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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1911, p. 8

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April 0, 1911 THE FLESHERTON ADVANClL 'Advance' Small Ads. ^ook over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BrsiNEss Cakds WALTKR I.OrCKS Huildcr Gontrutor Vet Brick, Btooe kod fr»ua rastdaocM. El- t mit«« cbMrfully luriKbad, Plaahertoa I' U iteriu. â- lTjuIXOUUH * YOUNQ VI Bankars Markdkl* ^aerftl bkokinii builDMi. Maeey leuitd at^rauoatUla raio Call OD na. TCMI81.KTT, • I'oatiuutar. Oafloc. •omuKaiooer to B. 0. J . OonTeTaoear, daada, WKurUl»M*», leaaea, «1IU ai': oarefulljr drawn op :V>ll«<:Uoiiii Biad >. ctaarci-t r«a»ooal>la. Alio KTOeariaa, Boiu. («ad etc. kaptiu slock, I'ricoa ijg*. R) 8PB00LB FcMtniaatar, Fleataarton «^mtiiU«ioner in H.C J., AoetioDaa Con- Teyaacer, AppraUar and Monay lender, h«al Katata and iDtaraoea Agant. Dead', icortgiijeii, lease* and will" carefully drawn Dp ami TaluatioQR mails on sbortest nolica money to loin at lowest rates oMoterust. CoU BCiions attanaed to with promptness | ebargea low. Acent for Ocean Domlnioo , Btaamsbip Company. A call solicited. | DUcFHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the i • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satlslaciion nuaranteed. The arrangements . and dates of sales can he made a», Thb Adtasce office. Keeidcnce and I'.O., Ceylon, Telephone) paction. j {Farms For Sale or Rent UNIMI-ROVRU farm (or sale, beiiin lot 38, conctsalcu M, Oiiirey Tliia iissiJ to be a fairly level lut wllli const<tsrsl>lu timber HQltanle for woo<l. To clove an estate will be sold very cheap and ou eaxr teruio of psymaut. Apidyto J. A. bAl.RTRD. 9avl Ut. Vorest, Ont pH3R 8ALE~cn>aap aol aaay terms. If not *â-  sold soon, for rent to Auitable tena't, North half lot JU.andiot 40. con, II, Artemesla, and lot I. con. 12. Osprey. -JOO acres, about 190 cleared bslince uiofitly tlnibered land, hard aud soft wood ; koo<1 Htone dwallina and frauie barn, ntabllni{ under ; well watered with never- (alllnij Biuall s|>rlii|j creek ooasinK farm close to bariil This i» an excellent grain or grazing (arm and Hill Imi sold very cheap if taken ai once and ou easy teruit. Applt to It. J. Kprouls, Fleaherton, Out. >yM. KAITTINU, Ueensed Auctioneer for, '* ttie «>un».i<»« of Gray and binuiie JjAnu and Bto<.k tales a »ti«claltr. â-¼â€¢rms' jioderau salinfaction s"*'*'''**''; 47*"*** iiients (or dales may be made at the Advsnce oflSee. orAlT. Hutchinson's store, I'eversham by addressing me at FaTersbam, Oot. RUDD JIATHKWS, Harkdale, Uoensed auctioneer for the county of ttrey, Oood (trrlce at rossi nable rates. Uatea can be made at The Advance. oOU 1 HARVEY PEKiaOE, broker, Fleshorton General brokerage business. Insurance of every kind placed in fafo and lUjeral compauies. Heal eetalc etc.. Open accounts and past due notes bandied and money advanced thereon, tJorrespoudence solicited. I, OKHALR olieapand on easy termsâ€" Iiots I '' and '.j.con. 11 Osprey; '2U0 acres; frauie dwollttig, frame barn and stabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivalion. Home splendid cedar with other mixed timber on balanne. also two small orchards hearing. Well watered ; never fallluij spring creak, tiplendid Kraiu andijrazing farm. Apply to I< J.Bproule Klesherton or Bauiual Usborue, Idaxwell. L'OK BAliB very ofaaap and on easy termaâ€" *- The late Dr. ('hristoe'8 3-Btory brick block in