wyi* /ksh^rtxrn %Hmu. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"'• PRlA^CIPLEb IsOT MEN. VOL 30, RO 41 Flestierton, Ont., Thursciay, 13 April 1911 W. H. THURSTON EDITCP and PUOPKIETO , Markdale Chronicles Mrs. (Rev.) Young i.s visitini; friends in Toronto thin week. Miss Tilly Neely of Tara, on her re- turn from a visit to Toronto stopped over for a day last week. Rev. Mr. Wilkin.M)n of Holland Centre Bpent a d»y in town recently. Mr. .L.lui McDuff left for NelsoD.B.C, last Tueiday. Mrs. Frank Tait of Lucknow was visit- ing in town, the ^ueBt of Hun. Mr. and Mrs. I. 6. Lucas. Born â€" On Wednesday, April 5, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Cockhurn, a son. Miss Ada McMillan left recently for Toronto, where she has secured a crood position. Mr. W. J. Smith, who has been in Port Arthur for the last si.t months, but now has a nood position in Toronto, was home over Sunday recently. Messrs. Clare Mercer and .\lbert Dil- lon left for the West last we«k, the for- mer having secured a position in Winni- peg, the latter in Re){ina. A number from town took advantage of the excursion to Toronto last Tuesday. Among others were the following ; Mrs. Pickell, Mrs. Charles Armstrong, Mrs. Mark Armstrong, Mr*. (Dr.) Neely. Miss Irene Hill, Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell, Mrs. W21. Lucas, Mrs. Trelf.ird, Ruv. Fergu- son, Mes.srs. Shortill, Minuis, Nimiuo Young, Erskine, Bu.shtield and Harry Noble. Last week Mr. W. S Perkins, who has been employed in Mr. Will Bowes' hardw.ire, bou'.'ht out Ha.skett Bros,' hardware. We wish Mr. Perkins un- bounded success. The Ltdies of the W. M. S held a very successful Eiistur XI Home at the Meth- odist p.ir.sou8ge,last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Herbert of Qmemee is in town attending the public school here for a few laouths. Dr. Durkin, V.S , who receutly bought out the veterinary business of Dr. Pen- gelly of Dundalk, left last Saturday to take over the business. The annual election of otticers for the I Methodist Epworth League was held on Monday evening, when the following were elected : President, Miss J. 1. Murdoch ; 1st Vice, Miss May Prirchard; 2iid Vice, Miss Nellie Armstrong ; 3rd Vice, Miss Florence Irwin ; 4th Vice, Mr. Ernest Henry ; 5th Vice, Mr. (>. A. Trodie ; Sec, Mr. Norqiie Young; Trcas. Miss Emma Baines ; Organist, Miss Belle McKee. Messrs. Wes. and C. W. Rutledt^e re- cently visited the former's father, Mr. Edward Rutledge of Fort William, who had been stricken with paralysis and is in a very critical condition. We understand that Markdale ia to net the new agricultural school. Doubt- less the fact will be a creat relief to many Flesherton people, who have been wor- rying lest it might be given to tbeui. Sudden Death Of Osprey Councillor People here were inexpressibly shocked on Sal urday last to learn of the death of Mr. A. E. McCallum, member of the Council of Osprey township, which took place at his home on the 4th line that day after only one week's illness from pleuro-pneumonia. The deceased gentle- man was most popular with all who knew him, a genial, happy-natured man, pos- sessing miwiy friends We understand his age was 38 yeara. He leaves behind a young wife and two little girls, the eldest 6 years of age. The remains will be interred in Maxwell cemetery to-day (Thursday), having been kept awaiting the arrival of brothers and sisters from the West. Charles Sceler of Sunnidale Kept ac- count of expenses and receipts in connec- tion with 200 hens, from December 1st to March 29th. Hi.s feed coat him «70.06 allowing 67c a day for 118 days, but this does not include milk of which the hens had ft supply regularly. Mr. Seeler mar- keted 826 (lozen, receiving 8210.70, and the family Consumed §8 50 worth them- selves, leaving a net profit of S148.14, a pretty good margin on winter eggs. â€" Stayner Sun. John Hull', B A., head master of North Battleford high sch(K>l, Jhas been appointed public school inspector in the province of Saskatchewan. Mr. Huff is an old Meaford boy, a son of Inspector Hutf, and ueare pleased to note that he is coming to thu front in educational matters ill the West. An appointment of this kind uot'only requires ability, in- tegrity and pronregsiveness but it must c.jrry with it a complete grasp of the pos- sibilities of the great and growing West, and Mr. Hull' must be heartily congratu- lated upon acquiring such an important position. Meaford Express. Chief of Police MattsoD, Arnprior, was committed for trial on a charge of em- bezzling corporation funds. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Commissioners W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. CLOVER SEEDS AT CLOSE PRICES Red Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Mammoth Clover, per lb. 18c, per bushel $10.50. Alsike Clover, per lb. 17c, per bushel $10.00. Alfalfa, per lb. 22c. per bushel $13.00. Timothy Seed, per bushel $7.50. These Seeds are all Kennies' Government Standard Tested The planting time is ju.st about at hand. It's time anyway to select your seeds, and we are ready with a large stock to lend you every assistance in our power. We have Renaies and Steele Biiggs' Garden Seeds, manjjolds. sugar beets, turnips and carrots, field and garden cornâ€" all fresh stock, and all living up to the high reputations of the producers. You can get no better seeds than we supply, Dutch Setts and Potato Onions. -â- X. full line of Gro- ceries and Flour and Feed. W. L Wright, Grocer, Flesherton SEEDS! SEEDS! We bave again a targe sl'.ipment of Seeds this season. The demaiid for high grade seed is increasing, so come in and see the following : RED CLOVER, .\^II?5A^^r?T nv^p^R MAMMOTH CLOVER, ^^F,^^.ln nÂ¥lZ^^' TIMOTHY SEED, ORCHARD GRASS. CORN OF ALL KINDS ROOTS Such as Royal Giaut Sugar Beet. Improved Short White Carrot, Long Red Mangel, Yellow Oval Mangel, Yellow Globe Mangel, Giaut Sugar Maugcl, Turnip Reeds of all kinds. GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KINDS W. E. Richardson & Son For Centre Grey Following is a complete list of the census enumerators for Centre Grey : Artemesia â€" Jarvis Henry, Peter Mun- shaw. Thom-.is Henry, Dun McLean. Collingwoodâ€" J. A. Foster, Charles Hudson, Wui. Reekie, R. L. Malcolm. Euphrasia â€" .Tames Slrjthers, Dougal Smith, Frank Weber, Ed. Boyd. Holland â€" James Rowe, Malcolm Cam- eron, W. J. McLean, A. G. R^io. Ospreyâ€" R. H. Guy, John Thompson, Thomas Freethy, W. S. Inkster. Protim â€" George Watson, .lames Mc- Lran, Win. Hasie, Richard Cionin. Markdale â€" David Henry. Dundalk â€"Charles Palmer. Thornbury â€" Thomas Boone. Kimberley Nice spring weather new. Mr. Stanley Thurston of The Advance staff, Flesherton, was a visitor in our burg Saturd.iy evening and Sunday last, the guest of his aunt, Mrs. G. H. Walter. Miss Flossiu Duncan of Dundalk is spending a few days the guest of her aunt. Mis. Geo. Hutchinson. Messis. R. U. and Saul Fawcett, who are attending business college in Colling- wood are spending a week at their paren- tal heme here. Miss Birdie Boyd of Rocklyn is the guest of her f I lend Mrs. Robt. Holley, The regular fortnight meeting of the Farmers Club was held in the public hall on Monday night of this week. Spray- ing and Cultivation of the Orchard was the subject of the evening, and the sub- ject was ably handled by Messrs, John Plewes and Joseph Ferns. Mr. John S. Uutj; son of S. Hufl, Esij., LP.S., and a former principal of our school, has recently been appointed public school in.spector in Sa,skatcliewan. If ability and pluck ouunt for anything, we expect to read his name thus : Hon. John S. Uuff, Minister of Education for Siiskatchewan. His many friends were certainly much pleased to lenni of his appointment. V\'e venture to say tliat Mr. Huff is the youngest inspector in the Dominion^ We are pleased that Mr. Thos. Lewis, who has been on the sick list, is n»w re- covering. East Mountain Mrs. Huiih Walton has been on the sick list for some time. Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Shian visited uii Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. ,1. Mar- tia. Miss Smith ot Bartio is tlie guest of her sister, Mrs. Walton at present. Edgar Gorley has sold his driver and bought an iron grey. Edgar is thinking seriously of making a start soon. Wm, U'Biien is still very sick, Hope to see him around with his medicine wagon before long. When a medicine must Im given to young children it shonid be pleasant to take. Chaiii- btrluin's CoiirIi Remedy is made from loaf 3U(rar, and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavcr simi'ar to maple syriiii, mak- ing it pleasant to take. It has no smierior for colds, croup and whooi)ing coiii;h. For sale bv W, E. Richardson & Son, Riverside ft is very wintry weather for the lime of year but cannot last much longei. The river Is very high and is not safe for the boats yet on account of icebergs. Mr. Wilson has again started to saw. He h.as a large number of logs. Miss Conley of Yeoville visited her friend. Miss Bell;* Hay, one day recently. Miss Bay has gone home after a short visit at Mi. A. Richardson's. Salem church was well attended last Sunday night. Ihere were a few upsets but all came out uninjured. Sugar making is not very good. Dr. J, F. McKee of Toronto has bought out the practice of Dr, Shultis, Heath- cote, Dr. McKee has been resident physician in the Western Hospital, Tor- onto, for eighteen months, and has the reputation of being a verj able physician. Dr. Shultis will take a rest for a short time, not having yet recovered from the serious accident that happened him some time ago, â€" Reflector. Feversham Items