I know of no other place wtih a.s ^;ood a range. Ruga in all sizes, A x 8i yards, 3^ x SJ, 8x4, 8J x 4 yards, in all patterns, Willi prices ranging from 83 to 818. Woollen and Union Carpets 30 inches wide from H5c to 90c per yarc?. Vulvct^, Tcpestry, A.^minster from G5c to 81, any pattern. In LinoleiuuB aid Oilcloths we have all widths. 'Mt, tJft, 9ft, 12ft, in many pretty floral or block designs. They are the best English ijuality. 20 f.nd .OOc per square yard. Empress Shoes fw Women Once a wearer of these you will never buy any other. They are scknowledvod by all \.\w bear shoe dealerH to bo the most up-to-date, ejty-tittintti stylish and lon({-we»rin« shoes on the market. We have in »tocV a complete range of all the best shapes in liRht and heavy soles, with priees ranging from 82.50 to 85.00 Then for a cheaper line, we can give you good Shoes for the money in DuDgolas, Kids, PuLtnt Leaiheia. Tans, etc., in all widths, both in high and low Don't buy without seeing ihcm. Men's Boots and Shoes Where can you beat the "Williams .Shoes" for English audFretch kip boots ^ We were fortunate in getting this line at the o'd price again notwithstAuding the advance in leather. Vfe are prepared to supply our custamers in English kip at the old price. In all size.s from 8 to 11 •^•00 In the French kip at 84.00. An iii(le|>eii(ieiit newa|ia|>er, published every Tliunday at tlie utiice, CullinKwood Street, Kleslierton. Siibucription price *1 per annnm, tth-^n i)aid in advance; 81. W when not so paid. .'VdvertisiDK rates on applicution. Circulatlim 1,100 weekly. W. H. Thxiraton - Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN If you examine this "Empress" Shoe, you will notice iHe last has a short appearance, the instep arched with a steel support. We hare tke Agency (or "EnpiCM Shod for Wo ^^ in mo rrenon Kip at ^.uv. inuu«ai. »â- Â» "Was Fading Away' â- > â€" A Young Womanâ€" Scarcely Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet. The jury io the Assize Court at Toron- to recently, awarded Mrs. Mar^arat E. Bauckhim |l,000 and her younuer child $1,200 in her suit against Robert Beaitie, a coDtraelor, formerly of Invermay,, whom she sued for 810,000 daraaKes for the death of her huHhand. who was kdled j by a plank thrown by Robert H. Keattie. the son of the contract ir. Bauckham | was employed ax a plumher at two houses in the course of construction, and Beat- tie, who was cleaning out an upper sU)ry room, threw a plank out of the window, which struck Bauckhani, workinit below. Beattie denied reHixmsihility and pro- duced evidence to show that it was cus- tomary to throw things out of the window when rlearin? out rooms which bad been 6ni8hed. .luslice Latchford confirmed the verdict.â€" Leader. V ==^^==^ FRESH FISH Fresh Salmon Trout - 12c lb. Fresh White Fish - - He lb. Lake Brie Herring - 25c doz. un-. Tliesc prices will pr«vail at my home only, hi ilie narrow mar- gin will not, peimit jieddling. H. RADLEY, The Collingwood oflico of the People's Railway has been closed for some time., i The prouioiei'8 explain that owing to thei sress of work in securing the Dominion I charter they are comi>elled to spend some lime in the head otiice at Berlin, but hoiie to return 8<.>ou and continue ne- gotiations already opened at Colling- wood. There wis to be an imjiortant meeting at Berlin last week, but we have not noticed any account of what trans- pired.â€" Confederate. By fire on Thursiay noon last Wm. Glenn lost three barns and sheds, all his implements, ten tons of hay, and 100 bushels of seed grain, but the live stock was saved. Origin a mystery, as no one had boei' neai the barn for some time. Fortunately the buildings and contents were fully insured. â€" Stayiier Sun. Thompson's FLESHERTON --n\ BARGAINS â€"AT CEYLON IN CUTTERS New aiiu second hand Also in (Jisoline En«inov Binders, Mow- ers, Hay Rakes, Loaders, Forks and Carriers, Rono anl Pulleys, Wasbiiig M«chines and Wringers. Brantford Windmills We have also secured the agency for the Standard Wire Fence Of Woodstock and will 1)» in a jHwition to Hupply your need in that line at the lowest possible price. Siiiif.ich III u'liira'itiMil. (Jivo'usa call. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON E o U w Broad delivered regu- larly and kept for sale at the following stores: CoUinson's and J. Pattison's, Ceylon W.Aldcorn & .Soii'sl and P. McArthur's Priceville N. McCaniioll's Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Eli Robinson's Fevershani n. Cairns', J.K.Jjiirge'a Hiid R. Parks', Kugonia Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cured Bakery W SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN ITURE The l.trjenl and host stock of Funiiluro i ver shown in Klesheilon. This without fear of con- tradiction, onm and HBO Homo of nice things in Side Hoards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton CANADIANn^ HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Allierta Sitftijil Traini l*»vr Torojto 2 00 p.m. on APRIL 4. IB MAY 2. 16. aO JUNE 13. 27 JJLY 11.25 AUQ. 8, 22 SEPT. 5, 19 SccomI cI«h ticket! from OnUrio aUtioni lo princip*! Northwest pointi at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \Vinnit«B and r^^turn $3100; ICdmonton inil frturn $4I.()0, and lo otlirr [>oinU in proitottiun. Tictieb gooti lo rrlum within (i) diyi from uotns (Ul«. TOURISTSLEEPING CARS on nil eiruriioni. Comfortable bertha, fully fviuippnJ wiih t>rddinv. can be lecured at modeiale raica iWougk local a|CBt. Early Application mutt ba mado ASK FOR HOMCSCCKCRS- PAMPHLCT rnntaming ralca and full iafotniatton. Apply lo netretiC.P.R. Afenioi loR. L. Thompaon, Dill. Paai. Aft , Tofoiiio. ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS S. Rand, Agent, - Ceylon Scbool Children's Eyes. Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be exarnined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, Mrs.Agncs Ed^ar.of Grand Falls.N.B., had a terrible time with Inflammatory Rheumatism. Anyone who has had this most painful disease will understand her suffering â€" and bar joy when she found Father Morriscy'e "No. 7'' had cured her. She says : "I took Father Morriscy's Prescription for Inflammatory Rheumatism. I had suffered everything with it, but in three weeks after starting Father Morriscy's Prescription I was able to do my work, and after taking fonr dollars wortli of medicine I was well. I highly recom- lueud it uaf sufferer with Rheumatism." *Rheuiâ€" II un comes from bad kidneys. The poisa«ous Uric Acid which they should ivMore stays in the blood, accumnlalM in joints aad muscles, and canaes Mony. Father Morri.tcy's "No. 7" pM the kidneys right, removes the Uric AmA from the blood aud the whole syilMn.andcuresthe Rheumatism. 50c. a txv at your dealer's, or from Father Iftvriscy Medicine Co, Ltd., Montreal, Hae. <i) BUTCHER SHOP 1 have opened up a butclier shop tlic old Bland, Ceylon, and carry a full and froli stock of frcRh and cured meats, Hides puiclmHed. â€" Terms cash. J.M.ENGUSH, CEYLON lojly "I think It should be the duty of the schools to teach children how to keep well," writes Miss Nannie E. Naydon, a well-known and highly esteemed resident of Bristol, '•ignorance of the laws of heulth and the use of Improper remedies destroyed my vigor, and le<i me to ihe verge of Invalidism. I waa a* .1 girl ruddy and strung. Nolhlnt; seemed to affect me until I was about thirty. Then gas began to form In tht stomai-h. 1 suffered with bloating am .1 general failure In strength set In. !• I went upstairs my breath hurt. My system was very Irregular, and until 1 tjrew pretty bad 1 didn't pay much hee<t 10 my ciinilitlon. Then I got blue, wor- ried all the time, wikencd In the night, md couldn't get to sloop again. None )f the ineillclne I took helped me. One lay I was reading of a very Inlerestlnf; • like mine cured by Ur. HHmllt<ln'^ ('ills. 1 took the same treatment. It vas right â€"didn't physic me ti Ir-ath, but look hold of the weak, sic: >arta of my sysleni, and set thing: Iglit. It seems as If Dr. Hamilton': 'His have made me young auain, aiii \.\ my iiilor, splrllH. vigor, and he:il!l )f former days have relumed to slay, lively girl and woman should u.»i !