Plesherton with good stable and never-fall- inK wall on pieiiiiHcs. Good large store and good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two Rcod stone eellars under bulldiiis ; is and can be kept well rented ; two good balls ou second and third stories ; (Irst cla»s businesastaudaud will be sold cheap as owner is eogageil in other bubinesH in tue westaLd has liu further use (or ISk Apply to U- J. bpruule, Kloshtrtoo, Medical fVB CARTER U^ M CP * 8 Ont,Phy«lclan. Sunjeon.etc OtOce and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesberton JP OTTEWELl. Veterlaary Surgeon eradaate o( Ontario Veterinary College, raaideoee â€" sscond door south west, on Kary street. This street runs Presbyterian Charch. soutb H WILSON, DlackftTilth o.i.„, ^JraUuate o( tue Veterinary Bclenc Association, Durham ttreet, orposite Boyd, Bros hardware. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MURKAV L. O. R, dental surgeon bono, graduate of Toronto University and lloval College o( Uental Hurgcous of Ontario, Uai admisiinstered (or t««'l» «""â- .•«' ?".^„„ OIBce at residence, Toronto Street, Kleaherton. Legal f VCAH, RANF.V& WALI.A<R-Karri.ters. L* tJOlicltors,eto.-I. H. Lues* h. C. ; w r.. HaneV K. C. ; J. H. O. Waflace. Oltlces. Toronto. hOf.'J Traders Hank IIU'B., pbone main 1412; Markdalo Lucas IHock. I'lione 2 A. UraucU otnce at Duodalk open every Haturaay. WH WRIGHT. Barrister, Solicitor^ Convey- ancer etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Heshorton. Hâ€" Fleshettou office. Sproule'a IJlock every Saturday Lot No. B, e»n. a Osprey. For particulars apply to J. M. uuBNi,Feyenb<uij 1', O. VARM FOR B.\LE-Very cheap. 100 Mrw. ^ lot 0, con. 7, Osprey. only •;iOOU, reasonahte eaah payment, balauto easy terms, K acres cleared, well (encod and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fail- ing spring well and windmill pump at door, bew frsniu barn, well finished, stone stabling with spring water under, also in shed. It is situated i uiilo from Maxwell village where tbers are stores, post otbces, good schuol, and ison tli^ gravel road, IH inilea from railway station. If sold at once, abovo price, tbougb VKKY CHK.^P might be shaded a little. Apply to K. J. SPUOULK, Klesherton. or TH0M.\8 a I >UY. on premises. tf p'or sale cheap or rent, immedi ate posseaf loii. *â-  LiOt 90ecu. 14, Artemesla, about 7S acres clear, comfortable log house and (raine barn. Apply to K J Sproule, Klesherton, or Jobn J Martin serosa the rood (rou^ said lot; A OOUD START IN LIFK hns lieeii ^iv- en thuusands of yoiiiii; people who hnve ittlciKlud the "^^/^jm Societies An U W meets ou the laat Monday in each month, in their loage room Norris' block.tllM isrton, at 8 I'-m- «: ".. H (• LeGaru ; Kec.. C. H, Mun.liaw: rin., W. P. Crossley Visiting brethren invited PRINCB ARTHUR LODHE, No :a3,A.K4 r A U, meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- strongs Hlock, Klesherton. every Friday on or be(ors the full moco. ('. H. Mu'isl;a*, W. M.: Tbos. Clayton, Becroiary. COURT FLESHERTON. 