Winter still lingers with us and many would willingly say good bye to the win- try winds Prospects are a little brighter at time of writing. The young people enjoyed themselves a' a social hop till the we sma' hours at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sander- son on the twelfth line one uii>hl last week. Coiling the juice of the maple into syrup is th.) order of the day now. Messrs. Will and Sid. Mellen have re- turned to our villiige after spemiina bix months in their nuiive land, old Enulund. The boys look well and e'ljoyed their well-earned trip and holiday. Theynent back to their former e.nployer, Gtorge Julian, to work in his sawmill for the siioiuier. We notice Jim is feeling gayâ€" a bounc- ing boy has come t'l stay. The fanners are anxiously waiting for line, war'u wealher to allow Un m to coiiiiiivnce seedinjj. Our village people were shucked on Saturday hist to hear of the sudden deaih of Mr. Bert McCallum of the fointh line, Mr. McCallum l':iS been an esteemed member of Osprey Council for some years, and his sudden demi.ie from the dread d'.'sease, pneumonia, will be a ^reat loss to the township at large. George Julian started his sawmill on the twelfth line, where he has a larue stock of logs to manuf.-icture into lumber, as well a.s the stock he has in the mill at Fovershaai. Mr, Will Conn picked up a dead wild goose on bis farm one day last week Taxidermist Conrun is mounting it for him. Goosie mu.st have got tired llying against the wind and have given it mi for a bad job. " Our baby cries for Chaiiibeilaiu\ Cough Remedy," writes Mrs, X. B. Kenilriek, Ras- aca, t!a. " It is the best cough remedy on the market for coukUh, colUs and Cioup. I'or sale by W, E, Riuhardsun & .Son. Maxwell The schoolmates of Sadie Guy met one night last week at h^r home and presen- ted her with a handsome hand painted j sa'ad bowl and address. Dear Sadie -We, the pupils of Max- well public school iis your companions and echoid fellows, have gathered at your home th's evening to spend a few hours with you pi ior to your .severuia your coii- uection wiih us on account of your in- tended departure from our midst in the near future. We feel that wo cannot let you depart without, in some way, convey- iug to you our kind regards, Durinu the time you have been with us we have learned to love you an! appreciiite your friendship. As a slight token of our good will to you we ask you to accept this mere tritle as a remembrance of your school fellows at Maxwell. We all join in wishing you and yours continued health and prosperity in your new home, and may He-i\en's richest blessings accom- pany you through life, and should we not be permitted to meet again on earth may wi! all meet together around the great white tlirune where parting shall be no more is the sincere wish of your entire school. Signed ou behalf of the school Artie Wright, .\nnie Guy and Peirl Field. Miss Myrtle and Lily Radley, Ceylon, spent Sunday with their u.icle, Thos. Guy. Boraâ€" April 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Benirose, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerton have m-jved to Feversham. Diedâ€" At Ma.^ *ell on April 8th, Mr. Bert McCallum with pneumonia. W'e extend our sympathy to the sorrowing wife and beieaved parents, Mr. George Linley, ^who ia in Toronto hospital, h,«viiig hi» hand operated on, is improving nicely. Miss Sadie Guy is visiting with fi lends in Halherton. You are going to look your best in that new Easter suit. You're ga- ing to be photographed in it, of course. There-'s no belter time for some new pictures. They're ideal Easter rcmeinbrancei for your friends. Make ui appointment W.A.HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST Flesherton - - Ontario Ready for Business I have opened up my new tailor shop next door to the po.st otiico, Flesherton, with a good line of Spring and Summer Suitings and also extensive samples. To all who wish a natty, neat-fitting Suit we would suggest an early call. S. J. BOWLER, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR L We Are In Our New Store With a bigger Hue of Groceries, j Flour and feed than ever .... Get your Gax*clen. Seeds trom us, also Timothy Seed, Alfalfa. Mammoth and Ked Clover .-^eed, the best one can buv, at The Flesherton Grocery - W. Buskin. m ^- "^/ IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET SOME OF THOSE BAR= GAINS ON SALE F R n J. E. LARGE Eugenia ; Out. r 5paciallit In dItoMe* ol .ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Officc--30 10th it. We*t, Ovfen Sound At the Revere house, Msrkdiilo, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundalk, Ist Thursdiiy of each month. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office Slid Residence- 4(>8, 0th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by ippointnieu*