>r. Hamilton's I'llls regularly. The- '.elp a Woman In many ways. Uewai if the dealer who ustfS you to take a. nferior i)lll on which his prolit 1 arger than on Ur. Hamilton's. Sol. 11 ytllow boxp:!, 25c per box, all deal r.s. or The Catarrhozone, Co., Kln.<- :ton, Unt. CORNS ci!!?l.c \v\\ ran painlessly r.inovu any con. â- lllii r hard. Boft, or bleeding, bv iiiplving rutnam's Corn ICxlractor. H never burn:*, leaves no scar, coniiilns n< acUlK; Is harmless, because eomposer only iif healing giima and balniH. Flft> vean In use. tiure guaranteed. Woh by all ilruggltts. Tm bottles. Itel'usi PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR ATToRK in 3 WEEKS $4 Worth of Falher Morriscy's "No. 7" Cured Her of Inflammatory RheumatisiB. THE CENSUS This is census year in Great Britain and her colonies. The census was taken in Ihe I'nited Empire on April 2. In Can- ada the ti({ures will be gathered in June. At the last cenNus, the Empire, in 1901, showed a population of nearly four bun- dled millionâ€" about one million less than thepopulati<jn of China. Time was when the census was very unpopular, and people refused point blanK to give the iii formation asked for, but now there is a better understanding of the matter and it is rarely an attempt is made to withhold information. As it has developed, the census is a cumber- some thing and is a vast compilation of statistics dealing with many phases of trade other than merely discovering the number of inhabitants a country conuins, as it was originally intended for. The euunprators for the i-iding of East and Centre Grey have now been appointed and the names of the success- ful officials who will soon be " pokmg their noses into everybody's business '' are to be lound on our tirst page. These nieu must be answered freely and without equivocation when they deign to ques- tion you. There is a penalty if you don't. It is up to us all to toe the mark and speak up. Hon. A. 0. McKay is at present | A sad misfortune bcfel Oweu Beany, on a political tour throughout On-jPs^'c'' Heany and William Dickson, tario. His itinerary will include ""â- Â«Â« f"'"^" '««''1'°2 --« th« l»t Con. ,-, , t,. m, , ,„ Normanby, south of Orchard, about 4 Beaverton, bt. Thomas, Aylmer, J ,, , â- '• , \ ,^ â-  ... . -k L ^ , I o clock on Monday ffiornini', when thexr Windsor and Amueratbarg. i,.-.,„ .. i , . i i â-º n. o b:irns ana contents were burned to the ground. It appears that Owen Ueany'n The Cub Reporter of The Advance ' '""" '••'"^^«'* 'â- "' : a'"^ '" * ^ ""'y â- '♦'""' '•''»• is as huffy as a wet hen these days, if"""''^''''' '«f "•»" * "^•'' "^ """""^ ,, , , , 1 i .1 i followed by DicKson'a which is supposed beveral weeks ago he wrote lor the L . , , „ ./ . . , ° . , ... to have caught from Pat. Heany i. Advance an account of a " boiling ; jj^^^ j,^ Lewis' barn started but wa. down" which did not materialize. Au»vedbytho neighbors. How the lire uumber of exchanges copied the item ) originated has not yet l>een ascertained, and gave due credit, whereupon the . bat it is rumored iliat the two Heiny said Cub Reporter was in the seventh i barns ware set on fire. There is no heaven of bliss; but alas, the Hanover «"'*f '<='"", however, as to the guilty party Post copied the article wholly, bntap- "^ ^'''â- ^ *" '^f"^ "''""' ^he barns he- plied it to Hanover instead of Flesh- ;'°"«i''8'"^i,",''*°''''."'i,^'^*» ,T '"â-  ,,,,., ., ,. l.sured in the Oerniania barmers Mutual. erton, ignoriDg totally the authorship ,ru o j .. j « j- .. j ' ° â- ' ' ! The President and Manager adjusted of the said C. R. Aint it galling ! | ^^^ Dickson's claim on Tuesday. Mr. Lewis had no loss. THIS IS SPRING I The value of wire fences and snow fences is easily seen at this time of the year. Those whose misfortune it is to be compelled to travel by our rural high- ways these days know all about it. Stretches of snow and mud alternate with an aggiavatini? frequency, and trav- el is neither easy or comfortable. Last winter's drifts are all that remain, and they were caused by rail fences in a great many cases. It is a large