995, I. 0. F. ir««ts In Claytons Hlock the last Wednesday e'sh'hfl of each month. Visitiug Foresters heartily welcouie. H. II., Dyson; It. H., "1. HeLry; Fin. See., C. N. Richardson. Please pay dues to Flu. Sac. before the Ilrat day o( the month. At Owen Sound. Ont , duting the iwist thirty years. What we have dune for Otheri we can do for you. Try it by eiiieriiiKfor thu Spring Term on Monday, April 3rd, Circulars ficn. 0. K. HcniJiiR, G. D Fleming, FriQc-i|>al. Secretary. In the Surrogate Court 01 the County of Cey IN THE MATTER of ilie Guardian- Lship of LouiHa Soplii.t WatBon, the in- funt child of William Wa'tinn, lst« ot the VilliiKo of Piicev|llo in ilie Couiily of (Jrey, rnderlaker, deceiased. Notice ia hereby (j'^^n ihat rf'er the expiration of twenty duyp from the tirnt pulilicatioii of this notice, application j will he made to thu Surro'^ate Court of the County of (irey fur a ^f*\\^ of letter- uf |{u«rdiaiiiihi[) (if the above nuini d inn fant to William Watson of the Village of I*iiceville in the Cmiiity of (Jiey, iinder- t.tker, brother of the <mid infant. Dated Match 2]Kt, lOli. W. 11, WRKiHT, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor for the applicant CHOSEN FUIENDB-Fleshertoo Council ot (;bosen Friends meets In Clayton s hall llrst and third Wednesday oteach month d P. m Pay asaessmeiits to the Recorder on or before tDenrstdayo( each month. Chief Councillor T lilakelov; Recorder W. II. Huut. Bcrkshires and TamworthA I have now for sale a lew very choice Deik. •hire puis, nearly ready to weao> Hurry your nrder and set the beat. •raer ano gas ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Maxwell P. O. Boar for Service I'ure iSicd Tainwoitli IJoar for service XeniiH, *1, Cash. N. Ilinll.-, Maxw ell, Ont. BULL FOR SERVICE Thoron((l'br*J Sliortliiirn bull, "Dandy .liin" «I7»4, for (H-rvieo on lot I'll, T. A .S. K., -Vr- temeaia. This animal is of a Ki>e<t milking strain, rwllirree ou a|i|ilicati<in- Terns, â€" Inadei" %\, regi-Htered »:). .1 A!S. 8TINH0N Ihrofirietur. Bull For Service TliorciuKlil<ieil llerefoid Hull for service on lot 171, con. 3 S. W. T. and .S. K., Arte- iiieaia. Terms -»l for grade, $3 for pure bred Any row not returned will lie cliarKeil in full whether iiK-alfoi- not. MMar.J -T. * .1. WATSCtN. Bull (or Service Thoroiiglibr il Ilerefoul Hull for service on- lot 1, c-m. -1. Kuplienuiitt Teriinâ€" $1. I'edi Krea ou applioation. CHAH. H. MARTIN, Prop,- HOLSTEIN.FRIESIAN CATTLE Oxford Down Shaap and Tamworth Swine-- Brown Leahorn Poultry a specially. HoLaTSiN-rnicaiAN bull for«cnvioc- SkiTLFAN COrtroKDIA UL'KK Dehdl. No, (7e48l HlltK yueen's UeKol Duke No. i;IIH'.i H, H (jam ItalKau Concordia MeKol So. ((:i4(ii H, h' whose tir and dam hel.l the WIIKI.D'H HUT. TKU IIFCOUII a few >oars affo MAKINI) HO l,BH., lOOZ IN 7 DAYS. This vounA animal isrisliiK :i years, is olKOod slj'.e and individuality. hsviuK won throe 1st and one second prize as a call at soiiio o( the prom- ineot ceotiea o( Ont.. and has won 1st place at one and two years old at East (irey fall (air. Klesherton. Tenus-tl.m, payable 1st of .tan. All cows not rsgularly laturned will l>ecliarKe<l. ItlCIIAItU ALLEN, liotm , ,T.*f4(. Flaebertoo P.U. I.«me .Shoulder is nearly always due to rbeumatisin •>( the inusclee, and quickly yields tn the free application of OhainlierUn'a ijniitient. For sale by W. K. Kicliardaun & Hon. David Robb, ichnol ina|)eotor fur E^t JiuioD, rocaiitly retlgncd, i* dead. Dundalk Alex. Flockhart, of Swinton Park, who lo^t hi* roaauii and will sent to Hamilton Anyluin laal siiiniiier, died at the asylum on Friday .'ast. It ap- pears tha:; ill tryini; to eicapa by an upper window lie Kot his arm badly cut by ;{Us> and lie bled to death. His body was found in a tield next inornin;;. Williatii Kreer of Nottawasaga town Una catne to town katurdny, and not be- ing able to piiicure a certain lino of goods went up to Mariidiilu by train, returning in the evening. They are a ^enerouH (Miople, those Markdale folk. Freer waa au|iplied with .'til liu ankud for and more. Ill fact he bad more th;tii he could cairry With any <legrec of ateadinets. He was tired out carrying around Markdalc'a irenei'iiaity and lay down to rust on Main atieet. Chief Hemphill thought he Would be much more comfui table un the Htretchcr in the town hall liaHoinent, But to get hini to the place of rcat waa a pio- bleiii as (he i nfortunate fellow had 1 >Bt hia power of lucoinotioM. Some boys with a liandsleigh canic ah>njj about thia time and the chief ciiliHted the outfit in his •ervicu. The man waa rolled unto the sleigh and with the boys drawing, some more folluwiii| and the chief liringiDK up the r*ar, the pruceasion passed down along the stieet to the town hall in broad daylight when there was a crowd out lo view the unhappy .scene. If those good Marltdale people had seen the result of their ^eneronity aa enacted here â€" but what's the use? It is supposed they have scenes of their own. t)ne dollar and costs was the tins.imposed on Tuesday by Police Magiatrate McUiuRor. A coui>lo of otliein came off the evening train Saturday and those St the ntatiou did rot rei|uire to be told that they had been in Markdale, Thsy got out of town soon after landing. z Herald. East Mountain Miaa Cora Mstlin came hoina Monday From Oiren Sound after a two weska' viait with friends. Wood-l>eeH have been the order uf the |NHl week. Mr. Win. O'ilrieii in laid up with an attack of the ahinglea. Mrs. t.!arey of Toronto has been the eueat of her aieter, Mrs. Cargo, and other frieods for some time. In casea of rhauinatisin relief from pain niakes slet-ii and rest iKiasible. Tliis may Iw oWined by applyiiiB Cha.nlieilain'a lani- n ent. Kor sale liy \\ . K. Kicliarsoii A Son. Honor Rolls Flesbei-ton honor aoll for Msrch. Senior Room. 4â€" Irene Usudin, Muriel McTavish,, Hsrvey Shunk, Vina Hostie. Sr H Florence Bunt, lioone Thoinp- aoii, Eldit Kiu8iedt, KImer Wright. Jr. a â€" Percy LeUard, Aleda Mitchell, Wilfred Wattion, Clara Lever. Sr.2 Bcniice Irw^in, May Colgan, Del- Urt Patt >n, Aluieda Leliard. Honor Roll fur March,1911,8 S.No 17, Artemeeia. Sr. 4 - Lyia Fiiher. Jr. 4â€" Wessio Smith. Sr. 3 -Bartha White, Heibie Betts, Ella Qenoa, Annie Pedlar. Jr. 3â€" -Cecie Wilson, Artie Porteoua and Irva Park £()., Violet Smith. Si'. 3â€" Sarah White, Lntia Paitridge. Jr. 2--Icene Smith, Edgar White and Frank Bells Eq., Charlie Stafford. Sr. P. 2â€" Lily Fishc, Jean Milne. Jr. P. 2 Heghie Nesbit. Sr. 1â€" Lily Park. Jr. 1 -Laurie Smith, Clitford Part- ridge. Jr. 1 A. â€" Tomroie Nesbit,Janet Bliiclr, David Black. Jr. 1 B. -Maty Richaidi. Average Aitendaiice 16. -J.M.Smith, Teacher. Honor roll of Ceylon school for March. Com. Classâ€" P. McLeod. A. McMullen. Entrance Claas â€" Kftie Chislett, Murray Legate, John Hemphill, Forbes Rutledge. Jr.4 â€" ArnelLov.., Muriel Legate, Ida Pimick. Sa.3--Willie Pai.tjson, Guldsin Mc- Midlen, Lizzie English. Jr.U â€" Mae Bennett and Ethel Bennett. 8r.2 â€" Percy Hemphill, Ernie McMuI- len, Nellie Iladley. Jr.2â€" Anna White, Stanley White, J. C. McL.achUn. Pt.l â€"Mary McLachlan, FrankieSlew- ait, Allie McMuilen. Primer Aâ€" Mary McLachlan, Fraiikie Stewart, Allie McMuilen. B- -^.Jiminie Cherry, Mervy Muir.Maty Pivnick. Av. attendance ;18. J. L Woor, Teacher. RepoitofS. S. No. 7 Artefneaia for the month of March. 