proposition to proijerly control the problem of winter roadi (which, by the way, are just a* live a problem as auinmer roads in these yean of five month.s' snow) and the sooner it is met the better. The erection of a stretch of wire fence here, aud a piece of properly designed^snow fence there, will work marvels in promoting pleasant trav- el conditions for the winter months. If the problem cwild be met when it is at its worst it would soon receive at- tention, but Ihe precautionary steps niuit be takcn'.in the summer when problems of grading and Rravelling loom large and occupy the eyes aud minds of our town- ship fathers. Can not the Council this year take some steps to niako the winter roads more passable / ^o^man .Jacobi of Owen Sound annoyed a young woman and called it inn. The magistrate thought he should pay for his fun and taxed him $2 and costs. The Sun says a few jolts like this will " help to discourge the young pups who stand aronnd doorways and make fresh remarks at girls." It would be the proper caper for municipal councils to de<- clare these " pups " as coming under the provincial law aud tax them up same as the rest. Make 'em carry a badge, too, as a proof that the tax has been pa<d, and as a reminder to all that they are outlawed from the bnman race. )octors Condemn ^ Oily Liniments ?he Public are Warned to Be Careful of These Strong- Smelling Oily Liniments Containing Harmful Acids, Ammonia, Etc. Rod and Gun All anglers will heartily welcome the April issue of Itod and Uun in Canada, published by VV. J. Taylor, Limited Woodstock, Ontario. As usual this number heralds the approach of the fishing season and gives all those who have waited patiently fur a renewal of their pleasures with rod and line, added joya of anticipation of the good time now so near. A beautifully illustrated article of a camping and fishing trip on the French > River is followed by an equally good account of a similar outing in Prince Edward Island, the gem of the Gulf of the Sr. Liwrence. Many other good things are to be found in the same issue. Sportsmen never fail to^find something to suit their tastes in each issue of Rod and Gun. An aftermath of the investigation into the alleged p.iddini( of the Brant voters' list took the form of an attempt at the Council meetinsf here on Saturday la.?t to strike Clerk Miehlhauien from the pay- roll of the township. A motion to this e Joct was laid on the tibia by Councillors Farr and Tanner, and it was only the casting vote of Reeve McCalluin that saved the clerk's scalp from being swept into the basket. It was the closest call to an official beheadiuf; that has been seen here fur some time. â€" Bruce Times. ABOUT TRACTION ENGINES Now that the season has about arrived when traction enijines will once more Iw flittiuK along our highways it will b« in- structive to note the law covering their movement across bridges, of which thii di.strict is so plentifully supplied. There have been many bridge accidents in this county, and several in this immediate vicinity. Thrcshermcn and the public generally will read with interest [the law { as laid down by the Provincial Engineer of Highways which we ([uote : "The Ontario law re^tarding traction engines provides that no traction engine exceeding 20 tons in weight shall be used on-the public highways. Whore a trie- tion engine not exceeding 8 tons in weixht i.s used for threshing or road con- struction, the municipality i.s responsible for the strength of bridges over which it may pass, but the owner of the traction engine is recpiired to protect the floor of bridges and culverts from injury, usinir .suitable plank for this purpcso. Where the traction engine exceeds 8 tons in weight, the owner of it must cross the bridge at his own risk, and is rosponsible for any injury* he does to the bridge. He is n( t, however, a law-breaker until the ttaction engine exceds 20 tons in weight Many people have clung: to the old- ashloned Idea that a thick, greasy Inlment U the best kind. Doctors ay not â€" and they know. Recently a niunber of these white, •lly liniments