5. â€" M. Muir, C. Muir, K. McMillan. Sr. 4â€" C. Uilchriel, L. McPliail, L. Muir. Jr. 4- V. McLean, fi. Whyte, R. Williauison. ;)-R. Dingwall, W. Parslow, D. Mc- Millan. Sr. 2â€" -K. Gilchiist, M. E. Whyte, B. Meads. Jr. 2 -J. Whyte, E. Muir. Pt. 2 â€" A. (iilchrist, S. McLean. Sr. 1- A. Parslow, B. Walters, S. Whyte. I B. â€" I. Dow. 1 A. â€" M. Cilchrist. Averaue atlciidanoo 'I'A. â-  L.M.AIdcurn Teacher. Maxwell .At the choir rehouraal on Saturday ereninf.; luitt Miss Alice Fields, or<2aniit af St. Mary's church, was presented with a lieautiful lady's f(uld sratch and address. Miss Fields, who has been ths organist fur a niiiiibor of years, is a thorough m'Jsi- can ai.d is gioatly appreciated for her faithful work, is always in her place, and shows excellent taste in the selection of music fur tha countless hymns and iiisny ahants. Ths followini{ address was read : Misa Alice Fifld», oreanisl of St. Mary's church. Maxwell : We, on be half of our Minister, Congregation, choir and Vestry, I'eR to convey to you our hi^h sppreciation nf the valuable and iiiisrltish service, which you hare so ably lendored during your term of oHlcc, and wc also wish to ex- press admiration of you as a y<mng lady of excellent disposition, admirability and untiring patience. Were it not for yours and Mrs. Linley's great pains tak- ing with the music for the services of the church we many a time would have been greatly discoui-a^ed. It is with umat ploiisure ihst wo pre- sent you with this small token of our esteem and we pray that Our Father's lilesHinc; will ever be with you. Signed, Herbert Clark, Harry Linley. " Our baby cries for Chainlierlain's Coiif(h Iteinedy," writes Mrs. 'F. B. Kendrick, Ras- aca, (ia. "It is the ciiiigh remedy on the market (or coukIis, colds and croup. For sale by W. I'',. Kicluird.noii it Son. Address and Presentation Previous to leaving for the West last week Master Stewart Hislup of Eugenia was waited on by a number of friends and presented with a watch chain and the foHowin^ address : To Stewart Hislop: -Knowing thai you have decided to leave our neighbor- hood to make for yourself a home in the West, we ynui' friends, have gathered to- night tn spend a social hour prior to your departure. We reget your goin« away but hope that you may enjoy your naw home and have every auccets. Wn desire to expreaa in some way our high apprecia- tion of ysu as a kind, obliging tiiend. We tlierefore ask you l» sccept this gold watch chain as a alight token of our good will and esteem. Our brat wishes go with you aul may you loni; be spared to enjoy life in whatever sphere you may ba placed. Sinned on behalf of your friends: Stanley Campbell, trancis Oenoe. Stswart thanked his many friends is a few well choosn words. The ladies pro- vided refrrnhinets after which the evaninn was spent in music and games. Before liartiiig the crowd all joined in and aanua vers* of that beautiful hymn "tlod bs with you till we meet again." South Line, Artemesia Too Late for Last Week Whoop ! Hurrah for the sap season. Misa Emily Hudson returned hiue. We are pleated to see that her hand is improving. Mr. George Campliell, accoinpanieJ by his sistera, Misftes Jessie and Flossie, v.s- ited on our line recenil}, Mr. Charles Mi'ijr of OianKe Valley spent a day last week with bia parents hero. Alien McKinoon is wnrkine with Mr. George Black, Swinton Park, Mr. and Mrs. Dousal McPhail spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dingwall. Muster Edward Dingwall is laid up with blood poison in his hand, but is Im- proving nicely under the care uf Dr, Lane, Piiceville. Mr. Frank Moore visited his brother. Charles, Orange A^alley, last week. The Literary Society held ib'sir last meeting Wednesday evening, March 22. It was not largely attended owing to the roads and weather. Mr. Martin Mc- Leod, Priceville, occupied the chair and made a firtt class chairman. The debate was .- Resolved, that Canada offers a young man eaual opportunities for get- ting on w!''' 'hose offered by the United St.'ttea." This debate proved to be one of the beat of the season. AtHrmaliveâ€" L. .Aldcorn, Mae Muir, Mrs. McLean, Li. Meads, K. Patton, Miss £. Dingwall. Negativeâ€" C. Huddy, Jennie Mutr, Sus^n McKinuon, Rhena Richardson, E. Gilchrist. Messrs. Peter and Allie Muir acted as judges and decided a tie. This is the hrst tie of the season, which sho>red that each had their part well prepared. Excellent intiramental music was ren- dered by Messrs. J. L. McDonald and J. Ferguson, assisted by Miss Ray. The btlsnce of the proxnim consisted of reci- tations by M. E. Whyte, songs by the school, "My own Canadian home " and " What Vaukee Doodle wants his boys to do;" also by Mtss Vicia Richardson ; and a Gaelic soug by Martin Murpby ; a duet by Messrs. McLean and Richardson; a short speech by II. McKinnon, Price- ville, our former teacher ; a two-step by Messrs. J. L. McDonald and J. McLean, assisted by Culin McMillan. The meet- ing closed by singina the National An- them. We triibt that the liteiary meet- itigs will be resumed again next winter. This Week's Items Our spring-like weathhr suddenly changed and we arc having more winter. Mr. Charles Huddy, accompanied by hitj sister, Miss Emily, spent Sunday at the home of their sibter, Mrs. James Dingwall, Uopeville. Mrs. A Ciirrie vistled her 'i<ai'ents, Mr. a id Mrs. Andtu'eon, Purtlaw, recently. Mr. Will McMillan left for the West on Saturday. The wildcat that was causing so much disturbance along the 2tlth sideroad north of the Durham Roan last (opting was chased to Fleaherton and captured in one of the town slicdn by a Fisher, but the hide was so poor it would not ntund laiiiiing, 8(1 the (loor animiil was let ko. Mr. Will Dingwall is ensaged with W. Meads, U.D.R., cutting wood. Artemesia Council The Municipal Council ot the Town- ship of Aitemesia met at thu town hall, Flesherton, on Saturday last, April 1 The mendieis were all present, the Reeve ill thu chair. The minutes of last session were read «nd confirmed. The following were presented and read : W. H. Thurston, account for printing auditots' report, assessment rolls and o'her print- ing, $;<7.77 ; •lames Oliver, account for gnivol, f2.4ri ; W. Swantoii, account for gravel, 94 2U. By-laws T4<), to detach lots 142 and 14;{, con. 2 S. W., from school seotii'n No. G, and attach the baniu to school section Nj. 10, and lots Id.'i, 156 and lo7, 2 S. W., and h.ts 155, 136 and 157, ;{ S. W., from S.S. No. 3, and attach the same to S.S. No. 10 ; 741, to authorize the Koevo and Treasurer to borrow 93000 fur curient expenditure ; and 742, to amend By-law ISO!) re st«t'jte labor, were lead a tirst time. Caswell A. D. McLeodâ€" That By- law TJIll, appointing ovortoers, fenceviow- ers and poundkecper.s, be read now a third time, signed, sealed and entered in the By-law bookâ€" Carried. Mckenzie D. McLeodâ€" That By-law 740 bo now read a third tinioâ€" Canied. D. McLeod- McKenzie- That thia Council do now go into Committee of the Whole