were analyzed, and they vere found to contain an enormously ilgh percenta«o of harmful acids, and uch Irritating chemicals as ammonia, tc. For the moment they may cause . warm sensation when first applied, mt their continued us© never cures heumatlsm, and only deteriorates the kin. sets up Inflammation and causes ndless trouble. When a doctor warns you to quit islng a white, oily UnJment â€" do so. He ;nows that a thick liniment can't pen- etrate, can't sink through the pores md reach the seat of the pain. When asked his opinion a few days igo. Dr. Rol)€rts stated that he consldr •red a strong, penetrating, paln-sub- lulng liniment such as "Nervlllne," to )e superior to any of the white, am- nonla liniments. In his twenty-flva /ears of practice he had witnessed ;ases of rheumatism, sciatica, and umbago that simply would not re- ipond to ordinary treatment â€" butNer- /lllne cured them. The same physl- â- ian also spoke of the great advant- iges of keeping a preparation like .\ervlllne In the house alwa>-s, be- cause of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach ilsorders. earache, toothache, head- iche, and such minor ailments. Ner- vlllne Is a first-class cure. There la scarcely an ache or a pain, internal or external, that Nervlllne won't cure. In thousands of homes no other paln- rellevlng medicine Is used. Fifty vear»' continued success and the en- lorsement of the profession are prop! that Nervlllne Is the liniment for th« aome. C O â- Â» W ^ iM M Hovas You can painlessly remove any corn. 'Ither hard. »ott, or bleeding, by ipplvlng Putnam's Corn Extractor. It leveV burns, leaves no scar, contains no iL'ld.s; I.s harmless, because composed )nly of healing g'lms and balms. Fifty .-ears In u.«e. Cure guaranteed. Sold ,y all ilruKKlsts. Sac bottles. Refuse nibstUutes. % PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesberton « Ontario Now Is The Time ! THE WAY OF THE TRANSGRESSOR Among the gentlemen who have been abroad for a season and h.ive now return- ed to their native Canada â€" under escort â€"are C. D. Sheldon, who was found h;l)ernating for the past six months in Pittsburg, and .1. Young Mordook, b.w- rister of .larvis. The foimer ran a finan' oial got-rich-quick scheme in Montreal, by which hundreds of people lost every- thing they put into it. The latter is said to have emlKizzlod funds left in his charge. Another lawyer in Toronto is now in durance vile on tho charge [that fstands against Munlock. lie was not able to get a«ay in time or possibly ho also might have boon among the home-com- ers. The lo.sson to bo learned is that " the way of Ihe transerressir is hard.' Ho gets tripped up soonur or later â€" gen- erally sooner. But it seems to be a lea- son thai has to be learned over and over again. For Houfecleaning and renovating. See our stock of Carpets aud Housefurnisbings. Carpets in Lrussels, Tapestry, Wools, Unions, at prices from 15c to $1.35. KUGS â€" A complete range of Rngs, with a big assortment of patterns, sizes from 2^ x 3 to 3J x 4J, price from 88 to $20. liiuoleums, Oilcloths, Mattings, Curtains, etc. Sec onr three- yard Curtains at 60 cents. « The Pora\ Fitt0 PATENTED AUG. 30. 1909 PETTICOAT See the new KAYBROTAF Underskirt Manrfactiired by McKay Bros., Toronto. The fabric is tne very latest dovelopement of the treatment of Cotton Tafl'etta. Its is absolutely permanent and every garment i.s guaranteed to retain the crispneas and "swish" of silk, but much more durable and will not be effected by atmospheric changes. Sec the new Spring Dress Goodsâ€" All new materials and colors. Also a complete range of Ginghams, /Zephyr's, Foulards and Prints. White Lawn Waistsâ€" A nice range to choose from. Everything in our store IS up-to-to-datc and the (]uality is right. Crockery, Glassware, Cuttlery, etc. Beautiful Austrian Ware, equal to French China worth three times the money, a stock pattern, 08 pieces, for $22.50. Gold Enamel Ware most modern design, also a stock pattern, 98 pieces, for $16.35. LSee our Fancy Crockery and Cuttlery

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