on By-law No. 740- Carried. Council wont into coininittoa a cord- ingly, Mr Caswell in theehuir. The commiitoe arose, the Reeve in the chair, and Mr Caswell presented By-law 740 as filled up. McKonzie- Caswellâ€" That By-law No. 740, to detach certain lots from S S. No. 6 and S.S, No. 3 and attach the same to S S. No. 10, bo now read a third time, signed, sealed snd entered on the By-law bookâ€" Carried. A. D. McLeodâ€" Caswellâ€" That By- laws Nos. 741 and 742 l)e now read a second time - Carred. D. McLeodâ€" Caswellâ€" That Council do now go into committee on By-laws 741 and 742â€" Carried. Council went into C'>niniittee aceord- iiigly, D. McLeod in the chair. Committee arose and Mr. D. McLond presented By-laws 741 and 742 as filled up in commit' eo. C»swell-D. McLeod-That By-law 742, to amend By-law 609, re statute labor, ba now read a third time, sigued, sealed and entered in the By law book- Carried. McKem'eâ€" R. D. McLeod-That By- law No. 741, to authorise the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money to meet our rent expenditure lie now read a third time, signed, sealed and entered in the By-law book â€"Carried. D. MoUodâ€" A. MoLeadâ€" That the account of W. B. Thuwton for printing auditors' report, advertisinc and assess- ment rolls and supplies, $37.77, !» paid - Carried. Caswellâ€" A. D. McLeodâ€" That tbeap- Dointmeni of an operator for the road grader be laid over until next meeting of this Councilâ€" Canied. McLeodâ€" McKenzie â€" That tha ac- count of James Oliver of §2.49, for gravel, as eeitified by palhmaater, be paidâ€" Canied. McLeodâ€" Caswellâ€" That the account of Wm. Swanton, t4.20, f..r gravel, as certified ^) by pathmaster, be paid â€" Carried. McKenzie- D. McLeodâ€" That Edwin Best be appointed to run rock crusher with his traction engine at the rate of 40 cents per hour, he to 6nd oil and grease for enuine and erusher, and make all moves without assistance at the same<>, all move* to be made if possible after work hours, and the work to be done as the several commissioners may require â€" Carried. Council adjourne<l. Hon. Adam Beck, says the Mercury, told a Guelph alderman that the Qorrr- ment would so arrange it that the city would pay only for the hydro-electrie power that it used. Further, with reMpect to the coat of the power Mr Beck stated that it was the intention of the Govern inent to bud I a br.inch line from Uuelph right up to Oaen Sound and the effect of this might be iniagined when it was con- sidered that Mr. Beck, in speaking of • similar branch line that it was to Ni koill;- froin St. Thomas to Winasor, said that it would reduce the cost of power to St. Thomas by 2A\,'f„. The annoucement that |lt is the intention of lbs Ooverment to build the branch line from Guelph to Owen Sound is a new one, and we hope it is true, especially if electric power be put on an equal rate right from Nianira lo the exireioities of tha line.â€" Mt. For- est Confederate. Walkerton firemen will celebrate tha- 24ih again this year. i s, I 4 ^ I CEYLON'S ^'^^RE We Have Seeds of all kinds The very best quality we can procure in clover and grass seeds and at the right prices. Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps for spring â€" the very latest styles and shades. We have some very pretty Ladies' Suits for spring, also a large variety of Dress Goods, inchidiDg poplins, reps, linens, muElins, figured silk mnlls, ducks, ginguams and prints. I think we have the best prints we ever offered at 10c per yd. Ask to see our Lace Cur- tains frou> 35c per pair up. They are just what you want. We have also our new Wall Paper in. In Paints Varnishes, Paint Oils and Brushes of all kinds we have everytliing that is re(]uired for house cleaning time. Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rugs; Oil Cloths and Linoleums 1, 2 and <) yards wide. Freah supply of Groceries always ou hand. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR ALL FARM PRODUCE J/ as. Sirattison »/ â- mALenchant Oeulon Father Morriscy's Prescriptioiis have been curing for 30 years, and are curing to-day, all the common ailments that come to every family. We have hundreds of grateful letters to prove this. Father Morriscy's N«. 7 tones up the Kidneys, re- moves Uric Acid from the blood, and cures Rheumatism. Id tablet form, 50c. Father Morriscy's No. 10 is a most effective and reliable cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma and Whooping Cough. A real Lung Tonic. Trial Bottle, 25c. Regular Size, 50. Father Morriscy's No. II Tablets relieve and cure Dys- pepsia and all forms of Indigestion. Uach tablet will digest li/l pounds of food. Per box, 50c. Father Morriscy's No. 26 positively cures Catarrh. A combined treatment â€" tablets for the blood, and a healing salve for the affected parts. Tablets and salve together, 50c. Father Morriscy's Unimeit is a household standby for all sorta of aches and pains. Pleasant to use â€" quick to relieve. Per bottle, 25c. At your dealer's. 51 Fath*r Morriaey M*di«ln* C*., Ltd., . MenirMti, Qua. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT We (Inire tn cttU the attention of alt thoM aniiotid u itU any BUod or Skia DiMaM to our New M<Ukm1 Trcalmanl aa a guaraoteed euro for those com|:ilaliitii. There ia no ex- cu^ie for any porsou havinf; a diHllrure<l face from eruptiouii and blotches. No matter whether hereditary or acquii-ed, our soeciflc roinedica and treatment neutralize all poi- sons iu the blood and expel them from the Kysteni. Our vast exiMTience in th© tt-eat- ii'ieut of thousands of tlio most serious and complicated cases enables us to perfect a euro without experlmeotla(. Wedo business on the planâ€" Pajr Oalr tf th* Baaefit Yon Darirs. If vou have any blood disease, con- sult us Froo'of Chart* and let us prure to you how (|ulckly our remeilies will remove all evidences of disease. Under the Influeno* of the New Malhed TT*atm*nl the skin be- comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal vip. enlarf;e<l glanda are reduced, fallen out httlr grows in again, the eyes become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim r«ali2esa new life has opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE SmiJ for B**hUt *n Disoasas of Msa "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If naabl* to caE. writo far a QMsttea UsI far Haa* Traalaaaal Diis.KENNEDr&KENNEDr Cor. Michij{an Ave and Grfowold St, DdroU. Micb. yHAVIf^P Allletters fromOuwdamttstbeaddreMed NmI IWla to our Canadian Con«spondence Oepart- â- â- â- â- iBHll^Bi ment in Windsor, Ont. If you detlre to see u« peraonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit m we aee and treat â- e palMMta in our Windsor ofiices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian busiucsa only. Address all Utters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Wiadsor, Om. Write for OOT iwlTStaaddrsaa.

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